Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2011

    Just for you Mcbird,

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    here is one of our seagulls, Crissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    this is my neighbors

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011

    wow! have been wiped out all week, but managed to get my son to get pix of the Grandkids & me posted on FB.. go look. i'll get them here, soon. i dont like me in the pic.. it shows where my hair thinned, and the missing tooth i have. gotta remember to lift my head, and not smike so big for pix. great pic of the kids, tho..its' just what i got left, after chemo.. they say its' my new normal; toothless; 1/2 bald.. but im still here. im letting it grow, and i'll do a combover!!! the tooth, well, can't afford the 2,00.00 they want for a bridge, so im just gonna have to live with it. i just smile with the kids!! they're "my beloveds" for sure.. ill learn to shut my trap, eventually.

       just got off the phone. they just don't give a rats patootie!!they didnt finish the transcription.. had to go home early, sorry, but it IS superbowl weekend.. i told her, its ok they're JUST looking for cancer.. that got her apologizing, but nothing to do but wait, and harass the right lady monday!

       Im not EVEN "going" there until after monday. the big worry was the MRI, no cancer, lots of nasties from MS.. well, im still suckin air.. and letting it go, right, Isabella!! that thread is marked as a favorite. haven't posted.. but have laughed my arse off!!!   luv ya all. will be back.. 3jays

  • Unknown
    edited February 2011

    Oh, 3Jays, that just sucks.  No better way to put it.  If the shoe was on the other foot, you can bet they would be raising the roof.  I posted early this AM on my little laptop and it got sent off to the ozone or something....This computer was not working and it turned out to be that the wireless keyboard was not working so now I am wired.....only figuratively, am off my steroid high.  Well, I am off to Portsmouth as soon as the buzzer on the dryer goes off.  We are supposed to get some more snow so I am going before that Dad said they didnt get any all week.  Lisa, what was your family name....Westheim is not that big of a town or Willage as they say ( I used to crack up when they would say little Willage since their V is a W....sounded like a speech defect.   My grandmother's father who came from there was Valentine Roth and he had a sister and I think her married name was Batteiger or something like that....we saw the tombstone when we visited the cemetary there.  Our cousin's name is Pflaum (plum) and he lives in Pforzheim, but he grew up in Ingolstadt....Dieter Pflaum.  He's the cousin we took to Jimmy Buffet one time when he and his wife were here and I gave him the CD and then the next time we visited them in Germany, he asked me dead serious, I have a question, What is a honkey? 

    SV, Tell you Dad you need the $2000, that you are saving him a bundle by not having him buy you that trailer he offered to get you awhile back. 

    The bird pics are beautiful.  I don't know what else to comment on because I am afraid if I go back  a page, I will lose this post also. 

    Another sister died....Carolyn from the Illinoisladies thread....the only reason I go to that one is because I hope to meet some of the women for dinner one night while I am in Chicago for the midwinter meeting in a few weeks....What a time to go to Chicago, I know.  But anyway, I was was just like with BoPeep.  Carolyn was told the dr had done all he could do, but some of the women were going to see her in just a week or so and then her sister sent someone an email that she was gone....BAM.  It's those stories that scare the crap out of me....of course I would not want a long drawn out deal like Camile, but the suddeness of all this is really scary. 

    I think PT made my back worse....he said it was losened up after he had me do some exercises and I was to do these at  home and then go back and see if we were going to move onto strengthening and I did feel better, but boy of boy is it ever tight now and actually hurts to sit here....maybe exercise is not the answer for this one.  Well, I must go.  I will write from my Dad's....hope to put up new valances and am delivering the tile for the bathroom so the floor can be done next week.    The sun is shining here so that will make it a nice drive for me and Harley as co-pilot.   

