Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2009

    Hey Jo,

    No Strawberries or can I add them if I want to?  It all sounds really yummy.  I think we are changing over to another Saturday night group.  We are going to have a Pot Luck and go to a movie or play a new game. I would love to make them a rhubarb pie.  Can you look up my PM, I think it's on my home page, is that allowed?  Then you can send me the Amish recipe for the crust of the pie?  Pleeeaasseee. (Whinning again. ;-)

     AND please don't remove the recipe's for a day or two as I am in and out all day today.  I have to copy them as I haven't hooked up my printer yet.

    As to your being busy, please -- just get back to me at your leisure.  Thyroid Cancer, whooowh.  She was one lucky girl.  When they found the nodules on my Thyroid Gland they told me that it wasn't cancer because if it was cancer I would have already been dead.  Some Thyroid Cancer grows slowly but it's not that common.  Luckily mine was Auto Immune Disease.  It ate itself up.  A very very scary disease.  One half went bad (as it is shaped like a butterfly with two halves) and it was ten years before they found the problem.  Then 10 years later the other half went bad and it was another 10 years before they found it.  They use to know nothing about the Thyroid Gland.  Thing was my heart attack at the age of 25 was caused by hyperthyroidism, it can also cause acute paranoia.  I was in a constant state of terror and was bouncing off the walls for about 20 years all totaled of my life.  It caused a lot of emotional problems, not just for me but for many people in my life, I lost the love of my life over it.  Rough, rough disease.  I hope she is OK.  I wish her my best, believe me.

    OK, Thanks Jo for the recipes, now I can't wait to try it.

    BTW, I go slow also, I just take it one step at a time.  The heck with everyone else.  LOL



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2009

    Thank you (((( Jo )))))

    If you are cooking for all those people you are truly a good person.

    I admire you, I don't like to cook that much, BUT I am going to try the pie without the strawberries and if I don't like it I will try the Betty Crocker version.  Betty is just ----- well average, ya know, home made is always soooo much better.  Betty wasn't a real person anyway.  LOL

    Thanks again,



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2009

    Hi all,

    Got the recipes, agreed -- no more rhubarb disscusion.

    I am done.  (Now to bake. ;-)



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591
    edited May 2009

    Pam, you don't have to write that all out if you don't want too.....I always copy and paste into an email to myself and I have a folder where I save recipes on my computer.  I thought I would not want it, but the crisp sounds a little different from the one I if I could remember much these days....I haven't had those recipes out in ages and ages.

    Hope you all had a fantastic day though the rain is getting to me.

    I had a super bad thyroid.  Was hyper for 7 yrs.  Dr. was treating me for colds and other goofy things.  Then one day my kidneys just shut down.  Time I got to the Dr. I had 40 or 50 lbs. of water inside....not a good thing. I was dying actually.....but I got turned around and 3 years later was nearly normal again.  It's nothing to sneeze at and just causes so many problems....and then you get to take a pill for it the rest of your life.  I'll be praying that all goes well Jo. 

    See you all later.

    Have a wonderful night.



  • Cheyanne
    Cheyanne Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2009

    I am going to Rockford, Illinois where my daughter and family live.  My granddaughter is graduating from high school on May 28.  She is planning on going to Illinois State in Bloomington in the fall. 

    We've been discussing food a lot, haven't we?  Good.  My mom was not a real good or very original cook.  I pretty much learned to cook on my own, after I was married.  She was much better at baking.  There were lots and lots of foods I never tasted or had never even heard of until I grew up.  I don't do much cooking any more, except for the holidays. 

    Who has 3 kids in 3 years?  Oh, I did, but that was going on 50 years ago.  Seems like most of my friends had families pretty much like that.  Yes, they were all little at once but, good thing, they were all grown up at once too.

  • donsuzbee
    donsuzbee Member Posts: 43
    edited May 2009


    Yes,we seemed to have our children quick. I had 4 in 3 1/2 years and then a 5th one when my oldest was 6. They were all little at the same time and are all grown at the same time. My 3rd one went to IL state and loved it. Give me congrats to your graddaughter!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591
    edited May 2009

    Sun is out today Laughing and that makes me happy.  I rested well last night for a change.  Have had to re-start my allergy meds.....was hoping I had taken enough but found it was not the case.  I sure do miss my immunity to spring pollens. 

