Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,312
    edited October 2009

    Jo....I heard something similar quite some time back and had forgotten about it.  The minute you said that I recalled seeing the cherry and pomegranate juice bottles on ice in one of our regular cooler cases at the supermarket.  It probably does more than just help with arthritic pain.  I'd google it if I were you will find that it does even more.

    Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    HI Y'all,

    Here we are in Corinth, MS.  We drove in the rain all day and were so tired that we ordered a pizza delivered to the hotel room tonight.  Pizza is a no-no on our diet so it is turning in to a good evening Watching Barnie MIller... remember that cute 80s sit-com?  We are here to visit someone we don't know... my DH chats HAM radio stuff with the man and wants to see his antenna.  

    We spent 4 days in Tulsa and had beautiful weather and saw lots of old friends.  But I am really stiff from riding in the car.  I was able to walk every day in OK but it is hard to arrange when you are on the road.  We'll be home in a couple days and my exercise will get back to normal.  Hope my joints recover!  It's fun to get away but always good to get home.

    Will look for cherry juice tomorrow AM! 


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,312
    edited October 2009

    Pam, your trip is sounding like fun anyhow....especially the part about the pizza.  I do think driving in the rain though is difficult and wearing.  Hate when the big semi's come by and nearly wash you right off the road.  Glad you are getting some much needed rest.

    Enjoy...and I loved Barney Miller.  I think I saw almost all of those.

    Hi to everyone else.  Hope your Sunday was nice.  Hope you are feeling better Jo.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    JO - Barney Miller was a great show with a great cast!

    For those of you suffering from arthritis (and I would be one of those) - this is for you:

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,473
    edited October 2009

    I loved the Barney Milley police sit-com.  One episode really sticks in my memory.  One of the policeman was on a trip down south for some reason I can't recall, and the guys back at the station told him to buy them a pecan log at Stuckey's! 

  • Maire67
    Maire67 Posts: 418
    edited July 2010

    Hi chooks...I've been away from boards for a while...long story stuff. Nothing major just busy and tired.

    Hope you are feeling more up Patoo... I don't like this time of year when it's dark when I get up. I need sunshine.  You are all so funny with your stories.

    I think maybe my mil had the right idea..she loved cherry herring ( a liquor).The cherry juice is worth a try.  I've been on fish oil and think it's helping a bit.    you are all in my prayers. maire

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    What about fresh cherries or dried cherries?

  • quilla76
    quilla76 Posts: 1
    edited October 2009

    I am a much older woman, had lumpectomy in Oct 1996 and again in Oct 2006.  This time with radiation and arimidex. not invasive, stage 1.   I stopped taking arimidex in Jan 2009 because I had a lot of joint- bone aches.  Tried femora and same thing happened, so now just taking vitamins.  Also from the time I started arimidex, I had lot of rash problems.  Anybody else have that happen to them?  my diagnosis both times was DCIS.  I came on this board a long time ago and just coming back now.  I am 74 years old and still very active. So here is an old one!

  • pj12
    pj12 Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    Hi CaroleH,

    i am sorry your are experiencing bad SEs from the Arimidex.  My friend had BMX and started Arimidex and could not tolerate it.  She, too, had a very low oncotype number, 6 I think.  Her oncologist switched her to tamoxifen and she is doing well with it.  I think with your stats you are in good shape no matter what you do!  

    We had the best cherries this summer, all summer long.  They haven't been available the last couple grocery trips... guess the season is over. 

    We are in NW Georgia tonight.  Better weather today but we did not make much forward progress due to "visiting."  We should be home tomorrow and life will be back to normal.  


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,312
    edited October 2009

    Hi Quilla....good to see you here.  None of us are really old **creak--creak--creak**. an groan...we are just well seasoned.  I just had my 64th. birthday on Sept. 13th.  I am still a child heart anyway.  I do admit there are days when things don't feel as good as they used too, but none of my family have ever known how to say Uncle and I think I am following in their well-worn footsteps.  I try to maintain a forward looking, cheerful attitude but do allow myself a little case of the why mes' from time to time because it feels so good to give in on occasion....does not take long and I'm ready to go again. 

    Jo, hope you are doing well.  Pam, enjoy sleeping in your own bed tomorrow night and try not to think of all the laundry that needs doing.  You sounded like you had a lot of well worth it. 

    See you all,


  • GramE
    GramE Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2009

    I found knudsen cherry spritzer in a can.  Got 2 of them and they are chilling in the fridge as I type.   Is Juicy Juice 100% juice a good one?   What does pomagranite juice taste like?   Since chemo I cannot stand cranberry juice, but mixed with apple juice is tolerable.   

    Hugs, safe travels, and sweet dreams, Nancy 

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Good morning youngsters!!  Welcome Quilla.  Hi Jackie.  If you posted on the previous page I can't remember - so sorry - my short term memory is almost as good as my joints. Yikes!!!

