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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited August 2011

    Good morning today.  Gosh, Fall is really in the air.  Our back deck steps are littered with nut shells and the sound of those dislodged by the squirrels is really loud.  In fact, they come down at enough speed to really hurt if they land on you.  It is going to be a short time indeed when the lawn sweeper is going to have to be attached to the tractor and work begin to keep the yard from being flooded with leaves and debris. 

    My day to hang out at the Shelter and see all the great animals out there.  Hope you all have a fantastic day.  Praying Irene does not get super destructive.  Will be checking in later.

    Hugs to all,


  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2011

    Hello friends, I've been missing you all.  I've been away so long that it will be hard to catch up with you.

     Jackie:  thank you for that lovely quote.  Gratitude is what can reframe the whole anxious experience of BC.  I am grateful that I came to this thread after the hijacking and I am grateful that you, Jackie kept it alive until I arrived. 

     Jeanette, thank you for the info.  I hate being an uninformed layman.  So, I did have a hematoma.  They drained it 3 times and now I think I'm ok and the site does not look like something Dr. Frankenstein did.   TA-DA!!! I just finished my first week of radiation.  The first week is "a walk in the park".  I hope that continues.

    If only my printer was not in a black flex bag in the bellows of the staircase, I would print out the yummy recipes.  Have I asked you all before what you thought of Vitamix blending machine.  We have always eaten healthy; little red meat or junk food but I am trying to up the ante.  Those machines are expensive but I wonder if I could be faithful to breakfast smoothie of fruit and lunch smoothie of veggies.  Anyone have any thougts?

    Dar:  I am sorry about your having all the arimidex SE.  I dread that. It was my understanding that if you could not tolerate one aromatase inhibitor that you could be switched to another.  Am I incorrect?  I am sorry.  Like Jeanette said hang in there and stomp on C.

    Carol, Alaska sounds "otherworldly".  We've never been but what I have been told is that it is breathtaking.  We don't go anywhere until the market changes.

    Sheila:  Our's are 7 and 5.  Aren't they delicious?  We are in Atlanta and have the 5 year old here and the 7 year old is in Chicago.  Their parents don't get their "nose out of joint" but the 7 year old sure does.  I worry about that but they don't seem to.  I say to trust you ebulliant, kissing grandmother  self.  You know you love equally and if your kids don't, let them deal with it.  Just gush over both of them.

    Ladies, I finished the last portrait commission and got a big fat check (made my DH very happy) and begin another tomorrow.  I'll only get 70% of the next one because it came through a gallery but I'm pretty happy.

    love to you brave souls,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited August 2011 delightful to check in and find you here.  I was wondering if you were super busy or something.  I just returned a short while ago from the Shelter.  Left about 6:30 p.m. and fed feral cats on the way to my friend Maggie's house.  She is still at the Manor.  I checked on her animals inside, cleaned a couple the cat dishes with dry food.  Refilled the water bowls, gave the dogs a couple of treat bones and then on to the next feral cat feeding station.  After that I stopped at the Manor and talked to a friend who has her mother there for what she hopes is a brief time.  Then farther into the building to find Maggie and give her her mail and newspapers.  Talked with her a bit, and then home to clean up some messes here, feed the one cat that needs a a soft diet, then grabbed my bed clothes and put them in the washer, then got the bowls ready for the outside dogs and got them fed..... got the house dog back in and a bit of a bath, some jammies and here I am. 

     Having a glass of raspberry lemonade.  I'm a little bushed but I don't mind as I feel I'm accomplishing things and making progress. 

    So far, no rain here.....but the evening temps are very nice....lo 70's.  About where I like it.  I would not mind a little rain. 

    Hope you are all going to have a fantastic evening.  Gotta go take care of my laundry.  See you all in the morning sunshine.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2011

    Hello St. Francis in Illinois all snug in your jammies.  You'll have to get me up to speed.  Who is Maggie, what is the Manor and where do all these feral cats come from?  Clearly you have a great love for these creatures but where do they come from?

    My DH is a a minor league Braves game and I watched some worthless tv.  Guess I'll read a bit and go to bed.  

