Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited August 2010

    Clark Gable; next generation James Garner :-)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    Yes Jackie....I know....Wink  

     And you gals are so fortunate to be a part of wild-life!  It is amazing how something so wild, can "bond!"..  I love your stories! xoxoxoxo

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    Oh, I really want to see Inception-ONLY bec I have decided to become a cougar. That little Leo DeCap. i think I can take him for a few new turns around the old track-moustache or not. And you ladies are shameless-still aflutter over the old farts like Patrick Dempsy and John Derek???!! OMG-how much viagra would it take I wonder-tee hee. oh i am going to get snubbed or yelled at in some PM I am sure. And Isabella. What do you mean that you don't get sailing??!! You live on a farm with freaking cows and sheep and owls (i too did the owl cam and it was asleep-nada). My GOD, the force of the wind in the sails and I am hiked up on the high side of the rails while the low rails are under water and everything is moving so quickly-then you find that sweet spot in the wind where the sails stop luffing and are full to the brim with wind (the power of the wind on a 24 foot sailboat is enormous) and the boat is going as fast as it can and the ropes are actually "whistling (singing) in the wind" And it is just you and raw nature and in my case, David yelling at me and me ignoring him and then a huge wave crashes over the bow and yer' soaked to the armpits and all of the other boats are eating your wake-until David decides he wants to be captain, then we lose the wind and the freaking race-man, you have to be here on the open ocean with a bunch of other sailboats doing the same thing to "get it" I guess. I have always loved it and sailed to Block Island often with family friend when I was a kid and I have always been hooked on the sea and sails. i man, we would be in the troughs of waves so deep that the boat would disappear and all I would see was a wall of water on each side-no land. I know I was a pirate in a past life and one of the big pirate bad dudes (Avery-his english name) is a relative (my cousin is an Avery) and our ggggrand Avery used to plunder from Maine to the Carribean-so it's in me blood I think (his pirate flag was a portrait skeleton head). And MB, glad you are getting back to work; I am very confused about the numbers bec i simply don't know about them. But it sounds like I need to be worried about you!! I mean are you OK? Or what is the deal on this-really is this like a major alarm? The only number i am looking at is my weight which has ballooned to beyond-I need lapband surgery and am headed for that i think rather than the Foob jobs-bec i want to be skinny once more in my lifetime!!! Part of my bucket list! Just dropping in for a quick howdy, so kisses to all and more later, XXOO, SV

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    And once again bringing my concern to the board has not disappointed.  Jeannette, you have come to my rescue.  I have been googling up the wazoo and I never came across the two links you provided.  Yes indeed they sell eggs from soy-free fed chickens, however!!!!! they do use flax seed.  I did read recently about some problem with flax seed...I'll see if I can find it again.  Also, you have to order at least 4 doz and they send it to you.  Can you freeze eggs?  The info on those websites is very interesting ...they said that they believe a lot of people that think they're allergic to eggs may not be.  In fact, so they say, it could be that they're allergic to the soy that's fed to the chickens.  Probably about 99% of the chicken farms including organic, use soy as it's cheap and it yields eggs abondanza.  Thank you so much Jeannette, I appreciate it very much.

    Marybe, me too on the edamame and every other conceivable soy product from my 20s on as a vegetarian.  Who knew!

    Jackie, yes Paul Newman!  Not only because he was a great actor and gorgeous but he was a wonderful human being...I'm quite sure you're aware...100% of the proceeds from all his Newman's Own products went and I believe still go to charity.  And I think all or most of his products are organically grown.

    Lost_Creek, that is the sweetest story...your pet goose returning with his mate for you to check her out ... how precious is that!

    Thank you for indulging me, my dear friends.  Luv you guys.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    hi girls

    once again im bringing my problem to my granddaughter has been going with me to all my drs and surgery but dr #3 has been giving me appts.on weds only and those are the days she cannot take staying with a friend who will take me but it is really a big pain in the butt for her as she too works and has to move her schedule around.i was wondering if anyone knew about the transportation that the cancer assoc.provides.i dont have a car and this dr#3 is quite far away.besides the fear and the stress of all this waiting i really cannot cope with anymore



    ps i live in old bridge nj.the in oakhurst nj.the monmouth county

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010

    Grannydukes...I don't know about Transportation from the cancer association, but try your hospital?  Or your Senior Resource Center?    I know when I was getting radiation, they did offer rides to women who could not get there!  Call your Doctors office & ask, or the cancer society? 

