Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2011

    Morning Alberta!  So glad you joined us!  We're  here all the time, even if we don't always talk about BC, ha! 

    I didn't go through what you did, but as you know, just hearing "you have breast cancer" is about the worst thing we want to hear.   I just had a lumpectomy, and like you, a Mammogram found it also.  I had radiation with a MammoSite Device, so that eliminated the 6 week time most women have to go through.  You probably didn't have to have chemo, either, right? 

    Hope you can stick with the Femara....My Onc wanted me to try that one, but I wanted Tamoxifen instead.....Didn't do well with that, so now I am not taking anything else...I think Jackie, (Illinois Lady) is on Arimidex).....

    I also was on the BC pill for-ever, THEN Estrogen, and you know, maybe it was a contributing factor, or maybe not....They can't say for sure.....  So here we are, and I like to think all the BC is behind us! Cool 

    I'm wait, almost 74 next month!  And our 2 Daughters are grown, also 2 Grand-sons, who are sooooooooooo much fun!  They live in Orlando, & just went back home, after running us ragged for a week, Ha, ha! 

    I've been working in my gardens, since the snow left...Wink And today I'm re-arranging some tomato plants, & hoeing the weeds out, and tying them up.   I mean like 75 of them.  I know, what was I THINKing?.....!!!!  But you can always freeze them. 

    Okay to you later! xoxooxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011
    My Chosen Family
    You are my family, but we don't share blood.
    You are my family by choice.
    The most powerful bond is the one that we choose.
    I choose you as my friend, and rejoice.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    Good morning, lots of storm activity yesterday morning and we lost our power until 5 p.m. so I got very behind on my computer.  I have a lot of things sent to me......a lot are like the above quotes that I so adore.  I also truly love most of the JL Huie quotes they follow along spiritual lines for the most part.

    Yes, Alberta.....I think many of us were blind-sided by the cancer diagnosis.....but in hind-sight I did realize that they were watching something for a long time and should have known.  Guess I was just in some big time denial.....but still I did not have much for history or risk factors like you. 

    We get the "trials" we get.....and have to do the best we can with them and move on.  Most who have read me for long know that I take a spiritual attitude toward life and feel that our trials and reactions to them.....our ability to solve as best we can and move onto the next item are lessons to grow our souls and help us help others in our eternity.  We are not just going to sit and drift on clouds.....we will work and study there as well.  People often ask me where I get this information...well, I can only describe the sensation of a little bell ringing deep inside my chest when I feel something is "right"........and feel it is the place inside where my soul resides and it is there that acknowledgement takes place.  I have learned to listen and heed because of getting confirmation so soon a few times.  It is something I can sooooo trust. 

    I am definitely on Arimidex and it has not been so bad for me.  All the problems that "started" to come ( high cholesterol, sugar, wt, etc ) have resolved and I am even losing wt. which I so needed to do.  Not sure....maybe it is because I didn't real the insert.....and end up with 'thoughts' in my head about what could happen. 

    I don't know what will be decided when I reach my 5 yr. Arimidex mark.  Like many, my cancer diagnosis came when I was thank goodness, getting off Arimidex may not make the improvement that a younger lady might notice.......they do say with age we have more stiffness, creaks, squeaks, etc.  I don't far I'm denying all of that too.  I don't have time and I'm not giving in because I'm not the give-up type.  But we shall see.  I just think it would be great to not take "anything" but have to admit......there is some comfort in being able to feel like I have an umbrella over me while I'm taking that little white pill. 

    I am just grateful to have had my cancer found early enough, able to get top-notch treatment for it.....and able to still go every three months for check-ups.  I am grateful for life.

    I hope you all have a most wonderful Sunday.....and for the Dads -- a wonderful Father's Day. 

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited June 2011

    Hi I am new here.  Has anyone had an oncotype test?  I am going tomorrow to see the ONC about my score, and I a very anxious.  We live 172 miles from the treatment center.  The Dr. had told me that last time I saw him on May 20th that if the score was low he would call and then call in a prescription and then see me in a month after I started, so that makes me a little worried.  The only reason he ran the test was because I told him I really do not want to do chemo if I don't have to.  Maybe he did not convey our conversation to his nurse.  Worried.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2011

    Hi Mommarch!  Hey kiddo, try not to worry....I just HATE when they leave us up in the air like that!  I want to tell them "I can TAKE it!"  So just tell me!   What is the prescription he was talking about?  Something like Femara or Arimidex, or maybe Tamoxifen?

    I had that Oncotype test, because I told the Oncologist my Radiologist and BS said I didn't need chemo....  So HE said, "Well if you aren't going to take chemo, then I'm not going to order it!"....I was not thinking nice things about him at that point! 