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    That one name Bettinger sounds familiar Marybe..hmmm

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    They are such regal birds. I love them. We have a lot of bald eagle in FL and I still get a thrill seeing them in flight or sitting in a tree.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited February 2011
    Hey ladies! Just came back from the breast surgeon today, and wanted to share some of what I learned. Especially interesting to me was the way he said to check my breast for lumps - now that I've had one. He said just lay your fingertips on top of your skin, and roll it around and over the underlying breast tissue, of course when you're laying down. I had a few lumps around the original tumor that were starting to make me nervous, and he explained that they will always be there as a result of surgery, but to get to know them and if I ever feel anything different to go see him and he will check it out. Also, if your nipples ever tingle, that is also normal. It comes from the cut nerves and the sensation can originate from as far back as the chest wall and go all the way to either nipple. It was just a regular 6 month follow-up appointment, but I feel so much better knowing what's been going on rather than just worrying about it. I hate it when I do that. That reminds me of a saying I saw:  Half the unhappiness in life comes from people being afraid to go straight at things.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    it is nice your doc took the time to explain stuff for you..

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited February 2011

    Yes, Lisa, that's what I really like about him. I think he likes explaining things, too, so we make a good pair! 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2011

    Lisa, your gulls over there seem to be a much, much bigger bird alltogether.  The variations of nature just blow me away sometimes.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited February 2011

    Lisa, your birds are lovely, I can never get as close to birds....I think the birds here are hypersensitive to all the racket the dogs make...go fluttering up and away for no reason at all as soon as I come on the scene. I love to sit in my conservatory and watch their antics on the feeders, they don't seem able to see me, and are only 2' away from me, and don't know it ! mad that you didn't get results, one day it will happen to them and they'll know what they put you thru'. I am still howling with laughter at that 'gas' thread as well....we need something like that now and then to stop dark thoughts....I still have them nearly 8 years on, think I always will...can't ever see myself forgetting this 'big event' Can't understand those who say they're moving on and forgetting all about bc...HOW do you just forget something as big as this ?? Its just always going to be there at the back of your mind.

    SV I hope you can get something fixed up about your new place....can't you get the old fart to give you a hand with the deposit, especially when he said he WOULD help out ? I think some men just like to wield power. My father wasn't that way, just the opposite, he just ignored me, very, very rarely spoke to me, but he would spend hours with my half sister chattering away with her. I would be in the same room, yet never was joined in the conversation.

    Have you all had lots of snow? The weather reports say you have.....we have had a real wild storm blasting out over 24 hours now. It is due to calm around 3am, in 3 hours, but at the moment it is howling and rain is lashing down. I had 2 new doors fitted to my kitchen and both of them whistle...its quite a noise TWO doors carrying on. If I go up to them and lean on them they stop, but am not in the business of leaning on doors....I shall be on to the fitters on Monday to get out and adjust them for me. My log shed roof went with an almighty crash this morning, came tumbling down, and now its a mess of roofing sheets and great big pieces of wood that have smashed in two. Getting to the logs will be like climbing mountains now. Will catch everyone I can to fill up my log baskets,,, just flutter my eyelashes and look silly, and they'll do it for me ( I hope !!) About an hour after the log shed crashed the back of a big long workshed flew out, and I'm hoping the rest of the shed won't fall in now...if it will just make it 'til 3 am, it should be OK. I bother about the cats when things start to blow out, as they shelter in the sheds when its wet.

    I can't be bothered to look out insurance papers now, but will have to do over w/end....I have an awful feeling the log shed isn't insured at all, its just really a big lean too against a triple garage....quite big, so it ought to have been put on the insurance, but DH won't have done it I am pretty it will be me shelling out to have it rebuilt . There are lots of people out of work around the area, so someone will come do it.

    Am having workmen here starting Monday to build me another bedroom, I have been flying about all week collecting up materials so they can start. I had 2 extra rooms built on nearly 2 years ago now, knocked thru into a barn, there was enough left of this barn to get another room in, but , for some reason I cannot think why now, I didn't let the workmen carry on and do it while they were here.They re roofed it, and put all inside woodwork in the roof, leaving me a lovely old exposed beam, so there isn't too much to do really. Electrics, plastering, floorboards, and worst of all knocking thru' into my sitting room ( where I have a white carpet, and cream soft furnishings!!!) I just have been putting it off because I didn't want the mess, but have decided I need it now. Its all on one level, there's a new cloakroom in this area , so when I don't feel like going climbing stairs I don't need to, everythings there. I went and bought the fabric and lining to make the curtains today, and I haven't even got a window ordered yet ! If this bad weather does continue I shall be sewing away all w/end, am making a covered bedhead and frill for the bottom of the bed as well....I like a project. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2011

    Wow Isabella, getting all that work done sounds like you will end up with quite a large house to look after as well as all your other work.  I'm with you regarding, I always need something to do with my hands.  Good luck with your building and sewing, hope it all turns out just the way you want it.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2011

    SoCalLisa - the birds are beautiful.

