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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2011

    Chevy:  My BS doesn't like the mammosite radiation, so he talked me out of it:(  Now I have to decide if I want to do the whole breast radiation (which I think is a total overkill for my stage of cancer) or try and find a radiologist that does the APBR, which is a one week external radiation, targeted to the site of the tumor, that is fairly new.  Not sure I will find a place here in Fl to do it.

    The other option is no radiation, but I'm getting so much resistance from the doctors on this...even though I have studies that suggest that in 70 + year old women it isn't all that necessary with the early stage cancers.  I have about six weeks to decide so I'm doing more research.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited December 2011

    "Music in the soul can be heard by the universe."

    - Lao Tzu

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2011

    Kaara, did your Doc say why he didn't like the MammoSite Device?  I mean did he give a reason?  I just wondered, because like I said, my surgeon was all for it...

    It just seemed safer to me to have some type of radiation, preferably because the Docs all recommended it.... Even the radiologist that did the first MRI and saw the spot... They knew my age, & honestly, I didn't even think that I was too old for radiation.   I just felt "safer".....And I would have felt even safer, if I could have kept up the Tamoxifen...

    These are all just tools to help us... along with the supplements, etc. 

    How great that you booked the trip!!!!  That sounds awesome!   Are you going to make the plans for your treatment before you go?

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2011

    chevy:  I'm sure I will get some kind of radiation...I don't like it, but since I'm not doing chemo or anti hormonals, I should do something to minimize the recurrance risk.  As for the mammosite, my BS said he didn't like leaving the pocket in the breast because it sometimes filled with fluid and became a bigger problem down the road.  He is recommending a three week 15 course treatment.  I'm looking for an external beam one week treatment that I read about, but it's not done everywhere...maybe MD Anderson and a few places like that.

    They didn't want to start for six weeks after the surgery anyway, so I'll have time for my trip in between, and I'm thinking Breck is out for this year:( with radiation going on. 

    Took DGD to the park today, and then went to DGS's birthday party...whew....I'm tired.  Time to rest! 

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited December 2011


    MD Anderson was offering the mammosite back in 2008 when I was diagnosed but do not know if they are now. According to the Breast Cancer Symposium that they recently held in San Antonio they are finding it is not as effective and there is a higher risk of infection. You could always call MDA Orlando and ask .

    Best wishes with whatever you decide to do.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited December 2011

    Kaara...........I am 76.........I was told by my MO, about the recommendation that women past 70, and with early stage cancer, and small turmor did not necessarily need Rads....................on my next visit to my RO, and my BS, I said I was considering not doing Rads, in view of what the MO said..................they were not happy, and said they felt regardless of the small tumor, no node involvement, and good margins, the Rads, would be added insurance.....................I did it............I didn't have any real problems, but I do think it kicks you in the ass physically....................its the fatigue, more then anything else........and it goes on for quite a while after its all over.

    I had 26 treatments, 8 of those were boosts....................everyday I went.........I had a great RO, and my techs were wonderful................just glad its behind me...........good luck.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2011

    Morning Kaara.... Yes, it did leave a pocked filled with fluid, a "Seroma" but it eventually drains and is absorbed within your breast... I can still see the "space' in the Mammograms, but those are nothing to worry about, I was told.  In other words, that "pocket" is empty now.

    A few Mammograms took care of that!  Wink  And that area around where the tubes were,  did get infected, because your body tries to fight any "foreign" object ....but it cleared up with antibiotics and when the device was removed. 

    I am like Ducky....thinking that ANY kind of radiation is better than none....I didn't get the awful tiredness either, with the type I had.   Yes, the techs WERE great!   They made it easier, by kidding around & laughing while they were "positioning" taking pictures, etc.  I thought for sure I could roll off that little table & SPLAT all over the floor!   Ducky, did they wrap you in a huge warm blanket while you were waiting?   I brought the whole Rads team a basket of fruit & goodies when I was done....I just appreciated them making it a lot easier.

    hmm....yes, I had my MammoSite device in Jan. of 2009...And my Sister in law in Nashvill had hers done that way a year earlier.  It was pretty new I guess, but my team knew all about it.  A lot of women aren't "eligible" for it, because of where the tumor too close to bones, etc.   But I was just glad to be able to have it, and really had no problems! 

    Kaara, just plan some down-time while you are doing Rads...and don't plan on doing a lot.  Your body needs to rest a lot during that time and after!

