Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • noni1
    noni1 Member Posts: 23
    edited October 2009

    How are you all doing?  Happy BC survivors month to you all.  I had my 6 month bone scan today, results were great,  bi-lateral mammogram showed no signs of cancer another plus,  just need my chest x-ray results.  I think it will be fine also.  Have not been on this thread much lately,  my Mom has lung cancer and it has now spread to her bones in her spine,  been dealing with that and working.  It seems like it never ends.  

    Again, congrats to all of us survivors,  hugs and prayers to you all.

    CindyCool  Sunny and hot as hell still here in FLA 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,570
    edited October 2009

    How true in this country I think they might say "older" people with bc can still get the vapors !!!!!!!!!!    I am terribly claustrophobic although I didn't know it til' the first time I needed to be in a "tube".  When they asked if I was claustrophobic I laughed -- a lot.  Then they started me forward into the bowels of h*** it seemed.  Boy, was I out of there quick.  So they told me to come back the next day and they would medicate me.

    They gave me one of the tiniest pills I have ever seen.....and silently I thought to myself.....this is not going to work.  The condition I was in yesterday has got to be way too much for this little pill....way too much.  Well, turns out I was wrong twice in a row.  I WAS claustrophobic in a big way.....and that pill worked like you would not believe.  It's one of the few pills I can honestly say allowed me to see how people become addicted to them.  I felt so at ease and carefree when I went into that tube and didn't give one whit how long I stayed there either.  My world and everything in it became perfect.  So -- just between you and me I am glad I have not needed to go into the machines too much....they are open now, but often I still have to close my eyes, so I can manage the trip w/o too much un-ease. 

    Our heavy, heavy rain of the past two days has wound down to a mist you can't even feel -- just see it on the windshield....but cold weather in the 40's came with the end of the rain.  Thank goodness it is over and thank goodness Dh was able to get the furnace fixed yesterday.  It was a bit of a chore as we have a big commercial unit for our house that sits outside.  Not always plesant to work on when it is rainy, snowy or 102 in the shade.  We are cozy now though. 

    I hope you all have a most wonderful week-end.  I will be thinking of all of you and hoping all goes well for everyone. 


    Cindy, we were posting at the same time.  I am so sorry to hear about your Mom.  It is difficult to see anyone we love have to go through these things.....especially when we know first hand just what is going to be faced.  Prayers for your Mom.  It is in the good Lords hands...and he knows the way it will go. 

    Happy for you that you had good test results and hope the chest comes out the same.  I have lots of love in my heart for those who care for their parents in their later years.  It comes with difficulties, but though my Mom is gone....I'd do it again a thousand times for I've wished at least that many times that she was still here with me. 

    Have a great week-end.


  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited October 2009

      I agree Pam, I have a very hard time hearing my favorite station with all the noise.  I had one breast MRI, but had to have an MRI every 6 months since 2007, until this April to keep an eye on a 10 mm cyst in my Pancreas.  For some unknown reason it is gone.  They want to do one more in April of 2010 and hopefully that will be it.  I did not mind the closure but hated the IV contrast.Columbus Day

    You all have a great weekend.  OH almost forgot. The answer to my joke: what do you call a Bumble Bee dressed in a Ghost costume?  A BOO BEE♥

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    heeheeheeheehahahahaha.  I had been trying to figure it out... never would have gotten it!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,570
    edited October 2009

    I never would have figured it out either though I was trying....wracking my poor tired  -- not at all sharp brain.  Ran across something just now I thought some of you might like so wanted to share.  Enjoy

    Good morning,
    This is God.
    I will be handling
    All of your
    Problems today.
    I will not need
    Your help, so have
    A miraculous day."

    Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us.


  • zeeka71
    zeeka71 Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2009


      Yes I heartily agree, I am an older Women, and cannot find anyone to talk to, I feel very alone here as young ones just answer those they have known for a time. Their treatment seems different to ours as well so not much to talk about even if i could find answers wherever they are in here. I feel I write and talk to myself. and am thinking of quiting, I can talk to myself at home.

       hug to you Zeeka

  • zeeka71
    zeeka71 Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2009


        Old Chook means old women

  • zeeka71
    zeeka71 Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2009

         You make me laugh!!!!   What could be sexy about our accent, it is a mixture of every other accent, glad you findit sexy, we find yours sexy too especially the deep voiced southerners lol have a good one hug to you Zeeka

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    Hi Zeeka, please put this on your 'favorites' and come often.  This is a great bunch of women and very supportive.  We all have been where you are and so need each other so as not to feel so alone.  Please rant, complain, cry (well don't wet your keyboard too much!) and we will hear you and chime in.  Most here will tell you their spirits get lifted by reading and posting. 

