Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2010
  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2010

    thanks for the birthday wishes but its kind of shitty.this morning my grandson had a motorcycle accident.he is 23 yrs old. sooooo im really not in a good mood.and....they dont want me to go to the hospital....he hit his face.please say a prayer for him.he is not in intensive care so im able to going to go later...if they let me in...

    good luck today chevy.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited November 2010


    My prayers for both of you.  I can empathize with you.  My younger was in a bad one when he was young and still rode motercycles.  I really do believe prayer helps.  God does answer.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    {{{GD}}}}} HUGS for your grandson!!!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,423
    edited November 2010

    No cake GD, but in your honor -----  hope your grandson has so many bd's that he loses count. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2010

    {{GD}} prayers for healing for your grandson.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010

    KANTALOPE!!!!!!  I leave you alone for a minute, & something happens!  I'm so sorry!  My Grand-sons are 22 & 24.....I can't imagine how you must be feeling!  I think I would sneak in there anyway....I just don't know what I would do......I'm sorry kiddo.....Cry  And my Birthday wishes for you will wait until you feel better....I don't want to say happy "anything."

    MY MAMMO came back clean!!!!!!  I don't go back for another one for 6 months!  The Seroma is still there, but getting a little smaller.  From now on, she said I will have the results right away....I don't have to wait! 

    I'll say a prayer for your Grandson....I'm just sorry.....xoxoxooxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013
    Never mind....I tried to post something I got in an email....It was funny, but it didn't come through forget I even mentioned it!  Wink
  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2010

    Yay chevy...god for you

    my grandsons nose came i cannot go to the a mess...i will create too much havoc to my disfunctional family.he is my only grandson and everyone knows how i feel about very emotional right friend is with me and she keeps telling me bones heal.all the bones in his nose is broken and he is in sooooo much pain...

    please pray for him.his name is Eddie Jr.

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited November 2010

    Oh Granny, I will pray for him.  Your friend is right.  Broken bones heal.  Both of you are in my prayers. 


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    I am adding even more prayers for the grandson. God bless him and you, GD.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2010

    Oh Grannydukes, I'm so sorry about your grandson's injuries.  You and he are in my prayers now. ((((HUGS}}}}

    Chevyboy and LC, great news about the mammos!  And LC, hope you have as good a results on the heart scans!  Was your radiation on the left side?  Mine is.

    What a little sweetheart, Ginger!  She's just adorable, so feminine looking.

    Beautiful, beautiful pictures of the wild horses, SV.  Damn, I wish I could come!


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2010

    GD. Sorry about your G/son. You just go on in there and see him. He will be so pleased to see his Grandma, he'll be tanked up on morphine. Thinking about you and him. Can we ever part these mad young men from their motorbikes ?

    My eldest 2 G/sons have bikes, and I dread them getting on them, luckily neither fell off when they did ride, and both have cars now ( but the bikes are STILL there, at the back of the garage) 18 months ago younger of these two got a bike when he hit 17, and I nearly had a stand up fight with DD !!!! She was just allowing him to go out in jeans and a T, and you know how youngsters like to show off. I took him to the bike store, and bought him leather trousers and a jacket pretty damned quick. One day my DD will give me a heart attack !! she has such a laissez faire attitude to life. This same G/son crashed his car 2 days after Christmas last year, with G/friend in as well. the car was a wreck, as was someones garden wall, they both ended up in hospital. Were both released after an overnight stay, but DD just never bothered to let me know. I was spitting fire when I caught up with her that time, but, did it do any good ?? NO it did not.

    Just this last 2 weeks she has got herself a small fat horse to pull a cart. She had it straight in the cart," Miss Knowitall" (don't preach to me about horses, Mother, you know NOTHING about them )  True.  aaaarrrggghhh.!!!!!!! 

