Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2011
    1. I click on enter two times to get a full line of separation. I do it even if they posts aren't true paragraphs. It would help me to read with separations
    2. So somehow I have selected a list with numbered bullets. I didn't mean it, honest. 
    3. Ginger
    4. This is getting funny
    5. What did any one think of Scarlett Johanssen's hair last night. I thought it looked like I was roller set and taken out while still wet. Her dress was great but her hair, big mistake. 
  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited February 2011

    Welcome Ducky - Sorry you have the reason to join us but we want you to feel at home with us.  I don't pay much attention to the actual ages of the women here but I know there are those in their 70's and I think possibly 80's.  But I couldn't tell just who is how old.  I'm 68. 

    This is a good place to share your fears and other emotions, your concerns and your joys, to seek information and share information and experiences.  We care about and for each other.

    When it comes to dealing with our treatments and their Side effects it helps to be among other women who are also dealing with the changes to our bodies due to aging.  And much as many of us hate to admit it once we pass 60 those changes due creep up on us. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited February 2011

    if you guys wanna laugh, go to "aww, thats' cute" mark it as a favorite.. pics and jokes.. lots of doggies and kitties..    3jays

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAKiss OH DUCKYB You SO belong here and you are SO in the right place and DragonF, I am ROTHFLMAO!! I will translate in a PM if you need it. Tongue out Love you all!!! SV and a big PS, i have never taken Benedryl before and the docs have me slammed on it-my God, the crap over the counter is better than half the crap I used to smoke and snort!!! But no more Benedryl!!! This sucks....took the pooches for a walk before I realized I was walking backward downhill and wondering why they were getting so far away so fast!! TEEHEE!!!

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited February 2011

    SV-Duke as soon as you can.  Don't dilly dally!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited February 2011

    My kids wore smoking stinks buttons until I quit. I will wear an SV-Duke as a little nag button for awhile myself. It is cause we love you. Just treasing but I sure wish you would go.

    I called and made a LE evaluation appt. Left a message for the Nurse Practioner Counselor person I was referred to. I left a message for a primary care physician I was referred to too!    I said I wanted to rejoin the human race this AM and I am trying to mean it. Oh, I also called my Medical Oncologist and left a message there because i need to go back there too.  Now to get to Rads on time! 

    I have never wanted to have a stable of Doctors on call, ever. I can do this, yes I can! I want out of the black hole, ya know.


  • Unknown
    edited February 2011

    Welcome Ducky and Crazee,  Did I get those right? 

     Got my treatment today and this time the nurse said Oh, that is from the Gemzar when I told her about the elevated temp and achiness in my bones about 2 days later....another nurse told me previously Oh, that would be from the Xgeva, not the Gemzar.  Well, today I got both so we shall see how I feel on Wed.  Today they were running right on time.....figures since I did not have to go to work.  

    Ginger, yep I agree, Scarlett's hair did not look good....actually I thought she looked entirely different, eyes everything.  I think Halley Berry is beautiful.  Red seemed to be the color this year.

    SV,  I also hate totally knocks me out and I told them never to give it to me in the IV as part of my premed.  I answered your PM last night....did you get it?

    Sjays I will call you IF I can find your phone #. 

     I was in Aldi's  today and this guy who worked there walks up to me and said something to me and I said Pardon? and he asks Do you drive a Mini Cooper and I said why yes and he says well, then maybe these belong to you and sure enough there were my car keys on my red plastic elastic thing that I can put on my wrist.  I have no idea how they fell out or from where, pocket, purse?....he said someone turned them in.  I am losing a lot of things lately, but that would have been a disaster. I have no idea where the cell phone is.

    We had quite a rain storm last night and the temp is going down fast today.  This is always a strange time of year, never know what to expect.   Since it is supposed to be cold I am going to make chili tonight. 

