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natural girls



  • Jennyi1
    Jennyi1 Member Posts: 81
    edited January 2010

    Afternoon Ladies,

    SPRING: I just love the way you let the "DOCS" have it. Also, thank you for the tip on the L-glutamin. I so desperately need this. BIG HUG.

    PS73: You keep happySmile. You will be up and feeling better in no time. Keep strong. BIG HUG

    FAIRY49: You are right about Farrah. It is sad though that she chose to stop the ISCADOR and return to the US for chemo. Do you know why she did this? I cannot seem to find anything about why she stopped. WOW, that is AWESOME about Cher's band member. What are your thoughts about ISCADOR?

    BIG HUGS ladies.


  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited January 2010

    Oh, I just remembered a quote I came across this morning that made me think of this thread and what we've all experienced at one time with some of our doctors and other naysayers ...

    "We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light."    Plato

  • RunswithScissors
    RunswithScissors Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2010


    I tried to view the article you posted but it looks like it's been taken down. What was it about? 

  • Nan
    Nan Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2010

    Dear Terri (my560sel)

    Here is a link for innovative doctors in Canada.

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited January 2010

    If I access it from my email it comes up, so let's see if this current link works:

    It's about a doctor in MA who is being prosecuted for faking research he supposedly did for Vioxx, Celebrex and other drugs.  He's being accused of never performing the studies -- just making up the data, which was published in medical journals!  Nice, huh? 

    (edited b'cuz my i.d. stuff @ bottom was showing up like part of the post)

  • Let-It-Be
    Let-It-Be Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2010

    Well, I'll get my iscador as soon as it clears the Canadian border.  My naturopath said they've held up a shipment for quite some time now...Fairy, thanks for the post!

  • my560sel
    my560sel Member Posts: 399
    edited January 2010

    Spring, Maybe I just have a predisposition to thin blood and the high dose fish oil just pushed me over the edge? I would ask your ND about it just to be on the safe side. I don't want to strike fear in anyone taking high doses of fish may just be the way my body (blood) reacts.

    Nan, Thanks for the link...the nearest Dr (Dr Rozencweig)  is in Westmount, Quebec,.  I'll try to reach him on Monday.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Terri, I looked up what is a "safe" dose of fish oil on web, and it seemed to be between 2.5 and 4, and I am at 3, so that seems okay. 

    I am going on Monday morning or an appt with my Osteopath (I get a stool analysis back - OH JOY!) and I'm going to ask about Iscador, NAC, and the fish oil .  She has me doing all these tests.. I wonder what the next one will be??

    Deanna, I loved that quote!  Men afraid of the light. Indeed...

  • jduford
    jduford Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2010


    Glad to hear you are making a recovery...ditto on the drains being a pain...but you will get a new lease on life the day they take them out!!!  I also slept on a recliner because they started reconstruction at the same time so I had the expanders in...the recline was the only way to go.   My PS  also told me to sleep upright for a minimum of a week.  Hang in there.  I also used Emu Oil on my scars and got amazing results.  The first scars that are now about a year old are barely visible.  I am still working  on my scars from the final reconstruction.  I like the Emu oil so much that I now use it on my face at night!  I  should have thought about using it on my bald head!

    I am impressed with your attitude!


  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited January 2010

    So they caught one doctor faking data in exchange for money from big pharma. Makes me wonder how much more has been faked. In the meantime, we have to go out of the country to use iscador, because it has not been part of any of these studies, since they are controlled by the same drug companies. It is just maddening. Why the hell can't we all just sign a paper saying we will accept the risks of these natural substances instead of having to go undercover to use them.

    LetItBe-I will be very interested in hearing how it all works out for you. Maybe Americans will not have to go to Germany. Maybe they can just go to Canada in the future. I am just so fed up with the whole business of cancer. They have no desire to cure anyone. They just want to rip off as many people as possible before they kill us. I just hope that we can all eventually be loud enought that they can here us! We want health freedom!

    PS-glad to hear you are getting through one more step and in great spirits. Keep looking forward!

    I have been taking long soaks in epsom salts before bed. It is amazing how well absorbing all the mg, lets me sleep. I hope you will all give it a try. I buy a little tub of it at Sam's for just a few bucks and put 3 large scoops in my tub. I am still doing this oil pulling thing, with no noticable changes yet, but hoping it will do what others rave about after another week or so. It is really yucky, but I am bound and determined to be my own guinea pig!

  • fairy49
    fairy49 Member Posts: 536
    edited January 2010

    I haven't done enough research on iscador to have an informed opinion at this point, I just heard of it through Suzanne Somers books, and then Farrah, I am not sure why she opted to come back to the states, I did read that her German doc, very much wanted her to continue the treatments as they had high hopes, so who knows what happened!  As I am from England, I just know that Europeans are more open to alternative treatments.

    Had my areola tattoo consult today! very excited!! The lady does very organic, 3D type tats instead of the "pepperoni" looking things I had been seeing! LOL!! I will be having them in a couple of weeks yay!!!

    Love you girls!! have a good evening!