    HUGS right back to you.

    (but watch who you be callin' "old"!)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,570
    edited October 2009

    I second Patoo.  Don't give up Zeeka.  It is difficult I think when you don't know anyone ( just like none of us knew each other ) but after a while it is just like you are sitting in a warm, cozy kitchen, with a little kitten curled up on the hearth....a nice warm fire in the fireplace and coffee and cookies on the table as you sit and visit with all your friends.  But...we really aren't old -- not all of us -- just well seasoned.  Hope you will give us a bit more of a chance.

    Hugs and more hugs,


  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited October 2009

    Good evening Chooks! 

    Welcome Zeeka.  This is a wonderful thread--lots of support here and I credit the Chooks with helping me maintain my sanity on this journey.  Patoo's spot on--come often. 

    Again, I'm doing better at trying to keep reading the posts rather than write--but I hope to be back "full steam ahead" soon.  I've been trying to figure out a way to soak my poor radiated breast in cool water without either freezing the rest of me or drowning.  It's a very good thing I live by myself!  I hope all of you have a good weekend. 

    Only 3 more boosts to go.  Give me chemo anytime over rads...but I am blessed with a wonderful faith family, my kids and grandkids, and YOU, the Chooks.  Take care.  Helen

  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited October 2009

    Good evening Chooks! 

    Welcome Zeeka.  This is a wonderful thread--lots of support here and I credit the Chooks with helping me maintain my sanity on this journey.  Patoo's spot on--come often. 

    Again, I'm doing better at trying to keep up with reading the posts rather than writing--but I hope to be back "full steam ahead" soon.  I've been trying to figure out a way to soak my poor radiated breast in cool water without either freezing the rest of me or drowning.  It's a very good thing I live by myself!  I hope all of you have a good weekend. 

    Only 3 more boosts to go.  Give me chemo anytime over rads...but I am blessed with a wonderful faith family, my kids and grandkids, and YOU, the Chooks.  Take care.  Helen

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    I vote for the gorgeous Aussie tech!  I might insist on another MRI!  Just because we're older doesn't mean we can't appreciate a fine specimen when we see one.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited October 2009

    Helen - I love the visual of you soaking one breast on your own!! Please don't drown in the tub! would one of those ice gel packs that are for sore muscles do the trick?

    I have just started radiation, 4 done 12 to go, no visible effects (yet). The tech there said to use baby powder instead of cream to keep friction from clothing happening on the spot. Last time I did radiation, the major effect was fatigue (I think from the driving more than anything). Ordinarily I don't get sunburned easily and I think that bodes well for this time. Also, I only get 16 treatments, no boosts. Does that mean they don't like me as much?

    Happy Thanksgiving to Canadians.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited October 2009

    Isabella, how come you have probably the only the good lookin' Aussie tech over there, when we need him so much over here? 

    I seem to get women who can't find veins or won't even talk to you while the machine is recording the 'inner' you.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,570
    edited October 2009

    Hoping you all have a wonderful week-end....we are having a little sunLaughing and it's sure time for it.  The past couple of days of almost constant rain got to me fast.  I'll be checking back from time to time. 


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,308
    edited October 2009

    Cindy, I'm so sorry about your mom.  I can definitely relate to the heartache since my mother is still alive and doing pretty well at age 87.  She lives alone in her house, thanks to an electric wheelchair which allows her to get around.  She has never driven and I'm her main chauffeur.

     I second Pam's question.  What's the origin of "chooks"? 

    It's gray and drizzly here in south Louisiana.  Dh and I are off to my school reunion.  I attended grades one through nine with the same kids, give or take a few.  We graduated in 1958 and this is our first get-together since then.  Very low key.  A cookout at the lake "camp" of one of the guys.  People are bringing side dishes.  My assignment was to do a poster to commemorate the seven deceased classmates. 

    Have a good Saturday, everyone! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,570
    edited October 2009

    Carole and Pam, CHOOK really is a term for an older woman, though we are more seasoned then old.....and it is used mainly in Australia and New Zealand.  I think it was Aussie Sheila who first used that reference here and we liked it.  It actually refers to chickens/hens etc.  Most of us if not all, adopted the word as it is nice and universal in reference. 

    Back to work for me.  See you all later.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    HI all,

    Thanks for the chooks derivation.  You know, I don't feel old, maybe wounded, a little poisoned even, but not old.  People occasionally treat me  like I am old :(  Between the Arimidex stiffness and my knee problems (torn meniscus both knees, arthroscopic surgery left knee 5-09,  upcoming same on right knee) I guess people think I am as spry as I look, not as I feel.  I like a little consideration but not too much.  Open a door for me but don't offer to help me up from my chair!  I should print up a list of guidelines for the family!

