Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Hummm, Isabella, that's odd. Not sure why you can't see them. Here is the GreenFlash band tonight. DH is in red on left.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited March 2011

    Isabella, I just read on the other forum where you posted that she'd texted someone and she's okay.  It said she was actually in Tokyo and spent the night in a shelter, but was going home soon, and her mom and cats are okay.


  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2011

    I pm'd Fumi and haven't gotten a response yet.

    Isabella, so glad your injured pup is showing a little improvement. Those shots are hard to give to any animal...poor baby. glad your markers are going down...hope they keep their downward spiral. Can't believe you had snow overnight and we didn't!! LOL

    Had another nap today that apparently a dream was enfolded...I don't remember the dream at all, but woke up saying a weird quote: "beware of the life of the beast within us". It is all too bizarre for me!!!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    Another beauty from you LIsa.  Stunning as always. Just returned from a fun day spent with about 38 dogs.....about 12 were very small puppies.  Many, many lovely cats.  It was my day to work out at our House of Hope  No Kill Shelter.  Always a joy and a marvelous reason to look forward to Fridays. 

    Hope you all had as good a day as possible.

    Thanks again Lisa.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2011

    Well I have finished 19 of the 30 rads and I am doing fine, except more than a little tired.  Lots fo rest planned for the weekend.  Saw the PA at my MO office today before my Aredia treatment and my numbers are down. CA27/29 is down to 39.8 and my circulating tumor marker is holding at 13. Other blood counts are doing okay, still a little low, but okay for now.  So no transfusion at least until after rads are finished.  All good news on this front line.

    Hope everyone gets good news and has a restful weekend.  Amy Jo 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
    edited March 2011

    I posted this on the Moving Beyond forum in What's for Dinner, but don't know if y'all read that one.  Anyhow, someone had posted that immediately pouring soy sauce on a burn would stop the pain, and actually did better than cold water.  Anyhow, wouldn't you know it, the other night I burned my fingers cooking, so I raced to the refrigerator, grabbed the brown bottle, and liberally poured it over the burn.  No effect at all on the pain or burning.  I thought now that was really a useless tip.

    I'd left the bottle on the counter, and yesterday DH picked it up, and asked "was this what you poured on your burn?"  No wonder it didn't help---it was Worcestershire sauce!  But, hey, it was brown and in a bottle.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2011

    Hope you all have a great weekend. I spent my Saturday in a meeting. I should be getting things sorted out here as we had 12 for dinner last night and our lovely neighbours (the boys as we refer to them) are coming over to help us with the left overs. As usual we had far too much food. I made lasagne and a seafood pasta. Will have to find some vegetables for tonight.

    Saw the onc for check up on Tuesday. Discussed my rheumatoid arthritis which is terrible at present ant is being made worse by the femara and was told there was no way I should come off it as they think its the only thing preventing the cancer spreading and that actually they classified me as having metastatic BC as it had spread outside the lymph nodes. Onc said I was between a rock and a hard place. Control it with femara, which is what it is doing, and put up with the SEs or let it progress. Think I will keep taking the femara and deal with the RA the best I can - I am on morphine at present to try to get over this flare. Sorry to moan, I don't often complain.

    I suppose I had better go and feed my fur babies or they will be complaining. When we came in Gus, ginger cat, was asleep on his back in a patch of long grass. Haven't seen Barnabas but he won't be far.

    Big hugs to all.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2011

    Oh, sorry for all that..I know that the SE s can be brutal for those with RA. It was bad enough for me without it...

    kathy, you are too funny...

    Amy please get some Rest this weekend...lots

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    AmyJo,  Yipee, you are a third of the way done and now you have the weekend for R&R.  When my tumor markers get down to 39, I will be having one big party.  Isabella, I have to check on that other test you mentioned, but it is not one I have.

     Eau de

    Worcestershire, Kathy!! Alyson, sorry you have to deal with not only BC, but the arthritis as well.  Go ahead and moan, that's what the threads are for.  Reading about your cooking....didn't you get a stove I always wanted?  I watched the video of the band, Barb....sehr gut!  

