Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010

    C:\Users\Five\Pictures\finley 2010\digital camera pictures 1223.JPGsorry fo all the deletes. cant get anything but the letters of the image, not the image tried. tho, SV...

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2013

    Kathy - sorry for your loss.  I had to have my 13 y/o cat euthanised 12 years ago (mouth cancer) and I still choke up when I think of her so I understand your grief.  I am facing the same situation with my 11 y/o dog now :(  I have spent US$800 in the past 10 months on operations trying to get rid of the cancer in his mouth, because the vet said it was only locally invasive and he thought he could get clear margins, but it hasn't worked and now it is just wait until he can't eat properly and then the decision will have to be made... I am pretty emotionally fragile still so hope I am strong enough to stay with him at the end.

    Isabella - my stomach is hurting from laughing - the cattle running and the cats!   Hahahahahahhahah ...

    Barbara - Tux and extras! - hope you have an equally gorgeous dress.  You are going to be a beautiful couple on the formal dinner nights!  I love driving too.  Am heading off next Friday to our capital city to pick up one of my twins for the long university holidays - 7 hour journey one way - can't wait.  Have a great weekend!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited November 2010

    Kathy - I'm so sorry about Sherlock! The thing I found from rescuing so many pets is that they KNOW you rescued them and they will forever love you for that. Cats are funny, and don't always show how much they love you, but they do know what you did for them. He was a very lucky cat to have you, especially since he had feline leukemia. He would not have had much of a chance without you. My Rainbow Bridge is going to be pretty crowded, too - LOL. But I've loved each of them so much. My heart is breaking for you, and still for me because it's hard to believe my pretty old girl, Barbie, is gone. She was 18. Boy, you really do miss them, don't you?

    Jackie - what you wrote about these precious animals God has given us to love made me weep again for the ones I've lost. It was beautiful and just so right. Thank you.

    Chrissy - I've never lived in a small town before, but at least you're providing them with entertainment, right? That must be funny. In a big city you're so anonymous that if you run into someone you know, it's almost a miracle.

    Barbara - you are doing it right, girlfriend! One fun thing planned after another! I intend to do just that as soon as I'm through with all this treatment (which is trying to knock me down, but I get up again...they're never gonna keep me down! - Chumbawamba, anyone?)

    Sorry we missed your video, Jackie. I love inspirational things! 

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2013
    heartnsoul -  are you feeling better after a few days of antibugs? Edited to add - did you watch the link Chevvy posted? that gave me a kick in the pants - was definitely inspirational. 
  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited November 2010

    Hi rae! I'm still feeling pretty bad, but I finally see my onco tomorrow. She may change or extend the antibiotics I got yesterday. I'm just so glad I got something Wednesday - I was about to collapse and didn't even realize it. I thought I was exhausted because of the grueling radiation schedule.

    I couldn't see Chevy's link at first. Just now tried it in another browser, and I did see it! It was beautiful! I'm going to try to figure out a way to post that to my Tumblr account so I can see it anytime I need the inspiration - which right now is soooo often!

    I slept as soon as I got home from rads - about 8 hours - so I'm having a heckuva time trying to get to sleep now, but off I go. Must be at rads at 11:30, then my onco at 11:40. HAHA - don't know how I'm going to make that, but they told me just show up as soon as I can get there. 

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2010
    Heartnsoul - thanks for the update.  I too am glad you got something on Wednesday and glad you see the onc tomorrow - she will sort you out!. Sweet dreams.
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2013

    Thanks for the good wishes girls. Chrissy, you leaving for another 3 weeks will certainly be gossip-fodder for the old biddies! Maybe you could pay some young lad to drive you through town on your way there?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2010

    ROTFLMAO Barb, thanks for the suggestion, I never thought of that and it certainly would get the tongues wagging!!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Hey 3jays! I Pm'd you back. Also PM'd my phone number. Call me and we can get together!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010

    Morning friends!  Hey 3jaysmom....Are you trying to copy one on here from your "WEB album?"  You can't do it from your own Picassa program...You have to be online....I just tried it... Once online, & you are typing your post, go to your online on one of your albums, then click on one of the pictures to make it larger...then on copy, then "drop" it here on your R-clicking then hit paste.  And if you are already doing this....never mind...WinkI know you will "get" it, but sometimes it takes me a long time to figure something out!  Hope this helps.

