Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010
    sorry, Ginger, can't help you with rads info. just did chemo. you use different stuff for chemo than rads.. you're in my prayers 2 nite... 3jays
  • Unknown
    edited August 2013

     I only had three weeks of rads and did not get burned so am not sure what to recommend and I know there is a lotion or cream that some women were talking about that was really good, but am not sure if it was this thread or another....there are some threads for just radiation. I would think aloe would be good.  Make up too light or too dark since you are pale?  Cllinique makes some very light shades.    3jays, What are you doing up so late?  I fell asleep on the couch, went to bed and then couldn't sleep so here I am.  

    Lisa, you are so sweet to be trying to help me with the pics over and over and believe me I will try sometime this weekend to post some again.   

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited November 2010

    Typo, I meant too dark!   

  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

    Ok, then try Clinique....also Revlon Age Defying makes some pretty pale shades. 

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited November 2010

    Hi Ginger!

    I did have rads--28 regular and 4 boosts.  My rads onc was in favor of all kinds of creams and also suggested trying to keep any creases that were radiated dry. In addition to the creams, I also went for acupuncture once a week to relieve side effects of both chemo and radiation (I had rads at the same time as chemo).   I had only minimal problems and really never had anybad skin cracking or bleeding.  I guess that I was just lucky.    Anyway, here is the list of what I did:

    1.  I used corn starch to keep the area dry---not baby corn starch powder, which has a fragrance and some other things added, but the kind of corn starch that you buy in a super market. 

    2.  The first cream that the rads onc suggested was just Aquafor, which you can get in any drug store. I found this too messy to use during the day when I had clothing.

    3.   A buddy who was having rads at another cancer center, suggested "My Girls Cream" and I found that I liked this alot.  I ordered it on line from  They were sending out generous samples when I did rads and the sample was almost enough.  I used the cream right after rads (in the dressing room) and two times later in the day.  For some reason my rads onc said not to put it on in the morning before rads so I did not.

    4. During the last week of rads, I did have a bit of pain and I used Emu Oil then.  A little goes a long way--one q-tip's worth would pretty much take care of the whole area.Again, I would put it on immediately after rads and then later in the day.

    5. My onc's nurse also made up aquafor with benzocaine for those who were having alot of pain. They sent me home with this and I used it once or twice after rads had ended.  

    Hope this is of some help to you.



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Ginger, I used emu oil from day one. Applied it after the tx then 1-2 more times that day. I never burned (I am blond/blue/fair). It has an anti-inflammatory property and the bonus was my knuckles on my fingers didn't ache after I applied it.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2010

    EMU oil?!!!! Ms. Barb, only you-please don't bring any to the rendezvous-oh hell, bring whatever you want!! Both my knees are blown up-is this from chemo??? Seriously I cannot walk and was looking at one knee replacement for sure-now two?? I am a bad POD sister, I cannot get caught up on all of the posts-crikey we need to write a book-or library. And Isabella, I love the 'life on the farm" stuff. Ms. J now you and Isabella can share Nascar-is it coming round again or did it leave or what?? Lisa-gorgeous shots!!! You are just getting better, gal. Love to all h&s, connie, 3jay, GD, Sheila, Mandy, MB and all I have forgotten!! Big hugs to all and sweet dreams. It islike I get a day when i feel good and want to slam a week's worth of stuff into 24 hours-then I crash!! So when feeling good, i am out and not reading posts and when i feel lousy, i am a couch potato(e)!! XXOO, SV

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010

    hey ladies, good to "see" you all; just so you know.. my bedtime is regularly 6am when my pain meds kick in. Many of you have said "go to bed" but all i do is aggravate the restless legs; and toss and turn. Popr DH mur, has to get up 6am for work. so, i play on puter all night.  i have a hard time keeping up; cause my scheduales so upside down. I'm allergic to almost every drug known to man, including pain killers, sleeping meds, and anti depressants, so it stays this way till something changes.

        SV i have the same problem, but they tell me if i can just calm down on the days i "feel good" and pace myself, the good days will multiply. Learning to slow down is a job in itself!  good luck Barbara; where do you find emu oil?  3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010
    hey, all : just googled emu oil.. it has antinflamatory affects, AND (maybre more imp).stimulates hair growth!!  im gettin me some of that!SV,maybe you WANT Barbara to bring it with to show knees and hair..3jays googled GDI too, funny.. (think thats the other thread.. sorry)3jays
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited November 2010

    I just sent for EMU iol and Rose hIps oil for Chemo. I am trying to be perpared. 

