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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Arline
    Arline Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2011

    I just looked at my response to yor question and it looks like I wrote a book!!!!   Aren't you glad you didn't call me?????That would be some phone bill!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    Hi Arline!  Thanks for explaining that!   I still have my ovaries, but not my uterus....  Couldn't get them out "because of adhesion's" when they did my vaginal hysterectomy.  So I've always been kind of worried about having them hanging around in there, but so far, so good!   Glad you came out of those surgeries as well as you have! 

    Oh man, I remember those awful horrid showers after gym class!  I was always just so embarrassed showering around a bunch of girls....all of them had boobs, & I didn't...ha, ha!  So I held a towel up & turned around in the shower, towel still covering up my parts....

    And don't worry about talking to us....Are you kidding?  We sometimes get going, and feel like we have written a thesis or something. Wink

    We don't always have to talk about stuff that makes us sad....  But sometimes  it just makes us feel better, to know that someone is really listening.   

    Okay, talk to y'all later! xoxoxoxoxo

  • Arline
    Arline Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2011

    Thanks Chevy:  Your high school showers sounded like mine.  The world today is so different, you wouldn't be hiding now!  They let it all hang out!

    After reading my post, I felt like an idiot!  It went on and on!!!!!  You all sound like a great bunch, but I am so bad about names, it will take me a year to get your names straight.  I have trouble with my grandkids!

    The main thing is we all understand in one form or another, what we are going through, and it makes the road easier to travel. You sound like a fun bunch of ladies, swapping stories is good therapy.

      My problem is getting back to where I was the day before..............after I post.  I read for a long time before something looks familiar............!!!  I find that it makes me all tense and prickly, when I realize that someone out there is reading what I have posted.....................Yikes!!! So now, when I sign off, I will spend an hour tonight trying to find my way back here.  Dumb or what???  This keyboard doesn't always know how to spell correctly..............hmmmmmmm.  Time to go do my errands, have a great day, all of you....................Hugs  Arline

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    Arline  next time you find us.....put us in your Favorites or Bookmarks.  That way you don't have to hunt much.  I have been accessing this site for years directly from my Favorites list which comes on when I hit my Internet button. 

    Takes a little getting used too......but once you got it down pat, you will be glad.

    I always hid in the shower room as 5'8" and sometimes less than 100 3/s.....I didn't want anyone seeing what I looked liked w/o clothes on.  What a bummer.....I hated it.  I still feel a little private but can tolerate what I know will help me keep my heath in good repair.

    See you later....tighty schedule today.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    Morning gals!  Arline!  What I do is.....Look at the top of this page...It says "Add to favorites"....then click that, and you will be able to find you and us every time you log in, Ha!

    Are you kidding?  We really get going sometimes about EVERYthing....on this thread....It's just fun to get to know you and talk about other stuff besides cancer!

    See where you begin   to write something to post?  You will see where it says ABC, with a blue check mark below it.... Now click that, and  it will underline in red when you misspell something...Then you can click that "word" and it will give you suggestions as to what you REALLY meant....So just click the right word. 

    I actually don't sign off of this forum....I just close the whole thing, and I don't have to sign in every time.  You will find your way around pretty easily, and if you don't, just ask us.

    I'm going to lunch for my B'day this Sunday.  I'm meeting my youngest Daughter, and our "Daughter from another Mother"....Ha, ha!  I love Applebee's, so that's the place!  Rosie is from Viet Nam.... very hard life as a little girl....but she was brought here, and has made a beautiful life with her Husband.  Janie met her about 35 years ago, was her maid of honor, and she calls us Mom & Dad.....  So we love her too....Wink  She's our family.

    Jackie, if I were EVER as busy as you, I might check into a spa....!  You do more than any 10 gals I know!!!  What ARE you 25?  Ha, ha!  I get tired just reading what your days consist of.  I have to just rest FOR you, and have an iced coffee to help you get through the day!!!!   

    So Okay kids....have a fun day....I know I will!  xoxoxoxoxoxoo Jeannette

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2011

    Hi all,

     I thought I submitted a post but I don't see it.  Monday I had 6 nodes removed.  Only 2 were pos.  I am off of all pain meds and feel just great.  Tuesday and Wed. I will get M.O. reccommendations for treatment and then choose who to have treat me.  I can't make a mistake....both are great.

    I feel very fortunate that cancer did not escape beyond the nodes.

    Thank you all for your care and support,


    I'll report aftrr Wednesday 

  • amazed
    amazed Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2011

    Good stuff Nancy!!!