    SV- Just stay put and keep taking care of yourself.  Fill out the paper work you need for the new place and everything will turn out OK.  Love you girl.

    Marybe - be careful in all your traveling around during all the snow and ice. You are not alone in being scared by the sudden passing of one of our sisters.  Also keep up the exercises for about 2 weeks before you give up.  It took me that long to realize that once the body got used to the movements the pain got less and less.  Sometimes it just takes time for the body to get used to moving again.

    Well I am already falling asleep so I think I will go get a warm bath and get into my cuddly PJs. Hope everyone has a restful evening,  Amy Jo 

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited February 2011

    Just checking in to say hello and to send hugs to all. 


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2011

    SoCalLisa Please tell me what kind of bird the blue bird is? I have never seen one just like that and think it is so pretty. I love birds and watching them. Where we are here I thought there would be a lot of birds but since I don't have a water way on this property it must cut down the bird population drastically. I have seen only a few robin and one bird with an orange streak. That is all, formerly I woud keep track in a book of all the birds that passed though or l ived locally.

    Isabella is the new bed room to make room for your grandson? It would be so nice if you had someone to help out. I sew too but I have no match for your energy. You are amazing.


  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited February 2011

    Lisa, such beautiful pics, thank you. 

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited February 2011

    Lisa and chrissyb,  you take ordinary things such as a bird or a flowerand turn them into things of beauty.  Thanks for the wonderful photos.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    ginger, the blue bird is a Northern Blue Dacnis...not native here, but at the zoo

    Supposedly however according to the National Wildlife preserve here, San Diego

    has the largest variety of birds in the is a migratory stop...

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2011

    Isabella4 - where do you get all the energy to do so much.  It take just about all I have to get showered and dressed and make it to all the doctor appointments and tests.  Once in a while I do get other things done like empty the dishwasher, do the laundry, or go to the store to pick up a few things.  Then I have to take a nap before I can do anything else.  I do a lot of knitting, I have started knitting hats and scarfs for the homeless people here in Raleigh.  My church has a ministry that provided food, clothing and helps them find shelter on a regular basis.  Since I can sit an knit for hours, I have started knitting a lot of hats and scarfs.  When the weather warm up a little I will maybe have enough physical strength to make some more of my "See Lights"  

    See LightsWe
  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited February 2011

    Oh! amyjo, I LOVE the sea light! Too cute! That's very nice of you to knit those things for the homeless - I think I need to learn knitting, too, because I can't seem to do much else right now. I'm just plum tuckered out!

    Lisa - only rarely do the birds that come to my bird feeder surprise me, but once in a while I'll get something passing through that I don't recognize. Birds are so much fun to watch! My cats certainly enjoy watching them from my screened porch so they keep us all happy! We have a parakeet that stays in my son's room - it's the warmest room in the house and also my son spends a lot of time in there doing his homework so they keep each other company. While he's at school, my son turns on selected playlists for the bird - Hooter has 3 playlists. Fun, bouncy songs from the 60's mostly. Then my son walks around at Georgia Tech whistling something like "Peggy Sue" and his friends think he has weird taste in music. So he blames me for that - haha.

    Isabella - I know that's quite a job having workmen around all the time. I know you'll be glad to get it over with, too, so you're on your way! Hope everything goes smoothly and quickly! 

  • Unknown
    edited February 2011

    AmyJo,   I loved the seelights when I saw them at your home and will tell you again that I love them.  How did that hat you were knitting the the pinks and lavender come out?  I have not picked up my needles since OBX, but maybe one of these days....actually I am not wanting to admit it, but I think I am definitely developing some neuropathy in both my feet and hands....both are asleep to the point of almost being painful when I wake up in the morning....not a good thing so I will see how far this goes.  Don't seem to be bothered by it at work, but I have noticed that I am dropping things more than a cup of coffee this morning and a can I was trying to open last night.   Oh, the exercises....I am going to stick with them for a few weeks as you said....know Rome wasn't built in a day, just hope I didn't do myself any damage today lifting a 25 lb bag of grout. 