  • Let-It-Be
    Let-It-Be Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2010

    Vivre: I didn't realize Iscador is N/A in the that for real?  Come up here!  I can organize an underground Iscador railroad :)  Well, I have high hopes and I do believe that 95% of this vitamin, supplement popping thing that I do has a lot to do with "belief". 

    Springtime: My AOR book notes NAC as a precursor to glutathione which is a strong antioxidant.  Beneficial effects include the ability to chelate heavy metals and toxins.

    I've been taking it on and off for the last 6 months. 

    I love epsom salt baths.  Only problem is I could stay in the tub for hours. 

    I'll let you all know what happens with the Iscador, hoping it's not held up too long.  My naturo says that this periodically happens and government moves along at the snail's pace that it does.

    Have a good night!

  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited January 2010

    Here is a good read about the top ten foods for healthy skin and hair

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited January 2010

    Hey all. I haven't been posting much recently but wanted to check in. Welcome to all of the newcomers! So many new voices around here! Glad everyone is feeling OK and doing well.

    As for the Iscador. You actually can get it in the US. I know someone who uses it. She orders it from Germany and has it delivered to her home. She had the nurses at the center where I get IV C drips show her how to inject it herself. And, that is what she does. She does the needles herself. She said it isn't difficult and that it is not as bad as she thought it would be to do it. I'll find out where she orders it from if anyone is interested.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Vivre, my Osteopath recommends "Salt and Soda baths", I think that is Epsom Salts and Baking Soda. I have a friend who swears by them for aches and pains. We don't have a tub in our bathroom, there's one in the "teenager bathroom" but I have not yet been desperate enough yet to venture in there to try one! Is on my list though....  it seems like it might be a detox?

  • Jennyi1
    Jennyi1 Member Posts: 81
    edited January 2010

    Good evening Ladies,

    Thank you all for the feed back on ISCADORSmile.

    Deni63-Yes, I am very interested in where your friend orders it from. Thank you so muchSmile

    Big hugs everybody.


  • poolgirl
    poolgirl Member Posts: 46
    edited January 2010

     I made bath salts for Christmas gifts this year. I got a 40 lb bag of sea salt from Whole Foods, Got epsom salts from Sams. Ordered dye and fragrance from Pinetree garden seeds. My son and I put some salt and the dye (natural) and fragrance in the food processor and blended that. then we put it in a large bowl of salts and mixed it in. We added epsom salts after that. Packaged in mason jars. We spent about 60.00 on every thing. I have about 50 baths left over for me. It is heavenly and makes your skin so soft ! Enjoy!

    I am changing the subject here, I just wanted to report that my sprouts are doing great. I skipped the part about soaking them in bleach. They sprout just fine . The only part of the instructions I follow is the part about rinsing them twice a day! I have a constant supply of sproouts. I make the veggie sushi and put them on salads and sandwiches. Yummy! I love the sprouts. Totally cheap.

  • PS73
    PS73 Member Posts: 171
    edited January 2010

    Hi gals, good morning.  Uggh, still not sleeping.  Unfortunately the drains didn't come out, so be it.  Julie, thanks so much for the compliment.  I think Ive done well with the whole cancer thing.  I am definitely feeling like a darwinian animal and less of a person these days (if that makes any sense) and Im all about being a warrior, facing the beast head on and destroying it like fire to a plague. 

    re the sprouts, Im really interested, I know my health store carries the starter kit.  So they last then...forever'ish?

    viv - Im getting a liver cleanse from my moms friend who does colonics for a living and one of the very last steps is drinking oil - I wonder if this is similar to your oil protocol thing? L - once I get it, Ill forward it to you for morgan.  how is she?

    deni - so nice to hear from you - how are you, how did your apt go?

    sadly, my vitamin d has dropped again below the threshold.  I have been taking 2800IUs a day and had been getting lots of sunshine.  Not sure what I need to do.  maybe my holistic dr will have a good suggestion.

    good luck with the misteltoe thing.  sounds promising!  poor farah, she was a weirdo but i loved her.

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited January 2010

    Boy PS, you are an early bird like me! My problem isn't not sleeping, I actually have to say I sleep better the past year since I changed my lifestyle than I have my entire life. We just get to bed early because we have to get up early to start our day. On the weekends, we just can't kick that and are up before the crack of dawn. Real exciting party people we are! Early to bed, early to rise!

    I didn't have my dr. appt yet. It is on Tuesday. REALLY looking forward to it! I'm concerned about my D levels too. I don't know yet if they have dropped, but it has been so cold around here, I don't spend much time outside. HATE the cold! Maybe you need to up your D intake? I take 5000 IU per day. Last test was around 80.

    Hope you are feeling stronger everyday. Keep up the great attitude. It is admirable and will take you far in this whole crappy journey!

    Jenny - I am working on getting the iscador info. I have reached out to my friend about it. As soon as I get the info from her, I will post here.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Jennyi1
    Jennyi1 Member Posts: 81
    edited January 2010

    Good early morning everybody,

    PS73-I know how it feels to not sleepFrown, hang in there though, it will get better. Keep strong and big hugs.

    Deni63-thank you so much for looking into the ISCADOR.

