Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    SV - I truly do not mind the drive and I could come right after my treatment and get there around 2:30 to take you to the hospital stay until around 6:00 and still be home before my bedtime.  So if you need me I will be there.

    Darla - Congratulations on the great granddaughter.  What a wonderful blessing babies are.

    Ginger - You are almost done, hang in there it won't be much longer.  I am about 1/2 was throught and so glad this month is flying by.  I will be done March 28 so not too far behind you.

    Nancy - Good luck with the taxes, I still have my Mom's final tax return to do and I just cannot seem to get in the mood to do it. I will probably file for an extension so I have more time to get everything done.  Sorry you had trouble with the car dealer, but glad you were able to get the things done that needed to be done.  I know about the allergy season so take care of yourself, what do you take for your allergies?  Hope the eye appointment goes well.  {{{{Hugs}}}} to you.

    The police came back to the house last night and they said that there was a big credibility issue with the kids and the story they told and that I did not need to be afraid of anything as they know the police will be watching them and any further problems will put them in Juvie.  I have not seen the kids at the pond for since all of this started.  The kids told the police that they would not ever come back over here again.  DH talked to the Seargent in charge and told him how the officers that originally came to the house had conducted themselves and that they had cause me to be so afraid to go out of the house and emphaized that I was under going radiation treatments for advanced stage breast cancer.  So the Seargent said he would talk to those officers about how they handled things.  Anyway I think everything is ok for now.

    I seem to be feeling a little better today and have been doing a lot of things.  I did find 2 wingback chairs for my living room that I have been looking for for about 2 years. Will try to post pictures later.  It is nap time for now. 

    Hope everyone is having a SE free weekend.  Amy Jo

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011

    I have been MIA since Monday phone line went down, so that meant no computer. I have been locked into arguments with the 'phone company until today, and am hoarse from arguing with them. Just so sick of their attitude, I am supposed to have a 'business' line, which means repair within 24 hours.

    Somehow, someone has downgraded me to 'residential' which pretty well means they'll come and look when they feel that way inclined ! Things are compounded by the fact that I won't use a cell 'phone....just about the only person in this country who won't have one. I had to borrow a cell from DD to try and get my land line working again...and what a mess I made of it. I kept cutting myself off, had no idea how to 'send' a call, and absolutely no idea what the number of this 'phone was. The 'phone company just refused to believe me that I couldn't give them the number of the 'phone I was using ! Oh, I have had fun and games this week. I managed to get them to divert my calls to the cell 'phone, but lost so many calls by pressing the wrong buttons to try and take calls.

    I had a man delivering me some hens on Thursday morning. He got within 2 miles of me, then rang to get directions, and there was no answer from me....the 'phone company had taken my 'call divert' off. They told me the 'phone was 'now operational' The poor man delivering my hens took two and a half hours to find me, and had made 11 calls to me, which he thought I was ignoring,  he showed me his cell 'phone with '11 missed calls' showing. The poor hens were very hot, stuffed in crates in the back of a van, and going round in circles for nearly 2 hours, looking for their new home.

    Phone company then had the cheek to tell me as it was 11 am Saturday they wouldn't be out until TUESDAY....that really did it. I saw red and was on at them again, completely refused to speak to whoever it was that was speaking to me in a very thick Indian accent, so am expecting to be locked up for 'racial discrimination' !! I was SO sick of saying 'pardon' as I could not understand her. I got the manager, and really, really bellowed at him. They were out and had it mended within an hour. So at long last I am able to communicate with the world again, and have a decent 'phone. I HATE CELL PHONES its made me more determined not to use one again if I can help it !!! G/children are all laughing their sox of at 'dinosaur' Grandma.

    I don't realise just how much I rely on my computer....for just about I ever managed without one years ago I don't know ! I have just over 150 emails wanting answering. No idea when I shall have time to do this. as I have been busy doing lots of other things that don't require a computer. I shall take great pleasure wasting all Sunday sat here catching up ! I have no time tonight to look back on here and read...there seem to have been pages and pages since I was last here.

    I am going to my bed now...and to continue catching up in comfort on my laptop !


