Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2010 FUN to read about what you are doing!  And everything going on in your life!   I also had the shingles shot this year....I have heard of so many people who GET shingles....And I don't know if I EVER had chicken-pox....Doesn't think it matters....I would still get the shot.... especially if you are over 50, is it? 

    I just thought this was soooo cute!  So don't get sick girls! xoxoxoxo

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited August 2010

    Well, I think the freaking shingles - on top of the cancer and the chemo - is really getting to me today. I'm a bundle of nerves! So I finally took a Xanax - 2nd one I've ever had in my life, the 1st one was a few days ago! Something has gotten a bee in my bonnet, something is under my skin - I don't know if it's literally the shingles under my skin driving me nuts, or if it's just everything all at once but I can't relax for the life of me. I'm tense as hell, and I don't ever remember feeling this way.

    Marybe, I'm learning these shingles are something that just has to run it's course - I just never know what direction it's going to take hour after hour. I have all the medicine now, but sometimes it's painful, sometimes it's itchy, are these blisters ever going to pop? Is it still forming new blisters? I need to just tune it out...

    SV - I hear ya about moving out and finding some peace. Peace is everything. Darn, though, I sure was hoping you could teach my college-boy fly-fishing! Seriously though, you don't need all this stress. You - and me - either need to make our own peace where we are, or run away, run away - like they did in Monty Python from the killer rabbit. I think of that every time I think about just leaving - it would be so fun. Then, if you go, just find a place to make your new peaceful haven. Here, there, anywhere - it's somewhere. And then again, it's everywhere. I've definitely connected more with my spiritual side since my diagnosis, and I'm almost to the point where I'm untouchable by all the people that have been causing me pain. I can feel the detachment from them growing - it's goooooood! And I pray for it everyday, and I can feel a sense of peace as I'm further removed from them. Whatever you end up doing, make sure you have a medical plan to deal with this bc so you will THRIVE - no morbid thoughts anymore!! They're not necessary at all - the plan for all of us is to beat this and live out our glorious lives!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    MB, I just loved your 'book' and I have reread it several times to find out what is going on in your world. Get a freggin' new computer!! And CB, ahh none of us want to end up like that cutest little gal but errgh. And i am keeping the dream alive for our first get together!! I am looking hard for rentals here on the outer banks-but they want perfect credit (too many drunk kids-like i used to be) have trashed homes as renters; they want landlord references; don't want dogs and want too freaking much $$$$ for their rentals. Then ya have to have perfect credit to get electric and all hooked up. May have to bite the bullet anyway and I am also looking a winter rentals (places that stay empty after the tourists are gone-which is most of the island) bec many of them have utilities included SO i don't need perfect credit for the power company to turn the electric on. Isabella, can one live credit free in the UK-like unfetterd by SS# which has come to dog me my whole life. One click of that number and my entire $hitlist of credit booboos comes up (i really am a good person) and ya just see that look on someone's face and ya know before they open their mouth that the house has JUST been rented already. And Sheila, what a great pix of a black sand beach-man I have never been on a black sand beach-how cool that they even exist!!! SO two options here gals-one (i am holding me breathe bec i don't bel it will actually happen) a couple has tentatively offered me their old farmhouse that is refurbished on 1 and a half acres (outside of Elizabeth City) about an hour from the Banks bec have to drive around so much water to get to it. They have offered me incredible terms on a lease.option-I am trying not to get excited because i haven't even seen it yet except for tons of pix. I plan to drive to see it this week with realtor. OMG, the gardens to plant!!!!!! And the dogwoods to plant!!!! and magnolias!!!!!! And then to refurbish the outside with white colonial slats and window treatments-I am too scared to think of actually getting this place. AND the old house I used to live in in Salt Lake City turned up for rent on Craigs list yesterday-so i called and put in an application (I loved that house-it had its own ghost that was very protective of me) but i LOVED that house-but for the same price a month i could be putting money toward my own farm. I am thinking of maybe having a breeding pair of English Springer Spaniels and having a hobby breeding farm (huge job) for pups to go to good families. Good dogs sell for about $1200 a pup and Springers throw big litters. But I am trying not to get too excited in case it all falls thru-this is one of the old civil war homes that is two storied high and only one room wide with windows taller than a man for ventilation and gorgeous fireplace-oh errrgh-pray for me-the place is really isolated but only like 20 minutes from EC. Oh lordy, I am babbling!!! I have left tons of people out of my chat and so sorry. I need to figure out the right/screen-left/screen thing that CB does to comment on everyone's posts!! ((((BIG KISSES))))) SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010
    Oh HNS, we posted at the same time.And yes, it is the shingles you are feeling and i am so sorry. i have had two rounds since chemo and they have changed for some reason. It is like the pain is just gritting and even noise from the TV hurts. TAKE your meds and get yourself calmed down or asleep!! I a so sorry-my blisters kept popping on my shoulder-but i really have to not touch the ones on my nose and face if they break out. It is an awful disease. One of the monks I tended too had scars (like to the bone) on his back right side from shingles outbreaks and no way to intervene as the monks had no doc. I have never seen it like that on a person. i brought up a clinician and he put him on meds, including antidepressants which some kinds do help with treatment of shingles. And I would love to teach your boy fly fishing and that can be done anywhere!! and yes, the peace part. it is just so important but so elusive for me-why i am dealing with awful bout of IBS and bleeding ulcer right now!! I get too emotional and tend to really stuff feelings! I just wish I could fix it all for you and for everyone. Love you all, SV
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2010

