Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited July 2010

    This is my 2,000th post.

    I am too tired to post more this evening, been clearing out my computer cupboards, drawers and shelves....goodness knows WHY I go on keeping all this stuff. I used to print out anything and everything that caught my eye, have slowly cured myself of that one, but STILL I seem to accumulate paperwork, and little baskets and boxes to put paperwork in ! Anyway, nearly all gone now, but am wondering just how long it will be before I get clogged up again.

    I had a monster stash of birthday cards, which are all now in the bin, yet everytime I have a birthday coming up I march out and buy yet another ! Ditto Christmas cards, lots and lots of those all saved from years ago. Clean slate now....I shall be panicking this year when I have no spares to fall back on.

    Off to get a shower, get into my jammies, put the dogs to bed, and hope DH has got something ready to eat.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited July 2010


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited July 2010

    Bonnie,  How well I understand the Arimidex/Femara joint pains!  I had been on Arimidex for 6 months and my feet hurt so much that I could hardly hobble from the living room to the kitchen.  They even hurt on the tops!  I mentioned this on our Illinois Ladies thread and one of the gals told me to take large doses of Vitamin D-3 and magnesium.  After about 3 weeks I was back to walking normally.  The combination of the two did the trick.  You have to be careful about the magnesium though as it's in almost all laxatives and too much can send you running to the bathroom.  It sounds like you are taking enough Vitamin-D 3 but you might want to add 1,000 mg of magnesium each day with it.  If you notice any SE to the magnesium, cut it back to 500 mg.  I still have some aches and pains due to the Arimidex but nothing like before.  I am now taking the Vitamin D 3 and 500 mg of magnesium each day, accompanied by calcium. 

    Chrissy.......welcome to our thread.  We're glad to have you!  You'll find that there are lots of wonderful women on here!  Come back often. glad you had the time to hang out with your friend!  It sounds like your garden is a little earlier than ours. Our tomato plants are loaded with tomatoes but they're not getting red yet.  We've been enjoying the green beans and squash, though!  Are you going to make it up this way this summer?  I can't believe that July is almost gone!  :-(

    Lisa, just keep those lovely pictures coming!  Each one is prettier than the one before and I am enjoying them tremendously!

    Jackie, my friend, have you slowed down any?  Hugs to you!

    Well, I'm going out to pick some beans!  I hope everyone is having a great Sunday!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010

    For those who wanted to know about the jade plant

    here is is with a it is about 18 inches high

    and the trunk is about 2 inches in diameter..

    You can see most of the branches have been knocked off by errant soccer balls or

    kids playing...'

    SV, I just wanted to add that I have to have my computer pages so the print is huge...there is a tool for that...also you might want to put two spaces between the sentences to make it more readable..

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited July 2010


    a shortened form of response from one posted ages and ages ago on this site.

    T is a pro drug and needs to be converted (metabolized) by the liver into the active agent endoxifen. Some studies suggest 7-10% of women do not convert the drug; 35% partially do; 5 % over metabolize it. The rest, like Jeanette are A-ok.

    As I was going to be on T for 5 years, I wanted to make sure it worked for me. There are a number of tests: buccal (cheek) swabs or blood tests, offered by several labs. None of these is offered in Canada, so I opted to do the buccal swabs, reputed to be just as reliable as blood tests, from Genelex lab. It cost about $US300. It was easy, quick and I was very happy with the follow up of the lab. As it turned out I am among the 35% and so my dose was increased and I am very careful to try and avoid foods/beverages with phytoestrogens.

    You can google genelex or call them. They are great to chat with. If this is confusing or you have more questions, PM me and I will see if I can answer....

    Good luck!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2010

    Sorry SV.  Hope all of the infections get better real soon. 

    I make my computer pages smaller.  My prescription is pretty good this time so I'm able to put a lot on my page this way and like the proportions. Just flows well for me. 

    I'm still running lately Rita --- but I'm hoping soon -- drat, if I can just get those three cats back to their apt. 