    Speaking of orthopods (I was, wasn't I?) and door opening... my orthopeodic surgeon's office has the heaviest doors in the entire world!  There everyone is, hobbling on one leg or with an arm in a sling or jockeying a wheelchair up a ramp and the door is so heavy it takes two strong men to swing it open!  The doors to the dressing rooms at radiation were nearly as heavy.  My arm was still weak and it was all I could do to get in and out of the little changing place.  Hard to figure.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend, feels good, finds a little joy in life and counts their blessings.


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited October 2009

    Old? whenever I consider being old (at 62), I am reminded that my father who is now 94 just started acknowledging that he might be old a few years ago. He lives on his own, drives his car and helps the ladies in his building with their computer problems. It is all relative.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2009

    Sheila, the Aussie tech was the one and only bit of pleasure I've had in all my years of tx !!!Normally get docs with heads so big its difficult for them to give you the time of day, or bc nurses that are offering to come round and 'put stickers on all your bits and pieces' so all my **&%$£"^ relatives will know what I want to go to which of them !!!  (My bc nurse said this to me even before I had my bilat, and no path. to say exactly how bad things were.)

    Welcome Zeeka. Jump in, us old chooks will chat to you! Tell us about yourself.

    Pam. Had to laugh at your othopods door, wouldn't you just believe it. Gotta be a man !!!!

    I have had a busy day, after promising myself a day doing not much at all. I am tired this week, and thought I would either go and sew, or hop on my pc. Lovely day, DH decided to go fetch some calves, so I thought I'd go for the ride, and a change of scenery.

    When we got to the farm where the calves were, nobody there to help DH, so I was roped in. I really am worse than useless these days, my slipped disc is murderous, I can't move at all quickly now. DH went into a tiny little hut to get the first calf, and let out such a yell, and stream of such naughty language I was pleased no-one was around ! He came out, his hand dripping blood, carrying on as if his arm was about to come off.  He had made a real mess of the back of his hand, a flap of skin about 2" long and 1" across was hanging from his hand, it looked quite a thick piece, I could see the vein in the back of his hand standing up, looking as if it were on the outside!  Of course, no first aid kit on board, so 2 paper hankies , and a piece of plastic twine had to do. We had 40 miles to get home, and DH was looking a bit pale, so I had to drive back. I just hate big 4WD's, and 4WD's with cattle trailers on are worse . I drive a sports car, and like to be nippy and near the ground, just hate being so high up in big vehicles. 

    Cleaned up the hand, wrapped it up in old rags, I have absolutely no idea where I have put my bandages, lost in one of my latest 'clear outs', no doubt will turn up when not needed. Really needed to run DH to ER, but he will have none of it. I don't know what to do with it, the flap of skin has blackened and shrunk to half its size, and will leave a real scar I'm afraid. As far as I can see the whole depth of skin has gone, it is down to flesh We have some penicillin in cream form, we use for the cows, so he got some of that slapped on. Offered to stick him in the backside with a penicillin jab, but he wasn't interested. Wouldn't even put a rubber glove on to go out and unload his calves.

    Tonight he is very sorry for himself. One hand bandaged, one bad knee from a squash injury, 2nd knee has quite a big Bakers Cyst behind, and it makes him limp....and on Thursday he is in for Carpal Tunnel surgery on his one remaining hand. All 4 corners will be out of action....and he is a terrible impatient patient. Life as I know it now will come to an end on Thursday night when I bring him back from hospital, and he thinks he will be going straight back out to work.

    I haven't had a lot of sympathy. DH has always laughed at me, and others in our age group, because we are slowing up, creaking and groaning, NOW its his turn, and I don't think he can believe it. The fact that he is the same as everyone else, and not a super human has caught him off guard. Always one to go to the gym, and play sports, he told me age wouldn't bother just did !!!  He is also waiting to have another Carpal Tunnel op., a knee op., and an op. to widen his nostrils ( again from a past sports injury) So of course all I can do is laugh at him and say 'told you so'  Quietly, I am worried as he won't like having to ask others to do his work after this weeks Carpal Tunnel surgery. His surgeon was horrified when he realised DH wasn't taking a week off !

    Hoping to have a quieter day tomorrow. DD has got a new house, and we are going to her new 'local' for a meal, and to look around the place....she has bought some land as well, and is wanting us to go look at what it needs doing to it. She has horses, and dogs, and kids with motor bikes, so she has bought it for them all to spread out a pleased its not too near me with the racket the kids kick up on their bikes.Terrible Grandma that I am !!!!!!