  • Mimidi
    Mimidi Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2011

    I love this forum.  Ducky I think you and Crazee have found a good place to be if you can call a Breast Cancer forum a good place to be.  Reading all the posts have really helped me. I am 64.

     Hey, if any of you are hummingbird lovers the Ruby-thorated hummingbirds are arriving along the gulf coast.  The first ones should be arriving here in southeast Alabama within the next 10 days.  These little jewels have helped us make it through congestive heart failure, open heart surgery,  pertioneal dialysis, and now breast cancer.  Hubby is the one who has had all the health problems.  I never thought I has going to have any problems.  Little did I know.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited February 2011

    MB, you have left a trail since the Outer Banks, from the smelly seashells I found in my SUV to now....we need to duct tape everthything to you!!!! I will get to Duke but it will be a bit. (((((GINGER YOU CAN DO THIS))))) and the black hole just sucks but the only way out is up!!! Let me know if i can help. If it is SE's from chemo or rads, I can only tell you that i lived on gallons of Gatorade to get the chemical smell off and out of my skin-my skin was like beef jerky and Lordy did I smell!! And the Benedryl is wearing off-Good Lord that is awful stuff!! XXOO, SV

  • Unknown
    edited February 2011

    Ginger,They touched on depression a little bit in that class I went to....see, this is the way I am, go to a cont ed class, see someone on Oprah or read a book about something and for the next week or so I think it is the Gospel. Anyway this woman did not think that black cashish(maybe I am confused with hashish...LOL)  or cosh or whatever really helps .  She mentioned St.John's wort, but said that it can inter-react with other drugs and decrease their effectiveness, examples were warfarin ( generic coumadin)  and also aromasin.  She seems to think acupuncture helps a lot of things....depression, pain, headaches, sleep was almost like she was pushing it, but she does not administer this herself so I think it is just something she actually believes in.  All I know is that I did NOT like the way effexor and celexa made me feel and when I was doing effexor this last time my hot flashes actually came back which I found odd since my onco had put me on it to help with hot flashes when I was getting them so bad from tamoxifen.  It is probably normal to get depression or at least some anxiety when you have had BC....sort of the old waiting for the other shoe to drop syndrome.  

    SV,  yes I forgot those shells in your van ....also that special rock or shell you gave me.  I need to wear a coat that acts as a magnet and put some sort of a metal tag on everything I own so my things willl just come flying at me like you sometimes see in a movie.

    George is purring so loud you can hear him over the stereo Tim has going in the basement....he is on my lap....George, not Tim.  My chili is done and Tim has to get a bowl before I add the beans as he won't eat them.  He is such a picky eater, it is no wonder he weighs 90 lbs.   I was up another lb at the onco's office today and the nurse wanted to know if I thought it was chemo and I said who knows, you tell me.  I also admitted that I am not exactly eating to lose weight, but was gaining a lot slower when I was on Megace (and that is a drug that is supposed to make you gain), but I was also doing WW.  I got the steroids again and they would not change the order because Dr.Cody was not there. 

    Chrissy, Forget where you wrote me, here, FB or email, but I will send you some airport and area my Uncle's is at info.    

     Mimidi, My sister collects hummingbird stuff. 

    I am so tired for some reason and think I am going to skip my trip to see the cats today and will just check in on them again tomorrow as soon as I get off work. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited February 2011

    Came on today and was surprised to see how many posts we've had.  Wow! 

    3jays, good to see you and I'm going to do this post with "demarcations" so to be easier to read.  I agree with you too.  I often lose my place when reading posts in a lump but I haven't been thinking about that in my own posts.  

    Welcome to Island Girl, Mimidi, HKCrazee, Ducky!  I was new here not too many months ago and this place feels like home to me now, and I know it'll be the same way for you, too!  Sorry you have to be here, but this thread is a safe harbor to be in.

