Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Alpal
    Alpal Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2009

    Welcome Kat43! I didn't breast feed and wasn't on HRT and am not over weight yet ( I seem to be working on it) so I think the truth is Stuff Happens! For a good laugh, go to the Moving Beyond Forum and read the thread about why people got breast cancer. It is hysterical. Kat - I don't have the other health problems you do but I did chemo - Taxatere and Cytoxan - and I tolerated it well. I'll be 62 in Aug. so not far behind you. Like Pam, I'm also Stage IV but I'm really doing fine right now. I doubt if I'll live til my nineties, but not sure I want to anyway! Like Pam, I'm also on Arimidex. It's quiet today. Guess everyone else is out enjoying spring. I'm packing boxes because we're moving in a month. Asked Pam to come up and help me, but she refused. Some friend she is!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,615
    edited May 2009

    Hi Kat---A big welcome to you.  I was on the other side of the lake from me cleaning this afternoon or I'd have jumped much sooner to introduce myself.  I think the darn cancer was basically a surprise to all of us.  I had so many other "problems" blown out thyroid, stroke, high blood pressure etc.....somehow I just thought the "fates" ( as if I actually believe in that ) would be kind and something like cancer ( which does not run in my family ) would not happen to me.

    There are people who do everything right and whamo.  There are people who try to do as much right as they can and whamo......then the other spectrum----everything wrong but never even concerned about something like cancer and it seems to work out.  They don't get I put it up to lessons in living while we are in this life and the lessons will help us when we reach our eternity in some way....just don't have that answer now.  I'll be getting it when MY eternity starts.

    Did I say I had HRT too.  My whole family did and no one seemed to have turned up any problem and as long as we lived in California I did not seem to actually need it.....but moved back her to southern Illinois with the hot muggy summers and I couldn't quite handle life so well anymore.  With my family history no one thought a thing (least of all me ) and I took them for almost 6 years....till my stroke.  I blamed that on the HRT but my Dr. kept me on them for a year after the stroke.......then let me off.  Now --- about 8 years later I turn up with BC and yep....I think the HRT was a definite contributing factor.  In hind-sight, of course I wish I had been a little smarter about it all but the thing the time it comes up...many of these things seem like the right answer for the period of time you are in and only later when everything blows up. 

    I hope you will come often here.  We do enjoy each other's "seasoned" company and it's a nice place to get an answer or two...even a recipe now and then. 

    Hope you have a nice Mom's Day tomorrow everyone.  I will work again, but at my age 63 I've gotten where I can and not feel as though I've been cheated of something. 



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Good Morning Ladies,

    First of all, if you have the least little bit of Trekkie in you, if you watched the original Star Trek series with James T. Kirk and Spock and Scotty, and Bones, and Chekov and Souloo and O'Hura, you have GOT to see the new Star Trek movie.  It is worth it.  I am going to go see it again.  It's really good and I can see so many spin off's coming from it. They create a whole new time line and I am not happy with Spock's mother being dead but I do hope she shows up in a later movie.  After all she is caught in a transportation warp.

    And so, Jackie are you and I soul sisters?  Lawdy I agreed with everything you said.  I also believe I am here to learn lessons and when they are all learned I will move on to my next Eternity and at that time will probably get an answer to the "why me" question.  That is not one of the ones I ask myself anymore. I may curse and cuse a little at the discomfort but no "why me's." Pointless, frankly. 

    And Jo, my family doctor said I was not to be around or stay around "anyone" who asked me why it took so long to get it taken care of or what I thought caused it as they were dumb questions and a waste of my time as I am to be moving into the future. 

    Also Jo speaking from a position of having Stage IV and watching, visually, my breast reduce in size and texture (it had become a big hard lump on my chest but it is beginning to look and feel like a breast again) and color (pink, no longer red and hot) also the lession it had is half the size it was -- STAY on the Arimidex.  You couldn't see the dramatic changes as you had a lumpectomy, I can, what a wonderful drug.  I can put up with the SE's just because it is doing so much good.  It works slowly but surely, and who knows how much time it will give me. At least I now think I do I have some time.

    They are right Kat, this is a great bunch to check in with to keep your spirits up.

    Ladies, have a good one and DO go see that movie.  One way or another, it's just a good flick.



  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Member Posts: 220
    edited May 2009

    Pam - You remind us, in your gentle, but direct way, why we should buck up and take what we can handle to fight our best fight.

    Thanks.  I know many of us appreciate your perspective.


