Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Aw, {{{{{GG}}}}} gentle hugs for you gal. So sorry this is so tough on you. We are here for you!

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited March 2011

    Dogeyed: Your doc should be explaining things a bit more clearly to you.  Why not  ask your doctor for a copy of your pathology reports.  You are entitled to have them and then you can see your diagnosis and make the best decisions for you.  At the very least, having your records will help you understand why certain things have been recommended for you. .If you have inflammatory breast cancer, they do things somewhat differently then if you do not have inflammatory breast cancer.   I always made a written list of questions which I would present to the doctor and then I would write the answers next to the questions.  What kind of radiation was your hubby familiar with. Because  breast radiation is very different from stomach radiation or other kinds.  I did not find radiation difficult---it made me tired (but I had my radiation while I was having chemo so the combo was what was making me tired).  I did not have nausea or the incredible fatigue that radiation of other parts of the body can cause. When you consult with the radiation oncologist, ask about the fatigue that your hubby saw with other older patients and whether that would apply to breast cancer radiation.  Most of us on this thread were 60s or close to it and many of us did both chemo and radiation. So we can try to answer questions for you, but, of course, it is based on our own experience. Your radiation oncologist can best tell you what to expect for what she or he would do.

    Isabella: How awful that your dogs attacked your elder dog. I am hoping that she will do all right and recuperate.  I have always had one dog at a time so this has not been an issue for me. But I have had a dog with 4 cats and all lived quite harmoniously.  I only have 3 elder cats at this time--my dog died a year ago when she was 18 and I still miss her every day. She was always very sweet but got even sweeter as she got older.  My cats are 12, 16 and 19 1/2 years old so they are really senior catizens.  

     SV: How are you doing these days?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    ((((((AWWW DOGEYED-you made me cry-with you dear)))) I was told nothing-I had NO risk factors and once diagnosied it was a whirlwind of people grabbing me and doing everything and not explaining a thing. I did not understand that i could do a mastectomy and side step so much and have a much better outcome-they are still offering that but it is so far out. I am still having tremendous health SE's and again if I get 60% feeeling OK on ANY day it is a great day and I am out trying to shoot photos. But i get slammed all the time-I am down again with pneumonia-severe asthma, etc and they cannot get it under control. Today is the very first day that my room sats have climbed to 92-3. I can actually breathe on that without feelig like i am suffocating-but for the past week it has been h#$l. There is a wonderful set of books-a whole package "Live Strong" which just filled my world I ordered it). It had Breast Cancer-the complete guide-hirshaut; Susan Love's Breast book; nutrition guide and workbook -all of the things I truly was too ill to read but they did find their way to me. We are all here holding you in cybespace. Oh Darla, I so hope you can make it!! And Rae has written lots to me on FB but including lots of pix of Christ Church area-eveyone there is just so overwhelmed. Prayers out to all!! And to Isabella's doggie-how is pooch!!!!!! And what is up with those sausage dogs-man i had no idea they did that!!! HMMMMM-suasage and chili and cheese on a bun-YE-AH!!!! Oh Lordy, I keep trying to go back pages and get caught up but keep getting stuck at George!!! Big Hugs, SV

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2011

    Dogeyed, so sorry you're going through such a tough time.  I agree you should get a copy of your path report and study it.  For me, any information I get makes me feel more in control and less victimized.  It's impossible not to feel down when this whole thing takes over your life and that's perfectly okay, esp. here. 

    To all--went to PS today and found out my MRI was benign.  He still wants to excise the lump as he says he "doesn't like lumps in women."  He will also raise my left implant up a bit at the same time--supposedly it's an easy surgery.  My question is, can an MRI be normal and the lump still be malignant?  I guess I'm trying to figure if I still have anything to worry about. 

    My dog is lying here lowering my blood pressure.  Thanks, boy! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    Dogeyed, I have been keeping up with you as I lurk here and feel much concern.  My surgeon, a lady Dr. and also a Professor of medicine as well as medical ethics let me know that after many years of studies......if you have a lumpectomy or a mastectomy the treatment is basically the same.  No one really knows why some recur and others don't but my surgeon did say that most people seem happier with the breast sparing surgery.  Not only are you able to maintain your figure for the most part, but muscles, tendons and other areas that would need to heal are not generally affected which makes recovery faster.  