    Good to see your voice, Nancy 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2011



    Today, I go to my junior high sunday school car wash and at 6:00 I go to our church "elders" cocktail party.  I might just have whiplash by bedtime.

    Mommarch, how are you feeling after Thursday?  I imagine relief mixed wtih dealing with SE.  


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited August 2011

    Aw, Jeannette......I loved my hug.  Big time.  As to Maggie she is a long-time friend of mine and the last three or four yrs. have not been too kind to her.  Mostly it is problems associated with old age. Poor circulation, loss of hearing, high blood pressure etc.  She is in one of our newer facilities, though it has been here since I came home which is 14 yrs. so a little older than that.  We just call it the Manor.  They have a nursing home section along with assisted living section.  Maggie is in the nursing home part.  Starting to wonder if she will get out.  Hmmmm.

    You are going to have a big productive day Nancy.  Movement is life......and sometimes we get just so over-abundant with life, don't we???

    Still watching many deer prancing around in the yard looking for nuts and other goodies associated with Fall.  I always try to wait them out, but sometimes just have to leave so I'm not too late.  They glare at me for a bit and then go dashing off into the woods.  They wait for a bit and return to the yard usually. feral cats.  There are three or four colonies around town.  Places where " in general " people have dropped off house pets that "become" feral/wild from the new conditions when no one gave them love and petting.  They go into being wild again.  Often many of them are not spayed or neutered so even more come along and those are even more "feral".  I go out and feed them and several have rewarded me with lots of trust and a couple now almost insist on being petted right before they enjoy their meal.  I am not fooled though.....slip your hand a little too far around them.....and they would bolt.  It would take several days to regain their trust. 

    Am still thinking, praying and hoping for all those in the Irene's path.   Thrilled the storm was downgraded, but knowing there is still a lot of danger possible, where ever it goes.  The size is so incredible....700 miles wide. 

    I'll be checking back in later. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited August 2011

    Hello ladies,

    Just got up from a little nap, made my bed about 11:00 AM and laid down and went to sleep, family out running errands and hubby at the broom shop. So far so good, but usually worst hits me on Sunday, Mon. and Tuesday.  

    My Dr. thinks I have done great, now we start Taxol on Sept. 15th for 12 weeks once a week, he thinks I will do fine, but said if I have problems we will stop for a week and then go on and see.  I will have to take 3 steriod pills each evening before the treatment, they make me a B from Hell, but I guess everyone will just have to bite the bullet.  

    Thanks for thinking about me.  Have a great weekend.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2011

    Hi Gals!  Been getting ready to lay the laminate flooring tomorrow.  I am going to do this with my Daughter....Wink  By the time this is done, I think I'll go apply for my builders license!  Too much drama with DD boyfriend!  THIS way I can do it right, if you know what I mean.  I mean I have read the directions!  Imagine that!  Men do not read directions...period.  So I am excited!  It will look beautiful when it is finished.   Went to Home Depot, bought the floor-board...which is actually a huge roll of some sort of plastic!  It will cover the 1/2" border you have to leave, to allow for expansion of the laminate.  I'll take pictures when it's finished....  Then I'll take one of me passed out on the new flooring....Ha! 

    Momarch!  I've/we've all been thinking of you....  Just remember we are with you....I just hate to see someone we care about going through a tough time.  BUT that part is over!   I remember those Prednisone pills.... Had to take a lot when I was going through those allergy/shot treatments!  They will get you through it though.    I'm just sorry you have to go through this.  But we ARE here with you.

     Nancy!  You go girl!  You will soon be a millionaire!  Ha!  Congratulations on your latest sale!  That is so admiral!   So much good in your life, other than the fact that you/we had cancer!!!  You should be very proud of your talent!  All I can do are crafty things....Oh, & building a house...Wink (Just kidding).....  If I get this flooring done, I will be sooooo happy! 

    And yes Nancy....Jackie never gave up on this thread.... She was here before most, and is still the main gal....the "glue" that held us all together.... I think I will call her "Elmer's".....Ha!  

    Just watching the coverage of the Hurricane....I really feel bad for the folks in the path....  And to think even a child was lost!!!!!  All of these natural disasters!    Just makes you feel so bad!

