Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited July 2011

    It is a lovely Sunday morning here in the woods.  May rain later they say.  I don't know but whatever happens is ok with me.  We are having such fun with Minnie.  I brought her home to foster as we are full out at the Shelter.  She is a Miniature Pinscher and very, very sweet and loving.  I decided to name her as we have to identify her but Teeny loves her as does Dh already.  We may have another household member in the making here.

    Hope you are all going to have a great Sunday and I'll be checking in later I'm sure.  See you then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited July 2011

    I copied this from my 321 greetings page.  I hope we don't end up with a bunch of funny marks because I think it is right on:

    I asked God to take away my pride, and God said, "NO!"
    He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give up.

    I asked God to make my handicapped child whole, and God said, "NO!"
    He said, "Her spirit is whole, and her body is only temporary!"

    I asked God to grant me patience, and God said, "NO!"
    He said, that patience is a by-product of tribulation; it isn't granted, it's earned!

    I asked God to give me happiness, and God said, "NO!"
    He said, He gives blessings; happiness is up to me!

    I asked God to spare me pain, and God said, NO!
    He said, "Suffering draws you apart from wordly cares, and brings you closer to Me!"

    I asked God to make my spirit grow, and God said, "NO!"
    He said, I must grow on my own, but He will prune me to make me more fruitful!

    I asked God if He loved me, and God said, "YES!!!"
    He gave His only Son who died for me, and I will be in Heaven someday because I believe!

    I asked God to help me love others as much as He love me,
    And God said, "Ahhhh, finally ~ you have the idea!"

    Written By: Claudia Weizs

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2011

    Good morning ladies,  It is another day.  Enjoyed my quiet day yesterday, but won't be so today.  Going to make pizza crust in a little while.  I decided instead of tomato based sauce on mine I would do an olive oil, a little garlic, italian herbs, cheese, black olives, deli ham, and artichoke hearts packed in water.  My stomach has settled down.  Not sure why it was so bad on Friday but it was the 7th day after chemo.

    Probably wont eat over a couple of pieces of pizza but hope it tastes good and sets well. I did manage to do some laundry yesterday and few other minor things around the house.  

    Have a great day  Hugs

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    Mmmm!  Your pizza sounds good mommarch!   DH doesn't like the regular pizza sauce on his pizza either, so I chop up fresh tomatoes, olive oil, and he likes Italian sausage on his....And I cut up some fresh Basil leaves, garlic salt, & he doesn't like cheese, exCEPT the grated Parmesan cheese on his.... If I make half mine, I use no sausage, mozzarella cheese, maybe spinach & I love the Artichoke hearts chopped also!    We sure do make things different around here....We have gotten to the point, after 54 years of...... "His & Hers" dinners, ha!  

    There are soooo many things he doesn't eat, for 50 different reasons, that I just gave up, & make his the way he likes, and I make mine the way I like.    Ha! 

    Glad you are managing the chemo alright....Hope you can eat the pizza....Maybe just smaller portions at a time? 

    Oh Jackie, you HAVE to keep her!!!!!! My Mom's name was "Minnie"....So you see?  That's a sign!   Her name was Minnie Lee, & she married my Dad, a Malone.... That song was just coming out when they got married.... Remember hearing "Minnie the Moocher"?  She hated that song, Ha, ha! 

    I also like what you said.....Sometimes I think, if I can look at life and "things" through my Husband's eyes, I can understand what he is thinking and how he feels.....It gives me more patience, & kind of calms everthing down.   So thanks for reminding me of that!

    Have a fun Sunday gals! xoxooxoxox

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited July 2011
    "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today."

    -- H. Jackson Brown, Jr

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2011

    I am stealing a few minutes to say hi while kids (4&7) are occupied with their parents.

    HA!  Henry D. Thoreau!   He makes me think of all you "hands in the dirt" girls.  I did a H.S. paper on him.  Only think I remember is "there is nothing quite so companionable as solitude."  Describe you all?  I am such a flaming extrovert that I really have to stretch to sit alone.  Maybe the Big C will encourage that part of me.

    We are 8 up in the hills of North Ga.  It is beautiful and nothing is sweeter than having them all around me.  We've cooked together, played poker, slept with the little ones, played with dogs.  After brunch, we'll go down to the river to play in the mud.

    Happy 4th to you all.  I'll check in after appts. tomorrow.