    Within the hour the horse had turned the cart upside down, this was just 5 mins..... FIVE MINS. after 2 yr old G/daughter had been sitting IN THE CART, and taken around the village, on hard roads. The horse threw DD and G/son out into a gateway, then proceeded to ROLL, while the cart was still attatched to him. I didn't get the full story until this w/end ( as is ALWAYS the case with DD) All I got was the horse had 'kicked her and G/son'....just no mention as to how near 2 yr old was to getting flattened, nothing at all about the horse rolling about with its cart on. I think if I had found out about G/daughter I would have gone over and slapped DD. THAT'S probably why she never tells me until WELL after the events, and I say events, NOT event, as these things are always happening to her. I think I might have gone over in such a temper, and thrown G/daughter in my car and brought her here, out of harms way. For goodness sakes the child is only 2, and cannot think for herself. When I tell DD this she tells me 'times have changed' and her favorite put down 'you're just an old fuddy duddy'. Her DH just stands behind her and rolls his eyes at wonder he has a real time of it with her !! I really feel sorry for him , in fact I just might write to the Queen and see if she might be handing out medals for long suffering DHs anytime soon !!! She seems to hand them out to anything and everything that goes on !

    I went to the hairdressers today and had my hair cut, wow. I don't like it at all, and have had my scissors tonight out to carve a bit more off the sides. I have a longish bob, just about shoulder length....or had !... I asked for a short bob, inverted at the back...which in all fairness to the hairdresser she gave me, but it just is not right somehow, so I chopped a lot of the length off the sides, and am still not happy. It'll grow I suppose, and it is cold out, so I can wear a woolly hat ! It doesn't look neither like a bob, nor a short haircut right at this moment....and it damned well itches! At the rate it will grow now, I suppose I shall just be able to take my woolly hat off for Christmas.....or maybe not ! Probably not, as I have had about 4/5 inches cut off the length, and it ain't going to grow 4/5 inches in 7 weeks !!! I had to laugh, when I walked in the kitchen, the dogs knew it was me, yet they were all sort of softly wuffing at me as if not QUITE sure  of me when they saw my haircut.  They are used to seeing me with a woolly hat on, I wear one to keep the smell of cows out of my hair !!  

    I have brought my cows in for the the hard work begins. Its easy having them outside, they just roam around at will. Now they are in a big shed...a very big shed.... and nice and warm and cozy. BUT it takes work keeping them that way. Hoping G/son will step up and keep on calling in to help me each evening. I think he will, he's a super young man. He likes to come here , as he hasn't the competition of his 2 brothers and 1 sister. I buy all his favourite foods in, and he gets his tea every every night, and just lately , as its been so cold and wet I have relented and let him smoke now in the house. I hated doing this, but he just might throw a tab end down and set fire to the its the lesser of two evils.

    I caught him last week. I was outside just finishing planting some pansies in a trough next to my back door, when he rolled up, jumped out of his car, and flicked his cigarette end into my pansies. I, just as quickly, picked up the cigarette end, went and opened his car door, and flicked the tab end into his car.  He went ballistic....he had just had some new leather seats (well new to him) fitted in his car, and his car is his pride and joy...BUT... he realised why I had done this and I don't think he will be flicking his cigarette ends about among my plants again anytime soon. His face was a picture, he was mad at me, suprised that I did what I did, and it was dawning on him very quickly that that was NOT the thing to do at G/ma's....probably at his mothers , but NOT here.  

    Marybe. I have come on here tonight to see what your results were, and you've not posted. I will be back.

    Ginger. That little G/daughter of yours is a doll. I just love little girl'll never have any money to spare now. I just bought my 2 yr old G/daughter a winter coat 3 weeks ago. some dungarees last week, and so far this week, (and its only Tuesday!) I have got her a new plate/cereal bowl/cup set, and a drawing book and crayons (to save my walls!!!) DD just allows her to draw on the walls and floor all over her house. I don't. So have got a book and crayons to distract her. 