    SV ..I hope you get somewhere away from your father...sounds a nasty piece of work like my parents were to me....My father is dead now 20 yrs ago, and my mother is in an old folks home, nutty as a fruit cake, so I hear, I won't go see her.

    I used to get hidings from my father, very regularly, he was a hardened drinker/trucker. We never saw him all week, he was on the road, but w/ends were sheer terror for us kids. Friday night, Saturday lunchtime, Saturday night, Sunday lunchtime, and quite often Sunday night he was washing drink down, coming home smashing the house up because my stupid mother would goad him. If she had just let him sleep it off we would have had a half decent home.

    Being the eldest of 5 I got the hidings, and looking back it was almost always because I tried to stop the fighting going on. Very rarely a w/end went by without the police turning out to intervene, or the ambulance to cart off my mother, who had a very dramatic streak, so didn't always need the ambulance. The day I got married, 1st time round!, I had a black eye, a bruised face, and a big fat red blood mark across the white of one eye. My father absolutely doted on my sister, I was really jealous of this, she could do no wrong, and never got a hiding. Thing was, she was NOT my fathers child, and he had NO idea. My mother had something going on with one of my fathers drinking partners, and my sister was the result...and I am pretty certain my youngest brother is from the same father, the 2 children stood out as being so different from the rest of us, but my mother only ever admitted to me that my sister was not from my father.

    I had to carry this secret from being 11, manys the time I'd wanted to blast the smug little madam, as she smirked at me when I was in trouble, and she never got a finger laid on her. My father used to pamper her, bring her presents back from his trips, but I don't remember a thing for me. I had a major fallout with my sister (or half sister) a year ago, and in my temper I told her she was only a half caused BIG trouble....but she was shouting away at me, down the 'phone, shouting the odds about my Aunt, telling me to 'LISTEN TO ME, don't say a word', just shouting at me, telling me what to do. Of course I wouldn't just stand there and let her tear a strip off me, so I told her to mind her own business about MY Aunt, as it WAS NOT her Aunt.

    Woah.... there was major trouble on this one, and I really wish I had kept my counsel, but I didn't, and can't go back on what was said. My sister checked it out with my mother, my mother admitted it, and there was hell to pay.....the main of the family sided with her, and now I haven't got much family left that talks to me !!!!!! I don't really care now, It was funny at Christmas, and my B/day....hardly any cards, but, I got over it. I really miss the contact with the nieces and nephews. One of my nephews recently got married, and I found out via Facebook, which  Hurt .Now I am at odds with DH I shall soon have no-one to fall out with....and really I am a real quiet person, just live for my dogs and my farm, never much bother with anyone else, and won't do harm to I am an outlaw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bonnie without a Clyde. Well, at least my DD makes up for the rest of the family with her escapades !!!

