Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    (((((BARB))))))) & (((((SUZGAL)))))). Both of you are getting lots of prayers, blessings and thanks (((Suz-HAPPY DANCE)) from my little corner of the world!! AJ are you doing ok-worried about you!! Sending love, SV

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011
    Barbara, thanks for the call. i know your scared.. but we're all here, holding cyber hands with you. a veritable prayer chain of fools for all your family. we love you, and are here for you. 3jays..
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011
    susgal!! cant do the animated happy dance till i get on the laptop.. so here i am, cyber dancing for you!! congrats girl!!{{{amyJo}}} only one ever other day? WTH     3jays
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2011

    Alittle something to help make you feel better.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011
    is that considered a calla over there chrissy? good to see ya. ive been tuckin my tail a bit lately.. 3jays
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2011

    Yes it is Cherie, also known as the Peace Lily.  Not feeling too good myself, seeing the doc on Thursday.  Will let you know what happens.....Chrissy

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited February 2011

    Barb, hugs and prayers for your brother coming your way.  Darla

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2011

    Barbara - sorry to hear your brother is so unwell - very scary for you (((Hugs))).  Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery for him.

    Marybe - I love your stories about you and your Dad - they remind me of what having my Dad around was like.  He died mid 2007 and I still really miss him - he also was a 'gentleman' in every sense of the word and gave me strength and safety in my life.  It makes me happy to think of you and your Dad enjoying eachothers company so much.  Re Mt Maunganui (the area is named after the small extinct volcanic mountain (Mauao - meaning 'caught in the light of day', sacred to the Maori) which is the main feature of the area and which is at the entrance to the Tauranga harbour (no I haven't spelt that wrong, that is the way we spell 'harbour' in NZ). Alyson is right, I live just 20 mins by highway from 'the Mount' as we call it.  It was originally a small beach settlement with mainly holiday bachs but it is now well built up with modern homes and is lately growing high rise (although there is a 10 storey restriction) apartment buildings at an alarming rate. Population is around 35,000.  It is part of the greater city of 115,000.  It is one of the very popular holiday destinations for NZers in the summer. Here are a few pictures of the Mount area to give you an idea  this is an older photo of the main beach showing some of the early high rise apartmentsand this is looking along the beach toward the Mount.  Much more built up with apartment blocks now though.

    (((SV))) - so sorry to hear you are still bouncing from one health problem to the next.  I agree, get the stringy things checked out.  My DH had a missed stitch work its way to the surface several years after a wound was stitched so maybe that is what the stringy bits are, but I'm no doctor. I can  imagine the frustration of a spaniel on the end of a lead wanting to 'go' - poor Angus - I seriously hope he will be able to run on the beach again or you won't be the only one with cabin fever!!!.  My cocker just hates being on a lead (head droops so low to the ground that his ears scrape along it and his wee tail stops its frantic wagging) - wants to be out in front hunting game under whatever bush or vegetation is around. Please don't feel bad about late pressies - you have been SO kind in offering us a picture so the amount of time it takes you to get them done is not a problem.  Rest up and get well - spring is on the way and you want to be ready to get out with your camera and make the most of the new season eh?  You are in the middle of winter too and that is enough to get anyone down.  I am always ready to throw in my job in the middle of winter but when the longer days start to come life doesn't look so hard and by the time I finish for the year all that seems to be forgotten - lol.

    Amyjo - I am sorry to hear you are so very tuckered out - I hope rads are easy for you.

    Socallisa - I went on a Mediterranean cruise in 1999 - long time ago but I really enjoyed it.  We went from Barcelona to Marseille to Majorcia to Loverno (visited Pisa and Florence from there) to Naples (visited Pompeii from there) to Sardinia then back to Barcelona in one week.  We would have liked to go around again and visit the places we hadn't been able to fit in in the first week!

    Chrissy -  fingers crossed there will be a good reason for your feeling unwell.

    Isabella - never a dull moment in your part of the world - you keep me on my toes waiting for the next installment of your adventures!

    3jays - well done on holding it together for the scan - those machines are definitely claustrophobic and I just hate having those contrast dyes pumped into me - feel quite violated somehow by that - I know in my head that it has to be done but my heart was screaming away that it is NOT GOOD to have this stuff rushing round my body.  Especially hated the radioactive dyes they put in for the SNB test.

