Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    {{{Darla}}}} Hugs for you today, gal! SV - get yourself to get that CT. {{{CHERIE}}} Look how cute you two are. Mur adores you, you know. I could see it in his eyes as he looked at you.

    For all the others who posted on the previous page, HUGS! If I go back to read, I lose all this so gotta go!

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited March 2011

    SV: Call those church ladies and see if one can drive you today.Also maybe they can help with your dogs for a few days.   With your breathing problems,  you need someone to help. Sometimes you need to insist. If there is no bed in the pulmonary section, there may be an available bed in the general medical section. You need to spell it out so your doctor understands that you are home alone with no help. 

    3jays: great photos

    McBird: hugs for you today.

    And hugs for everyone else.


  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited March 2011

    SV-what Mandy said.  You cannot do this alone.  Can Dave take the furkids?

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited March 2011

    Good luck with those results, Darla.  Thinking about you and sending hugs.

    3jays, love the family pictures!  I've got to learn how to do that when I get a chance.

    SV, so thankful for the help you got with your blowout--know it was scary.  I haven't ever had one but DH had one at probably the most inconvenient time possible, on his way to our son's wedding.  I'd already left but all the guys got dressed at our house and DH stayed behind to do a final inspection of ties, etc.  The groomsmen and DS then left with DH following in his car.  About 2 miles from the wedding site he had a horrendous blowout (almost new tire, too) and the guys were too far away to notice.   Now DH, dressed in his best man finery, knew he couldn't change a tire like that and also didn't have time, so he took off on foot down the road running to houses on the way, looking for a ride. This was a rather sparsely populated residential area out in the country, and I can't imagine what those people thought when a rather hysterical man in a tuxedo raced up to their doors!  Anyhow, at about the 4th place he got to, a man kindly agreed to take him to the place where the wedding was held, DH appeared at my side, the wedding began immediately and the next thing I knew we were walking in, with DH whispering to me "I'll tell you later".Truthfully, I hadn't even realized DH wasn't there during his ordeal, just thought he was with our son.  Probably just as well, too. 

    Hope you got in for your scan today, SV, and hope you're better today. HUGS to you, been thinking about you last night and all today.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    Well, went to get the CAT scan this morning and they  WOULD NOT DO IT because I am in too bad shape...I could not hold my breath for 40 seconds....what other efffing test do I need to trip over that is unknown to me. Then they wanted me to drive myself down to OBX hospital again and get the CT done there in case i stopped for real-no ambulance no nothing. Then they call my lung doc and he wants me to drive to Elizabeth city ASAP to be put in the hospital. i can barely stand just walked out the door again...came home went to sleep slammed on prednizone and everyone calling all day expecting me to pull it together to get to Albemarle hospital in EC which is an hour dirve away and there is no help and it is Thursday and docs here close on Friday....I am beyond being done....stabbed....IV'd poked...turned away from ER's....turned away from needed tests bec some invisible rule has been invented....just done with all of it!! Sorry for the rant. SV

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited March 2011

    SV:  If the chruch ladies cannot help you, then call your minister and ask for help.If you do not have a special church, then just call some church and ask to speak to the minister.  I am certain that someone in the church will drive you to the hospital and wait.  It sounds as if the technicians were just stupid in not doing the CT scan.  I don't envy you living so far from medical care...I am a city girl so I just take a taxi if I can't drive. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    thanks for the compliments, ladies. glad we're home, and i got the pics from photobucket on. now, i'll find out how to do mult. pics. at least you all have seen my 3 beloveds, and Zeydas' cake!! i was SO proud to figure out photobucket all by myself!!

        SV ; i know how it is on an island. spent summers on Marthas' Vineyard when my kids were little. you DO need to make wiser decisions, and ASKFor help!! mandys suggestions w/ church ladies a good one. hiding your head in the sand isn't helping!!        3jays 

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited March 2011

    SV-what Mandy said.  You cannot go on this way.  Can your friend Dave drive you?  You need to find a way to get there and now!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited March 2011

    SV, please ask for help. Be direct about what you need. I am afraid for you, alone. Actually I started to cry because I have some idea of how you are feeling.