    Gotta run right now but I'm thinking of each of you and wishing you well.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010

    calling all sistas..thank you so much for all your wonderful advice.the outpour of love is sooo heartwarming.i am staying with a friend who just lost her husband.we are trying to help each other.This week I will make an see dr#3 and an onc. lets hope this dr sheds some more light on this touchy subject.I still feel in the dark.I dont want to do anything but as i read this posts i think i just might at least have to do some rads.i will keep you posted

    again thank you sooooo much for this wonderful advice...its still 6 of 1 and 6 of another.brings me back to dr #1 who said go to 10 diff.drs 5 will say take them out and 5 will say leave them alone.i dont think he was such a jerk after all.

    i guess im looking for 2 drs to agree.i wont stop until i do.

    i love my sistas.God Bless


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010

    calling all sistas..thank you so much for all your wonderful advice.the outpour of love is sooo heartwarming.i am staying with a friend who just lost her husband.we are trying to help each other.This week I will make an see dr#3 and an onc. lets hope this dr sheds some more light on this touchy subject.I still feel in the dark.I dont want to do anything but as i read this posts i think i just might at least have to do some rads.i will keep you posted

    again thank you sooooo much for this wonderful advice...its still 6 of 1 and 6 of another.brings me back to dr #1 who said go to 10 diff.drs 5 will say take them out and 5 will say leave them alone.i dont think he was such a jerk after all.

    i guess im looking for 2 drs to agree.i wont stop until i do.

    i love my sistas.God Bless


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010

    to all my sistas that pm me thank you.i got all your info and had to write it down as my friend has no printer.also her computer sucks...i dont know if you got my answers but i just want to again tell you all your wonderful words are right next to my heart.

    usually sistas dont get along..WOW I LOVE MY SISTAS.GOD BLESS


  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2010

    Thank you Caroline.

    So I suppose that this test is not done here in the USA as a regular procedure. This means that even though we may take the Tamoxifen and think we are keeping the cancer away, that may not be the case if our body is not using the drug properly.

    YIKES!  So many side effects as well as risks and possibly  nothing good is really happening?


  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited July 2010


    Well, there is some controversy about it all..........and no, it is not done as a regular test. My onc was VERY disinterested and non-supportive until I got the intermediate metabolizer results. Then he sat up and took notice. For me, it was worth the money (and I am working at getting it back from provincial health care).

    Nothing is straightforward in this exercise!


  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    C, at which time you were commissioned to the StarShip Enterprise!  Good to see you again, hope all's well.

    Lately, my bff of 52 years has been telling me about all the fun things she's doing...the boat ride, the beach, the concert.  Knowing her, she wouldn't do these things alone and her stories conspicuously left out who accompanied her.  So I interrupted and said "it's Steve isn't it?"  And yes it was.  A little history (ancient)...about 40 years ago I happened to be in their neighborhood, I didn't anticipate it, I dropped by their abode unexpectedly.  She wasn't home and he said "come on in".  I stayed for a minute then said "nice seeing you, goodbye".   Apparently, and she didn't tell me this till years later, he said I made the moves on him!  Did you ever!!!  What is (was) so solid about my relationship with Cynthia is that when she told me this, she said she knew that he was making it up.  I made it very clear to her that I never ever wanted to hear a thing about him that I could never get past this.  Mind you, I had always been his biggest supporter.  What a shock to discover I was so wrong about someone.  She had a hope chest but was ambivalent... "I can't do it, I can't do it, I can't do it!"  I always encouraged her to be with him.  He was (appeared to be) totally devoted to her, smart, a job...  So anyway they split up and shortly after that he married...has since divorced and now back in her life.  She's irritated that when she relays her adventures to me, there's a big void in the middle, saying the incident was so long ago and it was no big deal then.  Also now she's telling me that he is saying "maybe I misinterpreted something".  This makes me even angrier...and she doesn't seem to be so convinced now of what really happened.  How dare this jerk, it's hard to take that she might think I would ever do something like that.  Neither of us has ever married.

