Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2011

    Everyone, I am trying to learn how to navigate this site.  Please forgive how clumsy I am at this.  You all sound like Rosie the Riveter; so nimble with the terms and in films when the line of soldiers returning from battle file past the new recruits.  Here I am 71 and a new recruit.

    What is the most efficient way to find this "thread"? 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2011

    Hi Nad!  Okay, mark this as your "Favorite Topic!"  It's at the top, before the posts start, in blue type!   And I will PM you, (private message) and you can give me your web-site there, Ha!  Or I can just give you my email.....I know some gals DO include their information that way, but I don't have a web-site, so I don't know.....  I know the moderators say we are not supposed to sell anything, but I'll PM you to see your paintings.....

    I am still baffled as to how your BS biopsied your lymph node.... And why he didn't take it out....Did he do this when he biopsied your lump?  And maybe he WILL treat it if you need chemo, but if your Onco test does come out in low numbers, you won't need chemo.....  Ask him if he is a dink, or what!  Ha!  We just want to know what they are doing and WHY!!!!! 

    And yes, you can ask us anything.....Our families don't usually want to know, or even NEED to know what is going on.... just the basics.  We....I mean I don't want to hash things over with Dear Husband...(DH) because I didn't want him to worry.... But on this thread, I found a home.  And my Daughters just wanted me to do EVERYthing possible so I would live.  They hear horror stories, and actually have seen some, so they are worry-warts! Wink 

    Yes, I met DH right after I graduated high school....  I was just 18....Then married two years later, in 1957.... Sheri was born in '58, and Janie 61.... So it seems like WE were just kids when we had them....But that's all we knew in those days.... 

     We have been very blessed and lucky with our lives.... !!  Here my Grandsons are older and still single.... but that is only smart, I think.  The youngest is going to graduate from Florida State in August, & the oldest one has a great job in the medical instrument sales business!

    Okay..... Talk to us soon!  xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    Hey, I'm home from the wars.  Well, ok, it wasn't the war.  It was just doing Maggie's house and animals and then getting out to feed at the feral cat stations. 

    Nan....I will write you in a bit,  so you have my personal email address.  If you are not sure of something.....go up to the top of the page here.  At the very top and at the left is a place that says Breast Cancer Org. home.  Click on that......then when it opens go all the way to the bottom and in a line going across you will find the word Dictionary.  Click on the word dictionary.  It will give you a line with the alphabet.....and any cancer type word that you can come up can I presume be found in there. 

    A great many of us came to the use of computers late.  I came to a lot of things late....kicking and screaming no all the way.  Dh ( dear hubby ) wanted me to learn to drive.  I was 30 then --- I thre fits but he pestered and nagged till I thought I'll just show him when we both end up maimed or dead.....that I can't do it.  I have been doing it for 30 years ( knock on wood ) nary a ticket, but in one accident....a lady ran a stop sign and got me.  I was the same with computers and felt it was needless expense and would not be used.  I've taught myself most of what I know how to do which is not too extensive, but which manages to get me by.  Can I take this moment to thank my friend Chevy for teaching me how to post pictures. 

    You will be gathering tons of terms and knowledge before you know it and be right up there if not easily past us.  I have not gotten too strongly into terms and I chose to try to be mentally/spiritually uplifting if I could.  I can't seem to cram near as much into my brain ( I know....what brain ) as I once could so thought I could offer more in the general hand-holding line.  If you go up to the top of this page.....right where I sent you before....there are other things listed by Breast Cancer. Org and you can go into any of them and look around for information that may sound interesting or helpful. 

    Also, Chevy had the right idea about making this site a favorite.....I think ( not sure ) I took it a step further.....when I open my start page ( Internet ) and I use Google as my start the upper left is a spot that says favorites.....I think some computers may say bookmarks there....depends on the age of the computer and what program it runs.  I had to replace my PC so I have a Vista now that uses favorites.  anyway.....when I got on the Older Women site I went over to the left and where my computer said add to favorites I clicked and it put Older Women in a list on the left side of my now I just open my Internet home page and go run down my list at the left and just click into BCO -- Older Women from there. 