    Not much going today but as usual I've a ton of work to do....I just laid around not realizing that I was filling up all my sinus cavities again and is why I felt spongy and not wanting to do much more than I had too. 

    Jo...hope you don't have to work too hard getting ready for vacation.  Lassie, how it's going with you.  You too Arnie and Alpal. 

    Have to go back now and get thru a lot of emails that I skipped the last couple of days while I was a little under the weather....about 250 or so.  I'll be checking back later.  Saying hi to Rita, Pan, Susan, and Susan too.



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Morning Ladies,

    I didn't post at all yesterday as I was shopping, shopping, shopping.  Mostly grocery shopping as Robert was home and he goes with me.  He enjoys grocery shopping and unpacking it all, --- so I let him.  LOL  (My dad use to like grocery shopping also but my mom hated to send him as he would come home with twice the things they needed. lol)

    I bought plants yesterday, Home Depot has a big 2 (big) annual plants for $3.00 dollars a piece sale going on so a bought 8 and now I have to go plant them.  LOL.  Our new house has a great planter out front.  I want to get Hibiscus bushes in peach and orange for each side of the bed under the front windows.  Hisbisciiiiiii are such "Florida" plants and I just love them.

    So today I am going to go out and plant and join Jackie in her sinus suffering as I have had trouble with mine ever since I lived in DC the sinus problem capital of the US.  You could have lived anywhere in the US without a sinus prob, move to DC and your sinus's are ruined for life. 

    I am feeling good right now but I keep waking up at about 4 in the morning with a headache.  Seems it's another of the lovely side effects of the Arimidex. 

    OH hey, bought my Arimidex through the pharmacy that handles it for the docs and it was going to cost me a fortune every month.  Robert called the insurance company and they said order it through us and it will cost an 1/8th of that expense for a three months supply.  Lawdy do drugs have any real value or just intrinsic value.  Sigh.

    Have a good one ladies,

    TTYL, Hugs, Pam

  • Alpal
    Alpal Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2009

    Taking the day off from packing boxes (since Pam the moving maven has refused to help). Celebrating the KY DERBY! Yep, it's a big deal in KY. Might even shine up the julep cups (they're so tarnished they're black) and mix up a few for us! Think we've found a place to move, going to look at it in the next few days. It's actually a house I've been in and if I remember correctly has everything I want. It's gray and drizzling here but there is hope that it will clear up in Louisville by race time. Keep your fingers crossed. Have a great weekend!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2009

    Allison....Happy Derby Day.  I was fortunate enough to make it to one Derby about 14 years ago.  What a fun time we had!  The couple who invited us had a family box that was trackside.  I must admit, I didn't like the mint juleps but I still have my souvenir glass that it came in!!!  Hope your pick comes in first!


  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2009

    Hello Seasoned Chooks All!

    Haven't posted much this week, but have been reading the thread.  My energy level is pretty low right now--so I nap a lot.

    Rita: You are right about grandkids--I enjoy mine so much more than I did their fathers!  The baby is 11 months old, so I'm waiting for pictures of his first steps.  The hard part is not seeing them as much as I'd like to--I know you understand that!

    JO:  Thanks for the recipes...I'm going to check out the farmers' market Tuesday and see if I can find some rhubarb.  Hope your vacation prep is going well (or maybe you're already on the road?).

    My bald head artwork is fading--will post a pic when my son emails me one. It was a fun project and I think about Grace and Olivia every time I take my scarf or wig off.  The 5 yr. old called to see if I'm still wearing the pictures and suggested we get erasable markers and an eraser so that they could use my head as a white board. 

    Has anyone heard from Jan (Samedaynursejan)? 

    Hope everyone is having a restful weekend.  Take care--Helen

  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Member Posts: 220
    edited May 2009

    Hi, Helen - I just posted and lost it.  I hate that!  You're right - where is Jan?

    I rode today, and took lots of pics my sweet horsie boy, and now I can't turn on my camera. Boo.

    Woo hoo for the Derby!  Don'tcha love those under-dog stories??

    My favorite "Golden Girl" is gone.  Cry Bye, Bea.  You always made me laugh.

    Rita, Jackie, Jo, Pam, Deb, oh, geeze, my shriveled brain isn't doing well - and all the rest of us wonderful women, have a great weekend!


  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited May 2009

    I am thinking that Jan is on her Panama canal cruise......

