Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2009

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Let's start with the Reiki.  It's an old nurses thing. They use it to calm pateints, especially in mental facilities.  At least my nurse friend that works in a mental facility says so.  LOL   Mentally I think it helps.  I had an spiritual guide do some on me, I think it has a lot to do with your own beliefs.  I do meditation with a group and by myself.  I don't realize it has helped until I stop it, then I realize my life seems to just become more difficult to live.  I stress more.  So it does help.  The Reiki is suppose to move the bad energy in your body around so that the good energy is helping to heal.  Supposedly the Reiki expert can find and move the energy.  I don't know if I am that spiritual BUT it is sort of a comforting feeling having this person hands just hovering over different parts of your body.  Sort of like a light back rub or light fingers running over your body.  Moving energy?  Hey if that is what they think they are doing and if by some slight chance it works???? Why not?  ;-)

     Yes, the Arimidex is working for me the same way it seems to be working for Susan's friend.  I just really need to lay off of the sugar.  I was never a sugar eater.  I just ate --- to much -- but all of a sudden in the afternoon I just crave something with sugar in it.  Probably the cancer looking for food.  LOL

     Sleep, --- well as I said, the Arimidex wakes me up a bit more then I was before.  I woke up last night at 2:30 and was up for a full two hours.  I "almost" got up and unpacked a box or did some laundry but I decided to obey my momma and stay where I was, read a book, played a hand held card game and ---- fell back asleep, didn't wake up until 7:00 when I take the Arimidex.  Same time every day.  As I said before though, if I had to get up for work at 5:30, like I use to, I wouldn't have been happy about getting about 4 hours of sleep.  So I think it depends on --- well, can you nap during the day?  Sometimes I just sit down in a chair and fall asleep.  

    That's all from me for now.   I have a busy day, Robert is home and we have to "get things done."  LOL  Pictures to hang, DSI unit to go back to Embarq. Furniture stores to go see.  LOL I am looking for a lighted Curio cabinet for my glass collection.  I was told to go to the garbage store.  Evidently our dump here has a refuse and reuse store.  We shall see.  Sounds creepy to me but then again, I know people that use to just go to the dump to find treasures.  Heck, what do I know.  



  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Member Posts: 220
    edited April 2009

    Ritajean - it's more of the 7 dwarfs - this time I'm Cranky and Teary! 

    Yes, I'm on Aromasin, so I assume it has something to do with the sleep problem. 

    Pam - I love the sugar-hungry cancer!  Now I have something to blame my cravings on!

    Jo - I hope you made the most of your walking trip and found some great buys at Jo-Ann!!  I don't so much miss creating dance costumes, but I do miss having yards of tulle and sequins, etc. all over.  I sewed some nice skirts for school a few years ago, but when I got done, they cost more than if I had bought them on sale.Undecided

    Hope all had a wonderful, wet spring day.

  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited April 2009

    Hello Chemo Chooks,

    Jo, thanks for checking on me.  I needed a little break from these boards for a few days.  My friend is doing well...coming out of the denial phase and getting ready to fight this.

    I have a confession--I've read post after post mentioning the SEs experienced by several of you seasoned ladies, and it never clicked much with me.  I've been relatively SE free during this whole chemo experience UNTIL now.  I had my 4th AC on Friday, then back Monday for Neulasta shot.  It hit me about 1 am this morning--aches, soreness, etc.  Wow!  I feel like I'm sitting in the middle of the road wondering what on earth happened to the truck!  It's beginning to ease some, but I certainly won't take no SEs for granted again.  My hat's off to you ladies who have been enduring the little/big "add-ons" from treatment.  You have GRIT!! 

    Have a good evening, all!   Helen

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,570
    edited April 2009

    Hi Helen.....yes, every now and then we can get clobbered pretty worst time was when I had an infection ( esophageal thrush ) and did not know it.  Well, I think it turned on every side there ever was....wasn't a spot on my body that didn't hurt in some way.  After that I went back to a little more 'normal' side effects --- like maybe bad taste in the mouth for a few days.  I hope you are not getting an infection of some kind --- maybe you are just having some mild weakness of some sort....thus intensifying the ache/bone pain.  Hope so.  Of course, it all passes.....Distasteful, but it is what needs to be done so we can get over this disease (never really over it ) and move on fruitfully in our life.  My A/C had difficulties....but the thrush came while I was doing Taxotere....who'd think we would ever yearn to just have a nasty taste in the mouth. 