    You all know how much I love pets..."Our furry kids"....I'm so sorry Kathy...There is just nothing we can say to make it easier...Whether they are "lost" or are sick, it still just hurts our hearts, & the only thing is we have to "wait" until the hurt isn't so bad.  When we lost "Chevyboy" I thought my heart was broken....and it was, but you see, I keep his memory always with me, so he "knows' he is still with us.   I remember coming back from the Vets, & seeing all his toys & dishes there....Cry

    Isabella....You just find a way to keep us all smiling, don't you!  Even when we aren't doing well at all, we can read what you say, & "lose ourselves" for a minute....Thanks for that!  I hope we make you smile also! 


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited November 2010

    Chevy, the picture reminds me of a plaque a a friend from china gave me. Roughly translated it says "How wonderful that people so different can be such good friends."

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2010

    Kathy, I am so sorry about your cat. We do love our fur babies. {{ }} Aquaphor worked ok, but I found Miaderm, ordered & shipped via internet and it was much more soothing. Once I got the emu oil, I used that with very good success. (made DH drive the hour to the health food store). I ended up using the emu oil several times a day, plus miaderm in between; and because I could, I went topless a lot. Not a pretty sight, but the air helped heal. Toward the end, the doc gave me a prescript for an industrial-strength Miaderm-type lotion, called Biafine, which helped too. Docs are quite pleased with my healing in that respect. Be prepared for fatigue - it hits some of us harder than others. My fatigue lasted awhile, but seems much better now.

    GD, rads wasn't all that bad. For me it improved my odds by more than 20%, so was worth the "hassle." Glad you're thinking about it.

    H&S, I hope your antibiotics work!! {{ }} I'm thinking of you!

    BarbA, so sorry to hear about the mastitis - I hope you're better, and not too painful. Ouch! And the horse pills, ugh. Even cut in half, I sometimes coat them in jelly - like strawberry jam or somesuch - before swallowing. Hearing about your endorphin-plans is inspirational, and I am taking your cue and scheduling fun things for our family. New clothes sound good - and for those of us who wear cotton, this is the year to buy buy buy. Prices for cotton goods will skyrocket after the holiday season. I'm taking Isabella's cue there and buying stuff in threes!

    Isabella, you should have a column in the daily paper! You'd have plenty of regular readers!

    GD, hope Eddie's feeling better, and you are calmed down.

    ChrissyB, have a great time, and let the gossip fly! I live in a town of 1,000. Rumors are what we live on. Hah! Barb had a great idea!

    Best to ALL!! Healing thoughts and happy days.

  • pennypk
    pennypk Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2010

    Good Morning Ladies, I have appreciated all of your replies & comments.  Seems my decision is on hold, so far medicare deems a prophylactic mastectomy on me elective surgery and will not pay.  If I go that way, I will have to negotiate all the different avenues to get approval. Sorry about the cats, I still miss my own and look for her.  When I was first diagnosed, because of the size and type of cancer, the drs did not give me a choice, it was a mastectomy. The type I had did not show up on mammograms and I already had four lymph nodes show up on the petscan as cancerous. I still shudder at the thoughts of an 8 hour surgery for reconstuction & reduction!  I had 4 treatment of chemo 2 weeks apart before the surgery.  By the time I had surgery, the dr could no longer feel the lump.  (Oh yeah, until I stopped the hormones, no one could feel a lump.) Biopsy showed no cancer, all dead. Still had another 4 rounds of chemo and radiation.I feel lucky to have done so well.  I read your comments and know others understand my feelings.  It seems friends & family consider you well and no longer want to hear it.  Especially when you were always the one that handled everything and now instead of multitasking, I have trouble just tasking.  No one told me, I would develop attention deficit and lose all concentration.  I hope for improvement when I no longer take Arimidex! Take care all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010