     I found another Oncologist for the next visit!  The first Onco had  ordered one anyway, and it came back "19"....which wasn't "great" but it meant I didn't need chemo.  So I just had Radiation with the MammoSite Device, then went on Tamoxifen, which I REALLY didn't do well on....

    Oh well...Onward & upward, I guess!  Wink 

    Let us know, okay?  I'm thinking we should maybe "bribe" those nurses, Ha!  They just don't know how much we worry.....  So many women on this forum have gone through all different kinds of chemo, & done pretty well...but I didn't want it if it wasn't necessary.   If it had shown that I needed chemo, that would have been different.....

    Talk to you later gals!  Jeannette

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    mommarch......welcome  to you.   I don't blame you for being concerned...well, worried about your test results.  Anything is possible and perhaps he did forget to tel the Nurse of your conversation with him and his assurances to you.  I did not have the test....and actually my Dr. would not have bothered anyhow.  My cancer was a very, lazy, slow growing one and based on that.....she told me that **hopefully** she would do the lumpectomy.....give me a week or so of radiation and that would be that.

    Instead.....during the lumpectomy....a second, much larger tumor was discovered and it was IDC which is an aggressive, faster growing tumor.  All of a was imperative that I do chemo and radiation....a lot of it. 

    The upside to this.....she got all the cancer, good clean margins and I did not have any lymph node I chose to go with the proven therapies for my type of aggressive cancer.  I had 8 rounds of chemo and 7 full weeks of radiation.  Despite having difficulties....I'm alive and here and I would do it all over in a heartbeat. 

    With that in mind and just in general.....chemo is not like it used to be.  They have many drugs to get you over the chemo humps now.  I do bear in mind that you can still struggle with it as even with the help there are some things you will notice.  I guess my yardstick on it became.....I've had 61 good years......why should I balk at giving over the next 6 mos -- ( time I spent doing chemo and radiation ) to getting well and enjoying my 'later' years as much as I've enjoyed the first 61.  I had to try and find a perspective because I was very apprehensive about everything. 

    A lot of people do the Oncotype to see if doing chemo will increase their chances of getting well or also if they have children.  It can help be a predictor of their chances of having the same thing later on. 

    We are good at support and hand holding, sharing information and  just allowing you to have the feelings you have about everything.  Unlike many friends and some we have had been sitting in the same boat......we get exactly what you are going through, understand why their is fear, and understand the mixed bag of emotions that we seem to all deal with on this journey none of us planned. 

    Hope you will come back often. We care how it goes for you.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited June 2011

    Thanks for your replies, PET Scan on March 25th, was all clean, I had a lumpectomy on April 6th and 23 nodes taken and were neg., mammosite radiation on April 18th thru April 25th.  ONC talking about arimidex and possible chemo as I said.  Will post tomorrow when I know

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2011

    Okay, yes mommarch!  We'll be waiting to hear from you... gentle hugs....(((((mommarch)))))


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited June 2011

    Hugs and Blessings for all.   Cataract surgery # 2 this morning.    Nancy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2011
    Good Luck  with that Nancy!  Hope it goes as well as the first one! xoxooxoxo
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011
    Without change, there would be no butterflies.
    - Anonymous
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    Nancy --  hoping all goes fine and you are back to pro eyesiht status today. 

    mommarch  --  hoping and praying you get all the answers you need today and that you can understand them all and be comfortable.  We are here for you.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    It is going to be rather toasty today I think.....a bit cloudy at the moment but they say no rain for us and it is going to be hot.....that along with the humidity may force us to turn the air on again.  We will have to play it by ear.

    I have an appt. at my PCP's today and hoping that goes well.  They always do so I imagine it will.  Sometimes that week-end sure goes fast.  I'll be checking in later.....when most of my work is done.  Stay cool. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    Had a great visit with my pcp today.  I'm normal.  Nothing going on, but I will be getting a referral to a Podiatrist....which I soooo need, and I will see the Nutritionist there.  I don't think you can go wrong getting some GOOD dietary info from them.  It's all important.....things change from time to time and so we don't know when we will get to learn something new.  I learned in my other class that the sodium levels that used to be 2300 mlgs will be going to 1500.  There is so much salt already in the food we never hurts to keep checking. 

    Hope you are all going to have a godo evening.

