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NEW Oncotype Dx Roll Call Thread



  • bethu77
    bethu77 Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2013

    Hello Everyone! My recurrence score is 54. I first had DCIS in both breasts in 2008. Stage 1 in the left breast and stage 0 in the right. this was ER/PR positive. In 2011, I had stage 2 IDC in the right breast and had bilateral mastectomy. This was a new cancer and not a recurrence. My oncotype stated that I was triple negative. I have just been diagnosed again with IDC in the right breast. I was told at the surgeon's office that it was a recurrence with my first cancer. I will have more information when I see my oncologist tomorrow. I had a CT scan and a bone scan done last week. I am so confused about all this. Has anyone else had any of these different diagnosis?

  • PoohBear-61
    PoohBear-61 Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2013

    Oncotype score18 (LMP, SNB, RAD x 30, TMXF, ZOL) age 46

    11% reccurence ( 3% benefit with chemo...took zoladex instead )

  • keets858
    keets858 Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2013

    Oncotype Score - 32, 21%. Age 35.

    BLM, R, SNB, T/C, TMXF - start chemo next week; hooray!

  • KBeee
    KBeee Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2013

    Oncotype score 16. 10. 2.0 cm tumor, sentinal node was negative.

    Age 43

    BMX, 4 TC, would have done 6 TC if oncotype was above 20.

  • kaos1
    kaos1 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2013

    Oncotype Score 8, 3 pos lymph nodes. BMX on 11/1. Dr now not recommending chemo but RADS, TMXF, ovarian suppression since I'm 98% ER+. Going for second opinion on treatment plan just in case!

  • joanmj58
    joanmj58 Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2013

    Oncotype DX score 32. Will start chemo on Monday--6x TC. Notes in my sig lines.


  • 1ToughCookie
    1ToughCookie Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2014

    I am new to this posting world. I'm 39 with IDC that measured 1.8cm in left breast. ER+ PR+ HER2-.  I had a lumpectomy and a short second surgery to go back clear additional margin on Dec 18. I thought I was poised for radiation and Tamoxifen in late Jan, but then I received my oncotype score of 19 ----a gray area since it is on the bottom end of intermediate scale. So chemo or no chemo - that is my question. I'm inclined to do Chemo treatment (TC) because of my age and the fact the mass was LVI. I would hate to think of some microscopic cell floating thru my lymphatic channels. Oncologist say that my risk of possible distant recurrence is 12%. With chemo, she could lower the risk 2-4%. I still have to ask if slight shift is worth chemo.

  • Srh242
    Srh242 Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2014

    I think you should do the chemo.  , cause you are young. Can they do a mammaprint ? , they are doing it for free for people with an intermediate oncotype, ask your doctor.

  • schoolcounselor
    schoolcounselor Member Posts: 229
    edited January 2014


    I just sent a pm.  Age 44

    My onco score was 12.

    I had no node involvement. BMX, TC x 4

    Getting the last chemo today and then on to TMXF. 

    The decision to do chemo for me was not difficult. I wanted to have a low chance or reoccurrence as possible. I did go for a second opinion at Sloane Kettering, which confirmed the first so chemo it was. Primarily recommended due to my age and my race. 

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2014

    Here's one for you...

    Onco type 24 BUT after initial pathology tests showed me highly ER positive, the Oncotype test showed me as ER NEGATIVE!  This is very rare.  I hate being a "rare" case.  Turns out Genomics measures ER differently and the research on Tamoxifen effectiveness was done using the same ER measurement methods as were used for my original path reports.

    I'm joining the chemo chicks.  Cytoxan, Taxotere x 4.

    SchoolCounselor - You're done chemo!  How was it for you?

    1ToughCookie - I dreaded that score.  My worst fear was being left to second guess myself.  I resolved to do chemo if it gave me a 2-3% lower RS.  

