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Is titanium marker safe after biopsy?

fulloflife Member Posts: 4
edited September 2018 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

I keep reading that the markers 'can stay in the body indefinitely'. Does anyone reallly know if there are safety issues involved? Can they migrate further into the tissue after a period of time? Can they cause infections down the road? After all it's a foreign object in the body I would think it would cause a reaction that hasn't been learned yet by the methods of science.

I've been hesitant to have a stereostatic core biopsy done for micro-calcifications because of this permanent 'marker' being placed. I know they all say 'it's nothing to worry about' but I'm not skeptical.



  • ecm
    ecm Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2009

    I have a titanium marker. They are the size of a sesame seed and you can't feel it. Titanium is a really unreactive metal, not ferromagnetic (don't expect to set of any metal detectors) and the clip is mean to stay in place so future mammos can pinpoint where you have already had a biopsy. Titanium is the metal of choice for things like knee/hip replacement and it is very safe. It's a good thing to get the clip placed and have the baseline mammo with the clip so that it can be compared to future films. Good luck with everything- don't let the clip hold you back from getting a biopsy.


  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited February 2009

    Full, I had 3 sterotactic biopsies with the markers, but due to the findings after the biopsy, the markers were removed in follow-up lumpectomies or the last time bilat mast. The orthapaedic doctors use titanium in the joint replacement surgeries. I also have a titanium rod in my back for correction of scolosis and it has been in place since 1971 and no problems with rejection or infections.


  • leaf
    leaf Member Posts: 1,821
    edited February 2009

    It is possible, although VERY RARE, to have an allergy to titanium.

    In this paper, the clips seemed to associated with decreased recurrance for women who opted for BCT.

    It is Possible for the clip to move, but, again, since they care to write a case report, that is unusual too.  Note the clip did NOT enter a blood vessel or travel around the body or anything like that.  The clip is too big to do that.

    Titanium metal should be very low in the interference scale with MRIs.

  • awb
    awb Member Posts: 213
    edited February 2009

    I was told the clip could stay in the body indefinitely without any problems, although mine did end up being removed during my lumpectomy.  They said  they are the same kind used in cardiac surgery and the do stay in for good without a problem.


  • fulloflife
    fulloflife Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2009

    Thank you everyone. I am so glad I found this site. I have received more information from all you wonderful people than I have received from my GYN or radiologist. Leaf, you brought up another concern I didn't even consider such as the chip migrating into a blood vessel. I'm in my 50's and there is a good possibility my cells won't be cancerous because all they see are a tiny cluster of micro-calcifications about 3mm, the width of the tip of a pen (the radiologist said). Six months ago they wanted a biopsy done and instead I agreed to a six month follow up. My six month follow up showed the same micro-calcifications without any change at all. They still want the biopsy. Sometimes I wonder if they left my breast alone the micro-calcifications would stay in situ for years. I think I'd rather have them than the chip and IF they turn out to be cancer cells in the area, the needle tract from the biopsy would help them migrate to other areas of my breast. I'm still hesitant, although I told my GYN to write the prescription.

  • ecm
    ecm Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2009

    Just one more note. I still advocate the biopsy. The chance of the clip moving into a blood vessel is extremely minute. The needle track from the biopsy DOES NOT spread cancer cells. There is a lot of information on this if you google it. This may be different with other kinds of cancer, but breast cancer cells don't spread from a biopsy. Don't let something like that hold you back from getting a test your doctor is recommending.


  • leaf
    leaf Member Posts: 1,821
    edited March 2009

    If, for whatever reason, you are DEAD SET against having a marker, then ask the radiologist if they would be willing to do the biopsy and NOT put in a marker.  Unless you have a known allergy to titanium, I wouldn't worry.  Lots of soldiers get metal bits in their bodies and live their entire lives without getting them removed.

    But if they are recommending a biopsy, I'd strongly suggest you get that done.  

    Erica is right - if 'seeding' does happen in breast cancer, it is EXTREMELY unusual. I could only find a handful of cases in Pubmed, out of many millions of women who had breast cancer.  Probably at least some of these women did not have the usual recommended treatment.

      IF you do have breast cancer, then they have found cancer cells in the washings (to various degrees.)  HOWEVER, they think these cells die - they think that breast cancer cells need a specific environment to grow (unlike the case in some other cancers.)  Even if the breast cancer cells do not die immediately, if you get normal treatment, the cells get killed and/or removed.

