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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Hey everyone....these were all so good that I couldn't just decided to put them all here:

    Do or do not, there is no try.
    - Jedi Master Yoda in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.
    The most certain way to succeed
    is always to try just one more time.
    - Thomas A. Edison

    Simply do your best, and you will avoid
    self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.
    - don Miguel Angel Ruiz

    I have always loved the Yoda quote.  I guess for me, whomever came up with those lines came so close to having things as they should be.  I think there was a saying at one time some time ago now which simple said " Just Do It " and when I read these things I often think of all the steps we THINK we need, whether or not we really do, to do something. 

    So don't bother trying....that may be a step you don't have to take....just do it, like Yoda does.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011


    Once, in a little pond, in the muddy water under the lily pads,
    there lived a little water beetle in a community of water beetles.
    They lived a simple and comfortable life in the pond,with few disturbances and

    Once in a while, sadness would come to the community when one of their fellow beetles would
    climb the stem of a lily pad and would never be seen
    again.  They knew when this happened, that their friend was dead, gone forever.

    Then, one day, one little water beetle felt an irresistible urge to climb up that
    stem. However, he was determined that he would not leave forever.
    He would come back and tell his friends what he had found at the top.

    When he reached the top, he climbed out of the water onto the surface of the lily

    He was so tired, and the sun felt so warm, that he decided he must take a nap.
    As he slept, his body changed. And when he woke up - he had turned into a
    beautiful blue-tailed dragonfly with broad wings and a slender body designed for flying.

    So, fly he did! And, as he soared, he saw the beauty of a whole new world
    and a far superior way of life to what he had never known existed.

     Then, he remembered his beetle friends,and how they were thinking by now he was dead.
    He wanted to go back to tell them, and explain that he was now more alive...
    than he had ever been before. 

    His life had been fulfilled rather than ended!  But, his new body would not let him go down into the water. He could not get back to tell his friends the good news!
    Then he understood that their time would come, when they too, would know what he now knew.

    So he raised his wings and flew off into his joyous new life!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited August 2011

    aawww Chevyboy, love the dragon fly story.  So glad you ladies are doing good.  Have missed hearing about the cats, I now have 4 outside cats and 1 inside cat.  Only 1 dog named chico left.  My air conditioning is broke so have been sweating tons without even having to go outside.  Otherwise doing ok.  You guys have a great week.  by the way, much better to have a smaller happy group than a fighting big group. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Chevy....what a powerful story.  And yes, so often change can be good.  I loved this and I am so glad you put it in here. 

    Long but somewhat productive day.  More on that later.  I hope you all have had a great day. 

    Will see you all later or first this in the lovely morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Hi Spar,  we were posting together.  Well you probably know or maybe not....I am "the cat lady", with way too many, but they would be homeless I'm sure if they were not here.  I also have a dog named Chico.  Got him from the Chicago area ( where Chico And The Man  was filmed ) a Puggle, so I say he is my little Puerto Rican dog.  Freddie Prinze ( sadly committed suicide ) was Puerto Rican and was the star of Chico and the Man.  We loved the show.  Here is a picture of my Chico:

    I think you should be careful in this heat.  We'd be in misery w/o the a/c.  We do keep it at about 79 or 80 though.....and then use strategically placed fans to circulate the air. 

    You are so right.....we are a small but happy group here only wishing to either help each other down this somewhat un-expected path of life that opened up in front of us or just share the delights of spending time with others who know where we have been and how the struggle can change life just a bit. 

    See you soon I hope.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Oh Spar.....  You are so right!  Ha!  Glad you came back.... I went to the funeral today, for my dear friends Husband.... And my Daughter had sent this "poem" about the Dragonfly.... She also sent me a plaque that said "Fly away with me" and a little Dragonfly in the corner....guess it was appropriate, (accidently) for me today....

    Geez, sorry about your air-conditioning!  It has to be miserable without it!  We like to just go walk around the shopping centers, like hanging out, because they are always so cool.....

    We don't have cats anymore, but both of our Daughter's do....Janie has 2 and Sheri has probably at least 3 1/2....The 1/2 is a little ferrel kitty Sheri is trying to tame.... She just KNOWS she will quit biting her...Ha!

    And yes....We love our "group" now..... See you all in the morning! xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011
    Quality is not an act, it is a habit.
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    I nearly forgot to find something nice for us today.  Can you has been a busy morning/day so far and nothing going quite like I planned or hoped, but that does not mean bad.  I did get a chance to write a nice note to a friend. 