    Jackie is sloughing off here...guess I'll pick up the slack with a pretty saying.....

  • Miles2Go
    Miles2Go Member Posts: 17
    edited December 2011
    Kaara, see private message I sent to you Smile CMG
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited December 2011

    You are perfect. You are complete.
    Your inner voice always knows what to do,
    but it is a quiet voice.
    You can only hear the whisperings of your inner voice -
    your inner compass - when you turn down the volume
    of your fears, your regrets, your resentments,
    and the fear-based advice
    your neighbors are so willing to give you.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited December 2011

    Good morning everyone.  Kaara, you are getting lots of good information from these women.  You will know what is right for you when it comes time.  I had 7 weeks of rads and only got tired a couple of times.  I will say though......I had to travel away from home and stay in a motel ( so was not having to SEE to anything else ) until the week-ends when I would do laundry and what housework I could go get ready for the next week. 

    We don't always know what reactions/se's we may get with anything including the rads.  I generally looked on all my txs as a small time out and necessary so I could get back to living my life knowing that I had done as much as I could so as not to fall off the edge.  There are pros and cons to everything and I put in the above quote as it matches pretty much MHO that you do have a place inside that knows when to say yes....and what to say yes or for that matter no to. 

    There is beautiful sun out today which is always an inspiration to me and puts me in a good frame of mind.  As the holidays approach nearer and nearer now I am so grateful for the fact that BCO.Org was and is here to help all of us when we need it and to give us a place to talk to each other --- to lean on each other. 

    I'll be checking back in later to see how you all are and hope you have a very wonderful Sunday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited December 2011

    Kaara.......................yes they did put blankets on me, and tried to be as descrete as possible about the exposed breast on the left..........(mine cancer was right side)....................I had 1 male tech, gorgeous, blue eys, and so good looking............probably the age of my grandsons..............when we first started, I was in the waiting room with my son...........out comes this handsome guy, and says "Genevieve", I said............"oh no, I have a male", and then said to my son...................."maybe he is just taking me back".........................NOT...........he was my first tech, and there were 2 other "ladies" in the room helping.............He said to me..............."ok, take off your robe".......................I looked at him, then the girls, and said "Ok, honey, if you can handle this, so can I "..................they all erupted in laughter, and that broke the ice......................after that, I thought nothing of disrobing in front of Mark.

    I baked cookies for the while i was having Rads done, some weeks, and in the end, I bought them, donuts, for their breakfast that morning, and a "hoagie tray" for lunch...........I actually miss them...........not the Rads, just them. The day I finished, and got to "ring the bell", we all had tears in our eyes....they blew horns, shook shakers, and came out to the waiting room to watch me "ring the bell".........wonderful people, all of them.

    The other day when I went to LE, Mark came out of the Radiation Dept. which is right next door, and we hugged, and talked for about 10 minutes...............he told me, "hey come back and see us, I promise I won't put you on the table".....................loved those people, they made it so much easier............

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2011

    Jackie:  That is sooooo true!  Thanks again for sharing those bits of wisdom!

     Actually, I'm kind of proud that not once through this entire process have I felt any anger about getting bc.  I know that this disease can pick anyone to strike so I'm not taking it personally!  I'm very grateful that I caught it early, and feel blessed that I found this site and so many wonderful women to share with.  I only hope that I can give back half as much as I've received in the way of comfort and support!

    Ducky:  What a wonderful story about your rads treatment...puts a little human touch into things!  I can only imagine what those folks see every day...I'm sure it was nice for them to have a little humor and someone who appreciated what they do. 

    Have  a wonderful day's sunny and pleasant here in S. Florida!  Blue skies for a change. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited December 2011 gave plenty when you gave your body to BC..............Myself, and I'm sure the other ladies are more then happy to give what wisdom, and knowledge, along with some humor, back to you.............just come often, and enjoy the time we spend together............I can't think of a nicer place to are all my best friends...............could never have gone through this without all of you...................Family was wonderful, , but face doesn't take long for things to get back to "life as usual"............that is when you ladies "lifted me up".................;you were there to listen when everyone else (understandably) kind of got  tired of hearing about it all, even though, they tried to look does go on, and I can appreciate that, we can't live in the "what ifs", but when I have a "what if" one understands better then "my ladies"..........hugs to yo all.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,106
    edited December 2011

    Kaara, I'm happy for your great news--clear margins and no node involvement.  Best of luck in deciding upon the best treatment with your drs.  One of the reasons I opted for BMX was to avoid radiation.  Thanks to a low Oncotype DX number, I also avoided chemo and am very, very thankful. 

