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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • MidnightIllustrator
    MidnightIllustrator Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2011

    Hi folks…It's been a beautiful day here, if windy. The temperature is getting ready to drop, so I zipped the lining into my jacket & buttoned on the hood. I just got a couple of big design jobs that are taking up my time, but I'm glad they keep my mind off of my radiation trial run on Tuesday.

    Chevyboy & IllinoisLady, I played around with images for awhile, but can't follow through right now. I really like putting images and quotes together…I have a Tumblr blog where you can see some of them… That's probably a better place for me to share. I took a lot of the pictures with my cell phone (fun). I hope you are all ready for the changing temperatures. I have my bottle of tylenol at hand (arthritis in my hands with the season changes). Wish me luck for my coming 34 weeks of radiation…I'm so apprehensive. You are all wonderful examples and inspiration.

  • MidnightIllustrator
    MidnightIllustrator Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2011

    Chevyboy...I just figured it out...I was working too hard! This will be fun.Thanks for all your help.

    Okay everyone, I will make you all crazy now that I know how to do this!

    Here's the illustration I was trying to send to you, Marcha, when you sent a post about ironing (I'm a computer illustrator so most of my illustrations are digital).

    I think I must be the only person who irons anymore. What am I doing wrong? Even the wrinkle-free clothing comes out of the dryer looking like prunes. I was meant for bigger things...important things...

  • MidnightIllustrator
    MidnightIllustrator Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2011

    Here's a drawing for all of you who patiently tried to teach me how to do this! Now I'll shut up for awhile...

    Fill the tub with chicken soup on bad days...

     Fill the tub with chicken soup on bad days.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2011

    Klick!  Oh my God, I love them!   And yes, I iron too, ha!  But not very much.... I find that if I throw the clothes in the dryer for about 5 minutes, take them out & hang them on hangers on our one clothesline, or on the dry-rack, they come out fine...And I also fold the creases in the slacks before hanging on the rack, & I don't have to iron them!    Just don't let the clothes stay in the dryer too long...except the towels & bedding.....Or they will wrinkle.  You can also spray the damp shirts with starch, pull the wrinkles out, and hang on plastic hangers.

    But actually I like to front of the TV, Ha! 

    And the tub of Chicken Soup!  Ha, ha!!!  Man, you can caption EVERYthing fun like that...What a great talent!   It really is a "gift" you know.... Do you have more?  You sure know your way around a computer.... I knew you could do it...if you just take your time.

    You just "whipped" it into shape...Wink

    Taking my Daughter for another PT session today, then to lunch, and tomorrow she is leaving for Orlando to stay with her big Sis....and her fam..... I've always loved how "close" those two are... AND  we are with our Grand-sons.... Just wish we were all a little closer to each other.

    So you guys take Tylenol instead of Aleve?  Does it stop the "creaking" and that pain we get from Arthritis?  I'm okay with Aleve, since I have a LOT of them, but is Tylenol better?  I always blame it on the weather, because I KNOW the atmospheric  pressure changes affect it.  (Did you like that big word I used this early in the morning?) 

    Wait till Jackie sees your Pics!  She will be amazed!  Congratulations Klick!  xoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2011
    Okay Klick!  I have spent all this time looking at your blog!  All I can say is AMAZING!  I even listened to some of the songs!  Did you put all of this together, or did other people contribute?  How fun to be in the company of talented people!
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,493
    edited October 2011

    To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.
    -Reba McEntire

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,493
    edited October 2011

    Yeah, Yippee, Wahoo, Whoopie-do, I knew you could do it Klick.  The reason I knew this is that if Chevy could "figure" out how to "help" me.....then anyone could do the do.  I'm going to have to go to your web-site too....but no time right now. 

    I have put the above quote out a couple of times, but I just find it so true.  Ran into it again this morning and thought it would "brighten" things up again.

    Hmmm, I don't use much of anything for pain....unless it gets really bad.  I do think Chevy....Aleve is pretty strong...and so to avoid bleeding or stomach issues....I'd have to say be aware when using it.  I also think my Dh, after a couple of days has to start checking his blood for some reason Aleve seems to make it go up.  You just never know how some of these things are going to work once they get inside of us.  I do keep extra-strength Bufferin around and some fast-acting Tylenol -- but it usually gets out-dated long before I use enough.   