    Hi know, I kind of THOUGHT any insurance would see it as elective surgery instead of something needed.   I know they will cover the cancer breast, but I always wondered if insurance companies paid for both, if one is not cancerous...Or if it has not spread to any nodes? I do know that women DO elect to have both breasts removed, like Christina Applegate...but she could afford it. 

    Yeah, I know about friends & family...and them thinking you are all done with.  It's just your friends who have had cancer themselves, like us, that seem to understand!    When you bring it up to them, they kind of look at you like "Oh that's right, you DID have cancer."  But in our minds, it is always there.  Even when we are "cancer-free".....

    Just hang in there....We're always here, for you! xoxoxoxo

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited November 2010

    Hi Girlfriends, Haven't been around in a while. Missed you.

    Took a trip to Tucson, AZ and got ear and sinus infections in return. But my sister and I went for a family memorial service and it was very emotional. She and I enjoyed the time together very much. It's nice to have a sister. Wish we could spend more good quality time like that together.

    Apparently, I don't do air travel well. There was a 3 hour time difference and it took me over a week to recover. The best part was getting to visit with my aunt. she's a rock. And it was really good to see a side of the family that are all well adjusted and get along with each other.

    But I'm home now, with my dysfunctional group of family. We mostly get along with each other but there are issues where my mother gets involved, and my brother. But me and DH and our kids do good together. thank goodness that!!! Just sux being out of work and our economy being so tough right now. We'll get through it, I get so tired of it. But I'll be accepted to Medicare in Feb. and I'm hoping I can get some things fixed when that kicks in.

    Hey to all those I usually chat with, and hello to any new ladies. Welcome to the club.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited November 2010


    I woke up today feeling good! No pain pills, no shooting pains, still have weird feeling on the back of my hands and feet but that is a vast improvement.  My back pain doesnt seem to go away bit I am used to that. I have round two of Taxol on Monday and hope I can avoid the newlasta this time.

    I just wanted to let you all know I feel good today.  Isn't it super as you are coming awake to know you feel good, what a wonderful feeling.


  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2010

    Ginger - 'one day at a time and appreciate a good one when it comes' is my motto - glad you are having a good one!

    pennyk - my prophylactic mx was paid for by insurance and they accepted it because my cancer was Lobular (has three times the chance of occurring in the other breast) and because my surgeon was in my corner and told them that he deemed it necessary for my emotional recovery.  My DH was right behind me too and said we would find the money if we had to as it would aid his emotional recovery!!  What a man!

    Hey everyone myspace graphic comments

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2010 nice to see you back here again, how are things with you ?

    It is our Bonfire Night tonight...and its like Baghdad outside. It's 11pm, and still the explosions are thumping away, it has been like an air raid since about 6pm. ( Short history. In 1605 Guy Fawkes and his mates tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament, in London. They were caught, and I can't remember if they were hanged, or burnt alive....but we commemorate this event every Nov 5th by burning an effigy of GF on bonfires throughout UK.) It used to be a really good kids event, nearly every house had their own bonfire, and a box of fireworks, quite tame stuff, now there are massive, really massive, communal fires, lots of expensive fireworks, and almighty 'bangers' Any other time it would sound like a house was being blown up with a gas explosion, but its just the norm tonight, and will go on another couple of hours before the 'big' kids have finished.

    Luckily I am 2 miles away from the village, so my animals aren't too upset. I have turned up the radio in the kennels, to 'quite loud' to distract the dogs that are in there. I have 3 dogs here just for the night, they are frightened to death by fireworks, so get shipped out to me each Nov 5th,.away from the racket., where they cannot get loose, and run quite a few do. Usually horror stories in the paper tomorrow about dogs and cats that were spooked, and ran away.

