Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2009

    We are about to embark on a cross country trek....older couple with an older car

    so i guess it will be OK..we have upped our AAA ..keep your fingers crossed..

    About Arimidex...I was on it before it was approved for other than mets..I finished

    up three years ago far so good..but I am glad to have those side effects

    mostly gone..I am on fosamaxD for the bone density loss it caused..

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2009

    Oh Lisa, that sounds like fun!  I hope you have a good cross-country trek!  Where's your final destination?  We're heading west in a few weeks and I can hardly wait.  Like you, we're driving.  We're being more regimented on the way out because we actually booked rooms in Vegas but on the way home we're just taking our time and seeing whatever we want.  You will have fun!!!!

  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010


  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2009

    SoCalLisa and Rita, Wasn't "Smokey and the Bandit" about a cross country trek? Happy adventures--have a good time!

     Maire, Some people have the ability to "rewrite history" to make themselves seem/look better. I have a sister like that :}

    JO, I know the rhubarb discussion is over, but Ifoundsomeatthegrocerystoreandboughtenoughto makeacrisp.  There, I didn't really say that!

    Take care everyone.  Helen

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2009 Southern California, lots and lots of stuff is nicknamed, SoCal...but it's not too well known outside our little corner of the world I guess.

    Helen...I was thinking more, Thelma and Louise, but I have my DH in tow... 

    Rita...maybe we will cross each other's trails along the way

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591
    edited May 2009 have a wonderful time on your trip.  I never mentioned but Dh and I spend many years in So. Cal.  From Santa Barbara to Santa Paula.....longest stretch was in Ventura.  My children live in Port Hueneme/Oxnard area.  Quite a way from San Diego....but So Cal is so nice and I loved it the 25 years I lived there.  Now I am retired -semi, here where I was born and raised in southern Illinois....hmmmm that makes me so ill I guess. 

    Have a great time. 



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2009

    Thanks must be hard having your kids on the West Coast...

    I grew up all over the place...during WW II Dad was in the Army then after

    that with IBM..I have lived here the longest by far...33 years just in this

    house..I came out in 1964 after college and have been in and out of the area

    thanks to the US Navy..we did have a wonderful four years in Madrid Spain..

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2009

    Hey Jo....I hear ya about needing this vacation!   Hopefully you can get your Dad in and done before vacation time arrives.  Then you won't have that to worry about while you're vacationing!  Hang in there!


  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Mornin' Ladies,

    To all those going on vacation ----- have an absolutely wonderful and adventerous time.  See and explore some new and interesting things and BE SAFE.

    My vacation isn't until August at the Outer Banks of North Carolina.   I expect to be there and two months ago I figured I would be dead.  Can't be a bad thing any way I look at it.

    Has everyone lived in California at least once in their lives?  I lived there in 1969-70. During the Hippie invasion.  I arrived right before Manson went on his rampage.  Timing ladies, I am just full of great timing.  ;-)  I lived in Torrance and Hermosa/El Porto Beaches.  Interesting time in my life.  My dad said that at that time (he lived in LA when he was younger) in history, God tipped the US on end and all the nuts rolled to California, and I was ONE OF THE NUTS. -- Well, he was right, I was!!  I can laugh about it now.  I ran away from home and a bad engagement.  SoCal was not a good place for me to end up half crazy as I was. Oh well, long time ago and ancient history.

    I am off for my blood draw today.  Hmmm, not scared as I won't get the results until next week but this is the first one to test the viability of the Arimidex.  I would be very upset if he took me off of it as it seems to be working so well.  Stupid fear, I suppose.

    Other then that --- heh, my ettegre for my bathroom has two left sides. So we will making a trip back to Bed, Bath and Beyond and then to get kitty food so my babies don't claw my face off tomorrow morning.  LOL

    Jo, I have great sympathy for you.  My mom took care of both her mother in law and her mother, in our home  before they died.  She did the cleaning (of them) and the meds etc. Rough job.  At least my mom found some humor in it, she said she always thought her mom in law was a pain in the butt until her own mother moved in.  She had both of them there at the same time.

    My mother deserves an application for Sainthood.  She has lived a long and comfortable life and she and my dad spent the last fifteen -- twenty years coming down here to Marathon Key every winter, buying a boat and fishing and enjoying themselves so I think God paid her for her efforts.