    Everyone seems to have a slightly different response to their operations/treatments, and radiation if needed.  As a couple of the ladies mentioned I would find someone on your Oncology team to help you by going over in detail your path report.  I had a lumpectomy, 6 months of chemo, 7 wks. of radiation with the chemo being Adrianycin and Cytoxin together,, once every three weeks for 4 rounds, than 4rounds of Taxotere done just the same.  Some times I had to work just to get through the next ten minutes in 2008 when all this was going on, but the sense of accomplishment when it was over made me feel very good. Proud of myself for doing something that seemed like it might be too difficult.   

    Too, there are many good drugs that can help you get through rough patches and if one does not work well, they can usually get you something else.  Taking some of the meds before you need them seem to help most people and staying in good communication with your Oncology team.  

    I wish you well in your journey.  Glad to hear you have some furry friends.  That I think is one of the best therapies you can have.

    All the Best,


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    Oh dare i write the word.....starts with a T.......oh, as in Teehee! SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    (((AWWWW Dragonfly)))) Wait-your doc doesn't like lumps-what about you? Don't know about normal MRI-as it THE test after CT found the tumor. But glad you are getting break time with puppy!!

    Isabella, i cannot believe i found who i found here on the OBX-Now is she from your area??? PM me!!! love her dearly though she lives on another island and we don't see much of each other-wow tiny world!!

    ((((GG)))) ((((Barb, Rae, Lisa, GD-when is granny dukes returning?, Alyson, Chrissy and all me gals))))) And isn't it like freezing in mo in October?? XXOO, SV

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    Here is some interesting news I just received.

    The number of cancer survivors in the United States increased from 3 million in 1971 to 11.7 million in 2007, according to a new study by CDC and the National Cancer Institute.

    A cancer survivor is defined as anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer, from the time of diagnosis through the balance of his or her life. Cancer survivors largely consist of people who are 65 years of age or older and women. Many people with cancer live a long time after diagnosis; more than a million people were alive in 2007 after being diagnosed with cancer 25 years or more earlier.

    Of the 11.7 million people living with cancer in 2007-

    • 7 million were 65 years of age or older.
    • 6.3 million were women.
    • 4.7 million were diagnosed 10 years earlier or more.

    I hope we all look back in a few years with far better numbers than thse are. 


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    GG - I have finished 18 of 30 radiation treatments and I am doing well.  I am a little tired, but was tired before any of this started.  My blood counts are low and the radiation treatments have not made them drop anymore or faster than they were before the radiation started.  Radiation is nothing like chemo as far as SEs go.  I am having both breasts treated and I had a double mastectomy (BMX) last September.  I did have TEs put in and then I had them taken out and permanent implants put in in Jan.  Then radiation treatments started.  The biggest issue is being sure to use lots of lotion often. You do need to get a copy of your pathology report.  If you do not understand what all it says there are plenty here that can help you understand what all it says.  If you have not had surgery yet, be sure to get the final pathology report from your surgery too.  Things can change a lot with the surgery pathology report and it will give the most complete picture of everything. By the way I am 61 and was pretty well banged up before the bc diagnosis. Also do talk to your MO about decreasing the dosage of the chemo if it is causing you trouble. And tell him how you are feeling and about all of your fears.  There is a lot of options out there even for IBC that will give you the best quality of life and not make you so sick for so much of the time.  Sending lots of {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and prayers your way.

    Dragon - keep loving that pouch and let him love you.  Anything is possible with lumps and MRIs, but try not to worry until you know you have something to worry about.  I know easier said than done, but life it too short even without bc to spend precious time worring.  {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and prayers for you too. 

