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NOLA in September?



  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited October 2011

    Hey everyone!  Thanks for the support; it has been a rough couple of days.  Several bad things sort of happened all at once and it hit me like a ton of another tough 2 weeks coming up that I'm seriously dreading but I've picked myself up and am plowing through.  People told me before this surgery that it was a marathon and I guess even though I knew that intellectually I wasn't 100% prepared for how hard this was going to be and how long recovery was going to take.  I'm just 7 weeks post stage 2 and hysterectomy and everyone in my life (except you all!) just needs me to be okay at this point so they can move on to other things.  I can understand that, but I'm not 100% recovered yet and I have to remember that. 

    Semper - good to hear things are fundamentally going well!  I know I owe you an email...I had bad nausea after stage 2 and they gave me some anti-nausea meds but like Betsey said the only thing that fixed it for me was going off pain meds completely.  I was on Percocet and probably should have asked to switch to something else.  I made sure to eat something every time I took a pain killer but still, after stage 2 they didn't sit right with me...who knows?  Hope they can switch you to something that works better.

    Kbodie - sorry to hear you are feeling weak and might need blood - I'm sure the center will keep you there as long as you need...and I would echo what Running said, it is weird to think about getting someone's blood but they know what they are doing and if you do need it you will feel so better afterwards...we've all been through so much, sometimes I want to cry just reading
    through this board. 

    Besa - so glad to hear you seem to be recovering well - yay!  I too had issues sleeping after my stage 1 and I got some motrin PM which really helped a lot. 

    Jerusha, I too am back at work and it's extremely tough.  Not sure I have any words of wisdom, just that I get it.  Everyone I work with just expects that since my surgeries are done that I'm 100% back to normal and even when I say I'm still tired, etc. they really don't understand and my manager is running me ragged.  No choice but to plow through and make it work.  Hugs to all!

    My DIEP scar was only opened up an inch at the very center for my hyst and at the ends to fix up the dog ears, so it's definitely worth starting on them as soon as the incisions are healed. I've been using a combo of bio-oil and the brown tape but I also just ordered kelo-cote from Costco as I read a lot of good reviews online on how it works for new scars.  I'm just throwing everything
    I can at mine and hoping for the best!

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited October 2011

    Thanks for the all the advice and personal experiences everyone. Helps me keep from panicking when I dont know what I am feeling or what tom do about what I am feeling. We are all different but this same surgery has been done thousands of times so there are bound to be tips and tricks that will help us all climb back out of it.

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited October 2011

    Good to hear from you Dana. I am sorry for all of you still struggling when the rest of the world thinks it's time to move on. I can already predict hearing that: "gosh it's been two months, I would think you should be feeling better by now." the underlying message being that you must be milking it or relying on it to get out things or are just a wimp. I have always been told for each hour of general anaethesia, plan on one month to feel back to yourself. So a five hour surgery means five months. Add a stage two in there, more months. Everyone I know agrees with this approximation.

  • semper
    semper Member Posts: 39
    edited October 2011

    I am taking just one pain pill now. So I feel better.

    I was wondering if anyone knew anything about emu fat. I was told it is excellent for scarring. If you have used it where did u buy it?

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited October 2011

    Me. Again. Didn't someone here tell me about the burning electric shocks down the thigh? Such an odd sensation. Do they go away?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Dana... I would guess that your hysterectomy is playing with your emotions... all that missing estrogen... sorry :(

    Kbodie.. hope you feel well soon... For a week, I was on pain meds and at the 4 hour mark, I started feeling poorly, achey and wanted more, but I was so confused to boot... so at one week knowing I was leaving the hospital, I went cold turkey, no meds at all, and all that weirdness went away and didn't even take tylenol.. I did take 800 mg Ibuprofen at night a couple of times, but thats it... felt much better.

    About scars.. I have breast, ab and hip scars and I know Dr D will reopen the breast and hip scars, but not sure about abs (unless I have a oofrectomy).. so my abs are 7 weeks out, shoud I use a scar cream/tape? Or just wait for stage 2 and ask (Nov 14)?

  • semper
    semper Member Posts: 39
    edited October 2011

    Dana. I don't know what you went through. I will call you. But my oophorectomy was very hard on me hormonally.

  • lisa645
    lisa645 Member Posts: 41
    edited October 2011

    For those of you who had pbmx and/or oop are you able to take bioidentical hormones?