    edited typo

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited July 2010

    Yikes, Julia. I'm with you. That is something I could never just let go. Even if it was 40 years ago. Anne - I suspect your onc will out you on Arimidex or another AI if you are post-meno. Rita - I hear you about your feet killing you and the joint pain. That will be me ain another couple months. I meet with my onc in about ten days. As far as I know there is no test for matabolizing AI's but I really want him to test mt ER/PR to make sure the stupid pill is working. Granny, enjoy your time with your friend. Lisa, the jade plant is awesome.  Chevy - LOVE the bonsai. Isabella - congrats on 3K!. Mandy - great idea on the transdermal for cats. My cat it great at spitting out pills, avoiding gound up pills, etc.

    On a business trip to Boston yesterday and today. The heat broke here and the high today is supposed to be 83! WOW.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010

    It's so fun reading about you gals & your interests, conversations with othersAnne.... You really have to ask your Oncologist about the Cyp2d6 test.  And you can order it on your own, like Caroline said.....but it is expensive!  And I was told twice, by both my Radiologist AND the Oncologist, that it wasn't really necessary, (for whatever reason)... Mainly because I think that THEY think that Tamoxifen benefits us even if we are a "poor" metabolizer.  But both Doctors wanted me to go on Femara....when I whined & dug my heels in, the Oncologist then said, "Okay then, let's do the "test"  & see what it says!"....  And it made ME happy, to know that I AM benefiting afterall!   And mine was a simple blood-test...don't know how much of this my insurance covered yet, but it was worth it to me anyway. 

    Yes, Julia!  That would drive me nuts if one of my gal-friends was doing that to me!  That guy just wanted to make her jealous, & you were in the middle of it!  He is such a dink!   Sounds like he will always "go back" to her, because she is so wishy-washy....and doesn't hold him accountable for the things he says or does.  Sure it WAS a long time ago, but she KNOWS what he has done, & probably will do again. know there is nothing you can say, that will change your BF mind.....& you wouldn't want to.  She must really care about him, & she doesn't want to hear anything you are thinking.  I would just be friends with her, & tell her that she can do what-ever she wants, but that you think differently, & you don't want to make her mad, because of how you think!   And that should confuse her enough that she won't tell you all the details about this "guy"....ha!    Geez, why is it we can see things in such different ways, than someone who is right in the middle of it?   She KNEW you didn't do this, but it didn't make any difference about what his "lie" meant.    Good thing SHE has him & not you, Ha! 

    That was such great advice about the "cat & the pills!"  I will most surely tell my Daughter about this way of giving her her Meds!    That damn cat....She was almost friendly yesterday, while I was putting her chicken pieces together with her pills.  I tried to hand her a piece, & talk sweet to her, but she GROWLED, & said to me "Just put it in the damn dish, b****!"  So I did.   Dear Daughter is coming home tomorrow....I think we should go over & take a bunch of groceries to her!  She will be surprised!  Okay girls!  Just keep on keepin' on! xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2010

    Hi is absent me. 

    Julia ---  I more than likely would not be including "Steve" in my life either.  Look what turmoil and for so long.  I have always felt there are people you simply "CAN"T include in your life.  They turn into a wrecking crew for no good reason.  Their bliss seems to be lies, manipulations, high drama  -- and the more of this they put out --- the cloudier things become until you don't know what is right or wrong.  In fact, even they become obscure to some degree and you are left wondering why your life is such a mess and you can't figure out what to do.  People like Steve are always trouble.  They go off merrily into the sunset dusting their hands off -- mission accomplished. 

    Granny -- hopefully you will find your answers -- but it is hard to get two Dr's to agree on anything.  They are unique individuals and all their cases have been a little different.  Some have a good bedside manner and some are terrible.  Just decide what it is you want most.....and I think you will find the answer you are looking for .

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.  I think about you always -- though I've not posted much recently. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited July 2010

    Barbara - even some of us very-post-menopausalk women prefer T: it is still the gold standard drug with the longest track record; it is WAY nicer to your bones; it SEEMS to have less severe SEs  That is why some of us pay for the test out of our own pocket if necessary.

