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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    Hi Panama,

    I do remember your question but I don't recall anyone having it done. I do know that sometimes nerves are cut for people who have uncontrollable, persistent chronic pain somewhere.  I was not aware that it would work for LE.  I do know, as people have said, that LE does have pain connected with it, along with the swelling from fluids that don't drain properly when lymph nodes are removed. 

    I am happy for you that this is working.....and hope it will continue but like Chevy says, stay vigilant about the swelling if it should occur as you might not have any pain to "warn" you beforehand. 

    Hope everything has been going well for you otherwise and like Chevy nice to see you again.

    Hi to all the rest of the gals here as well.  Hope you will all have a great day.  I'll be checking in later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    Jo....I am not at all offended.  I respect your feelings totally.  We all derive a sense of comfort from many different sources.  I derive my sense of peace and comfort from Gnostic spiritual teachings.  This allows me to find value in what The Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, Eckart Tolle, Dr. Brian Weiss, the Bible, and many, many others have to say. 

    Just as no two people experience cancer in just the same way, so too, do I with my whole heart and soul believe,  is the way with our spirituality.  There are many, many paths that one can take -- you must only have the desire. 

    I  not only respect, but enjoy your thoughts, feelings and knowledge as another great part of the whole of what will help light the path I take to eternity.  I deeply respect you Jo.  In a harsh world you always stand your ground.  That is very admirable.  We each know where we are and that is comfort indeed.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2011

    Kind of a rough day today just can't get my emotions in check.  Thank goodness I am at the office by myself.  All crying is doing is giving me a headache.  I have alot of loose ends to tie up for students traveling and can not get any answers.  Oh Well


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    Hi  Gals!  Jo!  Maybe you can explain to me the Holy Trinity?  I consider myself very spiritual, but I am still confused about "The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost".....  Before we got married, I was taking catechism to become Catholic, before we got married.....

    Well my Husband was not a practicing Catholic, & we didn't have any money, so we got married at a Justice of the Peace.  The point is, whenever I would ask the Priest that was giving me the "classes" he would not answer....He would only say, "You just have to listen and believe"......

    It would seem like God is the Father, and his Son is Jesus Christ , but I don't understand the Holy Ghost part.  Is this just the belief of the Catholics?   You would think at my age, I would KNOW ....but I don't.  When I pray, I always thank God for my life, for what I have, and my family....

    If you could, please explain this to me.....  I have tried to look this up, but I still can't come up with an answer that I can understand......  With all respect.....thank you.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    And I'm sorry Marcha.... I meant to tell you hello also!  Please don't cry....Or if you do, try doing it really loud and hard, and then get it all out of your system!  What is the main problem....Maybe we can help you.  

     I know I tried to cry the other day, but I was soooo mad that I couldn't!  Undecided  So I figured I would just walk away,  go outdoors, and try thinking of something else, and just feel peaceful.   It finally worked....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    Marcha.....I'm sorry that you are struggling at this point.  I think we all go thru a very broad range of emotions trying to come face to face with our diagnosis and all that you must do to get well and to the point that there is no longer any evidence of disease.  All your emotions seemed like they are turned loose......and often I don't think we know what we will feel, when we might feel it, and what might set it off.  Someone on another thread talked about PTSD which many soldiers got from the high stress situations they were in, but generally did not get diagnosed until they were back home and they were not coping well. 

    If it is highly bothersome....tell your Oncology team as you can get some help and relief from them.  This is a mighty struggle....a huge life changing event --- please know that it is normal for some of us to need a little assistance for a while. We get through and hopefully come out the other side fairly intact, but we need varying degrees of help to get there. 

    Had a big day in this heat.  Still going to Maggie's twice a day to let her animals feed them, and clean the house.  Then go out and do the feral animals, and then stop by the Manor to check on Maggie on my way home to do my animals.  When I got there today.....another long time friend had been brought in.  So I visited with him a short while as well.  He has cancer and for a time needs a feeding tube directly into the stomach.  He has lost tons of wt. and has to build some strength so that he can walk and get around again. 