  • Alpal
    Alpal Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2009

    Well - I wrote a LONG reply and it went poof! Probably way too long Embarassed The jist of it was that Pam and I are not unbiased observers in the Arimidex debate, so you probably shouldn't depend on what we say! It's sort of a miracle drug for both of us. Off to a meeting and rest of the day will be spent tossing and packing! Anyone want some of the 57 silver plated trays I received as wedding gifts?? Just reimburse me for the postage and they can be all yours. My children have no interest in them. Wonder why?  Have a wonderful day!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,615
    edited May 2009

    Hi everyone.....I would chime in if I had any knowledge.  I did look at your diagnosis Jo and it certainly would seem like they caught everything fairly early which is a plus.  Also, the fact that you have continued with the after-treatment ( Arimidex ).  This won't help you decide anything I don't think.....I just know that there are certain individuals that ( and we probably don't know why because we do have other things to do ) would not have had a recurrence no matter what.   We do have a lack of information in some areas and I think this is one of those loop-hole places.  No way to be sure....who would have a recurrence or not and why not......but have such faith and I do know that you will be comfortable with your decision when you do get it made.  Glad your doctor too is comfortable with 6 mo. increments ---  sure that is encouraging too. 

    Annette....I lost my posts...can't tell you how many times....I think I confused the preview post with the submit.  I quit using preview anymore.....just hit the spell-checker and submit and hope for the best.  Have had to go back and edit a few times....actually more than I care to admit, but I don't lose as many posts that way.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day....I'll be checking back later.



  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited May 2009

    Hey JO-5, I haven't made the rhubarb pie but I did copy your recipe here for future use.  What I can't believe tho' is that our Sunday supplement had a remarkably similar recipe in it yesterday.  I grew up with an Irish grandmother and she made various rhubarb pies/desserts over the years.  Most folks I know make 'yuk' type sounds when the name is mentioned so I rarely even think about it.  Then all of a sudden my memory is prompted by this forum and now this whole country will probably be trying to make the recipe printed in the syndicated newpaper here, this winter.  Wow, I think that is a Twilight Zone moment.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2009

    It's a tough decision, Jo, but don't you think that the decision-making processes are one of the hardest things about this journey?  I am only 2 years into the Arimidex program and I plan to last for as many of the five years as possible so I can't give you any help on what to do now that you've completed the 5 years.  I do know that I bowled on a team with a 14 year bc survivor this past year.  She is still taking an femara, but she did the tamoxifin, then arimidex, and now femara.  They seem to be working for her, but like Jackie says, do we really know that it's the AI's that are keeping her cancer free or would she have been one that never needed them in the first place?  I guess it all boils down to what makes you feel the best about the situation.  You are so right!  The Arimidex question in the end will be yours alone!  I'm sure you'll make the best choice for you and I'll be anxious to hear what you decide!   HUGS!

  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    Jo, oh no, "I" in no way meant to come across so strongly. You are "absolutely right" each and everyone of us has our own path to follow.  I am just so involved in how much this is helping me, I think Allison is right I have my own narrow perspective. I think your six months advice is sound if I were you (and I am not) "I" would go with how my bloodpressure and colesterol are doing.  So, Jo, I will try to tone down my responses and pray that God will help you make the best decision for you.   (Sheesh, how self centered can I be. :-O) Also Jo you have done much needed research for me about Arimidex and it has helped me think about my future.   I'd like to thank you for that.

    I totally panicked yesterday.  I take my Arimidex at 7 every morning, no food, then breakfast at 8,  The last three days I have had pains in my chest and my heart has been beating funniy, I have a bad heart anyway from being Hyperthyroid.  I thought, Oh NO, they are going to take me off of it.  I broke down and cried.  I woke up this morning from a dead sleep with an (I call them God inspired) idea.  Take it with food -- my brain said to me. DUH  So I took it with breakfast. Hah, not a pain all day so far.  Taking it alone was just to much for my heart. 

    OK, no pies or crisps yet.  I wanted to make it for UNO but I just don't have the stamina to do that and host UNO this weekend.  I am going to try it soon, I will foist it upon Robert, if he likes it I will try it on others.  LOL, Maybe I can take some or make some for my family while on the vacation this summer.

    Sigh, I am still putting up plagues and washing rugs so I have decided to never think of myself as moved in here,  just as moving as an ongoing proccess.  LOL

    Tomorrow is the dreaded results of the Bone Scan.  Please pray again ladies.  Maybe the heart probs are from fear?  I have come to agree with you all, a docs appointment can make my body do funny and odd things.  Robert says --- Wednesday you will wonder what your problem was. 

