Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited June 2010

    Oh sjs, welcome if you are new but what an awful club to have to join. On the birght side, the women here are wonderful and truly understand all that you are going thru (easy to say I know). I am so sorry but glad the doc did find the lump. I know it doesn't seem like a great victory but man, to have the mammo miss it and then have it found. I am facing a double mastectomy (have to choose soon about what to do) bec of my unique hormonal situation. i know this is so very frightening for you. But we are here to support you. Sending you lots of love and hope. How is everyone else doing-Isabella anything new on your aunt. Lots of prayers your way and I know it hard to believe but she is so blessed to have a neice like you.  XXOOO SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2010

    Hi everyone..sjs, I had that too, lumpectomy, chemo then later finding another

    lump in the same breast..then a mastectomy...I know the letdown feeling and

    I am sending warm hugs from Southern California..

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited June 2010

    sjstrader..........So sorry that you are facing another bout of this!  You can do it!  Visit us often and the gals on this thread will help you get through it! 

    Isabella...I'm so sorry about your aunt.  It so hard to see our loved ones leave this world. It leaves a llittle empty spot in our hearts.  I'm worried about you, too.  Please take care of yourself, hon!  My thoughts and prayers will be with your family and your aunt.  Hugs across the miles!

    And yes............where is Miss Kitty?  We miss you!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,353
    edited June 2010

    for Miss Kitty:

    We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit.--ee cummings

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,353
    edited June 2010

    Good morning,and I hope you all have a really good day.For me this is a should I go out and have that McDonalds breakfast or not?  Much to do today as always but as long as I'm moving there is a chance that I'll suddenly discover that I'm getting there and it is what I need to do.  I can't remember the last time I "was" there -- but it is the journey that is fun and also rewarding.  Progress is often slow, but I do have the rest of my life. 

    We are due for some rain I think the rest of the week.  So much rain lately ???  Well, we will see what happens in July.  Who knows, maybe it will get cool. 

    I'll just keep going whatever comes.  Will be thinking about each and every one of you as I go through my day.  I'll be checking back later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited June 2010

    Hey Ladies, OK got the results from first Mammogram after diagnosis in October and I AM ALL CLEAR!! YIPEE!! I was worried bec I was hurting in my left breast but all is OK. Now facing the choices-if i cannot take 'evista' and rads-i am looking at doing nothing and just keeping close watch or double mastectomy-errgh. honestly i do feel if it comes back it will be in bones or lungs as that the dna oncotype for my tumor-but with having to be on prempro, doc says it is just a matter of time before i get BC again. God, i hate this disease!! ok, need to go fishing-today is my 22 year AA birthday-WOW-22 years sober. NOONE would have bet on that one. YIPEE again! XXOOOO, SV

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited June 2010

    YAY ON THE CLEAR MAMMO SV... CONGRATULATIONS..   I figured a long time ago that they burned off all evidence of BC in your body.. Yay, Have a Big 'Ole time fishing. wish I was out there with you.

    In an hour I'll find out if my UTI mega-resistant bug has been defeated .. or... if I have to endure administering my own IV meds for another week.  If I'm clear, then we start searching for the cause and how to prevent another recurrance. If I'm clear, I get this golldarned PICC line out of my arm. and can go swimming again. If not, oh well, there's plenty of summer left.

    HEY -- Is it hot where you are?   We will hit 90 today but omg the humidity makes it feel like 105.

    I'm nervous to go to this doc. I don't have anyone to go with me and if the news isn't good news I will likely sit in the car and cry. nervous, nervous... aaaarrrrgh.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2010

    You guys think it's hot?  We are having the best time in Orlando, but man, it has been very hot & damp!  Ha!  I think it is like a sauna!  But we still go shopping, & work in my Daughter's garden, & I've cleaned out her refrigerator & her pantry!  I think I do this every time I come to her house... Just kind of helps her out a little, & I like to do it!   I'm kind of "shopped" out, so staying home today was NICE! 

