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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,106
    edited October 2011

    My gum disease problems date back years before bc.  I've been going to this periodontist for at least 10 years.  Unrelated to bc, I've read that gum disease is possibly related to heart disease.  Something about the inflamation.  I've spent a fortune on my teeth.  I have my teeth cleaned every 3 mos and a visit to the hygienist at the periodontist's office is $125, which seems exorbitant to me.  We have no dental insurance.

    No rain in our forecast and we could use some.

    Wishing everyone a good Tuesday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited October 2011

    Laugh when you can,
    apologize when you should,
    and let go of what you can't change.
    Life's too short to be anything... but happy.
    - Anonymous

  • NAD
    NAD Member Posts: 44
    edited October 2011

    "knock-knock"  "anybody I know still hanging around?"  I have been away with way too busy days beginning with early morning rads.  I finished last week.  It wasn't bad at all.  I burned some but it is beginning to deminish. I did experience some odd fatigue towards the end so I got a membership at L.A.Fitness and threw myself into exercise.  Now, I have L.E.  I was out of town for the long weekend so I couldn't see anyone.  Tomorrow I go to the P.T.  This feels awful and so far is more uncomfortable than surgeries or rad.  I hope they can improve it.

    I am still painting like mad.  Just finishing up another commission and then begin two more.  Thank God this is my nondominant arm.  Still....I hate it.

    Marcha you hanging in there ok?  Jeannette and Jackie, I have missed your "pithy" posts.

    xoxo, nancy in Atlanta 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited October 2011

    Well I live and breathe. How fantastic to hear from you.  I almost tapped on your email box a time or two but didn't.  I am sorry about that darn LE.  If it's not one thing it's a baker's dozen.  I'm taking it that your P.T. person is well versed in LE drainage techniques.  When you reach a certain point you can get fitted for a sleeve and that will help a lot.  Some people have discovered things that "tend" to "trigger" their LE episodes --- so with time, and care and paying attention, hopefully you will know as well. 

    You definitely need a sleeve if you do any flying.....and lots of people put it on when they are doing repetitive work ( like we will be doing soon running the leaf blowers for hours at a stretch ) .  I have been fortunate so far that it has not been a problem at all......and of course, I'm hoping it never is. 

    Anyway I know we all missed you Nancy so hope you can hang around with us  abit more. 

    By the way.....thought I'd tell you.....I resonated with some of the strange rads fatigue.  I just forced myself to take some long walks out of doors -- hoping I didn't fall asleep half way home while walking. 

    See you all in the a.m.  Sweet dreams.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2011

    Morning gals...Nancy, there are a lot of threads about Lymphedema on this forum....Just go up to the top right "search" they type in Lymphedema, and all kinds of threads come up.  I know a 'busy" one is "I hate Lymphedema'.... So by reading them, and Jackie is right, you can get a "sleeve" which is very helpful.   Sorry about that.

    Glad you are still painting!   It's so hard to only have one arm....My Daughter had Rotator Cuff surgery last month, & is still wearing the sling & getting PT...So she is pretty uncomfortable still also.  It's hard, because she is right handed, but learning how to do a lof of things with her left hand/arm.   I call her "Flipper"....Wink  Taking her again today for another treatment, then probably  pick up "stuff" at the Grocery, & sit by a lake & have a picnic...  It's going to be beautiful again today... The cold weather is taking a far.

    Carole!  Teeth are so "high maintenance"  Ha!  I gave up on my teeth about 30 years ago.  I've had nothing but problems since I was a little girl.... So I finally gave up & had the last 8 teeth pulled from the top, he slapped in my new most gorgeous plate of pretty teeth, & I've never been sorry.   I still have my teeth on the lower part, but if they start acting up, they are all winding up under my pillow...Ha!  

    One of my friends who is even a year older than I, is waiting for the 3 months to have her implants pounded in!!!  Yikes I say!  She admits, she is very vain about her teeth... But at our age, they are not exactly "white" and  not worth messing with.   And it's so nice to have no more problems with my upper "play" teeth.... They are also a lot nicer looking than my own teeth ever were.  I remember always having to go to the Dentist when I was little....After he finished working on them, he would give me 50 cents....Ha!  I only have room for 12 teeth on the top and bottom, so I had a lot of permanent teeth pulled... I had "tusks" in the front, & had to wear "bands" to pull them down to where they belonged.  So 2 front teeth were pulled to make room, plus 4 impacted wisdom teeth...  Oh so..... THAT'S why....Smile  One of our Daughter's also had too many teeth for her mouth...One had to be pulled that was coming in the roof of her mouth...

    Carole, can you please post the link abut your Alaskan trip again?  Or is it in your Bio?  And Nancy, did you take pictures of your paintings?  And can you post them?  You must be very proud! 