    Hope things stay quiet for you once your totally over this hump.  Do you have any more txs to do. 

    Well you know Jo....when you forget something you have a really good excuse to go back much sooner than you would have. 

    Bushed now so think I'm going to go find my recliner.

    Hope you all have a wonderful night.



  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010

    Just checking in to see how you all are doing?  Reiki sounds interesting.  Welcome to all the new girls here.  Got to run...those thunder storms are hitting NJ now.  Goodnight all


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2009

    ty for reiki info.  I thought it was like in Karate Kid when Mr. Miagi rubs hands and puts on Daniel.   I figure it can't hurt, right?   

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,570
    edited April 2009

    Good morning Smile everyone.  Hope you are having this pretty sun and maybe some warm temperatures to go along with it.  I nearly lost hope about getting any sun any time soon and I'm going to bloom really nicely today I think. 

    I too think the reiki would probably be a good thing.  My thought is that it would cause you to be aware of your body as a whole unit and  then the synergistic flow  ( circuit from head to toe and back again up the opposite way ) would be able to heal rather than becoming stuck at some point.  Am I close on this or totally all wet. 

    Susan, Pam, Maire, Lefty,Rita. Helen, Jo.....hope you all have a wonderful day.  I'll be checking back later when I take a break from....whatever I get into today. 



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    Reiki, is exactly like what Mr Miagi did in the Karate Kid.  Let's see the guide (Richard) started by rubbing my shoulders and some of my back then he would sort of just hold his hands over my head and back of my neck.  Then he would rub my head and neck. It felt sort of tingely.  It was nice.  Don't know if it helped but it felt good.  I have never had a whole body one.  I would like it but it costs $35.00 to $50.00 depending.  Not sure if that is worth it or not.  Suppose it is if you believe it works.  I just don't have that kind of money. 

    LOL, I would rather buy the Curio Cabinet or the little desk for my office that I found yesterday, for a really decent price also.

    Quiet day today, just put up pictures and took Bob to work.  I am still working on my house.  It will take a while.  My mom had surgery yesterday to take out two sections of her intestines because of bad colitis.  I think I would rather be me, right now.  My brother said she is in a lot of pain.  She is 85, doesn't seem quite fair for her to have to go through this all, but she came through the surgery with flying colors.  

    Not to insult anyone and I hope this is not insultingly off color but my sister made a funny about my mom.  She said my mom's 85 year old body was just tired of pushing crap. ROFL.  Sorry if I insulted anyone's sensiblities but I couldn't stop laughing when she said it.  LOL  I need that kind of laugh now and then.

    OK, that is my funny for the day, I am  off to do more work on my house.

    Hope everyone sleeps well tonight.  I made it all the way to 4:30 this morning and then was up for an hour and back to sleep until 7.  I think whoever said the side effects slow down after a while was probably right.  I still haven't lost anymore weight which means the bad taste is gone and I am back to my old eating habits.  Sigh.



  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Member Posts: 220
    edited April 2009

    Pam - Sorry your mom is having problems.  Hope this takes care of it.  Will she have a temporary colostomy bag?  You didn't offend me, but I'm the one who's posted about being so gassy! 

    I do have a teeny bit of cheer...I had my final appointment with my therapist!!  Must be I'm all better! 

     Next month is one year since dx.  Strange year. 

  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2009


    Oh yes, temporary colostomy bag and according to my sister "she is not a happy camper about it."  Luckily she moved into a fifty-five and older community last year and part of their deal is that they take care of you if you have a bad illness.  She is going to go to an ALF for a while then on back to her home and they are suppose to send in nurses to check on her.  Thank God as my sister and brother work full time and I am miles away from her.

    Anyway, emptied a lot of boxes today, that is a good thing.  Am waiting for the bone scan next week.  I have to remind lots of people to pray for me, seems to have worked so far.  Not that I am terribly religious but I have a firm belief in God and a firmer belief in prayer and meditation.  Me and Mr Miagi.  ;-)

    Have a good night ladies,


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2009

    The Reiki thing I was asking about is offered in 3 sessions and there is no cost involved.  I think I can get my Metro van pool to take me there and bring me back and avoid getting lost on the Beltway.  It may be an introduction for further study, training, but it could be "enlightening".

     I had taken a Tai Chi class a couple of years ago, which was very stress reducing and fairly easy to do.  There is no huffing and puffing or strenuous movements.  It was a bit on the pricey side and of course they want you to keep coming for another session.   I wish you could view videos before you buy them, as there are a lot of them with Tai Chi.  