    Cats, cats, and more cats.....they are all over here, but we get along pretty well.  Some of my favorites are a little Tortoiseshell that I named Dahlia.  I also have Bo Freckles, Fancy, Nee-Nee, Gracie and Jingles.  Fancy is a feral Himalayan, Nee-Nee is her son, Gracie is her daughter, and Jingles is Dahlia's sister.  Bo Freckles is also Fancy's son.  I would not dream of an un-neutered or spayed cat, but Fancy was feral and we were told that Ole' Blue Eyes Frankie was a neutered male when we took him////her.  Was only later while attempting to tame this feral cat that we learned Ole' Blue Eyes needed a quick name change. Basically Frankie/Fancy never actually got tamed ( though her 6 children did )but still we were able to get her in a crate to a vet and see that her plumbing was altered......and in time as they all became ready, the 6 children she mothered so well also fell heir to never having to go through hormone crisis. is not much of a story, but I need to run.  Wanted you all to know I was thinking of you and sorry I am so late getting here today.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited August 2011

    Off to Odessa, again tomorrow, 3rd chemo on Thursday Morning.  Daughter is going with me this time.  There are 2000 additional souls in our community this week at a spirtitual camp called Bloy's camp, which was started 122 years ago by a Presbyterian Minister.  Hubby needs to stay at broom shop and keep it open.  He is a little concerned because he is not going with, but think it will all be OK.  Grandaughter will stay with him that might be the blind leading the blind, but they have fun together.  Will try and post when I feel up to it.  Take care

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Mom/Marcha....will be thinking of you tomorrow.  I think a daughter going is almost as good as having hubby.  It's great though that he feels the concern.  If your Granddaughter can cook all should be well at home....or if not, hope there is a McDonalds close by. 

    We will be waiting to hear from you.  How many more chemo's to go?  Sending strong vibes for a safe trip, uneventful infusion and a comfortable trip back home. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Morning gals!  Marcha...We'll be thinking of you tomorrow...It will be okay with your Daughter..... both of mine always make me laugh, no matter what.  Glad you have her for your "roadie"....

    Your Husband sounds so sweet...very caring it sounds like...!   Yes, Jackie is right.... Being near a Micky D's is a must, or else a order-in pizza, Ha!  

    Our youngest Daughter (50) is flying to Orlando today to stay with her older Sister's family.  Our youngest Grandson is graduating from Florida State Saturday!  SmileTongue out And we will watch the ceremony from a Live Feed!!!   So I miss her already, and she hasn't even left yet....It's like she is just 10 years old, & she must surely need my help?  Ha! 

    Spar, Nancy, and Arline...Jo!  Missing you gals.....Hoping all is okay....

    Jackie...I love the names of your brood!   Does everyone else know that you are "Wonder Woman" besides me?   I don't think a day ever goes by that you are not running to care for either Maggie, her pets, or babysit someone elses pup!   Not to mention taking care of YOUR pets and we'll throw your DH right in there too, right?   Did you say you were going on 35? 

    Okay, guess I'll get this day going.....  Take good care....xoxoxoxoxoxo Jeannette

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Me again....Hey gals, is it possible that I now have Lymphedema in my left ankle?  This is the same side of my breast cancer...(Lumpectomy, Radiation with the MammoSite device, 3 nodes removed, all clean)  This was Dec. 4th 2009.

    But my left ankle stays swollen...And the puffy part seems more firm than the rest of my leg...It sometimes swells down into my foot, & goes up my leg about 6 inches.

    I put on compression stockings last night, & the swelling went up my leg, and is still there. 

    I didn't know you could get Lymphedema in a place so far away from your breast!   Could it be something else? 

    Jo-5.... Have you heard of this? 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. Albert Einstein

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Good morning everyone,

    What an interesting question Chevy.  I think anything is possible, but I would also wonder if it is an overall circulation thing.  Do you sit with your feet up ----  I think that would be recommended almost all the time.  With so many recliners in use ( I need to replace mine ) I would think most people do.  I do know that there are massages you can do for LE ---  just not sure how that would work so far from the site, but probably the same'd just have to include a larger area. 

    May dd always makes me laugh too.  Sometimes I am surprised at her ability to throw out those quiet zingers that seem like they are not so much....and then it hits.  She was 39 ( for real ) on July 12th. and my son was 41 on July 29th. 

    Ok.....hope all are fine.  I'll be checking back as I always do.  Stay cool if you can. 

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2011

    Good afternoon ladies,

    I finally have  a treatment plan and have chosen the MO and the RO.  All Dr.s advised that I have the 6 weeks of radiation followed by at least 5 years of aromatase inhibitors and that followed by tamoxafin.