    Been to Melbourne Beach at midnight to watch the Loggerheads come ashore & lay their eggs!  It's like magical!  And SV....I found a million little shells....I'll probably have to pay extra to take them on the plane!  Surprised  And soooooooooo glad your Mammo came out clear!  ATTA-GIRL!!!!! (you little red-neck spam-head!)  CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!

    Went to see James Taylor & Carol King last night in concert... in Tampa!  Just my Daughter & I!  She even reached over & gave me a big hug, when they were singing that song "shower the people"....I almost cried!   It was just an awesome night!  Just my Daughter & I. Laughing

    Going back to Denver tomorrow afternoon....Geez, I hate to tell my Grand-sons good-by...again. And my "little" 52 year old Daughter....They just fill my heart with happiness!

    Okay gals!  Stay cool !  xoxoxoxoxo Jeannette

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,353
    edited June 2010

    Afternoon gals,and it is pretty humid here too in southern Illinois.  I don't mind today.  Just got done washing all the lawn chairs and picnic tables with bleach water and a brush.  I need to be able to sit out in the morning and have coffee which I love.  It is peaceful here.....only the birds, squirrels, a few deer, a couple of foxes. a chipmunk or so, a few groundhogs ( they are so much fun to watch when they are having one of their confabs ) sometimes sitting up on their haunches conversing about who knows what.  Wish I could listen in and understand.  Sometimes the Malamute from up the lane drops by and well as his little buddy, the Chihuahua.  The people that live up there also have a pygmy goat named Homer, but he does not come with the dogs.  He is so cute and will talk to you when you talk to him. 

    Connie, I am sending healing energy in high hope that you do have that uti cleared up now.  It has been a long time. 

    Jeanette, you will miss everyone when you are back in Denver but I bet they will be missing you just as much.  Nothing like being spoiled by a Granda. 

    I'll see you all later.  Got to go finish my deck. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited June 2010

    OHHH, Jeanette, I am so jealous-you got to see James Taylor and Carole King-WOW, how awesome. That must have been a beautiful concert and I love "shower the people with love" ohhh, i so wish i was there to share even though the time with DD priceless! And you Redneck Gearhead-I am thinking isn't Orlando like the race car city of the world-how perfect for you!!!! Connie, dearest, sending lots of positive ions from the ocean to you to get those infections cleared up!!! You sound better and hope you are doing better. When do you get the port taken out or is it out already? I HAD THE MOST PERFECT DAY ON THE BEACH TODAY-LIKE EVER!! The temps are about 77-degrees and perfect east wind (nice and cool). The water was rough and a bit ugly-full of fish eggs which is really unusual. i thought they were jellyfish at first but no stings. And then this poor surfer dude came out of the water just covered in clear "goo" from head to toe. he was not a happy camper. surf fishing was awful because so many eggs stuck to the line-BUT I DID GET ANOTHER SHARK!! Oh it was so cute-it was this little baby blacktip. It is so amazing because these fish are born ready to rock the ocean and inhale anything. Hope everyone is well. isabella, how is your aunt? Lordy, our oldest family friend "Jackie Faye" (about 80 years old now) had a break in in her home next to ours. She is such a hoot but I am scared for her now so her son is coming to live with her after this. Some 20-something guy threw her deck table thru her sliding glass door, breaking all of the glass and he came stumbling into her house. She is such a sound sleeper, she woke up when he was in the hall near her bedroom. She says she came flying out of her door swinging her cane, in her birthday suit, and apparently scared the cr#p out of this "kid" who ran screaming down the hall, falling over the cat and everything else in his way-he was really drunk. So she calls the cops and they grab the guy at Tommy's Market trying to phone someone to come and get him out of Duck. Jackie had to throw on her housecoat and go for a squad car ride down to the market in the middle of the night to ID the guy. Truly, knowing Jackie it would be funny if not so scary.  ((((BIG HUGS))) SV

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited June 2010

    SV, good news about the needed a break...just keep on fishing and relax. I used to love fishing, but not the ocean type you do, just fresh water fish in rivers. I was soooo pleased when my DS showed an interest, gave me the excuse to go out and enjoy it with him. Now all I have is a small stream wandering across my land for about 200yds !!! It dries up in summer, so no water for me, DH thinks fishing is a waste of time, so I haven;t gone out in years, well since DS was about 20. I hope one day one of my g/sons or g/daughters will get an interest....but so far all they think of is cars, music and clothes !!! so whats new ?