    Be checkin' in later after work.  See you all then.  Hope you have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie are you doing???  Haven't heard from you in awhile.  Hope all is well !!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,493
    edited October 2011
  • MidnightIllustrator
    MidnightIllustrator Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2011

    Hi folks

    Thanks for compliments...

    I think I take Tylenol because I have high blood pressure, but I've used it so long I can't remember. I mostly get aches & pains when the weather is changing. It only lasts for a day or two.

    Re: my blog, I took the photos (or my husband) and did the illustrations, unless I credited the source. I can't remember putting any music on, so did you go to if that's what it says in the "go to " line (URL) then it's mine. Tumblr is a huge blog community. It's really easy to set up and use and has gazillions of members. You have to sign up to start blogging. Most bloggers "re-blog" images they find from on other blogger's websites...this is encouraged because it connects people plus they assemble images, quotes, text to reflect their own interests. In this way bloggers can "follow" the topics they like. At the right side of my blog are lots of little square images. Those are people I follow. If you click on those, you go to their sites.

    Have a great day!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2011

    Hi Klick....I must have gone to everyone elses site from there, Ha!  But the pictures were really interesting, along with yours!!!  And even the links for the music....  It was fun reading.

    I also asked the Pharmacist about whether I should take Aleve or Tylenol for the occasional pain in my hips, legs & back.....He said the store brand Arthritis strength (750 mg) should work better than the Aleve....unless there was inflamation....But I've been told it is just Osteo-arthritis.  So I bought the store brand...for about $10 for 150 caplets.  I'll just take them at night, and in the mornings, if things hurt when I wake up.... Wink

    I mean sometimes after laying on my left side, that hip hurts so bad I wake up...And when I turn over, it's gone!  

    I'm so glad you can fool around with your photo's now! 

    Jackie...I ordered a measure oxygen level....seems mine is barely normal...almost 90, so George's Doc told me to get one, & to start using my Advair every day now.  I read on the Internet about how to fix low oxygen levels and the first thing it says is to quit smoking!  Well since I quit in 1964 I guess that's null & void...Ha, ha!   Maybe it's just normal with Asthma, here at High Altitude to have sparse oxygen....Wink  I feel great though, but the finger oximeter just came, so I'll have to play with that.... to you all later...xoxoxo...(oh!  an extra xo snuck in there!)  Cool

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,493
    edited October 2011

    10 Positive Assumptions

    1) I will make and keep my commitments.

    2) I will find the right people who can help me.

    3) I will look for an answer in every problem.

    4) I will give up "trying" and simply do.

    5) I will make it okay to be wrong and make mistakes.

    6) I will create my own "good luck".

    7) I will not be afraid to lose before I win.

    8 ) I will do it now!

    9) I will be who I am and become what I was meant to be.

    10) I will accept that all things are possible.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2011

    Okay, SNOW  this morning!  Someone just sent this to the Denver Post!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,493
    edited October 2011

    OMG....that looks like my deck....and I still have my table and umbrella out too....time to put it away.  Off to the oral surgeons.  I'll see you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2011

    Chevy - Stay warm, our high tomorrow will be 55, no moisture here. 

  • MidnightIllustrator
    MidnightIllustrator Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2011

    Chevyboy—Wow...what a snowfall. I remember that from living in Fort always snowed about Halloween. The snow is so different than it is here. In Colorado, if the car had a foot of snow on it, all you had to do was slam the door and it fell off. Here the snow is so wet & heavy & you have to chisel it off.

    mommarch—our temperature is hovering in the 43-58 range. We have some wind, but not much rain yet. We can count on rain, though...after all, this is Seattle. I hope it's dry for the little trick or treaters next Monday.

    IllinoisLady—I appreciated your inspirational list. I needed it. I had my first radiation with an actual zap today. I'm not liking going downtown and horsing around in traffic. I'm feeling put upon, not to mention I want a nap and have a ton of work today.