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited March 2011

    So good to see you Isabella.  Missed you much.  I think phone company service is the same all over the world.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    Isabella-whoever said farm life was a bore?!!! And ditto all that AmyJo wrote-and NO, i would not ask you to do anything like drive out here. nothing can be done til monday and I can get to my pulmonologist. he is not on call this weekend so no guarantee of a bed in the hospital without him there. Barb called to check on me and doing better. I truly shot myself i the foot not going on Thursday but was so angry and exhausted, I could not even imagine going thru another ER then waiting to be put in a bed-just would not have made it-it has become too nervewracking and on prednizone i know i am not making good decisions for myself. So will try Monday if this remains as bad-better due to some diff meds but that is not going to last-love you all and Darla-how cool to be a ggrand-post some pix of your ggdaughter!! SV

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited March 2011

    Congratulations, Darla!  Glad everything finally went well and she's here.  I know she's a doll, too.

    Great to see you got reconnected, Isabella, and I know what you mean about phone companies.  Whenever we've had a problem, I've called the local company and got someone maybe in Alabama, certainly not local, and they invariably barely speak English.  Very frustrating.

    Glad you're hanging in there, SV.  Maybe just one more day and you'll see the pulmonologist and get something done.  HUGS.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    Darla, I am sorting and cleaning my pix file of some 20,000 pictures-EGADS no OCD here. BUT I WANT TO COMMEMORATE THE BIRTH OF GGDAUGHTER with gift of what i do-birdie pix-this is just for her (and you)!! Closest thing to a stork I could find!

    Shot this before the great asthma crash and it has not been published so hope it finds a special place for you and for her-does she have a name yet?? SV

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    glad you're all back SV please, don't worry everyone again. even if you're not well, you can post im here.. going monday.. i understand about the steroids, girl. they slam me, when i have to take them.. my allergies are going wild right now. it seems spring has sprung in so. fla.. right when im the most broke, Murs' on vacation this week, and all the new flowers are out at lowes!! Figures..

       we're gonna clear out the house. i'll letcha know next weekend. he has all kinds of plans, but we never seem to get it done.

      life threw me yet another hardball today. we lost yet another friend. from a heart attack with complications of chemp.  our worst nightmares!! to be honest, he was in real rough shape, and i don't think all the tests were run before he did tx. i guess the drs. thought it was a lat ditch effort. i spoke with him last week, they were putting his port in, and he said they hadn't done a MUGA. i told him i thought he should have one, but he was stubborn.. so, like before, i say we all have to make our own choices, and then live by them. at least it wasn't a long, drawn out thing, like he was most afraid of. i told someone tonight, he went to bed, and woke up in Gods' arms.. kinda comforting, in a weird way. he only made it through one tx.. 

       they didn't know if i'd make it when i had the reaction to the 1st tx, and it was all good after that one, once they adjusted it. so, we just never know eh? sometimes ya just gotta trust it all to a higher power..

        i hope that won't scare anyone. but thats' the very reason they do all the testing before. and, if like in my case, there's a problem, or question, they can adjust it. he'd been putting off tx for too long, so scared. i think thats' where his demise came from.

       it just makes me appreciate the life i have now, and the friends i have now, on this, and other threads.. thats' the "courage" people talk about. we face the BEAST and trust our higher power with the results..

       congrats, Ginger, on the little one. those are the very real rewards we get, after our fight...!!

       my GD was born one month after i finished chemo. thats' when the celebration started!!

       isabella.. don't worry about reading all the posts you missed.. we missed you, and just are glad you're back. glad your phones' working now.

       we have similiar problems with our internet. first, comcast has been such a pain. we changed for 5 days to ATT; and that was worse. we're back to comcast, and trying to be grateful for what we DO have!! thats' the secret of life, i think.. to be grateful for what you DO have, not worrying about what you DON'T have.. 

     h ope ya'll are having a good weekend.!!    3jays

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited March 2011

    Beautiful SV!

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2011

    SV...thank you for checking in....don't let the ba$ta#ds get you down is what my brother always said to me when I was disciuraged,  Beautiful  birdie, thank you for sharing.

    Isabella...glad you are up and running again, those damnable phone companies can surely screw you up. sad about your friend ((((((hugs)))))))))))

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    ((((((3jays)))))) SO sorry!!! SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Great to see you back Isabella. Nice shot SV, glad you are feeling better. Hopefully you can get to the bottom of this tomorrow. 3jays, so sorry to hear about your friend. Sigh. Suz, how you doing these days? You haven't said!

    I hate computers, too, but, (big sigh), they are my business. Frown

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited March 2011

    I'm  at parents' weekend at Harvard where my younger daughter goes. I was an "older" mom so my kids are the ages of everyone's grandkids. Anyway, I am MIA  while I spend this time with my daughter, who is not only involved in student activities, but an honor student (top 3 percent of her class).