    Amy Jo 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    SV - it does not start to get really cold in MO until November or December.  September and October are beautiful and the weather is mild during the day and gets a little cooler when the sun goes down. Are you planning on coming along for the ride?  It will be fun and hopefully a lot more of the ladies will be able to join us there.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited March 2011

    Welcome to you, Dogeyed.  I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time, and we'll all do everything we can to help.  I didn't have chemotherapy, but did have 7 weeks of radiation and that wasn't so bad for me.  Got a little tired toward the end, but nothing unendurable.  I never could find the emu oil that a lot of people find so helpful so I used the aquaphor I was given at night and non-petrolatum Eucerin during the day. Looking back, the worst part of the whole radiation experience for me was having to be there everyday, and I feel very fortunate not to have had major problems with it. Plenty of {{{hugs}}} going your way.  I too encourage you to get a copy of your path report!

    SV, you seem to be feeling a little better and I'm so glad!  If we could just have some warmer weather now!  Angus still doing okay?  

    Mandy, for the first time in my life I am catless.  My last one, Sherlock, had to be put down in November at age 17, and like yours, my cats have always lived very long lives!  Holding the record for me was Boris, who made it to almost 20.  DH does not want another cat and so far I've not forced the issue, but I'm not done yet!

    Dragon, I agree with what Amyjo said about not worrying until and if it's necessary, but I know you can't help but worry!  Hugs and prayers to you.  I imagine the new puppy is keeping you more than busy, too!

    Amyjo, we're the same age.  It used to sound old to me.  It doesn't anymore.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    sorry ladies, haven't been feeling well. been "off" in more than one way, for awhile, and couold NEVER catch up to you guys!!SV glad to see you're here again.. BE CAREFUL!!!!

      Issabella, i hope your older gal (boy) will do alright. you're so good to do that for your Das is Da*(%* H... i hope all goes well with all your poochies. luckily, my babies love each other. the older, blind girl goes "devil dog" on the boy once inawhile, but she's blind, so he just sidestepps her. for the most part, they're always together, sharing the love! 

       i did get to the dr. today, and he found a bacterial infect. explains why im feeling so weak all the time. i didn't feel sick, just tired, shoulda known!! hope we miss a picc line this time. i hate them!! the worst is, its' my own fault. i cancelled 2 appts, so i could have gotten it sooner.. we'll see what it is in 4-5 days. water and rest till then. ill try to keep up better. i missed hearing the news... 3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    3jays, you naughty girl, why didn't you check it out earlier?  You make sure you do the right thing now and drink heaps of water and relax.  Are you on Aunty-B's?

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2011

    Kathy...I had TAC chemo given together, if you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll do what I can to answer them.

    Yes, teehee, SV!!! Hope you are feeling better, and how is Angus?

    Oh, get better and STOP cancelling those appointments.

    Oh, Isabella....I just want to cry about your puppy, hope she will come back again with your tender loving care....I guess no good deed (DH sugery) goes unpunished?? get your records and perhaps someone here can put them in understandable language and definitely find someone in your clinic to give you an in-depth explanation.

    Amyjo...more than half way done with go girl, you are a trooper. glad your PS is going to excise that lump, I think MRI's have a way of telling if a lump is suspicious or not....maybe it's the density of the thing?  Keep that puppy close to you.

    Chrissy, thank you for letting us know about Rae.

    gentle hugs to all my POD sistahs

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited March 2011

    CrissyB   Sunami warnings for Australia now. I send prayers for our friends in Japan and for alertnbess for our friends around the world with Sunami warnings. The latest warneing is that a Sunami has been generated and is on its way to Hawaii and may affect all of the islands.   I am personally in great fear for the people everywhere who will be affected by this tragedy.  This earthquake is much stronger than the quake that killed 300,000 people in Haiti last year. That was about a 7.0 quake this is 8.9 or 8.4 depending and that is much stronger.  I am just stunned. My friend Chris was in the middle of the Haiti quake and his description is something out of Dante.

    Praying now.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    Thanks Ginger.  Please don't worry about us as we are only on alert not warning.  This earth of ours is certainly protesting lately!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Prayers going up for all our Hawaaian folks!

