Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    Hi mostlymom, welcome.  Hearing the news that you have BC (Breast Cancer) is as you say a sucker punch to the solaplexis and takes a while to get your breath back.  I'm pleased to hear that you have something to help you sleep as that is very important.  Each one of us recieves and processes the news in different ways but here is where you can ask as many questions as you like.  It's a great place to learn, to vent, to cry, to laugh and make some very good friends.  Please visit often and let us get to know you and you us.  Good luck on the 16th!

    Peace, strength, love n hugs.   Chrissyb

    Oh, I almost forgot, as a newbie (new to the forum), you are only allowed to post 5 times in a 24 hour period until you reach approximately 50 posts.  You can stay in touch with anyone you choose by PMing them as many times as you like.  To PM (private message) someone, just click on their name or avatar on the left and it will take you to another page and on the top right hand side you will see ''send this member a private message'.  Just click this and follow the prompts.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    (((((MostlyMom))) Welcome!!! Jump on in with both feet. We are here for ya!!! But we are an active bunch so you have to really elbow your way in-don't be afraid-get your feet wet and join the POD.

    I am just stunned that I have never heard of the 'green flash'. And added pix are awesome!! Lisa, you have created a monster. Now does this happen at sunset and is there any mythology behind the green flash?? And ohhh, got some of the first flower pix to share with you cause i have no idea what they are. I will post them later on-up and awake cause i cannot breathe so waiting for meds to kick in-bout time cause I am falling out. Big Hugs to all. SV

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    SV, did you ring the ER today?

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011 have to be joking, SV is a law unto herself when it comes to matters medical !! She might possibly ring in a week or two !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    Isabella, I know, but I figure if I keep asking she may get sick of it and actually ring......well I hoping that will!!

    How's your old girl doing?  Is she any better after the mauling the WD's gave her?


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Welcome, mostlymom! This is a lively crew and we are here for you 24/7 (well at least our Aussie and New Zealander sisters are around at night).

    Lisa, I am always on the lookout for the green flash (name of DH's band, too) and for a while after Mt Pinatubo erupted, the dust basically stopped all green flashes. I have seen it about 6 times. Most recently, DH and I had to rent a hotel room because they were treating our townhouse for termites so off we went to the Bilmar Hotel and our beachfront room. We were sitting on the balcony, having a glass of wine and the most gorgeous, LONG lasting green flash happened. I turned to DH and said 'did you see that' and he was dumbfounded. He said he always thought the greenflash was an old wives tale.

    Chrissy, you MUST stop at the Grand Canyon. Stunning. Looks fake, doesn't it? The river is over a mile down in the canyon.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Here's another pic. DH and I went there for our second wedding anniversary.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    What State is it in Barb?

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    It's in AZ and she is right you have to go.  If you spend a few days in AZ there is this really neat little town called Jerome way up in the mountains that you should go to.  It is denifinetly good you are taking the Round the World ticket because there is so much to see here.  My cousin from Germany came to the US the lst time with his company in the late 60s and had no idea how big the states were....took a GreyHound bus from NYC to Portsmouth, OH thinking he would be there in a few hours since he was used to train travel in Europe....NOT.   And as I told you eariler, I do recommend New Orleans as it is unique.  There is just so much to see. It's good you don't sleep a are going to be busy.

    Good morning MostlyMom,   It is good you have something to help you sleep.  When I lst find out something, it is always the end of the world, but if I can just have a few days to adjust, I realize it is not so bad.  I know something new, but I am actually the same as I was before I got the news, now I am just aware of it and in my opinion. Not that is it a good thing to find out you have BC, but at least once you know you can get treatment and deal with it.  Hope the lumpectomy goes smoothly. 

    Well, I am off to my normal Dad's.  Have to take the flooring to his house so it will be there Tues AM for installation.  I am just going to get the crapper( I like that word)  there since they do have a Lowe's and Ron can go pick it up along with fixtures for the tub and a new medicine cabinet...then I can do my 6 months same as cash again which I am a real fan of.  My father sounded a bit alarmed when I said He's coming Mon. night.  This Monday?  My bathroom? At his age, it's a necessity to be operating at all times you know, especially at night. 

    Have a good day, Ladies. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Arizona. Far northern AZ. O2BHealthy lives close to there.