    Little Jackie..... I don't think Maggie will ever be allowed to go home....  And I think by now, she just doesn't want to.... Her pets....They are the ones that will be alone....I'm so sorry!  If it weren't for you, they would nave no-one!!!!!!!   Maggie is being cared for.... But her pets only have you....!  You are their guardian angel.... 

    Maggie should give you her house, THEN her pets & maybe others  would have a permanent home!   But then you should charge her even more!   Could you advertise about her adoptable pets?  I know some have bad habits, but can you post that, & maybe find homes?  I KNOW you have thought of that!   It's just hard on YOU, taking care of them, AND your volunteer work at the shelter, plus your own furry friends!    Oh, so I suppose you want another hug?  You NEED one, Ha! 

    Love you gals!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited August 2011

    OMGosh --- I'm home.  I have a couple of dogs that jump on the cat posts with the catss and I'm sure I heard the cats trying to bark.  We all mixed up here.  I do love that picture.

    I'll meet all of you lovely ladies in the morning. It's midnight and I'm done in.  See you on the right side.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited August 2011

    All ok here in Alexandria, Virginia.    power was off 2 hours or so while I slept thru it all.   I can see one big tree across the street that was uprooted, but no damage as it fell into the little dog park, not into the street.    Still some rain, mild winds.   I will have to get a " I survived Irene " shirt ....

     Hugs, Nancy 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited August 2011

    Nancy/Gram.....woo-hoo, glad you made it through with ,it sounds like very few issues to trouble you and make life difficult.  I hope everyone else does as well.  I have never been much afraid of our storms, but the last one ( strange winds swirling back on themselves ) was scary.  I feel it saved us that we had so many trees around ( 60 or 70 here ) us.....the wind could not get a foothold.  I tend to sleep.....and mainly stay asleep through storms etc. too. Many prayers for everyone on the eastern coastline and beyond. 

    Beautiful Sunday here....nice and cool this a.m.  Fall is definitely rearing its head up fairly high.  The back yard is really littered and needs some lawn sweeping.   Though not many.....some dry brown leaves have fallen to the ground....early ones.  We have quite a space to go yet on this. 

    I'll see you all later. 

    Hugs and prayers,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited August 2011

    Optimism is the foundation of courage.  ~Nicholas Murray Butler

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited August 2011

    Good evening everyone.  I'm late....had some extra things to do and about three extra stops.  Sigh !!!   All done now and its only 9:30 p.m.  Shortly after this I'll be heading to the shower.  I think ( have to check my papers ) that tomorrow is my oncology check-up.  Sometimes ( every three months ) they seem to come so fast.  I did the blood work for it a few days ago so at least have that out of the way.  We drive to Marion and while I was wishing for rain.....I'll have to withhold my wishes for one day so we don't have to try in wet weather. 

    The deer remain rather plentiful in the yard.  A whole lot of last blossoms ( hope it wasn't all seed bearing but probably was ) are now missing.  But they are getting some delicacies --- something we all enjoy.

    I hope you all had a great day today.  Was pretty nice here -- my description of a day without sweating. 

    See you all tomorrow.

    Hugs Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited August 2011

    There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience. -French proverb

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited August 2011
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited August 2011

    Good morning.  Going to be a good day, a positive one, because I decided that is just what I need.  I am going to taste happiness.  Thankfully, that is actually just how my days are most of the time anyway, but I do have a few hurdles today and I am going over all of them with a smile and can do.

    Hope all of you will be having a good day too.  Know you are thought about and that I always try to keep some spare home and inspiration laying around. 

    See you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited September 2011

    You are richer today

    You are richer today than you were yesterday if you have laughed often, given something, forgiven even more, made a new friend today, or made stepping stones of stumbling-blocks; if you have thought more in terms of "thyself" than of "myself" or if you have succeeded in being cheerful even if you were weary.

    You are richer tonight than you were this morning if you have taken time to trace the handiwork of God in the commonplace things of life, or if you have learned to count out things that really do not count, or if you have been a little blinder to the faults of friend or foe.

    You are richer if a little child has smiled at you, and a stray dog has licked your hand, or if you have looked for the best in others, and have given others the best in you.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited September 2011

    So sorry about the lines....I always hope it won't happen and don't know exactly why or I'd try to fix it. 

