Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2010

    Ladies - I lost a dear friend over my dx and I was feeling very lonely and untrusting of people when I joined these boards.  My heart is filled to overflowing seeing the love you have for eachother on this thread and I feel it coming all the way over here for me too - thank you. 

    GD - you are an inspiration to me - your determination to triumph over whatever comes your way is wonderful to see. I hope you feel better now that you are finally going to see your DGS.

    BarbaraA - I second that Yell!  Murphy's law it would be the disliked radonc that picked it up eh? Dang, breasts are such a liability aren't they?  Hope the mastitis settles quickly.

    I too pack by laying everything out on a bed and then shoving it in the suitcase at the last minute - sometimes it really is a shove too - always take way more than I need.

    lassie - touring the UK - hope you are having a great time.  Where have you been and where are you going?  Are you on a bus or just doing it by yourself?

    Happy days everyone

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Rae here are some big Floridian {{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for you in beautiful New Zealand. That is another one of my bucket list items (NZ and AUS). I will PM you when I get that trip arranged. Whew, this getting cancer stuff really has made me rearrange my priorities. Lassie - lucky you!! The UK is also on the BL.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    GD..sending huge hugs from me....

    It  is 95 degrees here today...

    Here is a view of our Balboa Park...I went to the zoo today after my GYN consult...OK except for

    urethreal caruncle...that is from getting old....

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2010

    Lisa ...95...phew. It was a high of  46 for us here.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    Chrissy, I did but then I found out how many clothes I really have cause i filled up the whole floor-there is no way to defeat chemo brain. And am really sad and sick at heart. Just got a call from the hubby of my best friend in Utah. She just came out of surgery (second time) for ovarian cancer and they could not get it all. She was only in remission after a very hard year of surgery and chemo for like three months. My heart is just breaking.I hate this disease!! Oh man, when I had posted only chrissy was on there so i missed everybody else's stuff. iam so sorry and yeah Aussie land and the UK again on my bucket list and NZ. Rai, glad you are here!! XXOO SV

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2010

    hi everyone...i didnt go to the son told me NO. im glad because my GS is comin home tomorrow.THANK GOD. all tests were negative.he lost no limbs and he is lucky to be alive.he was laying on a very active hwy(BQE) for over 2 hrs.THANKS FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS.I am soooooooo blessed in sooooo many ways.

    I am sorry i have been so self involved with my GS that i have not really read much posts.TO ALL MY SISTAS I WISH YOU PAIN FREE DAYS. and yes we will win this war.YES WE WILL. I swear this accident made me stronger.I am even givin the rads some where did that come form?????

    hugggggggggs to everyon..still prayin for each and everyone of you.remember friday is world cancer day.....ill be prayin again all day...gosh thats all im doin lately...i better go to see my sistas in Dec.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited November 2010

    Thank goodness I didn't have to go see my MO today, too, since I'm already doing the rads everyday now. She called in some Zithromax - hope that does it. I have a feeling I may need a 2nd round, though. You gals are SOOOOO right about me calling the doctor. I totally forget about how serious something I have could be and just keep doing OTC stuff. Thank you for the wake-up call there! Sometimes I don't know where my brain has wandered off to!

    Rae - I don't know what it is with friends who leave us when we get this dx. It's so sad, it makes you question everything about your friendship. But I think really there is just something wrong with them and nothing we can do to change it. Sorry about your friend; I know how you feel.

    SV - so sorry about your friend, too. It makes your heart sink - I hate this disease.

    GD - glad to hear your GS is coming home tomorrow. I can't believe he laid on the highway for 2 hours!

    Barbara - hope your boobie heals quickly. It seems doctors will never let you leave them - even vets play that game. Watch him say, "Come back in 6 months for a checkup!" I want to get on the annual visit thing! I guess it will eventually slow down to that.

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2010

    heartnsoul - phew, I can relax a bit now that you have some antibugs.  Here's hoping it knocks em bad bugs dead!  If you don't start to pick up soon though get in touch with the doctor again.  Sometimes you need a couple of different antibugs before it totally gets cleared away.

    SV - sorry for your friend's cancer and :( for you.  It is almost worse to see someone you love struggling with illness than to be dealing with it yourself at times I think.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2010

    SV, you made me laugh when I read about the amount of clothes you say you have, but then I cried to hear about your friend.  I'm sending you a warm gentle (((HUG))) and saying a prayer for your friend.

    GD, good to hear that your GS will be home tomorrow and that all will be well with him.

    Rae, you have more friends on this forum than even you know.  We are closer sometimes than even family as we share a common enemy and an enemy that not everyone can get mentally or emotionally.  We're here for you always.

    Barb, shame about having to see that RO again but hope the boob gets better soon.

    Heartandsoul, hope you begin to feel sooo much better soon.