    I hope everyone is having a happy Christmas season.  I myself am doing very little in the way of shopping and decorating but have enjoyed some Christmas get-togethers with fellow golfers and fellow bridge players.  Yesterday DH and I went to a neighbor's house for a Christmas party and visited with other neighbors whom we seldom get to talk to. 

    Today I took my mother to church and then brought her home for a meal with DH and myself.  We watched the Saints game and then I took her home.  She gets tired sitting up since she spends a lot of time lying down on her sofa at home.  She'll be 89 on Dec. 27th.

    I'm making a grocery shopping list for the foods I will prepare for our family Christmas dinner at my youngest sister's house.  Several of us have assignments.  That's the big pleasure of Christmas for me, getting together with the family and sharing a delicious meal.

    Hugs to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited December 2011

    Whatever you do or don't do in your lifetime,
    your best contribution to those around you
    and to future generations
    will be in the happiness and joy
    you generated and radiated to those around you.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2011

    Good Morning!  Hard to believe it was one week ago that I was preparing to go in for my surgery, and now it is behind me...whew!

       Had a busy weekend...DGD was over and we went to the playground and took a picnic, then over to DGS's birthday party...a bunch of screaming nine year olds...running around and creating all kinds of chaos.  My GD who is only 2 was trying to follow them, but she got left behind.  She did love the bounce house!  My DD lives on a little ranchette, and she has horses, dogs, cats, birds and whatever else in the way of animals to play with, so it is always fun for kids.

    Today I'm going to get my hair cut and colored  so I'll look presentable for the holidays.  I bought a cute little wig in case I needed it, and I like it so much that I've been wearing it out.  People say...oh I like your new hairstyle, but I don't think they can tell its a wig.  It's great for those bad hair days, of which I have many!  It's definitely going in my suitcase for the cruise!

    Tomorrow I have an app't with a naturopathic doctor...the same one treating my boyfriend for his MS.  He is going to talk to me about complementary treatments for my bc.  Should be very interesting.  We're already following his diet and supplement program, and wow, what a difference it's made in how we be continued.

    Have a great day everyone! 

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2011

    It has been a few days since I checked the posts. 

    Karra, Congrats, things will go well for you.

    Jackie & Chevy, I am taking the generic Anastrozole.  I am taking it in the morning and have started taking 2- alieve with it.  I do pretty good until about 3 or 4 in the afternoon and then I get so cold I can't stand it, so I get under the electric blanket and turn it on hi until I get warm.  I have alot of arm and shoulder pain.  Last night I slept until 12:30 and could not go back to sleep so I got up and had a hot cup of cocoa and took a pain pill and then went back to bed at about 1:45 and slept until about 6:00 AM.

    GD and I made a bunch of different cookies this weekend.  GD loves to bake, she did most of it by herself.  She is a great help.

    Take care.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,106
    edited December 2011

    Dh will be baking his oatmeal chocolate chip cookies this week.  I bought containers to fill with cookies and give to the neighbors.

    LipiItor has gone generic.  My 3-month prescription today was $30 rather than $120.  Quite a saving.

    The weather forecast for Christmas day is looking iffy.  If it is rainy, we may end up switching our dinner to my mother's house since one of my brothers and one of my sisters may end up cancelling rather than drive in bad weather.  We'll just have to wait and see.

    Hope everyone had a good Monday.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2011

    Morning gals!  It's almost here!!!!!   I only put up two little table-top trees...One I made out of layers of red velvet, lace & little "ornaments" I made out of those "gift-tag" things with ribbon, & I pasted little pictures of my folks, girls, Grand-sons & us on the other side, & edged them with glitter.  I put little silk bows & pearls on it.  I used to have little lights strung in it, but I took them out last year. 

    So I'm not decorating much this year....  BUT I cleaned out all of our "stuff' from an attic cubby-hole, and now I can get to it!!!!  I'm donating comforters, blankets, etc. to the Shelter....whatever my Daughter doesn't want.... And lots of wrapping paper, bows, and Christmas decorations.