    Welcome to our little corner, sjs, hope you'll stay and join in.

    Connie, have they nailed, or should I say named that bug yet ? I hope they sort you out soon....this has gone on too long.

    Just off to see my Aunt, I really don't know how she is hanging on in there. She is totally comatose, and just getting  enough liquid to keep her mouth moist. At least she knows nothing, and is in absolutely no pain, totally unaware of anything at all, and standing back and looking at this I think its a 'good' death if there is such a thing. I am frazzled driving back and forth with a bad back, but something is pulling me to go there every day, even though its all for nothing.

    I have emailed 7 relatives about the situation, and not ONE has replied, nor been to the nursing home, and I just shalln't contact them again. There'll be an announcement in the paper, and that'll be that. I took some photos of my Aunt, when she was in her prime, to my local photographer, to have them retouched, and enlarged. and boy is he charging me. I can't do it myself, even though I keep getting told how easy it DS, who has the software programes to do this just never offered to do it for me. I did give him some very old photos to do 2 years ago, and haven't got them back yet, so I didn't push it.....just wait 'til he wants something from me....I don't know what gets into this generation (he's 45) over the years he has take, take taken from me, money, furniture, babyminding while they worked, dog sitting, he just expected I would do it, I am owed, must be thousands of pounds, from helping with mortgage arrears, bills, setting up businesses,, buying ponies for the g/kids, and then I just get blanked if I want a little something. The final straw came for me 3 years ago, when DS and DIL asked for £100,000....about $150,000 then....I just said NO, I had plans for some alterations, ( wanted to convert a barn at the side of the house into part of the house.) since then things have cooled, they had to go borrow at stupid rates, and I got the blame for them getting into trouble with their extra mortgage repayments. They have since borrowed the cash from DILs parents to get themselves out of a hole, but in doing so have left the other parents with no savings at all. Their requests for a return of part of the loan, at least, is being ignored, I am so glad I stuck to my guns, and didn't give them the money !!

    Yow, I must fly. I want to get thru town, and back again before the rush hour traffic gets going. The weather is appalling, very heavy rain lashing sideways, and so cold again I have just switched on the central heating again,,,,in JUNE !!!!


  • tgood02
    tgood02 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2010

    lebrecht, that is a tough one. I am so sorry. I know what it's like when you have no family close by. The photos are amazing

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,353
    edited June 2010

    isabella, good to hear from you.  You are such an amazing lady.  I am glad you are still going to see your Aunt.  Probably not many people would believe me, but I think even in coma state there are some senses that will function up to a point.  I think our hearing is one of the last to go.  So, I do think it is quite possible that your Aunt may have some very small awareness that you are actually there. 

    As well -- you yourself know that you are preforming this gracious and loving act towards her and therefore will not look back at some later time with regrets for not "taking" this time you "might" have had with her.  Loving and caring instinct is taking over with you and I am glad you are heeding it.  If you tell her how much you love her and what a wonderful part of your life she has been through the years....she will hear. 

    Hmmm, I so think many have to go through not handling money too well.  I had a time of it myself when I was younger.  I got through it, but it is sad to realize later -- that we actually need so little to make us happy and for sure it is not money at all ---  nor in many cases what it will buy that does.  When I started over after my first marriage failed ( I gave it ten years, but it never got right ) I had virtually nothing but what four suitcases could hold and my two babies.  I had cast offs from my family -- and only pretty much the bare essentials.  Not more than a couple sets of towels and sheets to fill the bathroom or towel closet.  Not more than one set of dishes, glasses and silver ( mainly all un-matched ).It became in looking back one of the happiest times of my life.  I used all I had, all of the time, and did not have to worry over a whole array of things because I simply did not have them.  I moved once during this period and it took about an hour.  That was the packing up as well.  I did not see the ease I had going on as easily as I saw it later.  So sad to say that we don't recognize that borrowing and "having" to have certain things -- then messing up our financial life due to it, just always detracts from us.  However it happens, it will make less of our life and less of us.  Not something that you readily see though --- you just wade through it and one day ( hopefully ) the light bulb goes on and you can then start to re-arrange your priorities.  I hope your family will finally see this in the end too. 