  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

    Oh Isabella, I am sorry to keep you waiting.  Well, so far as I can tell, the PET did not pick up any new areas of cancer.  I can pretty much tell what the written report is saying although I don't know some of the terms and abbreviations like SUV which has something to do with metabolic activity I think.  The tumor is now 3.9 X 3.3 cm which is about double what it was last year, BUT if there is nothing new I think that is good.  Did I already say earlier my cell search is now 1....not high I know, but this I found to be upsetting since it has always been zero.  And the tumor markers are 850 which is an altime high for me.  But I am not as upset or worried as I was yesterday, especially since the PET/CT did not talk about any areas other than my liver and my bones.  Sooo now I guess I will just wait until I have an appt when I actually see the onco which isn't until the 17th.  I just have treatment scheduled the next two times so guess it will be navelbine as usual unless they tell me different...and maybe zometa, I forget when I get that next.  I wrote to the onco I consulted with at MDAnderson and he said it looks as if the navelbine has run its course and he said to let him know about the PET and he would check on some treatments, BUT the fact is even though I was so impressed with this man and continue to marvel at the fact he always answers my emails even though I am not really his patient, my onco here is not about to do what someone else recommends....unless of course he agrees, but that is doubtful.  Oh and Isabella, I laughed when I read about you flicking the cigarette butt in your grandson's car.....would have loved to see his face.  Would also love to see your hair....I bet it will be just fine in a few days.  I always hate it when I get my hair cut and go right home and wash it and fix it to suit me.  Is it cold there already?

    GD.....Happy Birthday...if I knew I forgot.  So sorry about your grandson and for sure he will be added to my prayers.

    Chevy, Congrats on the good mammo. 

    To anyone with something I should comment on, sorry if I did not....I can't go back a page or I will lose my post and you know how upsetting that can be.  Obviously I have not posted any pics yet and have not had time to work with it yet

    Friday I leave for Florida and hopefully am going to meet Barbara.  I have not given up on joining in on the reunion, but have to wait and see if onco still wants to do the chemoablation or not.  Wait, mother used to always say hurry up and wait and that's about the truth.

    Night Ladies.....I slept with 3 dogs last night....don't have room for any more, that's for sure.  Tonight all that is on are the election returns and I am soooo very happy that is more calls or nasty campaign ads on the tv and radio. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited August 2013

    Oh GD, I am so sorry. Prayers for the best outcome for your GS and wrapping him and you in God's arms. He is the great healer. Love you very much!! Tell me this is not the GS you were dancing with?????! I am just so sorry - and I just read that he road rashed his nose off-that can be fixed!!! He is just going to look a mess. Old Boyfriend crashed his Harley face first and it was awful. His face looked like a pumpkin. And, he actually came out of it looking cuter! But it takes time as you know. .And oh lord isabella, the site of a fat pony rolling downhill with a wagon attached to it-good Lord-we are like a Groucho Marx long is noone hurt...still a big scare. And MB I am wracking my brain on trying to figure out how to get you up here. The drive is an easy but long one and you cannot do it - especially not alone-especially if you are feeling crummy. It is a good eight hours. We will figure out something and like i say, this house is a freaking mansion and the entire gang could stay inside all week and never see the whole place nor play all of the games in the house.!! Hottub outside on the top deck overseeing the ocean!!!! And we are missing somany gals-i am looking thru my lists connie, where are you? Chasing hope? man, dozens more but this is as long as my memory lasts!! errgh! Come on MB-check out flight costs and let me know. I want to get my eyes on you gal!! And on all of you for that matter. MB, I am sending healing thoughts and prayers-I know the liver tumor is larger and this is scary.You can do this!! I wish I had more to give in the way of a pep talk-just sending lots of love your way. The wait is the hardest part...for oncs..for reports...for test results..I just hate it for all of us. Decided to leave for ocracoke on Thursday instead of tomorrow-I got hit with what i think is the flu and someone I care about has something that cannot be postponed. We'd end up leaving at 6PM-way to dark for the jaunt down there and I want pix of Hatteras Lighthouse.