    OK, I am --- "out of here."

    Have a good one ladies,



  • Cheyanne
    Cheyanne Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2009

    Well, I've never lived in California.  Never wanted to.  I have only visited once, went to a seminar in San Diego some years ago.

    I'll be going to my daughter's house in Rockford, IL in a couple of weeks.  I always have to wave when I go past Bloomington because one of my friends has family there.  So I will wave to the Bloomington lady too.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591
    edited May 2009

    Cheyanne.....I have lived in several places and loved them all....Alabama, Missouri, ( born in Centralia, Illinois, San Antonio, Texas, California though I will have to say....there is no place like home. 

    Jo, I think God ( wanting you to be as happy as your father ) would expect you to tell your Dad anything you had too.  After is more the intent....and no one walks around with the hope that they can find a REASON to not tell the truth.  It is easier on your Dad's health and a whole lot easier on yours.  We all try ( don't we ) to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...but now and then life just transpires to back us into corners and we have to do the best we can with what we are given.

    Pam though it will be awhile....the Outer Banks in August sound fantastic.  I know a few people who live there.  Lucky hey are.

    Well, I need to go for now See you all later.



  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010

    All you Illnois girls are getting me confused.  I live  only a few miles as the crow flies from where I was born (NYC).  I've visited California twice...visiting my son. Got to swim in the Pacific. I have to say the surf is awesome.  I've visited Europe and every state on the east coast. Time to retire and take that cross country trip.

    Jo it's hard with parents.  Someone told me that you can just do the best you can with them.  I'm a bit of an overachiever and want to keep everyone happy...sometimes  that's not good for you,the caregiver though.    My friends and I ask each other all the time, "Are we going to be like that with our children?"

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited May 2009

    Maire - I think the question is whether our children will be like that with us. Will they humour us and help us and tell us what we need to hear? Oh I hope so!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2009

    Lassie11 - yes, they will.  I remember my mom humoring my grandma; my siblings and I humored my mom and it just goes on generation after generation.  We do it because there's just no other way to be kind to our parents.

    Maire67, are you in central NJ?  I'm in North Brunswick (Edison area). 

  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010

    Hi Patoo,  I'm in northern NJ but went to Rutgers in New Brunswick.  I've been lost in Edison area a few times.

    Don't get me wrong...I'm glad I did what I had to  do for my parents and in-laws.  They were wonderful parents. 

    Good night all


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2009

    Oh no, I did not take your words to mean anything negative.  I get a kick out of knowing that our kids will one day look at us and say something similar to what we say 'I hope I don't get that crochety...' - but we will and we will have earned it.  It's called "senior rights" and I'm gonna claim every bit of it.

    And, I like Maire, bid you all a good night.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2009

    Hey wave when you travel by Bloomington and I'll wave right back at you!  I like the Rockford area!  :=)

    Good night all!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2009

    Hey JO....That's what makes vacations so sweet...the escape from the daily routine and little challenges that we usually have.  Still, I'm always ready to come home after a good vacation!

    Today is the first golf scramble of the year at our club and I am so ready for organized golf.  I'm hoping the rain holds off until later this afternoon!  (Being rather selfish here!  LOL)  I'll be back later to see how everybody is doing!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591
    edited May 2009

    Hi everyone....probably should say though some may have figured it out from my talking about getting my care at the V.A........I lived in many places because I was in the Army.  A looooong time ago.  My folks could only afford to help one of us after high school get more schooling.  My sister, being older, and dare I say finding enjoyment in pulling the rug out from under me often, took the I went into the service.  After I got through the sister changed her mind....a bit too late for me. 

    Now I'm really telling on myself....a young naive' country bumpkin from a town of 200 people can get such an education upon leaving home.  It was one of the biggest reasons I did not stay in the service long.  Too much, too soon, too fast ---  and of course, I think very little of it all now.  After all these years of learning that have taken place.  Things happen as they are suppose too, so it was a part of my formative growing up.  Much of it might have easily happened to those going away somewhere to college. 

    Hope you all have a grand day, whatever you do.  I'm off to work soon --- other side of the lake from me. 

    I'll be checking back later.