    Two quick things, I perused the Moving Beyond Forum yesterday and YES, it is hysterical.  When I need a belly laugh that is where I am going.  

    And Susan, thank you for your reponse, it was very well stated and gave me a nice little boost yesterday when I needed it.  I guess I am just a little to direct. Sigh.

    Have a great day ladies. (Sorry that this is so long, just needed to apologize.)



  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Member Posts: 220
    edited May 2009

    Pam - Don't berate yourself!!  We're all doing our best to wade through all of the life-changing decisions that are being hurtled at us.  It is all highly personal, and therefore, highly emotional. 

     I chuckle a bit, though, at our reaction if we think we've somehow offended someone...we are so quick to apologize.  Do you suppose that's why we all get along so well? 

     Seems as though we've all learned that there are very few absolutes in life.  Well, except that we all have the brightest, cutest, best grandchildren, in no uncertain terms!  Smile

    Jo-5so many things to consider.  Will it make your QOL better to off the AIs? After 5 years, it seems as though you could put off further tx for now.  If you were having no SEs, it might not be such a decision. 

    Since heart attack is the leading cause of death for women, then, maybe lowering your lipid count should be your next project. 

    Oh, my nurse-practioner daughter would be so proud of me...I think I just heard her words issuing forth from my lips!!

    I can only hope, that in 5 years, someone has figured this all out.  I'm tired out from second guessing this darned cancer!!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2009

    Well said Mzmiller 99.  There are no guarantees and we simply have to go with our gut, make a decision and don't look back on what if's or maybe's, or shoulda.  Take all available information is all we can do.  In 5 years strides will have been made and I will look back on this and wonder myself, or know if they have figured it out.

    JO, unfortunately no-one can make the call but you.

    And I don't have any grands yet but, you're right, they would be the brightest, cutest bestest of all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,615
    edited May 2009

    Hi everyone....I'm not going to stay long because I am over-tired and know it, but Jo said something that caught my eye, or my brain.  About a test to determine who might have a recurrence or mets.......and so those who did not need so much treatment could be easily identified.  It struck me my diagnosis....I think I was so in shock.......I did not think very much to question.........very fortuitously I ended up in my breast surgeons' office and the minute she walked in my husband and I had the same flash ----  she has a Healer's Aura.  For anyone who would like to say I'm's quite all-right.  She seemed to us to have a light surrounding her physical body and I knew at that time that I could leave my worry behind. 

    She also had an Avon Patient Navigator that I still visit with yet....and who emails me.  Donna and I had the same type cancer and the same I went from losing my private health Insurance to what I still think were the two people I needed most and I can only say " God moves in mysterious ways...his wonders to preform.  Because you do wonder what is going on when God lets you lose your health Insurance.....and as good as I thought the Dr's were who I had with my old health Ins.   -----  they were not Dr. Ryan ( a lady by the way ) and Donna. 

    Sometimes I wonder.....should I have questioned more.....but for me God sort of took over and I let him.  If I wasn't so tired I probably wouldn't say it all this way, but that is how it went.

    Pam.....Susan and Patoo are right.  Hope your tests come out great tomorrow and don't be too hard on yourself.  We all have a lot on our mind sometime and I too am guilty of not always "seeing" how what I say might look or seem to someone else.  I'm already concerned about what I said....but  I will probably sleep ok anyway.

    Hope you all have a good day tomorrow.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2009

    Morning ladies.

    JO - I know you have a praying spirit and God will answer.  Your post conveys that you are waiting on Him.  Your post also encourages me to lose weight (I can easily afford to drop 30, eat better,  and to get up out of my lounger when I'm home.  Thanks for sharing that story.

    (do you ever sleep?)

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2009

    Good luck on the hearth.  Let us know how it comes out.

    Ladies, I think this shows how our words can be perceived differently and so we must not take eachother's words to mean anything critical because we are here to support one another.  When I asked JO if she ever slept it was in jest because she seems to always be on here - after I leave at night and before I get on in the morning.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2009
    Me Too - JUST DO IT.   Race ya!
  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2009

    Jo, I loved your story.  I'm joining the "Let's Do It Gals" too!

    In fact, I've already put together stuffed green peppers for dinner tonight.  I'm golfing today, working in the yard, and going to yoga class this evening before I crawl into my recliner to watch "American Idol."   I hope you have a good day!


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited May 2009

    Can I start tomorrow?

