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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2011

    Hi Everyone.....Just made a great Banana Bread...It was just the basic recipe, but I added chopped walnuts, chopped fresh carrots, shredded coconut, and dried cranberries with the 3 mashed bananas.  It wasn't as "mushy" as the recipe I used that called for chopped pineapple....Wink It's like I always wind up with tooooo ripe bananas, so I HAD to use them.... 

    I also cooked up a little pot of wild rice, with the rest of those chopped carrotts!  That one turned out better than I thought it would!   I cook rice for Lacee, besides for us. 

    Took our bed apart again, because I forgot to put on the dust-ruffle when we took everything apart!  I also added the electric blanket....Ha!  So nice to get into a warm bed!  It got down to 49 last night, but the days are still hot.....

    Now I just want to relax....  I also washed 3 loads, but I like to dry them for about 5 minutes, then I take them out & hang them on our one clothesline!  They smell so fresh that way!

    Have a wonderful day gals.....

     In remembrance of 9-ll......Cry

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited September 2011

    "Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed."

    - Storm Jameson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited September 2011

    something nice to think about:

    You are richer today than you were yesterday if you have laughed often, given something, forgiven even more, made a new friend today, or made stepping stones of stumbling-blocks; if you have thought more in terms of "thyself" than of "myself" or if you have succeeded in being cheerful even if you were weary.

    You are richer tonight than you were this morning if you have taken time to trace the handiwork of God in the commonplace things of life, or if you have learned to count out things that really do not count, or if you have been a little blinder to the faults of friend or foe.

    You are richer if a little child has smiled at you, and a stray dog has licked your hand, or if you have looked for the best in others, and have given others the best in you.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited September 2011

    Good morning....just wishing you all a most wonderful day.  Lovely Fall day here though the Fall brings much work if you live in the woods.  Wouldn't trade it long as I am spry enough to get out and do the cleaning. 

    Hope you are all planning a great day too.  Not sure when I realized that I am in charge of what kind a day I will have or perhaps more aptly my reaction to the day and its events.  It is just good to have that choice.  Anyway....let it be a good one. 

    I'll be checking in later as well. 

    See you all then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited September 2011

    IllinoisLady:   Thank you so much for your wonderful inspiring thoughts.  I look forward to them each day.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2011

    Hi to this thread...............was browsing, and happened to see it.........thread for oldbies...............................well I fill the bill...................I could be the oldest here...........76.........I do recognize ChevyBoy, and not many others..................Gorgeous day here in Pa...............Just getting rid of my aches and pains, from "dancing" too much at my grandaughter's wedding this past Saturday...................My kids kept saying........"your gonna pay for this", but they and my grandchildren kept dragging me out on the dance was fun, and it was worth the aches.......................time with family is the best, and mine is really big...........

    Look forward to chatting with you ladies i nthe future...hugs to you all.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2011

    Illinois Lady............I have 2 grandsons who live, and work in Chicago..............they love the place..........I really  miss them, although they were home for the wedding this weekend............They work for J.P. Morgan Chase, one in suburban Chicago, and the other in downtown Chicago.............they bought a beautiful condo together. on a street called Alsted St..................Know nothing about Chicago, except it is very windy, and very cold...............Not that the Philly area is any better..............I do miss those boys..............

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2011

    Hi you guys!  Yes Ducky, I have read some of your posts, & you make me laugh!  I love that you went dancing....Sorry about barely getting up the next day, ha!  It's like that!   Whey you do too much, like me in the garden, I really FEEL it for a couple days!  Oh well....that's what keeps us "young"....Wink

    Yes, this thread has been around forever!  Some come & some leave, but Jackie & I are here forever....  Nancy, Marcha, Dar, Kaara & a few others, but we all get to know each other... And that's what's fun!   Ducky,  were you on the Tamoxifen thread?  I forget where you were when I read your posts!   But glad to see you here!

    Okay gals....take good care....xoooxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited September 2011

    Welcome picked a wonderful day to find us. Today is my 65th. birthday.  I am glad to hear you are celebrating your life by dancing ( showing the grand-kids how to really cut a rusty ) and otherwise avoiding the sidelines.  Yes, we do have to sometimes pay for what we do, but how great to get those aches and pains while having fun dancing......would have been far worse aches had you triped on some stairs and fallen.....thanks, I'll take the dancing too. 

    We are a small group here but we do enjoy each others' company. Dh had to work but I helped a friend with a little project of hers and in turn.....for my big afternoon.....we had one of my favorites that I don't allow myself too and salad. It was great though I was stuffed on two pieces. 