    Now I will be visiting two there.  Sure hope that is all for now. 

    Jo....yes, it is quite a day here and I'm am thankful I live in the woods by the lake where it is usually at least 5 degrees cooler than in town where all the concrete is laying in wait to rise up around you.  I do spend portions of time in town every day, but try to hurry through as much as I can so that I can get back home to my oasis......we are surrounded by trees and it can be much more comfortable out here temperature wise as well as quiet and serene. 

    Hope you all had a wonderful day. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    Morning gals!  Thanks Jo for your post!  It's nice to be able to ask you things like that.  I know every religion has their own beliefs, and I couldn't begin to understand how they all work.  Guess that's why we all make our own choices....just trying to find & believe a religion that works for us.  Just to find peace and happiness.....

    Geez Jackie....I'm just glad you don't let all of your visits get you down.  I'm sorry about your friend.. And I know what you mean about getting away, just to find some quiet time again.  You really are Maggie's guardian angel!

    We had such a raging storm last night!  It thundered so loud I almost flew off the chair....With hearing aids in I thought a bomb went off in my head!  Ha, ha!  So I took them out, & it was much calmer..Wink  Then it just POURED again!!!!!!!!!!  But everything DOES look beautiful out green!

    Make it a great day! xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011
    People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost. Dalai Lama
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. Dr. Wayne Dyer

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    My affirmation this morning is I've chosen to have a wonderful day and to enjoy whatever comes.   We learn from both the positive and the negative though the positive is generally a lot more enjoyable and inspiring. 

    It is going to be hotter today than yesterday and I'll just make it work out.  The real test for me is to take the negative circumstances and make them go right.....and sometimes that is as simple as acknowledging that they are there. 

    By the way.....I took my first post out above.  It was something else by the Dalai Lama.  I so enjoy what he has to say on many subjects, but also find much I agree with from Dr. Dyer.  I don't agree with everything anyone says across the boards......there is a still place inside and that place has never failed fact, has saved my life a time or two.  If I wish to know if something is true.....I wait for the answer I get from there. 

    I hope you all are going to have a wonderful day and I'll be checking back  a little later.  See you all then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2011

    Today was a better day.  Still very tired.  Went to work for 4 hours and came home and took about an hour nap.  That helps.  By the time I get energy it will be time to go again.  Just counting down.

    We did have a little bit of rain today.  You would not know it now though.  So dry.

    Take Care

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    Hi Marcha!  Just saw your post....We are all thinking about you.....glad you went home to rest.  How many more now...???  We had a lot of rain yesterday, but darn, it was like 97 today, & it just drys right up!  Had to water the tomatoes..... Have to almost every day....

    Oh wait....I was sent an email today from Texas.... I'll see if I can post the picture!  I'll try again...wouldn't post...Undecided xoxoxoxoxo

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2011

    I LOVE that!  Isn't it true.  Most of us live ordinary lives but with a gift if we can recognize it.

    HEY LADIES.  My elderly aunt Dee in central Wisconsin had breast cancer in her youth.  It has reappeard in the scar tissue, etc.  She is having chemo...3 weeks on and 1 week off.  She suffers terrible mouth sores.  I remember reading on this site that if you suck on popsicles and ice chips, it will help.  Is that so?????

    I have been putting my house in order after 20 days of blessed company.  I am proud of myself that I avoided scurry after them to tidy-up.  I just let it go "to hell in a hand basket" and enjoyed them all. That is a first for me.

    Now, I'll read all of your 20 day old posts to see what you've been up to.



  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2011

    I hope you can find a place to cry until you've had enough.  Not crying will give you a headache too.  Hang in there.  I'll be thinking of you.

    xoxo, nancy 

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2011

    Well, I must look like a lunatic.  I go to reply to a certain post and it doesn't connect to it.  So how can you tell what I'm talking about??????