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    I am lurking.  A little depressed.  I don't know why, maybe worried about the results of the Bone Scan, my joints are giving me problems.  My knees especially are hurting.   This medicine is working so well and I don't want to be taken off of it but I found out yesterday that a lady I used to Sub for went off of the Arimidex at the end of a year because of stiffness in her fingers.  I already have arthritis so I figured --- it won't be that much more of a problem but I didn't sleep well last night as I couldn't make my knees and feet feel comfy.  Ok, enough grousing from me.  I need some good Gallows Humor.

    I think I will get back to hanging all my boys placks and awards they got in high school and college, that should make me happy.  Still all in all a grandchild would be a good reward also, I don't think I'll hang it on the wall though.  LOL

    Have a great one ladies and maybe you all will lift my spirits.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591
    edited May 2009

    HI Pam and everyone,

    I think you just are having jitters about your test and therefore feel every little twinge and nuance of one.  It is such a common thing to get upset --- even when your sure your in charge and won't.  Also, I know some people feel these pills more than others do.  The wet weather gives me a bit more stiffness and "feeling" and we are having more of that....the wet weather.  I probably would do my utmost  ( not even bad enough for me to even toy with the idea ) to stay with the pills as they are to me a huge hedge against getting a recurrence.  Or barring feeling like you can stay on might see if there is something to help with the "worst issues" to see if your tolerance improves. 

    Just thinking aloud for you a little Pam.  Yesterday work was something else.  I have a difficult job going.....the sad part is I'm being paid for a lot of work that I don't think will make any difference.  Despite needing extra cash I told the lady that I felt she well could be wasting her money having me clean as I think the mobile is too old and has too much wrong with it.......She would be better served to remove the minor washing up ( instead of the deep cleaning I'm doing ) and sell the land with the mobile thrown in.  It's her call, and I did tell her what I thought so guess I have done all I can to relieve myself of having taking advantage in any way.  Sigh !!!   Just hate getting into situations like this. 

    Well, I'm onward for the next project.  See ya'll later.  Hi to everyone.



    I won't even go into my job yesterday.  Yikes !!!! 

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2009

    Pam, I agree with Jackie.  I think you're stressed out over your scans and stress can do strange things to us.  As for the joint pain on the Arimidex, it was suggested that I add a Vitamin D-3 supplement and some magnesium to my daily pill intake to help with the arthritic type pain.  It seemed to work.  You might want to give it a try if the pain continues.  However, once that bone scan comes back clean, I think you'll find many of your aches and pains are gone.  Hang in there!  How well I understand the pre-scanning and testing anxiety!  HUGS! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591
    edited May 2009

    Morning from very wet southern Illinois.  What a storm we had last night....cracks of thunder sat me right up in bed a couple of times and kept me awake for a while thru the wee hours.  Not happy about that on a night when I need to work the next day.  We are due for some more of it....some time during today which also is not a great thought.  Sure glad Dh was able to get the mowing done between storms....we were very  seedy looking here.  We are out in the woods surrounded by in patches where you have sun....often you get tall tufts growing and barely need to mow some of the rest save for getting it evened up.  We look ok now and won't mind the rain for that part.

    Hope you all have a stunning day.....and not too wet. 



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    Better today. Thank you for your encouragement.  It really helped.

    It could have been one of three things that made me hurt.  I was bit by a nasty little bug the day before and he may have had something to do with the aches and pains as he swelled up my left arm, (opposite to the bc side) but today it is back down and my knees aren't anywhere near as bad. 

    Also the lady I was talking about was a very active lady who used her hands a lot.  She taught a "pregnant and parenting teens" class and they did a lot of sewing and small-- finger work.  I imagine she would be more likely to complain then I would, I am not having pain in my hands, just my kness and I have had that for ten years.  It just felt like it was all over yesterday soooo --- of course the first thing I thought was OMG it is all throughout all my bones.  Eh, today, it's hardly even in my knees.  NOW just remind me of this on Monday night when I am freaking out.  Sigh.

    Sorry Jackie but it is beautiful down here today.  Course it's also to hot for this time of year which --- could mean Hurricanes later on this summer.  Maybe I will be in the Outer Banks if one hits.  LOL.  Oh --- maybe not --- my cats would be here alone.  Eeeek.

