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~* The Waiting Room *~



  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited January 2010

    BTW, Tricia, I also feel like you will have a good result :-)

  • TriciaK
    TriciaK Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2010

    Thanks so much my friends, I got the pet/ct results the same day, and the last mri about three days after the scan!    I think whats slowing it down this time, is because it was too small to biopsy and the last mri was inconclusive, my onc wants the whole team (radiologist etc) to discuss and give opinions.  

    I'd imagine they may have them Monday so may call the liason nurse to ask her, but part of me is scared to get them lol...stupid is'nt it??   I suppose right now, although worried I haven't been told it's mets and I'm terrified of getting bad news:(   Crazy or what??  But thanks again for the vote of confidence. xx

    Mmm5,   I've been keeping very busy as one of my cats became ill this week so have been back and forward to the vets but worrying about him has taken my mind off my own results.   I'll know his results this evening but he'll have to stay at the vets on steroids for the weekend.

    It's sunny and bright here today but very cold and windy brrr....I'm leaving my usual daily walk on the beach and catching up with some house cleaning..  I hope you all have a good weekend, it's my B'day next Tuesday so it would be nice to know the results by then so think I will make that call:)

    Tricia xx

  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited January 2010

    Tricia, not stupid at all to be scared of calling to get the results.  I am the same way.  I was on the phone with my surgeon the day after my PET.  She called me to talk about my breast MRI but said the results of my PET were not in yet.  As I was talking to her the final report popped up in her system.  I was about the hyperventilate as she was reading the report out loud to herself and me at the same time.

    Keeping you in my prayers....


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited January 2010
    Kathi, you say you wear a brace.  Do you mean a sleeve for lymphedema?  If that's what you have, finding a good therapist for lymphedema would help.  Again, if that's what you have, go to the lymphedema (LE) board.  There's lots of good advice there.  I do know that using the LE arm repetitively aggravates the situation.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited January 2010

    B4B, now this will sound odd because we all complain when we have to wait.  BUT, sometimes having a little "breather" helps.  I know when I made my decision to have a biopsy instead of waiting 3 months to have another CT scan helped me calm down.  I made that decision and I had a week, or a little more, before the biopsy.  Then I only had to wait three days to get that result.  Please let us know how you are doing.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited January 2010

    Tricia, positive thoughts still going your way.  Don't worry too much about the aching back.  I still haven't had any pain THANK GOODNESS.  And I think your onc is very smart.  I'm glad he's keeping on top of things.  And calling in the team. 

    I haven't been on the boards too much.  Between dh being tested for whatever (did find an abdominal more doc for him to see) and me.....we're fed up with doctors.  And the worse thing...I have four kitties.  I was feeding them last week (or the week before..I'm telling you..I can't keep up with the days) and I couldn't find my Mitzi.  I asked my dh if he had seen  I called and looked in the bedrooms with the doors closed..knew she couldn't get there, but...I knew she couldn't have gotten outside.  I looked in the living room (that door ususally stays locked because we keep the animals out of there, but the grandkids must have knocked off the latch accidentally) and there she was.  I yelled up at my dh that I thought she was dead.  I was in a tizzy to say the least.  I didn't know what to do.  I couldn't touch her thought or look at her face because I know that her eyes would be open and I didn't want to remember her like that.  I just didn't know what to do.  I had my dh call the vet (he HAD to be brave..he loves our babies too), and ask them about cremating her.  He wrapped her and put her in the care.  I COULD NOT look.  I petted her and said my goodbyes before she left.  I still can't believe it.  And I do believe one of my cats' who was her buddy is lonely.  I never dreamed I'd find her like that.  WTHeck! 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited January 2010
    Tricia, I will check back in on you.  Sorry I went OT. 
  • TriciaK
    TriciaK Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2010

    Shirley, not ot at all, I have six made up of some rescue and some pedigree but all adored and spoiled by myself and hubby.  They're what kept me sane the first time around !!

    I lost my beautiful Maine Coon last Sept, theyre all confined to the garden but he escaped and got knocked down by a car. It took us six weeks of posting leaflets, advertising , and hiring a pet detective to find his body and poor hubby was very brave in identifying him and bringing his body home for buriel next to his brother: (     I'm still nto over it yet as he was my favourite.   I understand completly what you both must have gone through when your Mitzi went missing.  The whole neighbourhood know me now from walking miles and posting leaflets and I still get calls on sightings when people think they've found him:(

    Thanks again, I called the liason nurse earlier and although she's off Mon and Tues she said to call my onc's registrar's and if the results are through they'll give them over the phone.  I also get my cat Harrys results tomorrow hopefully so it's going to be a stressful few days.