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited May 2009

    is it disloyal to be posting on more than one thread?! I think not. On the May 09 chemo starters, I reported my news is that my chemo has been put off for a week - half a week (Mon - Thurs) because of having to have a CAT scan and the other half because I asked to move it some more so as to be able to be sure to enjoy a family wedding this coming weekend. I was most pleased to have asked and got just the tiniest bit of control of my own life back. So far it seems that my body is at the whim of all sorts of kind strangers. This isn't a bad thing; it is what I am calling my new normal.
    For more fun right now, my five year old grandson is here for an overnight. He might be asleep now - well past his usual time even though we started bedtime on time. He has been given the short version of my chemo, that it will keep the bad boo boo in my boob from coming back. Once he figured out that the chemo (medicine to him) will be done at the end of the summer, he wanted to know if it would last forever. Yes, I told him - because that's my plan.

  • NanaA
    NanaA Member Posts: 97
    edited May 2009

    Ladies, I am another one from Illinois who would like to join your group.  I am 61 years old and live just outside Champaign IL.  I was diagnosed in Jan of this year and have had 3 lumpectomies to get clean margins and have clean nodes .  I am halfway thru taxol x 12 with herceptin every 3 weeks.

    Right now my biggest problem is neuropathy in my feet.  They are talking about changing me to something else.  I am seeing another onc on Monday for a second opinion.  I would just like to be done with the taxol and just continue the herceptin.   You can not get herceptin to start with unless you do chemo.  That was only reason for chemo, so why not let me quit when it is causing problems?  The herceptin is what will give me the greatest benefit.  I still need to do radiation and femara when done.  We will see what they say this next week.  If they only want me to do a couple more of the taxol I could do that. It seems like every day brings something new  with BC.    I just want to get thru this and spend time with the grandkids (5 of them and 4 more step grand kids).  We usually go away  to Lake Michigan with them for a week in the summer.  Each family comes for part of the week. I am not letting this change our plans for that week.  I want to do this while the kids are still willing to spend a week with Nana & Papa each summer.  Oldest is 14 this month and won't be long until some will be working, playing on teams, etc and won't want to come.  You have to make the most of the moments you do get. It looks like the sun is going to shine here today.  It rained most of the week, so a nice day for the weekend would be great.  Have a good day all of you.  Annette

  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Member Posts: 220
    edited May 2009

    Annette - Welcome!!  You sound like a perfect fit with this lovely group of ladies!  Your treatment life will settle down to a dull roar, eventually.

    When you say neuropathy, what are your syptoms? My feet hurt so, and at night, they burn something fierce!  My mom has neuropathy, but her feet are numb much of the time, which mine aren't.  So, I don't know if that's what I have or not, but I'd gladly trade them for a good pair!!

    Keep coming back - we are an active bunch of posters!!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591
    edited May 2009

    Good morning ladies.....hmmm, where to start.  I think soon SameDayNurse will be back from her trip and stop in to see us.....such delight to hear about the trip.

    Lassie/ can post on as many threads as you want too here, but I will say we really enjoy your company here.  Glad that some things are going your way, and that you can enjoy all those good things ( grandson and a wedding ) before you knuckle down to  the chemo.  Chemo is a little different for everyone so is probably nicer if important events ( like the wedding ) can go on before you start. 

    Welcome Annette to this thread.  I am from Illinois as well.....there is a thread ( it's where I originally started posting and I still do )  of nothing but Illinois ladies.  Yes, you do have neuropathy of the feet....and Susan does and as I and many others do.  Sometimes I still don't feel parts of my feet.....sometime like right now, they are burning, sometimes ( specially right after I get up in the a.m. ) I clomp around a little bit.  This is what you trade-off for your life.  They decide your tx plan by what your pathology report says......hopefully, they can find something that will work just fine.  Chemo is very strong....and all of it has some side effects.  I think for me....I was glad to get off A/C since you could have heart interferences......and onto Taxotere which is what produced my foot neuropathy----guess I'd rather have feet that felt like I was walking on rocks....than a heart mal-function 

    Anyway, hopefully your Dr.'s will figure what will answer your needs the best based on pathology and your medical history.  Here's hoping. 

    I too think you need to take opportunities with the grannies while they are still a little less involved in all the things that take place in school.  They grow up so quick and missed times are gone forever. 

    Hope you all have a really wonderful day.  I will be checking back later.