    If you are very concerned about this, then if you have a lumpectomy, have them remove along the needle tract.  If you have a mastectomy, then the needle tract will also be removed. Get the standard treatment recommended for your condition.

  • fulloflife
    fulloflife Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2009

    Thanks---I've been reading this site all over and realize I shouldn't allow my fears of the procedure itself prevent me from making a wise decision. As hesitant as I feel about it I should feel fortunate that the radiologist spotted it on the digital mammo---I saw the film, it's definitive that there is a cluster of micro-calcifications in my right breast and none in my left---regardless of how small they are the radiologist did her job and found them---hopefully even if it turns out to be cancer, it's such a tiny area that the radiologist gets it all with the needle biopsy---there's no lump to do a lumpectomy so hopefully there won't be a need to see a surgeon.   Do all positive biopsy results from micro-cal result in surgical excision? The radiologist, by the way, told me she won't do the procedure unless she inserts the chip.

    Another question is if they can insert a titanium chip via stereotactic needle then why can't they treat cancer that way by inserting cancer fighting substances through a stereotactic needle to target an area?

  • teeko
    teeko Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2009

    Full of life: Back in September, I was faced with the same thing you are--what to do about microcalcifications. I ended up having a stereotactic biopsy, and then a needle-guided excisional biopsy. The stereotactic biopsy found certain abnormal cells growing in an unorganized fashion.

    You are right; a group of microcalcifications does not equal a lump, but they may still need to take out a portion of that area of the breast to see what the abnormal cells are doing, if you have any, and they call it a lumpectomy anyway.

    By the way, the needle placement done before the excisional biopsy to make sure of targeting the area of the calcifications was simple. (Just having the breast numbed while sitting in a chair and having a less-painful-than-usual mammogram done right there to make sure the needle was in the right place. I felt nothing and it was not scary.)

    In the end, I was glad I had the stereotactic biopsy and the excisional one, because the latter found ductal carcinoma in situ--that is, cancer in the ducts that had not begun to spread outside. This is about the earliest you can find cancer. I had to have a second excisional biopsy to make sure that there was a large enough clean (no cancer) margin around what they removed the first time, and this time, the surgeon said they had got it all. I was asked to consult a radiologist and then an oncologist about the necessity for further (preventitve) treatment, but both of them said it wasn't necessary. I will continue to have regular checkups and mammograms.

    What was strange and makes me doubly grateful for the skill of the technician who read the mammogram that first alerted them to the problem, is that someone along the line wrote in his biopsy report that he couldn't detect calcifications, and again, when they took a mammogram after placing the needle for the first excisional biopsy, the operator said how strange, he couldn't see any calcifications there. But if no one had noticed them and I had had nothing done, I could have an undetected and untreated cancer developing in my breast right now.

    I don't know about using stereotactic needles for targeted chemo treatments for breast cancer, but something similar exists for liver cancer, which my husband has (though he refused the treatment). It is called TACE, or transarterial chemoembolization. They have other targeted methods of treatment, too.

  • leaf
    leaf Member Posts: 1,821
    edited March 2009

    "By the way, the needle placement done before the excisional biopsy to make sure of targeting the area of the calcifications was simple. (Just having the breast numbed while sitting in a chair and having a less-painful-than-usual mammogram done right there to make sure the needle was in the right place. I felt nothing and it was not scary.)"

    I'm glad the needle placement turned out well for you.  The big majority of people have this same experience.  Most people find it is VERY do-able. (I did a poll here at

    I'm sure my experience was influenced by the fact that I have (something like) PTSD, and didn't know it at the time.  But if I ever need to have another needle placement,my doctor and I will be having a conversation about communication about pain BEFORE the proceedure starts. If you are concerned about this, then I'd advise asking the doc how what he wants you to do in the UNLIKELY event you do have pain.

  • creativemultimedia
    creativemultimedia Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2011

    I had a titanium marker inserted post biopsy and would like more information. Actually, my boyfriend is a natural skeptic and he made me want to get a second opinion about safety concerns. My diagnosis is benign for both breast biopsies but now I've started to worry about the damn marker! I need to find reassurance that it is okay to leave in, as I don't need any other breast procedures done (other than a follow-up mammo) in Jan 2012. I'm thinking of calling around to different physicians outside of the place where my procedure was done to get more information.