    Praying for health, peace and grace for you all.

    xoxo, Nancy 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    Happy July 4th gals!  Nancy..... I think Jo would tell you to wear some kind of gloves while playing in the mud!   I mean if YOU do, & not just watch the kids do it!  I am/was so used to just going outside and working in the soil, either digging up Iris, like I did this morning, or re-potting some plants.  I just also added coffee grounds & crushed dried egg shells to the soil this morning.....But I wear my garden gloves, or my long rubber gloves..... 

    Ahhhh!  We used to play poker with the whole family also!  And if we won, like 60 cents, we would go buy a dozen eggs, Ha, ha!   Our early life was planning meals for 2 weeks, and only if we had anything left over, we would play poker!   That time was fun.....even if it was just trying to get by with what we had.....

    Jackie, I wanted to ask you, were your dogs so frightened of all the huge firework noises?  Lacee just could not relax.... I put her on our bed, but she just shivered & panted, & I finally just turned on the tv, & stayed awake with her until 12:30... I took her off the bed, and at 3:30, she was still just sitting in the kitchen panting......  I know there are pills to make her relax, but I just hated to drug her.... do you do this? 

    Your 4th sounds beautiful Nancy.....Hope all the rest of you gals have fun too!  xoxooxoxoxo

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2011

    Pizza was good, I actualy ate 3 small pieces.  Today, my daughter is making enchilda's and taco's so I am going with a chicken pot pie and cottage cheese and some canned fruit.  Feel pretty good today.  It is the 10th day after chemo I guess the beginning of Nadir.  I was pretty good yesterday but anxious.  Hope everyone has a great  4th.  Still no rain in West Texas, clouds keep comming in but nothing. 


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011
    Geez!  Where IS everybody?   Mommarch, it's trying to rain here, but can't quite make up it's mind. WinkI wish it would rain really hard, I mean POUR, then it would keep all the kids in the house with their fire-crackers!    Am I just getting older, or do I just feel sorry for all the dogs hearing those explosions?....  I can't hear much, only sometimes.....
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited July 2011

    Here I am, here I am, Chevy......rough couple of days.  5:30 p.m. and I just ate my first meal of the day.  I have been just running and running the last two days.  Took Maggie back to hospital Sunday around noon......I left about 4 as I had to get home, change clothes, pick up Denny from work and then go out to my cousins a couple of towns over for a pre 4th. barbecue.  Got home late of course.  Then yesterday.....Denny to work, came back to do Maggie's house and her animals, the feral cats, then to the store to get food to prepare.....which I did.  Got done right at 5 p.m. Then rush to Mt. Vernon to get Denny.....then back home where I take a quick bath, we feed the dogs, then jump in the car to go to friends house in town for the 4th.  I took all salads...potato, pea, and grape salads.  We left there around 10 p.m.   and the fun started all over today......I have to get things going the right way here........

    Anyway....hi to all.  I have missed getting on here all the time. dogs don't seem to mind the noise to much.  We are inside the house and the a/c is running....I don't know how much they hear, but they don't seem bothered....I wish Lacee could be as casual as all of mine.  

    I think we have so much thunder and lightning here.....they don't get too excited about more loud noises.

    Well, I have an errand to do and then am going to come home and dump myself in my recliner I think.....I'm done in.  I'll talk to you all alter.....I have had you all on my mind though.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    Morning gals....Jackie, Marcha, Nancy...!  And Jo!  I thought everybody left town!  Wink

    I was just reading the paper....I'm sick about the Casey Anthony verdict....  It's like no-one will ever pay for what happened to that little girl.  Another O.J. verdict, and Robert Blake....  I just wanted to talk about it with someone, and home is not the place....  I think it hurts more because I have Daughter's and Grand-kids.   Oh well.... I SURELY can't talk about it with my Daughter in Orlando, because she is too close to it all, & she hurts worse than I do.   And accidental death is ONE thing, but the cover-up is even worse.....  Maybe the jurors were "too close" to all the talk, & didn't "listen" to what WASN'T said.....  Okay, I'm done.

    I was out with my pitch-fork, shoveling up old Iris tubors and "chickens" that have grown into themselves, and going nuts hanging over the sidewalk...If I only do a little every morning, my back can take it, ha!  I have a strip about 50 feet long that I'm trying to clean up....

    Jackie.....  Good Lord girl!  Where do you find the energy to do all that you do?  And taking care of Maggie is almost a full time job for you, even WHEN she is hospitalized!   I wish someone would make some decisions and changes on be-half of that women for her own good, AND yours!  If her family can't, or won't do it, then maybe you can work with the Social Service worker, or the Doctor to help her out of this never-ending mess she is in.   As long as she has you to provide for her, and the hospital, she could just relax & go along with it all......I'll bet she only wants to go back home to get her McDonald's fix, ha! 