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    Sorry Barb....wrote while you were answering.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    Welcome Grateful one and Mostly Mom,

    Glad you found the Forum.  It is a great place to find understanding, help and camaraderie.  I know this is a hard diagnosis to get.  As this forum is is older ladies.  I think many of us had dreams we may have been well into considering when we received this diagnosis.  I had moved back home and fully adorned with my rose-colored glasses had so many plans and ideas to see to.  Back at that time ( end of 2007 ) cancer was probably the last thing on my mind. I had previously had some serious medical issues and felt I was really ready, willing and able to embark on a semi-retired life. 

    Life just tends to happen while your making other plans and so I found that out.  I meant to enjoy a great semi-retired life filled with family and friends.  A few trips to great places like New Mexico and back to the Grand Canyon.  San Juan, Capistrano because I lived nearby for several years and always enjoyed it.  

    None of the above things happened.  Instead, I spent 2008 in treatment for 2 cancers ( one slow growing and one aggressive fast growing ).  Both in the same breast.  It was a difficult year, but I am here and I am happy.  Oh, there is still an elephant in the room, but the size has diminished so much that I don't have to confront it very often.  This is and always will be for most anyone, a life altering event.  It changes so many things and in my opinion, it changes you.  We expect to have medical issues in our life, even more so when we have put a few years behind us, but I saw many people get over and conquer many things.  This is harder by far -- this elephant is very big. 

    It is possible to tame your elephant, to do what you and your medical team feel is appropriate.  I received all of my care from the Veterans' Administration who did an excellent job.  2008 was a tough year because I spent it attacking an elephant.  I would do it all over again in a heartbeat but hope and pray I will never have to walk that path again.  It was not easy, but my choice was to live and live well and I was willing to give up a year or so of my life to do as much as I could to make that possibility into a reality. 

    This is not an easy to do and many times I lost my footing a bit.  Lots of emotions come out and always I think a bit of bewilderment.  I come from a line of stoic people so though a time or  two I actually thought about it, quitting was never a real option.  Just my opinion but there are many obstacles and challenges to life which means you seldom get to sit on the fence.  So, again, just my opinion, taking what you are given and making the best of it you can is all you can do.  Is it fair, well, probably not but someone put the breath of life in me so I'm going to keep showing up and trying to live the best life I can and hoping to help others along the way.  Some people will agree with me, some won't, and some won't feel anything either way.  I'm still going to keep trying anyhow.  I don't know how not to. 

    I wish all of you well and I will keep hoping and praying as you walk this path that you become the best elephant tamers that there are.  Many prayers and hugs to you.


    p.s.   I always look at what I've posted and feel I could have done a better job of it.  I had a major thyrod blowout and a brain-stem stroke before my cancer diagnosis.  I tend to talk with my heart  and sometimes it is not as clear as it seemed while writing. 

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Member Posts: 677
    edited March 2011

    Mostly Mom

    Welcome!  I joined this group a few weeks ago.  I just want to say I know how you feel although my situation is a little different.  I had breast cancer 28 years ago; had a mastectomy and reconstruction and no other treatment (they didn't do much in those days and since I had 17 lymph nodes removed they figured I was ok)  And I was -until last November when on the anniversary of my mastectomy I discovered a lump.  The onc said it was a new cancer, not a recurrence.  I really never thought I would get it again - isn't once enough?  But I'm adjusting;what else can you do? Had a lumpectomy and see the radiaction onc for a consultation this coming Wed.   

    Best of luck to you!

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234
    edited March 2011


    I haven't been on the boards lately.  Are you coming to the US?  When and for how long?  You should come to CO and see me!!!  Maybe we could plan a trip into the mountains!!!!  Please let me know!  I'd love to meet you!!  You are welcome to stay with me!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2011

    Welcome Mostly Mom..I too felt I needed to get a PHD in Breat Cancer in two weeks..back in 2000 there wasn't much on the internet. So I read Susan Love's Breast Book cover to cover and when she referred to a study, I had to go get the journal article she used mind was

    in an uproar..then a nurse friend sent me a card with two little mice on it. They were climbing stairs and one was pulling the other up one step from above. She said to the other, just

    take one step at a time..and suddenly it all made sense for me to do that...It will all sort itself

    out but it takes time..this is not a race. You have found a good place with lots of caring sisters..

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2011

    Morning all

    Just flying by to check on everyone. Yes we all want an instant degree in BC when we find out.