    After having adouble mastectomy on May 31st, I am also alive and well... well most of the time... Am I the only one finding the waiting looooong, does this only happen in Quebec, or all over the continent. I finally know that I don't need radiation, but specimen have been sent to California to decide if I have to undergo chemo...This will take a few weeks once again and in the meantime the reconstruction surgery is on hold. I am a very patient almost 65 year old, but the brave part of me is growing very thin!!! the frames that they have installed added to the solution they inject every week is very unpleasant if not downright painful... If any of you have gone through the reconstruction process, would you please share your experiences with me as it would really lift my spirit to know I am not alone...

    Love, peace and health to all of you! Elvera 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    Hi Elvira!  Wow....sorry you have to wait so long!  So you are in Canada?  Man,  I don't know how the medical is there....and I am like you....I just hate to wait for ANYthing!  It just seems to make you all depressed.....try and not worry though!  I know there are other gals on this board from Canada, & they are doing great! 

    Let me see if we can find a link for you, for the reconstruction process and the "framing"....

    I'll get back to you later..... In fact, I'll ask the Mods where you could look....but please come back here also!  xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    Hi again Elvera...Sorry I spelled your name wrong before!  I sent a PM to the moderators, and Judith sent this back...

      "Hi Chevyboy, and thanks very much for trying to help her.

    It looks as though she might find more members who can walk her through what to expect around Breast Reconstruction in this area:

    She could read some of the existing posts there, or start her own topic to ask for help. And of course if she's found a home in your thread, that's still a great place for her to have more general chat.

    Since she says she's from Canada, maybe connecting with the Canadian BC Survivors at would be helpful for her too?


    Judith and the mods "

    So okay!  See if you can pull up those links....And I'll see what I can do to make it easier for you! Have a peaceful night....

    Hi Nancy!  Yes, glad to hear from you!  You are going Wednesday?  Be sure and let us know what they say!  It's so nice to have confidence in your team!  xooxooxooxox

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    Nan- way to go.  I really had a feeling that nothing had gotten beyond the nodes, but my being positive doesn't really help.  I'm just glad that I get to tell you that now.  Also, I am thrilled that you can now move ahead with a game plan.  It feels good to "take charge" and move in a positive direction.  So, it is man the torpedoes, full speed ahead for you. 

    Welcome Elvera-- good to meet you.  I think your frames are called tissue expanders here and having the solution put in is called " a fill".  I don't know anyone here who had that done....but Chevy is good at hunting up where to get hang on and she will come back with what you need. 

    I personally feel any time you can share time with those who have or presently are going through a cancer diagnosis and treatment, the better life can be.  Many people really don't completely understand you moods and sometimes ambivalent feelings and either try to deny you what you "need" to feel or just won't be there for you at all.  We are always here. 

     I had a heck of a day....lots of Shelter work.  Much that should have been done and wasn't...but got home about 7 p.m.  Everyone at the Shelter was happy. 

    I have been hearing thunder for some time now and it has started to rain.  Heat wave is going to hang in there with us until at least Tuesday...oh joy.  I still have much to hope it won't be too difficult.

    Anyway....i'm going to wash up and get into jammies and hit that old recliner and see what might be on t.v.  My back is tired.....I'll be checking back in tomorrow morning.  See you all then.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    Good Morning gals!  Elvera....  Try this link!  It is the same forum as here, but a different thread.

    It starts at the beginning, and you can read through the pages... Some comments  might be the same things you are going through...  Let me know if any of these help....Also, add that thread to "my favorite topics" so it will be easier to find next time. 

    Jackie works at a pet shelter, and donates her time taking care of little fur friends.  AND she takes care of Maggie, an elderly gal, AND she is taking care of her new fur girl "Minnie".... 

    Jackie, you keep your days sooooooo full, but I know how rewarding it all is.  

     It isn't light out yet, so I'm here with you, my friends!   As soon as I can see outdoors, I'll water my gardens.... Getting some tomatoes now.  I just heard about the little "currant" tomatoes.  I ordered some seeds to plant next year.  They are as big as peas, and so sweet!  My Daughter was eating them like candy!   Her friend hollowed out cherry tomatoes, put a little ball of fresh Mozzarella cheese in there, & topped it with the tiny currant tomato.  

    Okay....guess I better get to y'all later! xoxoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    OMG ( oh-my-gosh ), I feel like such a slacker.....but I know there ia also a time difference.  You posted 2 hrs. ago Chevy.  It is cloudy here.....will be off and on and maybe even a little more rain. 