    And Lacee was a little better last night.... At least she didn't shake as hard for the whole night.... And she was out lying on the grass a little while ago, with the sprinkler just barely touching her.... She LOVES that! 

    Okay....take it easy Jackie, and also the rest of you girls.....xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited July 2011

    When you choose to be who you are, you dispel any lies that mask your beauty, your potential, your radiance or your love. And what's revealed is the True and Radiant You. ~ Tambra Harck

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited July 2011

    Good morning everyone.....I'm back in the land of the living I think.  At last minute ( on the way to Wal-Marts last night I remembered there was a Humane Society meeting that I needed to go to so we veered downtown ( we hold them at City Hall ) and did that first......then onto buy supplies.  It always amazes me how I can go so mentally numb after a couple of long days.......but this a.m. I'm pretty much raring to go. I'm not used to missing meals and I think that has more to do with it than anything ----   so today is starting out fantastic

    How did your appts. go Nancy?  Solitude....I think it is wonderful to spend some alone time and let thoughts wander where they will.   It is what I most love about living out in the woods....I listen to the sounds coming from nature and just think......did the Creator know that this would lull me in a deep sense of relaxation, or the sound of waves lapping gently against the shoreline.  Watching them I am provided with a way to unload my troubles.....each one gets sat a top a wave and they ripple farther and farther out till they are gone so far they are no longer troublesome.  If you can let it releases the hold and the power that it had and next time you think about it, it is generally with a bit more clarity.  At least that is what I have I am big on trying to give myself some "alone" time to release as much that is negative as I can.......then I'm "free" to start over.  

    Anyway......hope things went well Nan.

    Chevy --- lets eat pizza with mom....that is always a good fix to things.  We should all take the pizza cure at least once a week.  

    Well, going to see what I can get into today.  Dh has three days off....that could be good.  Maybe we can get an outdoor project done.  See you all later.  I'll be checking in looking for you.

    Hugs Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2011

    Feeling pretty good today.  I actually slept 5 hours lst night without getting up to go to the bathroom.  My daughter fixed speggtti last night and I did not want tomatoe, so she made the same olive oil and garlic and herb sauce I put on the pizza and I put that on speggtti with mushrooms, deli ham and parm, and warmed it up in the micro.  Was real good.  Bet the sauce would be could for pasta salad also, just add a little basalmic vinegar.  Getting creative through this.

    A funny note, my hubby came in yesterday morning and told me it was after 6, well I have not been getting up until I wake up taking it easy not rushing in the morning to get to work. He was upset when I did not get up.  I know I called him several things in my mind.  My daughter asked him this morning if he was going to wake me up and he said I am not brave enough.  Still got up by 6:30 anyway.  I am not a stay in bed person.

    Hope you all have a great rest of the day.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    Hey mom.... I think he was upset because he was worried about you.....  Maybe mention to him before-hand that you might feel like a lazy bones during this chemo-time, & if you happen to sleep later, that you should, & that he might not want to tread on those grounds, ha!    That's funny, that he was "not brave enough".....Wink  Couples go through so much, when one of the pair is sick, or going through some sort of treatment....  I know when my Husband is "sick".... He is a big baby....Did I say that?  Darn  right I did.....!  I mean even with a cold, I swear he is on his last breath....cause he says so!    I just thank God when his nose stops running, & I have to hear what it LOOKS like....Yell EEEeeeuuuuu!!!!!!!!!   I think those are grounds for smacking DH over the head with a cast iron skillet......  (okay, just kidding.)   sort of. 

    Okay Jackie....let's go find Nancy and have pizza with her, or else find mom and try that spaghetti with mushrooms!  And maybe some fresh mozzarella slices?  xoxoxoxoox

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited July 2011

     Sometimes mom, we just got to have a few extra zzzzzzzz's and nuzzle into the pillow and roll over and stretch and make it all feel fantastic......then we can get up with no regrets.  I tend to want to roll around and open one eye and just take my time about getting out of bed.  I am not much of a day time nap once I'm up that is it.  Hubby can take and often does three or four naps a day. So -- my morning routine is mine and it has made getting up a  pleasure.  We have separate bedrooms....have had since we moved back home.  I think we both probably snore, but Dh is a loud rather than either of us missing sleep it was the perfect solution. 

    Slow day today....I think I need to get my sea legs back after the past couple of days.  Have to run up to the hospital and take Maggie her papers.  She is in intensive care....but I think it has more to do with monitoring her closer for food intake etc.  They have more people in ICU to watch how things are and fewer patients. 

    Nancy....the search light is out for you. 