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    Nancy.....great to see you again.  We thought we might have lost you in the deserts of Arizona or East Raspberry, Virginia but viola' you are here right in our midst.  Not to worry about the postings.  We are a nice small intimate group so actually know what your posts address. 

    Did you get any of that wicked heat....that would be the stuff we are still having.  If I find that dog in Texas.....he is going to have to move over and make room for me.  My goodness gets so toasty feeling. 

    Someone "borrowed" the new fan I bought for Maggie's room at the Manor.  Asst. Administrator was still in her office when I left so we chatted briefly.....she feels certain the fan will reappear in Maggie's room by the time I get there tomorrow.  I told her I'd thought that would be such a great thing to have happen because I certainly didn't want to disturb every resident on the premises looking for it myself. 

    Yes...on the ice chips.  I think there also may be something she could have to use in her magic mouthwash.  I used that for several weeks for my esophageal thrush.  I swished then swallowed.....I don't know how someone would use it if there are no sores elsewhere than the mouth.  I think the Oncologist would have to prescribe is a combination of about three different liquid meds put together in an elixir at your local pharmacy.  Very effective for me. 

    I think also foods that are spicy, salty, tart, acidic etc would be out.  She probably already has that part down pat. 

    Hope you are all going to have a fantastic cool night.  It is still toasty outside and its nearly 10 p.m.

    Glad you are hanging in there Marcha....although there is not a lot of choice.  I think you will look back on these days feeling good for having aced it all.....but sometimes hard to find the appreciation at his point.  

    I'll see you all in the morning.  Rest well.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    Morning gals...well I have to wait until it gets light out, so I can go fool around in my gardens.Smile And good to see you back Nancy....If you post right after someone, then your post will appear right below it.... But it doesn't Jackie says, we know what we are talking about...usually.

    Jackie, that reminds me of when my Grandma was in a nursing home....Someone "borrowed" her little hand-made patch-work quilt, that I had made for her....She didn't even realize it was gone, but I DID...!  So I set out looking for the darn thing.... Sure enough I saw it covering another old gals bed....Well I just explained to her that "I guess their laundry mistakenly thought this quilt was "hers" but it was my Grandma's, so I will take it back to her.....  No problem....And even though her name was written on all of her clothes and things, it didn't seem to matter, Ha!    I still have this little quilt...Cry 

    Sorry about your Aunt, Nancy....How elderly is she?  Man that is terrible, about cancer coming back, or starting new in the scar tissue.   And Jackie can help with her suggestions...just DON'T take that dogs ice....Ha!  It's still there!  I thought it would melt by now...Wink

    Okay, talk to y'all later! xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011
    The less I take the difficulties of my life as personal affront,
    and the more I use them as an opportunity to learn and grow...
    the easier I sleep at night.
    - Mary Anne Radmacher
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    Ok....I should have appreciated yesterday a little more.......with heat index factored in it will "feel" like 115 degrees today they say.....triple yikes is what I say.  Ok....that is why almost all cars and all houses around here have air conditioning.  They are all going to be working overtime I bet.

    Chevy -- you are up so early.  I wanted to sleep in but had doggies that desperately needed out, sigh!!! 

    Just the regular stuff for me is a three shower day for sure.  If its hot where you are, drink lots of water and don't do anything outside if you don't have too.......good day to hit a shopping mall if you ask me.

    I'll be checking back in later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2011

    I think my aunt is 85.  She is so cheery with all of this that she is a great model for me. She and her husband (Uncle Walt) are the only ones left so they are important to us.  I will pass on your suggestions Jackie.  One of my cousins drive them all the way to Madison University Hospital for treatment so I'm sure they get good care.  I'll pass on the info and she will be reminded that she is loved.   DH has gone north to our "get-away" to mow and cut down trees.  That's his therapy.  He gets all scratched and even breaks fingers.  Then he bleeds on my beautiful sheets and I work on the spots, lay them out in the sun and  work on them again....and he goes back to the briars.  Like you said Jeanette "we're too old to change".  He'll keep bleeding and I'll keep washing.   Yesterday I worked on preparing a painting surface.  I'll put a "ground" (neutral background color) with a drying agent today and maybe get to begin Saturday or Sunday.  I am eager to be in that zone that feels like all spirit.  