    Hugs, Jackie

    still sending hugs to Nancy and  mommarch for good results today.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited June 2011

    I saw my ONC today and my score was a 37, so I will be starting chemo on Friday if everything falls together this week.  They did a echocardiogram of my heart today, will see the surgeon on Wed. for a consult for implanting the chemo catheter on Thursday (maybe) and my first chemo on Fri.  the chemo will give me a 5% chance that it may recurr instead of a 17% without it.  I will make peace with it.  He told me if I can not tolerate it he will stop it and go to the hormone therapy.  I hope to beable to do it all.  It will be every 3 weeks for 6 months, 8 treatments.  Thanks for being here

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    mommarch.....thanks for letting us know.  I am sorry that it turned out this way, but we really will stick right by you and help you through whatever you have to face.  When I did chemo there were several of the ladies that basically had few problems.......they seemed to have few side effects and always said how tolerable it was.  Much of the literature I read indicated the same thing.  I hope you find this to be the case for you.

    I was not one of the ones that had an easy time of it.......and I disliked losing my hair -- partially because it was winter time and it can get pretty cold here.  But.....hopefully you will find strength just like we all did.  The women on these boards kept me going and wanting to get through it all.  I didn't want to let myself down or them.  I learned to hate the words IT IS DOABLE but it is and you will look back and marvel at your strength. 

    Just know that someone will be here for you at all times. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Robinsegg
    Robinsegg Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2011

    Hello, I'm 63 years old post menopausal and glad to see there are older women here. Everybody else I know with breast cancer seems to be in their 40s.

    I will just listen for a while and see how you all do and figure out to work the program.

    I didn't want to be a member of this club as I'm sure you all didn't but I'm here so I intend to make the best of it. Cheers!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited June 2011

    Welcome to the club no one wants to join.   We had no choice and we can do it together.   Rant and rave, and/or  remember that we are here for you.   You do not have to like it, and you most likely will not like a lot of it, but you can do it bit by bit, moment by moment, day by day.   One day you will be able to say I am done with ........ (fill in the blank) {mri, biopsy, cat scan, rads, chemo, or whatever test or treatment you are having}.    

    Hugs and Blessings, Nancy 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2011

    Morning gals!  I just lost a post I was writing, and I'm glad, because in the mean time, Jo5 came along, and everything she says is important!   When I was first diagnosed, she answered....I just remember that.  She helped take away a lot of fear, and made it easier to look at this journey, so I could face it head on.  So good to see you here, Robinsegg..... There ARE a lot of threads on this forum, sometimes things get a little over-board, but that's why you have your choice of where to post.....

    Jo is also right about things happening the same to everybody....They don't....  Your care team is there for you, so listen to them, & hang onto encouragement from us.  And I'm with you Jo....I thank God every day for getting me this far with my life....Not just breast cancer, but  every thing I have gone through. heart just kind of dropped when I read your post..... Mine would have too, if I heard I had to have chemo.....BUT Jackie, & most others have gone through chemo.....and with the advancements that have come along, makes it a lot easier to get through.....  So let us know, because we're always here waiting to listen.

    Gram....!  Yes, I can hear you....I am DONE with Breast Cancer, and done with all the biopsy's and all the waiting and worrying!  So now I'm focusing on my gardening, and just getting on with life.  Yep, almost 74 & still have a lot of "stuff" I have to do!  Wink

    Morning Jackie!  Good to hear things are back in working order, Ha!   Now if we can just KEEP it that way! 

  • Robinsegg
    Robinsegg Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2011

    Thank you for the warm welcome GramE and Jo,

    The odd thing is--as you must know-- both being older and having DCIS is an island unto itself.

    All of the younger ones with invasive cancers are go gung-ho and have a clearer path. My docs seem to think I've had this for years because I had an atypical hyperplasia in the same spot fifteen years ago. I'm very optomistic as I'm fairly healthy but not good in the exercise dept so I see this dx as a wake-up call/opportunity to take better care of myself.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2011

    Oh Robinsegg...We just posted together, ha!  I know there are a lot of articles & sites about DCIS, even here on the forum, so maybe you can find a lot of information with one of those... I'm so glad they found this early enough, to not cause any more problems.  I don't know about the "hyperplasia" you mentioned....

    Yes, I'm one of the "older" ones also... I just feel bad for the younger women, with children that are going through this..... So I guess I consider myself very lucky....

    So now let's see who else has posted while I've been writing...Tongue out

    Okay, time for breakfast!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    It is one of the most beautiful compensations in life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.

    -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    Robinsegg.....a big hearty welcome to you.  I am soon to be 65 and got through my diagnosis and treatment ( discovered late 2007 ) in 2008.  Sounds odd that you might have had DCIS for that many years......but most of the Oncologists I've heard all say that the majority of us have had our 'cancers' for many yrs. before discovery. 