  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Member Posts: 842
    edited July 2011

    Hi Creative,

    I have lots of titanium markers left in my breast.  There is no cause for alarm.  The first time they were put in for my first biopsy, which was good, as they marked the spot when it was time for my second biopsy.

    My surgeon also left them in to mark the area when I had my lumpectomy.  They really are very harmless left in.


  • spinnerfaster
    spinnerfaster Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2011

    I had a biopsy yesterday and was told a metal marker might be inserted if needed.  I asked of all the risk. They did insert and I am concerned.  I researched on line as soon as I could and found many people have the same complaints of pain an infection.  I am not only anxtiously awaiting the results of the biopsy today but had many concerns of this marker insertion. 

  • somanywomen
    somanywomen Member Posts: 82
    edited September 2011

    .....Below is a copy of a post that I wrote in May 2010 that includes a photo that I took of the titanium clips left in my surgical area..I took the photo of what was on my film, could not believe they left these things in me without my knowledge...I am extremely allergic to so many things and I have tried to find out if they may be the cause of my soreness still 2 years  after surgery..My docs will not admit that this could be cause, I am just as sore as I was 6 months after surgery, they just tell me that some people heal slower...My surgeon told me these were used instead of stitches or glue to close off the bleeding....I believe this clump of clips are still in there irritating my tissue...I have another mammo/ultra next week and will ask if they are still seen in the area because of the soreness that has never gone away.....

     "I have complained of pain (although I feel like it is going through deaf ears) to all my docs for the last 7 months..My whole lump side (back to front, arm to under ribs)  is sore and I have strange ongoing irritation ( like a sandspur under my skin) at sn removal area...My left side looks healed so I get little sympathy....I still have not found a comfortable sleeping position, when I get out of bed my whole side feels like it weighs a hundred pounds and does not want to rise with the rest of my body..A type of numbness/tightness compresses the top of my arm and radiates down at times...

    At my 6 mo mammo recheck, the below clump of 7 surgical clips showed up in film and I believe these things have a lot to do with my soreness/slow-healing..My surgeon does not think they have anything to do with my se's, he tells me to wait another 6 months...He discouraged any removal of these saying I may end up with more problems....He also said that my surgery has nothing to do with my numbness arm se's...I do not think he takes my soreness/pain/numbness seriously and wonder if it is just his ego that has closed his ears to my concerns....He suggests that the radiation might be the cause...

    Photo of 6 mo mammo clips at sn area...I can see 7 and wonder if there are more....

    Surgical clips...ouch!!

  • Boops
    Boops Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2012

    I know so very little about all of this, but I, too have concerns about the titanium markers.  I noticed that no one has mentioned that it is considered a heavy metal and typically, heavy metals are toxic to the body.  It's hard to say if it's the clips or the recovery from radiation causing you problems, but I would seriously consider switching doctors and getting a second opinion.  Get someone who listens to you and sets their ego aside.  I prefer women, but go with what your gut instinct tells you.  Dump that doc!

  • marie5890
    marie5890 Member Posts: 111
    edited January 2012

    Boops, you are confusing two differnt things

    Somanywomen was talking about surgical clips...More like stitiches/sutures to close the wound

     ".My surgeon told me these were used instead of stitches or glue to close off the bleeding."

    Biopsy markers are different..the identify within the breast where the biopsy samples came from

    "Breast Biopsy Marker Clip

    Marker clips used for breast biopsies are made of titanium or surgical stainless steel and are about 2 millimeters in size.  When the radiologist or surgeon feels a marker should be used, they are inserted at the end of breast core or needle biopsy procedures to mark the site of the biopsy for later reference.  This is an important step to take since most abnormalities biopsied are small or subtle and can become extremely difficult or impossible to identify after a core biopsy procedure. 
  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,160
    edited January 2012


    Are you referring to surgical clips/staples or the titanium marker used to mark a biopsy?The OP is asking about the titanium biopsy marker which is not a replacement for stitches or to stop bleeding. I am sorry that you have been in pain for so long. As for the biopsy marker, see leaf's original posting that provides reference to adverse reaction being very rare.


  • cycle-path
    cycle-path Member Posts: 64
    edited January 2012

    Boops, titanium is NOT a heavy metal or a toxic metal. It's completely safe and inert in the human body. It's completely nontoxic to animal and plant life, even in huge quantities, and is used in many medical situations. 