    DD has now been  told to get out of her house by SIL....she's gone to live with one of her friends, since I have told her I can't do with her unless its an emergency !! Oh. I got it in the neck for this, she has been really mad at me, she wanted to bring 4 horses here last week, and I said NO again...I really cannot sort out 4 big horses whilst waiting for back and heart surgery...she is perfectly able to travel and sort them out herself, but doesn't want the inconvenience of an hours round trip driving to them. I just hate to say no to my kids, but I also don't want to kill myself, or get mixed up in their upheavals. SIL has put their house, and the garage business up for sale, which is totally out of order, as everything is in joint names, they have another rental property which has a few more months to run, so neither can live in this...what a mess.

    I've just told her to get enough cash out of their joint accounts for herself and the kids for the next 6 months, then freeze the accounts 'til all is sorted out properly, via a solicitor, that will pull up SIL, as he seems to think he has control of all monies, and by kicking DD out of her home, she will come running back as her cash runs out. He is threatening to take back her vehicle, and is constantly on the 'phone to her shouting the day last week he called her 34 times, I listened in to one of his rantings...not nice at all...and just so out of character for him. I think he has just had enough of DD out in nightclubs 'til all hours every w/end....and I agree with him on this ! She is well out of order with this behavior.

    I have rambled enough nice warm bed is calling me...I can hear it calling my name !!


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited August 2010

    SV - I gotta admit, I'm excited about the Elizabeth City house, and I will pray so hard that works out for you. It sounds too cool, and I love the isolation part a LOT. But I'm partial to NC, and old houses, and any unique homes as a realtor. The SLC house also sounds good for you since you loved it so much, so you've got 2 good things buzzing around now. Like you say, I'll try not to get my hopes up - I like to play it cool and then be surprised when something works out. But that doesn't stop me from praying for it! We'll get it all fixed, I know we will!

    Isabella - your father sounds horrid, and your mother sounds manipulative like mine. Ugh! I don't know what it was about that generation that made them beat the hell out of us, but my mother was an insane maniac with a belt from the time I was about 6 years old until about 16. Then she used her mouth - and anything handy - as her weapon. Just vicious. I have found since I quit putting up with my family's crap, they have rejected me, but I'd rather be alone than be the one they kick around for their amusement. I still have a few cousins that know what's what, and my son, and even my ex-husband is feeling remorseful (but no room for him ever again). Is it any wonder they finally broke down our bodies and we got cancer? 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    Sweet ladies, for all of us who survived such awful childhoods-God bless us all!! Oh Isabella, i sent you a PM and i cannot wait for you to get free of the tires around your neck. i am so sorry that you are missing time with family who now is at odds with you, but what courage it took to call out your half sister-and your Mom did the deed and nada aimed at her!! Good Lord, it is no wonder we have cancer. My Mom was bi-polar (untreated to the end) and though I loved her, she was a lunatic. I truly think my Dad is a sociopath-and everyone thinks he is such a charmer-right!! Truly I had stayed away from home for about 45 years once i got to the tweens and got my running feet under me-then i was gone-but unfortunately on major self destruct!! AND I just got an email from the rental agency in Salt Lake and she ran my credit. Bad news is that she says my credit is too poor to rent to me as is, but they would consider me with a co-signer!!! Which I do have-still fear that they will take some young kid who has the right credit because that is just easier. Truly it is my fault-I have just never cared about my credit rating (one of my self destructs) and the medical bills are profound. Everybody get 5 bucks a month as that is all I can do! SO, we will see what happens. I plan to see the little farm for sale on Monday but if i cannot get credit to rent, man I just don't think they (the sellers) will take a chance on me. All i can do is to pray! i have not been getting any sleep-up til about 4am just worrying. I just don't know what to do-I have been working on this very hard for two years in between Mom's death and my cancer!! Good Grief! I love you all and sweet dreams, SV

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,380
    edited August 2010

    ~ Sometimes people get the mistaken notion that spirituality is a separate department of life, the penthouse of existence. But rightly understood, it is a vital awareness that pervades all realms of our being. ~