    Hugs to all


  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2011

    That is soooo beautiful SV,  Her name is Yazzmine Milan, she is so beautiful she only weighed 5,6 and is 17 inches long so it feels as though you are only holding blankets until you reach down and kiss her darling face.

    Than you everyone for your congrats.  she is supposed to come home today so will go see her again.  Love to all.  Darla

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2011

    3jays, so sorry about your friend.  Mandy congrats on your daughter's achievments.  Isabella, so good to hear from you, Darla

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    Darla, wow, now that name is a mouthfull but gorgeous!!! And what a princess too! I know you cannot wait to spoil her silly! ((((3jays)))) and isabella, i swear, if i get a passposrt, can i come visit you-like for real?? I am actually very handy on a farm adn am an especially good supervisor!! TeeHee-cold wet and rainy day here and i am bored beyond tears. I feel and pray the asthma thing has finally taken a turn for the better-i am not gulping like a fish out of water. Wanted to jump in the car and head to the store but ran out of breathe by the time i hit the car-GRRRR!! Big hugs to all, who else is hiding out that I have not heard from....lawwoman did we chase you off??? Rae, wha'd up in your neck of the woods (((CHRISSY-cannot wait til you get here)))) ((((Alyson))))) and Barb-how is the mastitis since yesterday-and you are bitching at ME!! Hardhead!!! Who else new have I forgotten????? ((((Ginger, Connie, QCA, Chabba, AJ, MB et all)))) SV

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited March 2011

    You sound so much better SV.  Don't let it lull you into thinking you can skip seeing the Doctors tomorrow, please.  You've had all of us so very worried about you.

    I always find it hard to express my feelings to people but I do care so very much.  Please, please take care of yourself!

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2011

    Mandy...congrats on your daughter's achievements! Do spend your time with her.

    Darla...what a beautiful name...spend as much time as you can with her. And give her a cyber hug from me. How are the birds? Anymore stories to share? do quite well on expressing your feelings. good to hear you are feeling a little MUST keep that appointment tomorrow.

    This week will be too busy for me...the auditors are coming, I have 2 billings to do for the state and an intervention plan and budget to do for our HIV program, and I still can't do a full 40 hours at work. Have a bunch of tests coming up. A growth on my ovary has gotten bigger so must have an ultrasound and a blood test for the CA25, and another chest ray to see if the 'pneumonia' has changed. guess I should be on the 'bitchy, moan and groan" thread!!

    gentle hugs to all.........

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2011

    SV & Suzie14, thank you very much. I can't wait to get my hands on her. She is coming home today!!!

    One of the funniest things Lucy (macaw) ever did was;  my oldest gd and bf were staying with me and I came home from chef school to find Luce sitting on the back of a kitchen chair looking mystified.  He was in a large dog cage at the time that was elevated off the floor on rollers. He had learned real fast how to open the door so I kept it pushed up against Conan's cage so that if he unlatched it he couldn't go any further.  My gd had fed and watered him but didn't push the cage back. 

    She and her bf were in the kitchen making guacomole when Lucy opened his door and climbed up on his cage, there was just a counter that separated the kitchen and livingroom,  he came across the counter onto the kitchen table and they grabbed the unfinished guacamole and locked themselves in the bathroom.  He just wanted to be in on the fun.  They had been in there an hour when I got home and found him sitting there going HUH.  I will never let either one of them live that down. LOL    Darla

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011

    Darla..BIG is so lovely to have a tiny baby in the family, you almost become a nuisance visiting so often. Love little girls..the shops seem so full of the most gorgeous tiny dresses for them.   I used to make most of my DDs dresses and dungarees, always much cheaper, and I enjoyed doing it, it was my relaxation. I do occasionally sew for my G/daughter (2), but DD isn't too hot on washing, and certainly does no ironing, so it grieves me to see what I have done for the child looking like an old rag pretty quickly ! I try and grab the washing and do it myself if I can. I'll say it again, WHAT is it with this generation ????

    I got my Alsation puppy last week, called her Laika, after the first Russian dog in space...remember the poor little soul...she lived 7 days then ran out of oxygen... ggrrrrrhhh...this used to haunt me in my teenage years. I am on the lookout for another one. I was hoping there would have neen a sister left in the litter, but they'd all gone by the time I picked up my pup. Finding the big puddles and 'piles' quite a shock after my normal small dog offerings!!!! Need a big shovel to chase her around with, when I am used to a dainty piece of kitchen paper for normal size dog poops. As soon as I get her a sister she will be living outside !!