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2009

    Love it!  Love it!  JO - see what you started.  We are gonna be the most fit BC group going.  How's that song 'There's no stopping us now, we're on the move...'

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,615
    edited May 2009

    KMC----I'm with you.  In fact, I'm too busy today to start so I'll have to catch up with the rest of you when I can.  Lunch with a friend...some minor running beforehand --- then lite shopping with friend afterward..... then back to the other side of the lake to work on cleaning that house. 

    Good shopping trip yesterday....but we never got out of Sam's.  It's quite a large one ( though all the Sam's Clubs are ) and they had changed some things it seemed we walked over the place twice ......  but we got the job done.  I meant to go to another place or two but no time.  We needed things from Sam's and I also needed to renew my card. 

    Well, need to get a move on I guess.  I'll be checking back in later.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2009

    Whew - IllinoisLady, you wore me out just reading your schedule today.  Maybe I'll also wait until tomorrow (hehehe - always an excuse!)  No, on the other hand, have to keep up with JO since she cheated and got a head start LOL!

  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    It's a good, good afternoon ladies,

    VBG, I am back from the docs.

    I love, love, love the dog, he looks like I feel when I have to walk to much.  LOL  

    All you ladies are tiring me out with your exercising.  I can cry foul as I have to much arthiritis to do to much.  LOL., what a lame excuse.  I can find other forms of exercise.  It's just that  I am lucky I get out to meditate on my new Lanai and I should as it's a  wonderful nature experience.

    OK, THE BONES.  "Suspiscious" spots on (Cervical) C- 2, 5, etc., etc., vertebrae,  there were four of them,  plus one in the Lumbar region and 2 in the Sacral region.   But because they aren't sure, NO CHEMO, yippee, just Zometa infusions once a month because they want my bones strengthened.  I asked the nurse how long and she said, "Are you kidding me? There are people who stay on this stuff for years and years. It is for people with bone cancer and because that is what my grandmother died from it is just best.  So my next appointments are first infusion (for 15 minutes) tomorrow and blood work June 2 and next appt with Dr. Lunin June 10th.  He is still very happy with my progress.  He said the suspicious spots were not unexpected but if they are cancer they are again so small the the Arimidex will get them and the Zometa will take care of any weakening.

    I am still as amazed with my progress as he is, it seems.  He did his report in front of me again and still thinks I am responding wonderfully to the Arimidex.  

    Ladies, "I" am a happy camper. ;-)

    I told him about my heart and the change to taking the Arimidex with breakfast and he was happy with that.  I told him about my joints aching but also told him I have had arthritis for so long that it isn't bothering me a lot.  He laughed.  Pain is pain.  LOL

    OK, I just got back and am starving so I am off to eat the rest of last nights dinner.

    I love everyones comments but am to hungry right now to comment back.  (Aren't you all lucky, lol)

    Thanks ladies for being here for me and supporitng me and praying for me. I can only say that I am returning the prayers when needed and hope to be supportive when needed.  Gee are we lucky to have this group.

    Allison, I wish for you that the move is going smoothly even if I can't be there to help. ;-) I'll tell ya, if I have to go up to Ohio at anytime in the next year I am going to stop by and say HI!!.  So look out.  LOL  Where are you moving from and to -- anyway?  Nosy aren't I.  LOL

    Hugs to you all and have a good day ladies.


  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009


    How cool, how absolutely cool that you did this by yourself.  Can you send pictures?

    Geee, I hope so, I'd love to see it.

    Hugs and CONGRATULATIONS.  (Doubt that I could do it, I'd have paint on the floor, rugs and most probably ceiling, everywhere but the fireplace hearth. LOL




  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2009

    YAY! for JO-5 and PamW1.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited May 2009

    Pam - Congratulations.  I know what you mean about the arthritis - I am riddled with it too.  On top of that I am trying to be very diet compliant to get my diabetes under control.  Because it hasn't been under control (or anywhere near control) I have an open wound on the bottom of my foot that my podiatrist told me not to put pressure on.  That's my story about exercise and I am sticking to it.

    Jo - good for you.,  I have always wanted to faux marble something but was afraid to do it.  Pictures when done, please.

  • swimangel72
    swimangel72 Member Posts: 142
    edited May 2009

    Hi everyone - sorry I've been absent - I have been lurking here enjoying everyone's stories.