    I will begin radiation on Wednesday and am eager to get started.

    Thank you for staying with me as I walked in circles.  Prayers were answered.  In the end, the choice was clear and easy to make.

    Jackie, am I right in thinking that you have 3 dogs and all those cats???  Jeanette, how many dogs do you have.

    Marcha, I just read your post responding to my arm burning.  I am so sorry that it has stayed with you.  Today the PA aspirated a whole lot of fluid from a cavity left from removal of nodes.  There were a few pockets of fluid that I could see on the sonogram.  It feels much better but not altogether gone.  PA said a little fluid is necessary for healing.  She said radiation will help as it burns off fluid.  I asked PA if nerves were cut.  She answer was "I sure hope he didn't cut any nerves!"  I'll let you know if it improves after a couple weeks of radiation.  I sure hope you do well weathering your next chemo.   

    love you ladies,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Ah.....a treatment plan with Dr.'s at the ready.  Good for you Nancy.  As we are all different I can't say for sure, but in my case and that of many others.....radiation is boring, boring boring.  Yes Joanne Whorley.  Boring though has its good points.....but I think it takes longer to get un-dressed and in a top ( I just chose to cover up with a towel )  and positioned.....then to have the radiation applied.  If I were to offer suggestions, I would say.....whatever cream or lotion they tell you to use, be liberal with it.  This is to minimize any tendency to burn.  I had very little to contend with until the boosts.....and my entire last week of rads was boosts.  I was not too watchful and got a mite crispy in a place or two.  I used plain ( you can get it quite inexpensively at Wal-Mart ) Aloe Vera Gel --- the clear kind with no colors/dyes in it.  You could even use that in between whatever else they say. 

    You are on the way....yay. 

    As to my pups....nope I actually have 6 dogs.  The Puggle picture is one that is out in the outdoor pen ( long story ) along with Poncho, a Bischon-Poo, and Billy, a black lab retriever.  Baby Boss, the little 11# Pomeranian is in the  house with Teeny -- Terrier mix and Minnie, a black miniature Pinscher who is trying to gain entry onto my lap as I type and we speak.

    Then the umteen cats --- about 24 or so, and feed two of the neighbors.  The cats I have are not allowed outside ( vet bills become horrendous ) as well as the fact that we have big owls easily able to carry off some of the smaller cats, and there are other predators too.  We have a huge screen room on the front of our house for a large number of the cats ( just spent the better part of a week washing walls, porch, windows and doors, along with huge built in cat decks on two walls, and porch swing.  There are some other odds and ends, but those I can do as the mood strikes.  All of the cats are neutered and fact, Minnie the Min Pin is the only one here not "dealt with as yet" by the Vet.  Neuter and Spay days are on for the month of I think I will be checking to see if they can fit Minnie in.  Girls cost more --  we are sort of high maintenance but we are worth it.  

    Chevy and Jo....where are you.

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    August 4, 2011

    Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.

    ~Ruth Ann Schabacker

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Morning gals!  Hope you are all doing alright... My ankle/leg is so much better!  I still don't know what it is, but I am wearing a strong compression stocking, and the swelling has not happened yet.  So maybe I don't know.....  It has gone on, actually for over a year, off and on....So if it keeps up, & I can't "fix" it, then I'll go whine to the Doc.

    Nancy, how are you doing?  Been thinking of you a lot....sending you soft hugs....  Also, I had a Seroma in my breast.... It is a pocket filled with fluid....But each time I had a Mammogram, it became smaller!  Smashed it to smithereens!  The pocket might stay there forever, but the fluid becomes less and less.

    Jackie, you are a life-saving angel to your little fur friends....How very special of you!   I mean I am REALLY an animal lover, but we only have one little Sheltie!  Except if you count the family of Raccoons and Foxes, and a lonely Coyote that roams around the neighborhood!   And the neighbor cats that come on our front porch to get their "treats",....Ha, ha!

    Is it today that Marcha is going for her chemo?  ((((((Marcha)))))  Let us know when you get home kiddo.

    Okay girls....have a wonderfull sweet day! xoxooxxoxo

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2011

    Hi Jeanette,

    it could be something else but you need to have it checked out.  Last summer, I worked way too hard with our intown move, babysitting and I am about 20# overweight.My ankle swelled and veins looked bad.  I had that varicose surgery....something stabbing and had 25 snippets of veins removed.  The swelling in my leg deminished but did not altogerher disappear. I do wear compression stockings as much as I can...which is most o the time.  So Jackie may be right...this could be circulation.

    I hope what is causing the leg swelling is a simple fix.   Do get it checked out.