    We are awaiting storms and the mornings have been deliciously cool with no humidity.  I am so glad that I got out yesterday afternoon and finally used some bleach water and cleaned my deck tables and chairs.  It was great using them this morning to sit out and have morning coffee.  We listen to the birds.....and listen to ??? whatever it is that the squirrels dislodge out of the trees.  It is heavenly out there. 

    Hi to all and I hope you will all be having a wonderful day.  You all will most certainly be in my thoughts as I travel through my day. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited June 2010

    Isabella prayers are with you and your aunt. When it is at that stage, usually not long. Blessings to you both!! XXOO, SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2010

    Isabella, good for you for sticking to your guns about the money....our

    kids need to learn how it works for goodness sakes...our generation

    has a different way of looking at spending and debt...if you don't have

    it don't spend sorry to hear about your lack of support for your aunt..tough

    Jackie..speaking of patios...we are now ready for summer to begin...

    I had a nice day to myself (so rare since my DH retired 7 years ago) I got alot done around here..

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited June 2010

    Wow Lisa,

    That looks so inviting. We'll all be right over!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,353
    edited June 2010

    SSH, I''m right behind you Pam. 


  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited June 2010

    Isabella, I know just where you are at.  One of my sons kept "borrowing" money only eventually we figured out that to him "can I borrow?" meant "can you give me?"  and we had to put our foot down.  The worst was when we cosigned a credit card for him and DIL to buy a $49 vacuum cleaner.  A year later we found ourselves with a several thousand dollar collection ruining our credit.  To DS and DIL a credit card meant easy flow of money and they got a refrigerator, washing machine and drier that they couldn't afford and then said they didn't know it would affect our credit.  We paid it off as we didn't want our excellent credit ruined and never lent them money or cosigned anything else even when they stated they were despirate.  We closed their account that we had cosigned.  It was the hardest thing I ever did to keep saying "no" as they have 10 kids!  Yet DH and I refused to be enablers.  What ever happened to a used washer and drier or the laundromat?  After a few times of saying "no" and meeting with disbelief they stopped asking us.  I imagine they are leaching off of someone else.  My other 3 sons are responsible and if they borrow they pay right back.  Some people just don't know the difference between want and need.


  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited June 2010

    Isabella, so sorry to hear about your Aunt and the lack of support you are getting from your extended family.

    One thing I found with DH's parents, before they passed, was just to hold their hands even when they are asleep.  We know that babies thrive when they get cuddled and stroked and we seem to regress to a certain extent when we get old. I found that if I brushed Mum's hair or rubbed some lotion into her legs/feet, arms and hands, it seemed to soothe her.  By the time we get to nursing home age, most of our children/grandchildren are too old to want to be seen hugging older folk.   I think our sense of touch would possibly be the last thing we are aware of during the last days.

    I just hope someone cuts my toenails and keeps my whiskers at bay during that time in my life.

    Over here, the 'baby boomers'  have a saying, SKI = Spending the Kids Inheritance, but I think some kids figure they should have your retirement/pension before you die.  Me?  I believe in Tough Love, they need to stand on their own two feet if they are strong and healthy.  If it's good enough for birds to be tossed out of the nest as soon as they can fly, it's good enough for the able bodied adults of our species.  


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited June 2010

    Oh, how I agree about the birds outta the nest !!

    My DS drew to my attention that 'everybody' was being given money from their parents NOW, so it would help them, and not wait 'til we are gone !!!