    Just don't worry kiddo.....It will all work out, dear one....don't worry, especially!  Talk to your Doc about your problems getting there!  ....Wish I could help more!  xoxoxoxoxo  Oh hey, how about AARP?....Maybe they could direct you in the right direction? 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    chevyboy...thank you.iyou always seem to find something.luv ya.i do belong to AARP.ill try them and the cancer so stressed out being in the dark for soooo long.dr #3 wed better be the one..she seems soooo nice.if i got the transportation out of the way that would be a big stress off my granddaughter has been wonderful and she wants to be with me and she will have a fit when i tell her enough but her schedule is crazy and id rather her not be there anyway.she is pushing me in every direction.

    im rambling.sorry



  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    chevyboy...thank you.iyou always seem to find something.luv ya.i do belong to AARP.ill try them and the cancer so stressed out being in the dark for soooo long.dr #3 wed better be the one..she seems soooo nice.if i got the transportation out of the way that would be a big stress off my granddaughter has been wonderful and she wants to be with me and she will have a fit when i tell her enough but her schedule is crazy and id rather her not be there anyway.she is pushing me in every direction.

    im rambling.sorry



  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

    Grannydukes,  Is Wed the only day they can schedule you?  Don't be afraid to ask....most of the time they will try to work with you. 

    SV, No you don't need to worry about me.  I am OK so far as I know.  The numbers I am talking about are tumor markers, a blood test called a CA27/29.  Some oncos don't even do it.  Even my onco said it is not always accurate, but it always had been a good indicator for me.  He told me he would never make a decision to change treatment based on the blood work alone...he takes into consideration how the patient is feeling, but most important what the scans show and puts everything together and then decides what is going on or needs to be done.  Some women have a test called a CA 125....I have never had that one.  I always flip out at first, but I have gotten used to the idea now so am OK....that's how I am....need a day or so to get used to things.  Am that way about everything.....would cry my eyes out over a guy, but after a few days would pull myself together.  I was sending my boss an email and asking for tomorrow afternoon off because I want to go to a funeral and I was telling him what all we did when my sister was here and about my friends boat and going to brunch with this patient of his who has BC and introducing her to my friend who had the same treatment and about the movie I went to and it was only on my way to work today that I realized I had forgotten to tell him my tumor markers had jumped up.  So I guess they aren't my top least not today.  I feel fine so that should count for something. 

       Now I must go ice taking these with me tomorrow for the reception they are having at the church after the funeral. 

        My cat really likes corn on the cob...or what is left on the cob after I finish with it.  I don't put butter on it, so that's not the reason.  I find this very strange, but maybe all cats do.  He's my lst and I swear most of the time he acts like a dog.  He actually comes when I call him which is more than I can say for the one dog. 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    after going from dr to dr this dr is squeezing me in on wed and so is the onc.but this is just the start and i am so sick and tired of asking people to take me.i wish i could walk there.10 mos. of this crap is really wearing everyone down.i thought there might be something out there besides the people i am leaning on so heavy...i know there are going to be lots of trips back and forth and i know there is help out there for seniors without transportation but i just dont know where to go..

    you girls are always soooo helpful and i am sooooo wrapped up in myself sometimes i just want to say the hell with it all and do nothing..



  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2010

    GD, you might check with American Cancer Society - they offer some transportation assistance.  If you have a phone book, look under elder services, or things like that.  Try the county dept of health & human services because they may offer suggestions.  Some of the local churches might.  I know you're tired of asking, asking, learning, doing, but it's just one more step.  Up here, there's a local non-profit who helps folks get to drs appts, and if our podunk area has something like that, I'm sure Monmouth Co or your county does as well.  Ask all your friends to ask, too!  We'll all be praying for you, in our own ways....

  • Beccabrite
    Beccabrite Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2010

    GrannyDuke - I'm new to this thread, though I qualify: Turned 60 and got my diagnosis at the same time!

    The American Cancer Society will give you $300 to use for transportation.  They pay it out at $.27 per mile, but it is retroactive as long as you can get one of your medical team to signoff on your having been to the doctor on such and such dates.  It's not going to help much, but it's something.