    This is a shot of the old Hatteras Lighthouse location-before they moved it inland to keep it from falling into the sea. now it is just a building in the woods for tourists to look at. and it looks so unhappy. Just posting photo to get my mind off things cause i am so worried about all of you-can't leave you alone for a minute!! Love you all bunches and sending prayers and healing to all. GD-biggest question-was your GS wearing a helmet? He is in good hands dearest, get a good night's sleep..i know it will be hard but he needs you strong. XXOO, SV

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited November 2010

    Grannyduke: may you have many more happy birthdays spent with your dear grandson, who is in my heart and prayers.

    Ginger: your grand d is just precious.

    Isabella: I never like hair cuts right away. It always takes a few days for me to get used to them and to get all of the gook they use to "style" it. I now refuse any and all styling--not even blow drying it. I like the way my hair dries on its own---the true test of a good haircut. I wish I'd seen your grandson's face when you flicked his ciggy out of your garden!

    Chevy: great news about your mammo

    I had left side radiation and my heart was out of the path.  My rads onc actually showed me the computer simulation prior to the radiation.  The original computer designed path did affect a tiny bit of my heart and it was changed to completely avoid my heart. I think they really try to avoid the heart completely and with the technology out there, they can actually do it.

    Marybe: My onc listened to and worked with an onc at anothe cancer center. If the MD Anderson doctor has some good ideas, just get your onc to listen.  It is not unusual to work with other cancer centers. I hope you have a wonderful trip to Florida!

    To anyone I did not mention---sorry but know that you are in my heart.

    Cyber hugs


  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

    SV,  It isn't just in my's all over the place in my bones....hip, humeral heads (shoulders), sacrum, ribs, spine, but mostly in my sternum (that was the original met), BUT it is not changing....they are no longer saying stable, but at least said unchanged.  And it used to be in my lung, but they never mention that any more so I am thinking maybe the Abraxane got rid of it there.  It's just the liver that is showing progression are present.  I know this sounds pretty bad, but I honestly do not feel bad at all and to look at me one would never guess I have a thing wrong with me at all. 

    Mandy,  My onco is a great doctor and I get along with him just fine in spite of the fact a lot of people think he is a cold fish, but he just doesn't like to have anyone else question him and I could tell was really offended when I went to TX even though a long time ago when I talked about 2nd opinions he said MDA or Sloan Kettering.  I am sure he has no idea I have stayed in touch with the dr in TX. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2010

    Oh Ok MB, I am still freaking out. Sent you an email. I knew it was other places but nothing has changed but size of liver tumor-it does not make it any easier and crap...there is just nothing to say or write but to tell you that I love you. XXOO, SV

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2010

    I don't watch reality tv but I never miss a day reading this thread if I can help it - it is addictive! 

    Isabella your description of things just crack me up - I roar with laughter when I read them - would so love to be a fly on the wall at your place - inside and out.

    SV - never a dull moment at your place either!  A lighthouse is not a lighthouse unless it is near the sea - it looks so majestic in that picture but would look sad in the woods.  If they go to all the effort of moving it why not just sure up the ground under it you would think - they did it for the Leaning tower of Pisa why not the Hatteras lighthouse?  

    MB - I am sorry to hear your liver met has grown but I am glad to hear you feel fine. And I think it is great that you are being proactive and keeping in contact with a second opinion onc - two minds are better than one, as they say.

    GD - what awful luck.  You are just coming right and now your DGS is injured.  Hugs from me - and TRY to destress - it is not good for you and it won't help him. 

    Chevvy - am stoked to hear your mammo is clear - yahoo!

    Hey everyone else Smile

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited November 2010

    Hey raeinnz and everybody else! I should be in bed by now, but had to make a quick stop to read what's happening here - always something, that's for sure.

    GD - my prayers are with you and Eddie, Jr. He is in good hands and he will be alright, and so will you, you are both enveloped in so many prayers. I hope you get to see him soon. <3</p>

    Chevy - great news on the mammo. I can't wait until I can schedule my doctor's appts that far apart. I just had my first radiation treatment today, 32 to go. Puts me finishing up on Dec. 20th. Can't wait to get that behind me, then on to the Tamox or AI....ugh....I just don't know....Why, I'll just be like Scarlett, and think about that another day!