    I never consider my hard earned cash to be my childrens inheritance. I brought them up, helped with deposits on houses, set them up with equipment when their kids were expected (something no-one did for me ) and then was considered a bank when times got tough. Well, we've all had tough times....I can remember going round the house collecting glass bottles to return to get the deposits to buy food for the evening meal !

    I still work many more hours than DS and DIL, both work part time, why they can't work more, earn more, and stop thinking someone else should help them out is beyond me....but it happens all around me. Some of those going into old age will be worried sick wondering how they will be able to pay their bills because their kids have emptied their bank accounts. I don't expect these same kids will be helping out with mother and fathers bills !

    Lisa, I love your patio and pool, it must be magic to wake up and walk outside to that every the unending sunshine in your part of the world. Here today it is very cold, raining like mad, and bad forecast for the next 3 days...and they call this 'flaming' June ! It certainly does not flame here !


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,353
    edited June 2010

    Something I found that I felt I should share:

    10 Principles Of Life Stop and ask yourself today, " How do I really feel about myself? " Before you answer read these ten principles.

    Better yet, keep them before you daily.


    (1) Never think or speak negatively about yourself; that puts you in disagreement with God.


    (2) Meditate on your God-given strengths and learn to encourage yourself, for much of the time nobody else will.


    (3) Don't compare yourself to anybody else . You're unique, one of a kind, an original. So don't settle for being a copy.


    (4) Focus on your potential, not your limitations. Remember, God lives in you!


    (5) Find what you like to do, do well, and strive to do it with excellence.


    (6) Have the courage to be different. Be a God pleaser, not a people pleaser.


    (7) Learn to handle criticism. Let it develop you instead of discourage you .


    ( Determine your own worth instead of letting others do it for you. They'll short-change you!


    (9) Keep your shortcomings in perspective - you're still a work in progress.


    (10) Focus daily on your greatest source of confidence - the God Who lives in you !

    - Unknown

  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2010


    Good news about the mammogram. I am curious but why did you decide to do nothing? No radiation etc? I do see that you were clear with the lymph nodes. I guess in my case I was finally convinced with two lymph nodes out of ten positive I had to do radiation 7 weeks and then take the arimidex for 5 years.

    My first treatment was yesterday and when I got ready for bed last night my breast hurt and when I looked at where it hurt the skin was discolored and looked like a bruise.  I cannot imagine this is from only ONE treatment so now I wonder why? Of course I will ask when I go again today but doubt I get much in answers.


  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2010


    Good news about the mammogram. I am curious but why did you decide to do nothing? No radiation etc? I do see that you were clear with the lymph nodes. I guess in my case I was finally convinced with two lymph nodes out of ten positive I had to do radiation 7 weeks and then take the arimidex for 5 years.

    My first treatment was yesterday and when I got ready for bed last night my breast hurt and when I looked at where it hurt the skin was discolored and looked like a bruise.  I cannot imagine this is from only ONE treatment so now I wonder why? Of course I will ask when I go again today but doubt I get much in answers.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,353
    edited June 2010

    Anne, I hope you will change your mind about those answers -- it is your right as a patient to get answers to your questions.  During my rads, I had a visit once a week with the Radiology Oncologist -- and we discussed any issues that came up.  I don't know why this would not happen for you as well.

    I have doubts that could be from one treatment as well.  I have never ( bearing in mind there seems to be a first time for everything ) heard of anyone coming away from tx #1 with anything.  I hope you get this resolved to your satisfaction.  Also, I don't know where you are going but bear in mind often the "techs" are generally not supposed to "tell" you a lot so if you don't get much of an answer from them that may be why. 

    Julia,how are you doing????  The last cumulative chemo can seem like a real doozy.  Hope you are "getting" there even if it has to be slower.  I am thinking about you and wishing you well.