    I still feel bad and still have shooting pains, right now in my fingers, shins and jaw bone among other places. My taste bus are one big messs.  Some things taste like dirt.

    I am awaiting the farm stories, I hang on those stories. I think so much of my Grandma when reading those. Thank you for the womderful stories. 

    My Dad had a Nascar race car whjen I was a young teen, around 1958 onward. Car #40 at O'hare race track as well as Meadowday and Soldier Field in Chicago. Soldier Field was wild, just a flat treack up next to a concrete wall!   It is where the Chicago Bears play.    I loved going to the races as long as we did't have a wreck.

    NMy cousin's husband drove a funny car and they started it up in my Mom's city driveway one time, Oh my Goodness the noise was overwhelming. 


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    3jays, you can order emu oil online or go to your local health food store or Whole Foods.

    Aw Ginger, here are some gentle cyber {{{{hugs}}}}. I hope the se's start to ease up for you.

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited November 2010

    Ginger: I know this may sound strange, but I had alot of relief from chemo side effects with acupuncture.  I went once a week during my chemo and rads (I had rads right in the middle of chemo).The acupuncture gave me more energy, pain relief, relief from edema, and while I had "dry mouth", I never had mouth sores.  Even my onc commented on my lack of mouth sores and when I mentioned the acupuncture, she said that there were studies that showed it could provide  relief.  My acupuncturist was trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as Western Medicine (in China), and she was recommended by my Internist.  It is just a suggestion, but I really was helped so I thought I'd share it with you.

     Everyone here, have a wonderful day and a wonderful week!



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited August 2013

    Ok folks, here's a pic of me, Marybe and Cherie (3jaysmom) from a week ago in Weston FL.

    Now if I only had Photoshop to wipe out the wrinkles. Grrr. Can't figure out how to get Cherie all the way in the photo. !!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited August 2013

    Barb,   in order to get everyone visible, just resize your photo to slightly smaller.

    Love n hugs,  chrissyb

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    OK, Chrissy, I did that by dragging the corner of it and got thihs. I even went to the properties and changed it from 1024 x 768 to 800 x 600. Nope.

  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

    Barb,  Looks fine to me, only my wine glass needs to be refilled....can photoshop do that?!?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2010

    OMG you all are too funny-yeah photoshop the wine glas to heck with the wrinkles!! And I cannot resize my pix either for some reason and have tried all formats. STILL, ya got the picture posted-yeah!!! And went to ortho doc today and he says that chemo destroys the cells lining all of the good fluid that lubricates your big joints like knees-and that it doesn't show up for a year or two later-oh great. So today, he pulled two HUGE syringes of fluid out of my left knee (which was blown up like a balloon). I'm pretty tough but I about swooned over that one-that was GROSS!! And he says we have to set up ASAP for a total knee replacement on the right knee. Likely looking at Dec 14 for that. I am hobbling around on crutches-GRRRRR! if i could write a book I would tell anyone-do NOT do chemo!!!! Of course I may be the exception but man, so many of my other docs are telling me things my onc NEVER told me. And, in the long run, I don't think chemo does much anyway-just my personal uneducated opinion. OK, how many Emus do ya have to squeeze to get oil out of them??? I really wish I had a good punchline!! XXOOO, SV

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2010

    Barbara, love the photo of the three of you..

    yuck SV on your sorry...

    I am one of the walking wounded from chemo, it fried my I would always caution people about the side effects of chemo,. I don't think the oncologists really give us good info about that...or keep a good enough watch over us...maybe it is just me, just saying......

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2010
    Also, if you R. click, & hit copy, then paste it on a "new" email to yourself, it comes out as the whole picture!    You're lookin' good gals!
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    Aww, SV I am so sorry about your knee. I hope you can manage getting up to the 3rd floor fireplace!!! We gals had a great time at the wine place. So much so that MB and I both bought a bottle and had it with our fish for dinner. (We did share but we did finish both bottles).

    Thanks, Lisa. Cherie's DH took the pic.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2010

    SV, that's the pits.  I hope removing some of the fluid will help ease the pain.  And walking on crutches is hard to do.  After some foot surgery a few years ago I used a walker (lent to me by a friend) and it was easier--the crutches do a number on your arms!)  What I wouldn't give to turn back the clock on what the unspoken effects of chemo did to both you and my sister! 

    Gorgeous picture Barbara, Marybe, and Cherie!  So glad to see one of all 3 together--looking good, girls!