  • deanie
    deanie Member Posts: 15
    edited May 2009

    Happy Sunday morning to all.  I am so glad I found this thread.  I think the other threads are good just not exactly where I am.  I was diagnosed at 55 and I am turning 63 this June.  I think we all have things in common a lot of the younger women don't.  My husband died two years after my diagnosis.  I really miss him.  We were married 36 years.  It is nice to have a place to come to and discuss current events in our lives.  I had chemo and no rads.  Have very little lymphodema (sp?) and except for being tested all the time I live a pretty normal life.  The ups and downs each time a tumor marker jumps scares me but it goes back down and I get to relax for another 3 months.  I was surprised to see that some of you ladies get to take arimidex longer than 5 years.  My o/c didn't prescribe after 5 even though I am er/pr positive.   My best wished to all of you and am looking forward to being on this forum for years to come.  God Bless you all.

  • mikita5
    mikita5 Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2009

    Hello ladies,

    Just a quick check in. Hope everyone's doing gr8!

    Hubby took me to NC to see daughter and 3 g'kids last week. Stayed 3 days and enjoyed every moment of it.

    My follow up is this Wednesday at J. Hopkins and I'll be off to work on the 11th.

    Healing has gone well, as has recovery, BUT I have white thread coming out of my stomach- about 7 pieces of the stuff. Also have 2 pieces coming out of  one boob.. IS THIS NORMAL? I didn't call the doc since I'm going there in 3 days anyhow. I first thought it was scabs, and kept putting neosporin on them and covering them in gauze. When they never fell off, I poked at them, pulled one, and found out it's thread!


  • mikita5
    mikita5 Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2009

    Oh, anyone here doing the BC walk in Charlotte on Oct 24 & 25th?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591
    edited May 2009

    Hi Deanie,

    This is a really good thread full of 'well seasoned' people.  I see you are from Hanford, Ca.  Dh and I lived in the Santa Barbara/Ventura area for many years.  Retired here going on 12 yrs. ago ( my former home-town ) but we both went back to work.  Part time...just can't do all we need to if we don't work.  As far as Arimidex....I suspect a lot of Dr's are not sure.  One train of thought is that the AI's are not beneficial past 5 years....and that the opposite is true.  My feeling is that if your/our Oncologist is not sure....they could give you the AI's longer while everyone waits and prays that something comes along which will BE the answer FOR ONCE and for ALL.  I ( at least so far ) have not had enough side effects that I would not willingly take Arimidex longer if my Oncologist thought it was the right thing to do. 

    It's just a pill....and I think on rare occasion some estrogen gets through and you can have a even after five years.....well, this pill is like a talisman to me.  I know I'm being silly but I do feel like the bogeyman can't get to me if I'm taking it.  If Oncologist thinks I should stop after five years though I will.  I really do hope that something else  ( very well defined and definite ) will be here then and we can all relax a lot more.

    Mikita....interesting about the thread.  I've never heard of such a thing..  all I can think is either stitches that someone forgot to take out, or dissolvable stitches that did not dissolve.  Either way a real enigma.  Are you going to be up to the walk in Oct  even though it's several months away yet????  could not remember if you would be having any more surgery  later or not ?  I'm too far away for that.....I haven't had the strength or energy yet ( still so much catch up around here ) to even consider our local walk.  Shame on me. 

    Well, ladies, a little rest then have to get my nose to the grindstone.



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Afternoon Ladies,

    I am so happy to be posting here with so many new arrivals and wonderful women. We a lucky bunch.  I try to tell my UNO group lady friends that this or that has been mentioned about BC on my BC survivors list but I can tell, they just don't get it. :-O  One lady (my nurse friend) does a bit as she has had Lung Cancer.

    Oh, so many things I want to say that I am sure my post will be to long. I will try to keep it short.

    First to all the Derby watchers, how about that horse? What a mudder.  I love a good underdog story also.  He paid a lot, wish I'd had some money down.  

    JO, thanks for the recipes even the crust recipe.  I am going to make it for my UNO group on the 16th.  It will be my first rhubarb try, I am thinking maybe the Crumble one first.

