Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • worldwatcher
    worldwatcher Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2010

    Oh my, SV...

    I am sitting here laughing out loud about the doggie clippers! I haven't tried that yet, only have two kitties.

    "snort"...just went back to your post and am laughing again.

    Hugs to you and prayers too...I'm sorry the chemo left you so damaged. I am seriously thinking of doing rads and skipping the other treatments, as one lady said on this forum, "save the big guns" for later.

    The tumor is gone, one node had a "teeny" spot, and it's if the rads do what they are supposed to, it should buy me some time to find an onc that will be worth seeing.

    In the meantime, Isabella I shall pray for you and am sending a butterfly kiss your way.

     Granny, I agree...bc has pretty much taken over my thoughts since May.  I'm going to my DD's Saturday to stay overnight and go to Karaoke to hear her lovely voice and just forget all this stuff for a few hours.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited July 2010

    And oh WW, more info for you on SE's of chemo, I had no idea why in the world we even have nosehairs until I didn't have any. Those bristly little annoying critters keep the shot in your head where it belongs!! The chemo burned all of my nose hair out and I had snot-face all winter long.  My nose drooled and If I laughed, lots of people got to 'share.' Now mind you my real head hair has only grown back about an inch and a quarter since first week of January when it fell out from the chemo. and it is white-completely white and it sticks out in every direction no matter how much goo I slap on it!! I have a million cowlicks but I have to admit I love it this short. i never would have done this purposely bec I was so attached to my hair. And everybody seems to love it too-or maybe they are just glad I am not completely bald anymore (I never wore a wig or hat-hey i don't have to look at me).. And get this,my surgeon says that given the damage done to me by the Taxotere, I am lucky to have any hair at all (many women remain bladheaded for life after Taxotere use in chemo). There is a whole webpage dedicated to "taxotears" and the damage it does. So, if you do chemo, learn to carry hankies! xxxoo, SV .

  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2010


    Hugs back to all of you.


  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited July 2010

    WOW - I can't keep up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love you all - and am holding you in my prayers...

    Isabella - too bad you don't have the where-with-all to kick you-know-who in the you-know what! My prayer for you is that you will find some tangible support and get out of this mess. DON'T even THINK of having your daughter move in - does SHE not have a clue what's going on with you health wise and DH wise???

    off to bed here



  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    Congratulations Anne...the end of rads!!!  You must be so relieved.  Now to just get rid of that vertigo.  It's very troublesome, my boyfriend has it and it paralyzes him.  Could you see a specialist in that area?  Would it be a Neurologist?

    Isabella, I hope the heart monitor gets a handle on the situation and I hope it's very minor.  When my dear mother was very ill, my heartbeat was all over the place, totally irregular, I was sure I was about to have a heart attack.  I discovered it was stress related when Mother passed on, the irregularity stopped...the heartbreak lingers.

    Hope you all have a fun-filled, stress-free weekend!

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited July 2010

    Isabella,Hang in there.  You do whatever you need to do to keep yourself well.  It's been proven that stress is a contributing factor in illness.  We're all here for you and will stand by you always.  Hugs!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2010

    Thought you all might like this.  It carries me along through some of my rough times.

    It is no use to grumble and complain;
    It's just as cheap and easy to rejoice;
    When God sorts out the weather and sends rain -
    Why, rain's my choice.
    ~James Whitcomb Riley

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2010

    Here's wishing you all a good day, and love-filled weekend.  I'm thinking to each of you, and hoping your problems find resolution, and you find strength from unexpected sources. Blessings to you all.

    Take your endorphins where you can find 'em.  I hope you all find laughter today.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010
    Thank you Jo....I remember you, from when I was first afraid of the cancer diagnosis in November.  You helped comfort me, & sent me a PM....I'll never forget that....Thanks for helping me through it all!  Jeannette
  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2010

    Jeanette -- I've been on Femara since June, after being on Arimidex for a year and having bad SEs.  The SEs are almost the same with the Femara as they were with the Arimidex -- lots of hot flashes (I take Effexor that helps and also put a fan on my nightstand at night) and lots of aches and pains. plus fatigue and some other minor stuff.  I'll gladly put up with the SEs if this drug keeps the cancer from coming back.  My insurance pays for all but $35 of the cost of the monthly Femara.  My onc also "prescribed" 2500 IUs/daily of D3 and 500 mg. of Magnesium/daily.  I don't notice a big difference, but take them anyway.

    Welcome to Ms. "bread and olive oil", paamboli!  What a yummy screen name.

    Love your most recent pic of the rose, Lisa.

    Great poem, Julia. 

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited July 2010

    JO! I was just saying that some of the crew that was here when I was dx'ed- the women who held my hand- comforted my heart and gave me strength were -gone. Glad to see you!

     I was thinking today that I have passed the 9 month mark from surgery and truthfully got shivers ALL OVER thinking about DX day--so long ago, life is amazing and we are resilient! God has BLESSED ME OVER and OVER AND He JUST KEEPS GIVING! JO I loved what you posted and have missed you.

