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NOLA in September?



  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2011

    Dragon: yep, that's my boyfriend's plan

  • Snobird
    Snobird Member Posts: 34
    edited May 2011

    2 beds, definitely. You will not be happy with someone moving around next to you. I wouldn't let my husband back in my bed for a month except for a little while lol. I needed room to stretch out and that really helped with my back.

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2011

    Seconding what Snobird said.  Cannot imagine sharing a bed with anyone right now even, at 3 weeks out, let alone right after surgery.  Go for 2 beds.  

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited May 2011

    Just have a minute to pop in during this busy weekend so I don't have time to go back and see who wrote about recovery issue a couple weeks out from stage one. But I wanted to say that after 4 surgeries in 15 months I have learned some things. Recovery is a process often involving moving forward and then backward.  There was usually a time when I felt frustrated that I wasn't feeling better! I think often I would feel quite good one day and be more active, then would have more pain the next day--even weeks out from the surgery. If memory serves, lots of us notice that we turn a corner around the 4 week point.

    JustLaura,  I second the 2 bed thing! And I am another that really liked the homewood suites.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2011

    Betsy, I stayed at the Monteleone prior to surgery once. Great location. The bathrooms I think were okay. Sort of between lots of counter space (Homewood) and none. 

    I am a Homewood girl.  Also, my DH loves it there. It is a short walk to the FQ and I never felt unsafe, as Sandy mentioned, but I never went out alone either (And my husband is a big guy, I never feel unsafe with him around , ha!)  Even if you get a 1 BR at the homewood, you have two totally separate rooms, with 2 TVs (not to mention kitchen and lots of free food!) unlike Moneleone or other standard hotel rooms. Great if you want to sleep/rest/be alone while someone else is up and about, or working, or just watching TV.

    Ro!!!! You sound like you have a sense of humor about all this! Good for you.

    I second what Amy said. I too (at times) was impatient (especially after my Stage 2 plication, which was a big deal). I was so tired of feeling physically compromised. But our bodies DO do this 3 steps forward, 2 steps back thing. It is an exercise in patience, that is for sure!

    Also -- imagine yourself all healed and moving around doing the things you loved to do, with no pain or issues. I listened to a surgery "healing" tape before and after my recovery. It helps your psyche feel and believe that you will be healed. And you know this intellectually, but emotionally, some days, you just don't think it will ever get here! It will. :) 

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited May 2011

    Happy Belated Anniversary to this thread which Warrior began on June 24th 2009 and Springtime has kept alive for every woman facing the journey to NOLA!


  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2011

    I stayed at the Maison Dupuy about 12 years ago.  All I can recall is the courtyard and pool...  Pre surgery hubs and I stayed at Hotel St Marie.  It was good, but I wouldn't want to stay there post-op.  The rooms and bathroom were nice size and it's very close to Bourbon St.  Not bad walking around at night.  The continental breakfast was blah to me.  I really didn't want croissant and danish and milk was the only protein.  At least they had real oranges.

    I am almost 3 weeks out from surgery!  I do not have stomach muscle pain but I do have belly incision pain when I laugh and when I get up from bed.  Now my breasts, they can hurt a lot.  It comes and goes.  Mostly I feel it when I wake up, whether it's at night, morning or from nap.  They feel much more firm than I anticipated.   Ladies talk about having squishy boobs, but these feel very firm to me.  Of course, I can only compare to my saggy and Fcup real boobs.  From what I read, this is normal and they will soften over time.  So my breasts feel like when my milk came in when I had a breast infection when I first started breast feeding.  YIKES.  They feel heavy.  I also have pain in my right under arm where I had axillary node dissection.  While my range of motion is good according to my LE therapist, it's not all there (which really bothers me) and not as good as my other side.  I'm still getting used to the complete numbness with surrounding tingling and then somehow pain is in there, too.  

    I've been up and around, though I spend a lot of time in my room reading online.  I'm reading this thread from the beginning!  No small feat, but I'm gleaning lots of info and like getting to know everyone.  I've been walking over 2 miles each day, even though it takes me an hour.  I listen to podcasts and I'm outside, so I don't care how long it takes.  I'm 10 pounds down from my surgery weight!  I feel like I'm reprogrammed for smaller portions and healthier foods.   I've been fine walking upright since I started walking at the hosp, so that's not a problem.  I do find myself slouching sometimes, but it's more painful for me to slouch than stand up straight.  I had to stop the percocet because of the crazy itching.  I'm on ibuprofen around the clock now.