    Shirley, I'm glad you have no pain , I just have an ache but don't take meds and get it on the opposite side to the suspicious spot as well as that side so who knows??  My onc is going on maternity leave next Wed and I know she wants to do all she can for me before that so I'm grateful and do have confidence in her:)

    Lori, lol I'd be exactly the same and can imagine your panic..that suffocating feeling we get ugh......I'll post asap and the best B'day pressie I can hope for is B9 or "No change"!!!!!   I'll glady settle for that:)

    Tricia xx

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited January 2010


    More prayers for you today, I think of you each morning when I wake. I totally understand not wanting to get results, I was in such a state of panic over my bone scan I was paralyzed and could not call, so I just waited because each day that went by just felt like no news was good news! I knew they were at the office and just couldn't call, I even called once and hung up. My Husband thought I was losing "it" but no one understands that kind of fear it is just soooo different.

    Anyway Shirley I am so sorry about your kitty, I have nightmares about my dog and just hope I never have to be the one to deal with that. So great that your Husband was there to help!

    Ladies enjoy your weekend ! Speaking from experience I am one who has wasted many days and nights worrying and then lost those days I encourage you to enjoy because today we are OK! 

  • TriciaK
    TriciaK Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2010

    Mmm5, glad I'm not the only one like this really does seem like ignorance is bliss right now but obviously in the cool light of day I do need a diagnosis one way or the other.

    I'll get brave over the weekend and call Monday and see of they're through!    Sometimes even not knowing is worse than knowing which sounds stupid given what I wrote earlier but our emotions are so up and down through this!

    Thanks for understanding, it helps to know you all do, when even family don't!

     Tricia xx

  • TriciaK
    TriciaK Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2010

    Ladies, if this is negative or not cancer, I think we should all have a party here and celebrate as I'm sure my own experience will give others hope considering my recent history of so many scans!

    Tricia xx

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited January 2010

    absolutely ....we can celebrate your bday!! Only wish I was in Ireland (my favorite place on earth) you will have to describe the setting for us! Fingers crossed and toes!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited January 2010

    Tricia, thanks for the kind words about my kitty.  She was definitely a Mommy's baby.

    Yes, the waiting is hard, but sometimes I don't think a little delay is so awaful...I said LITTLE.  It gives our brains a chance to absorb what's going on.  I had an entire weekend to make up my mind about the biopsy and then another week before I could really talk to my onc..she was out of town.  I did talk to her PA and they did set up the biopsy.  But, like I said, my brain had a chance to absorb all of it.  I still have this really positive feeling that your's will be B9!

    Wow, did I get your onc's gender wrong.  I called her a "he" and "she" is having a baby...LOL  How wonderful.  I'm glad she's taking good care of you before she goes on leave.

    I'm really sorry about you kitty.  Your husband was sooooooo brave to identify him.  That must have been soooooooo hard!  When I was still doing rads I had to have my sweet dog, Tasha, a Pomeranian put to sleep.  Oh my gosh!  I was hysterical.  I still cry when I think about her.  She was another Mommy's baby.  She was 16 years old and had great difficulty breathing due to a collapsed trachea.  I also had to put my sweet cat, Gizmo, to sleep before breast cancer.  He is buried next to another cat of ours.  Tasha and Mitzi are on the mantel.  Okay, enough of that!

    A celebration sounds WONDERFUL WHEN (not if) you get that good news.  What shall we have to eat.  Healthy (veggies) or unhealthy (chocolate cake)? 

    mmm5, thank you for your kind words also about my cat.  Enjoy your furbaby.  The worse part of having them is LOSING them. 

    Well, off to bed for me.  Good nite, ladies.

  • TriciaK
    TriciaK Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2010

    Shirley and all,  lets be really naughty and have the chocolate cake and maybe some chicken and I'll put the wine on ice:)

    I think we all deserve to be naughty now and then, and a little of what you like does you good as my Mother always says lol....

    Okay, Shirley's bringing the cake and I'm bringing the wine so if anyone wants to join in and bring something naughty and delicious that would be wonderful lol.....:)

    Thanks for the postive thoughts Shirley and Lori and Mmm5, it's good to hear...