    Cheers everyone.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2011

    Hi Klick..... You will be getting pretty tired, I think....Just go with it, and remember your body needs extra rest to help you recover from this. 

    Yes, sometimes we DO have to chisel the snow off, Ha!  But not too often.  The snow has stopped, but still cold...35, and that's about as high as it's going to get today....Then clouds and sun tomorrow! Cool

    how are you doing Marcha?   Our Daughter is in Orlando now...with her Big Sis.... They sent me little video's from Sea World, and Shamu...!    She says the weather is just "beautiful" there, Ha!  We all KNEW the snow was coming, but just glad it will be nice tomorrow.

    I'm cooking a little pot of brown rice with chopped carrots, a little piece of chopped Ginger, with shallots and a little garlic....I also mix some with Lacee's dry kibbles. My friend went to Thailand & other little countries around there, & she liked their dish "Congee"....This is similar...only I don't usually cook the rice 4 hours like it calls for....And then you can slowly stir in a beaten egg when it is almost finished simmering.   It really IS good!  I guess you could even stir in some cooked chicken breast.

    Jackie....I hope you are alright....Wouldn't the door-knob have been easier?   And cheaper?  Just worried about you....  Let us know...xoxoxo

    DH just before he cleaned off his car....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,493
    edited October 2011

    There is no better path to happiness than the pursuit of helping others find joy. ~ Steven Spitz

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,493
    edited October 2011

    Almost evening here and trying to rain.  The world series game in St. Louis with our own home town Cardinals was called off until tomorrow night.  I think it is about time to have another bowl of ice cream.

     Oh yes....what was I thinking.  The teeth are gone and all the tooth fairy left me was a bag of gauze and an ice-pack.  My blood pressure was up.....but we went ahead about 11 a.m. this morning and got the dastardly deed accomplished.   I had a huge chocolate milk shake for lunch.  I can go back to warm liquids tomorrow.  Coffee....first thing. 

    I'm expecting that all should go well.....I've had no problems this afternoon/early evening and no pain either.  Of course, my mouth feels funny as it always does when you have a wad of gauze in your mouth roughly the size of the Bermuda Triangle.  I filled the pain prescription but may not need to use it.  I didn't use the one I had for my lumpectomy glad it wasn't too expensive.  Dr. said I had no infection present when he got the teeth out so won't have to do the 1 days of antibiotics after all.  That's a nice thing. 

    Klick....most of the people I know disliked doing radiation for having to go everyday......and go thru quite a production to get you all lined up right for about 7 minutes worth of radiation.  I had 7 weeks......and I also had to travel to where it was done and stay in a motel all week.  Talk about boring....oh my.  I came home on the week-ends to do laundry and help keep the house from getting too much worse than it is when no woman is around during the week.  Slaved all not too enjoyable only to go back to the motel for another long week of boredom.  It can zap you so if your body says to it.  Sometimes I would take a walk....when I just felt I was "napping" a bit much.....but I was only going to come back to a quiet...nothing happening room anyway.  This too will pass. 

     I'll see you all in the morning....after the rain.  It will really be cool then.  Won't get much past 50 degrees tomorrow. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • MidnightIllustrator
    MidnightIllustrator Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2011

    IllinoisLady...Yowee! okay, no more complaining from me! I don't know how you did it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,493
    edited October 2011

    I hope this is true:

    Remember, you're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
    A. A. Milne

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,493
    edited October 2011

    Good morning everyone.   I'm up and feeling fine today.  I had two milk-shakes yesterday for food, and about 8 p.m. decided  to take the gauze pack out and let the chips fall where they may.  It was the right thing.  Before long I was dozing much so I missed Dr. S's call.  Dh talked to him though. 

    I'm definitely going to work today as my job is not hard.  I do have a bruise on my lower cheek.  I'm sure if people saw me and did not know I had been to the oral surgeon it would provoke "thoughts" of all kinds and they would wonder who I might have tangled with and who won.  I surely did as those teeth needed to be gone.  Now it will just take some mending time and soon I'll be as good as new. 