    I am wishing I could make myself exercise.  Painting is sedentary.  All I have to do is go down a circular staircase, walk over the sidewalk, open a door and get on a treadmill.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!!!!

    Time to take Alice Faye (dalmatian) out for a morning poo.



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011
    Before I forget Nancy...Before you wash or do anything to something that has blood on it, pour a little peroxide over it, & it dissapears!   I have washed a pillow case first, THEN put peroxide on it, but it doesn't work as do it before you throw it in the laundry....
  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2011

    New self help book???  "Hints from Older Women with BC".  My hints have a narrow point of view.  'how to get oil paint out of your shirt'.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011 are too funny.  I think sometimes by this time we just feel it is a big struggle to exercise.  I hate doing it, but since I am out everyday......get a little like it or not. this time our bodies ( as some comedienne said ) have become really good friends with our wt. and sedimentary lifestyles.  I thought I would always be a thin person.  Was 5'8" and had to struggle to get to 100 pounds when I was young.....and oh the work and eating that had to take place to stay even close to that. 

    I have managed to get down to 168 pounds, and one of these days I am going to get a eating plan....well, I actually have one --- lots of fiber food, fruits and veggie's, and not too much meat....and not much red meat at all.  No salt or sugar.....though I do some Splenda now and then.  So over time.....little by little the wt. has come off.  Got maybe 10 or 15 more to go.  I'm not in much of a hurry......that seems to have been one of the winning factors for me.  Always before I wanted it yesterday. 

    By the reading your entry Nancy......walking in the shopping mall works just as well as a treadmill.  Credit cards should stay at home though.

    Hugs. Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    Hmmm, my vision of this time of life was that I would be less tired, more inspired, have a clean home always, and walk till I dropped for exercise because I love to is not working out that way. 

    Well, it gives me something to keep reaching for, even though my magical place is far from my line of sight right now.  Stay cool everyone.  Jo....we aren't old -- just well seasoned, right.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2011

    Chevy, I have 6 more to go.  I believe 2 more AC and then 4 Abraxane.  Feeling better this evening, hope tomorrow and the next week are good ones, need some energy before I go back on Aug. 4th. 

    Nad, Glad you chilled out, my mother in law would always gripe the whole time we visited about the mess.  Did not make for an enjoyable visit.  It seems my house is upside down all the time these days, my daughter and grandaughter do what they can to keep up, but no one does it like me.  I am having to chill out too.

    Have a good day tomorrow friends  Hugs

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    You are right Jackie...I don't look at is as getting old...just that we are older than we were...Wink Besides, how can you get old until you grow up?  I always believe that it's the friends and family that will make you "feel" old sometimes, but if you feel secure in who and what you are, it doesn't even matter....

    Last night at 8p/m, I thought..."I'll bet I can take this bedroom carpeting and pad out all by myself"... So I lifted up an edge, saw there was linoleum under all that, and I started lifting, ripping, & pulling out staples.  I have a good start on it!  Now this morning I have to figure out how to move the dresser & vanity over enough to do the same job under there!

    THEN after I move that all back, I can maybe slide the bed over there, and figure out how to get the carpeting out from under THERE!  Also the other dresser...but if I slide the mattress off...Oh wait!  I can get on the boards in the bed & get the carpeting THAT way I think....!!! 

    Don't even ask where DH is in all this.... If he doesn't help me do some of this today, I'll REALLY get perturbed....(that's a nice way of putting it.)  He was asleep on the day-bed while all this was going on....when I was almost finished, he asked "what are you DOING in there?"  Ha, ha!  I said as sweetly as I could..."Go back to sleep, I'm almost done."  