    LC - wishing you great heart scans. Let us know how they turn out!

    MB - so glad you're feeling good and getting consults from another awesome doctor. I'm sure you will have your questions all lined up for the onc on the 17th. I think I've had pneumonia for the past month, coughing and coughing, finally coughed up some of my lung today (just kidding, but it looked like a piece of liver, TMI?). My onc appt is this Friday the 5th. I thought I could wait until then but I think I'm going to call her and ask for some antibiotics. She has the results of my CT scan (which we were going to go over on the 5th). She can tell from it if I have pneumonia, just hope she doesn't have anything else to tell me so I was kind of putting off calling her just for medicine for this but it's about to wipe me out and it seems to be getting worse fast. I don't think I can wait any longer to talk to her. Have you ever dreaded talking to your onc? I guess that's just part of this frightening testing procedure we have to endure.

    Ginger - what a beautiful little baby. Yes, I'll take two of those, please. :)

    Well, I better get my act together. #2 rad coming up at 11:30 am and I'm still not sleepy. 

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2010
    heartnsoul - please get to the doctor, please.  Pneumonia is a very dangerous thing and in your weakened state it is not good at all to be leaving coughing problems.  I am anxious because I lost a friend to it about 10 years ago - she was just 33 and said she would be 'fine' when I tried to convince her to go to the doctor. By the time she finally went she was put straight into hospital but it was too far gone and she died 3 days later - terrible waste of a life for the sake of a doctors visit. Please get to the doctor, it would be stupid to go through all this BC treatment only to be finished off by pneumonia!
  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

    Ditto on above post...get to doctor today!!   My mother died of pneumonia complications.  She was having rads and had this constant nagging cough and I asked why dont they do something about that and she said Oh they only care about treating my cancer.  WHen she was finished with rads, they took her off the prednisone too fast and the pneumonia took over and she was almost in a coma by the time we got her to the hospital..0nly getting 30% was an odd strain, pneumocistis (due to her low AIDS pts get) and they didnt know much about it back then...this was 15 yrs ago and they never did get her on the right antibiotics and it was just a downhill ride from there on.  Please go to the doctor TODAY!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010

    Morning girls!  I just wish we were all together, & I could hug all of you.  Kantalope...I know you can't think of anything else now....that's alright....but I'm like Isabella, in that I would haul myself over there to see him!  He knows how much you love him....And just "feeling" your love for him will help him even more.  SV.....they don't even wear helmets here in Colorado....I mean there is not a law for that, like in California...BUT you can tell the older riders, because they almost ALWAYS wear a helmet!   There is just something about the sound of a Harley, that is almost irresistable!  Isabella & I would take off running after some dude that gave us a wink! Wink  Kantalope...can you go visit him when no-one else is around?   Just know that I am thinking of you & that Eddie guy.

    Isabella....Tain't nothin' you can do about DD, but sounds like you have a firm grip on Grandson, & he'll always be there for you.  Little girl GD is another thing....Just stay close to will have more influence on her than you know.  About that stupid horse & cart thing....Just thank God that she wasn't in it at the time....Don't seem natural for a horse to be pulling something like that....I mean a SADDLE is hard enough for some to get used to!  And I don't pretend to know anything about horses!   That's like trying to put boots on my dog!   And I have never met a hair-cut that I've liked yet.  So I just do my own...have been for years.  I've had it "trimmed" 3 times ever since I can remember, & each time I come home, & style it the "right way."  Except I think the Tamoxifen is really causing my hair to thin out!  It wasn't before I started taking it...So now I'm in a quandry....or a pickle....or even a "situation"....Ha!  

    I'm like Rae, Isabella.... I just KNOW with all YOUR "situations" I'm going to find a laugh or two. 