    TIA mind is on my kids too(ages 4 and 6)...we've never left them before...infact weve only had a babysitter (mom) 3 times in 6 years.  Im so worried about my 6 year old, he has a bad cavity and has to have it pulled...while under general anesthsia on Nov 7th. 

    wow, I just typped out "this year has sucked" and then sat here and stared at those words.....and realized , yes, its been a challenging year...but I am also soooo blessed in so many other ways. ...Sisters, help me keep this in mind  when I hit my post op healing doldrums.

    I need to add my surgery date to my siggy.

  • lisa645
    lisa645 Member Posts: 41
    edited October 2011


  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited October 2011

    Lisa if it makes you feel any better, the kids are doing fine. The first week I think it was fun having relatives dote on them. We had been talking about it for so long. I think it is getting long now but my husband flew back last night and my mom is with with me so hopefully that will help them feel better.

    Headaches....did anyone have headaches? They are making me crazy. I quit Valium and the ambien, thinking i was getting some kind of hangover effect. How can the pain med I am taking, dilaudid, not help with headache pain as well? They come on when I am sleeping, wake me up from a sound sleep, then hang around most of then day, getting worse again when I lay down to sleep again.

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited October 2011

    Hi KBodie. I did have a headaches a few times while I was still at the hospital and they gave me Tylenol in addition to the Lortab i was taking. Have you tried that? I know it seems like the dilaudud should do it but obviously it isn't. Just watch out for not exceeding 3000 mg in 24 hrs with the acetaminaphen

    I would give the Center a call. Headaches are generally nothing but they can be a sign of high blood pressure or other issue. It sounds like yours are pretty intense. Headaches are miserable! I am sorry you are suffering from them.

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited October 2011

    KBodie - Narcotics are not generally used to treat even severe headaches because they have a known rebound effect of causing headaches. And if your headaches come on while your asleep and as the Dilaudid is wearing off, that could be what you're experiencing. It may be worth trying like 600 mg of Ibuprofen alternating with 650 mg of Tylenol and see if the headaches disappear. Ofcourse, it all depends what is worse for you the headache or the post op pain. It stinks that you're still having trouble getting it all under control.

  • ref
    ref Member Posts: 121
    edited October 2011

    I am now 11 days out from my stage 1 SIEA flap (just like a DIEP but different dominant vessels) and my stage 2 for everything else. I have also had a rollercoaster ride with the meds. I was quite nauseous at the hospital. Needed to find a better balance so I began alternating one lortab and one flexerall and made sure I always had something in my stomach, at least a piece of plain toast. That helped. Now I am just taking a lortab at night but not quite ready to eliminate it completely. I also find a benedryl at night helps with the queasiness and itching associated with healing.

    Betsy, my hip incisions were completely opened and redone to smooth out the contour. I think how much is opened depends on the contour irregularities that need to be fixed. Dr S did a great job smoothing out my hips. With complete incisions on my hips and abdomen, the tightness is a big challenge. It gets better ever day but will take a while still. All looks good there.

    Not sure yet whether I will need a stage 2 for my left breast. I do have some lumpiness on the outside of the breast. It's too soon to panic but given my history it's hard to avoid. I'll check in the with the Center this week to see where we go from here.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2011

    Besa - You asked about sleeping. I had trouble sleeping in that DOM, and from the recent surgery too I'm sure. I got scripts for Ambien CR every time I was in NOLA or at home before I went, and they helped a ton. I didn't become adicted or anything. Once the DOM was off and I was healing up, I just didn't need it any more. 

    Scar cream - I used Mederma cream on my scars while they were red. This is about a year. Then after that I use Palmers massage cream for stretch marks with cocoa butter. Apparently, cocoa butter is supposed to even out skin tones. Some of my scars i can hardly see any more! Just like Minnesota said! It's amazing.  

    Semper, I added your Stage 2 date for Dec 14. Good to see so many of you will be back for your stage 2's together. :) 

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited October 2011

    Thanks Springtime,

    It helps to know that others had problems sleeping. Ambien sounds like a good solution.