    Ok, I'll see all you pretty women later. 

    Here's a picture of my and dh at a friends house.

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2011

    As for the node business.  I am puzzled as to why they biopsied the node in the first place and why they did not wait for the results so we could discuss well before surgery.  He told me when he was already in his scrubs with the little white hat and the anestists (sp?) had me hooked up.  Then he bent over me and said "the node is positive.  I will take it, along with several others, you will have chemo and be bald".  I said: "I do not care if I am bald forever BUT I do not want to have lymphedema."  He was quiet for a minute and said: "ok, we'll leave it.".  Only at the next appt. did he finish his sentence with, "we will do chemo followed by rad".  I am done with him!  I have chosen a rad. onc. and a med.onc. at a center with a reputation for being cutting edge.  I have chosen another med.onc. that is touted by dr.s and patients all over the city.  My appt. with last oncologist is July 11.  

    The short of it is that this Wed. I will see results of the DX.  Then I have from then to July 11 to mull it all over.

    Stay tuned and close to the phone.

    LOVE that photo.  You have lovely faces. You look a lot like our parish administrator who remains one of my best buddies.  We laughed for 20 some years.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    Nancy.....Good for you to find another Oncologist.  Hopefully....all this can be set right.  I feel concern too that you apparently had no explanation or chance to discuss options of any kind.  He may be a good Dr. but his bedside manner and ability to include his patients in decision making processes just isn't there.  Not a good thing at all.  No one wants any kind of cancer to stay inside of them, but in this day and age there are a number of choices....and these Dr's are being paid by us to do to our bodies what we think is correct -- not vice versa. 

    With that being said --- probably helped that my Dr. was a female too, I felt extremely comfortable with Dr. Ryan explaning options and then telling me what she would like to do.  She let me know that I could make any changes I wished.  I saw no need. 

    At risk of repeating myself I won't go into all of it, but I had two different types of tumors in one when I started out, I was to have a very sm. lumpectomy and then maybe a full week of radiation. 

    Upon removing a bruise that I had for 3 months....Dr. Ryan being cautious and checking and re-checking the area discovered a second much bigger tumor ( that is the one you read about in my diagnosis line under my posts ) which all in the space of mere minutes and before I even came out of anesthesia decreed that I would end up having a lot ( 6 mos. ) of chemo and radiation ( rads ) and I had 7 full weeks. 

    The basic point here is that as far as anyone knew, at time of my was to be a very quick one and they already knew they would be taking out a lazy non-aggressive Papillary tumor.  Still.......Dr. Ryan wanted the Sentinel node study to be done --- just to be sure.  3 nodes lit up with the blue dye...all were removed and looked at while I was still in surgery.  Nothing was I was finished and brought to recovery.  I awoke and went home ( a drive of 75 miles ) shortly after that.  I know there are other ways, but this just seems so logical.  They did do some further checking, but the report stayed the same. I just repeat this so you have a reference point as I would have had a diagnosis line more like yours had not the second tumor been under that bruise -- un-seen during all the film studies and ultra-sounds.  So, I really do wonder why this Dr. would not wish to do a standard Sentinel node procedure  --- in fact, he may not even have found the actual Sentinel node.....hard to tell at this point. 

    Anyway....I think a lot of the materials that you could read at the top of this page -- up where it says Breast Cancer. Org  symptoms and diagnosis, and some other things ? there -- just take your mouse and click on those words....should give you some drop down boxes I think.....and some categories after that.  Do a little reading..... I think it may help you formulate questions for Wednesday and /or for the next Oncologist in July. 

