Abbreviations for newbies - updated
Heya Patoo...
Here is one that I had the joy of experiencing s/p BMX.... Axillary Web Syndrome = AWS, associated with Cording. ( d/t damage of the lymphatic system after surgery/rads.... lymphatic vessels are connected to lymph nodes....these vessels run parallel to venous system....they become fibrous, tight cord like bands arising in the axilla aka armpit....can wind down arm parallel to veins, even thru incision and into drain scars....resulting in decreased range of motion in forearm, and shoulder. ) Requires management by specialists in PT/ LE and myofascial release. Not much info is out there on this....
AKA = otherwise known as
S/P = status post
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Well here it goes even worse for the weather. It began a drizzle last night, and has sprinkled/rained most of the day. This is going to continue through Wednesday. Maybe I could just change what sort of event we are putting on, and do mud wrestling. We need the rain, but it would be nice if it held off just one more week.
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Thank you, I was just lost with some of the abreviations.
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You are welcome. Patoo does a good job with this thread and we all love her.
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Aw shucks!
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Morning everyone. Just a quick stop. Hope you enjoy your day!
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This is going to be my Friday. Taking the next two days off. Yippee! Have a great day, ladies.
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That animation reminds me of my grandpa. When I'd get mischeivous he'd call me a "little pill". And that looks like a happy little pill.
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Good Night Sisters.
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I stopped by to say Hi.
Where is everybody?
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Hi ssyla! Hi JO.
Hi everyone else. Hope you are enjoying the weekend.
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Beautiful seyla.
Night all.
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We had a cleansing thunderstorm this AM and it's looks like a beautiful day. I hope you all have a beautiful day too.
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Beautiful weather today. Wish it would last the next 4 months!
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It has been an absolutely lovely day here but in the last hour, the cloud has rolled in and the temperature has dropped markedly. I think we are in for some rain tonight.
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Because I feel like it.
Good Night
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No, never got it. And over on the exercise thread they remind me of the workout I've gotten before which really did contribute to my 16 lb loss over the last year. So I'll probably try and get through again this winter (and kick myself when we get 18 inches again!)
Night my friends.
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funny Sheila.
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I hope to drop by before everyone heads to bed tonight. Had a wildly busy weekend and have been crashing early this week. Last night I was in bed at 7:20!
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6:50 and already to bed. I was falling asleep watching t.v.! I am awake just long enough to bring everyone a warm cuppa tea. The sheets were so cold tonight. I like the weather between Summer and Winter.
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Night friends.
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Nighty Night.
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Good Night.
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Good Morning Sunshines!
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Hi all,
I've not dropped in for a long time - combination of things from fritzed laptop to broadband problems and then the fact that I just don't get much time to do anything myself these days!!! Hope everyone is well - I'm sorry I don't have time to read back the thread - Think of you all often even though I don't get time to log on.
Sleep well!!
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Hello our Irish rose! Good to "see" you.
I'm thankful that it is Friday!