     Klick....I approach almost all of my life the same way.  Though at times there might be a ton of dread, and I might have to REALLY force the first step.....I make myself take that step and then just keep taking them.  I tend to try and bear in mind the end positive result,rather then the tedious days and hours along the way.  Most of the time it works.  It also helped me so much to be here and sharing with people who were going thru exactly what I was and their friendship and caring was so invaluable.  What can be so daunting when you feel alone takes on so much more ease when others are helping you carry the burden. 

    You will do ok.....just don't be hard on yourself.  This is a time ( just like those pesky commercials ) when you have to take a path you never expected, and do a lot of on the job training.  You can get so much help and support and remove that feeling of isolation by coming here and sharing with those who have been there, done that, and know that the only way out of it is right through the middle of it.  In order to get there, we have to start -- no matter how much we may wish we didn't -- here and keep going till we get to the other side.  We here are your cheerleaders.  You don't have to do anything have a 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.  Time for me to get my lazy self moving and get started on my great day.....hmmm, I think I need to take one of those steps I talked about.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited October 2011

    Thanks Jackie:  As always, your inspiring words hit home.

     Well, I go tomorrow for yet another mammogram.  BS said the last one was done two months ago and he wants to see if the area of concern is still there...this decision after discussing with his radiology team.  My question is "where in the heck is it going to go??"  If the spot is still there, then biopsy time, so this "process" is moving towards a conclusion.  Makes me realize if I'd just had the darn MRI back in NC when the first radiologist suggested it, I'd be a lot further down the road by now.  So much for that...lesson move forward!

    Have a nice day everyone! 

  • MidnightIllustrator
    MidnightIllustrator Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2011

    IllinoisLady—Thanks for your thoughtful advice. It's been such a help to have these posts to look forward to when I get home in the afternoons.

    I had my 2nd radiation zap today, it went quickly and the technician told me I’d better start using the skin products. I said I thought that side effects didn’t start for a week or so. He said, “They do.” I was alarmed when I got home and found a message that the radiation machine had broken and my next treatment would be delayed until they get a part. I hope it was working when I got zapped!

    I'm thinking of you all tonight and the various places you are on your journey. It's wonderful to hear descriptions of the weather where you are, your gardens and families and dailly routines.

    My quote of the day: “When I die I’m going to leave my body to science fiction.” – Steven Wright

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,493
    edited October 2011
    "People often say that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder,'
    and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is
    realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find
    beauty in places where others have not dared to look,
    including inside ourselves."

    -- Salma Hayek
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,493
    edited October 2011

    Good morning from the sunny woods.  I am so glad we are not having rain.  I love the sun and only seem to bloom when it is showing its pretty face.

    Kaara, hope you will get good news with your mammogram.  Sounds like you are sorry you waited....but then, it felt like the right thing to do at the time and now that the "moment of truth" is hopefully at hand, it is a little daunting, when it could have been all over some time back.  We do what we do because at the time it seems like it is a great answer.  We are all hoping for the very best news for you. 

    Klick....that machine mal-functioned while someone else was having their rads --- else wise you, and they would have known immediately.  I have heard of delays coming up for that reason.  Glad that it never happened to me since I had to go so far away from home to do them.  Good that you get a little break, but you do need to use the creams and lotions right from the get-go.  I used clear Aloe-Vera jel that I got at Wal-Marts and it did fine up until the end when I was having boosts for a week.  Then I had some skin and tissue problems, but they resolved by just continuing on to use the lotions.  Don't be too skimpy with it either.  I was.....and I think I might have done better during the boosts. 

    Hope you are all going to have a fantastic day and a nice sun to warm you.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • MidnightIllustrator
    MidnightIllustrator Member Posts: 20
    edited October 2011


    We had our first whole day of rain today. Real rain that filled the gutters, dripped off the buildings, and made the umbrellas bloom.

    IllinoisLady—Serendipity…I just came home from the drugstore with Aloe-Vera gel! It looked pretty soothing. I went to my doc today regarding my swollen breast. He made an ultra sound and the verdict is that fluid gathering there is to be expected after 3 surgeries (to get clear margins). Since I didn't have pain, redness or fever this morning, they expect it will go down on its own. I feel better knowing that.