    My mind is like a sieve tonight.  Hugs, Blessings, Smilies, good wishes, and Prayers for all.  


  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited April 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    I just want to thank each and everyone of you who prayed for my cousin Junior. The Lord called him home yesterday, so his suffering is over.

    Welcome to everyone who is new on here. I have been getting our camper ready for a trip, we were suppose to leave today, but we will stay for the funeral, then we will be on the road for about four months, we are going to work for the Corps of Engineers. We will come home every three weeks so I can get my Herceptin.

    Hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Spring and Summer, I will try and say hello every three weeks. I will still ask God to bless each and everyone of you when i pray.

    Like I said, haven't been on here lately, so I just want to say that I hope and pray you are all doing well.


    Hope and pray you are doing great and the Lord has blessed you so vey much


    I will really miss talking with you, especially about Jesus.

  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010

    Hi Helen,  hope you are feeling better. The neulasta shot may give you some  flu  like pains  and aches.  Hang in there...finishing  number 4 AC is great.   What will be next for you? 

    Mother of 7.... sorry about your cousin but  you are right  ...his suffering is done....sounds like an interesting spring and summer for you.  Good luck in you travels.

    Just a note on rads.  I did very well and worked during the treatment...I was so messed up from chemo I had to take  a leave of absence for  4 hospitalizations.   But rads wasn't that bad.  I'm very fair and all I used was corn starch...can  you believe that?   Skin was irritated but not as bad as expected.

    Up with a mini migrane last night so I'm taking the day off  to relax.I would have pushed through it years ago but now I'm a  big baby and not trying to tough it out.

    Have a good day.  Maire

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2009

    Motherof sorry to hear about Junior.  My prayers for the family will continue.  We will miss you as you travel but it sounds quite interesting.  Travel safely and check in when you can. 

    My prayers are also with you PamW as you face the bone scan. HUGS!

    I played nine holes of golf this morning.  We were pushing it some as it was still a little cool but I guess we have spring fever.

    I hope everyone is doing well today.


  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Member Posts: 220
    edited April 2009

    Mother - Sorry for your loss, but you're right, he's home and looking down on you with love.

    Pam - do you have news yet?  have you had the scan?  I can't remember squat.

    Jo - I lost enough weight to make the top 5 for this week at our school big losers group! And, even though it was only a couple pounds, I'm feeling motivated to continue walking.  I only wish my right knee would agree.  Man, it's not happy whether I'm standing on it or not.  Frown

    Have a great Friday, all.

  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited April 2009

    Hey JO, Maire and all Chemo Chooks,

    I'm back to "normal," whatever that is now!  In addition to the Neulasta shot, I've been pushing the walking since tomorrow is the Relay for LIfe here and my sister is coming from Iowa to walk in the Survivor's Lap with me and I am determined to walk the full lap.  Sis offered to bring a wheel chair and I told her that if she did, I would be pushing her in it as I will not ride!  I think the walking plus med put more stress on the old joints than usual.  Interesting about the Chooks knee thing.  I had a total replacement in Dec. 06 and got along great.  Until Dec. 08, my health planning for 09 was just to have the other knee replaced...wrong.  Maybe on down the road.

    I'll begin weekly Taxol on May 8, for 12 weeks, then will have 30 rads...looks like my summer-fall is booked!

    Mother-sorry to hear about your cousin.  You were an amazing comfort to him.

    Pam-good vibes coming your way for the bone scan   (((((vibes))))).

    Rita--I hope to graduate from mini-golf and try the real thing someday.  My 8 yr. old granddaughter offered to let me take lessons with her--guess she doesn't see me as serious competition!

    ILLady, Mikita, MzMiller, Lefty, Deb--keeping everyone close--it's a great day here, so onward and upward!!


  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2009

    Anyone here 62 and had the AC + T?  Am I too old?  Although I am still suffering from my reexcison done 4/8 (much more painful than my lumpectomy, but clean margins from it), I have just about completed all my pre-testing before the chemo.  Last of it is on Monday, 4/27 - have a bone scan, ct scan and my port will be put in that afternoon.  Then I am to start the chemo on the 30th.  All blood work came back "perfect" and she said my tumor marker was "good."  All testing so far has also been excellent.  If I am so damn healthy - why the heck do I have cancer?  Then, just today, some stupid nerd at work, when asking me about chemo, remarked that she was surprised I am having AC + T (four treatments of each - every two weeks), as her mother got cancer and the onc said she was too old for chemo, just lumpectomy and rads.  I asked how old she was, and she said 82!  Geez, she's got 20 years on me, but now this has me questioning myself - am I too old for this treatment??? 