    Ohhhhh more puppy talk.  6 dogs......I weaken.  I want a little dog again but DH says not as long as we have Alice Faye who is such a handfull.  hmmmmm?

    Back to my easel.  I'll check in tonight.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Hey, hi everyone.  Rugged start to the day, but I'm sweetly sitting here pretending we didn't go thru all those fits and starts, grunts and groans early. 

    I do love my fur babies......but not in the a.m. when I'm trying to have my coffee and Teeny and Minnie decide to have a wrestling match in the middle of my lap.  One of these days if they keep that up they won't make it to the next sunrise as they will be in little dogie heaven long before then.  Just kidding....but it is annoying.  Baby Boss is usually sitting on me and the arm of the recliner snarling at those two.....and the cat or two that try to lay on me have usually departed.  I have to toss everyone on the floor then. SShhh Nancy, I have part of your address and if my furry pals don't straighten up one may be coming to live with you via overnight mail.  That way Alice Faye would have a live toy you know. to get moving here.  I'll be checking in later. 

    Take care of your leg Jeanette.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • HantaYo
    HantaYo Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2011


    Chevyboy:  Sorry about your ankle swelling issues.  Just passing on some info that I know from being an RN.  Yes, your ankle swelling could be lymphedema but, No it is not related to your breast cancer or breast cancer treatment.  As we get older our bodies just seem to do strange things.  You could get lower extremity lymphedema from damage to the lymph nodes/lymph channels in the pelvic area or the leg itself. (have you had abdominal or pelvic surgery?)  Or it could be because the lymph nodes/lymph chanels are being compressed from how you sit or position yourself for long periods of time.  Also, the swelling could be due to something going on with your blood circulation (especially venous) or it could be due to unrecognized trauma or strain in the soft tissues or bones.  It is definetly something you should visit with your Dr. about.  Sometimes the response to treatment is better if things are dealt with sooner rather than later.  What kind of "compression stockings" are you using?  There are different kinds of compressions stockings that treat different medical problems.  First, there is the common TED stockings that you get for when you have surgery.  These help to reduce the risk of developing blood clots.  Then there are compression stockings that are worn related to circulation swelling issues.  Also, there are then lymphedema compression garmets.  Whatever you are wearing, make sure it is not binding anywhere otherwise it will act like a tourniquet and make things worse.  Also, you should consult your Dr. for the right sompression wear for your condition.

    Hope this helps.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Wow, Karla!  Thank you so much for the suggestions!  Yes, I had back surgery about 15 years ago, but I've been fine since.....I think.Wink  Hysterectomy & bladder repair before that...years ago.

    The stockings I wear are from a medical supply house, and are the med. compression stockings.  I had bought them for Stasis Dermatitis, that I had problems with for YEARS.  At that time I had problems with my other leg...always swelling with that terrible rash & blistering from the water buildup under my skin...(they said)  Also saying it WAS poor circulation...but this was my other leg, which is fine now..... 

    But taking Tamoxifen miraculously  cleared that up!... I went deaf, but my skin problems healed up.  So I had the stockings.  They are not the Ted Stockings you mentioned. 

    And yes, I have that bad habit of curling up on the couch, on my one leg, and I'll bet that makes problems also, but I'm not doing that since last night...I sit in a recliner now, when we relax.  I have the stocking on now, & my leg/ankle doesn't swell.  In fact, it is the same size as my other leg.    If my leg stays good, I'll wait a week, then call the Doc if it gets worse...but right now, it seems pretty good!  The PC would always poke my ankles when I would see her, but the swelling was NOTHING compared to what it was 2 days ago.

    I've been tearing up more carpeting & padding, kneeling, pulling up staples, etc. and so far I can still see my ankles, ha!  They aren't swollen.  So thanks again Karla.... It's interesting to think that it probably isn't related to breast cancer.... I was blaming that...Undecided

    xoxoxoxo Jeannette

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Karla, how nice of you to help Jennette ( Chevy ) out with the foot issues.  You know, now and then I, one of these days  ( I'm shooting for 25 yrs. from now ) some of my parts just may not work so good.  Let's see....If I'm 65 now ah that means....I probably should revise those figures just a bit.  Anyway, you are great for passing along that info.  It is good to hear for all of us. 

    Got to run along....just finished a 25 min. phone call from another BC friend.  I'll see you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2011

    Glad your leg is better Jeanette.  Listen to nurse Karla.  Don't curl up like that.  I suppose we automaticly leap to cancer because is is so loaded with fear.  I hope to "fall off the perch" from something totally unrelated when I am 97.