    Does any one on these boards live sort of near to SV? Or know someone who does? I have a friend who has this sort of problem when she is on prednisone and it is exceptionally difficult for her to jump the usual day to day hurdles of illness. 

    Maybe someone will call SV? 

    I will pray for your improved pulmonary function and peace of mind my friend. 

    Love to everyone 


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    Hey there ladies,

    I live about 4 hrs from SV and have offered repeatedly to come down there and help her and take her wherever she need to go to get treatment and she refuses my help always saying that it is too much for me to do and that I would miss my own treatments.  Never mind that I can work my treatments around to be able to help her and if I felt I could not do it or did not want to do it, I would not have offered.  So if any of you can talk some sense into her let me know and I will be there to help her.  Sorry if this sound like a rant, maybe it is, but I care about her too.

    Hope everyone has a restful night. Amy Jo 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    Amy, hey, we're all a bit frustrated right now. you've done all you can. the problem IS we all love, she has to love herself enough to do what she needs to do, and get the help she needs.

       i understand totally, how she feels alone, but there ARE people there who would , and will help her. i hope her depression/illness/stubborness  will let her do what she needs , and soon.

       i know you love her, and will go out of your way, even to give her a place in your home, if need be. please take care of yourself, don't let it get you all riled. you, yourself need TLC.. love ya sistah..     3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    wow!! where IS everybody today? i usually can't even keep up with the posts!! anyway, looks like it was a hard "humpday" hope all is well. gonna read my book, since there's noone to "play" with tonight... 3jays

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited March 2011

    SV, are you reading us? I know the roids can totally mess with your mind.Please remember the roids are talking, it isn't you.  You deserve to get through this, please get the help you need. I KNOW you will give back later when you can, it works like that.

    Hugs Barb

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    SV, please call AmyJo. She and her DH can come down tomorrow and take you. Just do it. You do NOT want me to fly up there, rent a car and slap you silly do you?

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2011

    SV, please pay attention .

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited March 2011

    I'm really starting to worry about you SV.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited March 2011

    Same here, SV.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2011


    (((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS )))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited March 2011

    I spoke with SV this afternoon and she says she feels a bit better.  You can tell she is sick with some sort of respiratory "thing".  She was cheerful and we had a nice conversation.  She is going to give it this weekend and if she's not better she will go to the doc on Monday. 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    susgul - thnaks for checking in with SV. I have trouble getting through to her on her land line sometimes.  Hope she will at least sign in here and know that we all love her and are concerned about her.

    I have finished 14 of the 30 rads and skin is still looking great, starting to get a little tan in places which the RO said is good.  He is impressed with how well my skin is doing. I told him and his nurse not to be stingy giving out the sample of Miaderm to patients, that it really works well.  Did not tell him I was also using the Emu oil that BarbaraA let me know about.  Anyway other than the fatigue and the horrible kids from the adjoining neighborhood everything is going well here with me.

    Hope everyone is doing well and enjoys the weekend. Amy Jo 

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited March 2011

    Amy-have those awful kids given you any more trouble?  I hope not.  One always wants to feel secure in one's home.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited March 2011

    Thanks for the info about SV, Susgul.  I'm glad to know she's feeling some better today.

    Good for you, Amyjo--you're almost halfway through!


  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2011

    Thanks for the update on SV.

    Amy...sure glad the concoctions you are using are helping your skin..."tan" I remember that, my doc laughed when I referred to it as tan.  Hang in there you are doing good. I do hope those renegades stay away from your land.

    gentle hugs to all

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2011

    Glad to know SV is doing a little better today. 

    Amy, I glad that you are doing well on your rads.

    Tonight I got to go see my third grt gd.  She was born this morning at 2:55, 5lb,6oz, 17" long.  She has so much hair and is so sweet.  I have been taking her mom to the doc twice a week for months.  She was pre-eclamsic and then developed a blood clot in leg followed by cellulitis.  I feel like I delivered now that the baby is here.  All my babies were small  so she seems like the right size to me.   Darla   

    That should have been pre-eclampsic.  duh

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2011

    Congratulations, Darla...aren't they darling??

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited March 2011

    Thank you for the update on SV.  SV come talk to us please.