  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

          I am at my dad's house now.  Got up early this AM and drove here.  If you have never been to Southern OH, you are missing some beautiful scenery and I find it a real shame that I had to get old to appreciate it.  I really like driving when there are practically no other cars on the highway...also I do like driving my little car which is saying a lot, since I pretty much hate driving and always have.  So it's a big delima as to how much I should sink into this car in order to keep it....I think it gets to a point where they are just one thing breaking down after another, but it's paid for and I hate the thought of a car payment and do not think I should be taking on something like that when my future hangs on the results of a scan.  Although I remember about 11 yrs ago when I asked my oncologist if I should buy a new car and he asked why I was asking him and I said Well, I want to know if I am going to live long enough to pay for it and he said well, if you don't, then it won't be your worry, will it?  I guess that is one way of looking at it.  Anyway, even though I was enjoying the scenery this AM, I was just sooooo mad at my husband.  Who came up with the initials DH, anyway?  I know it is supposed to stand for darling right? or is it dear?  Well, in my case it would be disgusting, disshevled, drunk, drugged...I can think of all sorts of other D words.  I am not even sure why he got up this morning because I left at about 7:30 and all he has to do is play with his rubbit's cube.  I watered the flowers that were drying up in the back and side yard last night and I also planted this clematis that I had sitting by the fence to be planted about a month ago since I knew that was the only way it was going to make it into the ground.  Anyway, right when I am getting ready to walk out the front door with a bag of tomatoes I got for my Dad (he grew a bunch of them, but his supply is done for the year and he's been on a kick of making  his own tomato juice so I told him I would get some of the ones they called blemished at the market for him and I did) and Tim says Oh, I forgot to tell you your Dad said if we were coming to Portsmouth, he wanted someone to bring the hedge trimmer and the weed whacker.  I guess I must have given him a look because he said maybe I shouldn't have told you.  I said well, if you hadn't I just would have had to tell him I didn't bring them because you forgot to tell me.  He said they are down by the garage door.  So I said well, I guess I will have to go get them since you are making no effort to get off your stool and instead of getting up and saying I will take them to the car for you,( sometimes when I go to take the compost out that I collect in a bag in the kitchen, he will say I can take that out and I think Well, why didn't you then before it started to ger fruit flies?) he says They are right by the door.  So I said well, I guess I need both hands so I put down the bag of tomatoes and my coffee and went stomping down the steps, got the things and went up the driveway and put the things in my car and since I had already put my purse in there and had my keys in my pocket, just left.  I was on the highway and 15 mins away before I remembered my tomatoes.  Grrrrrrrrrr.  He will probably say to me, I guess you know you forgot the tomatoes for your father.  Well, the only reason I forgot them was because he was too lazy to put the garden machinery in the car for me the way a devoted, dedicated, darling, dear husband would.  This made me think about how I always like to blame things on other when I was a kid and my mother would send me upstairs to get something or do something, if I fell or would trip or something on the way down (as I said when I was telling about my fall earlier, I have always been clumsy) I would cry See, what you made me do!! which my mother would find funny and she would laugh and that would make me all the madder.  Odd how breast cancer is the one thing I do not blame on anything.....I know they always give you a list of predisposing factors and yes, I did used to drink a lot and I did recreational drugs (I was a child of the 60's ya know), I didn't have children, I smoked (Taryton's, I'd rather fight than switch and Virginia Slims, You've come a long way Baby) and I used to fry myself in the sun so it's amazing I don't have skin cancer, BUT I don't think any of those things contributed to me getting breast just happened....I was the one in eight. 

        I feel so bad about you who had a horrible family life and fathers who abused you....I guess I was pretty spoiled and also very fortunate.  "The belt" is only something I read about in stories and my parents really did not believe in corporal (is that the right term for physical) punishment or at least they never used it on us.  I remember we would get spanked when we were little and one time my mother slapped me when I was older for saying the word suck.  We would get grounded or have to do some sort of work around the house that we normally did not have to do as punishment or I remember one time I wasn't allowed to talk on the phone or see any of my friends when we got in trouble together one time, but certainly no beatings.  However, I do have the claim to fame of being the lst girl who was ever paddled at mother was  mortified, but I was sort of proud of it.....was not a women's libber, but I wanted the same punishment as they were giving the boys for being late to study hall and finally they called me to the dean of women's office one day and I got my two licks.  The alternative was copying these pages out of my history book word for word and why did  I want to get stuck doing something like that when I paddling would only take a few seconds. 

       Well, I have to go wash glassware so once these windows are put in, I can put it back on the shelves where it was.  I have not made my mind up if I am going home tonight or tomorrow....since I am still mad that Tim made no move to help me load the car, I may just stay here and go back early in the AM for my dr's appt.  Tomorrow I see my orthopedic guy and find out why my replacement knee has been bothering me....I certainly would hate to have that replaced as I recall it was the worst pain I have ever had.  Maybe they have improved on how they do it, but that PT was torture. 