    Hope the pneumonia storm is clearing up, Isabella. I know that isn't funny to go through, but your farm stories crack me up!  I get this picture of you tramping around waving this gigantic needle stalking unsuspecting cows!

    Ginger, I have 2 rad treatments to go, will finish Wednesday.  Started peeling this past Friday under the arm, but not too bad.  I've just been using the messy aquaphor at night and Eucerin during the day. Never did make my way to Charlotte to get the emu oil--the fatigue sort of hit me before I could go.  Today, I got home from the tx and slept 4 solid hours, and am seriously contemplating another nap!  Oh, well--if I made it this far without too much fatigue I can make it the rest of the way and hopefully in a couple of weeks all will improve!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited November 2010

    (((KATHY))) you can do it!!! The end is in sight.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2010

    SV...How do you sit there and let Dr draw fluid out of your knee ??! aarrrgghh I would surely faint.

    My soon to be ex H has what is called a Bakers cyst behind one of his knees. It fills up regularly, and he just trots off again for another draw. He insists on calling it a cisk...I got sick of  telling  him, but he used to tell me I was a knowall, always correcting he just looked an idiot when he rang the Dr to ask to have his cisk sorted out. I haven't seen much of him lately, but things are moving along for me now. I think he has almost agreed on a settlement. I hope so anyway. Someone on here kindly suggested that I say I wasn't too well, and would like things sorting out because of this....and it seems to have eased negotiations a bit....well, as soon as I pulled that card things seemed to alter !

    MIL is coming out of hospital on Wednesday. She will not manage, she is on a walker, and quite doddery....they have homecare coming in 4 times a day...and I am not getting involved. I took the call from the hospital today, and straight away gave them DHs number....I let him know the message, and he asked if I would be going down to help her. Time for her own daughters to step up now. I shall just sit back and laugh at their excuses !!

    My calves are tons better, but will have to watch them closely for another week or two. I have had my G/son here today, and he helped me wean some big calves from their mothers. I just directed proceedings, he did the donkey work. The racket is unbelievable, great big 7-8 month old calves yelling for their mothers, and the silly mothers yelling back. If I have a breakout I don't know what I will do as I have no strength to run about after them. I don't think I shall as we did a good job of putting up higher gates and tying everything down ! They are about 10 yards from my bedroom windows ! This will go on another couple of nights, then they'll forget one another. Though saying this I have a family of Jersey cows, the mother is about 10, she has a five year old daughter, a 3 year old daughter, and a one year old daughter, always to be found together, yet for 6 months of each year they live in separate sheds, but always when I turn them out into the fields they find one another, and stay close all summer.

    Kathy I used Aquaphor cream thru' rads. I didn't find it too messy, but always wore a tshirt when I'd put it on. It kept my skin soft...ish ! I always have a tub in, as after all this time my skin will start and get dry where my scars are, particularly in winter. I have heard that Emu oil is good. there'll be someone on the internet selling it.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited November 2010

    Barb, the mansion has an elevator-teehee! For real! (((Ginger)))) and (((Isabella))))) and (((Kathy)))). XXOO, SV

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited November 2010

    Well, the fatigue from radiation must be hitting me already - I laid down yesterday at 6:00 because I was cold and wanted to get under the electric blanket. My son was afraid I would fall asleep, I said, "nahh". Boom - out like a light. I woke up a couple of times to go to the bathroom, but amazingly fell right back asleep - very unlike me. And then when I woke up at 6:30 this morning, I felt rested and refreshed. So that's all it takes, huh? 12 hours of sleep per day! No wonder I'm always tired - I'll be so glad when all these treatments (and their lovely, lingering side effects) are over. I'm too busy to sleep all the time!

    SV - my knee is feeling better again today. It's not near as crippling as it was 2 weeks ago. I'm hoping that what you found out is not the case with me, because I just cannot afford, nor do I want, knee surgery ever. I know sometimes it's inevitable like for my mother - something about wearing away the cushion between the knee bones and they're just rubbing against each other - ouch!

    SoCalLisa - I can certainly see the chemo ruining a liver. I'm worried about my poor old liver. I guess it even has to deal with the radiation.

    I'm supposed to see my RO today (a weekly visit), and radiation is so foreign to me that I can't even think of any questions for him. I'm not having any problems, and I'm sure that's all he wants to see, but I ALWAYS have questions so by gumby, I'm going to check out the radiation threads and give him a question or two.