    Have had a day out today with my G/sons, watching them on motorbikes and in 4WDs in a muddy field...was absolutely frozen, and glad to be home this evening. The weather is quite bitter, but things are starting to grow in my garden. I have primroses, daffodils, pansies and violas, loads of beautiful hellebores, and just about all the perennial plants are starting to show a lot of growth. I haven't a cat in hells chance of keeping up this year. 2 G/sons have said they will come prune my roses...that should be a laugh, as I am sure they have no idea at all what a rose bush looks like, let alone set about pruning them....but... have said they can come and have to be grateful for what help I can get now !! 

    Am going to make the effort and get to town tomorrow, need one or two things, so will go while its dry, don't like wandering around the shops in the rain. DH has asked me to take him in to hospital on Wednesday, then pick him up again at T/time. He is having carpal tunnel surgery, with a general anaesthetic, and can't drive himself. Didn't like to say no, it won't hurt me to do this for him. We have a new system here now where our GPs can 'buy' most operations from any hospitals. We don't have to use our National Health Service hospitals (which are pretty grim ) so DH elected to go to a private hospital this time, seeing exactly the same surgeon as last time in an NHS hospital but in much nicer surroundings. He has been just 3 weeks from seeing the 'private' surgeon to operation.Last time, in the NHS hospital, with their long waiting lists, he was 5 months waiting to see exactly the same surgeon !! I have been waiting 17 months now for my back op. so am hot footing it to my GP to see if I will be allowed to switch hospitals mid treatment ( treatment, haha, what treatment ??) 

    Right must get off to bed now, am falling asleep in my chair, fresh air has done for me today !


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    Isabella - take a little time to show the GS how to prune the roses.  One of the best memories I have with my Dad was when he was showing me how to prune his prized roses.  We did a lot of talking in the rose garden about all sorts of things with me pruning and him just watching.  Hope you can change hospitals and get the treatment/surgery you need soon.

    SV - It was good to hear from you. Just remember to go with the flow and stay with the plan. It will make thngs go a lot better a lot faster for you.  Love you girl, glad you are doing better.  Make all of your appointments this next week and don't let them rile you up.

    I asked for suggestions about friends wanting to help back in Feb. Anyway I took the suggestion and it worked well. They will be bringing lunch to the house after my treatment next week. So I do not have to ride with the one that scares me or be in public with the one that always manages to embarass me.  All friendships still in tact.  Thanks ladies.

    Tomorrow I will complete rad #15 which put me 1/2 way through and I am doing really well. Skin is looking really good so far and I and getting a little more tired than usual, but not too bad yet.  We will see what next week brings.  I will be going back to the physical therapist for the neuopathy in my arms.  Still lubricating the skin with miaderm and emu oil 3-5x a day. Three weeks and 1 day left until I am done. YEAH 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011 wonderful for you o be able to freeze your arse off, and watch the GSs i love my gKids so much.. can't wait to see themat that age!! do take the time to teach them to prune those bushes correctly. My sons aren't interested at all. wish they'd find something i do interesting enough to give 2 wits about. but, its' all about teaching them, than when they're older, they'll remember Granny, and hopefully, put a garden in for ya. i di, for mine, and she's gone a long time now.. precious memories where made in her rose garden growing up!!

       SV.. im really gonna be pi**+%% off if i hear ANOTHER time ya don't go to the Drs.. your scarin all the nice ladies here.. the bruiser sistaha (me n barbara ) just might show up and kick your arse if there's any more shenanigans. you think you're sore now,, WAIT!!

       msd.. babies are the best!! im so happy for you. well, my memories shot out. sorry for any i've forgotten for now. we rock on this thread.. i truly feelcared for here, and that i thank ya'll for.       3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    You still up 3jays?  It's gotta be around 1.00am there.   You calmed down yet?

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    nope!! gals.. i got a phone call outta the BLUE from this gal tonite.. what an accent she has!! were talking about goin to Uncle Bills, and catchin some of ya on the rebound.. who's interested in goin??mid sept to mid oct somewhere's we "reckon" lolhahah3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Uncle Bill's, here we come!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    3jays- who were you talking to, Marybe or SV?  They both have accents, but then so do I Smile.