    Hope you all have a most wonderful evening.  I'll see you in tomorrow's sunshine.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2011

    Yep Nancy, that Doc was a dink!   But you know, even with his atrocious bed-side manner, your new team will make up for him.  They might even have completely different ideas on how to treat you!  So in two days you will find out your "final Pathological report"..... Have them send you a copy, then you can take this in to your next appointment.... Write down what your surgeon had told you, because you never know how this might help.  And show them this also.   For him to say "And then you will be bald" deserved a good kick in the groin from you....!  Wink Geez!  Some of these men!  Just clueless.......

    Jackie gave a lot of good information here, and you know, it's easy to wonder and question why things were done the way they were, but you will get it all together soon.  Maybe even ask for an earlier appointment?  I'm not one to wait.... I'm just pretty impatient when I want to know something. 

    And if you don't like ONE Oncologist, go to another!  My first one was very flippant, telling me why aren't you on chemo?  And I told him my BS & the Radiologist told me I wouldn't need it... And he said "Okay, then I won't order the Onco test for you, if you aren't going to take chemo anyway!"  Turns out he DID order the test, & my blood work showed I didn't need it.... 

    My NEXT Oncologist gave me a scrip for Tamoxifen...took it for 1 1/2 years & I lost my hearing.  So I quit taking it, but SHE wanted me to keep taking the pill, & that's when I just quit going to her. So we DO have choices.  Now I'm just seeing my Rads Doc in 6 months, after my Mammogram, and that will be 2 years since my diagnosis, so we'll see what happens after that.

    Let us know after you find out...okay?  xoxoxoxoxoox

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011
    You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that
    you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give.
    - Eleanor Roosevelt
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    Rained through the night and we will get a lot more today I think.  I'm trying to stay upbeat, but my.....this spring/start of summer has been strange so far and seems to want to stay that way.  Guess the positive thing is.....the ticks don't come out much in bad weather so I won't have to do an intense body search if I'm able to go feed today.  I've gone into the one small grove ( cat feeding station ) and come out with 9 or 10 ticks.  Isn't as bad this yr. so far. 

    Saying a big hi to everyone and hoping your day goes well.  I'll be checking back later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited June 2011

    My BS was a Dink, My RAD Dr. made an apt. with him so we could get the surgery over with and then on to mamosite rads.  His nurse was obnoxious, he was vague, but I used him anyway.  His work was OK.  I live 172 miles from my treatment center.  I was to go in on the Wed. following my surgery to have the drain removed and the mamosite placed, well his nurse called that morning before we left and said he was ill, but was gong by the hospital to get a shot and to come ahead as he should be well enough to see me.  Well we went up and he was not able to see me.  She changed my bandage and we went back on Friday. He took out the drain and then they started to tug on the baloon that was in place and I came unglued.  Then he started to hollar stop stop I forgot something, he forgot the novicane then he started giving it to me under my breast without even a drop of anythng on my skin to deaden it.  The proceedure was finished and I had to ask about my pathology, he did not offer anything.  When I was to go and have my port I told my ONC no way in H---L was I using him again.  I did not even go back for my follow up.  The RAD looked at me and said I was doing great.  I look him up on Rate an MD and no good.  Use that site it is full of information from people like us.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    mommarch, I have been wondering how you were.  My goodness....something I would have thought would be getting better is not.  So many great strides have been made in research and txs ( treatments ) of this disease, but a Dr. without skills and with horrible bedside manners is still out there torturing women.

    This is also what makes a place like this ( BCO.Org ) and the women who use it so great.  I had no idea that you could look up Dr's ratings on a site.  Guess I should have, as the Internet will give you nearly anything if you know how to ask. 

    I'm sure you are in much better hands now which is a relief.  How did first chemo go.....I know the first couple of days are usually fine.  All the se's ( side effects ) generally have something for them....not just the nausea.  You can get temporary sleeping aids, mild tranquilizers etc.  Just have to let your team know what is happening. 

    Also....there are several sites on here where you can get wigs, scarves and other cover ups for the hair loss.  I found a site that sold pre-tied scarves as I was not good at the art. 