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    Chrissy,   I guess it is evening there?  I am going to check out getting hooked up with Skype today....our mutual friend Susan has it I think and it sounds a lot cheaper than the telephone.  How are your travel plans coming.   How is surgery to lift the grandbaby?  Must get ready for work now.  I am really happy to say I do not feel bad this morning and it is two days after treatment and that is when it normally makes me feel like I am getting the flu.  Maybe the old body has adjusted to this chemo.  I am not happy to say that there is snow on the ground.  I think the groundhog was wrong once again.  Have a good day, ya all.....I am showing of "my accent?" AmyJo.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    Hey Marybe it is 10.50pm as I write.  Skype is great, if you speak Skype to Skype it costs nothing only your internet time.  My Skype # is Chrissyb37; when you get it look me up and send a contact request.  Make the firm booking for last week in September and I will be there.  I am still working on my route as I want to fit seeing so many people in I may end up being in the States for a  There are a few girls from another thread that would like to catch up with me as well.  As I have never been away from Aussie soil, I need to get a passport so I will be going to the post office on Tuesday (public holiday here on Monday) to get the application.  Once I have that, I can book my ticket and by that time, I will have sorted just where I need to get to in order to catch up with think I'm going to need a holiday after organising this one!!!  I am soooo looking forward to it.

    The surgery recovery has been and is remarkable.  I am beginning to feel as though I have never had anything done to the shoulder at all, strength is returning very well and range of motion is almost!    A couple more weeks and all the swelling will have diminished and I will almost be a new me!  I'm so glad you are still feeling well after your last chemo, perhaps your body is adjusting or maybe they adjusted your dosage...either way you are feeling better and that is a good thing.

    Have a great day at work.   Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011
    Well, I realized about 30 mins ago that I don't have a patient until 9:00 so went out and took a few pics of the snow.  The weather has been so up and down and I am sure it won't be here for long....was just a dusting.  Chrissy, I sent you a PM.....thought you said, or someone said earlier last week of Sept so we need to get that settled.  You are probably in bed now....I am going to set up a time table co-ordinating all of us,,,you, Rae, Allison and then Isabella in the UK.  Pics are front and back yard this morning..husband was too lazy to bring the picnic table in last fall.   Grrrrrrrr.
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    Sun and warmth here and such a blessing.  It has indeed been a strange winter and I am hoping most of it is really over for us here in Illinois.  Very sad indeed and frightening pictures of the quake and tsunami in Japan.  I read a couple of years back that global warming effects would be creating a lot more catastrophic weather events.  It seems to be true.  The tidal wave is expected to reach our western shores ( all up and down the west coast states ) as well.  Prayers for all those affected.

    Hope you all will be able to have a good day. 


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    OH Chrissy! Can't wait to meet you!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    I found a Thomas Mann quote I thought you all might enjoy:

    For the beautiful word begets the beautiful deed.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2011

    flower power

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    Duh, Chrissy, you DID say last week of Sept and I read it wrong...that is good because that is when I told my cousin to expect us.  Not only do I sometimes invert my numbers, I am now reading things that aren't even there.

    I may have gotten a little good news today....called for my tumor markers, CA27/27 and the nurse told me 1618 or maybe it was 1617, somewhere around there.  I said oh really, I was expecting 18 and she asked  18 or 1800?  and I said 18hundred and she said well, they are down a little from last time and I said last time they were 14something and she said no they were 1698 the end of I am either confused ( always a possibility these days) or they did the test and didn't tell me which would totallly piss me off since my onco is always saying it is not conclusive and it seems like I always have to ask to have it done and if it is done, I at least like to hear the results.  But rather than be upset by that, I am going to be happy that it went down....just a little as she said, but at least it's going in the right direction and that will be the first time they have not gone up since I can't recall what.  Hope springs eternal!  And that is the name of the game, for me at least.  I would not mind staying on the Gemzar since this time I did not get the flu-like symptoms two days after treatment and I can live with constipation and even eating like there is no tomorrow (but I am not as hungry this time so maybe I am adjusting to the steroids also) if there is a chance the drug is working. 