    "I" am going to see the latest Star Trek tomorrow night with a bunch of friends.  Robert has even been included, then we will all go to the ice cream shop.  My big sugar shot for the week. ;-)

    Today I am cleaning furniture and still hanging placks and pictures.  I swear, my kids earned an awful lot of awards.  Maybe I should just let them take them all with them when they come to visit.  Nah, then how could I brag.  I'd have nothing to show for all those years of hard work.  LOL

    OK ladies, I am off to wash more cushions and chairs.  The rugs are next.

    Have a good one especially those on or going on vacation.



  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010
  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2009

    Hello Chooks:  Today I began the Taxol treatmets and HOLY MOLEY!  The infusion was fine; it was getting the ball rolling today that was an adventure. 

    I live in Southwest MO--in Tornado Alley, no less, and this time of year means lots of tornado watches and warnings.  This morning the sirens began about 7:45 and I needed to get to the Cancer Center about 8:30 for labs, leave and run some errands, then back to CC by 10:20 for my onc appointment, to be followed by infusion.  I debated about whether to leave my place with all the strong winds, pounding rain, and tornado warning/advisory to take shelter.  Being stubborn Scotch/Irish, I decided to leave.  At least there was little traffic (in fact absolutely none in my neighborhood) as most people were sane enough to stay home.  Got to the CC, registered for my lab work, and then the center was evacuated to the basement!  Now this is also where the radiation center is located, so the rad receptionists were not happy with the influx of folks from upstairs.  We all sat there for about 45 minutes, the rad machines went down, so no one was moving.  The TV indicated that the storm had moved through Springfield and was now about 20 miles to the east.  I finally went up to the receptionist and asked when she thought we might go upstairs and she said, "Oh, they gave an All Clear about 20 minutes ago."  Duh. 

    With that announcement, we all got up-- there were 3 in wheelchairs and 2 with walkers.  Another woman and I got the frailer folks on the elevator (along with some ambulatory ones who crowded on first) and then we walked up the stairs.  The whole dismal episode delayed my procedure about 2 hours. 

    Anyway, no problems with the infusion and, so far, I feel fine--tired, but no nausea, etc.  The best part was that I don't have to go in for the Neulasta shot on Monday.  I'm happy to be through with the A/C, although I had very few SEs--can't complain.

    I hope you all are about to have a good weekend, can get some rest, have a Happy Mother's Day, and find a little something to be thankful for--I'm thankful that I have all of you to listen to my carping about the weather!!  Sorry to blabber like this, must be the steroids (?) Take care--Helen 

    Maire--I've been wondering about Northstar, too.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591
    edited May 2009

    Gram of 3....hmmm, you may forget a lot of things, but probably won't forget this ----  your first Taxol.  It was a strange storm and seemed like hard to account for who was going to get the worst weather when.   Last night was when most of the storm ( far as I know only intense thunder and lightning and rain ) came through my part of southern Illinois.  Lots of rain and some thunder and lightning thru the day....but the wild stuff ( the winds and all the rest ) went through 70 miles farther south of us around 1 o'clock this afternoon. 

    Glad the infusion went ok and so far so good with the possible se's.  Hopefully all of them will be "easy" to get down. 

    I did not sleep much last night and then worked all day....a really busy day for the fact of all the rain....lots of phone calls and details to work out.  I'm a little exhausted actually and wonder how long it will take me to catch up --- which seems to be a thing now.  I don't come back as easily when I miss sleep or get over-tired. 

    Do you not need the Neulasta for Taxol....or you get to skip this shot only due to your numbers ( counts ) being up. 

    See you all later.



  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Thank you for the discussion about Taxol and Neulasta.  The Neulasta helps one get through the Taxol I take it?  I am thinking ----- no, no projecting, lol, that I will be put on something like that because I am HER/2 neu negative.  I asked the Doc the last time I was there what they did about HER/2 neg. and he said "Chemo" but it was like he was thinking out loud while working out what his plans for me will be.  Do they usually use those two after surgery?  My breast is still going down in size, the lession is getting smaller and smaller. :-O  Quite interesting, I am certainly happy that I have the mind of a scientist as I am looking at myself as a science project.  LOL  Anyway, I know they have "operate" somewhere in their plans for my future as he is still sending memo's to the surgeon as to my progress.  But then I am thinking, --------- oh I suppose I shouldn't do that, ------- that they will go ahead with some form of Chemo because of the neg.  Of course I have no results from the bone scan yet, they may change my mind for me if something is wrong there.  Thinking out loud and typing it out.  Can you tell?  Sorry, it just helps to "voice" it all.

