Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010

    Hello again....A friend just sent me this...hope you like it!

    Subject: Fw: [BetaSigmaPhi] Phila Eagles Alumni Cheerleaders do dance for Cancer

      Please Watch " Phila Eagles Alumni Cheerleaders do dance for Cancer"/ GREAT VIDEO enjoy and donate by watching this. PASS it ON!

    Hi Everyone,

    A good friend of mine forwarded this. Her neighbor is a former cheerleader

    for the Philadelphia Eagles (for those outside of the US, that is one of our

    American professional football teams). About 136 former cheerleaders got

    together to do a dance routine to benefit "Susan G. Komen for the Cure"

    (Breast Cancer). Each time someone views the video, United Healthcare will

    make a $.10 donation to the Komen organization. Their goal is to get a

    million hits, which will lead to $100K raised.

    Please can you take a moment to watch the video - and, just as important,

    pass this link onto your network of friends, family and colleagues? It

    benefits a very important cause!

    Thanks for helping!       (  __._,_.___

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010
    well, it was short lived. must have been Barbs help, cause i can't do it again.. but will keep trying. i need to learn how to use mult. windows, i think that's my problem.. another day.. Chevy Boy, i'm soo..glad you posted your picture w/DH. i've been collecting them, so i have an idea how every looks IRL lol back to the drawing board w/ pics 2mmorrow. i'm just so grateful i can get HERE and get your support...
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010
    you'll laugh,guys...DH got home, and wanted to see my progress..says it looks like " uncle Fester from the enjoy!
  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2013
    3jays - the outside is just packaging - the inside is what counts and we know yours shines brightly - that's what I see in the photo anyway.  Thanks for sharing. And I did lol at your DH's comment! 
  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2010

    Chevy...i watched the video.nice.real nice.

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2010

    Cheerleading looks like so much fun - not a big thing over here.  The ladies had a lot of fun that day.  Thanks for posting the link Chevy.  Off to work :( would rather be at home today but that's life ...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010
    3jaysmom!  You ARE  beautiful!  And on the inside too!  We love you! xoxoxoxoxo
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010
    thanks so much Chevy.. its whats inside that counts, i hop, cause the outsides still not great..but, afte seeing that, i feel better already!
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    And I LOVE YOU TOO!!! Some day we can get it to work easier for you. SV- Saw your FB post about the Jamboree. Where are the pictures?? And everyone:

    December 2-8 we have a KILLER 6 BR house that sleeps 25 so if you have the urge to just do something stupid, come on. PM me and I will get you situated. We have the house for a week but I have to leave on 5 or 6 so if more are coming, I can stay longer so I NEED TO KNOW!!!!

    House link was posted earlier. Fireplaces, hottub, 6 bath rooms (plus 2 1/2 ones). We plan to 4 wheel it to the Northern OBX (no roads) and wild ponies/horses everywhere and raw, untamed coastal beauty.

    We will have hot toddies, hot cider, and whatever and sit in the hottub and tell lies. And we will EAT very good stuff. Hopefully, SV will get us some fishing gear and I will catch us some flounder, striped bass and whatever else is running there.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    Ok found one of me..I am the one who usually takes the photos so

    guess who doesn't show up on any...

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Look how adorable you are!!! Next time I am in San Diego, we are having lunch dinner or whatever!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    Sounds like a plan Barbara

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010

    YEAH LISA!   Got you too! xoxoxoxo

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2010

    we have the house for a just might want to move in.ha.

    this is sooooo exciting..hope more sistas get the urge.....we need a vacation from all this bc stuff.its gonna be all about us.YAY....

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    I REPEAT - it is not too late to have a nice BCO weekend hanging with the girls and eating, drinking (if desired) and generally having a BLAST!! Having had a great weekend visiting with Marybe and her friend Lee (fellow BC chicks) and their friends this past weekend, we had a BALL! So Come ON!! PM me for details!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2013

    Oops - 12/2 - 7 we have the house for a week but some have to leave earlier.

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited November 2010

    3jaysmom: you are a million times better than me. I don't even attempt to put a photo up and you look alot better than most of us did in treatment--and you have a wonderful smile and inner light shihning through. I'd want to meet you anyday.

    Lisa: That is a cute photo.