    I want to start boosting my immune system so bad, but even the RO says no antioxidants. I have all these great ideas (green smoothies, supplements), but at least I can exercise. Now that my knee is feeling better, I can get back on my rowing machine. I just can't wait until all this is over so I can try to put Humpty-Dumpty back together again. You ladies a year out must feel great! That's what I'm looking forward to. My hair is starting to come back - it looks like the fur of a squirrel. It's straight, gray & brown, and laying flat on my head. Weird looking, but I'm glad to have it show up.

    Hope everybody has a great day! It's cold-ish and raining here today, I have to leave in a few hours for my 11th tanning session (HA), but I'm still in a good mood - probably because I slept for 12 hours. Y'all should try to do that every now and then - I feel GRRR-REAT, just like Tony the Tiger! 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2010


    I was told to eat a high protein diet during rads to help cell repair. Nice to have that excuse for a little while.  How great your hair is coming back in. A bald head in cold weather is not so good. Hope your rads go really fast.


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited November 2010

    pam - the rads are going great so far. I love my RO, but only see him once per week. 

    Thanks for the tip, glad to know to eat high protein during rads - haha, what diet? Got that excuse for now, anyway. My rads go through Dec. 20th, so I guess I'll keep that excuse for a few more days and not feel guilty about seconds at Christmas either!

    I had no idea how cold my head would get without hair - you're right, thank goodness it's coming in now. It was cold here a few weeks ago, and I finally told my son, "No wonder I'm freezing, all the heat escapes through your head." First time for everything, I guess, but hopefully never again. I really, really want my hair back! Didn't realize how much I took it for granted before.

    As far as rads, 11 down and 22 to go! I can't wait! (although I am a little nervous about the SEs, but so far, so good) 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited November 2010

    hey ladies, good to see all of you.Sv, i'm a mazed about your knee!!ive had problems w/ mine from MS thank God they don't fill up w/ fkluid. had that in my 20's to do with jumping a horse, he made it, i, and my knee did not!

         isabella, im so glad things are moving along for you, and that you 're "buying out " of your MIL s care. it's def. up to your EX yeah! Husband and her daughters to see to her now...i hope the cows are thru the pnuemo storm... the calf story is amazing!

          i was reading a book yesterday from someone who went to Israel; where they still raise sheep. two shererds put their sheep together for a rainy night under shelter, and in the morning, one sheperd called, and every one of HIS sheep came..and not one of the others.  i bet your cows know your voice, like that, as well..the ones that have grown up together finding each other is wonderful, i think...

              thanks for posting the pic, Barbara; not too bad of me.. i didn't know i stuck my tongue in the space where my tooth broke in front for pics.. am really glad i do. had another tooth further back break yesterday.. chemo is the gift that keeps on giving....

               SV, there's your pic so you can get a good look at me now. i think the two other ladies look great! but i usually hate any pic of myself, so im pleased. it's so cool the mansion has an elevator in it, SV..can warm your weary bones. cant wait to here all about the trip to visit you, SV. i will be with you in spirit..I just want to remind everyone that every cancer is different, and that everyone is different. i had a horrible time with chemo, like SV, i almost died once. But, it was an se from my ms, whacked my immune system even worse..there are pills they gave me(im still taking them) to protect your liver thru chemo, so thank you, i'e not had to deal with that ..yet. mine was a very aggressive cancer, that was dividing, and i felt i had to hit it hard; so we did. i really didn't want to re-visit again.. im too old for all this shi*** and, i pray i did enough so it will stay away from my doorstep.

             they really didn't know much how my particular set of circumstances, health wise, would respond to chemo.  i had a great onco, and an even more wonderful pharmacist titrating the tx for me. they were as careful as they could be, and really humane towards me. still are. on nov. 17 it'll be a year out from chemo. i have some se's which will probably be with me a long time. my digestive system , which wasn't good to begin with, got hit hard. so, add the GI dr. to the list as a "regular", i just am too impatient to get my life back...and am trying to go with the flow. im certainly NOT the outgoing, exuberant person i was before breast cancer. we all make our adjustments..but, im not nearly done YET!! so, onward!     3jays

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited November 2010

    Hi everyone.  I have been reading, lurking and not posting for no particular reason.  Good things going on, as well as some issues that take too much of my time.   Low Vit D and taking 50 K units once a week.   cholesterol is higher than endocrinologist wants - a bit miffed that onco did not check it.   Mammo Thursday, almost 2 yrs since surgery.   Various joint pains, but chalking it up to old age.   Son's MIL came thru mastectomy and does not need chemo.   Grand baby is up on all 4's and ready to become mobile.   Senate hearing on Thursday as a direct result of my bringing up issues with my mother.  Commandant of the nursing home fired, Mom moved to another facility and finally getting proper medical treatment ( she is 97 yrs old and a 50 yr BC survivor).