    Marybe.....I've got it all figured are our "poster girl!"  Of all the things going on with you, & your great attitude, I just completely admire your determination!   And all I was worried about was a mammogram.....That's NOTHING in the scheme of things!   If I ever get down, I'm looking for you for are my hero!  And I wish you all the best.

    Heartnsoul!  You know the girls are right!  You HAVE to get to either the Emergency room or your Doctors, & TELL them you are sick!  I was treated for pneumonia once, but it kept getting worse...THEN an asthma attack, & I broke 2 ribs from coughing with an under-wire bra on....FINALLY they listened, & put me on two antibiotics!  YOU know when you are sick...they don't sometimes!  And I don't know about Rads with pneumonia?  I just hope you get this all checked out before more Rads!  If you coughed up SOMEthing, that isn't good!  Please take care of yourself! sound so much better!  I mean maybe things are settling down for you, both physically & mentally!  And being hostess for all the women here, is probably the best thing for you!  And I DO wish I could come also!   Just keep that knee in a brace whenever you can!  I even have one here that I could send you if you need a "spare"....But try those "Salonpaz" pain patches...they really work!  

    Okay my friends....gotta go find something to's not even 5:30 a/m yet, so DH is still sleeping!  Laughing  This is MY time! xoxoxoxoxo

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2010

    Morning ladies-H&S, you are to get to the doc immediately!! Those are the orders for the day. This is nothing to play with and you need to be looked at and treated appropriately!! Haven't had coffee yet so only one eye is open. I dread packing-if I put something in a suitcase and I cannot see it-I immediately forget that I have packed it-so I expect a day of packing and unpacking-ARRGH! And CB, as tot he lighthouse, the oceans here are too wild and no way to shore up a lighthouse-they tried everythig but it was falling into the sea. Its historical value is priceless so they had to do something to save it. They had a huge documentary on Discovery a few years back on the move. And don'tknow if i posted but i am thrilled about your mammo. GD prayers are with you and GS today. Love to all, SV

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2010

    Hi SV, if you have the forgets when packing, lay everything out either on your bed or large table or the floor if neccessary so you can see exactly what you have so you know that you have everything before putting into a suitcase.  Doing it this way stops the need for constant packing and unpacking.  I do this myself as it takes all the frustration out of the job.  Good luck.

    Love n hugs.  chrissyb

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Yikes, folks! Just got back from what I 'thought' would be the LAST visit to the arrogant, patronizing radonc. Guess what? I have a mild case of mastitis! My boob is a little red and a little warm so he Rx'd an antibiotic AND I have to go see him again in 2 weeks. Yell

    HnS - get thee to the doctor forthwith! MB - you are in my prayers and I can't wait to see you Saturday! GD - prayers for Eddie and you!.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010
    Yikes Barbara!  Boy if it isn't ONE thing, you can be sure it will be aNOTHER!  And have to start packing months ahead of time....& lay it all someone just said, then you will see what you have!  THAT way you can pack & un-pack 3 million times before your trip!  You will NEVER remember everything...Ha!   I read once where if you are flying, to pack one change of clothes in your carry-on, in case your luggage doesn't make it with you!   If we are going to Orlando like in March, I must start packing now!  Wink xoxoxoxox
  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited November 2010

    I just put stuff in an unused room while I think of it - then put it all in a suitcase the night before leaving. No stress. And yes - one change of clothes and a toothbrush in your carry on bag is essential. I'm about a week into a three week UK tour and so far, so good. Whatever I forgot, no doubt they have it here!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2010

    thanks all my sistas for your goin to the hospital today.i dont want to see him lookin sooo bad but i know he needs me soooo im workin myself up for the visit.25 yrs ago my son had an accident like that and it all came back real hard for just too old for all heart is broken but im goin.

    to all of you that are goin through rough times(and i know some of you are right now) im prayin for you.God bless all of us that are struggling with this damn bc.This fight we will win



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} Granny to both you and Eddie! Please post back after you see him!! Prayers still coming.