    OK, ladies, as I said,  I don't know what he has in mind but I managed to go look up Taxol and Neulasta, just so I have the information so --- Thank You.

    Having a good day today (if I keep "thinking" I am likely to turn it into a bad one so think I will turn off my brain now, sigh) I hear the Star Trek movie is getting great reviews.  I am so happy as I am a bit of a Trekkie, just a bit, so it will be worth while.  I am going to suggest we go to the brand spanking new IHOP that recently took over an old Mel's Diner.  I love IHOP, especially a new one before everything you touch turns sticky.  I have never been to an old one that the dishes and silver ware weren't always just a bit sticky.  UHG.

    To all those in the mid west, my deepest sympathies for the bad weather.  I don't think I could live with the ongoing threat of Tornado's.  In my minds eye Tornado's are far worse then Hurricanes and I went through the eye of Charlie.  The Vortex Tornado's scared me more in Charlie then the actual Hurricane.  ALTHOUGH, I am not champing at the bit to go through another.  LOL

    OK, I am still hanging pictures, actually I got caught up in cleaning couch cushions and rugs so the pics ( a boring job anyway) got shunted of to the side. Anyway, I should get back to my picture hanging.

     I am so happy someone mentioned Northstar with an explanation as I was looking at her blurb that started the list list and wondering where she was, just a day or two ago.  Hope she is doing OK.

    Have a great afternoon ladies,



  • katsOK
    katsOK Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2009

    Hi Older Women with Breast Cancer,  I have been reading at for several weeks and just discovered the older women forum.  I am 65 and have known for about a month I have breast cancer.  I have had a lumpectomy and Mammosite radiation since then and am waiting to see the surgeon again and be referred to an oncologist.  I am still in shock over my diagnosis; somehow, because I breastfed three children for a year each, I thought I would not get it.  Surprise, surprise!!.    I have not read all the posts on this site but can tell I will enjoy reading the posts of the older women the most.  In addition to the stats below on me, I have type 2 diabetes, lower back and neck arthritis and disk problems, osteoporosis or osteopenia (do not know if it has improved), I am overweight, and have high blood pressure.  All of these things will have to be considered in my treatment plan I assume.    Part of my personal treatment plan is to lose weight, eat more fruits and vegetables and exercise more; of course if that was easy to do I would have already done it.   I am hoping the addition of cancer will move me to finally do it.

  • amE2
    amE2 Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2009

    Hi Kat,

    Welcome, this is a wonderful bunch of women.  They have helped me through serveral glitches.

      Your Dx is similar to mine.  I am loosing weight because of the meds I am on and because I am sooo aware now of how sugar and caffiene feed and heighten any BC problems.  I am at Stage IV but am stable as I am on Arimidex and it is reducing the tumors.  Estrogen hides in fat cells, ER+ PR+ BC feeds off of Estrogen, so I figure the more fat cells I can get rid of the less Estrogen will be there to feed the cancer. I am using only Splenda and lots of Veggies and smaller pieces of meat and if I get a sugar craving I stick with Fruit Juice Popsicles.

    Aren't we lucky, years ago my advancement would have been a imminent death sentence.  Now --- they can give me time and keep me stable and "work on it."  I was told --- they won't cure me but they can give me time.  How much is dependent on how the drugs take in my body.  It's just amazing.  I started taking the Arimidex and all my energy came back.  You will be able to tell more when you find out what drugs or Chemo you will be on.  These ladies here will be able to walk you through almost all of the problems and side effects they may cause.  

    I breast fed my babies also, two of them and hardy eaters at that, but I was put on HRT about four years before they found out about the Cancer susceptiblity from it and took everyone off of it.  I can be giving a doc all my history and the minute I say I was on HRT they stop and move on from there.  OH well, live and learn.