  • Lillypoppy
    Lillypoppy Member Posts: 55
    edited January 2014

    Age 41. IDC 1.2cm.  0/5. No LVI. BMX. ER+ PR+. Initial HER2 was scored 2 equivocal - FISH negative. Her2 neg on Oncotype. Details in signature line. 

    Oncotype 30. Having CMF chemo. 

    Thank you for maintaining this thread. It's very interesting the unexpected results in particular. 

  • schoolcounselor
    schoolcounselor Member Posts: 229
    edited January 2014

    Warrior. I'm wiped today. Been in bed all day, but it was very manageable. I just have to flush the chemo out the next few days and then begin to build my strength again. 

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2014

    Lillypoppy - So the Oncotype gave you more favorable results.  That's good news and your decision for chemo is cut and dry.  I wait for the day things are clearer.  

    SchoolCounselor - Congratulations!  I am really glad you did this.  With your low score you could have walked away but somehow other risk factors play into this.  Much of my treatment is at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and they're doing a lot of research on breast cancer with African American women.  I read that you were taking more time from work than you originally planned for.  I am a college prof. and taking time off.  I don't want to be around all the young people and their germs.  Was this a concern for you?  BTW, may I ask if you had any side effects from the chemo and how you managed it?  On my to do list is drinking a lot of water everyday.  

  • schoolcounselor
    schoolcounselor Member Posts: 229
    edited January 2014

    Warrior. I took off because of germs and stress. I needed to go into fighting mode and make myself available for all treatments as necessary. 

    The hardest part about chemo is the exhaustion. I used to be very active and I am looking forward to getting back to that. 

    My nail beds did darken from the taxotere but that's not a big deal to me. I am having my exchange surgery on feb 21st so I want to be fully recovered from that as well. 

    I am experiencing back pain and will be getting a PET scan and seeing a physiatrist. Chemo is rough but I was not leaving anything on the table. 

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2014

    I am with you, SchoolCounselor.  I plan to do some distance learning to keep my mind active.  Keep up with exercise.  Some home projects.  I am afraid of chemo brain.  Are you experiencing any cognitive changes?  BTW, I am an LPC, CADC but not practicing at this time. I've been so busy I've neglected my mental and emotional well being.  It's time for me to get counseling. At minimum I now have PTSD symptoms.   BTW, I worked in schools doing prevention and intervention work early in my career.  

  • schoolcounselor
    schoolcounselor Member Posts: 229
    edited January 2014

    Warrior, I believe counseling is a key part of cancer recovery... I found my therapist  years ago, he is pricey but worth every dollar I have spent on him.

    I have had some word retrieval issues but I don't think it is that significant, I think it was mostly from the fatigue of chemo....we will see....

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2014

    SchoolCounselor - I've had word retrieval problems since I hit midlife.  LOL  I'm not sure I'll notice the difference.  I hope you're starting to get your energy back.  

  • Chris13
    Chris13 Member Posts: 112
    edited January 2014

    And to throw something else into the mix.....I had lobular cancer, which is more likely to be multifocal (in more than one place and it was!)

    I had two oncotype tests done. Results were one oncotype of 8 and another of 15. After the first score,  I said no chemo (one micromet but grade 1/ low mitosis.) Onco still  recommended chemo since I'm in the gray area of age (was 65.)---- but I was reluctant, and my case went to a tumor board. (Oncologist, breast surgeon, etc.) They decided to have the second tumor tested. Since it was 15 I still said no to chemo. I've been taking Arimidex (like tamoxifen, for post menopausal women.). No rads since I had a MX. 

  • Njmom3
    Njmom3 Member Posts: 39
    edited January 2014

    I thought I would hang out here while I not so patiently await my results... I am nervous about being in the gray area, like WW I would like a definitive answer, although with bc nothing is cut and dry.  I will put my trust in the dr opinion, he is the expert, but if I'm on the edge, I think I will err on the side of caution and take the chemo.  I'm petrified of needles, ports and losing my hair, but I love my life, my children and husband and will do everything to be here for them.  So I guess maybe I just answered my own question.