    As far as beds, I sleep fine in my own bed (and in my post op bed) with my 'nest' of pillows.  I have to have the propped up head, pillows under my knees and arms so that I'm not tempted to roll on my side.  I still have one hip drain (I'm about at 20cc and I'm not sure why I didn't get to take it out yet!  Maybe because I didn't beg to have it out?).  I have a tendency to angle my hips/legs toward the other side but mostly I'm flat on my back.  I can't wait to side sleep!  I don't know if that will happen with the breast/arm pain, though.

    My emotions have been up and down.  I had a great time at last nights party.  We said we'd plan on going for an hour and stayed almost 4.  I'm not getting the emotional support from my husband that I'd like, so I have to get really specific in what I need from him, or I find the support elsewhere.  I'm still pissed off that I have to have chemo.  One day at a time.

    I'm almost out of the betadine swabs.  I'll have to find out how long I'm supposed to use them.  The last week I haven't been using them twice a day every day.  The glue from my abdominal incision is maybe 60% gone (beautifully thin scar!) but none off my belly button and breasts.  My belly button is so gross!  I mean, it seems fine, but all that glue and stuff in such a tiny area.  I also wonder how long I need to protect my scars from the shower.  The skin that rolls off when I towel dry is really gross/fascinating since I can't do my regular scrubbing/rubbing.  

    I don't know if I told you all about my breast incisions.  My DIEP was immediate from mastectomy.  My non cancer side is beautifully shaped right now with just the one vertical incision.  I opted not to do nipple sparing since I couldn't on the cancer side.  My areolas were large, so there is still some areola skin left.  Now my cancer side is bleh.  My initial tumor that I knew about was right at the edge of my areola (closest to my sternum, I guess 3 o'clock), so Stolier had to make the incision bigger for clean margins.  Well, another tumor was found during surgery located at 6 o'clock and apparently for clean margins a bunch of skin needed to be taken as well.  So I've got this flap of belly skin on my breast in the shape of an archway going from my fold to my nipple, about 6cm x 10cm.  That breast is misshapen but looks decent enough under clothes for now.  I was not understanding why it was so big until I talked to my med onc and was off narcotics for a few days!  Dr S said he should be able to get rid of all that flap skin, but now I want to know if it's "should" or "will" get rid of all that skin.  I also wonder if it will all be removed at stage 2 or if I'll need a 2b to get it all.  Diepgal (sandy) (not Tricia) photos on timtam's site are the closest I can relate to in that regard.  I'll most likely post my photo progress on the site, but not just yet.  

    Enjoy your Memorial Day!  The cicadas are so freaking loud here and the carcasses are stinking up the neighborhood! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2011

    About hotels... it appears that the Homewood Suites is booked when i am headed down... so I may have Katie look into that... see if she can work some magicWink... Two rooms would indeed be nice to have.

    Paula... You sound good... which I am glad to hear since I know you had a rough beginning emotionally... I know it must be hard to stay the course and know it will all be fine in just a couple more weeks... and I REALLY do think the chemo will be easier than what you have already gone thru... Having gone thru chemo and now headed for MX/recon, I am dreading the MX/recon far more than chemo... chemo was and continued to be uneventful... the hardest thing for me was hair loss, not pain or nausea... I never had nausea, never threw up, never had neuropathy, never had nail issues... had some achiness one or two days per cycle and that's it.. So,trust that you have already done the hard part and have solice in that!!

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited May 2011

    Springtime and Amym, thanks so very much for the words of encouragement... It really helps to HEAR it! I do feel like I have that good days- bad days kind of pattern . A lot of it seems to depend on whether I can sleep, which is getting more difficult. This on- the - back thing is getting old and I feel so restless and confined.

    Cider, it was great reading your extensive update. I spend lots of my time lying on my bed, online, (on!), also. I have not read a single book, or watched a single movie. My attention span is exactly the length of a 30 min episode of HGTV House Hunters Interational which I watch from 1AM to 3AM! I feel like I am wasting my "vacation"!!!