     They also have a program called Road to Recovery, where volunteers will drive you to your appointment....sort of like Meals on Wheels.... sort of....    Call 1-800-227-2345 for info.

    I believe Caring for Cancer does something similar.

     Your best bet is to check with your hospital, senior center, church or simply local social services...There are a lot of people out there who are willing to volunteer to drive cancer patients.... we just have to get you hooked up with them.

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Great to meet you Beccabrite, sorry that you have to deal with such a revolting development.  I hope your treatment goes by like a flash and that you are in the best of health very soon. Just a couple of months ago I had surgery and completed chemo and at the time these events were all-consuming.  But it really is remarkable in a very short time that detour gets tucked into the past.  All my best wishes to you.

    Granny, good luck tomorrow.  I hope this doctor is the charm and that she has all the right answers for you.  Beccabrite had a lot of good information for you re transportation.  I hope that issue is soon resolved.

    Have a great day!

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2010

    Just dropping in to say HI and THANKS A TON for the reciepes- The pie that got me hooked on BM was a BM Coconut pie!

    My sister and her husband are visiting- will post happenings later--love you all-hugs. MissKitty

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited August 2010
    Today is your day to paint life in bold colors,
    set today's rhythm with your heart-drum,
    walk today's march with courage,
    create today as your celebration of life.
    - jlh
  • Beccabrite
    Beccabrite Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2010

    Hi, Julia and thanks...

     It's been a strange ride since diagnosis.  Plans have changed twice delaying the start of treatment more than two months after diagnosis.   But, now I'm on the way as of July 30.  6 cycles of T/C.... so, I'm looking at a long Fall of challenges.  They're telling me that my taste buds won't come back in time for Thanksgiving, of all things!  

    So, we're looking forward to Christmas!  (and surgery ;-0 )

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    just wanted once again to thank all my sistas for the info and prayers that was sent my way..i will keep all of you posted after tomorrow with counting on her to be the one..

    God bless all of you


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2010

    At a loose end tonight. The house is quiet, nothing on TV, can't see to sew at this time of night, so I set about bathing a litter of puppies. They are now 10 shades cleaner, and ready for their new families to come and collect them over the next few days, I won't let a puppy go that is grubby.

    Recession, depression, call it what you will, but its not hitting my puppy sales. I have been breeding them now near on 50 years, and no longer need to advertise, people are coming back to me for their 5th and 6th dogs now ! At Christmas I get more cards from dogs than I do from humans. We English do love our dogs.

    Welcome Becca, keep on coming here, and telling us how you progress.

    granny. I DO hope you get sorted out with your problems. I will be thinking of you tomorrow. I hope Dr #3 is The One. were asking about my birds, ...Oswald the owl, and Colin the crow....did they get on ?? NO is the short answer to that, I had to let them out separately because the crow would bully the owl. But if I had the owl out I had to shut the crows door, so he couldn't see out, otherwise his shrieking was terrible, jealousy I suppose ! Their main diet was cat food, and scraps from the house for the crow. They had quite a following here, people bringing dogs in to the kennels would ask to see them sitting on my shoulder, particularly the crow, when he would climb on top of my hair and start scratching ! I used to get a it sick of the attention, and say they 'weren't too well today' otherwise I would have been at it 'til midnight.

    Marybe, tried making lightly stuffed bras, but without the weight they just ended up pushing up thru' my neckbands.....well too perky for me !!!!! I really hate these ones I have, Amoena plastic foam things, trouble in winter, but as soon as it gets warm they make me sweat terribly. 

    Jeanette, yes I am a 'gear head' as you put it, but we call ourselves 'petrol heads' over here. I think petrol runs thru' my veins !   he he,   that should be fun for my cardio to discover when he opens me up !! I am having trouble with my car windows at the moment, one window, drivers side, won't open at all, and the other side goes down, and won't come back up again without help from g/son. I like to listen when big cars or bikes go past me, and get a smell of the engines, but can't do this at the moment. I am baulking at the cost of 2 new window motors, an arm and a leg, and am trying to locate a crash car, of my make, to buy 2 motors, but, funnily enough, there are about 12 crashers that I can locate in UK, and all window mechanism has been taken already....which points to a case for the manufacturer to get something done to help car is just out of warranty. 