    To those I haven't answered individually, I love you too and I hope you all have a great day!!!

    Love n hugs. chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Isabella, 46?  Brrrrrrr!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Well folks, I was so freaked out by the 'mastitis' and having to see that little twerp yet AGAIN in 2 weeks that I didn't tell you the rest of the stuff he wants me to do. Before I even left to go see him, the med onc's office called and told me my potassium is low?? So they call in an Rx for these horse pills (3) that I take once a day. Off I go to the twerp. He tells me about the mastitis then I show him a scabby area on the underside of my boob that showed up after 4 days into rads. This has stayed excactly the same since then. So now he wants me to see a dermatologist. then I complained (AGAIN) about my dry raspy throat which also showed up 2-4 days into rads and has not changed. So now he wants me to go get my vocals cords scoped by an ENT.

    Great! I went to this appointment hoping to downsize by one doctor and I end up with two MORE!!!!

    I am really not in any hurry to deal with these but I'll do it when I get around to maybe after my cruise.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010

    Morning all!  Kantalope!  I'm just happy your Grandson is coming home!  Sounds like he will be fine, just a lot of mending!   And Rads?  Good for you!  I KNOW they are easier than chemo.  And it's just another "tool" they have in fighting this stuff!  The Radiologists "program"  your rounds of radiation, & you only get it where it is most needed.  So I'm glad you are thinking about it!

    SV...sorry about your friend...but maybe she will have treatments even for this!  

    Barbara...okay, we're all settled in front of "our fire"....Ha!  Neat picture!  My Daughter sent me a CD of different fireplaces burning, as a screen saver...but I'd have to sit & look at forever!  .It even had sound!  In fact, I just hit "save as' & I'll use yours as a "desk-top!"  Wink

    Have a better morning gals! xoxoxoxoo

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited November 2010
    Barbara - I just want to run away from all the doctors, I really do. It's like a vicious cycle - it seems there are always side effects that have to be dealt with. Of course, anything is better than cancer, so we have to do it, but the treatments are certainly tough! I had to take those humongous potassium horse pills, too. One of the SEs for me of the taxotere was that it would make my lungs (or lung - I don't know) retain fluid, so I had to take a diuretic (teeny, tiny pill) plus a potassium (OMG) everyday after the 3rd and 4th treatment. That potassium pill took a lot of psyching myself up before I could get that sucker down.
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    HnS, I gag BAD on that one so I cut it in half and swallow it twice. Still gag but can get it down.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited November 2010

    Haha, that reminds me - have you ever tried to swallow a garlic clove like Dr. Weil recommends? I tried it ONCE - that dumb thing got stuck in my throat (no enteric coating on those, huh, but it looked the right size). What a brilliant idea that was! I had to finally wash it down with peanut butter on bread. So the next one I tried chopping up and mixing in with our dinner. EVERYTHING tasted like garlic the rest of the night. So the heck with that, now I take garlic pills and I hate to take pills, but this just wasn't worth the suffering.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,425
    edited November 2010

    No quote right now......I hope all will be able to open this.  It blew me away. 

    So many times it's not what you say, but how you say it that turns the switch from "off" to "on".

    This 3 minute movie and the message is guaranteed to turn the switch "on" for you. How do I know? Just ask the hundreds of people who wrote letters and emails to us about the way this three minute movie inspired them to be the best that they can be!

    So prepare to be inspired. Just click here to watch.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010

    Jackie, it didn't come through...was it this one? xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,425
    edited November 2010

    Probably no one got to see that.  Very strange as it said --- please share this, and every time I hit the click here in the original email which I copied and pasted here it worked.  I don't know what happened.

    Very sorry was very wonderful, but not meant to be I guess.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2010

    Wow, I only missed one day logging in here and we've got so many posts.  Hope I don't miss anybody's!

    GD, first, I'm so happy your GS' s getting to go home!  He'll no doubt heal more quickly there and I think it'll be easier on you to see him out of the hospital environment.  Thinking about rads now?  I have 10 more to go, and although it's not the most pleasant thing I've ever done, I do think of it as additional insurance, I guess.  I just lie there on the table and think "die, you little bastards, die!"  To any cells that escaped, that is. 

    chrissyb---good to see you!

    SV---so very sorry about your friend with the ovarian cancer.  I hate this cancer!!!  For all of us and for all those we know who are touched by it in any way!

    Barbara--Hate to hear about the mastitis.  Your rad onc and mine may be related, as they sound a lot alike.  I've taken those potassium pills in the past and had to do the same thing you're doing. to get them down.  They are HUGE.  Don't be surprised if the next time they check your potassium level they tell you to get off them.

    HnS---Good for you on the antibiotics!  Hope they help quickly, too.  