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited October 2011

    My sleep is off the charts horrible. My clock is just all screwed up! Last night I took an antihistamine ( similar to Benadryl -- but one that usu works better) at 1:30. Read until 3:30. Lights out, then squirmed in my DOM till 6:30...AM!!! Had tried out a new compression garment (Veronique) which was even more uncomfortable than the hospital issued (FlexSupport). Back into the old one.Finally caught a few winks over the morning. This has happened after my last several surgeries, and it took a few months each time to feel that my sleep was restored.. I attributed it to the narcotics, so this time stopped after just a few days. My experience was that if I'm not taking enough to get really zonked, I get bad restlessness and insomnia. And, of course, once youve been on the narcotic for a few days, you develop tolerance to the zonk effect. But even without any narcotic this time I seem to be having a similar problem. I think the combination of the anesthesia, the trauma, the drugs, and the ongoing discomfort ( pain, sleeping on your back, compression garments, etc) all, together, interfere with your brain's ability to put you to sleep. Just as I think one thing is working ( pain med, benzodiazepine, antihistamine) , it stops! Well, for now, I am counting the milliseconds till I can sleep without the DOM. Four more nights!!!!

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited October 2011

    Wow, lots of people during December.  The Center asked if wanted to do Stage II in December but I couldn't even fathom another surgery until I feel completely healed and have some time to feel "Normal."  I'd love to be with everyone in December but at this point can't find the drive to schedule Stage II.  

    Benadryl or Motrin PM for sleep sounds like a good idea.  

    KBodie-sending prayers out to you.  I had similar struggles after surgery with nausea, vomitting, not being able to use the bathroom (didn't even feel the urge) but my stomach was I forgot the word the nurse used but it was very tight and full.  Drink lots of water/electrolytes if you can and walking.  I finally just got myself off of all the pain meds so I could help my body function a little better.

    Springtime:  did the Center give you the Mederma or did you read up about it?  They told me to use Kelo-cote after the wounds are healed.  What is cocoa butter?  Where do yo buy it?  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Surfa.. I think most people try to get stage i and 2 in the same calendar year for insurance reasons... so that is most likely why they offered you at December date...

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited October 2011

    Ugh not sleeping. It is the worst. I am crashing out for now but like you, I know it won't last and then I will be truly miserable. I have usually had luck with Tylenol pm. I was trying to get off narcotics wondering if that is where headaches are coming from but I couldn't last, just took one. It was so hard getting to hotel yesterday i can't imagine getting to appt at clinic tomorrow. Or flying home on Thursday!!

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited October 2011

    Hey, gang, in the FWIW catefory, once the "glue" came off, I treat my scars with Vitamin E oil daily, usually twice a day. I have had too many surgeries to count, but the Vitamin E oil pulls me thru. When I had a tummy tuck, the PS gave me a silicon stick -- sort of like Chapstick -- and it did squat. Went back to my old standby, the oil. Now some stores sell the Vitamin E oil and it has the consistency and texture of thick honey -- DON'T GET THAT STUFF!! Should be liquid in the bottle. Get mine at GNS. Has worked wonders over the years, leavinbg me with almost unnoticeable scars. And it doesn't cost the earth, either.  Again, FWIW --

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited October 2011

    Ok, so add another to the list for December, I think.  Well, I am scheduled for 2b with Dr. D on Dec 14th . . . Not terribly happy about another surgery when I thought I was done.  But very very pleased with the way the Center handled it and got me in so that I can avoid another insurance deductible, which is huge!  And I am hoping that the problem resolves and that we can cancel the surgery and just have tattoos done.  That sounds a lot better 10 days before Christmas than another surgery!  But what will be will be, and I want to get it right . . .

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Amy.. refresh my memory... why do you need a 2B? I worry as my first (and hopefully only) stage 2 is Nov 14... not enough time to fit a 2B in in 2011.

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited October 2011

    Betsy, I have an indentation, for lack of a better word, on my left breast, near the center, where the cleavage is . . .  It is likely the result of my first surgeries four years ago, when I had my MX, and expanders put in.  I was very excited because right after my stage 2 last month, I thought the dent was gone.  But as the swelling went down, it was obviously still there, although improved.  I think Dr. D. filled it with some fat, and I don't rememberif he tried to tighten the skin there . . .  Anyway, I would imagine that since you had the MX in NOLA in July, you probably do not have this issue.  It makes me all the more aware of how important it is for women to know all their options ahead of time, and if they are not ready for reconstruction at the time of their MX, fine.  But be sure that their surgeon knows that it may be an option in the future. I could be wrong, but I do feel that the original surgeon is where the problem started.