    PamW1 I've been following your posts and maybe you already answered this question - so forgive me for my ignorance - but I don't understand why your oncologist isn't putting you on any chemo? From what I've learned about Armidex - it'll reduce the production of estrogen in your body, but it doesn't really kill cancer cells. I thought only chemo drugs do that. Also why are they waiting so long to do any surgery on your main tumor in your breast? Is it because you are already Stage IV and have heart problems? I would have thought right from the beginning they would have done at least a lumpectomy with radiation. I do want to say how I enjoy your "gallow's humor" - that runs in my family on my mother's side (Irish from Ireland). Like your mom, she's 85 years old - slowing down quite a bit with arthritis - and she refuses to go to doctors except when my brother drags her.  I know deep in her heart she thinks I'm just a hypochondriac with how I am dealing with the breast cancer - but on the other hand, she watched my dad die at the age of 60 with brain cancer, so she knows it's not something to mess with at my age (I'm 54.) At her age she says every day is "frosting on the cake" and she's not afraid to go as long as it's pain-free. She's an amazing woman - very talented artist - raised 8 children - reupholstered furniture, made stain glass windows and now just rides her exercise bike each morning while saying the rosary for all her children, grandchildren and great-granddaughter. Unfortunately she lives in Virginia with my brother, a 7 hour drive from me, but we had a wonderful time at her house last weekend for her 85th birthday party. Oh and my family had a family reunion at OBX too about 7 years ago. We stayed in a gorgeous waterfront home in Corolla.....very pricey, but not bad when sharing the place.

    I'm recovering very well from my Stage 2 "foob-fixer-upper" surgery last Wednesday. Today the plastic surgeon removed the drain and steri-strips, yay! I don't need to see him for another month. He did a fantastic job reshaping it so it's higher and matches my other side better - but he said he still needs to do more lipo. He was disappointed that he couldn't do it all in one surgery, but he was afraid he'd destroy the perforators attached under my arm. Most women who get free-trams or Dieps have the perforators (veins) attached under their chest bones - my original PS preferred doing it under my arm - which spared me extra pain in the chest, but didn't give as realistic a breast shape. My new PS said he'll be able to do more tweaking on it when he helps to repair my abdominal hernia on July 10th.......then after that just one more surgery to create the nipple. So much artistic attention to one little 'ol I've promised myself to lost 30 pounds to make the rest of my body worthy of all this effort!

    It's a gorgeous day here - I'm enjoying the time off from work. Tomorrow, a bone scan (with contrast) then on Friday cat scans of my lungs, abdomen and pelvis and a muga scan. I'm not anxious about "hot spots" showing up - I know something will since I have arthritis in my hip - but still, there's that little seed of worry way in the back of my mind. I'll be happy when these scans are finished so my onc and I can move forward and stop blaming my wee-bit of shortness of breath and bone aches on breast cancer. No doubt it's all due to the lasting effects of the Herceptin and the ongoing SEs of Arimidex. Once I get clean scans, I'll stop being a "hypochondriac" for sure!

    Thanks ladies for listening - hope all this wasn't too boring! I've promised myself to try out some of your recipes (I'm a terrible cook). Hope you all have a wonderful evening!

  • Alpal
    Alpal Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2009

    Pam - what wonderful news!!! I was so worried for (and with) you, but tried to keep my mouth shut. BTW - that is NOT an easy task!!! We live in a small (16,000) town about 35 miles from Lexington. We're staying here but moving ALL the way across town - probably about 2 miles. Ha!

    Swimangel - it is not uncommon for Stage IVers to have either delayed surgery or no surgery at all. Horse out of the barn? I, too, have had no surgery. After the first 2 chemo txs my tumor was completely gone and still has not returned. I have regular PET Scans and and nothing is there. Also, all the mets in my bones (many) show as healed on scans. However, my TM's were still elevated and on the Arimidex have continued to drop. They now know that not only do the AI's help prevent recurrence, they also fight (much like chemo) active cancers. So, lots of women go on an AI first and then if it works they can forego chemo for now. So now I have jumped in and answered your question for Pam. Sorry about that.

    Back to tossing and packing. Can't believe none of you wanted any of those trays. Maybe Pam will pick hers up in person!

  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Hi SwimAngel,

    Let me see if I can answer all your questions.  First, the surgeon about croaked when he saw my breast, it was red and solid, and like a rock and it had a two inch lession just right of the nipple that was about 1/2 inch deep. (Doesn't look like that now.) He called Dr. Lunin (Floirda Cancer Specialists) and told him (he has a loud voice that carries so I heard him) it was "horrible, just horrible."  I am lucky Dr. Lunin didn't react that way, nor did Dr. Cohen my family doc.  The surgeon said my breast was way to involved for him to operate.  Dr. Lunin said, "We will reduce the tumors and then operate."  Sheesh, the different reactions are amazing.   