    Isabella, yep, think you'd do better with a nurse when and if you have your surgery.  You sure don't need to have to worry about pink wash and no good food while you're recuperating!  This year I so hope you can get some help with the lambing and calving.  You've given me more information about farm life and all that must be done than I've ever known.  You know what most people raise in my part of NC?  Chickens!  It's big business in this county, from the eggs to the processing, and when I get behind a big truck with a trailer stacked with caged chickens on their final journey I cannot eat chicken for days!

    Ginger, I liked what you posted about there being no prizes for bravery.  I kept telling myself all through radiation that I just had to show up.

    Marybe, thanks for posting the accounts of your travels to Chicago, and the pics. Glad you got away and had some good times too.  I envision the Palmer House as very elegant. I like your fake fur, and if I had a fur it'd be fake too!  After my dad died and I was cleaning out his house, I found a box that contained my late aunt's fox stole.  Now that was creepy--still had the little feet and the head.  No telling how old that thing was, but I got rid of it in short order.

    Chrissybe, what a darling little niece you have, and taking her first steps with you is priceless!  You're looking pretty good yourself, too, kid!

    Hey Mandy, hope your dr visit got you something to make you feel better, and hey to Barb and Chabba, Amyjo, and anybody else I didn't mention!  Love you all!

    Now, SV, I saved you for last. Thank you for your well thought-out, insightful and soul baring post.  After a few lines, I too was in tears, yet some were tears of joy and love for you, and for this safe harbor we have here, for the love and caring we all have for each other here, for this no threat zone and sisterhood we have on this thread.  None of us want to be here, on this thread or on this whole site truly, but many of us don't have anyone or anywhere else we could go to share our fears, absolute terror, and also our joys when things are going well.  This is the only place I post on with any regularity here, although I do read other threads, and yes, I did read the troll thread but didn't see much point to it.  I just figure to each his, or her, own, and let the rest go.  You know who loves ya, baby! And, I agree with everybody else--please get yourself to Duke as soon as you're able to!


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited February 2011

    Marybe and anyone else interested:  I did acupuncture all through my chemo---I had it once a week and then twice during my infusion week. I was on CMF and had 8 tx every 3 weeks so it went on forever (or so it seemed).   I started it after my second tx and I found that it really did reduce and help side effects and increased my energy.  My acupuncture doctor was recommended by my internist (most people call them primary care) and she had been trained in both Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine.   I do suggest it for chemo side effects.



  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2011

    Dear Duckyb, welcome and hope your lumpectomy goes well.  Keep us posted on your progress.  I'm pretty new also but feel at home.  It's a sad thing to have in common but I find that there aren't a lot of people I feel comfortable talking to about it.  It really scares other women and they don't want to know 'cause it could be them.  So when you need to talk about it it doesn't scare us--it already is us.  Love to all. Dragon

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2011

    Ok, I have just about had it with people........Had another idiot tell me today how lucky I am that I got breast cancer, and not another type..........Do these people really think before they open up their "pie hole"...........That is no different then telling a widow after her husband has died, that he is in a better place..........Oh yea when my husband died I even had freaks who said that to me in the receiving line.....I felt like shoving them in the coffin with him, and closing the lid, and shouting, "since you think its such a better place, go with him".........Oh well, I guess I have to smooth the fur on the back of my neck, and remember fools are born every day.  I go to see the oncologist on Wednesday, and wonder what  "words of wisdom" I will get from her.........hey who knows, maybe she tends the same "garden" as the onc/rad.  By the way ladies I am from Pa., living in a small town right outside Philly.  It's called Drexel Hill, if any of you are from the Northeast part of the country. ...........I have a home in Cape May Beach, NJ which I go to in the summer, and I'm really ticked cause I will have to be up this end for radiation 5 days a week.  That really stinks, but what can I do.  I use to go down mid week, with my daughter and grandchildren, but now it will have to be on a Friday, Unless they start the radiaton sooner then they said.  Doubt that...................well ladies this has been great meeting so many of you.  I have found some good friends........not under the best circumstances, but good friends just the same........and its true........ people who do not have cancer want to talk about it.....they want to hear how it happened to you, but then once they hear it, they are done listening..........only to walk away saying  "thank God that isn't me", and can you blame them.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2011

    I'm do I catch up? Guess I'll just comment on things as I think of them and forgive me if you think I haven't acknowledged your post....chemo brain and now stroke brain here.