    See, hard-wood flooring is something I really want, and my Daughter & her fiance' are going to help do this...But DH is resisting tooth and nail.... He LIKES this old dirty carpeting all through the house...30 years old?  So what?  he says.  I would like to have something easier to keep clean, & if I have to buy it all I will!   I don't care what he says anymore.  I'm just done listening as to why we don't need it.   And I love to do stuff like that. Smile  I've painted the walls in this old house several times, refinished cabinet doors, laid tile in the kitchen, AND the bathroom...just nothing major... So removing old carpeting is a piece of cake, just makes it harder with the furniture still in there....  I can DO it!  I just wish he would get UP so I can get busy!

    Nancy & Marcha... I know!  It IS hard when my 2 Grandsons, and Daughter come here for a visit!  I asked one, "How long did your Mom say you were staying?"  Ha!  He brought 2 huge duffle bags, just stuffed!  So did his Brother!  So the house AND upstairs had 6 months of clothes EVERYwhere...!  Ha, ha!  He had packed at LEAST 12 pairs of pants & shorts...and maybe 25 t-shirts!  Times 2, with the other one!  I tried to organize one of his bags, but that lasted for about 2 hours.... But man, I love to see those guys!  EVERYthing is worth it, just to be with them.  Wish they were here NOW to help!   Maybe I could trade my Husband for them?  Surprised

    Okay, I'll quit complaining.  I have to get busy moving all the stuff on top of my dresser & vanity, AND under the bed!  Just wish he would get up.

    Jo, I guess this type of "work" is exercise, right?  I used to love to walk....but it gets hot by 9, and I'd rather wall around a mall, where it is cool....

    Maybe I'll go make little noises.... It's almost 6:30 for cryin' out loud!  Time to get this day movin'!

    Marcha...just make sure you take time to rest... and drink LOTS of water!  Eat, sleep and drink!  (oh wait, that's what DH does....Wink)  Glad you are having times where you feel better....

    Talk to you later! xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011
    The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.
    - Rabindranath Tagore
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    Good morning everyone.....having my second cup of coffee here in my computer room before I get ready for my day at the Shelter and playing with wonderful animals......and cleaning up for them. 

    Marcha.... my chemo days were I think the only ones I truly gave myself permission to nap, just sit or whatever idle type endeavor I chose.  Your body really tells you --- sometimes really loud and clear, what it needs when you are doing chemo.  So if at all possible just do what your body says. 

    I tried to do that this morning and sleep an extra 10 minutes.....well a couple of little dogs changed all that in a hurry.  Thank you Minnie and Teeny and just wait till you fall asleep on my lap tonight. 

    Jeannette....when I want to move something.....I put a cloth rug under a leg or two......but that would only work I think if you can get it directly onto the linoleum ---- but then I've done things for years and the inspiration seems to come much easier when I'm alone and I'm so impatient that I have to come up with a way to make it happen.  I hate to admit it....but I've changed whole rooms around......more than once, only to be putting them right back the way they were as Dh is walking in from work.  I think if I could just change the position of my windows and doorways......I could move my furniture more.

    Well, I need to get going....hope you all going to have a fantastic day....I'll be back later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Aliceann
    Aliceann Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2011

    This seems like a strange topic.  Who is considered an older patient?  We all hope to become older patients. Here is a question:  How many of you know of a bc patient over 90 years?  My mother-in-law was just diagnosed with bc at the age of 91-1/2 years.  Does action have to be taken?  She has been given three options: 1. mastectomy  2. Lympectomy with radiation  3. No action.  Which would be best?  The non bc members of the family are focusing on #1.  I find the comments quite interesting, but they haven't gone through a mastectomy, plus none of them are 91 yrs old.  

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2011

    Aliceann, I think you are right.  No treatment!  My Mother is 86 and had surgery to remove a cancer from her colon in Jan of 2010.  It was found in one lymph node.  She said no treatment.  They are watching her a CT every 6 months and sees the ONC every 3 months.  She is doing well, still living on her own.  I think it is harmful to put a person of 91 through chemo.  Fight for her