    Beautiful bright blue sky here - supposed to be about 24C  getting ready to have 8 for dinner! Chilled carrot soup, buns, grilled chicken, potato salad, Greek salad, ending with a sweet potato flan. May not get back here until tomorrow ;-)

    Have a great day all


    BTW thanks for the welcome back, Julia - although I have been here ;-)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited July 2010

    Oh Jackie and Lisa, truly thank you so much for explaining "what my caps" look like to other readers. I assumed everyone has the same computer sized pages (all like mine) so very helpful to know that "what looks normal in caps" to me, comes out different on other peoples pages. That is very helpful bec truly, the caps don't look that much diff on my screen-so very helpful and Lisa I like the idea of double spacing when i am blind from allergies and eye infections. Crikey, I tried to wear some eye makeup and my eyes got infected in a heartbeat (and my make-up is new!!). I am on antibiotics again, but they are not working well in curing this latest affliction. So I used the fact that I cannot see today and went on a buying spree!!! tee-hee-I figured if I cannot see the price tag it doesn't count against my budget. I bought the most beautiful shell and gold earrings (like four pair); a gorgeous big strand of freshwater pearls (i mean shamefully huge); a billabong hat; and several shirts. And I want to support or chime in on the Tamox talk. But lost on that debate. I was told by my docs that my body would not metabilize tamox (in addition, I am taking two drugs that inhibit processing chemo and tamoxifin. I simply cannot metabolize them out of my body. I know they tested but I cannot remember what test they did to find that out (of course it was after they whacked me with the CT chemo combo that nearly killed me. I get so frustrated as it is like docs have a 'gold standard treatment' for BC but if ya' get to be one of the women who cannot do the drugs, they simply do not know what to do-at least not with me that I can figure out. More times than not, I feel like I need a translater to understand cancer treatment. And lisa, what is a 'jade tree?" I had it confused with a lilac bush. i am glad you posted a ruler by it bec I had thought it was like a huge bush. Do they have to be 'sculpted' like the bonzai? The flowers are gorgeous. The temps finally dropped to 83 degrees today and it is gorgeous!! i really want to go outside, but I burned up my morning shopping and came home very tired and dehydrated-drank a gallon of gaterade and I am still exhausted. Is anyone else having trouble with massive sweating when going outside? I am styling the inch of hair that has grown out on my head and I mean like my hair is dripping wet along with the rest of me after a drive around the island!! Of course, the whiskers on my chin are doing just fine and longer than my hair! So much for trying to look glamorous! love to all , SV

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited July 2010

    SV. have been trying to train him for the past nearly 30 years to take off his dirty jeans, and slip on a pair of clean ones when he comes in for a meal, but with no luck whatsoever, he is always covered in something stinky, NOT pleasant to sit next to him sometimes when I'm eating ! I have the g/kids trained, even the littlest one, 3 years old, will slip her things off before she comes to the table, if they're dirty.

    Talking of g/kids No2 g/son decided to get engaged to his g/friend last week, on her 17th birthday...much too young, but will he listen to me ?  NO !! Another party is on the horizon ...I hope. She is a lovely girl, but so SLIM it makes me envious to see her, she is at college studying dance and theatre, and pops along to see me every week...I look forwards to her coming, a breath of fresh air.... do hope it will last !!!

    Have had a weird headache on and off for 3 days, and I NEVER get headaches, I wondered whether or not to ring my Dr, worry about a stroke now, but Dr Google tells me a 'blinding' headache precedes a stroke, not an intermittent stabbing one ! What I would give for 24 hours free from all worries about health. I can remember my grandmother, and her sisters nattering on about illness whenever they met up, I used to think they were hypochondriacs, but now I know just how they felt. I'm having one of my carpal tunnels play me up this week, so much so that I am wearing my night splint thru the just never ends as you get older ! I just keep thinking back to when I was 15, got my first pair of jeans, and some baseball boots, and one of my then boyfriends shirts on, and I thought I was the cats its walking bent over, wearing hand splints, and boobless. OMG. oh, and I forgot the chin whiskers sprouting away !!!!