    SV-----get to DUKE!!!!!, I loved your post and it really felt close to home. As far as benydryl goes, I can't take it either because the next day after having a dose I experience a brain fart and can't remember what I was planning on saying....horrible sensation.

     3jays...I like the idea of having a little space between a post, it helps my feeble eyes.

    Barb---I agree...gag, gag, gag!!!

    Marybe, would you please PM me about the sleep remedies? Having issues here. What color is George's belly since he laid on the blueberries???

    Crazee, Ducky, Island Girl--thank you for joining us! It's not like 'misery loves company', it's more like we cherish enveloping people who are struggling through things we can identify with and send cyber hugs to and give support and being listening ears despite what you may need to expound on, whether it be a rant or a sadness, or happy news.

    Ducky---I like your attitude.

    Mandy--I was only offered acupuncture during rads and the 2 sessions I had did seem to help. You have to start feeling better...hope the doc can relieve some of your discomfort. A lot of people around here got the flu shot and still got the flu...guess the CDC didn't get all the bugs covered with the vaccine this year.We have an outbreak of croup around here too.

    Chrissy---what a darling little neice you have! Like your picture in your avatar.

    Ginger---I love the visual I got when you said "a stable of doctors"!!!

    Mimmi----the thought of hummingbirds just brings a peacefulness to my heart. My dear aunt was dying (she also lived in Alabama and I in WI) one evening a hummingbird flew into our porch and hovered outside our patio door. It wasn't an hour later that I got the call that my aunt had died. Now I HAVE NEVER seen a hummingbird around here either before or after the event. Later I asked my cousin if my aunt had a special place in her heart for hummingbirds. She thought for a minute then said she had bought a crystal hummingbird for her Mom and had affixed it to the fan-pull!  It was then that I was convinced that my aunt was telling me that she was free from the torment she had been experiencing.

    Isabella--I do hope you can post some pictures of your new bed room. So sorry about the ewe and the babes...brought tears to my eyes.

    Anyone that I may have missed mentioning I don't mean it as a's just that I have CRS.

     gentle hugs to all my sistahs who have different moms!!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2011

    Duckyb1, It's true, people don't know what to say.  Some people blow it off if they think you're "only" having a lumpectomy and then others expect you to cry--well I just can't open the faucet in public!!  Sorry to disappoint everyone!!! 

    I had it coming though--I once told a friend she looked good after chemo (well, her hair was coming in like a little pixie and I honestly thought she did look cute).  I don't think that was a very good thing to say. 

    One thing you'll find is that, at the end of this, you may not want ALL of your old life back.  I cut at least one family member loose, and then there's this friend who only calls when she wants to sell me something.  She knew I had cancer but I guess she wasn't selling mastectomy bras so I didn't warrant a call!!  Only good thing I can see about this, you get the chance to filter out what you don't want to keep in your life and cultivate something new. 

    Oh I forgot, the other thing I hate is people who tell you not to trust any doctors and take some kind of "natural" remedy instead.  Ugh...cancer and polio are both natural phenomena the last time I checked.  So are earthquakes. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011

    Connie...what a superb post...said it all about SV.

    So -if you are reading this Melissa-just listen to us and get to Duke. You know how we all regard you very highly, and all are worried about the predicament you are in. Just think back to a year ago and remember how ill you were then, and if you don't get yourself organised soon you'll be back where you were. You have too many things going on, that I am sure can be sorted, if only you'll let people help you. For gawds sakes, just do it.