    I went through some "things" I brought home after my Mom died... Her little porcelain keep-sakes & music boxes, & cleaned them up, & I'll share them with our girls..... Sooooo many memories!  I kept 2 or her dresses, all folded & in plastic, & when I open the bag, it still "smells" like her .... That was like a Christmas present to me....just thinking about her.

    Mommarch!  So glad to hear from you!   So you are taking Arimidex?  Jackie knows all about that...  The side effects you mention sound pretty familiar with that one... Ask Jackie what she does for those joint pains!  Or ask your Doctor what you can take....and don't wait until it really gets a hold of you, before you take a pain med....  Also there are threads on here for Arimidex support!!!  I mean gals that are taking it.

    Carol, I don't know what it's supposed to do here on Christmas.... It's just been sooooooooo cold and snowy lately.... Now ice under yesterday's snow!  I'll bet the roads are a mess this morning.

    I usually make Pizzelle's around Christmas, but didn't this year.... We love those....  and standing by the counter-top with that Pizzele Iron heating for hours and days...Ha!  Wink  And they are low fat!  Only a pound of butter, a dozen eggs, and 27 Cups of sugar....ha, ha!  But they are so good!

    Carol, that price reduction is great!  Wow!  THAT is a nice Christmas present! 

    Kaara...let us know what you hear about Complimentary treatments, okay? 

    Take good care...xoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited December 2011

    There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.

    ~ John Andrew Holmes

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited December 2011

    Good morning everyone. Chevy,  your little tree sounds so so pretty and something which really is a memory tree with all the pictures.  I was by-passed for all craft talents and so admire those who can ( do and make ) fashion their own decorations. 

    We quit having trees here.  Always a GIANT struggle with our kitties.....wanting to climb the tree and steal things off the branches.  One yr. we  picked the tree up off the floor about three times.  Finally had to get fishing line and attach the tree to the ceiling.  I resorted after that to a couple of nicely placed lighted wreaths.  Just too much work if you have naughty animals in the house.

    Our weather-people are predicting a very mild Christmas Day here.  Wow !!!!  I think we are still in the feast or famine mode here.  I am just hoping at this point for no rain which seems to be what we are experiencing now.  Rained yesterday and may again today.....SIGH.  I just don't do well with these gray days.

    As far as the Arimidex......I noticed ( for the first time ) lots of aches in my left hip and leg --- no surprise there as I have left-sided weakness from my stroke of several yrs. ago --- right after the generic for Arimidex came out.  Just as I wondered what I was going to do about seems to have settled down fairly considerably, so I don't feel like I really have to take any of the measures I was thinking about a few weeks ago.  It does flair a little with the weather changes, but settles back down soon enough not to get me excited.  I think there was a time period of about 3 months or so when the generic came out --- and suddenly it all I really don't do anything.  You can switch and see if there is something which will  be easier.....we are all so different.....and sometimes that is all it takes to find one which is kinder to you. 

    Well, I will be, as usual....checking in after work.  I upgraded to Windows 7 and am learning how to operate it and am slow at present.  Sure like the speed though.  Incredible.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2011

    Chevy, love your trees.  My friend here where we live last year took the stalk of a Aguave plant that had bloomed and used old CD's and put pics of her family, etc on them and used them as ornaments on it.   It was so cute.

    As far as the horomone therapy I am just going to get along the best I can until I see my ONC on Jan 5th then we will talk about it.  When the pain gets to bad I take a Codine and it helps.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2011

    I think when God handed out creativity, he passed me over.  I have a good sense of fashion style and for decorating, but no creative talents like knitting, quilting, painting, etc.  so I have to live through all of you on that one.  Sounds like everyone has done some remarkable things for Christmas.

    I did get my tree decorated and the gift bags done.  My DGD who is 2 was over the other day and I though...oh go the decorations and the gift bags, but all she did was touch them and make exclamations in her own little language that none of us can quite understand yet.  My DIL is from Equador, and her mother, who lives with them, speaks no english, so DGD is going to be bilingual.  Right now we think she speaks spanglish...cross between english and spanish!  I love it..such cute little words roll off her tongue and she looks at you like "why don't you understand what I'm saying?"