     I have a busy week ahead. Dr appointment about my headaches tomorrow...smear test Wednesday.....Osteo appointment Thursday...Friday, visit to hospital to be fitted with 3 day heart monitor,  ( now that will be a fun 3 days ) Back to hospital on Monday for monitor removal...back at hospital again next Wednesday for heart ultrasound....does it never this all there is left as we get older ??? I am getting pretty depressed about all this. I find it so funny to have the family bothering about me, I really don't like being the one who's being fussed over. I am so used to being the family elder  ( well, not THAT old ) and organising everyone, that I feel I am becoming a nuisance to them all. In fact I 'conveniently' didn't tell DD I had had a trip to town when she rang me tonight, she'll only start reading the riot act to me if she finds out !!!!

    Love to all.


  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    Isabella, good luck at your appts. and getting rid of that headache.  I think of all the aches and pains, a headache is what bothers me the most.  Gee I didn't know you were the other Mrs. Michael Boubles!  We can share.

    SV, I like your philosophy on buying...if you can't see the price, it doesn't count!

    Barbara, Jeannette, Jackie, thank you for your input on my dilemma.  It's interesting that each of you have a slightly different take on it.  I think you're right Jeannette, Steve's motive for lying was that he wanted to appear irresistible to my friend.  He knew he had an uphill battle on winning her over and would resort to anything.  It didn't work then, I hope it doesn't work now.  I know I can't say or do anything, just stay out of it...when it's he said, she said, how could a third person ever know for sure.  Jackie, yes he's a very manipulative person also a very good salesman.  It just makes it very awkward for her to leave him out of her conversation with me.  She knows I still will not have anything to do with him, don't want to hear his name mentioned.  Thanks.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010

    How fun girls!  You just get my day started with a smile....& sometimes you just make me laugh!    

     Now little miss SV.....I don't mean to say that using "caps" is large, for us up here with our noses glued to this screen, but when I see them, I have to slide my little chair, like 20 feet away just to read them!  Wink  My one little best friend, has a REALLY hard time seeing....So every one of the emails she sends are typed in something close to size 36!    My ears hurt from it "sounding" so loud, Ha!  But I love her to death.....I just push my chair into the next county to read her mail!  You don't wear eye make-up?  Dang!  I'm still slathering on stuff to help this face?  Even when I don't have to curl my hair, I mean if we aren't going anywhere, I still do my face!  I would scare myself, if I didn't!  Or I would just hide the mirrors!   

    And I don't know if you have all the "soup" on Tamoxifen, & if it does, or if it doesn't metabolize!  You have to be taking it, before you have the test.    So I don't think you had that test?  Also, a "reputable" team of Docs would know your stats, & what you could take.  Did "they" actually tell you that unless you have a double mastectomy that you are going to die?     I don't think ANYone can tell another person what exactly is going on in their body!    I would pull my panties up & go out & live life to the very fullest if I EVER had to hear that.....And I wouldn't believe them anyway!   I guess in a sense, we all are!  Some sooner than others.....We are just lucky we have reached the age, that we can look back on life, hopefully with a smile, & a glass of wine in our little hands!  So just go outdoors, look up into that sky, & thank God you have "another day!"    You guys make me laugh talking about your "whiskers"....Ha!  Shave them!  That's all I'd say! 

    Isabella.....You are the best!  You, (& I) just need to "get away" & go shopping!  I love that!  You gotta think of yourself, along with taking care of these Husbands!  (I might also find cause to do him in, if he sat on MY cushions I just made!)  Did you tell him that is un-acceptable behavior?   Oh yes, I'll bet you did, Ha!    I too, have a Grand-son that is 24, & going with a cute little darling tart of a girl!   She is too cute for her own good!  I would have given one of my limbs to look like that when I was 22!   And she is sweet!   She has to finish college....THEN we will see what happens......Hopefully they will live happily ever-after!    And Isabella, we will all be thinking about you these coming weeks!   Take your new jammies, & your make-up, & "knock em' dead!"...

