Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2009

    Oh Lisa, Wish I'd known you were in Philly---we could have met for lunch.  Great photo of the Liberty Bell.

    I have a dinner to go to tonight and I am really excited. I've never been to anything like this...both Stephen Speilberg and President (former)  Clinton will be there. It is kind of perfect timing because it is almost a celebration.

    Yesterday I had the good news from a cat scan of my lungs that it is a lung infection.  They had seen something on an ordinary chest xray so I had this follow antibiotics here I come!!! It sure beats the alternative.

    Have a nice day all


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited October 2009

    Hey's been years since I've seen the Liberty Bell.  I didn't know that they had moved it either.  I guess I've been living in my own little world. back is better.  I found a great "hands on chiropractor" who has really helped me.  It took about four times and I'm doing lots better.  I added a few exercises each day and have been trying to be more active and less sedentary and after much thought I purchased that back machine that's been advertised on TV.  It seems to work well for me as mine is muscle related and it stretches the back gently.  I still feel it when I sit for too long, but over-all it is so much better and I can live like this.  It sounds like you are doing better, too and that is good to hear.

    Oh, the cat gosh, I couldn't have pulled out those pieces.  I would have just lost it big time!  Isabella, you have real grit!

    Hang in there Gram!  Things do get better.  It just takes time.  Hugs to you!

    Carole, we've had very few good golfing days the past two weeks. I think golfing in Illinois is winding down except for the real "die hards" that don't mind the chilling winds, the damp air, and the colder temps.  Boo hoo!

    Well, I'm taking a gal I met through the Reach to Recovery program for her oncologist appointment this afternoon.  She has nobody to go with her and today's the day they decide on her treatment plan.  I'm glad I can help her.

    So....gotta get a few things done around here this morning before I take off.  (Yes, one of them is a little pile of ironing........I'm a member of the anal ironing group!   LOL)

    I've been reading all your posts lately but just haven't posted.  I'll try to do better in the future.

    Hugs to all of you!


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    Hi Mandy1313,

    Good news on your CAT scan.  Would you ever have thought that we would consider having a lung infection "good" news?   Breast cancer casts a new slant on everything!  I go Tuesday for lung scan for 3rd time since BC DX.  Have a spot in one lung that is being watched.  Remember the story a few months ago about the young Russian man who was thought to have lung cancer?  When they operated the "tumor" was a germinating fir tree!  He must have aspirated a seed that embedded in the moist lining of the lung and grew.  Or what about the man who had lung trouble for a few years... recently had surgery to find he had a piece of a Wendy's plastic utensil in his lung!  He admitted that he did "inhale" his food :)  Bet he listens to his wife in the future when she tells him to slow down and chew his food.

    I am glad to be home from our trip but find all my usual BC anxiety is creeping back in to my consciousness.  Seems like when we were gone I was my old normal self and could forget about health stuff.  Now I am home and back in the doctor loop... CT scan, lung doctor, oncologist appointments next week.  What fun!


    How good of you to help another woman this way.  With your own experience you will be more likely to remember everything than the new patient.  I know I was like a deer in the head lights at my first appointment.  Just could not take everything in.  Finding this site helped me translate all the technical terms into real life and how it applied to my own situation.  My second appointment went so much better... I had a full sheet of questions and my doctor took it and went through everyone of them.


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2009

    Pam: yes those tests can scare you to death.  I will be thinking of you and sending positive vibes and thoughts.  Mandy

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited October 2009

    I want to thank all of you lovely ladies for expressing your opinions. Thank the Lord there is still believers and yes, we have rights too.

    Yesterday, my cancer doctor said my heart was doing fine, but he said he has other concerns. He was upset that my hip doctor has released me, he said he saw something in the total bone scan, and if the hip doctor didn't want to do anything about it, he would just have to keep an eye on it hisself. He was also upset over the mamogram, he said what they found was as big as a quarter, he felt of my right breast and he didn't find anything, I have been checking, and I haven't found anything, but I do like Dr.Mankin, because he tells me that he can do just so much and the rest is up to Jesus, thank the Lord I have a doctor who believes in Jesus, and he really checks everything out when he thinks something is wrong. After my Herceptin yesterday, I came home and slept, I guess the medicine they give me makes me sleep. Hubby woke me up to go to church, then I came home and went to bed.