    Shirley, hubby was really distressed about it and Georgie was not as we knew him but still wearing his collar.  I told hubby I did'nt expect him to do it or bring him home but he's a softie like me when it comes to kittys:)   It's just as well or he'd have divorced me years ago lol....

    So, keep the diary free for an impromtu party and chat this week ladies, we'll either be celebrating (hopefully) or drowning our sorrows and I have a very nice c

    Sauvinignon Blanc on ice:)

    Tricia xx

  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited January 2010

    A party sounds great!  Yummm, haven't had any adult beverages since prior to 8/21/09.  If I ever get NED I will break my new/cancer no alcohol rule and have one heck of a night!  hee hee.  For now I will settle for a glass of wine and some chocolate cake!  I will bring the ice cream!

    Can't wait to celebrate good news, Tricia!


  • TriciaK
    TriciaK Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2010

    Wow, you;re so good Lori, I still like my glass of wine with dinner on Saturdays:)

    Thanks for bringing the ice cream, that sounds great!

    Tricia xx

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited January 2010

    When are we having this party.  I need to know so I can make a really fresh cake.  I'm getting hungry!

  • GoldenEyes
    GoldenEyes Member Posts: 22
    edited January 2010


    Thinking of you..Keep positive thoughts !.. I like RIesling by the way  lol.. I will bring enough for all of the ladies!Laughing

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited January 2010

    I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to.  I baked a cake to put int he freezer for our party, but.......I couldn't resist!  I'll bake another one..I promise!

    German Chocolate Cake.jpg

  • TriciaK
    TriciaK Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2010

    Oh Shirley, you did'nt!!!!!!  

    Mmmm, it looks so delicious too I'd love some:)

    Wed is the official day according to my onc but I'm going to hassle her registrar's tomorrow and Tues for the results by phone.   Hubby says once I start nagging they'll give in just to get rid of me off the phone ha ha......sorry I can't be more definate though and realize it'll be short notice so no need to dress up!

    Golden eyes, thanks for keeping tabs on extra large slice for you with a chilled glass of Riesling:)

    Hey ladies, if this is bad news I'll come anyway to drown my sorrows and take comfort in Shirleys chocolate cake!    You're all the best !!

    Tricia xx

  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited February 2010

    Cake looks delicious!!!

    I am back here for a short wait this time.  I posted in another forum that I have been having blurred vision and a few floaters in my right eye.  I am seeing an opthalmologist this afternoon.  I am hoping not to have evidence of mets to my eye.  Ugh, I hate this disease.

    Hope you get good news soon, Tricia!

  • justpayton1
    justpayton1 Member Posts: 65
    edited February 2010

    Its a little early but I thought I woould jump in here.

    I will be having a ct/pet scan on the 17th and I already am starting to feel nervous..

    I am triple negative so this is how my onc..will handle me. Scans..tumer markers are no good for me because they werent raised with a 7cm tumer to begin with. I am struggling because I feel it may be too soon. Maybe there is something there but still too small to see. Why not wait a few more months. I think if its bad news I can deal w/ it but good news I will not trust.

  • TriciaK
    TriciaK Member Posts: 124
    edited February 2010

    Oh Lori, I'm sorry you're waiting again too and hope the eye Dr can reassure you.  I think bc mets to the eyes is very uncommon too so chances are you'll be fine.  My vision has really suffered since chemo anyway!

    Good luck:)

    Justpayton, sorry you also are here waiting and hope  your scan is B9!  I think the whole idea of a pet is that it can detect cancer at cell level.  I had one two months ago that was negative but following up with mri as the bone scan was positive.  I've also read that sometimes things can be missed by a pet, this suspicious spot I have is too tiny to biospy so have been waiting for ages to re scan and see if there's a change.   All good wishes that you'll be clear still:)

    Just wanted to let you ladies know I decided to ask my onc for the results on Wed and did'nt call the Registrar today as had other bad news concerning Harry my cat.  The vet confirmed he has FIP and there's only pallative care available for him for the coming weeks:(

    Tricia xx

  • Alyad
    Alyad Member Posts: 174
    edited February 2010

    Can I join you all here in the waiting room? I had my yearly mammo last monday and got a call back this morning, they want me to come back in for more views tomorrow. At least I don't have to wait very long. When they first called I was okay- no big deal- but all day today I've just been consumed with what if's. the mammo was only on my good (non affected side) as I had a mx just over a year ago. I know the vast % of these call backs are nothing and they just being careful bc I have bc history. But I was really counting on not spending any $ on health care this year, if they even want to do an ultrasound  its going to cost a good chunk of change.