    Mandy sorry you are still dogged by the 'flu..look after yourself. We are having a bad 'flu epidemic over here, loads ending up in hospital, bad breathing, bronchitis and all sorts of infections setting in, some have been ill for weeks. Spring is just around the corner (well, quite a big corner here ) but a bit of sunshine goes a long way. Hope you get back on form soon.

    Glad I am not the only one who doesn't open mail ! Thought I was starting to slide down the slippery slope, when actually I have been this way with mail for years ! The only thing I pounce on from the mail man are my audio books from Amazon. I have 3 on the go at the moment, in different rooms, get a bit confused sometimes when I change rooms quickly, (oh, and I have one in the car as well !) but then it doesn't take much to fox me.  

    Had the police at my door today. I bought a new ( well, 2 year old ) big box van for deliveries last week. Did a deal with a guy, he took away my old van, and for not a great deal of cash I got a much newer and smarter van. Only had it 4 days and the police were all over it, fingerprints, footprints, paperwork check. Wanted to know the EXACT time I did the deal, and for the life of me I started spluttering and couldn't remember when I took delivery. I looked so stupid, but it wouldn't come for about 15 mins. When I gave them their answer I must have given them the right time, because they backed off immediately. Seems the new van was 'in an incident' an HOUR before I bought it. They would not say what had happened, and said they 'wouldn't be taking the van away'....well, thank you boys... I was starting to wonder how on earth I was supposed to deliver my eggs with my van impounded !

     I had a bit of a terrorist thing here a few years ago. It was the time of 9/11 and the London bombings. Opened the door one day to a pair of Asian men. I was in alone, and I NEVER open doors. This one and only time silly me did. They were in a big van, asking for a bag of fertiliser. I hadn't got any, so they went. Then it clicked, fertiliser is used in bomb making, and farmers had been asked to keep an eye open for this kind of activity. One of the London bombers lived about 5 miles away from me. I rang the police. Crikey, it was like... aarrgghh.... the place was swarming with cops. There were 7 cars and vans outside my house, and I have forgotten now, but there would have been about 15 or 20 cops...then the freaking police helicopter was overhead. (tho' what they hoped to do I have no idea, the Asians were long gone by the time I 'phoned the cops)   I had a bit of an argument with them as they kept leaving the doors all open in the house, and my dogs thought their birthdays had come, and kept flying outside to chase cats. I couldn't keep my eyes on all of the cops, and all of the dogs all at the same time... so they had to wait for me to call up the dogs and lock them away. I had to give a statement, they photographed me ( maybe thought I was a terrorist ! If I'd known there'd been such a fuss I would have kept my mouth firmly shut ) They took the doorbell off the door, and fingerprinted the door, tho' I don't think the door was touched, just the bell. The police were all over searching the farm and photographing every nook and cranny. What fun !!

    I have another funny story about the cops chasing DH home late one night. He had been out for a drink, and must have had one too many, he outran the police in their police car, jumped out of his 4WD, in the middle of the farmyard, leaving it red hot, so couldn't deny he'd been out in it, and vanished into the fields. I heard DH screech into the farmyard, followed very quickly by a cop car, blue light lighting up my bedroom, and was left to get out of bed, answer the door, and try and get them to go away !! They insisted he was in the house, and came in to look. In wardrobes, under beds and down cellars. I knew where he would be, he had just run and run and ended up about 3 miles away from the farm. He came in about 5am...through a back window, which I had left open for him as I knew just what he would be up to !! I didn't half make his life a misery for that little episode. The police were telling me they'd have to get the dogs out for DH when they finally drove away, but I was long past caring then,  DH dined out on this story for years...he was the great big hero to the G/sons.... Grandad outwitting the police....NOT the kind of example he should have set. He was actually 58 at the time, and always at the gym, fit as a fiddle, maybe as well or he'd have been locked up, or had a heart attack !!! I have to laugh to myself about this now !!!!

    I am away to my bed...its 1st of March today, and again after wonder I cannot get up on a morning.