     Anyway, try not to worry about it, I don't imagine you will need a 2b (knock wood very hard), because I am so pleased with the rest of the results.  Dr D really did an amazing job.  The nipples threw me at first, because they were so large.  Well, it is amazing how much they have shrunk, and I am pretty comfortable with how they look now, one month out.  He cleaned up the dog ears, and they look good, and he "cleaned up" the ab scar - it was very bumpy/lumpy, so he re-opened it and took care of that problem.  And then of course he did the lipo.  If it wasn't for the dent, I would be all set.  But I really want to give it one more shot, since it is an area that I notice, even though husband and best friend both say, "Well, it looks fine, it's not that noticeable".  

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited October 2011

    Hi all, esp Surfa Grl - I have Stage 2 scheduled for Dec 9 but just cannot seriously ontemplate any more surgery right now. I know it would be much easier and likely cheaper for purposes of wrangling with my insurance, so I imagine I will put my head down and go do it, but it sounds completely unappealing right now and way too soon. I have been talking to Dana and I trust her assurance that Stage 2 is much easier but ack! Any thoughts from other folks who have done Stage 2 would be much appreciated.

    KBodie, I am really sorry you are still feeling so miserable. I wish you good and healing sleep!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited October 2011

    Kbodie - I too lost a lot of blood (didn't know it at the time) and felt weak and miserable.  It took 8 hours from being readmitted to SCSH until my blood arrived - but the next day I felt so much better. Was it weird? Was I scared? Sure - but feeling better made such a difference and helped me to travel home 2 days later.

    I remember the not sleeping - probably a combo of meds and just your body and mind responding to all of the trauma.  I did take Melatonin or benadryl periodically and that helped - but the night after it would be the same thing. I'd sleep until 4:30AM and then up for a few more hours, toss and turn and fall asleep again around 7:30AM. It sucked but eventually about 2 months post surgery I started getting back to normal.  Give it time. Your body is adjusting to a lot of changes.

    Betsy - I didn't start on the cream until after Stage 2.  Yes, you'll get all new hips scars (much "finer" appearance) and most likely won't touch your DIEP scars, and probably not too much in your breasts - but it will depend on how much more work you want done on them.  Both of my breasts were opened on the bottom to add more fat - but one was only opened an inch or two.  Funny thing is - I am about 4 months post Stage 2 and haven't used any cream on my breast crease incisions and the are practically invisible. The stomach is a light pink (used the kelo-kote gel on that until I found out I had to have new surgery so I stopped applying it on my stomach incision),  still putting it on the hip scars. I'm not sure if starting it sooner makes any difference or not but Dr S said to wait. For me I just waited until Stage 2 was done and the incisions closed before starting.

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited October 2011

    Running, it is early days still, and you are two full months out from your next surgery.  I remember thinking that I would just skip stage 2 and never have any more surgeries again.  But by the end of the second month after my DIEP, I felt that I would be ready for the next stage when the time came.  Try not to think about it too much now, and just focus on healing.  Eat, sleep, heal.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited October 2011

    Amy, I think it's great you're going to have Stage 2b. It's not about your husband or friends or the Dr being happy - you are done when you think you are done.  Good luck with 2B. I'll let you know how mine goes (I also thought I was done 4 months ago!)

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited October 2011

    Spoke to Maggie the day of her surgery. She was so chipper I couldn't believe it. Turns out Dr S changed her from a hip flap to DIEP when she came for her pre-op. Threw her for a loop but she seemed happy when I spoke to her.  Semper - she is at SCSH until tomorrow. See if you can find her...and tell her I say "hi."

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Kathryn... I know they wil revise my hip scars, as they need to do a butt lift... and they will open my breasts, as I have a lot of firmness that needs to be broken up (and I have a lot of scar tissue up by where my port was and Dr D said he'd work on that too) although I may suggest he re-open that incision instead of reaching.. I also have scar tissue up by my clavicle from the port, and I'd like that worked on too... As for the ab incision, I don't think it needs revision. Its flat and seems fine... Guess I will see in a month, and will  wait to see what they suggest for scar tape.

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited October 2011

    Hi Betsy.  Personally, I'd wait until after stage 2, and your incisions have healed before starting the cream.  Good luck.