    Okay...gotta jump-start this day....xoxo

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,106
    edited October 2011

    Nancy, sorry about the LE.  Was it the exercise that caused it?  We all live in fear of LE. 

    Yeah!  I was down 1 lb on the scale today.  Each lb clings like the devil and is so hard to lose.  And so easy to gain!  I blame age and arimidex.  In my younger years I could always drop the extra lbs. 

    Now I must get dressed to go and play golf with the women's group at our club.  Looking forward to being outside and pushing some of life's headaches aside for a while.  These headaches involve my elderly mother and niece, who has three small children.  I'm trying to help her get SS disability.  Her disability is mental problems that make it impossible for her to hold down a job.  She was admitted to the first mental hospital when she was 14.  And, yes, she had three children, now age 2, 6, and 8.  Against all the advice of her mother and others in the family, including me.  She has been a major financial burden. 

    Have a happy Wed!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited October 2011

    The less I take the difficulties of my life as personal affront,
    and the more I use them as an opportunity to learn and grow...
    the easier I sleep at night.
    - Mary Anne Radmacher

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited October 2011

    Good morning everyone.  Way to go Carole.  I know it is so hard to lose wt.  I've lost and gained much more than I could count.  Never had a wt. problem till I started with medical issues -- was always too skinny.  Talk about polar opposites....but thank goodness being tall helped me NOT show all that was there. 

    I've lost 55 #'s now, but it took time.  About three yrs.  I want to get off about 10 more, but I'm not going to "force" it off.  If it happens....great, if not, I'll just be thankful for what is gone. 

    I hope you are able to effect something positive with your niece.  I'm taking it that your Mom is "helping" in some way and shouldn't be having the stress either.  In any case, seems like most people I know got denied their disability -- then when they re-filed for a hearing on the denial, they were "given" it.  Don't know that it happens that way every time, but may be something for you to keep in mind when working with the disability issues.  I hope it all works out. 

    I'm off to Marion V.A. ( 70 miles south of home here ) today to see the Podiatrist.  Hope we can stay out of the rain....not sure though.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2011

    Hi all,  Had my blood work done this morning at our local hospital.  They could not get enough blood from vein so they had to take blood for CBC from my finger, I hate that.  Just added another bruise to my trophy case on my left arm.  I am a little crabby today, guess I am tired and do not want to be at work but must get some things done.  Guess I need to be thankful that I can work and keep up my insurance.

    Carol, I hear you pain.  Our daughter has border line personality dsiorder.  She is the best she has been in years right now.  She takes her med without fail.  She has 2 children, but only has custody of her daughter.  She is on SS and Medicade and that helps, she lives with us.  She was treated for Hodgkins Disease when she was 19, so she has been through alot also.  Good luck with the SS, I would get an attorney.

    Everyone have a good day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,106
    edited October 2011

    Mommarch, my niece was also diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.  So you understand what we're dealing with.

    Today was a nice day, a litle humid, but I enjoyed being out on the golf course.  The two women I played with were very pleasant to be around.  My game isn't very good but I had some good holes. 

    Tomorrow is the day I take my mother to have her hair done.  This is a luxury she has enjoyed only after she got older.  We also get her groceries.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2011

    Oh Brother, is AOL acting up today!  Have to hurry here, before it shuts down completely, yet again! 

    Nancy....I don't think I get what you meant by "Pithy" posts....Maybe it means something different to you.....Hope you are feeling better now....And Carole, always glad to hear from you....

    Jackie.... Glad you don't have so much on your plate right now....Maybe you can find some time, "just for you!" 

    It's such a beautiful day here!  We could all go on a picnic!  Ha! xoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited October 2011

    Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them.
    You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have.
    - Norman Vincent Peale

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited October 2011

    Hey---good morning everyone.  Great sun roaming around out there.  Yesterday had some grayer moments, but today is fantastic.  Guess you can tell ---- give me some sun and I start to bloom right away.....and so many things are not impossible anymore. 

    Got a ton of work to do today, but I will get so much of it done. 

    Our ground is really getting covered fast with those leaves.  Hate to think about it but way sooner than I am ready we are going to slip into much cooler weather.  Been wondering if we are going to get the early winter predicted.  I'm thinking now since people were telling me we were going to have snow this  Good thing I like to play in the snow. 

     Well, I'm onward for the day.  Here's hoping it is brght and sunny where all of you are and that the day turns out perfect for you.  I'll be checking in later after work tonight.  See you all then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2011

    Well good Morning everyone, it is 3:04 PM and I just got up for the second time today.  This Taxol seems to have kicked my butt in the fatigue field.  I will see how goes tonight and if the fatigue gets unbearable I will go to the ER tomorrow and have blood work done if need be.