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited March 2011

    I've got the same fear about the mail! Maybe fear isn't the right word, but I just can't stand to go through it. I thought about getting a P.O. Box and that way I could pick it up when I was ready for it. It's just the way it keeps poring in, day after day, mostly bad things I don't want to deal with, rarely something nice. You know, before Caller ID, the phone was that way, too. Didn't want to answer it in case it was someone I didn't feel like dealing with. hmmm...maybe the P.O. Box will work...

    Isabella - whenever I somehow incur a policeman's curiosity, the next thing I know I'm stammering all over the place looking as guilty as sin, and I haven't done anything! They just make me that nervous! If I'm driving and one zooms up behind me, I can't help myself - I start weaving all over the place like I'm drunk or something. I think it's because I'm trying to watch my speed at the same time I'm trying to stay in my lane AND at the same time I'm trying to act casual! The other day a policeman showed up at my house because I accidentally set off the burglar alarm - I thought I had cancelled it, but apparently not. I had just woken up and must have looked a sight with my chemo hair, nightgown and my Sporto boots and socks - hahahaha! So, he didn't bother me very much at all - I guess I scared him more than the other way around! 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2011

    Just wanted to say "hello"..

    Saw this yesterday

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited March 2011

    Lisa: your beautiful photos make my day!

    duckyb1: I sent you a private message. When you log in to the discussion board, on the right side you will see "private message" and a number. If you click on that yuou will get the private message.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    Wow a lot  has been going on - more than this brain can handle. Hope everyone is doing ok and haveing few SEs.

    SV - If you do make those appointments for Due I have a room ready and waiting for you and I will come get you in my comfy van and go with you to your treatments.  Love you girl whether you make the appointments or not.  This is your decision, just know that everyone here loves you and wants you to get the best care available for you.  Remember, this is HOME and stay away from those other threads.  This is where the love is.

    My rad tx are going well, I have completed 10 of 30 so I am 1/3 of the way.  Miadrem cream and emu oil are doing wonders at keeping my skin in great shape. Wish there was something that would help the fatigue as much.  I am so tired all the time and it seems to be getting worse.

    Hope everyone has a restful evening. Amy Jo 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    Not sure i can post cause still under the five limit ban-Isabella you are just too much-you have GOT to write a book or there has to be a television showout there just waiting for you and your farm antics. And DH leaving the car in the field and running for the hills-yup, been there and done that.....drunk younger lady at the time running thru the corn rows trying to hide from people I can only see with one eye-doulbe and triple vision were par for the course for me so I was always sure and army was after me and/or I was a blackout drinker and awoke in a wet field wondering how I got there and where my car (if I had a car) was. And yes, get a nurse to care for you or you will be doing laundry. And OK, working on Duke but it is not going to be a quick thing. Angus still has to be watched 24/7 right now and he must be checked first before I go so that a $1400 surgery does not get screwed up by my DD and DB (D-standing for drunk or dumb at any given time.) Big Hugs, SV

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    1st off, thank you ladies for spreading out your posts. much easier to read.. ISABELLA i cannot miss any of your posts. you are one hilarious lady!!! SV is right. you ned to write a screenplay at the least!!!the dogs chasing the cats 'cause it must be their birthdays.. i cant type, im still laughing so hard!!

    {{{{{ginger}}}}}MARYBE, have you heard the quote "march comes in like a lion, but leaves like a lamb?" (don't worry.. i WONT be doing daily quotes  HAHAHA..SV.. the quote (omy another one!) is "the only way out is through" i have it posted on my wal..

       Mimidi. i love all things hummingbirds. my mom lived on Marthas' Vineyard, in Mass. and had a feeder full every summer. she's gone now, but i collect all kinds of chackas?sp?