    My breasts also have that heavy with milk feeling. Probably heavy with fluid/swelling, actually. Also very tender -- inside and on the skin. So nice that you have one lovely one, anyway! I'll bet you'll get a matching pair at stage 2.

    You must have been better stocked with swabs. Mine are almost out and I've only used them after showers ( that is, not even every day!). Im also out of ABD pads and just sent DH out to hunt them down. He just called from pharmacy aisle to read all of the bandage descriptions. Not sure what he's coming home with. Considered sending him to the sanitary napkin aisle but decided to give him a break on that. Figured I could substitute those. Can't wait for my 2nd Dom to arrive in the mail tomorrow. Been in this very one since LAST Wednesday !!!! It does seem to be doing the job, though.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2011

    How about Iberville Suites?

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2011

    Jerusha, I have about 2 full boxes of the ABD pads!  I just don't use them.  The nurses just kept giving me more and more of everything.  I even have some other kind of pad that I haven't even used yet.

    I kinda like using the betadine stuff.  Maybe because it makes me feel good to 'follow the rules!'  I've not been using any compression besides my surgical bra.  I'm so used to wearing major supportive bras that I can't even imagine going braless.  I guess Dr S doesn't want me wearing a girdle thing until my last drain is out.  I almost think I'd like the Dom like Dragonfly does.  I'll find out at stage 2!  It must be something to wake up in that thing!

    I'll email Laura tonight about the drain; I hope I can pull it out tomorrow!  I'm so ready to do it myself.  Are you guys picking out your sutures yet?  I don't know if I can do that.  

    Does anyone else recall anything about the recovery room after surgery?  I don't know how many hours I was there, or generally how long any of us are there.  I'm guessing it was 5-6 hours.  All I remember was vomiting!  I didn't have my glasses on, so it's not like I could see anything.  I just remember a lot of hubub surrounding my vomiting.  They were telling me to turn my head and I thought what the hell makes you think I can even move???  You know, I don't even know how 'bad' it is that I vomited when coming out of anesthesia.  I also can't tell if I remember being taken to my room or I remember once I got to my room.  I just remember them settling me into my bed with pillows and I didn't want a pillow under my head, but wanted them under my arms.  I also wouldn't let go of the pain med button!   

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2011

    Betsy, I don't know about the Iberville, but ask Katy! You are right, she can work magic and knows it all. 

    Paula, thanks for your update! I am MOST IMPRESSED that you are walking "miles" already, albeit slowly. I remember walking with that figgin' DOM, feels like you're pushing your way through molassas!!! 

    Be patient with your healing, everyone. Remember, you had body parts moved around!! Isn't your body just amazing to be doing as well as it is? Considering what it's been through?? And it will heal and you will be totally whole and back to your old self. The whole thing is fantastically amazing!!! And it's happening to you!! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2011

    Spring... I want to give you pom poms.. you are  great cheerleader... rah rah.

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited May 2011

    Cider, not sure if your drain is belly or hip but for me with Dr S the magic # was 50 or less for 3 days...Were you only given the white binder? I don't know why they gave me both the binder and the Dom. My nurse at postop just said some women prefer the Dom cause it doesn't ride up. (Believe me, it doesn't "ride", period ). I guess it was a good thing that I had both because I've had so much trouble with tummy bloating and the Dom is much more compressive than the binder.

    My anesthesia experience was perfect. When I met with the anesthesiologist at pre -op I told him I didn't want a repeat of the horrendous experience I'd had a year ago for my BMX at MSKCC. They make you do this "death march" where you walk yourself down the hall to the OR and then climb onto the table yourself. All alone. Very terrifying! In recovery I'd had a really hard time waking up. I'd been really disoriented and in terrible pain and unable to communicate. The nurses were standing over me shouting "rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10". When I couldn't answer they just yelled louder. It was a nightmare. And then the puking....But the NOLA doc promised it would be good and it was. I went to sleep surrounded by smiling faces before going into the OR, and woke up in my bed, back in my room, with my husband by my side, pain pump in my hand! I do not have any recollection of the recovery room.