    It's been the best of times and the worst of times these past 2 days.  Yesterday we went to Greensboro to a mini concert (turned out to be a bit over an hour) and a book signing by Peter Yarrow at UNCG.  That was something we did for me, and I've been a fan for 49 years so it was indeed a good thing and I loved seeing him and getting some books signed.  We knew our cat Sherlock was not his perky self,  but our daughter spent the night here to look after him and our dog while we were gone overnight.   Well, this afternoon Sherlock was put to sleep (such a euphanism).  He was 14 years old and had been a carrier of feline leukemia for almost his entire life, hence he stayed inside always and was never around other cats.  The vet said he could take extreme measures and put him on a feeding tube, etc, but I didn't want to do that since it was obvious the feline leukemia had at last caught up with him and that wouldn't have been (I didn't think) what Sherlock would want.  So, he's now the fifth one in the pet cemetery down in the backyard, 2 dogs, now 3 cats.  Sherlock was never a very loving cat, not sociable at all, not even a very likable cat, he was just his own cat.  So why can't I stop crying about him?  It'll get better, I know, it's just now, tonight.

    Hope everyone had a better day! 



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2010

    Hi all....I am on a high tonight, have just sat and watched Scissor Sisters for an hour and a half at FULL volume.I am able to do this now , no-one to tell me to 'turn that racket down'  !!!! I just am a great big fan of the Scissor Sisters. Another 'high' coming up this weekend ....a big motor race ...Brazilian Grand Prix. I shall spend a couple of hours on Saturday watching the practice, and 3 hours drinking in the race on Sunday. only one more race in this years series to go this season, then I shall be watching motorbike racing on a w/end. Its so nice to be able to not feel guilty doing what I like....I hated to have to record all the races to watch late at night (then fall asleep and miss half of it ) because DH wasn't interested in cars, and always seemed to find a job that needed 2 people whenever he saw a race was coming up.

    GD How is your G/son...what did he look like ? Hope he's back home now and starting to mend.

    Barbara... had to laugh at your lengthening list of gets to be a way of life. Never mind your cruise will be coming up soon, how's the shopping going ?? Where do you sail from?

    Nothing much going on at my house today, apart from my next door neighbours cows coming thundering past my farmyard, upsetting all my animals. He was trying to round them up with a big yellow digger ( stupid man ) no wonder they were stampedeing. I just hope they've not taken any lumps of my fencing with them. It was just getting dark, raining cats and dogs, and out of the gloom thundered about 100 cattle, closely followed by a yellow digger. I mean, the man has a riding stables, surely it would have been easier to send out half a dozen girls on horses to round them up....but he is, like most men. a creature of lastminute doings. I don't even know if he managed to catch up with them, it got dark so quick..... they could have thundered on past and kept on going 'til they fell in the sea, about 70 miles away for all I know !!! I was just glad my G/daughter wasn't with me . She would have been scared out of her wits at the sudden thundering and roaring going on.

    My cats were just a laugh, they were just sat minding their own business waiting for their tea to arrive, when all this happened, all absolutely peaceful, and they, as one, SHOT across the farmyard, throwing themselves wherever they could to get out of the way. I was laughing to myself all evening thinking about them.There are usually about 18/19 cats outside, and all come up for their tea around dusk. They just sit quietly washing themselves on my doorstep, 'til I come out with food, but tonight ... POW. ZAP. KABOOM ..they might never again come up for some food ...he he he. Knowing my lot they will all be sat waiting for me at just after 9 in the morning !!!!!  I put dried biscuit out for them after the event, but not one of them had ventured out from their hiding places about an hour afterwards, and I am NOT going to look for them in this rain.... their bellies will win, and the food will be gone in the morning !!! I have never ever seen cats running for their lives en masse. I know I shouldn't laugh, but to be truthful I wet myself just to stand there and see them almost fly, legs everywhere, tails all fluffed up !!

    Woa, only the strongest might have survived this ordeal, and I might be left with just 2 cats sat there in the morning, so I had better stop laughing  ((((hehehe)))) That was me laughing ever so quietly behind my chair.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2010

    Sorry, Kathy, didn't mean to be insensitive about cats, we were posting at the same time.

    Sorry about Sherlock. Why were you crying??? Because we all think so much about these little people.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,425
    edited November 2010

    Kathy, I am so sorry about Sherlock.  I have many cats here --- each with their own unique ( and a couple of them are not too loving ) personality.  I love both dogs and cats, but as they say, dogs have owners, cats have staff.

    They steal into your heart many times when you think it may not really be possible.  They are often stand-offish, picky, and seem never to forget if they feel you may have wronged them in some way --- turning their nose up at you for a day or two at a time.  Yet, they are warm and even though they won't always let you see it, they do love and need you --- if they will forget their natural pride for just a bit.  Maybe some like us just are not just sure of how they should go about loving those whom they live with and just hope you know without their having to say. 