    MANDY, im gonna try acupuncture for my neuropathy, and my un godly sleep problems.. thanks. SUZIE: of course, coming from a person who still believes in "the little people " from I reland, thank you, my nana; i believe it was a sign! im laughing with you all, the ones'i can't remember. thank you CONNIE, for the def of a pod. put it in my google docs this time.

       i find such love and comfort from you all, you'll never know how this lonely old, sick lady is comforted by this thread. i have found a home of the heart. and the other thread doesn't matter a whit.. remember that, SV!! GO TO DUKE!!!    night, 3jays

  • HKCrazee
    HKCrazee Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2011

    Duckyb1 you are so like me {{{{hugs}}} and I was where you are four weeks ago.
    While I was getting diagnosed the Queensland floods and cyclones were happening and I was thinking (I wouldn't dare say it) its only your home and furniture you are losing - I've got cancer!!! I was so scared and I was the same, I thought about it 24/7. I am normally a very energetic person who wouldn't sleep, ever, during the day - too much that I wanted / needed to do - but I just wanted to sleep and for it all to go away!!! I purposely did not tell anyone who didn't need to know because of the comments like you are getting - even now, only my husband, son and d-in-law, step son and mother know and a collegue who derided me quite insultingly for not going to help with the cyclone clean-up (was she ever contrite after finding out why I wouldn't be going), and a dear friend who also had BC 8 years ago - in exactly the same place!!.  
      My last tests should be revealed tomorrow but I remember it being somewhat of a relief when I actually knew what I was dealing with. 

    Also what you say about your other ailments - 2 weeks before the "bomb dropped" I had broken bones in my right hand and thought that was the worst thing that could happen to me - little did I know that that (things that can just heal and if you take care you won't have to go through that again) is absolutely nothing!

    And also two weeks before my fall at my regular smear, mammogram, other check-ups I made a comment to my doctor that I was so healthy that no doctor could rely on me feeding them Money mouth and then double whammy!!!!! I'm visiting doctors, hospitals and spending mega dollars more than in my whole life combined up til then!

    Chrissyp I didn't know about the 5 post in 24 hours limit - where do I find that information?
    Dragonflymary - I am a bit at sea with the abbreviations - what is PS, HP

    Oh, I've just realised that this is a worldwide? forum - neat!!!
    Mimidi - I just read your reference to Alabama - I'm in Australia! And I thought my DH would be the one with the health prob's too!

    Thank you for your welcome ladies and thank you for listening and thank you in anticipation for listening - I'm really not going to tell anyone else unless they need to know - I don't feel they will understand how I'm feeling and either think I am a "drama queen"- or go the other way which I think is worse and treat me like an invalid (differently to how they interact with me now) did that make sense??

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    HKCrazee, the information is passed on one to another re the 5 posts per 24 hours.  There  is a topic saying the same thing and it pops up every now and then but I can't remember where to find it so I just pass it along.  My brain is a little fried from the drugs and anaesthetics so I hope you'll forgive  I can't remember if I've welcomed Ducky, Mandy and Mimi if I haven't, I really apologise and will do so right now.......Welcome girls! I've just looked up the threads for you.  In the 'Active Topics' heading, you will find 'Attention Newbies on Posting Limits' and Ábreviations for Newbies - Updated'  Hope you find them helpful.

    Thanks all regarding comments on new Avatar, the cutee really is a delight and has me in stitches of laughter every time I see her.  She just loves to pull faces and seems to have a rubber face which can achieve the most wonderous looks.

    Been to see my GP today and found that the ol' blood pressure is not behaving so I have to up my meds and go back to see him in a week.......thank you very much Femara.  Here was I thinking I was getting away scott free, well almost scott free with the SE's but obviously the Femara has chosen to give me one of the other SE's.....blah!

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited March 2011

    Ladies I don't like to complain, but I feel just awful and know I can express myself here.  I went through surgery, rads, and chemo with hardly any side effects.  I started Arimidex  in Oct and felt very good.  Boom!  A month ago my hands started to bother me.  Not much at first, but now I have trigger finger in both thumbs and my hands in general are beyond pain.  It's like I've been hit with arthritis all over my whole body.  Sorry for the rant.