    I've also begun to realize, tho, that I have big gaps in my memory for lots of stuff and it is very disconcerting. I keep asking my husband for memory checks. ( how big was the bathroom at the Monteleone?, did I have that grilled cheese the first night?, what did I say to the kids on the phone from the hospital?) Stupid stuff, but such an odd feeling to shake your brain around and not be able to locate a piece of information.

    Spring .... :)

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2011

    Ah, thanks for your experience, Jerusha.  I wouldn't consider mine a bad experience at all.  I thought it was hilarious having everyone crowded around my bed before surgery!  I think I remember having my bed moved out of place and starting down the hallway...I wish I could see me!  I sort of want to see the OR, too.  I also guess they've got it down to a science having us mostly become coherent waking in our room.  I did not care about the nurse call button; I wanted that pain pump in hand!  I also have memory gaps and I try to get hubs to fill me in.  I really wonder what the docs think, visiting us on rounds when we are so drugged up?  

    My drain is a belly drain but comes out the hip.  I only have the white binder.  I've got that muffin top thing going on, but I don't thing it's a bloat problem.  Probably some typical surgery swelling. 

    Spring, I think it's a calling for you to care for those of us on this thread! 

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited May 2011

    Hey Ladies, just checking in with you all 2 days short of my4 week anniversary since my NS PBM with DIEP reconstruction.  Things continue to go well-last weekend I overdid it a bit and paid for it by doing pretty much nothing most of last week.  But last Thursday I had my first PT apt-funnily enough the guy that was assigned to me, his mother had a BM with DIEP reconstruction so he knew ALL about it the surgery and what to have me do--the universe is amazing that way.  PT was challenging and I have homework every day but I've been doing it and feeling better-will be going twice a week for the next 4 weeks.  It was also rough between week 2 and week 3 as I felt like I reached so many milestones every day the first 2 weeks and then sorta plateaued for a week or so after that.  I know a few of you are 1 week behind me so if you are feeling stuck in rut, don't despair! 

    My big milestone for today was picking up my big cat (who weights at least 20 pounds!) with no issue at all.  I was also able to go out to a BBQ yesterday and be out in the sun for almost 6 hours straight, standing almost the whole time.  It wasn't until the last couple of minutes that I started to lose it, so my husband hopped to, brought the car around and got me home quick.  Today I felt fine so I know I have turned a corner.  I would say I'm 90% better and while I know it's a process that has forward and backwards movement, I must say I'm doing almost entirely better at this

    Speaking of my husband, a couple of days ago I showed him my new boobs.  He's been very supportive but he's pretty squeamish about medical stuff so I've been avoiding showing him any
    open wounds or too much bruising.  While I'm still a bit bruised I thought it was time to show him.  He seemed totally unaffected and said "they look pretty much exactly the same as they did before.  It just looks like you got into a bar brawl"-how funny is that?!?

    I've even been able to sleep on my side a bit the last day or two.  And even though I don't need to
    wear the binder anymore I picked up a couple of shapewear tanks that I wear pretty much all the time and that help tremendously with the abdominal tightness.  I highly recommend Flexees
    control tanks (got at Macys for around $15) and Assets (the budget spanx line) tanks which I got at Target for around the same price.  They have helped me while up and about not to hunch over and helped me while sleeping to not feel so much pressure in my tummy.  And it's nice because they have a shelf but don't constrict the boobs. Hard to believe I haven't worn a bra in almost 2 weeks!

    One question for the ladies that have been through Stage 2-I was planning on staying at the Monteleone for the 6 days I'll be down there for stage 2 plus my LSH-I have to spend one night in the hospital after surgery but then I will be back at the hotel for 2 nights before leaving.  Is that going to be enough space or should I stick with the Homewood?  It was my understanding that Stage 2 was much easier and I thought it would be nicer to be in the middle of the quarter in walking distance to everything the second time around.  How out of it were you all after your stage 2?  How about after BSO/LSH?

    Also wanted to say that if anyone is looking for space at the Homewood but can't find it, I know they keep rooms reserved for SCSH that aren't listed online.  When I was there it was Jazz fest and the place was seemingly booked but the manager bent over backwards to get us what we needed.  Katie can definitely help you with this, but also I have the contact info for the Manager at the Homewood, Michael Rich.  We spent several hours chatting with him and he was great--told him all about SCSH and what they do there--he didn't really know beforehand!  So if anyone needs his direct info for booking/questions regarding the Homewood here it is:

    Hope this helps!