    Hope you are all going to have a great day.  We are back into the 100's here for temperatures.  Not what I was hoping for, but I don't think they will last too long.  Hope not anyway.  I'd like to have a nice Labor day.  Not in the house.

    Had my 3 mos. check-up at Marion.  Still just as fit as a fiddle.  Now that I see that written think I need to go look up how that saying came to be.  Anyhow, glad for that.  Most of the time I don't think much about it.  I expect to stay well and have. 

    Expectations which are high and positive thoughts can't make you well, but I still feel it creates a situation where it is easier for you to "look" for good answers to taking care of your health, no matter where you are with it.  Or I guess --- put another way, how much time do you spend with negative people.....I know I don't spend much time with them....they drag me down to their level and I don't like it there.....

    I hope all of you are going to have a good day, not too hot and hope anyone touched by Irene is getting their bearings. 

    Hugs to all,


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2011

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I made it back to work this morning.  Glad I only have to be here 4 hours.  This is the first time I have been dressed or out of the house for a week.  Managed to eat a maid rite cheese rite last night, we make them at home, Jackie should know what they are.  Also had a bowl of ice cream.  Will work tomorrow also and then off on Monday for Labor Day. 


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2011

    Morning everyone!  I'm so sorry Marcha!  I was just afraid of that.  The ONLY good thing is that it is over now.   I just can't imagine being that sick....I don't know what I would do.....  (((((Marcha)))))

    I've heard of other gals eating ice cream!  I would eat any darn thing I liked, after what you've been through....  Just take it easy, relax, and thank God it's over....

    Our Laminate flooring gets put in today! Tongue out  I'll be so glad when this whole thing is DONE!!!  My Daughter & I did the bedroom, but it isn't easy...Maybe if you don't mind getting up & down, and on your knees for eternity....but honestly, it's hard!  It really looks beautiful though...and so CLEAN!!!

    So a "professional" is coming in to finish the living/dining room.  I caved....I gave up...I bit the bullet & hired someone that is much younger than I am.... We can stain & varnish & put the new wall boards up, but that is easy... 

    Nothing much planned for Labor day......I've done enough labor....was I supposed to wait & do this all on THAT day?  Undecided  Think I'll just relax....hugs.....xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited September 2011

    A couple of good karma quotes

    I'm a true believer in karma. You get what you give, whether it's bad or good.
    ~ Sandra Bullock

    The liars punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.
    ~George Bernard Shaw

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited September 2011

    Mom/Marcha,glad this was the last of this chemo.  It is that darn cumulative thing that just seems to keep upping the stakes each time.  You made it to work though.  Yay for you.  This truly is the time to do what your body asks if you can.  Ice cream for breakfast....perfect.  A snack at 8 p.m.......also perfect.  I adored Luigi's Italian Lemon Ice then. 

    Yes, I do know what a MaidRite is though we don't have any too close so always make our own. 

    Chevy,almost done.......yay and way to go.  Laminate is always so pretty and extremely durable.  My dogs run all over mine and nary a mark.  No sanding every few yrs. etc.  Nice to walk on and the underlay makes it quiet.  The best of all worlds.  Take a pic when it's done, ok. 

    See you all later. Hotter than Hades again here today.  Lots of work for me.  I'll be checking back when my day is through.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited September 2011

    Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be." Marsha Petrie Sue

  • Phanay
    Phanay Member Posts: 11
    edited September 2011

    Hi Chevyboy,

    Thank you for the web site. 

    I'm lurking in the shadows. . . reading all the posts.  Returned a few days ago from my moms.

    I'm glad that no one here was harmed in that Manhattan earthquake.

    I know what it means to miss the earthquakes.  When we moved to Utah from

    San Fernando Valley, we missed them.  We went through the Northridge earthquake just before we moved.  Happy we're back in Cali, though 150 miles from Northridge.  That's where my mom still resides.

    My heart still thanks all of you for teaching me so much about this darn breast thing.

    Love you all,


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2011

    Went out side before the sun went down and walked up and down the ramp to our back door, for my achy legs, it seems to help.  I heard a wild donkey up on the Mt. hee hawing.  They are so neat. 