    Have a good weekend

  • epgnyc
    epgnyc Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2011

    Great thread!  It's nice to hear from all you "older" women out there.  Having been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer, I'm used to seeing posts from mostly younger women, but a minority of us in our 50;s and older have it as well.  I was first diagnosed with TNBC in 2002 and then again this year in 2011.  This time I had a BMX since who the heck wants to repeat this a 3rd time.  I find it ironic that while I may be considered an "old lady," my breast cancer is the opposite!  Take care everyone.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2011

    Hi Everyone!  Epgnyc....Hello kiddo....I don't know much about TNBC....Can you tell us a little about it?   I'm learning so much on this forum.....  It's always good to know a little about everything we can!    Sorry about the repeat stuff.....That would make me opt for a BMX also!

    My Daughter's are 50 and 53...And I don't know what I would do if I knew they had BC.    That is just really young!    So I know I am "lucky" to not have this until I was 72!  I thank God everyday....

    I'm so sorry Mommarch!  I was hoping this wouldn't happen to you.....Honey, I think this is what happens with this drug....I don't know what to say, unless just hang in there.... It's supposed to make sure you will be alright, on down the road..... But yes, either call your Doc/Oncologist, or just go the the emergency if it gets too bad....It's possible it affects some women differently than others!  ((((hugs)))).....Just don't be afraid....Read the threads on here about Taxol.... The "Search" box is up in the right hand that, and then type in "Taxol".....A lot of different threads should come up....I hope this can reassure you..... I'm just sorry....

    Jackie!  Our leaves are really coming down fast also....I try & let them dry out, then I stuff them in a black trash bag, then stomp on them, till they are like brown mulch....then I can add them to my garden soil in the spring!  Along with the coffee grounds, and crushed dried egg-shells that I save.

    Okay gals....thinking of all of you.....  Take good care...Marcha....let us know...... xoxox

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited October 2011
    Do not believe that he who seeks to comfort you lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. His life has much difficulty... Were it otherwise he would never have been able to find those words.
                -- Rainer Maria Rilke
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited October 2011

    Good morning ladies....I had a bout of fatigue last night ( happens now and then, but not too often thank goodness ) and did not spend much time here last night.  Instead I headed for jammies and my recliner. 

    epgnyc, so glad you found us.  We are a small but contented group.  I feel so for the "much younger" sisters that have to face this disease, but we seasoned ladies have some slightly different twists and turns and so it is nice to have a place to come to where we are generally alike.  I hate to admit I haven't read up much on Triple N's......I think Herceptin ( in combo with something else for a bit ) is what is generally used.  Still.....for me, were I to have about the same diagnosis...I'd be going for the MX too I would imagine.  I hope you continue to do well and come back and see us often.

    It is going to be a pretty day here though much cooler temps are due to start in the middle of this coming week.  Yikes....time to think furnace -- unless we are really brave.  At my age.....I don't want to have to "bundle" up inside so the furnace will go on.

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,106
    edited October 2011

    I caught up with the ironing today. The rack in the laundry room is empty! 

    Here it is almost mid Oct and the temp was in the low 80's today.  Usually by this time, we're starting to get some cool weather. It's very dry.  We've been moving the hose around the yard.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited October 2011

    Good Sunday morning everyone, as I look out on mounds of leaves everywhere. The drive-way is mostly covered up.  Hope I can interest someone in blowing leaves today.  It's good exercise for the waistline --- that always helps convince me.

     Marcha....hope you are getting a handle on your fatigue.  It is harder I know to welcome the chemo that will help you heal when you have to go through these se's.  I hope it is a predictable SE, as many days until it loses its grip and you can begin the up side again.  Just thinking of you and hoping you are on the up-side again.

    Wow !!!  There is a laundry room fairy Carole, and you are it.  I'd invite you over to mine but I don't have room in my house right now for all the fairies I need.  A few changes in routine and seems like I have to re-set how I deal with everything.  Well, it will all come.  I'll just have to think of the quote I left above.  If we just keep playing ( don't have to win ) we will wind up where we need to be.

    Hope you are all going to have a wonderful Sunday.....and LaughingSUNSHINE, all day long.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited October 2011
     Teach me to do the best I can To help and cheer my fellowman; Teach me to lose my selfish need, And glory in the larger deed, Which smothers the road and lights the day, For all who chance to come my way.
    --  Source Unknown
  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2011

    Made it to work today, did not sleep much last night, but feel better.  Did alot of resting all weekend though.Have a good day

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited October 2011

    Marcha....the fact that you could go to work today sounded encouraging.....sure hope you didn't just drag the whole time.  It is not much good in saying that it will all pass.  You already know that but knowledge doesn't always give you the needed boost to actually get through those days when getting one foot in front of the other is challenging.  I slept when I had too and exercised when it felt like it would actually help my fatigue and energy level.  It usually did too. 