    I hated my biopsy experience, it never stopped hurting afterwards - it was 7 weeks until I had my mx.  - if there is something to check out I'd rather just have a lumpectomy excision. I know I am getting way ahead of myself and freaking out for nothing. again thank god I should know something tomorrow, its just so much easier to freak when you've been down this road before and know where it leads.- (only then I had a lump) . A year ago I was planning to take off and go hiking for 6 months on the Appalachian Trail- positive node changed my mind- did chemo and rads instead, hike was postponed until this spring. I was laid off my job two months ago- seemed like destiny we were supposed to hike this year and now I feel like the rug might get pulled out from under me again. I just need to chill out. I see xanex in my near future.

  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited February 2010

    I saw an eye doc vision is significantly worse in my right eye but it is refractory/correctable by lenses.  He said that is very unlikely to be due to ocular mets.  He dilated my eyes anyway and everything looks normal.  Whew.  I am so relieved.  He said my vision has likely been worsening for a while, and I am just now noticing.  Something may have put me over the edge....dry eyes from chemo, etc.  He also said this happens sometimes years out from lasik.  Whatever, don't care as long as it is not cancer in my eyes!

    Justpayton and Alyad- hope everything turns out ok.  Keep us posted!

    Tricia- so sorry about your cat.  Hugs.  You need some good news this week, and I feel you will get it.  Hang in there.


  • jpsgirl96
    jpsgirl96 Member Posts: 25
    edited February 2010

    Lori - So glad for the news.

    Tricia - lost my beloved kitties a few years ago - so sorry.  Thinking good thoughts for your news.

    JustPayton, and Alyad - Joining the waiting room myself.  I'm four years from dx, have alternating MRI and mammogram/ultrasound every six months.  Ultrasound on Friday showed a BIRAD 4a  "oval-shaped well circumscribed hypoechoic sold nodule, 5mmx3mm" so I'm off to see my beloved breast surgeon this afternoon.  She always wants to see us after the pictures and before the biopsy, but I'm sure another u/s guided core biopsy is in my immediate future.  It looks just like a nodule I had at the time of original diagnosis that turned out to be benign, but that was in my left (DCIS/micro invasion, no nodes) breast and this one is in the right (ILC, 6/16 nodes) breast.


    Okay - thanks for listening, and waiting with me.  Leigh

  • TriciaK
    TriciaK Member Posts: 124
    edited February 2010

    Lori, thats wonderful and I'm so relieved for you:)

    Alyad and Leigh, hugs to you both and only good wishes and vibes for B9 results!    So glad you joined us, I'll have my results tomorrow also.   I haven't had much time to dwell on it but am sure I'll be a nervous wreck and not seeing my onc until the afternoon:(

    Good luck ladies and please keep us posted how it all goes:)

    Lori, go have a drink and celebrate:)

    Tricia xx

  • jpsgirl96
    jpsgirl96 Member Posts: 25
    edited February 2010

    Tricia - thanks.  Saw the surgeon this afternoon and sure enough no get out of jail free card for me.  Biopsy scheduled for Thursday morning, and I'll see her next Tuesday morning for the results.  I'll check back in for other folks news in the meantime, and post mine when I get the results. Leigh

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited February 2010

    Tricia, I am so sorry about your kitty.  I had to look up her condition.  It's so hard seeing our furbabies sick.  And we can't do one thing about it. 

    You WILL come back here tomorrow with a NEGATIVE news.  Sometimes negative can be good! Wink

    lorieg, woooooooooohooooooooooooo!  You are going to come back for cake to celebrate Tricia's negative report?  I have to go to the doc with dh husband tomorrow afternoon.  But, I'll be back.

    Alyad, hang in there.  Let's posted yesterday evening.  It's tomorrow now (LOL).  So we'll be waiting for the good news.

    jpsgirl, we'll be waiting for your results too.  I'm chanting B9 B9 B9 B9 B9.  You do know that many biopsy's do come back benign.  I know.  Once you've had this stuff your mind tends to not believe that can happen. 

    Take care everyone.  And HUGS!

  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited February 2010

    Tricia- holding my breath for you!  Good luck!

    Leigh- I hope you have benign results!

    Alyad and justpayton- hope you get good news.

    Thanks, everyone!  I will keep checking in here for results and I am sure will be back soon with more "waiting" myself.