  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Member Posts: 64
    edited April 2009

    hugs Linda, is hard to believe that 50s is old isn't it? did you get a 2nd opinion? I am a 3 time survivor now, and none of my docs have a problem with my consulting with another doc, actually insurance covers 2nd opinions also, good luck with whatever decision you make, if you choose the chemo route, make sure your port is healed, I went from the port implant at 1 hospital to 1st infusion an hour later at cancer center, wish I had been healed up 1st, you have to keep in mind that the docs work for you, your treatments and surgeries should be at your timing, not their schedules, bc shows up after a long time growing, weeks are insignificant

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2009

    Thanks, Susan - for your sage advice.  I adore my onc, she comes with great credentials and is totally warm, down to earth and very, very human.  She gave me 3 options, one less agressive than what I chose, and 1 more agressive, but she said there was only a 2% difference in recurrence rates between the most agressive and the middle one, which I chose.  She said the most agressive one she generally only uses on younger gals that are stay at home mom's with a lot of help on hand.  Since I have to work (legal asst.) as I am a widow, plus I raise my grand-daughter (13 yrs. old), she was afraid it would put me flat on my back.  I certainly didn't want that one.  Since found out a lot of gals my age and some older survived the AC + T - so that gives me hope I'm not too much of a prehistoric relic to take it!


  • Alpal
    Alpal Member Posts: 112
    edited April 2009

    Hi everyone. I've enjoyed reading here since the start of this forum, but hesitant to post. Guess I'm afraid my stage IV status will put a damper on the thread! Just  had to jump in to let  Linda know that I was 61 in the middle of my 8 Taxotere-Cytoxan treatments, three weeks apart. Just finished in mid January. From all my research, the side effects are very similar to AC+T. The fatigue was the worst thing for me. I never spent the day in bed, but did lounge on the couch a lot!  The best part is that it worked! I had multiple bone mets (no symptoms) and they are all healing according to PET scans. My TM were sky high but are now almost normal. Have continued to go down since starting Arimidex so it also is working! I did not lose a pound during chemo - BUT have gained 22 lbs. since starting Arimidex. Linda feel free to PM me with any questions or concerns. Feels good to have finally broken the ice here. Guess I need to get on over to the belly fat thread!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited April 2009

    Linda, I was 62 when I had dose dense AC, every 2 weeks for 4 weeks, then Taxol and Herceptin every week for 12 weeks, then lumpectomy last December.   I was never told I was too old.  But I am Her2 +++.  Yesterday I had my "every 3 weeks" Herceptin, which I will continue until September.   I too am a widow but I do not work - you can call me retired.   Listen to your body and rest if needed - most things will keep and those dust bunnies don't require much to keep them happy !!!   

    No damper from you ((( allison ))).  Jump in, I think many of us float back and forth between several threads.    

  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Member Posts: 64
    edited April 2009
    Linda, so glad you trust your onc, she sounds wonderful.I am also raising a grandaughter ( she just turned 7) however I am fortunate that my husband lets me stay home as I also have my Mom who is 82, they get along great Laughing Has to be hard for your family, hugs and prayers, you seem to be preparing yourself well.
  • mke
    mke Member Posts: 20
    edited April 2009

    I was 61 when I had dose dense AC-T.  I don't think age ever came up in the treatment discussions. 

  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited April 2009

    Linda--Could we be long lost twins?  Our diagnoses and ages are the same, and I've had the same thought when I see "Health:  good" on my papers.  I'm a Triple Neg, too, so I opted for the most aggressive treatment the onc sugggested and am having AC, then T.  You are NOT too old.  When I think of the damage done by some of these "helpful" co-workers and acquaintances (always by someone who has never experienced this first hand), it really ticks me off...but I never have a sharp, witty answer.  If you check on the "Laughter is the Best Medicine" thread, you'll see that these clueless people are everywhere!!

    Allison, glad to hear from you.  Post often--we can all benefit from the experience of others.