    Hope you all had a wonderful day today.  See you in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited October 2011
    "Earth is crammed with Heaven." Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • epgnyc
    epgnyc Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2011

    Hi from New York City all.  I believe Jackie and ChevyBoy asked about Triple Negative Breast Cancer, which I have been graced with twice now.  It's a very aggressive form of breast cancer that has poor prognosis for recurrence during the first 3-5 years after treatment.  Our odds do improve at the 5 year mark, for which I'm thankful.  Only about 10-15% of breast cancers are this type.  The intersting thing about it is that it occurs mostly in young women and African-American women and here I am an older white lady.  Go figure.  Unfortunately neither Herceptin or any of the hormonal drugs (Tamoxifan, Arimidex, etc.) work on it so we have only chemo and radiation to help protect us.  That being said, I beat the odds the first time and I intend to this time too.

    It's a beautiful day here in New York City today and the trees in Central Park are just starting to turn (I can see the park from the window of my office on the 18th floor).  Take care everyone.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,491
    edited October 2011

    epgnyc.....good for you.  You will beat those odds because it sounds like the winning edge is all your going to look at.   People have sneered at me for talking about positive attitude, but you have one and I know it always get you a heck of a lot farther than doom and gloom.  I mean nurturing a more positive outlook I believe helps you to seek and find answers that will work for you....while doom and gloom and upset is going to tend to go the other way. 

    Hats off to you.  I did think Herceptin was sometimes given for some Triple Negs along with a short round of some sort of chemo with the Herceptin being used for upwards of a yr.  Anyway, we are  in your corner cheering you on. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • MidnightIllustrator
    MidnightIllustrator Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2011


    I just found these discussions. It's good to hear everyone's comments. I feel like I just fell into another dimension with my cancer diagnosis. Space travel is a little harder when you're 69. Not to mention, learning a new language. I'm very lucky so was successful & healed fast, now radiation starts Monday. I'm apprehensive about that...I'm usually full of optimism and enthusiasm, but I fear the side effects. And call me a prude, but I hate being splayed out like a suit for lapel alterations. Success to all of you...I keep thinking of a sign I saw...FIND CAPE. PUT ON CAPE. FLY.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2011

    Good Morning gals!  Thanks epgnyc for telling us the difference in Triple-negative BC!  That sounds like a tough one...I also looked it up. 

     I can't or I mean won't take Tamoxifen either, because I lost my hearing, and I'm just too afraid to try any of the others....  So it sounds like the key for the Triple-Negative is finding it early?  And then definitely the chemo and radiation!  I know some women stay with the different types of chemo for many years.... I would too, if I thought this would help any recurrence of BC.

    Yes, Jackie!  I remember so well when our positive attitudes kind of hit a brick wall....It's just because when bad things are going on, some folks are just afraid of what is happening to them, and they become bitter & resentful... It's hard for them to think of ANYthing good coming out of this..... So they resent any words of  acceptance or positive attitude while this is happening.  And a lot of times terrible things are going on with them...that make it impossible for them to feel any different.   And maybe I would feel the same way...but we are all different....

    I could have fought back & screamed when I went deaf while on Tamoxifen....Especially because this is kind of rare, even though more women are losing their hearing from this drug.... But you just go on....I didn't let it drag me down... I got hearing aids, & now I can hear...when I want to.....Wink And it ain't-gonna make me feel any better to let this hold me back....It's just one more thing I have to live with. 

    Hi Klickitat!  Glad you are past the surgery part, and starting radiation!  I think we've all been there/done that, so we can be here for you....And like everything, we will get through it!  I know what you mean about not much they don't know about us, right?  We lay there like for the world to see...and I who was afraid to take a shower with the other girls in high-shool without CLOTHES on!  Ha! 

    Oh man, I remember I was sooo embarrased when I was laying there, ready for the MammoSite radiation, & getting hooked up, & I could feel the "hole" draining all over the table... But "they" reassured me that wasn't the worst thing that could happen, & we all laughed.  I think "they" are so used to our predicament, that it is nothing to them....except when a MAN doctor came in..... Then it was like I was on display at Coors field or something..... !  So you can be a'll soon get over THAT one....Ha! 

    Just go ahead and keep being positive!   All that can happen is, when we fall down, we get back up again & say, "Well, that wasn't exactly fun, but I made it, so NOW what?"  

    Some of our gals are going through chemo right now....and their time is a little rougher...but we are here whenever they want to talk...or even whine.....

    So go "FIND CAPE.....PUT ON CAPE....FLY!"   Oh man, I love that!  xoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2011

    FOR US!