    I had to tell this story - while waiting for a mammogram I started talking with this delightful woman - our common ground was not smoking - me after 35 years and her after 50.  When she told me she was 82 I almost fell off the bench - she was so beautiful and I don't mean beautiful for her age - I mean beautiful.  I can still remember her sparkling blue eyes.  She told me she had breast cancer and at first thought about not treating it because of her age but her husband convinced her otherwise.  He was beside her looking just like the guy in the painting "American Gothic" with the same stoic expression.   It was a hoot.

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Posts: 135
    edited October 2009

    Good Morning To All You Beautiful Ladies:

    I want each and everyone of you to know how very much I appreciated your prayers for all my prayer requests, and if I forgot to mention you personally, please know that I did not mean to forget to mention you by name, my heart is so filled with love and compassion for each and everyone of you on this forum. My heart aches when I see one of you having difficulties, and my heart just soars when one of you get some good news.

    I have to go to the doctor tomorrow, I guess he will let me know if my heart is doing o.k. I think it is, I will get Herceptin tomorrow too. Then, on Thrusday they will pull more blood. i can't eat after 8:00p.m. Wednesday night. I guess that won't hurt me, I need to lose a few more pounds.

    We had a great time at church Sunday for our homecoming, there was so much food there, you could not taste everything or you would be overfull.

    Have you ladies saw where the ACLU is trying to make the military stop praying? Isn't it enough they have already stopped prayer in the schools? I like what the man who is in charge in Australlia said. He said if you want to come to Australlia it was well and good, but if you thought you were coming over there and stopping them from serving Jesus, you were sadly mistaken. Why didn't America take that stand. If I've offended any of you, I'm sorry, but this United States was founded on belief in Jesus Christ, and I believe that is the way it should be.

    Hope you all have a great and blessed day. Jesus loves each and everyone of you.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,312
    edited October 2009

    Good morning everyone and hi Maire.  Glad to see you back.  Hope things are calm enough that we will be able to see more of you.

    Kathleen.....that is a hoot.  I have known or met several of the people just like your delightful lady.  Their souls and spirits come up and are highly evident in their eyes. just feel more calm around them for some reason.  I am convinced people just like her are sprinkled here and there for our benefit --  those with an inner beauty,light, and sereneness as it often helps us and allays fears or negative emotions that may be taking us over for a time. 

    There....didn't mean to get so into to it....but I always walk away from those types of people feeling like I have been given a special gift....and indeed I have.  Somehow I am not surprised by her "stoic" stone-faced hubby.  I can see why he wanted her to take the tx.  She was definitely his lucky charm. 

    Mother -- I am with you.  People are quite ambivalent where religion or its lack are concerned.  I read somewhere recently ( of course, my figures will be off but ) that when we started out basically with our government, we had 14 pages of rules.....we now have over 60,000.  That is a staggering amt.  I know when you evolve things change and you have to add to cover situations, but we are getting ridiculous.  Do we have freedoms or don't we????And maybe the ACLU should just leave it up to those wonderful, brave heroes to DO what they need to in order to fight for our and the ACLUs freedoms. Enuf' said....I get carried away.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Mother of 7-I quite agree with you.  If you don't want to say prayers - don't.  We keep making laws for the minority not the majority.  Have you seen tags on hair dryers "Don't Use in Shower?"  If you are that stupid its time the thin the herd.

    Jackie - you expressed it so much better than I did -- I think she was an angel.

  • cinderella_1950
    cinderella_1950 Posts: 9
    edited October 2009

    Amen ladies!!  These are the days we need the Lord not only in our lives, but in our homes...towns....cities...countries....continents...and the world (not to mention most of our churches)! 

    What does the leadership gain from "dictacting" to us whether we can pray or not?  It has never hurt anyone and if the nonbelievers don't agree...then they don't have to pray!

    Look at the condition of our schools since Jesus was told to leave!  They are a mess and will only grow worse.  If Jesus is not welcomed anywhere, He won't be there....then people ask what has happened to this generation?  Hmmmm... it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why.

    I'm not out to offend anyone either.  I have been around long enough to see how lack of God in our lives has hurt so many lives, families...etc.  Just look at our history...and look at HIS story.

    What can I say but God bless and pray that our spiritual eyes will be opened before it's too late and do what God has commanded us to do:  "pray for our leaders"...they SO need it! 

  • patoo
    patoo Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    Going to turn in now but have to ditto all of you.

    Why is it that we are always accused of being intolerant but intolerance is practiced against us all the time?  I respect the right of others to not believe but don't try and take away my right to believe.  Freedom of speech also applies to me.  We who truly follow the Lord would never want to offend.

    Night all.

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Posts: 8,310
    edited October 2009

    Isn't it amazing they took God out of school but lil do they realize he is still there. They can't run him off if they try. I am thankful to have him as my savior.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,312
    edited October 2009

    Good morning everyone.  What a shock to hear about Spar.  Prayers and healing thoughts even if she isn't reading here for a while. 