    My cats all came out of hiding by this morning, non the worse for the experience. Threequarters of them will not let me touch them, don't know why, I can only really stroke 4 tomcats and one she cat, the rest are half wild. I try each year with the kittens, but they just do not like me to bother them at all....just want their bellies filling ! Good thing in a way, as they run for cover each time I get my car out, or a car comes into the farmyard, so they don't get run over.

    I've been having a new back and front door fitted over this last few days....really just an excuse to get a change of lock, without making it too obvious. I sort of needed new doors, but I would have waited until next summer, but this way DH cannot just walk in and out as he feels like, as his keys don't fit anymore. ! There is an almighty mess to clean up now, as neither door was easy to do. The doors must have been there over 100 years as far as I can work out, and a lot of wall came tumbling down with the new refit. The dust is everywhere. I have a cleaner coming in in the morning to do a thorough clean of downstairs...I shall never do it myself.....but, I got what I was aiming for, doors that keep out anyone who hasn't the correct key. There are 2 more old doors in and out of the house, but they have massive old bolts on the inside, which are always firmly on.

    Wow, just had a massive bang, I 'felt' the vibration thru' my feet on the floor.

    Someone was mentioning Fort Lauderdale, was it you Barbara ? I had a really good holiday there, and in Fort Myers, just loved it. I was over for just over 2 weeks...but it was about 25 years ago !!! I couldn't believe the constant sunshine, it was great to get up each day, and know it would be good weather, we certainly can't do that here. We have had rain just about all of this week, and more to come over w/end and well into next week.

    I decided to get my log burning stove going today, the weather certainly isn't going to get any better....but when I opened it I had forgotten the inside of the thing needed replacing. I got the full set of fire bricks last year, and never fitted them. What a performance. I looked like a chimney sweep whan I had finished. I spent what must have been an hour fitting the new bricks, after I had worked out how they interlocked, then the ********** glass door on the front fell into the interior. just after I had got it lit, so I had to let it go cold, and will have to sort out the door in the morning. There was I with visions of my log fire roaring away tonight !!

    Bed time right now.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2010

    Happy Friday everyone!  (Well, by the time this gets posted it'll be Saturday, so happy that too.)  Thank you all for the kindest words about Sherlock. 

    HeartnSoul, I know you're still grieving for Barbie and I so appreciate you reaching out to me. 

    LC and Chevyboy, thank you.  Oh, LC, I'll look into the miaderm, too--getting really red around here!  Chevy, that is a precious picture.  You know, we're a great group of women here--just look at how we all love our fur babies and reach out to those who lose them or are in that painful process! 

    Rae, I'm so sorry about your dear dog.  Even when you know you've done everything you can, it's still hard.  I didn't go with Sherlock.  I should have, but I kept my rads appt instead and DH took him.  I, strong person that I try to be, just lay there and cried all through my treatment.  Guess I was a wimp about it, but with all this cancer thing I just could not do it this time, and DH said Sherlock was not aware, in fact was almost comatose, at the time.  Sherlock was Ed's cat too and he knew it, so  it was all right and I know it was the best thing for everybody.  

    I'm doing well now, still grieving, but we know that is a process we must endure.  Our dog will not leave my side and I know he senses that things are not as they were.  Could be because there's no cat food out for him to snitch, too!   Dogs just love cat food, for some reason.

    Ginger!  So glad you got up feeling great!  And Connie, glad to get to know you--I'm one of the newer ones who didn't want to be here, but here I am!

    Isabella--I LOVE your posts.  You have such a gift for writing I can just see the scenes you paint with your words.  Good going with the new doors.  Anything to keep DH and MIL's killer dog away from YOU!!