    Second, according to Dr. Lunin, I happen to be one of those people that is (his words) highly receptive to Arimidex.  Something about my Hormone status.  The way Arimidex was explained to me and the way their video on their website descirbes it, estrogen feeds the cancer cells, Arimidex is an enzyme blocker that uptakes the androgens in my system so that they can't make the Estrogen.  The cancer cells then don't have anything --- literally to eat and they die.  So it doesn't kill the cells as Chemo does, it starves them to death.  I also happen to be responding extremely well to the Arimidex which is what Dr. Cohen told me I would do when she first read my biopsy report and that goes along with what Dr. Lunin has said.  

    Dr. Cohen has already told me they can't cure me but they can give me time.  I am 64 years old so in two to five years I will be 66 to 69, so I figure anything beyond 2 years becomes gravey (I like frosting better, lol) in my life.

    I didn't have any health ins. for the first three years I had this.  It could have been much much worse.  When I finally got to the doctor, I didn't think I would make it through the summer.  I was very sick.  I am now much much healthier, my energy is back my breast feels like a breast again and I am pleasantly comfortable.  

    If you ask these ladies they will tell you ----- lol --- "until she has a docs appt."  LOL

    Scans, yes, there will be more.  I will be in his office twice a month for blood work and Zometa infusions and then the scans until they see how much the tumors have reduced.  I asked him if I was ready to go up to Moffet (The premier cancer center up in Tampa) and he said, "You are a long way from going up to Moffet.  He doesn't lie to me, I am to intelligent, I have a medical and bio backgroud so he knows better but he is gentle with how he tells me things and I appreciate that.  I get the gist of what is going on.  As long as I am feeling well ---. Let me put it this way, I have belonged to an orginazation that preaches and teaches "One Day At A Time" for thirty four years, so that is how I take life. It makes it a lot easier.

    Hope I answered all the questions.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2009
    PamW, I have gotten such a thrill out of reading what you just wrote.  It is soooooooooooo encouraging and your attitude is wonderful.  Thanks for sharing your story.
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,615
    edited May 2009

    Oh my gosh, I forgot about those trays SwimAngel, but actually.....I am weeding through everything I own....have gotten a spot to store my "overage" and when I have emptied everything I no longer want or can use.....the auctioneer will put several people together in a general consignment auction.  Reasons....first, though this is a mighty little town---- about 16,000 people, a great good deal of them would never be able  to find my house.....and I prefer it that way.  So I don't want to have a yard sale.  Also....too many people will try and talk you down from the already lowest price possible.  Some of my things are not even gently I don't wish to literally give them away.....prefer to put them in auction where often rather than price coming down it will tend to go up...and sometimes a lot of things you would not think so.  So I'm really teasing....I'm in the midst of giving myself a somewhat sparse existence.  I need some things, butI want my life to be simple and I want to stop being a warehouse for things I no longer use and that someone could really enjoy.  Finally, cancer ---  even though the V.A. took care of so much can still cost a lot in many if I can make a little nest egg....that's a good thing. stunning.  I too eagerly await some pictures....If sounds so pretty.  What a sense of accomplishment you must have and will hopefully continue to have every time you look at your fireplace. fantastic.  Sounds like things turned out quite good.  You have a great attitude about everything.  I hope you get much better yet.  I think that Zometa should really help.  Good for you. 

    I'll see you all later.



  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited May 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    Would you believe I forgot my camera? Where I work I can see the lake,it's pretty nice, except it has rained most everyday we have been there, and almost ever other day we have been under a torando watch or warning. The lake got so high, they had to close the beach, and everyone was very unhappy about that. I am praying that when we go back on Thursday, the weather will be better.

    One thing I have noticed, it seems I forget about my worries when I am working and meeting new people, don't get me wrong, it's always in the back of my mind, but it really does seem to help.

     would you ladies please pray for Betty, she seems to be taking Junior's death really hard, I know God can help her through this, but I would appreciate all of your prayers for her.

    I really do miss all of you, where we're at, we are only allowed to have the government phone, and I can't hook my computer to it, so I guess I'll just have to say hello every three weeks.

    I hope all of you are in perfect health, I still pray for the ladies on breast each time I pray, and I ask God to be especially kind to the older ladies on this forum.

    Guess that's about all the news for now. I have to go and get my Herceptin tomorrow, each time I get it they bruise my arm up pretty good.