    I am going to go up to bed and watch TV right now. Greys Anatomy, then an old House are what I've recorded, plus the national news, and our local TV gossip station has a half hour programe to keep me up to date on what goes on around me !!


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    calling all my sistas...after making all the calls here is the outcome...I AM NOT IN TREATMENT therefore i do not qualify for any transportation.

    im covered for tomorrow and thats all i care about right now...i cannot stress about next week

    thank you all for all the help

    God bless


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2010

    Hi everyone- had a great visit with my sister, Tammy and her DH, John- she is 5 years younger than I am and is a joy to me- her husband is a delight and the four of us laughted until I cried,and  I mean cried!Our big dogs were overwhelmed by the excitement of company and showed off like crazy. I had Heidie Staying down- no jumping on us with her 50+ pounds but alas that went out the window. After all they are on,y 6 months old. The drop-in Bunny ate my red leather pump today--------yet she lives, as a matter of fact is sleeping peacefully on the sofa. A dogs life.

    The 4 of us took in an antique mall, saw a bunch of childhood stuff and ooded and awed a lot.We ate out so there was no cooking and I am itching to bake the BM pie.Thanks again ladies.

    Newcomers- so sorry I have not given you a proper Welcome aboard and the encouragement and support that you deserve! Such a group we are of boobs, partcial  boobs, one boobs,no boobs and tx with SE---yet we survive. Oh BTW Isabella I have given up wearing boobs at all- new folks don't know the difference and should someone state that I look different I use it as an an opportunity to educate about BC. Having said that, I do not plan to "live in CA" but in the moment and have as much fun, and love in my life that I can give and receive. Who would have ever guessed there was a flatchested woman living in those DD's?

    SE's': Mom said her chemo mad everything taste as if it had rum added to the recipe- she also had lymphedema in her arm, much worse than I, and it is painful, but I was taught what to do and she was turned loose, without education- 40+ years ago.So many have gone through so much more than me, God Bless you. and mother would say "we have to do this to help others in the future" God, I pray that her chemo that many years ago has helped some of you by letting researchers learn better combinations etc.

    GDs I would take you if I were there! I am sure others would too.

    Isabella I would love to see your pups- don't you have fun? Washing puppies must be therapeutic. To all whose e mail address I have- I will send pictures of the Berrners. Love you all! MissKitty

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    OMG, an English oilhead? Oh excuse me-petrol head-oh no no no it can't be. There is no redneck culture driving (get it) the petrol heads-like what the heck-oh no this just cannot be. i mean like what the heck do you English race about in, Ms. Isabella-I been on the roads in England and saw horsies and haystacks and hedges. SO you and CB in cahoots and i will never hear the end of it. Hey what kind of puppies do you raise? And GD what the **&&^ do you mean you are not in treatment!!! man even the outreach program here on the island where i live provides transportation and/or mileage-like the visitiing angels program (snarky name but they do a lot to help). let us know details from doc 3 ASAP! i am crumbling fast ladies-i was on a ladder in the freaking garage last night and fell off and did a belly flop on the concrete floor. My bouncing foobs saved my teeth from crunching concrete-I need them boobs for airbags obviously! Who needs a surgeon-i am sure if i stay in the garage long enuf i will run into something to fix me. For real, i thought i killed myself and i had to lay there for awhile to make sure I was still breathing. Doggies thought it a new game mommy had found and there had to be something on the floor that was really important for her to plant her face there. so they joined in the looking about and stomping on my head while i gasped and gulped for air!! Truly i fell down and could not get up and really did not want to get up. It was pitiful, I just lay there like a carp. god-life blows-someone just shoot me and get it over with! Regatta is tomorrow but no word from David so, not sure-it is really too hot anyway like 88% humidity and 97 degress with heat index of about 120 on the water-errrgh-what fun. WAAAAAA! Sweet dreams all, SV

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    SV you heard me right.everyone said they would not do transportation for drs.appts.only treatments.and they dont go from county to county.dont worry i have the ride tomorrowfor dr #3 and that is what im focusing on bringing my tape recorder and a friend who is a 26yr bc survivor so i think ill be ok.ill worry about the week.somehow i know i will get there.i will let you girls know as soon as i get home.