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Isabella - you lead a very interesting life!  You put penicillan creme for the cows on his hand!  You take things so casually and in stride.  I would have been a nervous wreck.

    Zeeka - you can always come here and will always be welcome!  This is the funniest group of women and we always answer back.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,308
    edited October 2009

    Isabella, you are a walking disaster!  I would love to visit you, but wouldn't dare risk it!  Hope your DH recovers and doesn't suffer too much pain from his surgeries and injuries.

    My reunion today with old schoolmates was a very enjoyable occasion.  The weather was actually cool, about 70 degrees.  We had good food to eat and did lots of reminiscing. 

    Tomorrow I'm playing in a couples golf tournament with Dh.  He won't have a good partner because not playing for 2 1/2 months has done nothing for my game.  Afterwards we'll go out to eat at a restaurant, and I'm pretty good at that. 

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Carole - Isabella is a walking disaster but she takes it all in stride and keeps going.  If I could, I would risk it and go see her.  Glad you had a good time at the reunion.  Its so comfy being around people you have known all your life.

    Isbella - you crack me up!

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2009

    Isabella, on my next trip to the UK, we must have a "pint" somewhere or else a cup of tea.  I usually go about once every other year and I have family all over the place---London, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Cambridge and alot of villages as well!!!  Where are you from?

    I am finding this thread a great friendship booster.  Thanks ladies.

    Have a nice day all!


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2009

    Would love to see any of you ladies if ever you cross the pond.

    Mandy, I live between York/ Leeds, Northern England. And I never touch tea, can't stand the taste, must be one of the very few  English who don't drink tea.

    I DO NOT want to live an interesting life !!! All I crave is peace and quiet, stuff just keeps jumping out on me. Every day I wake up and wonder what the hell will be happening today. I have retired, I want some time to myself, but I can't get it !

    I had a boarding kennels up until my dx. I shut up shop, and didn't work for nearly 5 years. This year I reopened my kennels, in a reduced way (so I can manage it alone, and not have to bother with outside help) I have hobbled along most of this year, getting more and more fed up, and moaning and groaning to myself all day about working again..... my last boarder goes out in a week, then thats it, closing for good.

    I was hoping my G/daughter (21 now) would have taken over, its such a shame to give up a thriving business, but she doesn't want to be bothered, so I will let it all go.The kennels are attatched to one side of the house, so too near for me to tolerate anyone else around, but family. I really want to have more time to myself now.....but, its just things won't let me live a quiet life !

    I have just been to my DD's new house, but we came away, she had invited half of the village where she now lives to come and look around. I thought it would just be family, and don't 'do' strangers easily, so am getting in a bit of unexpected 'me' time now. 


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    Good Am Jo-5,

    I don't know if you are still wanting info re: HER-2 Fish numbers.  If yes, here is what my path report says:


    reference ranges:

    <1.80 HER-2/neu Gene Amplification Negative

    1.80 - 2.20 HER-2.neu Gene Amplificaation Equivocal

    >2.20 HER-2neu Gene Amplification Positive

    So, it looks as if my specimen fell into the equivocal category and a FISH analysis was done.  So the final report says:

    HER-2 Gene Amplification: Negative

    HER-2/CHromosome 17 ratio: 1.12

    I don't know if any of that helps you.  It is very complicated, isn't it?


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,570
    edited October 2009

    Ok, that does it....Kathleen, Carole, Lassie, Pam, Jo....and anyone else we can rope in.  We definitely need to go to Isabella's.  What a life !!!!  I know it's hard to live some times, but sounds interesting ( if a little scary ) to read about and feel with words.  Patoo...are you in !!!  Actually you sound much like our farmers here and dare I go back that far --- our pioneers.  Often they just make do.....and many are and have been quite stoic.  I have read that many of our medicines are "used" on I guess it is reasonable to assume we could "use" what has been prescribed for some of our four legged to be cautious though.  Well, we know Mandy is ready......

    I hope you all have a great Sunday.....and hope things are better than you think Isabella when hubby gets his turn to be "laid up".  Maybe he will "have" to behave whether he wishes it or not.

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    I'm on board for our virtual trip to England!  Good thing about a virtual trip... we will be able to work it in between all of our doctor appointments!

    So, it's Jackie and me.  Who else is going?


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited October 2009

    Sign me up for that trip to England. In fact, I had tickets and plans for a trip all set just before diagnosis and had to postpone the trip. I still intend to make that trip! One of the places I was going was Lancaster. Is that near you Isabella?