    Julia.....Yes, Jackie is right....& so am I....Wink  Your friend doesn't want to make the choice, between you or her "guy".....WE all know him for what he is, but she would never think so.   So just have fun with her, & don't lend an ear when she rambles on about him....Just listen when it is something like, "well I shot him!"  Then you can be sympathetic.   

    Okay little friends!  Chalk yesterday up as "another one"....& make today even better! xoxoxoo 

  • worldwatcher
    worldwatcher Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2010

    Hi ladies...

    I just have to weigh in on the subject of the chin whiskers.  In my opinion, the "hairs from the nether region" migrate not to the chin, but to inside the NOSE. The measley half-dozen of my chin whiskers are easily taken care of with a pair of tweezers. 

    And, what I can't figure out...the hair on my head is pure white, my eyebrows are about half and half, but those pesky nose hairs are black as coal, grow like weeds and just shine when I look in the mirror..

    On another subject, I will have my first appointment with an oncologist tomorrow.  The radiology onc was a personable, reassuring guy, so I hope this new doc will be someone I can trust to work with me.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited July 2010

    Hi Gina....welcome.

    I hope your appointment goes OK tomorrow....take someone with you to remember what you'll forget !  Don't be afraid to ask as many questions as you need to, and don't be rushed 'til you're clear with the answers you need.


  • worldwatcher
    worldwatcher Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2010

    Thanks, Isabella

    After using my daughter in previous appointments as my "memory", I will purchase a small voice recorder to take with me tomorrow.

    Daughter gets tired of my asking the same questions over and over.  I have noticed that my "senior moments" are stretching into "senior hours" as a response to my poor brain working overtime to try and take in all the information needed before I start treatment. Surgery was an easy decision. Not so with the rest.

    I am still at that "WTH" moment to some extent.

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2010

    Just wanted to pop in and second the idea of using transdermal meds for your cats.  I have an old cat with thyroid disease and we've used the transdermal medication in his ear for years -- he doesn't even open his eyes if he's sleeping at medication time.  I didn't like putting on a glove, so I cut the fingers off and just use one of the cut off fingers when I medicate him.  Works like a charm! 

    The jade plant is awesome -- I didn't even know they bloomed! 

    When I had my MX, the sentinal node was positive, so they took 10 more auxillary nodes and all of those were negative.  In a way I'm glad because I know that the cancer had only gotten to one node, but the resulting mild lymphedema is not pleasant at all.


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2010

    waiting for my internist to call.she has a dr #3.will wait to see what this dr and onc say.

    thanks for all the kind words and prayers

    i love my sistas

    God bless


  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited July 2010

    Hi everyone!  I just found out the results of my pathology report and I am doing the happy dance!  The tumor was not 3 cm, it was 1.7 cm., the margins are clear, 4 nodes were tested and are clear, and I qualify for the Mammosite radiation.  I have an appointment later this afternoon to have the placeholder tube swapped out for the real one so I should be starting rads before the end of the week or first thing next week.   I have an appt with the Onco tomorrow morning, but the Oncotype score won't be available until probably Thursday.   Tomorrow's discussion should focus on AI inhibitors. 

    This is the best news I could have hoped for!


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited July 2010

    Oh Michelle!   What great news!  You SHOULD be doing the happy dance!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited July 2010

    HAPPY DANCE for Michelle!!! That's great news!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2010

    Well done Michelle, I like happy dances.

    Have had my scans but will not get the results for 2 weeks unless they get sent to my GP. I decided to go through the hospital system and the scanner they used actually belongs to the medical school.

    Must get dressed and do some housework as a consultant is coming to design a new kitchen for me today.

    Isabella I will PM you later and give details about what to expect from heart valve surgery. When my uncle had his done he was in hospital for many months, that was 1963, and now you are in for 5 to 10 days. Up the next day - it is quite amazing.

    Big hugs to all


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2010

    Great News Michelle, We're all dancing here!