    Have to go to Mt. Vernon for a check-up at the V.A.  I expect it to go fine.  I first have to drive my dog way over on the other end of town to the groomer's for his summer cut.  Poncho  is a Bishon-Poo and is quite hairy to say the least.  He looks like a bunched up Chenille bedspread walking around.  I meant to get him in a bit sooner but just was not able.  Some days are so full as this one will be.  I will have to come back -- feed the feral cats, pick up Poncho, get over and get Maggie's house and animals done, get back here to do mine.....get something to eat, and get things ready for work tomorrow, get some laundry done -- and whatever else turns up.  I think we are going to continue to have storms as well.  Drat I say -- makes it a bit dicey at a couple of the feeding areas. 

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited June 2010

    OMG SOCAL, OK is the pool ready for us?! I mean like perfect temperature and all??? WOW what a gorgeous spot. Isabella, how are you doing-just worried and thinking of you-lots of prayers your way and for your aunt. xxooo SV

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited June 2010

    Hello ladies- I have been digging in to Life in Southern Missouri, planting ,planting, planting! Very happy here and busy trying to settle in but then I get distracted by more plants that need tucking in to their very special place and end up back outside.All is going well-there was a 2 day Infection Control job which I applied for and got- bitter/sweet as now I have a long orientation and must complete it to work my littl'ol two days a week.

    Isabella I do believe that your Aunt can hear your every word and feel your loving touch- just because she can't respond in our world is totally meaningless- Keep going and hand holding and know that your actions feed the goodness of the world. Hugs to you and hang in as we are all cheering for your strength.

    HipHip Hurray! SV for your mammo- about time! Maybe you got something for all that illness caused by the SE.

    Jeanette- James Taylor and Carole King! WOW I saw them 35+ years ago when Tapestry was 1st out. Good for you!

    Hi Rita, Jackie and all the others- I have missed people too but have been LIVING Like crazzzy!

    sjs- SoCal, anyone else who has or is dealing with it twice - there is nothing I can say except my prayers are with you- this is a true shame.

    hugs to all- MissKitty

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited June 2010

    Hey, Melissa, nice to hear from you again.

    How are your two Pekes doing in this summer heat?

    Glad you got a job, if only to keep you out of mischief .

    SV, hanging on in here with my Aunt. I know they tell you the last thing to go is hearing, but how does that work out in an Alzheimers does a brain that doesn't work understand anything ? Dr rang me today to ask  where I wanted to go now with my Aunt. The nursing home doesn't want to be accused by the family of NOT doing enough, when they are working their sox off to keep her very comfortable and very clean. She will not eat, just takes sips of water, and she's being turned every 2 hours. I cannot fault their care, in light of the medical problems she has. I was offered the chance to put her back in a hospital, where she will have a feeding tube fitted, a damned great needle stuck into her for IV fluids, and  an unknown level of nursing care. I have asked that she be kept at the nursing home, and been to see the nursing home staff personally this afternoon to thank them, and to ask them to continue just as they are doing.

    Turns out they'd had a family recently complain that their dying mother was not 'being fed properly' so they seem spooked by this and edgy as to my reaction to what they are doing for my Aunt. I know where I would rather be, if it were me ! 

    DH managed to get me ONE window in while I was out, he took two out some weeks ago, I have been plagued by flies with windows missing. BUT he managed to get it in wonky, all cemented in, as well. But it IS coming out tomorrow, there will be a real shout from him, but he's NOT putting windows in that don't fit properly. It begins to look like the house of nonsense !!!! I'm thinking damp will start to seep in as it only fits where it touches, but he tells me not to be so damned stupid....MEN. its on the side of the house that gets the brunt of the winter storms as well !!!!! He will end up living in the garden shed before much longer !!!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,353
    edited June 2010

    Isabella, she does not have to completely understand the words -- she will know they are meant for her and that they are coming from a wonderful place inside of you that cherishes her.  I think you have made a wise decision, if a somewhat hard one, to not use feeding tubes or things that will nourish the body while giving no quality of life to your Aunt.  We may linger a bit, but that does not mean that it is not time to go.  Quantity ( longer life ) is not something that you can all share together and be thankful for.  This beautiful soul has a worn out body and mind......she has earned her respite and I feel forcing life at this point in any way ( feeding tubes, etc. ) would be more for others, rather than for her.  She would more than likely not even know. 