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited May 2011

    Hey Denouement, it was great getting an update! In the early days after your surgery, when I had my surgery ahead of me and then when I was fresh post-op it was so encouraging reading your frequent progress posts. I stayed at the Monteleone for 2 nights before my surgery(2+1/2 wks ago). It was lovely but the room was VERY SMALL. Really one of the smallest hotel rooms I've ever been in. I know they have both renovated and older rooms, but they told me there was no difference in size. Someone else was asking the same question yesterday. When we saw the room my husband and I both commented that it would NOT be a good place for recuperating. Also, on the subject of renovation, they were upgrading their internet stuff and it was very hit or miss to get online. I think they have more renovating planned for June. I'd stick with the Homewood for after surgery...

    Ok, a question... My breasts are so tender and sore, I can not IMAGINE going braless. Plus I feel so protective of them! Do the spanx , etc take care of that? What do you mean about the shelf? Do they help with support for just tummy above bb or also below- bb- tummy? Thanks! You've been a great cheerleader !

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited May 2011

    Oh, and what's the PT for? Something we should all have?

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited May 2011

    Denouement - it is great to hear you are doing so well, but I do have a question for you - if I remember correctly, there was no lifting greater than 10 pounds for 6 weeks and no side/back sleeping for 6 weeks as well. Has this changed since I was there (it has been a while)? I am just concerned because it is so important (even this far out) to avoid doing too much too soon. And I am the worst at that - but for my stage 1, having already had failed expanders, I posted notes all over my house with my restrictions... followed by a note to myself not to screw anything up! Stay well and double check your activity/sleeping restrictions!

    Spring - BDavis is right - you are a great cheerleader!

    To all the ladies that have just finished surgery - Hurray!!! You have flown over the biggest hurdle! Now it is time to heal and slowly restore your energy and strength. Give yourself the time you need to rest, but do include walking as tolerated! It will help you so much! Otherwise, patience, patience!

    Ref - I am super excited that you have booked your surgery! Hurray!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited May 2011

    Ref - actually, I guess I am super excited that you will have your pre-ops tomorrow! Holy cow, that was quick!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited May 2011

    Denouement--don't pick up your cat! At this point it's not a matter of what you *can't* do but what you *shouldn't* do. I'm assuming you still have the 10 lb lifting restriction (I did until 6 weeks).  So stop picking up the cat!!!

  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited May 2011

    Jerusha, wow, the last thing I remember was all the nurses around my bed as they wheeled me to the OR than I just remember waking up in my room and being given the pain button...I just asked my husband ,"how long was I in recovery?" he said about 2hrs..totally don't when you are at a regular hospital, I remember them yelling at me to take deep breaths and alot of beeping etc...It took me 2wks to ask my husband wow I was gone for 9 hrs what were you doing...did they feed you lunch?? haha 

    Just wondering if any of you girls had any problems with build up of fluid or blood in your breast?  my non cancer breast, the drain was taking out at the hospital, but my other breast we took out at home...of course I have flap ,had lymph nodes taken out through breast, which cause alot of bruising and swelling...but I am worried that the swelling which still seems rather hard to the touch should be less??  my DH tells me to call center and I'm just kind of afraid that they will tell me to get ultrasound or something..just afraid to let anyone near my breasts that isn't associated with center....feel like no Dr's will know what they are looking at or know the right thing to do..just know I have to start chemo and don't want anything to go wrong with my breast..sorry for going on ...Dr D told me that I could get my port and start chemo 2 wks from my post op visit..but I still don't feel that my wounds are healed (tomorrow will be 3wks) anyone else doing chemo after surgery?? what where you told?