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Mandy, 3jysmom is way more beautiful than that photo which was mid-chemo! She is just a very huggable person.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,429
    edited November 2010

    Lisa -- great pic of you.  Thanks.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2010

    I LOVE all the pictures you gals have posted!  Every single one of you is simply magnificent and I am proud to be getting to know you all!  3jaysmom, Love the puppy head-licking--what a sweetie.  I plan to learn how to do this (post pictures, that is, not head lick!) once I finish rads and maybe get a little energy back. 

    More later, maybe.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2010

    Gosh wish I could meet up with some of you as well. It was great meeting with some of my chemo group in May. I am actually chatting to one of them on skype at present. If anyone has skype I would love to chat sometime. PM me with your skype name.

     Hopefully we will get to the States again in 2012

    Isabella, I have my operation on the 25th of this month, not looking forward to it but I know it is necessary.

    Should go and plant a few vegetables but will wait until DGD is awake then she can help me and that will keep her entertained.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2010

    Its just soooo nice to 'see' all you gals. I am going to get my G/daughter to sit with me and show me how take pics, get them on my PC, then get them on here. Trouble is, she'll get me going, then when she's gone I will have forgotten what she said ! I did used to be able to use my camera, get the pics on the PC and onto eBay....just as easy as pie, but its just slipped away from me.....the last 2/3 years I haven't kept up with eBay, so not bothered with the camera. I've lost the instructions as well. I can usually work from instructions very easy.

    I can't (won't !) use a mobile phone, nor can I text, as everyone seems to do.. technology has been passing me by for the last couple of years, and I find it hard to just step back in line with everyone else. My little G/daughter turned on my pc on Saturday, I cannot believe how she did it. She had got it to the stage that it was asking  her for a password, apparently she picks up DDs fancy mobile ( could it be a G2 or  something ?) and flicks thru the pics on there, then she flicks back again to have another look at something ....I am just in awe of a 2 yr old !!!!  ( Just as I was in awe of a very, very small car that passed me today !!!!!. In awe for all of 5 seconds, then I whipped out and passed her !!!) I don't like little cars zooming by me ! I'm not at ALL competitive UNTIL I get in a car. then they get both barrels....especially male drivers. 

    First of a run of 3 Dr's appointments today. Just a routine high blood pressure clinic...nothing much changes, its slightly more than it should be, I keep getting my tablets messed about with, but no-one has found the correct dose, or even the correct combination of tablets to lower it yet.

    I have had DD to see me this evening. She has spent the afternoon in ER,  with her youngest son, he's 14 ( well, in 2 weeks) DD and I do not see eye to eye about this child....we can get into a shouting match in the flick of a switch about him. DD moved house about a year ago, and this child WOULD NOT move with her, he was nearly 13 at the time. So she allowed him to stay behind, AT 13, and live in a wooden chalet, at the bottom of his 22 yr old brothers garden.  (The 22 yr old moved into DDs old house) Things have gone from bad to worse over the last few months. He is drinking, smoking, doing cannabis, and is in trouble with the police every 2 or 3 weeks. He sits in his 'shed' smoking away, girls stay the night, the electric fire is clocking up many units on his older brothers bill.  He runs wild, is nowhere to be seen at all some nights, school is just about non- existant. DD calls to see him almost daily, giving him £10 a day, for 'pocket money'....which he spends on chocolate and cigarettes...he always seems to be around at the time DD calls, to get his cash, and his 22 yr old brother is pulling his hair out, at having the responsibility of his younger brother, living at the bottom of his garden, and the police regularly at his door. DD, of course will not listen to me at all, She will not listen to her MIL, who is also greatly concerned for this 'child', and like me, is constantly pulling DD and her son about the situation. The more we 'get at' DD the more she ignores us both. It is getting to the stage with me where I will call in Social Services before long, and the other G/mother says if I don't she will !!!! I am just loathe to turn in DD, but the way she behaves is just unbelievable...She thinks she is a 'with it' mother. ( really I am hoping the other G/mother will beat me to do this !!) 

    This young G/son will end up in prison, or worse, if the situation does not change. I was told this summer sometime that he and one of his G/friends had had a pregnancy scare. Oh, I wonder where I got DD from some times...she is hard work...VERY hard work. I just want to go get this youngster, and clean him up, get him back into school., and MAKE him do as he is told. He screams and cries like a baby to get his own way, it takes all of 10 seconds for DD to give in to him. He has everything money can buy, 2 motorbikes, a 4WD bike, 'phones, his 'shed' is bristling with electrical gadgets, he was bought a horse in summer, which he got on, was thrown off of , and has never been near it since. He has 2 dogs, which he no longer wants....neither do I, but it looks as if they will end up with me to save them from being shut in a stable for the rest of their lives. I could go on and on, and everytime I see this youngster I want to slap his backside, he is so spoilt ! Christmas is a misery with him, he gets everything, runs riot thru my house with all his things, playing with toys that are meant for outside. He takes over the TV when everyone else is trying to watch something , to put his games thru...and woe betide me if I tell him to go and find another TV where no-one else will be bothered. DD is up and defending him as quick as lightening if she hears me trying to correct him.