    I've had a pretty good day today, my daughter, Debby, has got me interested in making jewerly and I made four pair of earrings today and a couple of necklaces, I'm not the best in the world, but it is fun.Smile

    Well, I hope and pray all of you ladies have a great and very blessed day. It is hot here, I guess that is why I love South Georgia and North Florida. It's about 90 degrees here. They say next Monday it should get down to around 80 degrees.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    Mandy - that's good news - not the lung infection itself but that it's not lots worse.  Great!

    Ritajean - that's great that you will go with her.  Just the support and knowledge that someone else out there cares is a morale booster.

    Lisa - I'm like the others and didn't know they moved the Liberty Bell.  Did they move it far because it was right in town in the midst of other landmarks and places of interest?  I wonder why it was moved?

    Good vibes out to everyone!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2009

    Hi again...the Liberty Bell was moved once in 1976 to  a new place then again in 2003 to Indenpendence Mall...when I saw it in the forties it was outside, now it is indoors and heavily


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,313
    edited October 2009

    Mandy, congrats on your lung infection!  Can imagine how relieved you are that the ailment isn't something worse.

    Ritajean, glad to hear your back is better.  I have an 8:40 tee time tomorrow to play with some of my Friday ladies golf group.  Looking forward to seeing them.  Am not looking forward to another day of this awful heat and humidity.  We're ready for some cooler weather.  After all, it's October! 

    Pam, it's nice to have you back from your trip.  Amazing story about the germinating tree in the lung.  Hope your "spot on the lung" is something not serious but less amazing! 

    I guess we bc survivors are gunshy about test results because we've experienced the shock of hearing, "Mrs/Ms SoAndSo, your biopsy report was positive."  We've learned firsthand that bad news is possible.  Bad things do happen to good people.

    Each day I try to remember my blessings and remind myself of the bad news I didn't get.  That low Oncotype number was some of the best news I've ever received.  I'm so grateful I didn't have to do chemo or radiation. 

    Things are sometimes not as awful as we imagine.  Most women dread the very thought of a mastectomy, and I dreaded it as well.  Now when I tell my friends that my recovery from BMX didn't involve a lot of pain, just mainly soreness at first, they can hardly believe it.  Now at 11 wks out from surgery, I have pretty much returned to normal activity.  Without the SEs of taking Arimidex, I think I would feel a lot like my old self before bc.

    One of my blessings is  The discussions I follow, including this one, add a lot to my daily life.  So thank you, fellow bc survivors!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2009

    I had my 1st MRI today, and found it awful.

    I was well prepared for it, and aren't at all claustrophobic, BUT.... DH is !!  He had been on and on, he 'was glad it wasn't him' and he 'would freak out' if he was to go in a confined space. And as soon as I got into the room his words just went round and round in my head, and I had to ask the tech. to pull me back out when he had only got me in 18" !! I put on a blindfold, and just gritted my teeth and went for it 2nd time, trying to think of anything but claustrophobia !!

    I had a second scan, and they trussed me up like a chicken, my arms tight down my sides, and some sort of canvas restraint from my chin to my knees, like a straightjacket, this was far worse for me than the 1st scan where I was free, but had to keep still, it scared the hell out of me .

    Was I pleased to get out of there. The only good thing was the dishy tech, Aussie, bronzed, dark hair, lovely accent, get the pic Embarassed He came right into the changing cubicle with me, and told me to 'take all your clothes off, apart from your knickers' OMG. ( he didn't stay, and I did put on a hospital gown) I think my scan would have shown a very enlarged heart !!!!! If only I had been probably 40 years younger !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just felt so stupid when I went and had a wobble, and he was my tech !