    On a happy note, we get our new puppy this week.  His name is Dante. (selected by my daughter).  He's a black German Shepherd.  Isabella, did you ever get your puppy?  Thanks everyone for listening. 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited March 2011

    Suzq -  I lasted a month on Arimidex.  When I called the onc about the horrible pain I got in my joints he immediately switched me to Tamoxifen.  My side effects from it have been much more manageable than that pain would have been.  Mostly fatigue due to sleep problems and toe cramping.  Started Tamy in November,sleep problems started very soon after but are now almost gone.  Toe cramping started about three weeks ago and is already fading. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    OMG-chrissy-I am ROTFLMAO over your post-yes, Me thinks there be too many drugs amidships and gal i think you already did the same post about four pages ago-could be wrong-but hysterical anyway-except for the BP part-oh honey, please take care - no salt!!!!!! NO STRESS-oh yeah like that is gonna happen....get that BP down!!!! I feel awful when mine is bouncing all over the charts. And like oh yeh, take advice from me-the major drama queen!!! as to the five post thing, often if you just contact the moderators and ask that it be lifted on your thread, it will be lifted!! At least that is the way it used to be but i am still in the doghouse-woof-woof and still stuck on the 5 post rule for being a BAAAAADDDDDD GIRL! Love you all-just up and haven't had coffee and only one eye open.HKcraz and Ducky-so much i want to write to you both and will do so when i can slurp a pot o java and think about where you both are-we are here with you and we have been thru where you all are and it is so freaking scary-and your life will not be your own until the white coats are done with you!!!! It may take a year!!! At least it did for me to get back to some semblance of human living!! Not tryingtomakelight cause I know how scary this is....but it is what it is and we love you!!!!  XXOOOOO SV

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2011

    Morning all. Welcome to all the new girls, great to have you along but sorry for the reason.

    Haven't posted as I was away last weekend, will post some pictures later and had GD Monday morning and all day yesterday. Don't worry I love it. There is a picture of her drinking a 'fluffy' on my page on FB. She told her aunt she had done so much dancing she needed a coffee, think she is learning from Granny. Yesterday she was so tired when DH and took her home just before bedtime.

    I am having real trouble with LE in my chest, its so annoying. Will see the therapist again on Thursday. 

    To those on AIs I have been on femara for over 3 1/2 years and have so many side effects.I think I would rather have SEs than cancer but sometimes I really do wonder. I had to give up my job as Head of Faculty of a large secondary school because of the SEs and also because it caused my rheumatoid arthritis (which I have had since a teenager) to flare.  However on the positive side, being retired does mean that I can have a life which is quite enjoyable and I have done all sorts of different things when I am able. And I can have my GD as often as I can. Will have a GS is a couple of weeks as well.

    I must go and get to the gym, haven't been for a week cause of the LE, will have to be very careful today. Then I will do some writing, hopefully will get next unit of textbook done by end of next week.

    More emails from Christchurch just came through so will see what they say. It is a very sad place at present. We are not letting GD see the news as her mother heard her in the bedroom saying 'be careful baby(doll) cause the house is broken, its falling down, another time the news came on and she said, 'I don't like that it's sad'. Children pick up all sorts of things we don't realise.

    Have a great day. Will organise some pictures later.

    Big hugs to all.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2011

    Just returned from BS (breast surgeon--for those new to the abbreviations).  She felt the lump over my implant and gave me a choice to either watch it or do MRI.  I chose the MRI as I am thoroughly finished with watching lumps waiting for something to happen.  Did that for years before my diagnosis.  She said there is little chance that it is a recurrence so I'm not going to fret for now.  Does anyone else think their dog is their TRUE DH?  I love the way he listens to  me...the perfect man?  One who looks up at you with big brown eyes and hangs on every word you say!