    Isabella you have brought so many pant wetting laughable stories to us all and are very dear to me- I wish I could help you---anyone who get the BIG DX-then heart problems and has to walk bent over like a hairpin deserves a break! Maybe if we all pray and circle her in a bright light we can scare DH into kindness........hey it is an idea. You, my dear, lighten my load in comparison and in emotion.

    Julia the heartbreak lingers- 30 years now- the comfort is that there are times when my dear mother is felt close by and sends me gifts--like Bunny and other Blessings.I try to let the memories fill the hole left by her physical departure.And I remind myself that ones who truly love us do not want us to fill our lives with sadness.

    Anne you are braver than me- congratulations!X like 10!

    WW and GD-- rest assured your worlds will return- not the same, mine returned in a better version.

    Jackie- lets walk in the rain- and feel it softly on our faces.

    Hugs, love, encouragement and laughs to you all- and SV GET the electric and battery operated devices away from you face! JEEZ----------Miss Kitty

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010

    Hi gals.....Isabella, I sure hope you can put off your DD from moving in with you guys.  She will be bringing a truck-load of problems of her own, to mix with your...shall we say, "less than happy" situation.  I would leave them all for sure!  At least until you get things straightened out.  I'm not one to give advice, but probably a few of us have "been there & done that"..... We just "don't have to take it anymore"...It's not easy to "walk away"....or even run away....But we can do it.  Things don't always stay the seems like every day is different somehow.....And if that whole place is yours, you won't lose it....and you DO need good council! 

    About your heart problems....I was having such a hard time with my heart pounding out of my chest at one time also.  I could even "see" my chest beat, when it came along!  I had so many tests...the "event monitor" for 7 days...the 24 hr. was it "Holter" monitor?  And sometimes my chest would just "ache" & the pain would go up into my heart doing somersaults down there!  They couldn't find anything wrong....I even went to the ER one time, so afraid I would keep over.....Heart palpitations....they said. 

    It all started right after my Mom died, & I went back to CA several months later to see my Dad... He was still a mess, & I had my little Grandson meet me there!  I was trying to baby my Dad, with all his drinking himself silly,  running through SF airport from one end to the other, because Dad couldn't walk straight...propped him up on a bar-stool....Ran to find my Grandson, while drinking hot chocolate!  (caffiene) I MET him....Hurried back to pick Dad up off the floor, (almost) then drove across the SFOBB to Dad's house...I almost passed out 5 times, driving across the bridge...I didn't know what was happening....I couldn't let my Dad drive, because he was just blithering away...And my 11 year old Grandson most SURELY would have attempted it, but I was supposed to be the one in charge!  

     I know God, & my Mom were up there together on that trip, watching to see that we made it home alright.  The stress will kill you....And that's what was wrong all the time....No more caffiene, & when the stress settles down, so will you.  So I know, your stress CAN come from what is going on in your life, & it makes your heart "hurt".....  This problem went on for months... And all the time it was from hurting, because I had just lost Mom, and Dad was trying to drink him self to death,.....  I was taking care of my Grandson for his vacation, & stressing out over everything I could think of. 

    When things are rough around here, with ANYbody, I can just "walk away" & go find my "own" place where I am alone...even if it's just out in my garden.  And all those heart problems went away.  Didn't do any damage, either.

    I hope you can get yours fixed, without much more trauma in your life!  But you still only have to take care of yourself, & the things you care about.

    I'm 73 years old today girls!  Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!  Went to lunch yesterday with DD & some friends, & tonight, going over for steak & lobster at our DD's friends house....She is ALSO like our adopted Daughter .... And then next Wednesday, lunch again!  So I am celebrating like for a week, Ha!  Maybe I could keep this going indefinately.....WinkTongue out

    Love you all! xoxoxoxoxo

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited July 2010

    Hi Chevyboy,  HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!! Unbelievably young.   lol.  Keep on keeping on.  Love n hugs. chrissyb

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    Hi Miss Kitty, I just love everything that you said...yes we're circling with prayers for Isabella.  Congratulations to you on the 9 month mark, great that it is so in the past and only the best of good health from now on.  You're right about those who truly love us...I was blessed with loving kindness from the dearest Mother.  And now I'm blessed with the memories.

    We're all walking in the soft rain today friends...and laughing

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited July 2010

    Happy Birthday Jeannette and Many Happy Returns!  Good Health and All the Best!!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited July 2010


  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited July 2010

    Happy Birthday Chevy!!!  Celebrate, celebrate!

    I am posting an excerpt from my blog, which provides an update on my situation:

     The Oncotype DX score came back, but it may not be at all relevant. The score is based on the tumor being Estrogen (ER) positive (hormone receptive). As you know, the long-term treatments is to take anti-estrogen medication for five years, and that has been shown to be the most effective treatment for node-negative early stage breast cancer with positive ER receptors.

    My ER score is right on the edge of being positive. The Oncotype folks use a score of 6.5 to declare the cancer as ER+. My score was 6.2. It's a close call and apparently these things are not absolute.   My first oncologist made the statement "positive is positive" referring to the first biopsy pathology report which called my ER "weakly positive".  My Progesterone receptor was more definitely negative. The cutoff is 5.5 and I was under 3.2, so that one is not ambiguous, but probably also less important.