    He really shut me up when I had to disclose I had a partial denture, which I had to remove, and he said 'well, one day it'll be me with the dentures' what a put down !!!!

     Hope everyone is going along ok, what a varied life we all lead, and how we all learn and laugh, and sometimes cry with one another.

    I feel as you do Carole, BC Org is one of my blessings, in fact its the biggest blessing of all in this terrible trip, we all understand one another, like no-one else can, or ever will. No-one in my family ever mentions bc now,' its over, done with, stop reminding us' is the attitude of my lot. My DS has never even asked me how I am in over 4 years now !I am his mother for heavens sakes, and he can't even ask how I feel. I just might as well of had 'flu.

     Have a good w/end one and all.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Isabella, you are just a  hoot!  The only problem I have with a MRI is that the minute they sat hold very still I get a case of the heebie geebies and feel like I have to scratch everywhere.

    Lisa, you are a wealth of information, not to mention a fabuous photographer!  Isn't it a shame we have to safeguard all of our nation's treasures for fear of vandalism.  Coming from the Nation's Captiol I can remember walking right by the White House fence - now you can't get any where near it.  Maybe all the national monuments are guarded.  Haven't been downtown in a while.  Sad commentary.

    Mandy, so glad you had good news.

    It is amazing how bc changes your perspective and your life.

    RitaJean, deer in the headlights describes it perfectly.  I took my aunt and uncle with me - both have hearing problems and I only heard what I wanted to.

    Have a great weekend!  For those in areas that have four seasons, enjoy autumn's display and for those who are not in these areas, soak up the sun!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2009

    Hi Kathleen

    I worked in the Senate 1966-68 and anyone could walk around amost anywhere in the Capitol and the office was a "once upon a time" thing...

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2009

    Hello ladies,

    First of all, the gardening tips and the pictures of those beautiful flowers are amazing.  My garden has barely been maintained for a year, so I'm starting to plan for next year and getting lots of good tips from you.

    I haven't posted here much, but fit the profile as an older person with BC.  I'm 62 and was diagnosed just over a year ago, went through 9 months of treatment and had my first normal post BC mammogram just last month.  What a relief!  I worked part-time during treatment and now am trying to decide whether to retire or continue working part-time.  What have others here done about your jobs during or after treatment?  Did you continue working or retire?  That's my dilemma right now and it's turning out to be a tough decision, even though I work only part-time and have the option of my husband's medical insurance if I do retire.  I'm exhausted at the end of every week and swear I'm going to retire.  Then on Monday I feel good again and think I'll keep working awhile longer.  Talk about indecisive!  

    Love this thread and hope you don't mind if I just came along and chimed in....


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited October 2009

    Bonnie - we are the same age. I was retired before this nonsense started and can't imagine trying to work through it. This way that refreshed feeling you have at the end of the weekend is how it is all the time  - except just now when I am driving an hour each way for radiation but now that I have sorted out where to park it is OK.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2009

    Hi Jo..for what it is worth, I had a negative HER score in 2000, but I don't know what test was used

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited October 2009

    What do you call a bumble bee dressed up in a ghost costume???

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2009

    I am not sure if any of you play bridge.   The other night I was invited to a casual group at the American Legion.   They had 8 tables of older folks.  Of course I was nervous, knew only a couple of others from the Senior Center group.   The second round I looked at my hand, Ace,King, Ace, King, 2  more Aces, 2 queens and 2 jacks --- and another queen... HOLY COW, 28 high card points of a possible 40.   

    That meant only 12 points to be divided among the other 3 players, which is not enough for an opening bid and I WANTED the contract.  My bid:   3 no trump.  Gasp, cough, and of course my partner passed.   I made the contract and 2 extra or 5 no trump.  

    Long story short - I was the talk of the night.  No one there has ever in their life had that many points in one hand.  I bought 2 mega million lottery tickets on the way home - maybe it was my lucky day !!!    