    Leslie, my docs seem to be leaving a lot of the control up to me.  I like feeling I still have some control over my life. They aren't pushing for anything yet.  I guess -- well, wait, I am still waiting for the Bone Scan so we will see.  Leslie did you hook up with me on Twitter?  If it's not you then it's another aquaintance by the same name.  LOL, I can't remember my password for Twitter. That doesn't help me I guess.  LOL

    NanaA, (Annette) welcome, it's a great group here.  It's the only thread I go to right now.  I scare myself with the stories on the other threads so I play it safe. I was wondering, has Arimidex been recommended to you?  You are not only ER+PR+ but HER/2+ also.  I was told that would be the perfect combination and would mean no chemo.  I am "amazed" at what the Arimidex is doing for my breast.  I am getting my breast back.  My lession has gone way down and is looking better as we speak.  I feel 100% better, and he is just VERY pleased with my progress every time I go in there. Also no side effects, I can't handle.  I hope they recommend it for you as you sound like a prime candidate.  BUT I am not a doc so they will prescribe what is best I am sure.  

     Hi Deanie, welcome.  You and I are a bit alike.  I am 64 this last January and have been married 36 years this coming September.  Welcome to the group.  I love reading the posts here.  When I get down, sad and go back to believing I am going to die in the next 10 seconds, I come here and these Ladies are always uplifting.  Just reading the posts helps.  It helps the most when I think no one understands what I am going through, (poor me, poor me, lol) these ladies always do.

    Ok, all you grandma's.  How do I convince my 32 and 29 year old sons it's time to get married and have me some grandbabies.  I raised independent men, to independent if you were to ask me right now. LOL

    I do have a Niece in law that is about to have her first baby girl, next month, she is in her ninth month so she is grousing, wants this all to be over.  Fine with me, then I will be a Great Aunt at least and have my first Grand Niece.  There is the possiblity for lots more, so I will probably get tired of being a Great anything.  LOL

    OK, Still have to go work on my bed.  That recliner is complaining so I guess I better get a move on.  

    Have a great day everyone of you fine ladies.


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited May 2009

    Pam - nope - it wasn't me on Twitter - I have never used it (yet) . Just got the hang of Facebook which has been quite fun.

    Your comment about your sons made me giggle. A friend of mine once said "I taught my children how to think - and now they do - just not what I wanted them to think!"  My three were young at the time. Now that they are older, I know what he meant.

  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010

     I haven't posted for a while but I'm reading all the time.

    I hear you Pam...I have sons too  ...the first got married at 33.   Don't see them rushing to have those grandbabies.   The other's are not even thinking about it.  If you figure it out ...let me know.  Meanwhile I really enjoy all my friend's stories of the grandchildren. It's so much fun when you knew these parents when they were kids. 

    Gram of 3...naps are absolutely essential.  They are so important to keeping up your energy and spirits.   Have one for me...I missed mine today but slept until 9 this a.m.

    When I was younger and couldn't find time ...I thought a Sunday afternoon nap with an afghan on the couch was the most wonderful thing ...of course with a bunch of kids it never happened.

    Mikita, I had sutures come out of 2 years after a port removal.  I thought it was a bump but it kept growing I pulled too.  Surprise.

    All of you seasoned ladies are putting to rest any claims that the baby boomers are not using ..twitter, facebook etc.   You all rock.  I know 35  year olds who aren't as adventurous as all of you.

    My dh & I discussed long term care today...J from his lips to God's ears.  He's going to get it ...I think it's out of the question for bc patients.  But we had  the first rational discussion ever on the fact that I've got risk.  He likes to use the old  ‘ I could be hit by a bus' whenever I bought up mortality.  It used to make me mad but now I realize he's a

    "¾ glass full person"

    Have a great week all.

  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Member Posts: 64
    edited May 2009

    Jo, my 5 years are up now after declining tamoxifen, I asked my onco what if I decide later on I want to take it, he said ask me then, I intend to, would be cool if I could start anytime and still have the benefit, I will ask at my next appt

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2009

    Welcome, Annette!  I sent you a PM.  We're really fairly close to each other.  I am in Bloomington!

    I still have 3 years on the Arimidex so I hope that they've decided about its affect after the initial five years by the time I finish.  Right now it's a little frustrating for you gals that are finishing up and not sure where to go next!  It's sure interesting to hear the different onc opinions on this issue.  I guess it proves that nobody really knows if there is a benefit or not after the first five years.

    Welcome to both Deanie and Annette.  Pam is so right!  This is a great place to come!  The ladies here are awesome and so supportive!  Come back often and post!