    G/son has broken a bone in his hand and is now in pot. He did it on Thursday night, and it took DD 'til today to get him to hospital !!! She said the Drs were quizing her about why there had been a 3 day delay, so its NOT just me !! I asked DD where he had got to after the trip to ER and she said she had dropped him back at his shed. Words failed me. I had to have a go at her, but only to get it off my chest, as it goes in one ear, and straight out the other with DD !!  No wonder my BP never alters !!!

    Right, bedtime, after I have pressed my trousers for my 2nd hospital visit. It is absolutely lashing down with rain. I put my dogs to bed in a hurry, the light bulb had blown, and I somehow managed to shut out one little dog. She had been out in this rain 4 hours when I heard her screeching at my window, and was soaked to the skin when she got inside, and carried on screeching away at me for a couple of minutes, no doubt telling me off !! If DD hadn't called in on me I would have got my trousers pressed, and checked more carefully how many dogs were put to bed. I always count them in, unless distracted, as I was tonight. Having no bulb in my outside light didn't help either !!


  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited November 2010

    Isabella-I can totally agree that you wonder where you got dd.  I feel exactly the same way about my dd.  She'll be 42 in Mar and is as flighty as a schoolgirl about some things. Married three times, divorced twice.  Has put dreadful strain on thismarriage.  Just hates it when I say anything about her habits, but when it all blows up always calls dh & I to have us take her 4 & 5 year olds until things blow over.  makes me want to pull my hair out!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010

    i think we ll have at least one. i have 3, but they go in varying degrees.

          i know ow you feel, isabella, my hand "itches" to spank my GS bottom when they give in to him..and HE'S my guy.. but by the time he's 13, the police will be there, too. he only listens to me, cause when i say he's getting his bottom spanked , he does. so, he's an angel when he's with us. where do they think theyre HELPING their kids?  

           you're right, your blood pressure will never come down, with all the chaos your living thoiughts are with you tonight.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    my tongue is purple from biting it...

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2010

    I have 3 DDs - youngest is usually delightful if a little grumpy when she is tired or momentarily if things don't go her way, youngest twin is OTT happy all the time and quite exhausting (waiting for that one to implode one day) and the eldest twin is never wrong (sounds like your DD Isabella) - lot of tongue biting and mental gymnastics required when dealing with that one!  Whoever told me it got easier as they grow up was lying!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2010

    I agree with you Rae, they definately don't get easier you just have to alter the aproach.  Sometimes it works but not always as they, somewhere down the line have developed their own minds.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Oh Isabella, reading about your family reminds me why I chose not to have children.

    Anyone heard from SV? She should be back from her Jamboree.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010
    how old are your DDs' now, rae? as chrissy b. said, i have to keep reminding myself, they may not act the way they were brought up (the 3 jays) because as they grew older, they made their own choices.BarbaraA.. i wanted kids so bad, i adopted the first two, and had a surprise 3rd. i say at times I wanted them so bad, i fought for custody; and sometimes i can't remember why!!lol
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010
    oh, LISA, you just crack me up.. the oicture was yours' are always gorg., but im glad you let someone else use the camera, and we now have a cutie oicture of you.. speaking of which, idon't regret that awful picture now, not because you all were so lovingly supportive ( which I grearly appreciate ) but because youall posted YOUR pics which i stole,and am keeping in a women of BCO folder.. so, even if i can't get mine posted, yet, get yours on, if you can!!QCA..ican lend you the manual my frbaby has on "how to take care of your beloved owner when sick" it has a chapter just on head licking, sio, ill mail yoiu one whenever you want..who's head DO yoiu want to lick, or are you getting for someone else so they can lick YOUR head?lolISABELLA, good luck with all the DR. visits..BarbaraA <Marybe<and I were speaking of you last wkend ..where your ears ringing. we all agreed what a hoot you are.. and we all wanted to know how the "so ugly he's cute" ram is making out...L&L< 3jays