    Grandbabies are so wonderful!  

    I finished 26 rads today but they added one more now so I will have #27 on Monday and followed by 10 boosts.  Slowly, slowly she creeps toward the finish line. I think I finish on March 21.

    Hugs Ginger

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    I am so sorry. i came to the Board tonight for the first time in awhile to find but the moderators attacking me again over the troll thread and i have not been on there in weeks, nor do i want to go near it. 

    Aside-susgal-thank you so much for calling-you are an angel-i am on overload and truly circling the drain-I know i will come out but i am still very ill. I canot leave Angus with his meds and leg and Dave cannot take him right now. My Dad won't. And then my drunk dad has decided to throw me out of the house again-so alot of pressure on the home front too.

     My health is so confusing bec I am hauled out in an ambulance with sats at 90 on 2 liters o2-then told by the ER docs here that nothing is wrong with me. This after blowing everyvein in my hand and arm again and putting me thru useless test while not understanding asthma. The mixed messages in the health field-more than I can take. Then doc the next day says I am too sick to take a lung CT and need to be in a hospital. And I am so exhausted i cannot thingk. .

    I am doing some better today-I truly cannot thank you all for ALL of the love but think i am leaving, it is not a safe place-especially not for the women i love-I want to protect you and i cannot. The moderators got all of the info on S weeks ago and her role in starting the troll thread and flaming it and they have done nothing-so i wrote a post telling them that they were handed the info, IP address, etc weeks ago-and they chose to attack me again in PM-like why am i such a bitch? LOVE YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH BUT THINK I AM DONE HERE. Reach me on phone, email or FB. (((GINGER-ALMOST THERE)))) (((DARLA-AWESOME))))) ((((AMYJO-KEEP GOIN-ALMOST THERE-I MISS YOU GAL!!))) BIGGEST HUGS and biggest heart love to you all!! SV 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Aw, SV. Will call you this afternoon.

    Darla, congrats! A new grand baby! Aren't they great? You can spoil them and hand them back. AJ, it won't be long now! You are almost there! And Ginger, the end is in sight!! Do you gals find rads fatiguing? I did but my solution was 2-3 15-20 min naps a day and lots of sleep.

    Everyone have an se-free weekend!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited March 2011

    Hi ladies.   I have been reading, but not posting & prayers go up as needed.    Hugs, Smilies, good vibes and Blessings on each of you.

      It is sinful what the car dealer tries to pull.   A woman is not supposed to know anything about cars, and they messed with the wrong gal.  First they stopped my free life time oil changes because my car is old...   Then they charged an excessive amount to do it -  figured since I was there, why not have it done?    After I asked how much the labor on an oil change was, they lowered the price by $ 50.    Yes, I said Fifty dollars...  So, with several recommendations for a garage down the road, I got what "needed' to be done, but was not an urgent thing.   

       Working on income taxes this weekend.   Eye appointment to check out the cataracts in 2 weeks.   Allergies have kicked in as things begin to bloom and people start the Spring yard clean up blowing leaves and such.    

    Have a restful and peaceful weekend.    Nancy 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    EVERYONE-thank you all for your loving support. BUT I when I slammed on as many steroids as i am it is best for me not to write. i deleted my prior post though what i wrote is true. I got on the Board for the first time in a week last night so i have missed all of your wonderful posts. i have been talking to folks on email FB and phone instead. So I get on the board and the first thing i see is a very unfair remark about me from the moderators. the moderators are on me again blaming me for being the 'attacker' re; the troll thread. Anything posted on that thread was  and is a 'cut and paste" and rewrite using my avitar from very kind PM's I sent to a few women to try to make amends. Then my PM's started showing up on that thread in changed versions. It is best that I keep my mouth shut for now. I love you all very much and today is not a good day-just cannot catch my breath when i wake up and i know that I need to be in the hospital. I have to leave this to God to sort out because i am completely powerless right now. I love you all so very much. my last post had all the congrats to everyone in it-I will repost (((Ginger, Darla, AmyJo))) and AJ i love you so much but i would NEVER ask you to drive out here while you are doing rads to haul my butt off this island. But you know that I cannot thank you enuf and hope to see you soon. XXXOOO, SV