    Most of the hospitals and/or Women's Breast Centers put on a Look Good-Feel Better seminar where they teach you how to make the most ( I needed this badly as I had not used make-up in years ) of being bald etc.  They have donated make up kits ( name brand make up ) and wigs for free if there are any there you might want.  Also scarves etc.  They are very compassionate and I had the most fun that night in a room with all the other bald ladies applying make-up and trying on wigs etc.  We laughed and had a good time.  It is something I would encourage anyone to try....since I had my chemo at a V.A. hospital and was not around other "bald" self confidence had plummeted.  It was a great help to me.  Maybe some would not need it, but it made a huge difference in my case. 

    Hope you all are going to have a good day and I'll look in a little later.

    Healthy hugs to all,


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited June 2011

    I have been very tired, did alot of sleeping this weekend.  I got up this morning and ate a lite breakfast, have taken all my emend tablets, have a back up med if i get nasuea, but so far so good, I ate at 7:30 and it is now 9:51.  I have had a vague nagging headache since chemo, have not taken anything for it yet.  May take some tylonol today.  Going to try and go to work for a few hours tomorrow.  Have been drinking alot of water and fruit juice.  No problem getting in the 2 or 3 qts a day.  Going to get in the shower in a little bit after my daughter gets back from town, don't want to be here by myself if I get dizzy and have a problem.  Thanks for being here and asking  Hugs

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited June 2011

    Jackie, have you tried rubbing a cotton ball soaked in Listerine on your legs/arms before you go feed the cats?    I found it keeps chiggers, gnats and mosquitoes away - or most flying insects.    

    I almost sat on a nest of ground bees or yellow jackets earlier.   Went outside  when the fire alarm went off in the building and there was a nice railroad tie wall just the right height for a sit down.    Saw the bees and almost flew down the sidewalk.   And it was an alarm malfunction, no fire.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited June 2011

    And/or a fabric softener sheet tied to your shoe laces or belt loop - many golfers do this for those things that hide in the grass.    I had little luck with Avon's skin so soft.    

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    Gosh, I think I'll start with the Listerine and see how that goes for me.  Mainly as I won't have to wait to order Avon and can hopefully reap benefits right away.  Today.....after so much rain through the night and this morning was not too bad. It was early too.  In the afternoon it seems everything comes out to feed, along with a beautiful orange and white cat.  I don't know about the ticks.....but I could probably handle that if I could find a way around the rest of the bugs. 

    We are really not supposed to let our affected side be attacked and gnawed on by anything and the closer to "hot" summer we get ( especially with all the water pouring down on us ) the more the pesky mosquitoes will  hatch out and be in need of a meal.  I'd like to not be it.  Anyway....that is an easy way to do it and is something I can keep in my make sure it is really potent when I'm out and about. 

    I have heard about the bath oil from friend Gloria mixes it with something else??? don't remember what but I've sat at her house outside for hours and was avoided like the black plague

    Though I would not recommend getting latched onto by a tick, there is a good method....if you are not sure after you come in.  Get in the shower and soap up with your hands.....somehow this helps so much to find (bumps ) on the body.  This works when you shampoo as well.  What you might miss when you are dry seems to become evident when not.

    Also ( sure hope this is true ) someone told me that the ticks most apt to carry diseases that you wouldn't want are actually the much smaller deer ticks.  The ones we see most, are dog ticks.  So much to watch out for with things.  I also may do a fabric soft feet always feel itchy when I have walked through grass see um's I think they are called. 

    This is a great place to learn as I never think to ask, nor remember to ask the computer either. 

    I'm going to leave a recipe of something I would like to try.....I thought I had something similar a long time ago......if anyone has done this or tasted it....I'd love a review.