    Take care.....I'm going to get out and get to the hospital and then back home. 

    Be checking with you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited July 2011

    This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy

    George Bernard Shaw
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited July 2011

    Good morning.......I thought long and hard before putting this quote in today.  The end of it seems rather rough, but I do know when you go through some things ( negative events ) sometimes they seem to want to stick to you, and hang around a little over-long.  I sometimes have trouble recognizing when to step out of the negative spot and into the totally positive area. 

    I think many of these things though mean we are a work in progress.  If I can't do anything else....I can at least try to be better myself than I was yesterday. 

    I hope you are all going to have a very productive day.  Know that I am thinking about you, and caring about you. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited July 2011

    Challenges come so we can grow and be prepared for things we are not equipped to handle now. When we face our challenges with faith, prepared to learn, willing to make changes, and if necessary, to let go, we are demanding our power be turned on.

    Iyanla Vanzant

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited July 2011

    Good morning I sit here with Minnie on my lap.  She is definitely a lap dog.  We didn't need another one....but she is here and she is sweet and Teeny loves her so it works out.

    It poured rained several times through the night.  We have a metal roof which makes it easier to hear sometimes.  I love to listen to rain --- certain noises can evoke positive sensations and rain is one of them for me.  I also used to love listening to the waves of the ocean crash into the rocks along the beach.  Water is very spiritual and can have quite an effect......calms and soothes for me and lets me step out of life for just a bit and if you can nowhere and everywhere at the same time. 

    Hope you are all going to have a fantastic day.  Mine should be since I will be at the Shelter helping the animals there.  We are so full right now....don't have much for room.  Hopefully we will have another adoption surge soon. 

    I'll be checking in later on all of you.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited July 2011
    "You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love."
    Henry Drummond
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited July 2011

    What a bright, beautiful morning.  There is a slight breeze right now, but it won't help later at the humidity comes up.  That is ok.  We have the air on here and I am enjoying it.  Lots to do already as I took my friend out of the hospital and took her to the Manor here where she will stay until she gets some of her strength and stamina back. 

    Anyway, I came back home here to have some breakfast and see what was going on here.  I hope you all have a fantastic day and know that I am thinking about you.  Hope things are going well for everyone.  

    I'll be back later on today.  Stay cool if you can and have a not too strenuous Saturday.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    Oh Jackie you still have Minnie!!!!!!!!!  Yeah!  How fun!  Yes, it POURED here last night, but we didn't get the hail, like my Daughter did in Westminster!    Storms just move around in the late afternoon, almost every day now....

    So Maggie is in a rest center?  Oh man, I hope they can do something for her!   But at her age, it's pretty doubtful that anything will work to keep her in her own home..... She needs more care, like everyday, of someone looking in on her, to make sure she is eating right, and even to bathe and clean her.  I had that service for my Dad, when he was unable.... 

    You know, has anyone looked in to homecare hospice?  I don't know much about it, but at least she wouldn't be alone in her house.  It's a wonder she doesn't have the nurses making a McDonalds breakfast run for her, ha!   

    Have you been reading the newer thread called   Adjvnt Therapy: Destroys or delays growth of stray BC cells?   I started reading it, & a lot of gals are posting on there....A lot of information to think about!   I started reading it, because of all the trouble I had with Tamoxifen.

    Do any of you know about  what symptoms can be like when someone has a brain tumor?  I mean a benign one?  Does it affect their thinking?   Can they become hostile, then calm, and their emotions are just all over the place?   I'm just worried about one of my friends.... I'll look it up to see what I can find. 

    Okay....guess that's all....have a fun day! xoxoxoxoxo

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited July 2011

    Chevy, I have experience with a ten year old girl with a brain tumour, but can only say it depends on what part of the brain the tumour might be in.  As you can imagine, different parts of the brain control quite different parts of behaviour, speech, motor skills and bodily functions.  My daughter had one on the brain stem and it made her ill with headaches and vomiting.  She was quite a hard child to handle beforehand, and as she was still growing it's hard to say what behaviours were her natural inclinations and which were caused by the tumour.

    Probably doesn't help you much, just what I know.


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2011

    Good Morning,

    Have been feeling good the last few day, more energy, but of course this is short lived, 2nd chemo on Thursday July 14rh.  If it goes as good as the first I will feel blessed.  I noticed yesterday that I have bumps on my head and they are a little sore and itchy, I guess this is the hair folicals dying.  Guess I may need to go and get my head shaved on Tuesday and not let it get bad.  What do you think. Have not had much hair come out yet, but sure do not want a head full of sores.