    That may be true but it was so odd to feel perfectly well and fine......and then have to start poisoning myself.  It it what it is and works the way it works and as it turned out that I had two different tumors in the same breast --- one a very slow and lazy one, and the other a fast, aggressive one.....I did not question much after that.  I just knew inside that I had to acquiesce to those who knew a lot more than I did. 

    When something is right.....there is a feeling deep inside that I can trust ---  it is my guide and yardstick -- the couple of times I questioned the feeling, I came away with lots of regrets.  So, I left it up to the "experts" and the loving, guiding entity (God ) inside of me to handle things. 

    I hope you and mommarch and any others will feel free to come  and  visit with us often.  We try to make this a comfortable place to be yourself and "have fully" whatever feelings, ups, downs, wins, losses, or just confusions that are going on in life.  We are here for comfort and care.  You never know what may appear here......I try to leave a quote,an affirmation,even a little poem, or sometimes a recipe.  It is a strange sort of club.....but one where we are all understood and it has become home to me.  We welcome all you wish to be here. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited June 2011

    Hi everyboy this is Dar and today my computer is working.  Tomorrow it probably wont.  Had a kidney infedtion and got a little upset.  My one lonely kidney just kind of got out of whack.  But some antibiotics cured it.  I have to talk to my onc. about this arimedex.  I am 71 and dont know if all of these aches and pains are from age or drugs.  I am afraid to go off that little white pill.  I feel this is my saving grace from that dreaded disease.  Trying for a little humor.  Gosh there are a lot of new people.  I am an old one but have a crummy computer.  Hugs to all

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    "Wise sayings often fall on barren ground; but a kind word is never thrown away."

    Sir Arthur Helps

  • Robinsegg
    Robinsegg Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2011

    You all have such kind, wise words. Maybe there is an advantage to being diagnosed later in life--we have a different perspective.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    Jo and Robinsegg, I loved the way you said that Jo.  We have seen a lot of life.....good times and bad and each thing teaches us something.  I'm not sure about you.....and I can't say I thank my cancer for sure, but I will say I have learned so much since diagnosis about patience, fortitude, love, sharing and caring.  It was always there, but the catalyst was that diagnosis.  The dreadful day I got the news and wondered if I'd be looking at the calendar the next yr. alive and well.  That is when I finally got live fully every day whether I have 10,000 left or 100 --- just give it my best....which is sometimes good and sometimes not. 

    So Jo...your are so right.....we are going to beat it and live the life we were meant to have to the fullest we can -- and now and then we still may stumble, but we will just forgive ourselves and go on.  See you all later.

    Healing hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited June 2011

    Hello Again,  I will be having the port put in in the morning here at our local hospital and then we will travel to Odessa to the treatment center and I will start chemo on Friday morning.  We will stay at the hope house on Friday night just in case I have a bad reaction.  We live 172 miles from the center.  Wish me luck.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited June 2011

    Mommarch ..... all of us will be thinking of you and sending thoughts and prayers that you have an easy time of things.  I will say....I think the first time is the hardest.  It is easy to have lots of fear about something you have never done and it looms so large and seems so ominous. 

    Walking out after my first time I realized that it was rather anti-climatic.....nothing happened and all the fear and dread that I had approached this thing with that I had to do, was just left in a heap.  That is not to say that I wasn't mainly nervous the whole time....but looking back I realized that I had a rather normal....first infusion.  Most people told me that it is fairly easy when you have a port.  I had it by IV.  That tends to be hard on your veins, but I went to the V.A. Hosp. for mine.....and ports were not the routine way.  So you do have that which I think is good and will help you.  Probably another thing is that you will be at a center where you will be with other women and I think that tends to give you some feelings of comfort and a shared empathy.  I say this as I had only men at the V.A.  I think things might have been better had I been around women....this Forum was truly my life-line. 

    I do think the majority of women don't have adverse reactions, but I am glad you chose to stay overnight the first time.  It is a bit daunting......especially having such a long drive, so anything that can help you stay as stress-free as possible will be a blessing.    We will do our best to help you get through this and will be with you all the way. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2011

    Morning everyone!  Mommarch..., I tried to post you a note last night, but as USUal, AOL chose that time to just "freeze!"  Second time yesterday...Undecided So I waited & waited, & just gave up.....

    I just wanted to say we'll be thinking of you kiddo....I don't know much about chemo or a port, but Jackie really does....A lot of women around the forum do, so be sure to let us know what is going on, okay?   Glad you will stay the night...."just in case" will be staying with "family" right?  It's always nice to have someone around to chase away the jitters..... (((((Mommarch))))) xoxoxoxoxoxo