    I am keeping you and her in my thoughts and prayers for a gentle, peaceful leave-taking that will set her free from the bonds of earthy strife. 

    Hope Dh figures out that nothing will do but putting the windows right.  Sort of makes you wonder what they think --- that you won't notice or have too many other things on your mind to care. 

    I don't think so.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited June 2010

    AMEN TO THAT!!  Pam, I'll meet you somewhere on I-10 westbound. Man, Lisa, that is so beautiful. Have you been featured in any magazines yet?

    HEY Ladies, thanks for all the well wishes, they are working, some, when I visited the ID doc ( Thats the INFECTIOUS DISEASES Doc and I don't like saying it so everybody remember and tell newbies when they ask that ID = INF.Diseases, OK? thanks ) hes so concerned about my symptoms, (What an alarming visit this was, he WANTS to know how I feel ! ! ) the achy flanks, tender belly, burning. that even though my first culture showed no growth he strongly suggested that I accept another weeks worth of antibiotic. He believes we have the correct choice of antibiotic and that not unlike other times when I've had chronic UTIs, the medicine is not finished and thats why so many symptoms still exist.

    Think about that...  the culture, taken 3 days after a 7 day course of Med showed no growth. But because I still feel crummy, and likely due to my history, we skipped 6 days and attack it again. My therapist suggested than I tread carefully and not wear out my support system. I think that happened already, especially dh, we hardly talk. We do talk just not as much as usual.

    Can anyone tell me what ProBiotics DO?  I've been taking them 3x a day and eating yogurt and I still get the yeast inf that comes with antibiotic therapy.

    If it's not one thing, it's my mother! She has been laying in the bed for so long that she is losing the strength in her legs. She does this to herself. The Doc has told her that there are no other meds that can make her be a more active person. We talk but she does as she pleases.She is mourning the death of my Dad over 4 years ago. We can't do it for her, yet we try. She got the helper to take her shopping for groceries and next day... there was sugar-coated apple turnovers, fresh pound cake, BAGS of candy... not just some, way, way too much for a whole 5th grade class. Rather than make a healthy choice, she pick up this crap and EATS it with ice cream on top and expects to feel GOOD??

    The only way to stop her madness is probably for me to go live over there for a while. Why me I ask?. Well, sister is an employed nurse, she was unemployed for over a year and is very VERY pleased to have been hired on with the U S Army and she sees thousands of troops coming and going for their medical checks and immunizations. She watched out and did light chores at mom's on a regular basis while not working, And she likes her job !. ... OH, and Big Brother is Single, twice divorced no kids, living in north GA, working in Atlanta and managing his home and his rental house that he could never sell, so he finally resorted to renting it out. He likes to tell me what to do and (BY GOD, he says with a particle of the power Dad had) expects me to do it AND do it the way he either expects or .. .  WHAT?  I'm here, just surviving my own life and he thinks I have control over my 30 year old daughter who lives in the same house with mom. If he gets his way, she would be gone, anywhere. But she provides a valuable service to the family by living there. No, she doesn't do things exactly the way mom wants, but it's been over 3 years and they get along when they need to. they are a lot alike. but daughter doesnt do care giving.  that leaves me, the middle child, the one that has been mom's verbal target for a LOOOOOOOOOONG time. 

    OH BOY, I got the typing rambles tonight. Sitting outside in a deep comfy chair with the crickets and frogs singing their nighttime song, wish I could record it for you.It's LOUD and it pulses blending all the sounds together, then for some unknown reason, they will all stop and it gets eerily quiet, so I've got some tunes on the radio, dog at my feet. Feels nice, a little humid, then a nice breeze blows through.  but hey, it IS humid, 78%, I turn on a fan, feels great. I do love my backyard. Inspiring.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2010

    Wow, we all have our problems don't we..

    my tongue is black and blue from biting it to keep my mouth shut

    to one and all in my family..gripes...

    I guess I keep things in perspective by sitting outside...seems more

    peaceful that way...

    here are a couple of flowers I look at