    My days are very rewarding and I am amazed at how much I do like to keep my days full.  I always thought of myself as a rather lazy person, but maybe that is my general just doesn't seem to come about.  Too many things needing some attention.  Always think --  when I get this out of the way, I can relax and do nothing.....but the human body was not truly made to be idle.  I was idle for almost two yrs. during diagnosis and treatment and starting into a more normal if I sometimes seem really busy.....I think I'm just making up for that two yrs. of life being on hold. 

    I also think of that saying which I know is true....what you don't use, you lose.  Movement is life and keeps you flowing and so I guess I don't want to be idle too long. 

    Nan, Mom, Jo, Jeannette, Elvera, and everyone else.....I hope it is a fantastic Saturday.  I'm going to get mine started.  Taking dh to work today.....I'm going to be so in love with his truck.....if he ever gets it back ( been in shop off and on for about three and a half weeks now ) and I am sometimes weary....but have too many errands today to be without my car.  So will have to toss in the one extra of 80 miles round trip total for getting hubby to Mt. Vernon and back today. 

    I'll be checking back in later.

    Hugs, Jackie

    edited to include Arline and Brenda. 

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2011

    Elvera, the waiting is just awful.  There are activities that can totally take my mind off of it but trying to go to sleep is the hardest.  I often had to fall asleep in front of a t.v. cooking show that would denigrate into infomercials by 3 a.m.   Come morning I am wanting a new vacuum cleaner, a juicer and have a peculiar urge to wax a car.  I think most of us are brave and want to just get ON with it. I do find us rejoicing in the small things, thrilled with each bit of good news while we steel ourselves for the hard thing.

    For certain, holding hands does help.

    xoxo, nancy 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

    Oh Nancy!  That was funny!   I KNOW!!!!  Everytime I watch hoarders, I get up & try & think what I can do without....  Those shows just drive me nuts....! 

    You know what?  Just allow yourself a certain amount of time to look at what's coming up, square in the face....  think about it awhile, cry if you want, yell if you have to, then get back to what makes you happy. 

    We'll all hold your  hands!  We're all just friends......and that's so important!!     Elvera, Nancy, and Marcha....whoever just wants some hugs from us.....

    You are never alone...we have each other.... even IF Nancy feels the urge to go wax her car...Cool

    I'm just relaxin' now!  Still working on taking the carpeting up...padding, staples, then putting wood putty in the little "dips" in the floor....  As soon as we get 1/2 the room done, I'll paint the floor, then just wait for the hard-wood flooring.  gives me time to wash the walls, clean the nick-nacks, etc.

    Jackie...have you had time today just for yourself?  Go make a cup of hot tea...(I mean it might even cool you off!)....  Then go to a quiet corner & just do NOTHING!   Or else drop a post to us!Wink you girls! xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2011

    Jeanette and Jackie!  You make me feel like a slug.  Pulling up the carpet and feeding feral cats, working like stevadores!  I do come from a tribe who does their own work and likes it but it's been a while.  We did have 2 moves in 3 years and we did it all ourselves with very little help.  We sold the house we raised our children in for 38 years and I recognized the hoarder in me.  I toted more plastic tubs then I hope to count and got real strong.  Since then, I've only painted and that is very sedintary.  Just today, I investigated exercise groups to give me the energy I'll need to get through this.  I have an appt. witn 2 diff. MOs on mon and tues.  Then I have to decide.  I know, I'm being "belt and suspenders" but it's important to love the guy/gal.

    xoxo, nancy 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    Hey the avatar.  Now you can put in Picassa and send us other pictures now and then, like this one which is a picture of our little dog Teeny.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    I had a good day today despite the length.  Left home around 9:15 a.m. and got back about 7:45p.m.  It was a long day, but did not have to work as hard that was good.  Hmmm, I wonder if we all hoard just a bit.  I haven't figured out if I'm hoarding or just still confused.  I have this thing.....that the minute I get rid of it, I'll need to use it.  Even if it is 20 yrs. after I bought it. 

    Well we did get a lot of stuff gone a yr. and a half or so ago.  I had actually started a project ( right before I was diagnosed ) and had several boxes filled with things a little too good to actually give away.....but we don't have yard sales where we live.  We are out in the country in a heavily wooded section by a lake.....and there is just a one lane road to get here.  Not conducive at all.  Also, at a yard sale people are always trying to talk you down.....from mostly already somewhat ridiculous prices. When I finally got through treatment....we hauled several truck loads down to a local auction house.....where everything went....and the prices went up, rather than down.  Ended up with about $2,000.00.  It was a lot of work, but I felt that not only could I start some real cleaning afterwards......I also had the extra benefit of some pocket money. 