    Jackie, tell me about your miniture pincher.  We have had labs, I was devoted to my rat terrier, Ruthie but still want a little dog.  I may have to get a new DH though.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Wow, Nancy....wish I had a picture of her.  She of course being Pinscher has huge ears and they are not cropped so often they are laying down....however at attention it is easy to see what dog breed she is.  Minatures are from German pinschers.....not Dobermans which are the much larger Pinschers.  The mini's I think stay around 10 to 14 pounds max...unless way overfed.  They are very energetic and playful....quite loyal usually as well.  Most of the mins have cropped tails, but Minnie's is not.  She is a lot of fun but wants to get under the covers with you.  She gets along with the other dogs just fine.....plays endlessly with Teeny.  Min Pins have a good life span too....I think from 14 to 18 years or so.   These are just a few things I learned quickly when she came into our life on the run so to speak. 

    Ok......getting late so I'm going to roll up in my recliner.....hope to see you all tomorrow.

    BTW....saying a special hi from Dar.  She is still having many computer issues but wanted everyone to know that she misses posting and hopes she can at some point in time get things working again.  We miss you too, Dar.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    To be able under all circumstances to practice five things constitutes perfect virtue; these five things are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness and kindness. Confucius
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011
    We could never learn to be brave and patient
    , if there were only joy in the world.
    - Helen Keller
  • Arline
    Arline Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2011

    Heaven only knows if this post will end up on the board.  Either that or I'm sending them to into space.  I think my surgeon removed some of my brain cells and filled in the spaces left by the mastectomy.  I can't find my way around here at all. 

     Busy week, having new appliances delivered on Monday and it took me a week to make up my we were busy with that. Then my surgeon decided to perform a "little" procedure on me, this Wednesday as I have what appears to be a third breast growing.  Gad!  Very attractive when I wear a v neck shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  No  kidding, it's just a circular flap of skin, and it's right in the center of my chest wall.  Think sexy!!!! Now I have no clue where this note will end. Have a great weekend all, and good luck to all going through any kind of treatment.  ......Best wishes..........Arline

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Arline honey!  WTH is going on?    You don't want to grow an extra boob!    I'm sure they will know what it is.... maybe....or you can always name it!  Wink  I've been worried about has Jackie!  I wonder if it is adhesions, or whatever happens after a mastectomy! 

    New APPLIANCES~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yeah!  Congratulations!   I would love that too!  We are still working on preparing the floor for the hard-wood flooring.  Painted the floor today...Blue!  Ha!  Just makes it look nice, and cleans it up.  Might leave it that way!  Wink Yell

    I'm taking a break....waiting for paint to dry, then move some furniture back on the painted part.  Tomorrow we take out the rest of the carpeting & padding....  It's just MUCH easier, moving things to the center, doing the work, then moving it back, like this desk, day-bed, and big-screen TV.  

    Then next week-end, we will get it all done.  Still have to wash walls, sheers, windows...etc.   BUT it will be so clean & nice!  (If we EVER get it done.)

    My youngest Grandson graduated this morning!  Florida State....and we got to watch the ceremony, & hear his name as he walkeed across the stage!  It was so exciting!!!!!! 

    Okay to you later....  Glad you found your way back Arline!!!!!!!! Ha! xoxoxoxo

  • Arline
    Arline Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2011

    Boy Chevy sounds like you're on a roll.  Are you doing the whole house over?  It's a lot of work but it is sooooo rewarding.

     I thank you and Jackie for spending time trying to find me.  I need a GPS in one hand and that's a fact.  It's been a really busy week, with house repairs and changes.So I haven't spent much time on the computer.

    I'll bet watching your grandson graduate was a thrill.  We just had our granddaughter do the same, and it is exciting. She graduated from Boston College. 

    Love the fact that last year I had all of our carpeting ripped up, and our oak floors refurbished. I love walking barefoot on the floors, they feel so clean. 

    Just came in from Duncan Donuts and drank a  mocha iced  coffee and that will certainly keep me filled up for this evening!!!  My husband is not a coffee drinker..........but man I love it! It was fantastic! 

    Yes, Jeanette, I'm sure my third boob is just an error in surgery.  It's just a lump of skin that was twisted and not sewn correctly!  It should be just a morning job, maybe and hour long he said (the surgeon)!!!!  He must have opened, performed the surgery, and then had someone else close.  I cannot wear a tank top or an open collar blouse, because it looks really awful.  Heaven help me if I try to wear a bathing suit!  So he will straighten that out and next summer I will have my padded bra and no third party along.  Hugs to all..............Arline