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2009

    Good luck Nancy, I buy lottery tickets but seldom win even a few dollars.

    I am having triouble writing this as our senior cat is on the computer chair - I have just a little bit on the edge which makes things difficult. Not sure where other cat is  - he is not happy as he is on a diet!!!

    Deborye what do you call a bumble bee dressed in a ghost costume?

    Bonnie I went back to work for a year and during that time decided that there were more important things in life, like living, than working long days and dealing with all the nonsense that goes on in asenoir position in a high school. Life is great, we don't have so much extra cash but sure aren't going without. It can be a little lonely at times as friends are still working but i never lack things to do andnow various projects are taking time and are really interesting.

    Had hoped to get my back yard sorted out this week but the weather has been terrible. Parts of the country have been hit with heavy snow and we are supposed to get a lot of rain tomorrow.

    Hope you all have a restful weekend coming up.


  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited October 2009


    Yes, the devil does try and take away our joy, when we think everything is going fine, he has to poke his head in and rear up and test our faith. Well, he is not going to win this battle with me, because whatever happens I'm a winner either way. I hope and pray you are doing better. Are you still sore from your fall? I never asked for my pathology report, I guess I was so shocked to hear the words bc that I just completely forgot. I go back to the doctor in January, maybe I can ask for it then. They did say I was HER2+, and I told the doctor I didn't want chemo, so he is giving me Herceptin. I watched the movie, "Living Proof" last night on LMN about the doctor who discovered Herceptin. It was a good movie, sad in some ways and really good in some ways.


    I think we all freak out when we have to go into those tubes all closed up. I think when they say don't move, we just have to move some way or another. I also hate when they do the total bone scan because you have to go to nuclear medicine and get a shot in your veins and then you have to wait three hours before they do the test, and they strap me down to do the test, I am scheduled for another in January. They will test my heart again in January, I think the only good thing for me in January is that it will be the last month for Herceptin.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2009

    Jo..they did not record a Her2  score, only a negative

    I did CMF chemo, no rads had lump then mast...ER,PR pos.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited October 2009

    Nancy - I do play bridge and would love to have had that hand! I might have opened 2 clubs to show a high point count and see what my partner had, but if you don't use that convention, you might have ended up wasting that beautiful hand at 2 clubs instead of game.  Was it duplicate bridge where others would have played the same hand?

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2009

    Jo:  My hospital pathology just said Her2 negative.  My oncotype dx gave me a number of 8.6 with Her2 positive being above 11.5 and equivocal being between 10.7 and 11.4 units.  I never thought to question the numbers either.

    Isabella:  I also got claustrophobic in the MRI tube. The first time, I had to be taken out of the tube to throw up.  I could not get rid of my nausea so they brought me back on a different day. This time they were much kinder and worked with me because they understood that I really was claustrophobic.  They brought me out of the tube in between reads so I could see around me, had me take a xanax before hand and were just more caring. 

    Mother of 7:  It sounds as if you have a caring doctor.  You are in my heart and prayers.

    Isn't it funny how this cancer trip takes you to different places. Who would've thought that I'd find a lung infection to be good news!!!

    Have a nice weekend all.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    JO, my HER2 just says negative.  I agree with you (yeah, surprising, huh?) that many of us are used to trusting our docs although I think that if we were to get that niggling feeling that they are "not all that", we may have been prone to dig and ask more. 

    JO said:  Who knows, tomorrow we will read something different.

     Every time something like this happens ---- I DECLARE THAT I AM GOING TO STOP READING ALL THIS STUFF ----- and finally now - I think I am for sure. I've lived this long listening to my drs. so I think I'll just keep on that way! I am going to drive myself nuttier than I already am! -   I agree because life, as we all have found out, can be way too short.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,591
    edited October 2009

    Welcome to Bonnie.  Being tired from chemo and rads was the worst kind of tired for me.  It never felt like my "regular" tired, and I dreaded it so much.  Robs you of  alot of your enthusiasm when your just feeling your energy drain off and feeling like nothing will come back. 