    Hi everyone else!  Getting late and I have to work tomorrow.  Take care.  Love to you all


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Rae, how lovely the Mount is!!

    Thanks everyone, for the good wishes. I am heading to the hospital soon to buttonhole the doctor who sent him home from the ER last Thursday with a scrip. I am not a litigious person but this has me rethinking all of that. He is only 57!!! If he dies, all bets are off.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    edited February 2011

    Barb, I'm also sending prayers and best wishes for your brother, and hugs to you. 


  • Shirlrae
    Shirlrae Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2011

     I was diagnosed with BC Nov.2009 at age 72. I opted for dbl mastectomy. I am single, no family. I am on Arimidex and tomorrow go in for first infusion of Aredia for bone loss. This whole thing is so difficult with or without support. I am grateful it was caught early. My Mom and Sister died of BC so I am surprised I didn't get it earlier, and I sort of expected it. I thank God everyday that the treatment options are so incredible compared to 20 or 30 years ago.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Shirl, welcome. Sorry you have to join us here but this is a lovely group of people.

    Thanks, all. My brother is improving. Fever is down, anti-b's seem to be working. They may need to do more surgery this PM but the surgeon will make the call and he han't been by yet. Headed back mid PM.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2011

    Barbara - been praying continually for Dave and your family.  Any news yet as to what is going on?  Hope they go all the infection out and he heals quickly. I think I would be asking so serious questions about the doc that saw him on Thursday and sent him home.

    SV - I am ok, just really tired so I have not been posting much lately.  Trying to stay warm and not overdo anything.  I am finally taking down the Christmast tree.  It was either take it down or start dusting it and I hate to dust.  Tomorrow I have a banquet at lunch and then bible study in the evening and Thursday I don't have anything planned and Friday I get my next Aredia IV.  Saturday DH and I will have been married 30 yrs. No plans yet as DH wants to wait and see how I am feeling then.  We may go out for breakfast if I am up to it.

    3jay - I will have rads 5 day on, 2 days off.  What I meant was that as for activities that I do I only have 1 planned every other day, instead of my normal 4 - 5 things every day. Sorry for the confusion.

    chrissyb - love the picture of the Peace Lily. Calla lilies are some of my favorites.

    Hope everyone is staying warm and getting plenty of rest.  Take care of yourselves.

    Joy and blessing, Amy Jo 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2011

    Morning all, its a wet Wednesday here. I am just so pleased its a lot cooler today especially as we have a funeral to attend. My DH's cousin died on Sunday from Stage 4 melanoma, by the time it was discovered it was everywhere. What was sad is that he had been treated for a heart condition for years but this was missed- it caused similar symptons to angina. So I had better get moving as some of the family are coming back here later.

    I do hope everyone is feeling OK and has a pleasant evening.

    Big hugs to all

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited February 2011

    Barbara - glad to hear about your brother, and hope he doesn't need more surgery. What a relief! 57 IS too damn young to be dealing with life or death issues. He's lucky to have you looking out for him!

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2011
    Just quickly (work soon) checking in to see if there was news on your bro Barb and it is good! - phew.  Thinking of you and your Mum and bro.
  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited February 2011

     My computer crashed last night and I am using an ancient laptop so it is very hard to type anything. Know that you are all in my heart and prayers.



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited February 2011

    Don't you just go mad when the computer is out.

    Mine crashed 13 times last one evening. We were having terrible gales, and that was the cause. A connecting wire had come loose, right up the top of a pole, and it took 3 men, 2 vehicles, and a hydraulic platform to re-connect me. What happened to the old fashioned ladder I'd like to know !!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    Who can guess where I spent my day???

    I walked for three hours and I am exhausted

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2011

    I love the San DIego Zoo photos. :)

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited February 2011

    Beautiful photos Lisa!!!

    Isabella, I am afraid that my computer has permanently crashed.  The hard drive has died and I (who did not back up my files on my home computer) will have to hope that someone can retrieve my records from the old hard drive. The computer company is coming to install a new hard drive since this one is less than 2 years old and still on a warranty.  It makes me wonder what kinde of rubbish I purchased--it is a desk top model so it has not been dropped or otherwise damaged.

    On the other hand, there is a great story on the news about an English Granny who stopped the robbery of a jewelry store by smacking the robbers with her pocket book.  It kind of reminds me of our own indefatigable Isabella.  Here's a link:

    Have a nice day everyone.