    And the HER2 score is 8.7, clearly negative with a cutoff of 11.5.

    The surgeon had called me late Thursday afternoon and just stated the results, read the Oncotype score and said all the hormone receptors came back negative, without any clarification. That was bad news to say the least and we were extremely disappointed by what we heard. On Friday morning, I got a hard copy of the report with the details and realized that it wasn't quite as bad as I had feared. I had a brief discussion with the radiation oncologist and he seemed to discount the report, telling me to focus on the fact that the tumor was smaller than anticipated and the nodes were clear.  He also said that a tumor marker blood test, if taken now, would probably be normal.  However, the use of tumor marker tests is controversial and more useful when known tumors exist, chemotherapy is administered, and then retesting indicates the degree to which the treatment has been effective.

    So, it's worrisome for sure. But we've decided to not be overly concerned for the moment and wait for the consultation with the oncologist (next Friday morning). In the meantime, I have been researching things like the effects of chemo on diabetics, "gentler" chemotherapy, alternatives to chemo that have shown to reduce recurrences, and any clinical trials that might apply to my situation. One new development involves a "vaccine" for "triple negative" cancer patients that looks very promising. 

    On another note, the Mammosite radiation treatments have been going very well.  I have four down, six to go next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Last night I was very tired which could be a side effect...or it could have been the result of lack of sleep after stressing from the news we got on Thursday. 

    My goal is to enjoy my weekend, spend time today with my mom and maybe try to do a little laundry.  I've been banned from vacuuming (must be a threat of dislodging the Mammosite catheter) so I'm assuming I shouldn't do anything too strenuous.  But I feel absolutely fine, other than some very skin minor irritation from a couple of stitches that have overstayed their welcome.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2010

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jeanette!   Best wishes!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2010

    Jo --- I loved the whole piece about the lemons and I so appreciate that you shared it.  Hope life is turning up lots of wonderful lemonade in yours.  I think about you often.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2010

    Anything with a three in it is a good thing indeed.  Happy, happy 73rd. Jeanette.  Hope it is the happiest birthday ever.  If not -- try again next year.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010

    OH WOW!!!  A birthday cake for me!  But I will cut all you gals a piece too!  How fun!  Thank you dear girls, for your wishes!  Me & the girls split a sundae after our lunch yesterday, then the Manager brought all of us a little glass of wine!  Wink  Yes...we must share spirits! 

    Michelle.....glad your treatments are going good!  It won't be long now, then you will get that dratted thing out of your chest!  I kept mine tight, under my bra....But was soooo glad when it came out!    Then I was really tired....real tired, for about a week after....I could sleep just by looking at the day-bed!  And I took little naps all day!    So just listen to your body!  By the way, this week-end, if YOU guys have to "clean" the area, be very careful, & have someone else help you!    I didn't ever use tape, either...just padding & a tighter bra!    

    Okay, Thanks for my wishes friends!  Love you all!  xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited July 2010
  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited July 2010

    Chevy - great advice about not taping.  I use one small piece to keep the catheter from flopping around at night; otherwise I let it dangle.  But the nurse at the rad place is paranoid about anchoring it in place, using tons of gauze and pads, and giving me a 4 month baby bump.  My skin has been very unhappy with tape, so she's backed off of that.  Once I get home, I take half the stuff off.  My surgeon had coiled the leads so that it didn't hang down so far, but they didn't like that.  So if I'm not going anywhere I let it hang.  But I think this wrapping job is a bit of overkill and I could easily tuck the catheter inside my sports bra.

     OK, enough internet for me.  I'm taking my mom to the casino and then later to church (now that's quite a range of  So I'm outta here!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2010
  • worldwatcher
    worldwatcher Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2010

    Happy Birthday Chevy!

  • paamboli
    paamboli Member Posts: 43
    edited July 2010



  • paamboli
    paamboli Member Posts: 43
    edited July 2010


  • dsgirl
    dsgirl Member Posts: 193
    edited July 2010

    Wow, everyone is up early today, I missed the party ---boohoo-----save me a piece of cake, please

    Happy Birthday Jeannette (Chevyboy) and many happy returns.

    Everyone have a great weekend, I am off to check the local farmer's market, may be all is gone by now, the early bird gets the you know what, I just want a few more tomatoes for BLT's today.

    Gently hugs


  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2010

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jeanette;

    Great age to be! I hope the day is a fun one for you and filled with LOVE.

    Today is our wedding Anniversary of 58 years. We plan to eat lunch out and just enjoy today and each other.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2010

    THANKS, thanks you guys!  I love all the pictures!  How fun!  I showed my Husband all my "birthday cards!".......I shall keep this "page" forever!  Cool Smile

    Michelle.....just put your sports bra on, reach in & cover that spot up with soft things, like a little crochet fluffy cover & made....& they stay in place!  Or something like gauze pads, covered with flannel pieces.  Mine really leaked an awful lot...probably from the infection.....but I am perfect now!  Wink  Yeah, right!