    Lydia-The bath salts sounds wonderful. How long did you have to blend it and how much fragrance and dye did you use? Thank you so much.

     Big hugs


  • Lili46
    Lili46 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    The epsom salt baths sound wonderful!! It's a rainy day here in Philly so a good day for a long soak.

    I just got back my most recent D levels. I've been taking 5000IU of D daily for 1 1/2 years. My last D level 3 months ago was 93. I was afraid it was getting too high so my integrative dr. told me to skip it on the weekends if I was losing sleep over  it. Well, I did that and my most recent D level is now 58. I can't believe it dropped like that in 3 months so I am adding in my weekend D again.

    I'm interested in the sprouts too. Where are you all getting the kits? 


  • CrunchyPoodleMama
    CrunchyPoodleMama Member Posts: 312
    edited January 2010

    Lydia, my mouth is watering for sprouts now!! I've sprouted a few batches in mason jars with those sprouting lids, and they turned out great. I got a Tribest automatic sprouter for Christmas but haven't tried it yet. I'm pretty sure it was ordered through Vitacost. (If I remember correctly, it was super-expensive... like $80!!... I wouldn't spend that much if I were buying it for myself! LOL The cheap mason jar method worked great, but you do have to remember to rinse them twice a day.) Your epsom salt bath idea is SUCH a great gift idea!! Your description makes me want to dunk myself in an epsom bath RIGHT NOW....

    Li, that is scary that your D levels could drop so quickly! Wow. 

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited January 2010

    Lydia, thanks for reminding me about the sprouts. I have yet to give it a try, but I need to get on it. I got a kit for Christmas that has a small sprouter, a book and all kinds of different sprouting seeds. It was around $60 for all. I figure, it will pay for itself with a month of fresh greens.  I need to sit down and read the book and get sprouting. First I have to finish Palin's book, which I am loving.

    LiLi-One of my docs said that your D level test is really affected by whether or not you have it in your system when you get the test done. I wonder if that means we should not take it before the blood test?

    This weather is really dreary around here. I am loving the epsom salts baths. I put in one of those air jet tubs when I built my house. It is small so it does not take so much water, and has really comfy arm rests. The air jets are nicer that than those jacuzzi jets that are so hard. This is much gentler. Plus, I got a book rack for Christmas too, so I can sit there and soak and read. I could stay there for hours! All that magnesium is so good for us!

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited January 2010
    Jenny - the friend of mine who used Iscador got it through Weleda. Here is the link to their site: You do, however, need a prescription to order it. Hope this helps!
  • Lili46
    Lili46 Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2010

    Vivre.., My dr. has me do a fasting D level. I never asked why but I'm guessing for the same reason your dr. told you that the level really depends on whether you have it in your system or not.  I didn't take it the day I was tested or the weekend before and it sure shows!

  • Jennyi1
    Jennyi1 Member Posts: 81
    edited January 2010

    Good morning Ladies,

    Deni63-Thank youSmile.

    Hmmm, now I am interested in the Sprouts. Thank you Ladies.

     SIGH.......I have an appointment with my onco today. I am not in the mood to spar with him today about refusing radiation. Oh well, I am not keeping him much longer anyway. I just need a little more time to get all my natural Docs in order. Thank you Ladies for letting me whineSmile.

    Big Hugs.


  • anondenet
    anondenet Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2010

    Jenny and Deni,

    I believe the Weleda people have a list of doctors who prescribe Iscador. They will recommend someone in your area who is experienced in prescribing it.

    Let us know how it goes. Smile

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Hi all,

    I asked my Osteopath about Iscdor, she'd never heard of it. sigh.

    I also asked her about safe doses of Fish Oil, and she believes doses over 4K are safe. Terri, it ws her opinion that Fish Oil would not generally cause a problem unless a person is allergic to fish or has a rare metabolic condition. I personally am not going above 4K per day, but she cited studies where people with Bipolar and Depression were given 6-8K per day and were found to show a great improvement in their symptoms and hence needed less meds, and no SEs. Who is to know. She feels that Fish Oil often gets a bad wrap b/c the medical community does not understand it. Could be. But who knows. Just wanted to give this info....

    LASTLY, she recommended a Tea called Essiac. I ordered some, see below. It apparently tastes disgusting, and you brew and chill it, then chug a few ounces per day. My Osteopath recommended 6 oz per day. Has anyone else here tried Essiac tea? I'll let you know what I think.... 

    Oh, and here is Dr. Weil, pooh-poohing this tea!  (glad I didn't order that much, ha). 

    Jenny, good luck. Every time I go to the ONC's office, I swear, it takes me a few days to recover. ugh. 

  • my560sel
    my560sel Member Posts: 399
    edited January 2010

    Spring, thanks for the update and for asking your  Dr about the fish oil. Your Osteopath doesn't seem to think there's a  problem with the dose and my Specialist seems to think it has everything to do with it! I guess I'll find out when I get the results of the blood test in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, it doesn't surprise me that conventional medicine has a different opinion than alternative medicine! Thanks for asking just the same, I appreciate it. Same thing for your Essiac Tea, your Osteopath thinks it's great and this Dr Weil is poo-pooing it! What to do, What to do!