    Grannydukes--how's Eddie Jr.?  Hope he got home okay and is doing well.  Thinking of you and hoping to hear soon.

    SV-- was this the weekend for Okracoke?  If so, I'm looking forward to the pictures.

    Good night, all--packing it in for today.


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2010

    hi to all my sistas,thanks for posting your prayers daily.i love you.thank GOD he is alive.i missed the worst son tried to protect me telling me not to go but my gs girlfriend put detail by detail and picture by picture on facebook.i wanna kill a mess.emotionally.not eating,not moving around much.i know thats no good.changed my mind about the rads again.20% at 70 yrs old.are you kidding me.5 days a week for 6 weeks.i dont think so.

    im ranting.sorry.i read all your post.thank you.for all my sistas that are suffering im sending you an extra gentle hugggggggggggg.wishing each and everyone of you pain free days.we are gonna beath this sucker.luv ya


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010

    KANTALOPE!!!!!!  Man, I'm so sorry!  But you know, after he gets a lot better, if he is still with his "girlfriend"...maybe he will look back on this, & after seeing the pictures...(that little #$%^&) ,  he will just thank God, that he made it...It might not bother him as much as it is you....

    About the rads....kiddo, I'm 73, & I know a lot older women go through this....I had an easy time, but I understand about you not wanting ANYmore to do with this.  5 days a week?  Can't they offer you anything else?  Like Tamoxifen or something?  Maybe Margarita's?  I hate face-book.  I just think it gets people into trouble.... xoxoxoxoxo

  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

      Greetings from Weston Florida.  Here is a pic of BarbA and me.  We had lunch with 3Jaysmom, (Cherie) but that pic will have to come later.  This one is from Barb's phone.  

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2010


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    so nice to have a phone which sends pix, I do not have one...

    love seeing the group

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2010

    Love the pix! Good for you gals!!! {{  }} Thanks for sharing. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2010

    Marybe and Barbara---you gals are gorgeous!!  So glad you had a good time!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010
    yes, ladies, its' me thats' missing from that picture lol.. we had a lovely visit, i'm so blessed that i read barbs' post yesterday, and could meet them.. and a good time was had by all. dh drove me, but sat in the car, till we let him come in and take pics for us!! told him it was a girls only day lol tired, and very happy to meet some of you. more in the future, i hope..   light and love, 3jays
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    OK gals! Here is the sunset from the condo where we are readying our salmon/red snapper/etc dinner. ANYONE WHO CAN GET TO THE OBX Dec 2-6 you MUST come. What a great time gabbing w/the girls!! And can we cook or what??

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2010

    What a great photo Barbara and MB - you look so comfortable with eachother - who would guess that you are such new friends? Mmmmm... dinner sounds delicious!

    GD - You must be very upset seeing your special DGS so terribly injured but you worrying too much is not going to help either of you. Changing decisions about your treatment now when you are so emotionally upset is not a good idea either IMHO.  I presume you made the decision to have rads after you had considered all the pros and cons and had decided that it was the way to go forward so have any of the factors you considered altered? or are you just feeling tired from all the worry about your DGS and the thought of rads 5 days a week for 6 weeks is just to hard at the moment.  Granny, you have been through so much and fought so hard to get the best treatment to rid yourself of this cancer - please don't stop now. Your family needs you around, we need you around.  Take a few days to get your emotions sorted out and then think the whole rads treatment through again just to make sure you are really making a decision you can live with long term.


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2010

    thanks Rae.but ive been back and forth before the accident.yes im in an emotional state right now and every minute i change my mind but i dont really want to do the fact id rather do the rads then the meds.this fight is just sooooo hard.sometimes i wonder how the young girls can do it.damn it just makes me sick...

    its been such a rocky road and im soooo goin to church tomorrow,perhaps ill feel better after that.ill be prayin for all of us.this bc sure is a pain in the you know what.

    sorry to ramble.hugggggggggggggs to everyone.God bless all of you

    luv ya Rae