    1 can Eagle brand milk

    1/4 cup lemon juice

    1 ( 8 oz. ) carton Cool Whip

    1/2 cup coconut ( optional)

    1 can crushed pineapple, drained

    1 cup chopped nuts

    1 ( 8 oz ) jar maraschino cherries

    3 or 4 bananas, sliced

    2 graham cracker crusts  ( deep dish )

    Beat Eagle brand milk and lemon juice.  Blend in Cool Whip.  Add coconut, cherries, pineapple and nuts.  Slice bananas and line bottom of crusts.  Layer Cool Whip mixture and bananas.  Top with a cherry in center.

    It sounds so really, really good and I was thinking of doing this and some salads for 4th. of July.  So ---  if this sounds like anything you have ever done or eaten, I'd love to know what you thought about it. 


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2011

    Well good to hear from you Mommarch!  I had the MammoSite device also, & I thought it was bad when my BS did the "exchange" a few days after surgery!  The "temporary" one came right out, but when she tried to shove the "proto-type" in, I nearly went through the ceiling....  The sales rep was there also, with the MammoSite device, but they finally got it in the right "pocket" and I was so darn glad to get off that table!  Man o'MAN it hurt!  Then I went over to the Radiologist to get everything "positioned" and that took 3 more days to "fill" & adjust, etc. before they would do the little Rad seeds!  But it was all worth it!  Sorry yours was a Dink....I think those kind of Docs make us afraid to do ANYthing sometimes!

    But Mommarch, I'm so glad to hear from you! Glad your Daughter is close to you! You need her, just like she needs you!

    Aw geez, Gram!  Better be (no pun intended) when you around bees!  I have quite a few in my back yard, fooling around in my ice plant, but I think they are good to pollinate my blooms on the tomatoes.... If I don't bother them, I hope they won't bother me.....  Yellow jackets are something I DON'T like though.... I tried to save a bee that was paddling around in one of my bird baths, & when I "pushed" him out of the water, I got stung..!  So much for being grateful!

    Jo!  I have heard of that about Skin-so-soft for years!  I also add it to my make-up remover and it works really well!  I don't use it in the tub, because DH thought it would plug up the drain, but I use it when I'm going to be outside a lot! 

    I love your recipe Jackie!  It canNOT be any kind of fattening either, I can tell!  Wink I have to print it off & try it when I am feeling "skinny" or company comes'a callin! 

    Okay see you gals later! 

    I think this is it Jackie!  I typed in Million Dollar Pie & this image was one that came up!  xoxoxoxoxoox

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2011

    I am thinking I wish I had time to think and I wish I had a sentinal node disection.  Grrrr.

    My proliferation index  (Ki-67) is 40%.  That is scary isn't it? 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2011

    Geez Nad, I don't know!  I don't know much about that....I know there are "grades" of cancer, like how fast the cells are growing.... But I honestly had not heard that term before....

    Do you still have to wait until Wednesday for the results?  And are you going in to "hear" the results, so you can quietly wring the BS's neck?    Usually when we get the results, there is a plan of action in place.... that they talk over with you.....And no matter what they tell you, always ask WTH?  And why!   Then if you are not comfortable with what they say, go somewhere else!   I'll go with you!  Jackie &  I will personally strip the meat off that Doc's bones....okay? 

    Sorry, but I just don't believe they should tell you anything, without explaining what is going on, & what they will do!   SOMEtimes we need to take over, and not be complacent if we don't know, or don't agree with what we are hearing......  Can you take someone with you?  

    Even after we have had surgery, sometimes things can be "fixed" or looked at again, or maybe even done over.   I know of one gal who went in JUST to have nodes removed after her surgery!   They all came back clear, but  it really scared her, not knowing.  She also wanted to take the first BS to court, or just hang him from the clothes-line pole!  

    You really do need other opinions!  Either from another BS or an Oncologist....and tell them you don't agree with the decisions your BS has made for you..... Better to not have them know each other....

    Okay little Nad..... just don't worry until you know what is going on.....I'll be thinking about you!

    xoxoxoxoxo and ((((((hugs))))))

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    Nancy.....this is what I found on proliferation.