    Once again beautiful photos. WIll get back to US sometime - thought Denver was great  but didn't have time to see anything else in CO. Back to the photos,I don't mind if anyone copies them but you might not be able to do much with them as I reduce them in size. DSiL who a programme developer said they must be reduced so that other less honest people cannot take the photos and use then as their own. I don't have to worry about mine but Lisa produces such beautiful images I would hate to see them produced commercially by someone else. There has recently been a case here about an advertising company taking a image of a wedding from facebook and using it in an advert for one of our major company. The young woman involved said they could have had it if they asked and paid but it was uplifted from facebook. If you ever want any I put up just PM me and I will send them full size, then they can be printed. (Just read that through and I know, I sound like a school teacher)

    Must get moving as it is Music amd Movement for GD this morning - Granny will not be dancing this morning I can tell you.

    Big hugs,  enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited March 2011
    I have found a home.  Thank you all so much.  You have taken my breath away with your kind words.  I will come back often.  Cry
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011

    Hi Mostlymom, and welcome. Come back often and chat to us.

    Chrissy. My old dog is doing just fine. It is a miracle...she's not out of the woods by a long chalk yet, but is hanging on in there, and EATING on her own. This is a very good sign, and great for me because I really was not looking forwards to force feeding again. I only had to push 1 tin of sardines down her throat, and she was away eating on her own. Last time she had me feeding her 6 or 7 days. She still looks like a bag of bones , but a bag of bones that's walking, and has even taken herself outside in the garden today, for a few minutes.

    Lovely sunny day here today, went out for the afternoon to a conference and displays at our local agricultural college....not my old college... but a good learning environment for the young ones. Lots of things to interest me, mainly sheep and cattle, and lots of very big agricultural machines to look at....what we call a 'busmans holiday' !!!

    Everywhere is starting to slowly begin to look green, hedges coming out, and daffodils everywhere you look. I HAD quite a few clumps in my garden, but for the last week the cats have been wailing and yowling in the garden, all thru' the night. I heard a couple of fairly bad fights (mating season in full swing !!) and quite a few of the daffs have been smashed by their fights ! If not smashed then well pee'd on !! The whole garden has the horrible scent of cat. The devils back up to anything and mark their territory at this time of year. 

    I will have to stop typing, I am falling asleep here. My trip out, and the walking it entailed has done for me. Quick look around the sheep, and I am leaving them to it tonight. I know I won't be able to keep myself awake all night feeling like this...then I suppose a big glass of wine doesn't help either .


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2011

    Welcome to mostlymom and grateful.  I'm pretty new here also.  Have had bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction and a recent lump, followed by MRI.  Saw Dr. on Thurs. and he said the MRI was benign but not conclusive (in his opinion).  He wants to take it out and do pathology.  The radiologist recommended I just watch it and have an MRI every 6 months.  Guess the radiology dept. needs more business. 

    Craziest thing, it's called a breast MRI and I don't even have any breasts!  I'm absolutely not going to have an MRI every 6 months unless there's a serious reason behind it--it's expensive and takes up a whole day.  Oh I'm so sick of doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and even parking in that gloomy, freezing cold hospital garage.  Bottom line, it's important to assertively advocate for yourself and make all decisions with a lot of information.  There are usually at least 2 different ways most treatment can go and we need to know the risks and benefits of all of it before we leap.  For example, I declined Tamoxifen when I found out a side effect was possible stroke.  Anyway, I'm ranting so I'll sign off! Dragonflymary 

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited March 2011

    Mostlymom-you're certainly welcome to join our group.  All of us have been in your place in one fashion or another.  You've definitely come to the right place.  Where do you live in Wa?  I live in Everson, just outside of Bellingham.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited March 2011

    Mostlymom - don't remember if I welcomed you or not.  I often don't post if all I have to say is something half a dozen people have already said. But welcome.  On an international forum such as this is Anyone from anywhere in Washington, or for that matter Oregon or BC feels like a neighbor.  I'm located in the North Beach area, south of the Olympic Peninsula.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    sorry gals, i missed the whole weekend, but you were quiet, so i got caught up. the funeral for my friend was this weekend, and the club we go to held this one. its up to Mur and i to do it. but, i tod them all this was THE last one.(ive told them that 3 x's already) then, a CLOSE friend dies, and i get sucked it yet again. this one wiped me out totally, so maybe i can stick to my guns!! i went to bed right after, got up to go to an entertainment night where we live. Mur and I are the youngest couple who go to those things, but im trying to meet more ple here. they're a weird group here, though. Faiths' place in Ocala has WAY more going on, than we do..