    PS That was supposed to be a link. Sorry this old computer that I am using did not enter it as one. But you can copy and paste it if you want to see the story.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Howdy folks! Bro is doing MUCH better this morning. They are going to try weaning him off the respirator tomorrow which means he will come back into consciousness. Once he is conscious, I will take my mom to see him. She would freak if she saw him intubated with all the lines and wires coming out of him. AJ thanks for the prayers. They are working. Thanks to all my sisters who are pulling for him. He is coming around!!

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2011

    Yay.. thats the best news ALL YEAR.  What a nightmare. I wouldnt have let mom see him til hes fully awake and talking.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    Barbara, good to hear  your brother is making progress. I think you made the right call

    about taking your Mom to see him "all hooked up:"...sending hugs to you and your family

  • Lawteach
    Lawteach Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2011

    Hi, All,

    This is my first post although I have been reading through it since diagnosed oct. 1st.  I am 65 and have had a real roller-coaster ride.   My dad was injured in WW II so he came home from the Pacific arena early and I am among the first Boomers to come along. Here is my story in brief:

    From northern NJ, I chose to go through Sloan-Kettering in NYC due to their cutting-edge approaches and exceptional care.  Opted for mastectomy Nov. 4th, popped back quickly. Being a feisty 65, I wanted breast reconstruction so during the surgery they put in the tissue expander and I began the saline infusions to begin expanding the tissue.  My husband was pleased about the return of 2 "perkies", since my breasts have always been large, and the remaining one would have to be made smaller.  Plus, to put my own flesh and blood vessels in the reconstructed breast, they do a "tummy tuck" in the process of obtaining abdominal tissue.  A real win-win-win!

      I am a lawyer and retired high school teacher who had just created a first-ever Integral seminary which was to begin its first class 2 weeks after the op.  I was really excited which gave me a great psychological boost.

     Oncol. booked bone and tissue scans.  Bone was clear, but I had a spot on my lung. It was a translucent smear across ther bottom of my left lobe.  Turned out to be adinocarcinoma. But on Dec. 10th I spiked a fever and noticed my left breast had swollen a deep red.  Surgeon told me to pack a bag for 3 days and rush to S-K  ER--I had cellulitis, which 25% of all women getting reconstruction get to some degree.  I had not known the figure was that high.

     After 4 days on very heavy antibiotics, my breast had gotten huge and I still had a fever.  Had emergency surgery to remove tissue expander and remove a qt. of pus.  YUK!!!!  Surgeon said, we could try later to do the process.  DON'T THINK SO---EVER.  So now I have one D cup and one flat.  I'll get a prosthesis in 2 wks, tho.

    While recovering for 5 more days at S-K, thorasic surgeon introduced himself.  I needed surgery to remove the lung cancer. I am one of the 20% of women who are NEVER-SMOKERS who develop lung cancer every year.  Didn't know that stat either.

    Jan. 10th had thorasic surgery of a full thoracotomy (sp?), the most painful cancer procedure, with a HUGE scar again on my left side.  They spread my ribs apart to take out the 3.3 cm cancer, then sutured them together.  I am just now getting back to normal, and have my old zest back.

    But after 3 major surgeries in 2 months, I begin chemo this Mon., on Valentiner's Day no less, and am freaked out at all of the invasions of my body which will now be followed by poison.  I'm really trying to concentrate on the 17% recurrence rate once I am done in 4 months of AC-T dose dense.

    .BTW--I am not sure what your abbrs. mean.  Is there any guide for them?

    Thanks for listening, and if there is a cheerleading squad for those of us Boomers going thru chemo, let me know.

    Blessings to all of you,


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited February 2011

    Welcome, Lynne, to the place no one wants to be. Here is a link to the abbreviations.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited February 2011

    Hi Lynn...sorry to hear all you are going is a trek sometimes..sending hugs to you..

    I just love these little critters..yesterday, they put on a show for me..I was the only one with them

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited February 2011

    I clicked that link and it didn't open. Find the abbreviation list under:

    Forum: Waiting for Test Results → Topic: Abbreviations for newbies - updated

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited February 2011

    Hi Lynne!

    Welcome to the place no one wants to be. You will find this group is very supportive. 

    Barb, so glad your brother is doing better!  Best news.

    Well they reinstalled a brand new hard drive on my computer. But it is "naked" so to writing program, no nothing. So I am spending the day trying to download some basics.