    Breast tumors are analyzed to determine what percentage of cells are dividing (making new tumor cells). A proliferating index is reported to describe the number of cells that are actively growing. A low proliferating index means a slower growth rate and is considered more favorable than a high proliferating index as follows:


    Not surprisingly a low proliferate index tends to occur in tumors with low tumor grade and positive ER and PR.

    I'm sure one would have to do a lot more reading, but the way I would think about this is.....the more aggressive the tumor, and the longer is goes un-noticed or found and treated, you would in fact get into these kinds of numbers.  However; your diagnosis line reads fairly good at this point though it would have I think been a bit more comfy to have had a Sentinel node /w biopsy.  I think most people would have four or less nodes that would light up for Sentinel nodes. 

    Bottom line....a great good many of us don't fall into the best case ( favorable scenario ) spot and therefore have to map out a strategy to minimize or eliminate any problems we might have.  I don't have any idea what my proliferation rate was....but just reading my diagnosis line tells me it was in the unfavorable area.  It's not great....but it is another faucet for consideration.  I would imagine all the aggressive tumors can be problematic if you are going by numbers....they multiply faster......however lumpectomies with good clear margins, chemo, and radiation and 5 yr. hormonal can annihilate the cancer anyway --- which is what everyone works to see come to fruition.  

    Comes to the same old thing......questions, questions, questions....and a really good Oncologist should be willing to answer all you can throw at him and not be looking at the clock on the wall as he does it. 

    I do is hard to relax when you are trying to learn a new language and figure how so many of these things relate to you.....and is it a positive or a negative and what kind of impact.  Just keep writing out will know what is right and what to do.  I'm betting you do just fine.  Hang in there....we are with you. 

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    oops everyone....didn't have any  indication that I'd get the weird marks on this.  I've tried before to EDIT and remove but they don't go. 


  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2011

    You two are the best "bookends".  Jeannette will come and personally strip the meat off his bones and Jackie is research and science  with accompanying philosophical comfort.

    I started a new painting, new book and daughter is bringing Anton tomorrow.

    Watch out for those ticks.  Shouldn't you be using deet?  I carry some in my box when I plaine aire paint.  That's painting outside while standing in a cow-pie.  

    I'll sleep tonight.  Thanks for the boost.



  • panamajayne
    panamajayne Member Posts: 73
    edited June 2011

    I had all 38 nodes removed on Feb 1,2011. I'm an expat living in Panama and  my wonderful Panamanian onc surgeon did a new procedure, he said he cut a nerve so that I would never have any lympdema problems or have to anything special like massage etc.  Just can't have pressure cuff or injections on that arm.  So far NO problems.  He was educated in the States and did his residency at Mt. Sinai in New York and attends worldwide seminars on new techniques.  Just returned from a conference in Berlin, Germany 

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2011

    Wow!  Did he give that procedure a name?  I'll ask my BS tomorrow.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2011

    Morning Gals!  Yes Nad, we've got your back, ha!   Starting a new painting is the best therapy you can have!  Well that & seeing your little Anton!  Wink  Funny how the little things mean so much more to us now.....

    Hi Panama!  That really does sound interesting!  We should all be so lucky as to have a BS with that much expertise!   I have never heard of that procedure before!  Thanks for posting this!   Nad, you can copy & paste Panama's post, and maybe ask your Doc when you see them?   I would forget it all before I got there.....

    Jackie!  Thanks for posting that information!  I know Nad can use it!  You know, everything we learn is just stored in the back of our little heads somewhere, ha!   

    I printed off your recipe.... I suppose you could even substitute mandarine oranges for the cherries?  Or just add both?  I've seen something similar using sugar free jello, very little hot water, 2 little cartons of yogurt, cool-whip, & into a graham cracker crust!   It was on Weight Watchers....Key Lime low fat pie!   Also very good! 