       anyway, a late supper at IHOP but im staying away from pancakes, and stuff. ate steak tips, and a repeat of the last dinner out. guess i'll be only eating steak WE cook.. can't do vegetarian, but mostly have chicken at home. up all night getting sick again. on top of feeling lousy.. guess its' just my time in the barrel. will be eating LIGHT all week, till my tummy calms down again. i got left with a tender tummy after chemo. i guess we'll be testing just what works, and doesn't now..

       im so excited to see so many of you interested in Uncle Bills. im praying for the $$ and the health, the 2 biggies.. but am excited to see if i can, make it!! how long are we staying, marybe? i hope longer thana weekend is available. travel knocks me out totally.. but, we have a date, at least!!

        anyone hear from SV lately??i'll be back and forth for a couple of days. i should find out about the bacterial infection soon. 5 days it takes. then, on to massive anti b's. so, gotta settle my stomach to get ready for them. lots of soup, and salads, i guess... Boring..

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    3Jays,,,,,so good to see you posting.  You made me laugh when you said things like They're a weird group and also it's just your time in the barrel. You don't really need to worry about $$s too much at Uncle's.....the house is gratis, we just can't trash the place, we will all be chipping in for food, shopping is optional and Barb says she can get a deal on a rental vehicle....she also said AirTran has some deals. So all you need to worry about is transportation cost getting there and staying on that last one really hard.   We can stay a week or whatever...maybe some will just do a few days, others longer, so whatever works best for you.  I love soups and salad, but forget about them when I get involved with eating bad stuff.  I will call you soon.  SV is OK...was chatting with her on FB just last night.  Hope you get rid of your infection soon....remember my friend I was talking to you about?....well, she's supposedly over the pseudomonia, but was at the hospital for A -Fib the other day and they could not get her heart back into rhythm for several hours so she was having all sorts of test done and went home very frustrated because they gave her no answers.  Most of the time I think she's got a heck of a lot worse health problems than I do. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    Yay!  3jays, you're back.........lovely to hear from you!  Missed you heaps!

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited March 2011

    Welcome Mostlymom and Grateful one!  You've come to the right place and we look forward to hearing from you often. 

    Good to see you here again, 3jays.  Hope things go better soon!

    Had to take to my bed after the Duke/Carolina game, as it wasn't to my liking.  Mercifully for me, DH slept on the couch through most of it.  He's been sick for about 3 weeks and has finally agreed to go to the dr tomorrow, so happy about that.  I hope he'll get an antibiotic to knock this crud out because nothing OTC is helping so far.  

    HnS, where are you these days?

    Gorgeous pics, everyone!  I too had never heard of the green flash, but it must be breathtaking to see it fo real!  And the Grand Canyon!  


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited March 2011

    thanks guys!! i was only gone a coupla days  sheesh.. really , thanks for all the love.. Mostlymom and Grateful.. WELCOME !! this is all the love ya get from these wonderfu; ;adies here. we do care about one another!!!good to see you all. its off to bed to rest. will email you, marybe tommorrow...     3jays

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited March 2011

    Hi 3 Jays, hi everybody.  A week eh? What would be the begin and end dates? That makes some difference in ticket availability and cost. 

    I guess how far is the airport from the cabin? 

    I feel crappy right now but would hope the fatigue would be all gone by then. 

    My husband has been on the road M to F for the last three weeks.  He is in "I am traveling tomorrow and have to do everything at once right now!" mode. No fun to be had with grouchy guy.

    Back to watching the Amazing Race on DVR.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2011

    Hey Ginger, are you on Skype?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2011

    Hi all. What a day, have been running around cause MiL went and had a car accident this morning. She has a broken hip!! Battered and bruised of course but quite with it. It will mean that she will lose her driver's licence as she went through a stop sign. We have been a bit worried about her driving for a while, she is 87.  Luckily no one else was hurt. It will mean a lot more running around in the future. When we left the hospital this evening they were about to put her on an air mattress as her skin is so fragile. Hopefully she will be operated on tomorrow, at least they are keeping her out of pain.

    We did have a lovely time at M&Ms this morning. Bea sings and dances for the rest of the day.

    After Music we go for coffee and she has a 'fluffy' . As you can see she get chocolate all over her face. Tomorrow is playgroup in the morning then she will spend the rest of the day here. Granny is tired by the time she goes home.

    Dh has just come in and will need to ring his brother so will write more later.