    I am up to going mid Sept to mid Oct.  Just need to know the date so I can make my plans. AJ 

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    AmyJo,   Melissa does, but I do not have an accent!! I am a Yankee.  She was talking about ChrissyB and her downunder accent....and SHE"S COMING!!  And we have to start making our plans.  I am sooooo soon as we pin it down a little more I will call my cousin David.  The woods will be beautiful in the fall and we can use the fireplace at night. 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011
    Marybe - sounds great just set the date. It is hard to believe, but by then it will be 1 year since my bc journey began. I will definately be ready for a celebration vacation. And if you do not have an accent then neither do I!!! Laughing I am a Texan.
  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    Hey there ladies, I was on my rad thread and there is a sista that is having serious skin issues, skin is black and smells.  I was wondering if any of you know of someone that had similar issues that would be willing to communicate with her via PM?  Her name is Heather and she is on the Feb 2011 Rad thread.  I remember reading somewhere about some one having issues with the black skin, but I cannot remember when or where that was.  Any information that will help Heather will be appreciated.  Thanks, Amy Jo

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    OK for the very last time-who do i owe pix too-they are now Easter present-I have AmyJo-winter shot of the boathouse and lighthouse: Barb-single swan; MB us-surprise one and Isabella-puppies in the surf!! FOr the very last time please PM addresses. i am searching everywhere and cannot find anything. Big Hugs SV

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011

    SV  HAVE YOU BEEN TO THE HOSPITAL YET ??????? If not, I want to know why.

    I've had a day out today (again!) Just needed some things for my sewing, and a local history book Amazon do not stock, tho' getting to the bookshop was just sheer hard work. I literally flew out of the house, grabbed what I thought was my walking stick, and when I got to town saw I had picked up MILs old one, and its 3" shorter than mine, so I was really hobbling around looking like a lopsided dwarf. Parking is a no no outside the bookshop, so thought I would be clever and strike out...big mistake...I had to sit down in the bookshop, to stretch out my legs, making it appear that I was browsing, when I wanted to be up and off. When eventually I managed to get into the department store I was aiming for I was just so pleased to be able to get one of their shopping  carts to get me round. As soon as I get leaning on one of these my pain lifts, and I am able to shop with ease !  Trouble is I seem to get in everybodys way... hehe! Got some Tshirts for G/kids...they're getting these this year in place of Easter Eggs, certainly will last longer. Hard to believe it'll soon be Easter. DD is trying to get both her and her DHs family together for an Easter meal, I think there will be around 25-30 of us if all turn up.

    I have had my first lambs, born last night, twins. Lovely to see them. I am staying up until 2am tonight, having a quick look around and then off to bed in the hope of getting up around 7, which will be a miracle for me. I am a very bad 'getter upper'. I don't think there will be much activity for another 3-4 days, things usually start off slow. When I get going I shall stay up all night, and sleep thru' the day...I just cannot trust myself to get up early each morning, so its easier to sit either inside by the fire or get myself laid out in a very big swinging hayrack right in among the sheep. Smells lovely, and I can watch and listen for things happening, and more than likely fall fast asleep if I can keep warm ! Trouble is I look a total wreck by morning, covered in hayseeds....but, I wash up good. I shall be very grumpy for the next 2 or 3 weeks, as I do like my bed , and don't sleep too good thru' the day .I sleep directly above the kitchen, and that's where my dogs are, and they tend to bark on and off all day, at nothing mainly !! so they will disturb what bit of sleep I will get. Lambing time is my favourite time of year. Years ago I got up to 1,200 ewes, and by the end of midwifing that lot I was well and truly a deadhead.....but have always stuck to the night shift, like it the best....always put on weight as I come creeping in and raid the fridge on and off all night. 

    We have had 2 quite sharp night frosts over the weekend, it is white over now again already. Here was me hoping winter was on its way out. My overhead floodlight has gone out, just when I need it for wandering about in the night with...electrics are a mystery to me so will have to call out an electrician in the morning. Already expecting the plumber out to sort out his bad work tomorrow. I was in a rush this morning and nipped into the ouside toilet, the one that was plumbed in with a new one last week, and the water would not stop. I was laughing my head off at the water absolutely pouring over the edge of the way would it stop, a right old mess to sort out just when I was wanting to be off shopping. I had to go into the house and turn the stopcock off and walk away from the flood !! I shouted for my helper to come and get it brushed out for me !!! All nice and clean when I got back !