    I'm waiting to feel far I'd say maybe 48.  Thankful I only have a tiny bit of gray hair....far from enough to "cover" it.  Something good is coming from my Heinz 57 genes.  I think my Dad was 73 or so.....

    Anyway I'll be checking in again tomorrow......see you all then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited September 2011

    Welcone Ducky You are my idol.  To go dancing is a goal of mine.  I am having another ct scan and bone scan.  Had those before now my onc wants to make sure mine hasnt come back.  If my tests come back neg. this time I think I will go dancing.  thank you Chevyboy for wishing me a good day.  I haver to make the day good.  and need a little boost right now.  Love to all my cyber sisters  Dar

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2011

    Dar...............I have loved dancing all my life.......I was actually taking Line Dancing lessons when I went for my routine mammogram, and found out I had heart was not in going back for the final weeks, but I pushed myself, and did go.................the people there were told (by my daughter who took lessons with me), and they were so kind.................I couldn't finish because my BS insisted he wanted the surgery done, when he wanted it done, and I figured "he knows best".........................However, I did learn enough, and the reason I know that is.......last Friday night I went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse (a country restaurant near us), and the waiters and waitresses were line dancing and they asked me to join.........................I did great, and kept up with them with no problem...................then on Saturday, danced my poor Femara feet off, at my grandaughters wedding.............................I paid for it the next day, but at least I can say "I had fun".........................I hope your scans, come out perfect.......good luck.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited September 2011

    Good morning ladies and DARright now I am wishing you enough health to get on " Dancing with The Stars ".  I have been thinking of dancing a bit again myself......just to some of my favorite music here at home.  I'm still waiting for my feet to be anything else that I can do for good exercise is a good thing.  In fact, I just went to YouTube.....had been thinking about that old song by the Venures....the old alka seltzer commercial....." No Matter What Shape " and played it.  What fun and what memories.  I loved that song..... a lot. 

    Line dancing is always something I wanted to  ( I think ) is less complicated than it looks......and though I think I've lost some......I use to find 'rythm and being in-step " sort of easy. of these days.

    Hope ( we are having one of those slow, consistent rains right now ) you all have a good day....filled with love and happiness.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2011

    Jackie............line dancing is not as complicated as it looks.....................actually it is very easy..............I was surprised how easy it was................I'm a huge country music fan anyway, so that fit right in with me.

    I used to go on a show after school called American was televised in Philly..........Dick Clark use to be the emcee..............

    I have also done ballroom that is really "dancing"...............and the cha cha really is good for the waistline......................My daughter now wants me to take Zumba lessons with her........................honestly..........I think that is stretching it just a "tad"...........She thinks I'm still a kid...................she said "we'll go to the easy class..........................yea right, I have seen "easy".................will really have to think about that one...............

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited September 2011

    Hi Ducky....

    Good food for thought then about this line dancing.  In my younger days.....I was generally a fairly quick study.....and though we could not go to that show.......most of the pre-teens and teens in my era ( I was born in 1945 ) grew up to fall in love with and watch American Bandstand and Dick Clark.  I even recall that the dynamic duo during that time was a couple named Justine Correlli ( sp )???and Bob ----- whatever.  Even some of the 'mothers' back then talked about Justine and Bob.  This show fortuitously was on just after we got home from school and as I recall.....the day was not complete unless Bandstand was a part of it. 

    This was ( at least in our sleepy little town ) a time when girls mostly danced with girls.....except for the slow songs.  It seemed here the majority of guys were not interested in anything that did not allow them to plaster themselves against the girls I really think most of the gals were in general far better dancers and could find the "rhythm" or beat if you will of the music much better. 

    I am a huge fan of country and western, though I have been known to listen to all kinds of music....some I found rather distasteful from the that awful heavy metal and a lot of the rap stuff.  But at least I gave it a whirl to see just what the current at the time, rave was.  I hate to say it in a way but drowing in a vat of lye would be preferable to me than some of that stuff. 

    Well, I'm off to work.....just  a couple of hours.  Then back home to try to do something about things here.  See you all later.

    Hugs Jackie

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2011

    Jackie.....I'm with you .......they can keep Rap, and Heavy Metal..........actually I don't like some of the groups today that look like they could use a bath, and some new clothes............Loved The Three Tentors..................and blast Josh Grobin when he is on, so I enjoy all music, but like you, can't handle the stupid type that kills your ears...........have a good day at work.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2011

    How fun!  It sounds like we ALL love dancing!  Although I think I was into it before you gals were.Wink  I just loved the Senior Proms and the dances sponsored by the high school....  I met my DH right after I graduated, & went "steady" with him for 1 1/2 years, then we were "engaged" for another year, but we never went dancing again.  First Daughter born a week before our 1st anniversary....So we didn't have TIME to dance, Ha!  Also, he never cared for dancing!