    You already know that it takes time and that time becomes however long it takes.  A day, a week, a month.  Sherlock had a warm, loving caring home and person, even if he never quite learned how to show appreciation.  You helped him keep his dignity -- which all cats have.  You were his treasure.  I'll be hoping as the days go by you are able to accept that he needed to go where all our loved animals go........we get to see them again. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    {{{{KATHY}}}}} my gentle hugs are coming at you for Sherlock. Our fur babies are family.

    Oh Isabella, I roared with laughter when I pictured your crazy neighbor driving the backhoe around terrorizing not only his cattle but your poor kitties. No worries, they will be waiting for their kibble in the morning.

    The cruise is Jan. 22-28. We go from San Juan to Virgin Gorda, Antigua, St Bartts, Bequia (In the Grenadines), St Lucia then Barbados.

    Took DH shopping for a cashmere sport jacket (for casual night dinners), made him put on his ancient and moth-eaten tuxedo and deemed that with a new cummerbund, tie, shirt and vest, he will look HOT!!! Went to Macy's and got him a couple new Tommy Bahama shirts and a pair of swimming trunks. He has acceptable shorts and khakis for casual wear.

    On my way to Miami in the AM to see my maid of honor and her new beau tomorrow night then Saturday AM, off to Ft Lauderdale to hook up with Marybe and her girlfriends. Can't wait!! ROAD TRIP!! I do love driving, which is good because it is about 3-1/2 to 4 hours. Got the radar detector at the ready!

    I will be taking lots of pix of the henfest!! And will be taking some more of the next henfest on the Outer Banks. There are six bedrooms (most have more than one bed in them), seven bathrooms so anyone who wants a fun weekend of gabfesting in front of the fireplace or sitting in the hottub and telling lies, come on!! Plenty of room and we are 4-wheeling it to the northern OBX where there are no roads and the wild horses roam free. Lots of photo ops and we will be eating as we 'older' women should: a lot and CHOCOLATE!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2010

    Kathy, I'm so sorry about your Sherlock but you have done the kindest thing for him.  I understand the tears as I do the same thing and we do it because we love them.

    Isabella, the word pictures you paint are truly amazing and don't worry about only a couple turning up for breakfast, I'll guarantee you will have many faces looking up at you waiting for food in the morning.  Cats know when they are on to a good

    Barbara, your cruise sounds great make sure you make the most of it and relax, relax, relax.

      My older sister is heading over to LA in a couple of weeks and she, with a few others, will be cruising down to Mexico.  She is really quite excited about it.  I'll be house and animal sitting for her while she's away. My poor DH will think I don't love him anymore.  We were chatting last night and I think I told you all that I've been away for a month house sitting for my younger sister on Kangaroo Island? any way, he was telling me that there was a rumour going around town that he had got rid of me because I was sick............I ROTFLMAO.......It was started obviously because I hadn't been seen in the town.  The population total is 1500 and it's qite a sleepy place so I guess people have to get there jollies by making up stories! I wonder what they are going to think up when I'm gone for another three weeks?

    Have a good day girls!

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2010

    Oh, dear friends, you are all so kind.  Your words and wishes, Jackie, chrissyb, and Barbara, mean so much to me and they help!  I made a typo in the first post--Sherlock was 17 years old, not 14, and he did indeed have a good life, great actually, by cat standards!  He almost took the cat prize for longevity, but my Boris lived to be 19.  (Actually, Sherlock was a gift from my husband and kids because he looked just like Boris.)  Anyhow, that rainbow bridge thing is getting pretty crowded on our part of it now, but that's okay--I do believe we'll see them again, too.

    And Isabella, don't apologize about being insensitive to cats!!  I just read your post about yours and it was hilarious!! I needed a laugh, and I sure got one from that!  Thanks!!!

    Hugs to all.  Just did the aquaphor thing and now give new meaning to the word scarlet.  Never thought I'd use it to describe a breast, though!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010
    will catch up later; wanted to tell Bab A.. im 1/2 hr. from Miami; next time youre down here, call me love to meet you. see pm i send you!!
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010
    C:\Users\Five\Pictures\finley 2010\digital camera pictures 1223.JPGC:\Users\Five\Pictures\finley 2010\digital camera pictures 1223.JPG
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010

    C:\Users\Five\Pictures\finley 2010\digital camera pictures 1223.JPG

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010

    C:\Users\Five\PictC:\Users\Five\Pictures\finley 2010\digital camera pictures 1223.JPGures\finley 2010\digital camerC:\Users\Five\Pictures\finley 2010\digital camera pictures 1223.JPGa pictures 1223.JPG

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010
    have been trying to send pics from picassa no luck, what is image url? thanks 3jays close, yet so far away!!