    thank you everyone for your concern and offers of rides from all over the world.Dear God I am truly blessed with these wonderful sistas i have


  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Isabella, great to hear about Oswald and Colin.  I can just imagine what a big hit they must have been with all your visitors, I wish you had a picture of them for us.  I'm a huge House fan also...he insults, he cures, he self-destructs, he's obnoxious but my hero can do no wrong.  I suspect next season he will have some major, down and dirty, fun-filled and intellectual sparring with his crush, Cutty.  SV, so glad to hear that your foob saved your teeth!  Finally a purpose for these things!  Seriously, I hope you weren't hurt in that fall.  Your doggies would have picked you up if they could.  You know it's a very strange thing, with my new shape I flash back to my pre-adolescent body image when I didn't feel encumbered by my huge ones and I'm not hating it.  No need to maneuver around these obstacles any more and hugs no longer at arm's length.

    Hope you all have an outstanding day!

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited August 2010

    SV, I can honestly say that I know exactly how you felt with your face planted in the concrete.  I did the same thing a couple of years ago without the ladder effect.  I came to a full stop when my toes connected with the lip of some uneven concrete. Feet knocked out  from under me, went down on my knees first, then kissed the ground with a loud 'whomp' without the cushioning of a foob.  Like you, I just lay there like a fish, gasping for air, while also waiting for the pain of a possibly broken bone to hit my brain.  The scream I let out as I fell, brought me no help, which in turn made my eyes water, whether in self pity or pain, I'm not sure.  Gingerly, I started to move bits of me to see if they were broken before dragging myself up without dropping to my knees again. 

    Luckily, I couldn't be seen by anyone, so I could indulge myself in childish self-pity for a while. I'm sure if it had happened in the street, I would have jumped up like a great comedian doing a pratt fall.............and then fallen on my face with a broken leg.  Short-term, I only suffered skinned knees and bruises from the bounce, but I think long term, it lead to the arthritis I suffer from now.


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited August 2010

    For the past couple of seasons, my favorite show has been right after House -- Lie To Me, with Tim Roth -- it's one of the smartest-written shows on TV.  It's a bit difficult to understand him sometimes, but that's part of the charm.  Roth is underrated, but a brilliant actor.

     SV, stay off the concrete!  You can't float in it!  Hope you are able to get out on the water again.  I'm with you, the sound of wind in the sails, the salt smell beats the  heck out of petrol.

    Maybe it's because the only time I ever got on a Harley, we wrecked; or because ex, and Not "D", H spent all our grocery and diaper money on his hot rod race car....

    GD I'll be thinking of you today.

    Isabella, you too.  And your dogs.  What kind?  Ah, dogs.  My big weakness, and love.....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited August 2010

    Saying a quick hi as I have such a day today.  MissKitty.....the pics will be gorgeous.  Julia a great big hi to you. 

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    hello my sistas

    dr#3 is the one.she is sending me to onc.and another mamo as the old one is 8 mos old.she disagrees with dr #1 and #2 and feels the same way my gastro,internist and gyn dr does.the cancer must be treated.nodes must come not jumping for joy over this but the surgery ill do.anything else im not thinking about now.there are abou 10-12 affected nodes.i almosted fainted when she said that.and she knows dr #1.shocked at what he didnt do.

    well its late and i had a long day.gonna spend the weekend with my gnadkids.i need to laugh.

    thanks sistas for all your concern and prayers

    God bless

    hugggggggggggggggs to all of you


  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited August 2010

    YEAH Granny - not so much at the news (a bummer - but SO good to have it found) but the fact you like the onc and she seems competent. Hang in there



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited August 2010

    the beginning of your prayer is like one i learned, and thst's where my signature ending to all my email comes from.i love it, thank youe so much..! granny dukes

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited August 2010

    oh yeah, i am home from the hosp. my worst fears, i DID have MRSA!! i enjoyed telling each and every DR who told me, no, they wouldnt draw bl;ood, and i was worrying too much..that they had the problem in this, not me. am home with oral antibiotics. risked getting i.v. in left arm. will ice it, and wear glove for everyday for awhile. cant keep doing it, but thank you no sign of le on left yet..thank you all for your prasyers, and grannydukes, that prayer is great. one like it is whay i always sign off light and love...3jayssmom