    Isabella, adding another room on....that is quite a project and exciting. I hope they have extra heavy duty tarps to put up so cold air isn't blowing in....or do they build the room first and then make the opening?  Since I have never added on, have no idea how this is done, but I sure would like to add on to the kitchen at my Dad's since there is no way we are ever going to have enough cabinets IF we ever actually move here.  As of right now I am just concentrating on redecorating and remodeling the exisiting rooms.  I don't know if something has happened to me, but I am the most indecisive person who ever lived....cannot decide on colors and simple things like that.  I remember when I did the kitchen I knew what color I wanted so just went ahead and bought it and painted the walls when they were ready and I still like it.  Now I am constantly hauling home these little sample cans of paint you can get and never end up liking any of the colors....right now I have 6 different colors on the wall in the room on the way to the 3rd floor and I just can't find anything that looks good in there.  And the colors never come out looking the same as they did in the store because the light is so different.  But I do think I came up with a color I like for the 3rd floor bathroom and that is only because I found a tile I liked for the floor and matched paint to it right there at Lowes. Then is was picking out a grout, did I want it lighter or darker? I hate making these decisions and I used to absolutely love my little decorating projects.  My father said on the way back from our errand running this afternoon that he had a horrible thought, that neither one of us may live to see all this renovating completed and I said, I know that, Why do you think I am obsessed with getting on with it?  But I think I WILL live to see it's keeping me going so maybe I should not rush it.

    We went to Bob Evans for breakfast first, but I ended up getting lunch, a chicken pot pie, since it was 11 when we got there.....then we drove to Sam's Club which is about 50 miles from Dad bought a paper shredder because get this, he is getting rid of all my mother's medical bills and records....She has been dead since 1996.  That's like the day he told me he was cleaning out cupboards and was throwing away old cards, said "some of those things were from 1902" and I yelled 1902! For pete's sake, why throw them away now, those are antiques!  So I dug them out of the trash.  Anyway, he bought a shredder and oatmeal and I bought a book ( I have such a stack to read now) and cheese for the next fondue party which is going to be this coming Sat.  I was not totally satisfied with the last fondue because it separated at the end and there was too much fat in it, so it has to be imported cheese as the domestic is just too soft and when it is hard, there isn't as much fat. They were giving out samples today so we had pizza and chicken and hummus with pita chips and all sorts of goodies.  I no longer have a Sam's membership, just Costco so I asked him if he would take me to Sam's and he is always eager to go anywhere with me....I of course drove because he is a rotten driver. but what can I say, he's almost 89.  We also went to this builder's outlet so I could check out the tile and fixtures there since it was very near to Sam's.  Then we stopped at BigLots to get Uncle Bill ( the Uncle Bill as in Shell Knob MO. with the house in the woods we are going to invade)  a birthday card and he was cracking up over some of them.  My dad makes me laugh and that is good because part of the time he makes me want to scream. This is a typical conversation....we drove past this place that was called the American Restaurant and was there for years and it was great place to go for food after you had been out drinking since it was open all closed last year and has been for sale.  When we drove by there I said Oh, someone must have bought the American Restaurant, it's open and my Dad says That pharmacy has been there for years and I said No, the American Restaurant and he says, Oh that's been closed and I said I Know that, but it had an open sign and he said Oh, someone must have bought it.  I swear I feel like we are Laurel and Hardy when we get into some of these's like who's on 3rd, no he's on second base, What's on get the idea.  But he's a dear sweet man and I am just fortunate to still have a parent. I just had to help him with the top button on his shirt because he couldn't get it and I tell you with my finger tips the way they are it was not an easy task for me...I ke[t trying and was going Hold your head back, oh almost got it and this went on for probably 5 mins and Harley thinks we are playing some sort of a game so he's got his pull rope and is jumping on my dad's now he's got a tie on and a sweater and says he looks like a gentleman tonight.  And he is a gentleman.  He was telling me today how he read this article about that book written by Tom Brokaw The Greatest Generation, referring to my Dad's era and he said he was actually starting to believe that and I said oh for sure, look at what's out there today.  When we were at Lowe's no one helped me load this tile into the cart even though there were a few guys just standing around and the lady who checked me out kept paging for someone to help load and then some guy did not wait his turn at the 4 way stop and pulled out in front of me and I said  Thanks a lot jackass and  Daddy says that was good of you to call him that and not an asshole.  I swear, I just get such a kick out of him.  He is having his martini now and bite to eat since he is going to Lord of the Dance tonight with Emma (his former office girl).  He kept asking You are sure you don't want to go?  Don't you want me to get you a ticket?  Well, I probably should have gone, but I would rather hang the valances and decide on a paint color and get a few things done and I have seen both that one and River Dance several times.  They have a nice theater here at the college and get shows on the way to bigger cities.  If the Kings Speech is on here I will go see that with him tomorrow again since I think he would like it....neither of us cares about Super Bowl, although I do like the commercials.  I still miss my mother and am so thankful to be able to have good times with one friend absolutely cannot stand to spend any time at all with her mother because her mother is really demanding and critical and just downright mean. 