    So many of you have so much on your plate to deal with....I know I would be totally nuts. 

     SV....If my credit isn't shot for forgetting to pay bills on time this past year, maybe I should get a place with you. Once I am able to get medicare, I can leave my husband.  I have this crazy idea that when (not if) I finally get to the place where there aren't any more treatments, that if I am feeling decent and able to travel I am just going to take off and go places I have never been and I  may just stop by and pay each and every one of your a visit.  Even you, Isabella because getting a new passport is on my list of things to do.  So beware.   


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    Personally, I think we all should throw in on a senior housing home for us trouble makers to live in that we can really love, laugh, eat and pray in....and hopefully not kill each other in the process. Wouldn't that be wonderful-about a half million dollar place on the beach or in the Rocky Mountains to house us woe-be-gones....and it will guarantee a bed for anyone who needs a change of place, scenery, divorce, etc. I mean there are 60 thousand women on this board-if we all sent in five dollars-OMG, the place we could buy!!!! OK now i feel like the Soupy Sales (if anyone remembers him I will fall over and die) snafu when he told all of the "little kid viewers' to go into their parents wallet and send him lots of those 'green papers' they would find there. Well, the kids did just that and he was flooded with money and trouble. I remember him being banned from the air for awhile (I lived in Canada and was going to a french school with a bunch of Canukes who hated Americans!!!!) and that show was my only safe refuge. The school always sent us home for lunch and the Soupy Sales hour was always on and in ENGLISH and i think I was only around 7 or 8 years old when we lived there and I had such a thick southern accent that noone understood me anyway! God it was awful-coldest place on the face of the earth. We would have to plug the cars in at night so the blocks would not freeze. But lord the ice that developed-we lived right on the St. Laurance River in a little town called "La Chein" (the dog.... in English) so wow, what a hopping place it was. And yes, I had to walk two miles to school in weather that would kill a huskey and my MOM and us being from NC had NO idea how to dress me for that kind of winter!!!! So I froze my a$$ off all of the time-ERRGH. AS to the D in DH-I always that it was a very sarcastic "Dear" that if said aloud would curdle milk! And MB, you buy yourself a new car!!!!! yeah, great to have one paid off, but breaking down on the side of the road really blows!! And i am furious at your DH-we should all have out personal wand to zap whomever 'just does not get it.' As to passports, Homeland security, I hear has put passports on the six month minimum waiting list-So if we want to go see Isabella, we need to apply now!!!

    And ladies, the earth has rolled over on its axis. This news has not sunk in at all-My Dad just came down this afternoon and stated that he had decided to help me purchase a home afterall-I am completely stunned and I will believe it when I see it. But it has to be on his terms-in short a new trailor on the side of the road and not a wonderful old antique of a home that I would love. I am still in shock so I just don't even know quiet what to do with this new attitude....I am dumbfounded really and this 'new Dad' has not sunk in and i dare not get my hopes up-but he had paper in hand, Like WOW!! But again, all could change with a scotch in hand tonight. eRRGH-I am babbling and enough for now. Love you all, SV

  • Unknown
    edited August 2010

    OH SV,  I am thrilled for you!!  Miracles DO happen.  I wonder what happened to soften up his hardened heart?!!  Whatever, it is wonderful.  Get a camper instead of a trailer, that way when you want to and are able to take off, just gas up and go.  I think the group housing sounds like a great idea.  Had thoughts of doing that a long time ago....there was a place here a few streets over from my Dad's that would have been perfect, had a HUGE kitchen type family room, that looked out to a pool ( just a small one, but still a pool) and there was a guest house behind it that would sleep at least two.  So I was really talking this up to my friends...said it would be our ladies home and we would have parties that would be the talk of the town.  Of course it never happened, but it was a fun dream.  Property is really cheap here compared to where I live in Cincinnati.  So if you want to pursue that idea, you look for the place and I will chip in, more that $5.00

    By the way, don't die on me, but I do remember Soupy Sales.  And his friend White Fang....rawh, rarwa, agarha, rawah ......I first used to watch him in Michigan when I was at my grandma's.  I watched the emmys last night and they were showing entertainers who had passed away and I guess he just died this year. 