    I will put some links for places around Table Rock Lake on our FB....Branson, Eureka Springs, and there are a lot of neat places to eat and wineries (although I think MO wine stinks) and antique shops.....and it's just a beautiful place in general.  The Show Me State they call it. 

    The snow is totally gone and the sun is out and it turned out to be a great day.  I had Tim drop me off at the bank on his beer run and told him I would walk home...was not far maybe a little over a mile, but I am sure the exercise did me good and it was just too nice of a day to pass up being out in it. 

    The boy next door just got a new puppy, so cute....he told me the breed, but I did not recognize it, starts with a B , but he's got a wrinkled forehead like a Sharpai....his name is Castro and he's only 7 wks old.   I will have to get a pic of him and post it.  Tim tells the kid, you can put him in our backyard anytime to socialize him with our dogs....yeh, right, I can see the poor little thing getting mauled by our crew.  How is your dog doing, Isabella? 

    Hope you are feeling better, 3jays.  You need to make a calendar out of your flower shots, Lisa.  Later, ladies....I am going out to visit with Castro.  

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Well, gals, the weekend is upon us. I am headed out to pick up my father's wife and we are going to dinner at the Blue Parrot, a beach restaurant where DH's band is playing tonight so not only do I get to eat good food, I get to hear the band! I will post some pics of the outing. SInce my father died in October, she has been working her butt off. She got behind while he was ill (she went on FMLA twice) and now she is going crazy. She's an attorney and works for the FL Attorney General. She is doing OK although I am sure she misses my dad. But being a caretaker for as long as she was (over 2 years) is very tiring and she worked most of that time.

    Anyway, we will have fun and I hope everyone has a very restful weekend with no se's!

    MaryBe, I have CRS disease also. I carry a notepad in my hip pocket (when I remember to put it in there...although if I forget a pen, what good does it do me then?)

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Also, a friend sent me this today and I roared!

    [On Clint Eastwood running for Mayor]

    What makes him think a middle-aged actor, who's played with a chimp, could have a future in politics?
    -- Ronald Reagan

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

     He always does a pretty good job of cleaning up the town in his movies so I probably would've voted for him. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2011

    MB, I wish I knew what those numbers all mean, but I don't..sending hugs

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011

    Marybe, so pleased your markers are down a bit...must be a bit of a relief.

    Do you know what the difference is between the 2 tests ca15-3 and ca 27/27 I can't be bothered to look up tonight ? I get the ca 15 one.

    Thanks for asking about my old dog...she is holding her own..would just say ever so slightly on the good side of the line. I am hating sticking needles in her, she is so old and boney. She hates jabs. I hate giving them. I feel so awful after I have done it. I am marching around the house thinking of endless jobs to do to prevent me from getting on and giving her the jab, but in the end its to be done....she's always been a bit of a baby, but now she creates something alarming when I go near her...she knows whats coming ! Apparently penicillin stings badly, and am presuming, by the noise she kicks up, the alternative drug the vet. gave me is as bad.

    I am almost talking to my Sausage dogs, they are creeping around me, and looking sideways at me as if to say 'WHEN are you going to take notice of us ' 5 lots of little eyes watching my every move incase I might put a hand down and acknowledge they are there. I'll let them off the hook tomorrow ! little pigs. I am sure they will have forgotten why I am ignoring them !!

    Just off for a look around outside. I had a set of triplets earlier tonight, and in all the commotion of the last 3 days I have forgotten to get a baby bottle...looks like I may need one in the morning. 3 lambs are best split into twins and a pet lamb for me to rear, sometimes if I leave 3 lambs on a ewe one will fall behind, and can sometimes die, so covering that eventuality from the start....NOT that I want a pet lamb, but the G/kids will all come along to take turns in feeding, tho' NOT last thing at night when I could do with the help.

    Barb. Hope you have a good night tonight. I cannot get the videos you post of the band, just tells me it is unavailable,  any ideas ?

    Anyone heard from Fumi ( Timtam) in Japan yet. I posted this morning in 'moving beyond' Hope she and her cats are safe.