    I'm so excited today!  It's beautiful here in SW MO--SUN, gentle breezes and the flowering trees are absolutely gorgeous.  I don't have classes today, so am waiting for my sister to arrive from Iowa.  I haven't seen her since before I was diagnosed in December and we're going fabric shopping (Hey, JO!!, JoAnn's here I come!) so that I can begin working on a quilt for my 8 year old granddaughter--she loves horses and is a good little barrel racer, so I found a fabric called "Horses in the Snow" that she will love.  Just need to coordinate some colors for strips and borders.

    O.K., it's an "up" day and I'm babbling.  I hope all of you have a restful day/weekend and the SEs are mild!    Helen

  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2009

    Hi Laides,

    First my mom is doing really well.  She sounded great yesterday.  Her life for the next several months is sort of laid out for her.  Help at the ALF where she lives and then the colostomy bag comes off which will make her happy.  The thing is in August she is suppose to meet us all at the OBX.  I think she will be fine.

     OK, didn't post yesterday as I scared myself silly the day before.  I looked at the Stage IV forum and well, I am either scared silly or I am very very grateful that I got this disease after menopuase and at a late age.

    I kind of lost hope there for a while, between the Stage IV forum and my so called friend who I think is running around telling everyone that I am in denial and dying, yesterday was a difficult day.  SOO, I reread the Arimidex book and realized my friend (a nurse) doesn't know what she is talking about and is very negative (opps, not a friend anymore) and got a lot of hope out of that little booklet.  Arimidex is suppose to send me uplifting stories and more info about Arimidex, but because we moved I may have to re-order.  Mercy it is easy to slip into the "poor me" doldrums.

    Allison, thank you very very much for your information.  I am Stage IV also and am about to go in for my first bone scan.  The Arimidex has been working beautifully on me, the Doctor is very pleased, but my Grandma died of bone cancer at 80 from BC at 75 so I am very nervous, and of course my joints hurt more then ever before.  It could be the Arimidex and could just be the fact that I have had arthritis for ten years now.  LOL  Your information gave me a lot of hope.  I will keep what you said in mind as your DX is so much like mine.

    Ladies, I am having a much better day today.  Much more up and positive.  More boxes to unpack.  I love this little house.  It's just the right size.  

    LInda, I agree, maybe a second opinion OR just ask about it, sounds like your Doc is knowledgable and willing to help in any way.  She is like mine.  Both my Onco Doc and new family Doc are great.  Today I feel blessed for certain.

    Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.  My scan is on this coming Tuesday so please pray lots on that day. For the prayers I am really truly grateful, I do believe God listens to others, more then he listens to my whinning anyway.  LOL

    Hugs to all,


  • Alpal
    Alpal Member Posts: 112
    edited April 2009

    Pam - I did a lot of whinning about the bone aches from the Arimidex. When I found out it was working, all of a sudden the aches didn't seem quite so bad. LOL My onc even offered me the option of switching to another AI and I refused. Suddenly, Arimidex was my new best friend! I'll be thinking about you on Tuesday - scans are absolute hell for me but so far, so good. I am tempted to start whinning about the weight gain, but probably should use that energy to push away from the table! Thanks to all of you for the warm welcome.

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2009

    Allison - Can't thank you enough for the vote of confidence you have given me and I must also say that you would never put any damper on any thread you enter due to your stage IV.  Anyone of us could easily become a stage IV in the blink of an eyelash, and that should not take our right away to enter any thread we want.  I am also extremely happy that you seem to be doing so well - May it continue and continue.  I am triple neg and have hundreds of my own fears, as you can well imagine.  I may be stage I and you may be stage IV, but we both share the same fears and have the same desire to stay alive.  No apologies are ever needed for that.  Many, many hugs to you, and I will be pm'ing you shortly.  I have my ct scan and bone scan Monday a.m., and my port placed Monday at 2 p.m. and then done done done until I begin Chemo on the 30th.  Thanks, again Allison for your post.


  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2009

    Hey Helen - we sure do sound mirror image!  The quilt sounds like it will be beautiful, you'll have to send us all a pic when you get it all assembled.  I also have three grand-children that I live for and adore.  Two little boys, 6 & 7 and my grand-daughter, 13, who lives with me.  Always so good to hear from someone that has gone through what I am about to start.  It always helps to dispel some of the fear knowing someone else had those same fears and got through it all too.  Thanks, Helen, I needed that!  Enjoy your lovely day!


  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2009

    Prayers being sent to you Pam for the scan - be thinking of you and wishing for all the best.


  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2009

    Much thanks, Lefty - and yes, I'll ignore those dust bunnies!