    Have had my shower so am ready to hit the road back home the bag of tomatoes I left on the counter is still sitting there.   Love you all, Marybe

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    hello sistas

    tryin to catch up.SV good luck with your dad.the group house sounds soooooooo good.count me always in for everything.and ill give you more then $5.oo.i too always wanted that.

    im very concerned about this shingle outbreak on this gonna talk to my dr.about the shot.i never want that again.i know it gets you when your immune system is down..well hello all of ours are down.WTF...sleep and drink water...

    as always i love my sistas.God bless.

    anywhere you wanno go ill be there with my chip in money.lets see how many we get


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited August 2010

    Hi all,

    Just to add that the shingles shot is a live vaccine...because of my damaged

    liver, I am not allowed to get it...wish I could

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    damn.i dont get the flu shot because i once got a bad reaction.that changes the picture...the thought of getting shingles again makes me shake all over.

    stress brings the immune system do you get rid of that?????

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    today is world cancer day.i saw it on facebook just now.I PRAY FOR A CURE FOR CANCER.

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited August 2010

    YEAH SV - everything crossed for you!!!!



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2010

    ladies, thank you so much for the support!! But i am being cautious and will believe it when I see it. Of course if he does anything it will be on his terms and not sure i want to go that way. I keep praying but not getting answers and i just don't know anymore. Lots of Love to all, SV

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited August 2010

    SV we are all with you in prayer.know it.and remember we can always get that big house anywhere when we all put our few dollars together.just hang in there.and feel the love.God bless you.all my love


  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2010

    Can you say Earl without thinking Archie Bunker's oil?  Hope you don't need to batten down the hatches SV, good luck to you and all in its path.  Julia

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2010

    SV, I love the idea about a travel trailer, or a 5th wheel. Then you can take to the road whenever you want. Be sure to let us know when we can come visit. I'm raring to go. PLUS I just got a free ticket from Southwest I can use to fly into Raleigh!!

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited August 2010

    SV, I have been watching news coverage of this hurricane, is it likely to affect you?  I hope not. I have family in Louisiana so I keep up on the storms and have been worried about you.  Hope you stay safe and well and pray your dad comes through with the house.  ((HUGS))  Darla

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Oh thank you so much for the 'worries' but believe it or not, the hurricanes generally lose their punch by the time they hit the Outer Banks, We may get really high seas-but truly the last hurricane to do anything to us was Isabel about a decade ago now. Honestly i have not been watching the news and just found out that we had one or two headed our way.Honestly, the toughest storms we get are Nor-easters that come out of Newfoundland and ride the cold currents from the north. We (as a family) have only tried to evacuate twice and the stampede off the island left us stuck on the Manns Harbor Bridge thru the whole storm-like that is the last place i want to be swept away from-a freaking bridge that is stuck bumper to bumper with stopped cars!! So we just stick it out. our house was built to withstand 140 mile an hour winds-we are set up for any outage or disaster with generators, etc. The worst case is a 'tidal washover' where the ocean actually washes over parts of the island into the sound (that happened in Hatteras) with Isabel and the surge was like 30 feet (like the wave crested at that) and put cars in tress, etc. And thanks for prayers and i just so hope my Dad does come thru but i have to be prepared for anything. i just don't trust him. Love you all and Sweet dreams all, SV

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited September 2010

    Good morning sistas

    i just got a email from breast cancer action.its about a petition against eli lilly.did any of you hear or know about it? it seems they manufacture rBGH or rBST an artificial growth hormone given to cows.this pill increases the risk for bc.

    they also manyfacture evista and gemzar for seems like they have us commin and still learing.every day is an eye opener.susan komen was a real shock.i never knew.anyway they are looking for 46,2220 people to sign the petition. hey if this is so there are 75 thousand people on bco.what do you the pros think?????

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited September 2010

    SV, thanks for the update and reassurances - a lot of us have been concerned for you and our east coast sisters.  Stay safe!