    And now believe it or not I am going to bed.  Just took Harley for a little walk so hopefully he is ready also....had already been asleep so is probably full of energy now and will be driving me nuts wanting to play.    

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2011

    (((((AWWWW Alyson)))) Lord you never complain about anything!! How can we support you if you are running about tryingto be superwoman??? Love you so very much and gentle hugs and prayers being sent your way. And yeah MB on tumor markers!! And Isabella, poor pooch-i know you know how to give shots and pcn is the worst-pulling skin up help any. On the phone with Chrissy and my pups got in a huge fight which they have never done-but Angus feeling randy with leg that is better and started humping max yesterday so max started in on Angus today and i am on the phone to Downunder with Chrissy-what a great surprise!! and now i have to break up a dog fight cause Angus is getting hurt with his leg not being in full recovery. Max looked so guilty and Angus curled under Mum so figured out what had happened-felt awful that Chrissy got an earfull-cannot wait for her to get here!!  i am so excited! She has a whirlwind our of usa planned that I want to go on!! XXOO, SV

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2011

    Had a lovely dinner and yes Mary, I got my stove. It's wonderful although I have to be careful not to over cook things as it has such a steady heat. Then we had fun trying to name all the capitals of the states of the USA, it was amazing how many we actually knew.

    Will now go and have a soak in the bath after I have got the dishes into the dishwasher. A bath helps the RA but does help the LE but my joints need it tonight.

    Have a restful weekend everyone.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Oh Ayson, so sorry your RA is hurting so bad. Hugs for you.

    Kathy, you had me howling! Good thing there wasn't a dog around to think you were a steak!

    AmyJo, so glad you are getting closer and closer to the finish line! Hope you have a restful weekend.

    SV - glad you got to chat with Chrissy!

    MaryBe, I read in the paper that a floating restaurant across the river from you broke away and the diners had to be rescued. Scary.

  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

    SV!!! So happy to see you and to hear that you got the chance to talk to Chrissy.....plans seem to be moving along.  I think in 6 month increments at work so to me Sept doesn't seem that far off at all....hmmm, guess I better tell them we need a sub hygienist the last week of Sept.  There must be something in the air....your dogs humping, Harley going after Hope.  Could it be Spring!?!  Now that's a pleasant thought. Spring, not the other.....afraid I have moved way beyond that.   I did not hear about the restaurant, Barb and am wondering which one it was.  All the floating restaurants are on the KY side just as our airport is...Cincinnati loses a lot of money because city council is always so busy arguing over things and take too long getting things approved.

    I am supposed to pick out a vanity, toilet, flooring and medicine cabinet for my father's 2nd floor bathroom TODAY.  The guy wants to come do the work next week and is offering me a reduction in labor price since he is in need of work right now and also next month he is starting on a house so God only knows when he could come back if we don't do it he still has to finish the grout on the 3rd floor bath so would get that done and since he comes all the way from Toledo, doing as much as possible in one trip, makes sense. Money is a factor on my end so I need to save where I can although honestly this is my old boyfriend and I think he should be doing the work for free.  LOL.  Guess I should just be happy he still talks to me and is willing to do the work. But I just cannot be rushed when it comes to making a decision these days....I used to be able to look at something, think Wow, I like that and would get it and it would look I can't even decide on a paint color.  I have spent at least $30 on those tiny jars of paint samples trying to find a color I want for the room on the way to the 3rd floor that we still call the sewing room, but it isn't and never will be again since I do not sew.  I want something on the order of sage, but lighter and when I get the paint on the wall, it looks nothing like the sample.  Since I can't even decide on paint, you can imagine how difficult it is picking out fixtures and a vanity and such.....thought I would have a nervous breakdown picking out the last toilet..elongated or round seat?, chair height or standard, white or bone? was terrible.  Almost as bad as getting my income tax stuff together which I am still putting off.  What is wrong with me?!  I hate being this wishy washy indecisive person, but that's just the way it is these days.  I have had light fixtures for this bathroom since  Xmas 2009 when I found them at a lighting store that was going out of business and told my father that was what I wanted for my I really can't even recall what they look like, but know it is not going to be easy to match a medicine cabinet up with them.  Perhaps this is why I am able to deal with cancer the way I do....just don't have time to think about it because my mind is overflowing with trivial crap and things that really aren't all that important.  Another problem is going to be that my father isn't going to be able to use this bathroom for a few days and in spite of flomax, he makes quite a few trips to the john during the night...the alternative is going to the 1st or 3rd floor and he is almost 89 and not that steady when totally awake, let alone in the middle of the night so I guess that means I am going to have to tell him he needs to come visit me for a few days.   GROAN!  And to think  used to get such pleasure from these decorating ventures. 