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2011

    Thanks everyone for posting all the great supportive posts.  It really helps to hear from others that most of what we are going through is normal.  This really is a BIG surgery, certainly the biggest I have ever had, and it is just hard to remember that our bodies (especially our older bodies) really need the time to recover.  I am really doing nothing, still.  But I did go out today to a previously scheduled onc appt.  Am I glad that I did!  I saw the Nurse Practitioner at the onc office.  She is so lovely, and knowledgable.  And a BC survivor.  Needless to say, that helps x 1000 when it comes to discussing concerns.  Even with all her experience, she was not familiar with the DIEP.  When she found out what I had done, she was so excited.  She said, well, I sort of know what you mean because I have a TRAM.  So I gave her the article I had printed off explaining the DIEP, and some info from the center.  When she went to examine me, she was absolutely shocked.  She could not believe how incredibly good I look!  And she aslo said she was surprised to hear I was only 3 weeks out, from the way I was moving and all.  That certainly  helped me feel better about my seemingly slow progress, due to the muscle pull.  Anyway, she was thrilled with my results, and mine was Stage 1 delayed after having implants removed.  So I did not have skin sparing, nipples etc. She said, "wow, I will be surprised if the Dr has to do much at all at Stage 2", which is pretty much what Dr D said.  He thought I was "about 80% there".  She asked a million questions, and then said she was going to send a letter to Dr D. today!  She loved the idea that they specialize in this, and she said no matter the type of reconstruction, she always tells her pts to try to see someone who specializes in that field.  So, I am very hopeful that she starts to refer pts to NOLA.  It is not such a bad trip from Raleigh, after all, and well worth the trouble!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    You know I'm driving myself mad with the hotel arrangements.... Who knew this would be a bigger decision than going to NOLA for the DIEP ! :) I'm on such a tight budget, but I want to be accessable to the French Quarter and stuff. I found this hotel: Quality Inn and Suites St. Charles

    Anyone know about it? Looks like it's close to the st charles street car line?

    Also... I have  the last part of my recon left, and that's to get the nipples and a couple revisions. Anyway yesterday we were out on the river, fishing, and I was freezing at one point. And the guy I'm dating laughed and said something about my nipples, then he was like oh uh... ha ha ha i laughed SOOOOOO hard :)

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited May 2011

    Hey thanks everyone-before I forget, good luck with your pre-ops today and with your surgery tomorrow Ref!  Check in with us when you can...we are all (gently) pulling for you and will be waiting here on the "other side" when you are feeling up to chatting again. 

    Jerusha - thanks, I will look into the room size at the Monteleone.  The issue I'm having is that I was there once before several years ago for a work function and they messed up my reservation so long story short they wound up giving me the honeymoon suite which was HUGE so my memory of the room/bathroom size is skewed.  I'll keep looking around, luckily I have some time.  But I definitely second what Dragonfly said - deciding on a hotel is harder than deciding on the surgery!  Ha, ha...

    As far as going braless, the tops I got are like shapewear and they are considered "firm control" but unlike some other shapewear I've seen in the past they don't flatten my boobs-they support them pretty well with a shelf underneath for support and what I would call "moderate support"-they definitely hug from all sides so they help with some compression due to tenderness/soreness but they don't flatten me like a pancake.  I picked up one for $15 to give it a shot and liked it so much I wound up order several more online.  As far as tummy support that is quite firm and it starts right under the shelf, so high abdomen and continues all the way down to the end which for me falls at the low hips.  I find I feel much less sore in the abdomen area when I wear them, that is for sure.   They also help me stand up straight and support my core as I'm up and about. 

    As far as the PT goes, it was not something that the Center or Dr. D specifically recommended but it was something I knew I wanted to do for myself especially since I have another 4 weeks off from work.  I spoke with Laura about it last week and she said "absolutely, go for it!" and sent me a script.  I'm going twice a week for 4 weeks for range of motion and strengthening.  A little background on me, in addition to my day job I've been studying and teaching yoga and pilates for almost 7 years and have had some extensive anatomy training.  I figured I could "heal myself" but about a week ago I tried some VERY simple yoga postures that were next to impossible-so at that point I figured it was best to get someone to help me.  As you might have already gleaned, I'm a bit of an overachiever, type A person :-)  but I'm very safe and conscientious. 

    There was also a great thread about PT on FORCE recently-women from all over saying that their docs did not specifically recommend it but when they asked them for a script they were very supportive.  Just goes to show that we are our own best advocates.  If you want to check it out... 

    I don't think everyone NEEDS to go to PT but I really wanted to, to get back to my activity level pre-surgery as safely and as quickly as possible. 