    Our big news for the week is a substantial wildfire start that grew to 1000 ac within 24 hrs, just a few miles downwind of us -- this is during our peak fire season, and during the tail end of what had been an opressive heat wave of 100 degree temps here in the mtns - humidity in single digits if you can imagine that....   Out of "the blue" the temps dropped 20 degrees overnight, and the mtns got rain showers.  My place only got clouds, thunder, and lightning, but the fire a few miles away got a good downpour cloudburst.  Within another 48 hrs the fire is now 100% contained, and our temps are back up towards normal, hi 90s for early Sept...  "Providence at work", yes?  I enjoy listening on my emergency scanner to the fire ground command, or air attack or helo pilots as they work - so competent; wildland firefighters are some of our heroes!

    Best to all.  Today I'm canning tomatoes from our garden.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    OPPS, I might have boo-boo'd. I am trying nto to overdramatize nor under dramatize about the weather. We just got hit with an evacuation order bec of Hurricane Earl. Damn, it is a gorgeous day out and...and...I haven't had my coffee yet but when me old Pa says to watch our weather channel-I guess I gotta pay attention. OH I am so not ready for this-mandatory evacuation orders listed for Ocracoke and Hatteras but of course all the tourons being interviewed on the beach say they are going to enjoy today and leave tomorrow. That means that literally 30,000 people will be trying to get off the islands on ONE bridge-for real-Manns Harbor Bridge is it. Other than that, ya have to take a car ferry to get off the islands. The weather channel folks are now interviewing folks in Kitty Hawk (ten miles south of me) which mean we will likely get an order soon (tourists are mandatory) but residents are left to sink or swim. Crap!! Gees, you all know more about the weather than I do!! ERRGH, now I have to hit the store to get the essentials for survival-ice Last was Isabel in 2003 causing 400-million in damage on the Outer Banks. So, hate to drive the drama meter up, but it just doesn't feel like a hurricane is going to happen-but the weather channel people are freaking out....maybe they have had more coffee than me! Anyhoo, likely to hit the island where I live on Thursday. ERRGH! I need coffee! My fingers are not hurting so I am finding it hard to believe that we will get hit.((BIG HURRICANE HUGS)))) SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Oh crap-all my computer links are going down-this is the last gasp of computor power that I have. may be offline for a few days!! XXOOO, SV

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited September 2010

    Yikes, SV! Don't know if you'll see this, but batten down the hatches. No way would I get stuck on that bridge! Yes, I do feel they have a tendency to over-dramatize (it is the news after all, gotta keep us watching), but there's always that SLIGHT chance that their dire predictions may come true. Take care and keep us posted when you can! I never know what the weather is going to do, either. I used to call my mother-in-law when it looked like something was brewing outside because I knew they just watched the weather channel 24/7. She finally said, don't you get the weather channel? Well, sorry I was a busy young mother and the TV was usually on Sesame Street or something! Why can't people just be nice, why the little, unnecessary cutting remarks all the time? Sheesh!

    Lost Creek - those scanners really must be cool to listen to. So glad you had the drop in temps and sudden rainfall! I've read some books about the fire-fighters, they are total, knock-out heroes! 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited September 2010

    Lordy, the island has gone berserk and we are in more danger from the tourists that Earl. I went out this AM to get essentials done like filling tha cars with gas had to wait just to get to a gas pump. People are all in a tizzy and evey store has the weather channel and scanners belching out information. The evacs have become mandatory and we are under a warning last I checked. But getting stuck in traffic as some 30-40 thousand cars try to get across one bridge is like the worst!! Fingers crossed, out little house has withstood some terrible hurricanes and storms-so I was out this morning getting cars gassed up and gas for the genny. I have to admit, it felt very wierd outside-the air just did not feel right and i am surprised bec normally I get 'achey fingers' if we are going to have big weather and nada on the finger front! Just don't know. We have no plans to leave the island bec it is worse trying to fight traffic on the one bridge to the mainland. Mostly, folks get stuck on the bridge and the weather hits and everyone is in cars they cannot get out of! Worst part is that our Sat TV and computer goes down and I am sitting in a dark house looking at the dogs-yipee!! The storm does look huge but who knows. It is the most exciting thing in my life right now so keep you all posted. XXOO, SV

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    Good Luck SV ...THINKING OF YOU.

    Keep them thar doggies safe....never mind your 'old pa'.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2010

    Good Luck SV ...THINKING OF YOU.

    Keep them thar doggies safe....never mind your 'old pa'.