    You are right Jo - we all need to try and stay a little more aware as we go about our daily life.  I know we are all "young" at heart, but there does come a time when we don't "bounce" back very well and in a fall  --  we barely bounce at all.  Seems only yesterday that I could take a tumble and barely notice -- and I'd be the first to admit that I dislike having to admit things have changed. 

    Also, not to keep it alive too long,but I think we are shifting back to more spirituality in the world, even if it gets obscured.  I think though, there will always be those who will try to erect barriers --- I think of that quote about kites flying better against the wind.  From time to time when these incidents come up -- perhaps we are able to renew our convictions -- keeping faith with the wind that faith, hope, truth, and justice will prevail. 

    Hope you all have a great day. 


  • patoo
    patoo Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    No, no, no - I refuse to give in to the thought that I can no longer bounce!!!!  No, Jackie, I'm not ready to claim that at all.   Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!  Yeah, I know JO and Spar have given reason to doubt but I'm not agreeing with JO this time, not at all!!!!! 

    Uh, JO, watch out for the foot of the ironing board, will ya.

  • hrf
    hrf Posts: 706
    edited October 2009

    I understood that one needs a licence to iron over the age of 60......LOL

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2009

    I got into my car Monday. I had only got about a half mile down my lane when I noticed the car was 'pulling' to one side. Thought I had punctured. Got out, all tyres fully inflated.

    Car started to 'growl', thought I had better turn back, so went on a further half mile to get to a wider road where I could turn round. I had one hell of a job to turn the wheels, and made what seemed like a 50 point turn, and 'growled' back to the safety of my yard. Pulled up the bonnet (hood?) and looked into the engine, and OMG I had a half grown cat wrapped around my power steering belt, it was just awful. I had no choice but to pull it out piece by piece with a long gardening hook.

    I was then left with a car with the power steering belt hanging off, and didn't really know how I was going to get it back on, or if it had been stretched, or even if it would fit on again safely, so had to call emergency breakdown man to do it for me. I held out 'til he had gone, then moved my car back into its garage, and found a very tiny grey paw where the car had been standing...that did it , I just sat on my doorstep and howled. I have been unusually quiet for the last 48 hours. I just hope everything was quick for the little cat, who, by the way, was a feral kitten that had just started to come up to the back door at kitty mealtimes.

    Its brother/sister is left alone now, and I am paranoid about looking in my engine, and blasting my horn now trying to scare this little one away. I have a sign 'Dead slow. Dogs and cats', it had slipped down, and the first thing I have done is to get this back up again. I have an electric beam across my lane, about 50 yards away from the house, and it always wails when someone breaks the beam, I always dash out and make sure they crawl into the yard, and don't squash any of my cats, then I go and do it myself.


  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Posts: 111
    edited October 2009


    I'm with you in spirit--just absolutely too tired to write much.  Started boosts yesterday...very burned and sore...but just 5 more. 

    Isabella,  so sorry about the cat--I've heard of that happening, especially as the weather gets colder.  JO, I'm going to recommend for all of you who insist on ironing, that you wear a hard hat and moon boots (remember those?).  Be careful. 

    Chooks, take care.  Helen

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,312
    edited October 2009

    Oh Isabella.....I am so sorry you had that incident.  For you and poor kitty too.  I feed feral cats and have rescued  far too many and keep them on my property here.  I stop in the road ( it is rural here enough to generally be able ) for anything....chipmunks, squirrels, cats, dogs, deer -- including the babies, and even birds who are reluctant to move out of the way. 

    Though the memory is not good you did not mean for this to happen....and you will watch carefully after this I'm don't beat yourself up for too long.  Helen is quite right....kitties will often look for warmth.  We no longer have much if any strays around our house so I don't worry about this anymore. 

    We are due for massive rain tomorrow according to the weather report.  It may be fairly quiet at work.  See you all next time.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,473
    edited October 2009

    Isabella, what a horrible experience.  We've had the same thing happen to us years ago.

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Posts: 977
    edited October 2009

    Isabella, I am so sorry that you had that experience.  Take care. .  Mandy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2009

    It was fun to see the Liberty Bell this past weekend...

    I hadn't seen it since it was moved a few years ago..

  • patoo
    patoo Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    Oh Isabella, that's a horrible experience.  You're better than me.  I would have lost it when I opened the hood.  The AAA club man would have had to remove it - no way would I have been able to do that.  Knowimg me I would have immediately sold the car (just kidding!).

    Gramof3 - almost done - Yippee!!!

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Posts: 8,310
    edited October 2009

    Isabella it was a accident dear. Hugs I would have been upset also. Even if you honked horn cat may have stayed under the hood.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Isabella - hugs for you and the kittty.  I'm sure it was quick and the poor little thing could have faced far worse deaths in this cold, cruel world.

    Lisa - I hate to sound stupid but where did they move the liberty bell?

    JO - I, obviously, don't bounce at all!  And just trying to get up from a sitting position, my gosh what a production!

    If you PM Lucy (hollyann) she can give you Spar's address to mail a "Get Well" card or, me as I have it now too.