    Good vibes and best wishes and many gentle hugs for each and every one of you.   Prayers also go up, as needed.   

    Here is the laugh of the day: 

     Hope you enjoy.    Nancy 

    edited to correct spelling and to apologize for NOT naming names - I know I would forget someone, but prayers go up as I read and learn of YOUR issues.     

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2010

    3jays... I know just what you mean about the way bc affects us all differently.

    I just got to the old lady stage about 20 years too soon. I really feel my age, AND somebody else's as well. I was fit as a lop 'til I started all the tx mularky.  The bmx wasn't too big a shock to my system....I was already in shock from my diagnosis...but the rads were the start of my slip into premature senility ! The rads really tired me out, as I was working all way thru'. My choice..... a stupid one now on reflection, but I thought I was invincible !! Just carried on all thru' the summer working outside every day....popping off for rad sessions, as if I were going to the hairdressers !

    DH was actually very good, and he did help me, nothing was too much for him, but we all know what men are like, never in it for the long haul ! I also had my boarding kennels still going then, so was at it 7 days a week. I did have help at the busiest holiday time, but keeping 3 teens in trim, who had to be told EVERY day what was to do, when you are tired, was no picnic. I only ever had 1 girl who could work on her own initiative, and not always be hiding round corners having a ciggie, or just wasting time. ( I had one young lad, he was 12, and I wasn't officially allowed to employ him, but he was always at the door asking if he could come and work with the dogs, I let him, and he could knock spots off the 17/18 yr olds, but as always is the case when you get someone who is really interested, his family moved, and he was gone )

    Arimidex has done a real number on me, every bone and joint in my body is just so damned sore, sometimes really bad sore, sometimes just niggling. Its also given me 2 Carpal Tunnels, and 2 Plantar Fasiitis, and much dental trouble.  I also had a full axillary node clearance on my RHS, and that arm is as painful as anything, some days it feels like toothache, just hung down the side of my body. 

    I just hate that I can't get outside and have a day in my garden, can't climb over a fence or gate, or do very much outside at all, in fact. If it weren't for my G/son I would have to consider selling some of my animals I think. I don't want it to become a chore for him, but so far, and he has been coming now about 4 years, he loves being here. I think he might be 'the one' when it comes to handing on this place. There will be a riot as he is one of 7 G/children, but no-one else will come help at the drop of a hat.....and I won't be around to see the scrap !! 

    Today DH has had the damned cheek to ask me to do a supermarket shop for MIL, and just could not understand me when I refused. he has "never known anyone so uncaring in his life!!" I just walked away on him, I couldn't even be bothered to get into an argument with him. He will now probably go and do it himself, as I am sure he daren't ask either of his sisters to go for him. Apparently she is now coming home a day earlier than was planned, and he is panicking ! Neither of his sisters work at all, both ladies of leisure, and neither will want to get their hands dirty ! Also he asked me if he could bring me some washing up for me to do when his mothers clothes needed washing....again he got a "no".  I have to admit I feel bad, as I have no quarrel with MIL, but as I keep telling DH he has 2 sisters and a brother, plus she has G/children in their 20's, so let them get stuck in.

    We have fog here today, but only a low lying fog, it is funny to look out and not be able to see a tree infront of you, but look upwards, and the treetop is visible, I was looking down on our village, and could only see the tops of the tall trees, and the church tower, the rest of the houses and roads looked as if they'd been covered with cotton wool, very pretty. There were some lovely pictures people had sent in to the local TV station news programe tonight....not much fear of me sending in pics !! Its still a mystery to me.

    I bought myself a new radio 3 or 4 days ago, and I couldn't make heads or tails of it, its digital, the programes can all be preset, and I had to wait 'til I remembered to ask G/son tonight to set it up for me. He did it in a flash, and I have been sat here 2 nights now getting ratty with it. I had all on to stop myself smashing the thing up the wall I got so frustrated with it. I do listen to the radio a lot when I am on my own. I always have one strapped to my ears when I am cleaning out my dogs, I much prefer radio to TV.

    Off for a nice warm shower and bed right now. Up early in the morning to get to the hospital to see my cardiologist....parking is always a problem, so I shall have to set off over an hour earlier than my appointment to get parked up, and find the correct clinic. I am only about 6/7 miles away from the hospital, and could do it in 20 minutes if it weren't for traffic and parking. 