    Have a good day. Going to try and go to church for the first time in3 weeks.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    Morning gals!  Thank you Sheilah....  I looked the subject up after I posted, and found that "Personality" changes do happen a lot...and that the only thing the family can do is cope with any of the problems the brain tumor causes....  It really is sad, but not as bad as a young girl with the SE's you mentioned. 

    I just couldn't figure out why my friend was becoming so radical in her thinking, lately.  Why just non-important things really GET to her, & send her into a frenzy.... She is the one who said, "it's probably my brain tumor" that makes her do this, but it's hard for her to stop once she gets started.  I'll just be patient, and listen, and try & calm her down, I guess.  Her family is all working together, from what I gather, to keep her calm, & not even discuss certain things.....  It's like her mind just sort of short circuits sometimes....Okay, thanks Sheila...

    Morning mommarch, I mean Marcha.....  So nice to hear from you again.....I don't know about the bumps on your head, but I think I would wait, and talk to your Oncologist, and the ones that are treating you, before you shave your head....It's possible that you might not lose your hair??? I know some women do, and depending on the treatment, some don't.  You can always go in and have your head shaved, but wait until you know, maybe.... Also, ask them how to treat the sores, because it probably is from the chemo, but even if your head is shaved, you have to treat them.

    Yes, I don't go to church very much, although I am very spiritual, in my beliefs, and one time when I was going through a very hard time, I DID go to church with my friend.  I found so much comfort there....  And while I was going through this, I felt peace, and I asked for help, and I found I could just "let go, and let God".....  I came through it all, with thanks to God and all my friends, for helping me find peace again.  I still thank God for what I have....  And go ahead, Marcha, going to church will be very good for you.......  I'll keep you in my prayers, dear friend. xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

     Marcha.... I remember this opening video when I went to church... I still begin every day just listening to the words & "believing." 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited July 2011

    A Chance To Start
    How often we wish for another chance to make a fresh begining.
    A chance to blot out our mistakes and change failure into winning.

    It does not take a special time to make a brand new start.
    It only takes the deep desire to try with all our heart.

    To live a little better, to always be forgiving.
    To add a little sunshine in a world for which we're living.

    Never give up in despair nor think you are through.
    For there's always a tomorrow, A chance to start a new.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,469
    edited July 2011

    Good morning Aussie Sheila.  I aways love to see a post from you as I love your avatar.  I am a cat lover big time....but have dogs as well.  How old is your daughter now Sheila.  Children can be so challenging at times....even when nothing is wrong.

    Marcha.....I don't remember bumps, but possibly could have had some, during chemo.  What I do recall is that along about the 3rd. or so week after chemo.......all the hair follicles on my head were hurting.  I presume it was the hair cells starting to die. the time my hair started to come out I did not care so much.  It felt weird as it was dry and lackluster with nothing below to feed it.  It tended to come out in clumps so I went to the local beauty school and had it all shaved off.  It was difficult on the one hand, but freeing on the other.  My head felt a lot better once the hair was gone.

    I think I have an "odd" head, though I met many women who actually could look nearly as good bald.  Most hospitals I think.....if they do cancer txs. have a " Look Good - Feel Better" seminar they do which is free to you.  They have make-up kits, scarves, wigs, etc --- whatever has been donated previously, and they teach you how to use makeup so that you are making the most of your attributes and focusing attention on how good you actually can look despite having no hair.  Sometimes you lose other bodily hair ( I lost every bit of mine ) so they teach how to give yourself eyebrows that look natural. 

    You might want to check into this.  I must say.....I waited a bit to go to one of these....mainly because I did not want to drive too far so waited for it to come to my local hospital......but it went so far in helping me to be a lot more ok ( despite the fact that I thought I was ) with being bald and I think that was when I started to "really" get....that this being bald and doing chemo was a necessary interval of 6 mos. or that I could return to my semi-retired life and no matter what struggle I might have, it was a very short time to give up to get back to life I could really throw myself into all of the time. 

    Nancy.....continued thoughts of you.  Hope all is well.  Hi to everyone else.  Hope you are going to have a really fine day. 

    I'll be checking back later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2011

    Well hair started comming out in handfuls this afternoon, Grandaughter cut it about 1/2 inch all over my head, put on one of my new scarfs, will wear one of  my new turbans to work tomorrow.  Will pick up clippers tomorrow, but not going to buzz until ONC looks at the sore spots.  Think it is probably folicalitis.  Not morning my hair as I have had male pattern baldness for some time.  Had been using a product called toppik to hide the bare spot.  Hopefully my hair will come back in better.

    Hope everyone had a good day.  Hugs