    Chevy...the app't with my complementary/integrative physician was awesome.  He asked lots of questions, and we talked about a program that would give me the best chance of keeping this bc from returning.  Infusions of vitamins and antioxidants, as well as taking some oral medications to boost my immune system will all work well for me whether I take radiation or not.  I am already following his diet which he calls nutrient dense.  He is doing more blood work to check on whether there are any cancer cells lingering, and scheduled me for a thermography scan which will tell him if there are any early signs of bc in the other breast or this infected one that are not large enough to be picked up on a mammogram or us.  I felt confident when I left that I am doing all that I can to keep this beast from attacking again.  Now I just want to relax and enjoy the holidays! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited December 2011
    I do not need anyone's permission to be my true self.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited December 2011

    Just chuckling when I found this quote because I have no talent to work with my hands nor do I where fashion and decorating come into play either.  I really lost out Kara.....but despite that, we all get to be who we are and since we have to ultimately live with ourselves might as well give ourself that permission and move on.

    So all of you out there who can "  do  " wonderful creative things, it is my blessing to enjoy your handiwork when it is done.  After need someone to appreciate it, so guess that is where I come in.

    I am still trying to  "learn" my upgrade to Windows 7 ---- I very much wanted the security part of it, although I enjoyed the ease of using Vista.  Would have to say....the lightning speed is of 7 is deeply appreciated as well.

    Know I'm thinking of all of you and will be back after work.  Have a fantastic day ladies.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited December 2011
    Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort
    of feeling safe with a person;
    having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words,
    but to pour them all out, just as they are,
    chaff and grain together,
    knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them,
    keep what is worth keeping, and then,
    with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.
    - George Eliot
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2011

    Yes Jackie....wonderful....I get the feeling we can do this on BCO which is why so many women come here where they can find friends who are not judgmental.

    I have always tried to be that way with my kids, and it must be working, because sometimes I hear things from them that I would classify as TMI!  I never discourage them from coming and talking to me, though, as once in a while they will seek my advice in all of the chatter.  It keeps the lines of communication open between us.

    Planning a great evening...going to boyfriend's DS's home for gift exchange.  His DS and family from Vail are in town for the holidays along with new DGD who we haven't seen since summer.  Lots to celebrate!

    Have a great day everyone! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2011

    Morning girls....We have soooooo much snow here!  About 12 inches so far!!!!!!  Lacee couldn't even move in it!  She waited for me to shovel a path to our front yard, where we have a huge Colorado Blue Spruce, and it doesn't get as much snow.....  DH will finishing shoveling later...

    We are feeding a kitty next door, so we have to shovel our way over there, about 50 yards to their yard, THEN to their garage, & shovel a path for "Edith'....Poor thing.... This snow is taller than she is! I'll shovel some places for her to walk.....It's been a long time since I've seen THIS much snow!

    I wonder what do the little "animals" do when it is like this?  I mean the birds, mice squirrels that we have around here?  

    Jackie, isn't it just delightful to try & figure out a new computer?  I rank that right up there with installing a new cable TV, with your hands tied, and  your eyes closed!    It's as easy as putting together one of those "Barbie Dream Houses" that we did one Christmas Eve, that lasted until morning!!!!! 

    And Jackie my friend..... I feel that way with you..... as much as we email, & "talk" to each other, it's like you are my very special "virtual" friend.  It's so nice to tell each other everything, with no judgement, no feelings of guilt to deal with.  I treasure you my friend. 

    Kaara....your holidays sound wonderful!  Glad you aren't planning on a ski trip right now!  We have 22 inches on Genessee!  Hardly any traffic far!  Have fun with that little DGD!!!

    Mommarch!  I am always trying to figure out what to do with those old CD's!  Great idea!  We have a "little" Dwarf Pine, that got too large for the pot, then I put it in one of those old Whiskey Barrels, about 15 years ago, so that little tiny tree is now about 4 feet tall, and a perfect shape!  I could put little ornaments and ribbons on that, but I haven't ever done it yet..... Maybe next year! The snow looks really pretty on it right now!  Wink  I'll take a few pictures to post later, and send to my Daughter's family in Orlando....So they can laugh.

    Have a great morning gals! xoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited December 2011

    A day is Eternity's seed, and we are its Gardeners. ~Erika Harris

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,495
    edited December 2011

    Hey there...I think I got ahead of myself and forgot to leave any quotes, or words here of any kind.  Guess I'm sleeping on the job. 

    Another gray day today.,....I'm going to do n " I need sun dance " so I can bloom a little bit.  It was still a good day.

    Anyway, hope you all had a wonderful one too.....

    Hugs, Jackie