    So speaking of parents like that.....have you asked your dad for a deposit yet, SV?  You really should because he did offer to help you not too long ago....remind him of that...shame him into it.  Tell him several of your friends have asked if your dad couldn't help you out.

    3jays...hope waiting for news is not making your weekend too bad.

    We have no snow here....think it is all north and East.....Cincinnati is West of here, and I think we got more there, but don't know really since I don't sit and watch the weather channel all day like Tim.....he was going to go get a new cable box for the kitchen today since he cannot stand to be in a room without a working tv....I thought it was rather nice.  We did drive through some rain today and I think they are saying ice tonight....Emma's daughter is going to drive them to the show.  If it gets bad, I won't go back home til Monday. 

    Later, Ladies.  

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    AmyJo, gorgeous!!!! And Isabella, lordy-get you on a whirlwind and nothing stops you!! Well, I drove an hour to get to the cottage today in the pouring rain and fog so thick it was like pea soup. Figured if it looked good in that weather it would ge OK. AND the cottage was HORRIBLE!! How do people have the nerve to post pix of something that doesn't even resemble the actual house. It was completely falling apart outside--no paint, storm windows falling out; screen torn off of back porch; rugs filthy and it sat in a giant swamp of mud. In the right circumstances the place would be stunning-well a new house would be stunning. The photo was years old as the farmhouse next door is closed down now. I am so bummed. Really feel broken hearted-no idea what to do-but I returned the key stating to the agency that the place was a mess-and the desk clerk cheerfully chirped, well we have a lot of people interested in it-oh yeah-is that why it has been on the market since October!!! Just overwrought right now-errgh! SV

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2011

    SV, sorry to hear that the cottage did not live up to the photographs.  Don't give up, something is sure to come your way!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    Now that is really crummy SV, the nerve..I am hoping something comes in for you...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    another duck photo

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    Saw him today and he has a beautiful light blue bill...

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited February 2011

    SoCal- those bird pics are gorgeous. I don't have many bald eagles around but I count hawks on the way to the office and on the way home each day. It is magical to me-my biggest number thus far is 23! It was a spectacular day!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    I am loving hawks too annette..beautiful when they soar..

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited February 2011

    Birds mean a lot in my family. After my brother passed away many years ago every spring my mom would look for her first robin and say that was Davey, then after my sister passed, two would come every spring. Fast forward to my BC diagnosis and I was in the backyard sobbing my guts out after leaving the doctor's office. I was looking up and "asking" my dad, my sister and brother what was I going to do? What would happen? A bright red cardinal landed right on the table top in front of me and just looked at me. I really start crying because it wasn't a robin so it didn't mean much other than it was pretty. The next day on the way to work I reached a call in pyschic on the radio for the first time after trying for months...all I told her was that I had been diagnosed with BC and what, if anything, did the cardinal mean. Nothing else at all. She said :I see an older man, a yound woman and a boy (at this point I almost drove into a truck so I pulled to the side of the road) and they said they couldn't find a robin in Texas in October so they sent the cardinal. To let me know I would be ok and I wouldn't be joining them anytime soon. Even as I type this I have the same goosebumps that I did that day.  Thanks for spurring the memory again...

    As for the hawks...I have a friend who lives in the same neighborhood as I do and he has never seen one. I guess you have to look if you want to see:)