    So I love to watch Dancing with the Stars....  I used to dance around the house alone, to the fast songs during the 70s & 80's....  How fun to re-live this stuff! 

    I don't EITHER care for the Rap nor Heavy Metal!   Is that really music?  I think not. 

    Last time I went dancing was 10 years ago.....long story.....but it was wonderful!  You know, with the right partner, it was the most fun you could ever have!!! 

    Dar!  Hello Lady....have ANOTHER great day!  Smile  And little Jackie!  Let's go dancin' someday!  And I forgot to wish you a wonderful happy BIRTHDAY my friend!    Love you all! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2011
  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2011

    Chevy............I think I danced on the delivery mother had me taking lessons when I was 4, and continued till I was 12.............can you imagine..............I even have pictures to prove the women was obsessed with dancing.

    I met my husband in 7th grade..............we were really childhood sweethearts........we knew each other at 13 years old, and he was the one I married, although his family tried to convince him it was "puppy love"

    I use to go to dances when I was in high school, on Tues night, Fri night, Sat. and Sunday.......I weighed 99lbs when I got married at 21.............I won't admit what I weigh today.............let me just say I could lose the weight of a small toddler.

    My husband was not a dancer either...............slow dancing he was fantastic...........jitterbug, and the fast dances..........forget it..............

    I will probably be dancing my way toward the Pearly Gates when that day comes.............Just wish I had a partner for the past 20 years..............oh well, shit happens..................have a goodnight........................

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2011

    Morning ladies!  Man, I don't remember much of my younger years....Nothing about Grade-School, Junior High or Senior High....Except some dances when I was about 16-17.  I remember I also took sewing & Home Economics in my Senior year...AND "Modern Dance".... We had to choreograph our own routine, then perform it in front of class with music. 

    I think a "severe" brain-concussion, (with temporary amnesia) I had when I was 16 took away most of my childhood years.... THAT was from taking dancing, (Acrobat) lessons.  Adagio dance, which is a lot of aerials means you are flying in the air, & hopefully being caught on your way down...Sometimes it works!  Ha!  But I can remember things after I met my DH.... I don't need to remember  those early years anyway! 

    My memory of certain things DID come back about 10 years ago...I don't know what triggered it, but it was like getting hit over the head with such force, that it stopped me in my tracks!   I just stood there crying!  It was like I was right there.....  I believe children are protected by un-known happenings sometimes, or maybe it's God stepping in & taking over...protecting little ones from things they can't handle......and then when we are old enough to process things, we find memories when we aren't even looking.

    Glad I don't have to re-live growing up.....  So what were we saying? Wink

    We've been married since 1957...and most of them just beautiful years!  And yes, I thank God that we still have each other....sometimes you'de like to smack THEM over the head just for good measure, but most of the time, we beLONG together. 

    Isn't it funny how mad you can be one day...... and then just want to take them in your arms & hold them for the rest of your life?   My Mom lived by the Serenity Prayer....  And I love this....

    "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.....The courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

    So hope you all have a wonderful day....xoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited September 2011

    A little picture of serenity for everyone:

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited September 2011

    It is wonderful to be at peace and serene.  Life offers us so many lessons and so in between peace we often have to deal with storms.  They all pass and as they do we get to experience so much of the joy that we have in our life. 

    I have danced most of my life.  Many things were easy for me.  I learned easily to ride a bike, roller skate ( old fashioned shoe skates ) ice skate, and use a hula-hoop for hours on end.  No wonder I was 5"8' and could barely stay at 100 pounds.  I often ran.....just for the joy of it.  We did hop-scotch as well for hours.  I lost more than I won, I think, but none of these things mattered.  It only mattered that we enjoyed.   As the saying goes " Life is for the Living ".  If you think about that statement a gets pretty big.  Love all of you and hope you have a really good day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2011

    Nice thoughts, and memories ladies..................even though I lost my husband at 56, and he was 57 from Pancreatic cancer, and miss him's to "love", and those who are still fortunate enough to have that special "him" in their lives....................hugs 


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2011

    Thanks Jackie & Ducky.... Yes, those of us that do have our Husbands are just soooo very fortunate....  And I do thank God every day, that we still have each other.  It's like we just grow "together"....and even the "not so fun" times, are easily forgotten when everything is back in order & running smoothly again....  Sorry about your Husband Ducky.....I just can't imagine the loss you must feel.  ((((hugs))))

    My Dad was also a "special him in my life".....So many years I resented his drinking and the way he treated Mom, AND my Brother and I because of his drinking... But after Mom passed away, it left Dad like a broken man....In his own way, she was his life....They DID love each other, warts and all....But after she died, my Dad became so dependant on me... We could finally talk "together"....I really learned to care about him....and all the resentment that I had felt, just kind of "left".....  He really DID care about me!  He became so dear to me...& I finally had him as just my Dad. 