    Chevyboy—Has your snow gotten any deeper? It makes me nostalgic for Colorado. I remember that the temperature could change quickly…one time I was at the south end of Fort Collins shopping. I was wearing a short sleeved shirt and no coat. By the time I got to the north end of town, the temperature had dropped 20°.

    Have a good weekend everyone.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2011

    Hi everyone, 7th Taxol treatment yesterday, counting down. Saw my ONC, he says I am doing good.  Asked what to expect after chemo over and he said we would go to the homrone treatment and then he would follow up with me every 3 months.  He does not believe in the cancer marker tests as he said there are to many false positives and it just puts to much stress on you.  He will run some tests as needed.  It has been cold here in the Davis Mt's of west texas, got down to 28 at the house last night. 

    Hang in there Klick, I was able to have the mammosite radiation which was pretty easy.

    Need to get to bed and rest.  Take Care

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2011

    Hi everyone, 7th Taxol treatment yesterday, counting down. Saw my ONC, he says I am doing good.  Asked what to expect after chemo over and he said we would go to the homrone treatment and then he would follow up with me every 3 months.  He does not believe in the cancer marker tests as he said there are to many false positives and it just puts to much stress on you.  He will run some tests as needed.  It has been cold here in the Davis Mt's of west texas, got down to 28 at the house last night. 

    Hang in there Klick, I was able to have the mammosite radiation which was pretty easy.

    Need to get to bed and rest.  Take Care

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2011

    Mommarch...SO glad you are doing alright!  Just one day at a time.....My Radiologist also said she would not do those 3 month blood tests....said they weren't needed. 

    Now, since I am not taking any of the hormone treatments, I am trying to see if my PCP Doc will just take over.  She says it depends on the next Mammogram in November!   I DID ask her to do that complete CA15 (?) blood test, & she ordered it & it came back good....So maybe just once a year with my physical. Cool

    Klick!  yes, I had the MammoSite radiation as well....You and I were very fortunate....that we didn't have to go through the longer Radiation I DID get a little "Seroma"....the pocket filled up with fluid in that empty space, but after a few Mammograms, the fluid is pretty much gone.  You can still see the "Pocket" in the Mammograms, but it doesn't bother me. 

    And we still have snow, Ha!  It's slowly melting, but it IS fun watching how fast the temperature can drop!  We went to Costco one time, and the weather was just cloudy....Stayed in there for atout 1/2 hour, and when we came out, it was snowing!!!  We went on over to our Daughter's house to bake one of their pizza's, and by the time we had eaten, there was about 6 inches on the ground. It was a huge blizzard!!!  We left, thinking, "Oh my God!"....And 1/2 way home, we could NOT make it up a hill on Sheridan, & had to make a quick left, because cars were all sliding down towards us!  We just barely CRAWLED home on the ice...

    I was driving, and sooooo scared!  I wanted to just pull over, but didn't want to spend the night in the car either!  So we went home "the back way" and made it!  Man, what a NIGHT! 

    Now we don't leave to go ANYwhere if there is a threat of snow!   We have been "caught" a few times, and it just isn't worth it.  Don't know how the "fearless" go up & down those mountains to ski!  It's okay to walk around the block in the snow, but those storms come so fast, and then leave JUST as  fast, so we just wait it out to go anywhere.

    We've also watched the temp drop 50 degrees one day!  We couldn't believe it!   It was just before an ice storm..... And it's so funny how the mountains can have a blizzard going on, but here in town it's sunny!

    Jackie....How is your mouth?   I really hope you are doing alright...Did you get that feeling of being extremely tired after "the pull?"  Those sunny days just make you shine, don't they? I think we appreciate them so much! But also a foggy rainy, misty day is just beautiful I think.... !

    Okay...better go start the day! Is it tonight we turn the clocks back? xoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,493
    edited October 2011

    If a profound gulf separates my neighbor's belief from mine, there is always the golden bridge of tolerance. -Unknown