    Titanium isn't magnetic, so it's ok to get an MRI if you have titanium in your body. It's used in dental implants and in most surgeries in which bones are repaired. If you know someone who injured a bone and had a "pin" put in, that was titanium.

    Truly, nothing could be safer.  

  • leaf
    leaf Member Posts: 1,821
    edited January 2012

    Being 'devil's advocate': They often use titanium in joint replacements and teeth, where it can withstand a lot of force.  But, being good scientists, it sounds like they are developing methods to actually detect the amount of titanium in the blood.  They did find higher, though still very, very low, levels of titanium in people that had titanium implants in joints/teeth that withstood a lot of force versus controls.  Even the controls (who had no titanium in their body) had some level of titanium in their blood.  The people that had implants in places that withstood a lot of force had higher levels (though still very low) of titanium in their blood. They undoubtedly  will use a method like this to monitor titanium levels.  Note I have NOT found any studies that find titanium toxicity in people that have sesame-seed  sized pieces of titanium (besides the VERY RARE people who are allergic to titanium.) If gobs of people were getting a theoretical titanium toxicity, it would have been a lot earlier than 2011 to find a blood test for titanium.

    But there should be NO force on a titanium clip in one's breast. So one's titanium level should be quite small.

    The particle size may play a difference.  There is some concern and controversy whether titanium in nanoparticles could be toxic to some animals. (It sounds like this is controversial.) But a breast titanium clip is certainly NOT a nanoparticle - its about the size of a sesame seed.

    The first modern titanium dental implant was in the 1950s per this website, and they've done millions since then.

    If you do end up having some sort of breast cancer or a condition that puts you at higher risk for breast cancer, then they usually remove the clip during an excision or mastectomy.  If they are interested in doing a biopsy, then your risk of having something bad happen to you due to your breast lesion is a lot bigger than your risk of something bad happening due to titanium.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited January 2012

    Had titanium markers put in when they did biopsies and then had two mastectomies and reconstructions.  Very small titanium surgical clips are used routinely to stop bleeding during a surgery  and I have LOTS of them in my reconstructed breast (tissue transfer) and donor sites.  You can see them on mammograms and xrays.  I imagine most people that have surgeries have these surgical clips.   They are routinely used and don't show up on the surgical report.  They don't bother me, they are inert and don't interfere with an MRI.  I read the literature and do tons of research.  This does not come up as a problem.  For me this is a nonissue.  You can do a pubmed search to see what is in the literature. 

  • 4whitey
    4whitey Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2012

    I had this procedure to insert titanium marker inserted yesteday.  I never heard of this. When did this start to happen? I also am very worried about something being put in my body.  My husband had medical mesh used to repair a hernia and he has had over two years of hell and 4 surgeries to attempt to correct, but the mesh if still in there. In fact, surgeon put a larger piece in to "correct" the first one that got intertwined with his small intestines.  So I am definintely worried about the titanium marker.  I don't have a diagnosis yet.

  • alleygirl
    alleygirl Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2012

    Well... I have been going nuts for 3 days now. Had my breast biopsy 5 days ago. And YES, two days later... Itching like crazy and have a red spot and heat right over the cyst/lump area. I am so glad I found this site!
    I see a few others are itching like crazy and yes, I too am allergic to costume jewelry too and only wear 14K Gold earrings!
    Guess I'll be calling the on-call Dr tomorrow, since today is Saturday. Grrr!
    At least I'm not crazy!! Unbelievable we are all going through this!

    I also gained 2 lbs this week. When the Dr aspirated, no fluid came out, so he backed out to do a biopsy. When he pulled out.. the cyst filled with a fluid.. he thought perhaps to be blood. So I was thinking maybe it's filling up and might pop or internal bleeding with all this heat and redness. Didn't call the Dr sooner.... because I figured I'd wait and give it time to 'heal'. Yeah, right. NOT! Ughhh... so annoyed and (itchy) right now, (LOL)!

    I noticed...I didn't see anybody post how they got their breast biospy flagger removed. HELP!

    Good Luck to everybody!

  • SuzyQ2012
    SuzyQ2012 Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2012

    I am having a stereo biopsy next week. I have been assured by multiple people that the marker is safe.