    Well, I need to get moving.  Everyone have a good day!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591
    edited May 2009

    Good Morning everyone....just re-reading some of the posts....especially about the AI's.  Guess I need to re-read some material.  I know that the AI's  ( at least this was sort of the short version explained to me ) go in and fill the cells that could produce cancer every day and if a cancer cell does come just dies because it cannot enter the cell it needs to be in....hmm, so many of our cells are not even receptive to cancer cells I take it.....and if the others that are, already have something in them.....then any cancer cell dies off.  I too then do not understand the majic number of five....and I guess that is what I'd like to know and am not going too......and I do keep thinking....does our body and cells become stronger in time and no longer easily mutate or is it that the cells that could grow cancer regenerate anew in five years so no longer have complete memory for many questions.

    Hope you are all going to have a fantastic day.  Anyone get an explanation for how the AI's function in your cells.....would you share. 



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Afternnon Laides-- I think that's what it is anyway? 

    I have been up since five as Rob had an EKG at 8:00 then a bunch of run around chores.  Getting rid of things that should have been gotten rid of years ago. An ironing board, romance novels, picture boxes.  Geezzz, how'd I get all this "stuff."

    Jackie, by Al's you mean Arimidex?  If you go to the Arimidex site they have a video that explains exactly how it works in your cells. Or doesn't work as the case may be.  The Arimidex pamphlet that I get with the samples explains that they have stats for cancer progressing after two years in women with advanced breast cancer.  I just started it and am amazed at what it has done for my breast but boy can I tell what I have done wrong on the days I eat to much sugar, chocolate or caffiene.  At my UNO group they had double fudge chocolate cake with double fudge frosting with chocolate shavings.  Sorry I just couldn't resist that one and I am paying today.  It's like my body and the cancer are waging a battle.  The itching which is usually gone came back and just general body discomfort.  Could be the SE's but I don't think so, I haven't had many SE's.  I do hope they come up with a new study before my five years are up.  It is working so well that I might really panic if I had to stop it. 

    Leslie, thanks for letting me know, I do facebook also.  My son won't but I do, so much for young people having all the skills.  It is probably my other friend then on Twitter.  

    I like that Marie, a 3/4 glass full person.  That is good.  I like positive.  My nurse friend that has been so negative was really positive at UNO Saturday night.  I will give her another chance as we have been friends a long time.  She and her husband were just not handling "my" illness very well. Go figure.

    I am going to see the new Star Trek movie with a bunch of old (my age) people this Saturday night. What does that tell you about our generation ladies?  VBG.

    OK, I am off to eat lunch, put and etegre for my bathroom together and clean and straigten the storage room.  The moving goes on, --- and someone wants me to help them?  ROFL.  I can't even get my own done.  LOL

    Have a good one ladies.



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009


    That was a great description and exactly what the video taught me.  Also thanks for the info about the other estrogen blockers. Interesting.  I do know that Arimidex is highly recommended for post menopausal women that are ER+PR+.  Hehe, you probably threw your doc for a loop, sounds like you knew more about them then he does.  LOL  

    Does anyone have to fast before a CA 27.29, CBC, CMP?  I was told I didn't have to fast for my blood draw tomorrow.  I have never heard of not fasting for a CBC at least.  Oh well, so I am going to eat breakfast and lunch tomorrw.  The appointment is at 1:00.  

    We shall see, I hope they don't yell at me as we purposely called to double check.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591
    edited May 2009

    Thanks Jo....I did not get as many resources on this as I would have liked---you have it all together so nicely.  I am going to get on that site Pam and watch the movie????  I came thru the V.A. for all my care ( very good in most cases ) but during the last couple of weeks of my rads....the Oncologist at V.A. transferred to Florida.  Anyway......the Arimidex was ordered by the P.A. at Mt. Vernon ( sm. satellite V.A. office ) no one there knew very much.  I tried reading some of the insert materials in the medication when it came and just confused myself a little more. 

    Usually.....the first thing I would do to find out something is go to Internet Explorer....why I didn't with this I don't know but I feel a bit more comfy with things now. 

    Can't believe the beautiful green outside.....of course it is all full of pollen which I sure don't need right now, but I so love this time of year......the first fresh green of the year coming in seems so vibrant and alive ( and is ) and just makes me we are getting to start over this year again.  See you all later.