    I worked through all my txs, but have to tell the truth -- a lot of the times my bosses would let me stay home a big part of the time and pay me anyway.  I found it helpful to do what I could as to a degree that did help  --  and mentally it was hard to be paid "for" not showing up though I came to appreciate the wonderful gift it was for me.  So, to this day I am still working though I do still run into the occasional times when I feel like I am not getting all of the rest and rejuvenation I actually need.  I'll work on it more and see what happens.  Don't think I could just sit home....though I have lots to keep me busy there.

    Jo, you really are full of great questions.  I think I had a plus on my Her-2 but also too little to be positive.  I guess I am glad.  My tumor was fed with estrogen so I'm on Arimidex for five years at least....another interesting development to watch.  I'd love to quit in 5 years. 
    Hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited October 2009

    Hi To All Tou Beautiful LadiesSmile

    I just wanted to say that I hope all of you have a marvellous week-end! i probably won't be on here for a little while. i have to pack the camper today and we will be leaving next Tuesday, the 13th. We will be back on the 23rd or 24th. We are going to Blairsville, GA. to see if the leaves have changed and go to Dahlonega, GA. for the gold rush days. We are going with some friends we made while working at the lake.


    I remember something my Granny Jump said once;" If the devil is bothering me, I must be doing something right, because if he is not bothering me, I must be doing what he wants, so go ahead devil, I am still serving the Lord and there is nothing you can do to stop me".

    Sorry ladies, I didn't realize i had wrote everything in bold letters, I am trying to think of everything i need to take with me, so please forgive me, I wasn't trying to write everything in bold, but i did. I'm human and I do make mistakes. Have a great week-end and if I don't talk to you all before I go, i will talk to you when i get back.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    Well Motherof7, we may forgive you if you bring back and SHARE the gold!!!

    Have fun. 

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2009

    leslie,  I figured 12 more points divided 3 ways was not going to get a response from my partner, so I jumped in with both feet.   It was not duplicate, which I avoid like the plague !!

    BTW, one of my lottery tickets has won me a grand total of $ 2  -- so I am even, the exact amount I spent.    But you only need ONE ticket to win.   

    Hugs & Blessings for all,   Nancy 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,313
    edited October 2009

    Wish I had learned to play bridge when I was younger.  So many of the women I know do play and enjoy it a lot.  Some of them are really good and play duplicate and participate in tournament.  I think playing cards is good mental exercise. 

    I was very nervous about having an MRI, but when I saw the machine, my fears calmed down.  The tunnel wasn't very long.  I lay on my stomach and could see the light at the end.  So it didn't really bother me much.  Same with the CT/PET scan machine.  Although that "tunnel" may have been a little longer, and I lay on my back.  Now if the tunnel were closed at the ends, I would feel very claustrophobic.  Thankfully, my experiences weren't scary, and both the techs were really kind and nice.

    We buy a Powerball ticket most weekends.  Just a single ticket for $1.  If you don't buy a ticket, you can't win!  And you will probably NOT win when you do buy a ticket!

    Wishing everyone a good weekend. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2009

    I am still getting over my experience !! 

    But don't know if it was the MRI machine, or the gorgeous Aussie tech thats thrown me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just goes to show ''older'' people with bc can still get the flutters !!!!!!!!!!!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2009

    Isabella..good for you..flutters are fine..

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    Hi Isabella,

    I was wondering if the Aussie accent was as sexy in England as we find it in the US.  Must do.

    I have not had the closed MRI experience, thank goodness!  And strapped down!  That would be terrible and unbearable.  What I could not figure was why they bothered to play music.   Once the banging and whirring started I could not begin to hear anything else! 

    A commercial is running locally for a "standing up" MRI but the demonstration definitely shows the patient "sitting down."  Still it looks more comfortable.  Lying down is hard on us oldie goldies.  By the way, what does "chooks" mean?  Just like to know, since I must be one. :)