    So yes, I am fortunate, for so many things.... even the love I found for my Dad....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited September 2011

    I have read this often.  This man has a catchy way  of saying things. 

    Always when judging
    Who people are,
    Remember to footnote
    The words "So far."
    ~Robert Brault

  • etherize
    etherize Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2011

    I'm 54; is that too young to be an "older" person? :-)  Due to other health issues and not having kids, I've certainly felt a lot older than my real age for many years! 

    I went through natural menopause at 49-50 and had hot flashes .. don't know if I'll have to do chemo yet, but will definitely be doing HT and the med onc said it would most likely be Tamoxifen.  

    I was taking Vagifem until I found out I had bc, and even though it's vaginal-use only, it seemed like that caused a little bit of hot flashes when I first started it, or if I increased the dose.  Curious to see what Tamoxifen does ...

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited September 2011

    Good morning lovely ladies.   Hope you are all going to have a good Saturday.  Not sure what is in store for me today but since I'm a 365 day worker....that is always a part of my day.  Maybe a nice stroll later on.  Hope we get some sun and stay dry. 

    I'm thinking of all of you and wishing you well.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited September 2011
    "It is my conviction that it is the intuitive, spiritual aspects of us humans-the inner voice-that gives us the 'knowing,' the peace, and the direction to go through the windstorms of life, not shattered but whole, joining in love and understanding."
    Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (1926 -)
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited September 2011

    Good morning everyone.  Overcast here today -- no idea whether the sun will come out or we will get sprinkles.  We have turned the I-heater on in the living room.  Just had to take off that little chill.  Far too soon to do anything else as some warmer weather will return.  We are still stalling about starting the yard cleaning.  So many deer have come to eat the if a lot more would find the yard we could dispense with that cleaning.  There is about a fourth of an acre that should be clean as a whistle. 

    Also have had a raccoon visiting our deck at night.  Sure gets the inside dogs excited and noisy.  Those outside critters seem to soon learn noise without something running towards them means they can just carry on with whatever they are doing.  We have had to start picking up the food bowl that we normally left outside for a couple of neighborhood cats. 

    I hope you will all have a fantastic day. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2011


    I had my first Taxol on Thursday, was at the cancer center for 6 hours.  Everything went ok.  I am pretty fatigued but no flu like feeling, a little achy, not bad. I will be able to go in on Wed.'s and have my blood work done at our local hospital and they will fax to my ONC and I will call them on Wed. afternoon to be sure chemo will be given on Thursday.  Will work Mon, Tues & Wed.  hope it goes ok.  one down and 11 to go.   Take Care

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2011

    Marcha....we're here!  I've been wondering how you has Jackie!  Glad you aren't feeling any worse with your Taxol!   I don't know the difference in all the drugs you mention.... But just know they aren't any fun...but should help you in the long run...... We will do anything to keep from having any more cancer show up.

    I'm glad you are working a little....I love your attitude!  You must have some very loving, caring people around you....

    Jackie!  You talk about Raccoons!  My neighbor has cats, & they have a cat-door into the garage where she would sleep....along with her big container of cat-food!  When they would go away pretty frequently, I would go over & feed her....SOMEtimes the container would be dumped over, & cat-food all over the place!   They finally locked the cat-door, because they saw Raccoons trying to get through that little cat-door, Ha!  I just KNEW it was either them or a little fox I have seen.... So they feed her every day, just enough that she will eat, & the Raccoons have to fend for themselves....Wink  I felt sorry for her, so I moved her "bed" which I had made for her, & put it under their deck, where it won't get wet!  I wish they would let her in the house, darnit!  She just LOVES when I go over & take her treat of 1/2 a pack of kitty food!  Never heard a cat make such a racket with her meow-MEOW-meow...and she reminds me of that commercial!  Ha, ha!

    I heard the Raccoons in the irrigation ditch next to our property one night!  And It drove Lacee nuts!   Those little critters sure know how to figure out how to get to food, don't they? 

    Well, I am taking down tomato plants....storing the big green tomatoes in boxes with paper now.  It's been getting down in the 40's lately.  Also ironed a bunch, cleaned my laminate floors, and I'm cooking a pot of beans & ham.  I think I'll throw in some of those wide noodles later!

    Okay gals.....see you soon! xoxoxoxo