    Hope all had a good day.  I was a little moody today.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited September 2011

    Hi to everyone.  We are sitting here waiting for a storm.  I won't mind.  Hopefully will bring the temps. down.  Went back into triple digits about three days ago.  Not liking it much.  I like to be outside more than I am when it is so hot. 

    Mom.....walking is great.  Dh and I use to walk two to three miles almost every day.  It kept us in good shape and probably helped my waistline not get any bigger than it was at the time which was too big.  I've ten or 12 pounds to go and then I probably will quit worrying about whether or not to try and lose any more.  I'll just let it slip off if it wants but won't be looking for ways to encourage it. 

    Planning any bbq's or anything for Labor Day.  I think we are going to my BIL's.  Dh has to work so it will be late, but that should keep the family satisfied for a while. 

    I think the chemo sort of plays with your moods a little, or maybe its the exhaustion that sometimes sets in and makes you start to think you will never quite feel as good as you did before chemo.  Sad to say for many of us, before chemo, we were feeling ( if you didn't have any other medical malady at the time ) usually fairly spry and then the chemo just knocks you way down.  Hope you are doing a bit better tomorrow. 

     I think we all find our way back, but I do recall my last chemo  ( last set of se's ) seemed to go on for so long.  Feeling good started to feel just a little elusive and I had to force myself not to let myself think about it so much.....because I has become really impatient by then. 

    Phanay.....nice to see you. I was a part of the Northridge earthquake.  We left a couple of yrs. after it.  I did get used to earthquakes and take them in stride but the Northridge one was pretty upsetting.  We had just purchased a new mobile home and a couple of weeks before the quake had earthquake struts put on.....and I was sooooo glad we did.  We were in Ventura at the time and were rocking and rolling, but the house stayed up thank goodness.

    I will see all of you in the morning.  Sweet dreams.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,484
    edited September 2011

    Myself, by Edgar Albert Guest

    I have to live with myself and so
    I want to be fit for myself to know.
    I want to be able as days go by,
    always to look myself straight in the eye;
    I don't want to stand with the setting sun
    and hate myself for the things I have done.
    I don't want to keep on a closet shelf
    a lot of secrets about myself
    and fool myself as I come and go
    into thinking no one else will ever know
    the kind of person I really am,
    I don't want to dress up myself in sham.
    I want to go out with my head erect
    I want to deserve all men's respect;
    but here in the struggle for fame and wealth
    I want to be able to like myself.
    I don't want to look at myself and know that
    I am bluster and bluff and empty show.
    I never can hide myself from me;
    I see what others may never see;
    I know what others may never know,
    I never can fool myself and so,
    whatever happens I want to be
    self respecting and conscience free

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2011

    Morning gals!  It's almost dawn, so I'll be going out to water the gardens! 

    Almost finished with re-building the house..Wink  I mean the Laminate is in, & we're putting the house back together now!  Finished staining & varnishing the wall-boards to match the floor....It is really pretty!  Also trying to find places for some of the "stuff" we don't need to put back in.  Good way to clean the house....Ha!

    Phanay...good to hear from you again....Have you made an appointment with a surgeon yet?  It's really a good idea to get those things taken care of, once a diagnosis has been made.  I mean it would be great if things just went away on their own, but they won't with Breast Cancer....  It is very important that you get things taken care of....early. good to see you doing a few things, and also listening to a wild Donkey!  You let yourself hear something fun, or beautiful!   And it's okay to be a little bit moody.... God only knows we have every reason to be MOODY!!   Sometimes we just have to accept what's going on inside, & try & work through it....  Go eat ice-cream.

    Hi Jackie!  Glad Maggie is still holding her own.  I'm just sorry you are in charge of all of her pets, with her being away....What would happen if YOU were sick & couldn't make it over there twice a day?   You are invaluable to her AND everyone else I think! 

    Hope you gals have a pleasant nice labor day....I'm just gonna relax, after we finish hanging a folding door, etc......Ha!  xoxooxoxox

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    Woke up this morning to 39 degres at 6000 feet in the Davis Mt's.  Sure felt good.  Of cours you all know that the East side of the State of Texas is on fire now.  The West half was burning from April through June.  No rain in site. 

    Have a good day