    We all get back to this.....but though I didn't see it at the time, having my diagnosis did highlight some really important things that I seldom paid much mind too.  First all keeps.  Whatever you may be ignoring right now will be so very kind as to wait right there.  I had dust bunnies the size of water buffalo.  You will find out who really has time for you, cares for you and who is a fair weather friend or even fair weather relative.  It's all good information.  It is not to hit them over the head, but once identified, you can separate who is worth it and who is not.  I now don't feel bad if I don't spend much time with some people ---  I use my time to try and benefit others in some way and don't worry about the people who were either un-kind or totally un-available.  I now have a little priority system and it helps me stay focused. 

    After all....don't want the dust bunnies to run right over me.

    Well, sweet friends...I'm heading for the recliner.  I hope you all had a fantastic Saturday.  We had a little rain this afternoon while we were in the Steak & Shake but a great day anyhow.  See you all in the a.m. side of life.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    After 5000 years of recorded human history, you wonder, What part of 2,000,000 sunrises doesn't a pessimist understand? ~Robert Brault

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2011

    A good Sunday morning to you all.

    To review:

    I had the lump removed and a week ago tomorrow, had 6 nodes removed and only 2 of them cancerous.  I had only a little pain and zero now except......

    My question:

    Why does my whole axilla feel like it has been burned?  I keep looking expecting it to look red but it looks normal.

    Anybody know....or should I call the BS.  It surely couldn't be shingles, could it?


  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2011

    Oh Teeney!!!!!  kiss, kiss, kiss.  I had a little dog, a rat terrier named Ruthie.  Teeney has the sweetest face....just like my Baby Ruth.  I think I need to get another.  Hmmmmm.

    You'll have to tell me how to do Picassa to share more pix.


  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2011

    Teeney, is that a bark collar I see on you?  Tisk, tisk Teeney.

    Alice Faye (dalamation) too.  Boy, is also a barker.  The window glass sympatheticly buzzes in the sash with each bark.  Yikes!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    I take it then, that is Alice Faye herself in the picture.  Yes, Teeny is quite a barking gal....overall exuberance -- not sure, as I think it is more the mix that she is which is Terrier and something else.  Anyway.....she gets a bark collar of her very own.....and often when she is wearing it she whines.  If they made  a collar for whiners....she would be wearing two. 

    Ah Picasa ( sshhh - I miss-spelled it before )  -- you can just ask for that in your browser and they will help you get to a download site....and in short order -- viola you are ready to go.  Chevy was my mentor for Picasa.  I was horribly hopeless at most of those things and now I can put pictures all over with abandon.  She walked me thru it.....but somehow I am not able to do it the way she does.  So....all of my pictures are in one place and I just scroll thru them when I want something......I download it, then ask it to open up and show me what it looks like....then I copy from there.....then reduce everything off and go to where I want the picture and just paste it in.  Anyway.....dare I say this...if I can do it anyone can I think as I came to the computer late....just before we moved back here 14 yrs' getting me able to do something is an exercise in your patience. is what I look like when I'm trying to learn something:

    I don't make it easy --- .

    Onward to some more work and I have orders from Maggie about what to bring her tonight.  So, got to go back to her house before I visit her tonight. 

    See you all later. Hugs


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited July 2011

    Jackie and chevyboy stopping by to check on you and say hello to NAD and all others.  Hope you guys are doing well.  I am just hanging.  hugs. sherry

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited July 2011

    Oops....Nancy.  I think maybe that is just the pain from the node removal.  I felt something too, but not enough to take pain medication.  Most people that I've heard talk about it said.....if they had pain it was not in/at the lumpectomy site....but where the nodes came out.  Not sure why that is.....I would think any area around the breast would be "pretty sensitive" especially to things that could cause pain. I think it burning or a strange tingling.  I kept thinking my node area was tingling.....but there again....I an either stupidly stoic at times or just don't want some of the other effects you might get from pain meds.  Hopefully, they gave you some pain meds.  They gave me some -- Vicodin or something like that, but I never took any. 

    If it continues to up tomorrow and ask for a script.  The Dr. will get you something for that. 

    See you later. 