    Nad, are you going to the same breast surgeon that operated on you?  Better carry a Megaphone so he can HEAR you, Ha!  You can always hit him over the head with it.....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    panama....I wrote a post last night to thank you for posting is somewhere in outer space....being enjoyed by someone I hope.  This is the true beauty of BCO.Org.  There is always someone willing to step up and help you.  We are all so fortunate that it is here. have just helped untold numbers of women who have the same fears about lymphedema.

    Nancy.....this sounds exactly what you need.  I am hopeful that by the time you "find" your Oncologist you will be completely armed to work with him for the best possible outcomes with whatever procedures you both deem necessary. 

    There is always someone or something out in numbers.  That is why we are here. 

    Happy hugs to all


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011
    Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.
    - Helen Keller
  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited June 2011

    Well it is 10:34 AM and I am setting at my desk at Sul Ross State University.  So far so good, will only work about 3 hours today.  Will let you know how it went later

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2011

    Well good job Mommarch!  Yes, don't over due it!  I'll bet it feels good to get back in some sort of routine!  Talk to us later on!

     Nancy Nad!  I just found this, after reading what Panama said...

    So I think I understand from this that they can do a needle aspiration of your node/nodes, to see if it is positive....But then instead of removing it, they know they will treat further with chemo/radiation.   Maybe the thought is this will prevent lymphedema?   And Jo, I don't understand it all either, but just maybe they....the medical field, are trying new ways, of doing stepping out-side of the box, with their ideas.

    I had 3 nodes removed...all negative, and I never got Lymphedema, but I know it can develop at anytime.....Anyway I have heard that....don't know why some get it & some don't!    A nurse came and talked to me about Lymphedema before surgery.... But I just assumed I should KNOW this in case something developed.......   Man, I have enough trouble with my left ankle swelling sometimes! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    Jo....I knew that you had some LE problems but guess I was asleep at the wheel when you said how you got it.  A little scary if you ask me, but then -- I'm thinking of all the ticks I've had the last three yrs -- all the mosquito bites.  Wow !!!!  Going  to have to rethink some of my carelessness at times. 

    Big day tomorrow.....two of my foster cats will go and have stitches out from their spaying.  Dahlia has been ( I can understand ) resentful of having to stay in the crate but she had to have some interior stitching along with the outer imperative that she be kept quiet.  Callie just has exterior Dahlia looks through the crate bars and sings her most pitiful meows as she watches her sister sashay around through the living room and kitchen.  I love to spoil them so keeping Dahlia "locked" up had made me even more aware of her cries to be released from her prison. 

    Ok  -- still thinking of you mom and wishing you well.  I'll be checking in later.  I'm going to go sneak in a game of MahJong which I love to play.....I mainly lose but it is relaxing anyway.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    The people who make a difference
    are not the ones with the credentials,
    but the ones with the concern.
    Max Lucado

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited June 2011

    Worked about 3 hours today, since I have a secretary job, I did not do a whole lot. Will get back into the groove a little at a time, I hope.  Then bam here will come another Chemo.  If all esle fails just need to work enough hours to pay for my half of my insurance.  When I got there I thought maybe I should have stayed home, but it got better.  Yesterday was my worst day, I could not stay awake. I went to bed at 8:00 PM and slept until 6:30 AM this  morning, got up a couple of times to go to the bathroom.

    I finally ate a pretty decent meal tonight, tasted pretty good.  Can not have any wine so had grape juice, that was good, think I will get some non alcoholic sparkeling grape juice. 

    The weather here in West Texas is awful, we have had no measurable rain since Sept. 25th, in our area we have lost 512,000 acres to wildfires, the last one was about 3 miles from our house as the crow flies.  The wind was in the right direction to keep it away.  Its scary.  

    Well I think I may retire early again this evening and get ready to drive myself to work tomorrow.  My daughter had some things to do in Alpine today so she took me.  Wish me luck

    Take care and have a good evening