    Well, thanks for listening.   I guess I need to get dressed and get ready to spend the day in wonderful world of home improvement.  Alyson, I want to see a picture of the stove....I love La Corneau (sp) and then was looking at an Italian one, Bertelli was it? and also really liked Aga. I love the beautiful ceramic colors. The stove I have resigned myself to, I am not going to get, BUT one of these days I AM going to get my juke box....came close to that one last weekend when my friend was selling hers, but it was too wide for the space. Not practical, I know, but it has been my lifelong dream to have a juke box.  Oddly enough my father is encouraging this since he knows I always wanted one and I certainly do have the stock of old 45's for it. 

    Tim has gone for breakfast, George is here staring at me. Harley has had his Zanax (sp) and the dogs have just finished tearing up whatever was in the bathroom waste basket so it is time for me to get moving.  Hope everyone else has a good day with no monumental decision making involved. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    Sharing something nice that I found:

    What I know about life ...

    I know that the darkest night is often the bridge to the brightest tomorrow.

    I know that my life is designed to be an adventure.

    I know that the act of smiling makes both me and others happier.

    I know the power of saying, "Thank You."

    I know that the greatest gift I can give the world is my happiness.

    I know that joy blooms where minds and hearts are open.

    I know that today is my day to dance lightly with life.

    I know that I can change what I see by changing how I see.

    I am always looking for things with a sort of positive leaning.  They help me so much to get through some of the areas of life that are not positive.  It is a way to balance -- if I didn't have the one, I wouldn't need the other.  Lots of sun and warmth today.  Don't know that spring has actually sprung, but it's trying too and that is good enough for me. 

    Hoping you all have a fine day.  Still praying for our Japanese friends.  I use to work for a man from Japan when I was a seed analyst for Burpee Seeds. 


  • Unknown
    edited March 2011

      An interesting tidbit my father told me a long time ago which I think is very apropos' since I am going shopping for bathroom accessories.  The toilet was invented by Thomas cool is that?  I might have his first name wrong, but know it was Crapper and find it funny.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2011

    Hi Ladies......Haven't been on this thread for a few days..........a lot has happened since I last posted.......I did see the onc, and she told me the same thing everyone else told me, except I did find out  that I am ER+/PR+ HER2-.  She also said the tumor was about 2cm.  I was also told that in a women my age (75) they usually don't do Chemo, since it doesn't change the survival rate.....Then you get the.................but if this............but if that.................but if the I don't believe any of the b------t, until the lumpectomy is done (my choice), the sentinel node biopsy is done........margins are found...........and they say "hey old girl you just might be around another 10 years if something else doesn't kill you first.........The surgery will be done Monday the 14th...... just want it over with, and get on to the next step........I have too many things left to do, and places to go.............twin great-grandaughters to spoil (just born) grandaughter graduating from Nursing School (Catholic University of America) May 14th, opening my pool at my shore home in Cape May, and another grandaughter's wedding on Sept. 10th............Just busy , busy, busy, I have to get on with this...........I am  looking at this as a "bump in the road, with a smooth highway just ahead...............Like I said to so many, "I have cancer, it does not have me"............Here's love and prayers to all my friends.  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    Marybe....thought you'd get a kick out of this.  Coming from OMG Facts:

    He didn't invent the toilet, but his company, Crapper & Co, was a popular plumbing company in the late 1800s. In the 1880s Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey all had Crapper brand products. Crapper also patented a lot of toilet innovations, including the flushing mechanism that is still being used today.