    I leave you with another of the furry little people who live here:

    None other than Baby Boss who is now 8 yrs. old

    sorry about the human feet and legs in the pic. 


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2011

    Nad,  I have numbness and burning like someone stuck me with a hot poker from time to time in the back of my arm from my arm pit to my elbow.  The numbness is always there the burning comes and goes.  It is because they cut nerves to do the lumpectomy.  My Radiologis said I could have it for ever.  My DINK of a BS did not say a word or even explain any of this. 

    Well everyone.  I have had some energy so all but did myself in Friday and Sat. cleaning, had GD and Daughters help, but house sure looks and feels better. Went to church this morning and came home and crashed.  Going to fry some chicken for dinner. Two of my friends are bring dinner over tomorrow evening, so that will be nice.  Hope all have had a good weekend.


  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2011

    Baby Boss.  I guess that says it all.  Pretty cute.

    I'll work on Picassa

    Burn doesn't require any pain's just curious....maybe annoying.  I did some googling and burning sensation is common and in many cases permanent.  I sat behind a Dr. friend at church today and he said something about cut and confused nerves.  He also talked alot about diet.  Cave man diet it used to be called.  He is very pro gluten free living.  Pain in the you know what but worth it he says.  I think I might have to be guaranteed 30 more years to make that worthwhile.  Hey!  Ten years of gluten free might just seem like 30,



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2011

     Okay, so you know what you can't do?  I tried telling you that the picture of Lacee was from one of the snow-storms from last year, but I accidentally hit some wrong button, & it posted without nary an explanation!  So this is it!  Yes, she is also a little "vocal"....I don't think there is a Sheltie that isn't...but she is much better now.  If she wants me to play with her, she just sits here in the living room, & yips at me until I get down on the floor & play with her...while I am explaining she doesn't have to bark to get me to play, so just SHUT UP!!!!  Ha, ha!


    I CAN'T believe it is actually you!  I'm so glad to hear from you again!  It's been awhile, right?   I found a home on this thread when I was first diagnosed, and you & Jackie were who I trusted talking about what I was going through!  So thank you so much!  Weren't you having trouble with your leg, for such a long time?  Are you alright now?  I'm just glad you are "back".....  I remember when you left....and I understood, but I'm just glad to hear from you again.  Hope you look in on us once in awhile.....  It's safe....Ha, ha! 

    OKAY JACKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You are wearing Crocs!  I thought I was the only one who wore them....but I love them!  I have countless pairs of them....You can even take a shower in them, and it keeps you from slipping....  I am sort of obsessed with Crocs.....  I am the Crock-Queen! Wink

    And I love your fur-babies! I posted the pic of Lacee taken last year in one of our snow-storms...Her favorite kind of weather.

    NANCY.....Are you going to go cave-man on us?  I know we know how & what to eat, but we just don't always do it....but that's okay....As long as we do as well as we can, and stay healthy, we are good!

    Mommarch..(marcha)....Me thinks your Dink Doctor needs a lesson on how to talk to patients!   If he DOESN'T know what is wrong, or can't tell you what to do about it, just smack him up side of the head....just knock some sense into him....THEN go ask your Oncologist what HE thinks.  Maybe between the two, they can figure it out!  Do you want ME to come out there & explain things to him.....?  Oh no you don't!   If you have questions, just find someone that will listen, and THEN help you....!  Or else....Ha!

    Okay gals....gotta go get busy....xoxoxoxoxoxo Jeannette

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,475
    edited August 2011

    Spar/Sherry --how wonderful to see you.  I have thought of you so often and hoped with all my might that things were going well with you.  Don't know how often you have looked in on us, but as Jeannette is safe here now.  We cut up a bit, but it is pretty meek and mild.  There are several nice ladies here although we are a slightly smaller group now. 

    I have had another long day in the heat trying to get my screen room done --  where so many of my cats stay.  It desperately needed a through have been washing walls, windows, inside stoop, and a built in cat post that takes up two walls. 

    Still need to go to Maggie's and let the dogs out one more time and then to the Manor for a short visit and then get something to eat.  Had to get a shower and wash my hair as I was soaking wet with sweat.....I'm not too genteel here in this heat. 
    Can't believe I paid money to sit in a sauna and sweat out a ton of impurities.....and now I can just do outdoor work ( extra benefit there ) for free and get the same results. 

    Will be more of the same tomorrow....just got too bushed to finish a little section of wall that is left.  Anyway....going to run.  I'll be back tomorrow ladies so see you all then. 

    Happy hugs,