    Anyone share the same thoughts or different?

  • Nancyjeanne1967
    Nancyjeanne1967 Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2014

    Njmom3-Also from NJ! My score was 18 12% IDC, BMX, no node involvement. Mammoprint was low reacurrance. Decided on chemo after seeing 4 oncologist. TC 4x. Just finished first one yesterday. Worked today, we will see what tomorrow brings! My decision was based on my age, my kids and the thought of kicking my self in the ass if it came back and I hadn't done it!!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2014

    My greatest fear was regretting my decision down the road.  When I saw my score of 24 it was easy.  NjMom - You may not need a port.  Needles aren't fun but I would think a port would be worse.  If your veins are strong enough you won't need one.  Nancyjeane - Something about us NJ gals and 2nd opinions.  I got my 3rd on my oncotype today but not about the chemo issue.  That was decided.  I wanted to best understand the long term treatment implications.  2 appointments this week alone.  Makes me wonder what I did for fun before BC.

  • Chris13
    Chris13 Member Posts: 112
    edited January 2014

    Have to say you Jersey gals have a lot to talk about these days, and I'm not talking about BC. Weird stuff, eh?

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2014

    Chris - LOL.  There's nothing like Jersey politics for good entertainment.  BTW, I grew up in Montgomery Co.  

  • Nancyjeanne1967
    Nancyjeanne1967 Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2014

    warrior woman- 

    Before bc huh, what's that. Lol!  There's always a lot if sh#t to talk about in Jersey, some good some eh not so much!! 

  • beachmom14
    beachmom14 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2014

    New to thread.

    Age 48, Oncotype 19 (12% recurrence rate), IDC, BLM, Left breast no cancer just right side, SNB, 12 nodes clear, 2.2 cm, Stage II, grade 2. First MO said chemo is up to me, since I am in the gray area and all 12 nodes were clear, TAX therapy for 10 years.  Going for second opinion at Hopkins.  Not sure what the percent is if chemo is added.  ER/PR +, HER2 -, ER 96%, PR 97%.  What are some of your thoughts?

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited March 2014

    Beachmom - The big question is exactly as you identified.  What percent advantage will chemo provide you?  Look on page 2 for that information.  That to me is more important than the actual score.  With a score of 24, chemo took my recurrence risk from 15% to 8% and if I stay on hormone tx for 10 years rather than 5 it will bring it closer to 5%.  I want that number to be as low as possible.  I'm glad you're getting a second opinion.  You need to be comfortable with your final decision.

  • flwr57
    flwr57 Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2014

    Age 56. Oncotype 18, recurrence 12%. LMP, SNB, RAD, AMDX.

    Thanks for posting and maintaining this thread. It was very helpful to read while I was waiting for test results!

  • DeVi423
    DeVi423 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2014

    I had a score of 46 with recurrence of 31%.  You can add me if it helps someone else :)

  • QuinnCat
    QuinnCat Member Posts: 408
    edited May 2014

    DeVi - I can't cut / paste because of problems at BCO with Macs, but you might be interested in the thread titled Long term "high oncotype test" survivors.  You appear to have a similar dx as NancyHB, Squidness, 1IOUgirl and myself (and maybe others).  PR negative, luminal B, high oncotype score.

  • Robin3
    Robin3 Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2014

    Beachmom, I also had a score of 19%,but it went to my sentinel lymph node. My doctor wanted me to do some form of chemo, so I ended up doing CMF chemo. Also known as chemo lite. I don't regret it for one second. While it's wasn't fun, it wasn't super duper harsh. It is a longer less toxic regime. Then I followed it with radiation and i'm a year out of chemo. If you want to pm me feel free. I had a lumpectomy, followed by cmf chemo and 36 rounds of radiation with five boosts.  I was 45 at diagnosis.  My stats should be below this post.