    Among some of his less successful patents was an early version of an automatic flushing mechanism. Unfortunately, the spring that triggered the flusher also sent the seat flying up to smack people on their backsides!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Another funny saying my friend sent to me:

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits
    -- Albert Einstein

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,463
    edited March 2011

    Duckyb  I think you have the right idea.  No one prevents us the most from putting one foot in front of the other and getting on with things besides ourselves.  You really do know that saying life is for the living and it is a grateful, gracious thing when we go ahead and do as much as we can.  You can choose defeat ( not an option for me ) or you can choose to win.  There have always been and will always be rocks in the road and we are given the power of choice to go around them and put them behind us.  You have a fantastic attitude. Keep up the good work.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    DuckyB, just keep on keeping on and we will be here to help you along the way.

    MaryBe the restaurant was in Covington and is Jeff Ruby's Waterfront restaurant. Chris Collingsworth (former NFL and now commentator on Fox Sports) was in it. All are OK.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011

    Barb...I just had to laugh about the floating restaraunt floating off....I have a very warped sense of humour at times. ...tho' I know its NOT laughable !! NOW I can see Greenflash.

    Marybe, YES, you were right, Thomas Crapper invented the toilet...I think this is funny too !!!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2011

    Anyone interested in seeing earthquake info check out this site.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2011

    SoCalLisa--such a lovely picture!  duckybl, so sorry you're having so much trouble with your treatment plan.  For me, that was the hardest time--just figuring out what to do.  To all:  had clean mri on Wed., saw PS on Thurs. who then recommended removal of the new lump.  He is also going to take two stitches in order to raise the level of one implant.  Can that girl really be held up by 2 stitches?  That seems impossible!  My real breasts were pretty much "training bra" type breasts.  It's fun having these silicone girls but they are heavy.  Friday saw PCP and found out I have sciatica.  At least it's not bone mets to the hip.  Love to all!  Dragonfly

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited March 2011

    Mary, better sciatica than mets. Glad the MRI was clear!

    Lisa, the earthquake was just dreadful. The poor people of Japan.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2011

    Barbara, I was really worried when my sons lived on the beach and there was a tsunami

    warning here...luckily they heard about it and second it didn't happen. All three moved inland

    and just visit the beach. It is withing 30 minutes of us and them..

    I just heard from my friend who has a son in Toyko..he is OK..

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2011

    Morning all. I am up but not moving fast. To add to the RA the morphine is slowing things down and I am not able 'to go' so its natural laxatives today but by tomorrow it will be something more powerful.

    We heard about the quake in Japan from DH's nephew who is working in Hokkaido at present, he returned from Tokyo that morning. I keep wondering where my other nephews are - having had one in Christchurch as well. The quake is a bother for the businesss as capsicums and blueberries are now stuck in Hong Kong and some haven't got away from here. However that is just something one copes with and is nothing compared to the tragic loss of life. And my other nephews - one is in Australia and one lives just north of Wellington which is an area prone to earthquakes.

    I had better get dressed as I am helping at Church this morning so is DH and he is still asleep so had better get him moving. It is another beautiful day here.

    Big hugs to all

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Member Posts: 677
    edited March 2011

    DuckyB1:   From one 75 year old to another----just want to wish you luck on the 14th.  I did just fine with my lumpectomy last month---didn't even need the pain killer the doctor sent me home with. The scars aren't that bad yet and the sensitivity is gone.  I see a RO for a consult next Wednesday. The regular onc. said I was "borderline" for radiation; will see what the RO says.  Then I will be put on Aromasin.  We'll see how that goes.

    Sending you positive thoughts!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2011

    I always loved this picture

    of the Green flash..I have only seen it a couple of times, but it is awesome

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2011

    one more flower

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2011

    Alyson, moan away.... you have justification. I had no idea you had RA as well as everything else. The pain from RA is very bad at times I am told, my 40 yr old niece has it, she's had it for about 10 years, and when she flares she goes crazy with the pain. Sorry you are having to be on morphine at the moment,,,,sort yourself out something to look forwards to for when it cools down a bit, like a couple of days away, then just GO. You certainly deserve it.

    Lisa...lovely poppies, so delicate, almost like a tutu.