    Nordy - just to clarify, my weight restriction was 10 lbs until 4 weeks and then lifting as tolerated.  I was told not heavy weights at the gym until 6 weeks out.  I confirmed this with Laura last week-not sure if this is difference for Dr. S vs. Dr. D-it might also be slightly different for me given my age and that fact that my surgery was prophylactic.  I spoke with Laura and my PT about picking up my cat (okay maybe he's more like 15-17 lbs-not sure exactly, just know he's fat!) and they both said to start simple which is what I did.  Maybe I should have clarified-I picked him up from on top of a table, so he was already waist high and held him towards my chest.  There was very little chest or abs involved, it was mostly arms.  Both Laura and my PT said that would be safe if done slow and carefully at week 4 which is where I am at.  I will not try bending all the way down to the floor to pick him up until closer to week 6. 

    Also, I was told back sleeping until week 4 and no stomach sleeping until week 6.  So that means I could try side sleeping at week 4.  I guess I should also clarify that here as well, as when I sleep on my side I sleep on my scapula and not my humorous.   So it's less of a 90 degree angle and more of a 45 degree angle of side sleeping-I also am not sleeping like that for a full night yet, just a little as tolerated.  Believe me if it feels like too much I am the first to back away :-)  But thanks everyone, especially Nordy and Jeskachi for your concern-we really all do take care of and look after each other here!

    Kaitsmon - great to hear you are doing well and has a great visit with your NP-I too am spreading the word about NOLA far and wide. 

    Dragonfly - I don't know about the hotel you recommended.  Did you look at Bienville House?  I really want to be in the FQ for stage 2 if possible-any thoughts friends?  Also, your nipple story was hysterical!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    I'm glad you loved my story... I don't know if he thought I'd laugh or be irritated but dang it was SO funny :) Especially the look on his face!!!

     I'm just still in a pickle about the hotel, I can't believe it. The Bienville is where we were looking at staying, but the qulaity inn is a bit cheaper. Granted it's not right in the French Quarter but it's on the street car line. I'm waiting to hear back from Katie, hopefully she'll help make this final decision.

  • ref
    ref Member Posts: 121
    edited May 2011

    So here I am on pre-op day. This morning I met with Jen about wrapping my arm for surgery. That was more discussion about lymphadema than I had in all of my other surgeries combined. Very nice. Then I met with Sally for a review of everything followed by the CTA. For me the worst part is the IV. Ridiculous, right? You would think I would be used to it by now but I really hate it. The test itself is a weird sensation but not terrible and fortunately short. With that done, I am seeing Dr. S this afternoon. I can't believe I am really doing this tomorrow!

    On the subject of travel plans, I did find one thing very nice. We called the airline and asked for the bulkhead seats. There is much more legroom and it is easy to get out of your seat to move around. I think this will be a huge help with all the drains and discomfort on the way home. And it didn't cost us anything - miles or dollars. It definitely worth asking for. Other than that, we are at Homewood Suites. Very comfortable and the extra space is nice. We will appreciate that on the other side. We stayed at Le Monteleone for the consult a couple of weeks ago. We liked it a lot but I think it would not be spacious enough post-surgery.

    Nordy - thanks for encouraging me to see Dr. S. He was wonderful at the consult. I'm too nervous right now to declare victory but I am hopeful this all turns out great.

    Denouement - I want your recovery! It seems like yours is as good as it gets. That's my plan!

    I'll check in on the other side.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2011

    Jen is amazing, but then like we've all discovered EVERYONE there is great. I couldn't of asked for a better experience! I'm curious about the bulk head seats? I didn't make my reservations so can I still call UNITED and ask them about the bulk head?

  • ref
    ref Member Posts: 121
    edited May 2011

    Dragonfly - It's the first row of coach, just behind first class. You can call United (I flew Delta) and explain that you are having surgery and it would be a big help if you can have the first row seats. If you have miles, you can upgrade to first class but, although those seats are wider, you have move legroom in the first row of coach. Ask to speak to a supervisor. The reservationist may not be able to grant the request but a manager can. They shouldn't charge you for this.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2011

    Wish me luck---I'm pulling out my drain myself!  I got the go ahead.