    I never thought about allergies. Although, it hasn't been officially diagnosed, I was told that I probably have an allergy to nickel, as my skin usually gets irritated by jewelry- mostly earrings and rings. I will mention this before the biopsy, however, if it's pure titanium, I guess I'll be ok.

    Fulloflife- please get the biopsy done. It's the only way to know for sure what's going on. Talk to your doctor about your fears. Hopefully, you can be reassured. I was told that the markers are necessary because they will know in the future the exact spot of the biopsy. This will save you from unnecessary testing in the future.

    Wishing you the best!!!

  • KatMJ
    KatMJ Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2012

    I had one in for 3 years...then taken out with the lump.  For wasn't an issue at all.

  • awb
    awb Member Posts: 213
    edited September 2012

    I was told the titanium markers pose no problem and can remain in the breast indefinitely. (mine was removed during my lumpectomy.) The radiologist explained to me that the same kind of markers are used commonly during cardiac and other surgeries and are tolerated well.


  • leaf
    leaf Member Posts: 1,821
    edited September 2012

    I certainly have had itchy incisions that have *not* involved the insertion of anything.  For example, I had several moles removed and the incision area itched - sometimes years later.  When you have an incision, nerves get cut .  Maybe this is associated with 'phantom pain'?  I don't know if the itching sensation is due to an error in the brain or spinal cord, or if its an error with what the nerve is detecting.  But there could be other causes of itching besides a titanium allergy.  (I have an allergy to ?nickel, surgical steel (when wearing earrings.)  They used a titanium clip in several biopsies on me and I've never had any problems.  One was removed on lumpectomy, but I still have other(s) from other breast biopsy(ies).)

    However, everyone is different.

  • SuzyQ2012
    SuzyQ2012 Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2012

    Thanks for the info, Leaf. Sounds like we have the same type of allergy. Glad to know that I should be ok with the markers.

  • alleygirl
    alleygirl Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2012
    Update... I had the aspiration/biopsy done on a Monday, started to get a red spot on my skin where the titanium was places, along with ithcing and heat. By Sunday, I was very lucky, it all calmed down! Haven't had any issues since then. Been a week. GOt biopsy results back and it was not malignant, but Dr wants another mammogram in 6 months:-(
    As for the aspiration, that was slighly painful. Dr didn't get any fluid, so he had to do biopsy. When the Dr pulled out to do the biopsy, the 'thing' filled with what the Dr thought was probably blood. I asked for more local and pretty much felt nothing but an awkward pressure when he did the biopsy and that was not an easy feat with dense tissue, took him a bit to reach it, during aspiration and biopsy!
  • lukefrancis1
    lukefrancis1 Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2012

    hi, it was explained to me that the marker...mine was radioactic minut lead like a small beebe was removed when located with a giger counter and removed with as much as the lesion and area when the excisional proceedure was done.

    I still have the so call clip from another stereotactic (where lesion as missed) in me! they assured me no problem! hope this helps.....Again prayers for all big day for me hopefully results of last proceedure.!

  • IrisM2900
    IrisM2900 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2012

    Double check with at least two sources at your hospital on whether your marker is titanium or stainless steel. My breast surgeon's assistant told me she "thought" it was titanium; I confirmed with the Radiologist's office that it was actually stainless steel. Since I am highly allergic to nickel (an alloy in stainless steel), this answered the question of why I had a major auto-immune response (high white blood cell count, pain, discomfort, hives, muscle weakness, fatigue).

    So, if you're allergic to nickel, or other metals used in stainless steel, you can refuse to let the doctors/technicians implant stainless markers. like another poster, I was also not told that a marker would be implanted until AFTER the procedure. I did not sign any consent forms for the marker either (I checked the paperwork).

    Btw, my hospital (a teaching university in the Bay Area) jumped the gun on ordering a FNAB of my underarm. I didn't have pre-existing breast cancer, and they still did the FNAB before any mamograms were performed. There was only ONE enlarged lymph node in my armpit (that was the reason they ordered the FNAB). After a lot of research, I realized that with my situation it would have been better to re-Ultrasound the area in a few months. Now, I have a scar, pain, and illness all due to an excessive invasive procedure. (Every case is different, so obviously, if you have cancer or other abnormal lumps, you may want to go with the procedures and implanted markers).

    Btw, it was a benign lymph node.