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NOLA in September?



  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2012

    chelle: The mind is a powerful thing.You have the ability to change those worries into dreams and positive expectations for the future.  You worry about complications and I say, if there is one place you want to be if there are any, it's at NOLA.  The docs are the experts, they can handle anything that arises, trust them.  In the meantime, change those worries -- start dreaming and projecting your thoughts to what you are going to look like with your new contouring and breasts.  You are going to be SMOKIN' HOT, girl!  Spend some time thinking about that and how you're going to rock those new jeans and sundresses.  Give the worries over to the doctors and you take over the fun part.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited January 2012

    Ugh!  The gift that keeps on giving!  I did not have rads but chemo was rough.  My MO did say that sometimes the thyroid can be affected by chemo.  My mom has been hypothyroid since 18.  Since it can be hereditary, I've been on guard about it.  I even sought out an endocrinologist about 6 months before my cancer diagnosis because I was SURE my thyroid was off, based on my symptoms.  But of course all my levels came back in the 'normal' range.  I was going to have my MO check my thyroid levels at my 3 month follow up in Dec, but I forgot to mention it.  I was too focused on my tumor marker levels that had risen!  (tumor markers went down to normal by that 3 month follow up)  

    Katiejane, how are your thyroid levels now and your BP? 

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited January 2012

      cider8,  My BP immediately went back to the normal systolic of 110/120's over 60's/70's once I started synthroid.  It took a little time to get to the proper maintenance dose but I felt 100% better!!!  My thyroid levels have been stable since that time. Once in a while, they may need to twink the medication but I have been pretty stable.   katiejane

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited January 2012

    Hi Eva - I also had a suspicious area on my pre-surgical MRI and it was really scary.  I ended up getting it biopsied (after a long conversation with Dr. Stolier, who was great) and there was nothing there ultimately, but the whole thing was very stressful.  I totally feel for you.  That also helped me feel more convinced about having the surgery so I wouldn't have to keep going through that over and over again.  I hope all is well for you.  Good luck with the biopsy.

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited January 2012

    Hypothyroidism can cause high blood pressure? I was told at follow up that it was high. Or maybe it was before surgery? Anyway, they told me to check it at home later which I forgot to do. So I felt a little funny today and checked it five times. All high. Then I see discussion on it here. Weird coincidence. Can something from the surgery cause this to happen?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    I normally have high blood pressure and after surgery it dropped... I think the anesthesia lowers blood pressure, at least it did for me for all three surgeries... so I would then assume if yours went up that it was more related to the thyroid than the surgery... my guess of course.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2012

    Paula, I've been hypothyroid for years. There are synthetic hormone replacement (Synthroid) and more natural dessecrated (Armours, NatureThroid). I take the later. You'll feel better once they get your meds right. I felt like I was finally not exhausted anymore! 

    There is also a thread on Thyroid and BC. Some theorize the two are linked! I see an osteopath who monitors my thyroid, but finally I think I'm good.  

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2012

    I'm late catching up with discussions, but fo all Stage 1 gals experiencing fatigue post-op, another consideration is anemia. You lost blood during surgery, and it may not have been enough to warrent a transfusion, but your body still has to adjust. Makes you feel tired and short of breath. I live at a high altitude, and it was so hard to feel normal. 6 weeks post-op my hemoglobin was still below normal!!

    I've been crazy-busy on this "vacation" in NOLA. Hiking to the Quarter (from the COnvention Center area) every morning, back after lunch to do Pilates, then back to the CC for social gatherings, then dinner. I wasn't going to venture out this morning, but I'm craving some Cafe du Monde coffee. Our hotel coffee sucks.

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited January 2012

    I have a call in to the women's health clinic here...I did some research last night after 8 high readings. It could be the estradiol patch I am taking. Started two days after stage 2 and hysterectomy in December. The nurse who told me I was high was the one who saw me in the ER for the pain in my leg. That was 2 weeks post op. Now I am almost 6 weeks post op. So have been on the patch awhile. Now all my fears about menopause are rushing back at me because I am afraid they will take the patch away from me. I have not been feeling any menopause symptoms and had let myself stop worrying about it. Obviously, if it is causing high blood pressure, I know it needs to go but I want to crawl back in the hole of not worrying about it like a little kid. I was done with doctors and worrying about diseases for awhile. So I thought.

    Good luck to the ladies in NOLA. Speeding healing and nice weather I hope!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited January 2012

    Thank you ladies!!

    @ Besa, that's great to know about it only being a few days to know if the nipple/aureola will survive. Mine will have to removed and "trimmed" to look better on my smaller breasts Wink

    Paula, I haven't gotten on to Pinterest, but have several friends that have. My one friend said she would send me an invite, but I haven't gotten that yet.  Sounds like you could spend hours and hours on there.  I do plan on cleaning closests and cabinets while I wait.  I just hope and pray that nothing turns up between now and then.

    @ dbdaze - THANK YOU!! You post made me smile!! I will do my best to change those worries into dreams!! I would love to go on a "small" shopping spree when this is all over :)

    A very dear friend of mine actually sent me a text last night and told me that he husband told her that when I have recovered from my surgeries and I am ready to travel that he will fly us (her and I) somewhere for a weekend getaway!!

    One more thing, I have an MRI in November.  Will they request another one before my surgery?

    @ Nannykat, hope you are doing well!! HUGS


  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited January 2012

    Checking in - @ the Homewood Suites since last night and feel better. This surgery knocked me for a loop! Sitting here "drying off" after my shower and will put the armor on soon :0 

    I did lose a bit of blood and was on the edge of needing some but got by with fluids. Ate a wonderful breakfast this AM and will rest today. Really do not feel like going anywhere.

    Hope Nannykat is doing well, hospital seemed calm yesterday so will assume so.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    Chelle.. I have to say that I was told that I would be having a stacked DIEP (both abs and hip fat) to build my breasts... I had great envisions of bikinis... and then when I awoke they told me they only needed my hip fat.. I was slightly disappointed that I wouldn't get my flat tummy... funny how we can think sometimes... But in the end, I needed them to re-do the right side so I had the DIEP procedure a month later... I guess be careful what you wish for cuz you just might get it.

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2012

    What's the next best thing to being in NOLA for Mardi Gras??  Winning the NOLA King Cake!!!  Yep, I won this week's contest.  Looking forward to sharing the cake with my family this weekend.  

    chelle: love hearing that you have a weekend getaway with a friend following your recovery!  What a nice guy her husband is!!  As far as the MRI - I'm thinking it has to be 6 month current.

    Thinking of you Nannykat! 

  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2012

    Hi Karen,

    Glad you are here! I was getting a little nervous, looking for you at breakfast. We are here at HW till the post op tomorrow. I must say I made it out last night but today I am wiped!

    I lost 800ccs. They almost gave me blood too. I am glad they did not, and I am prepared for the somewhat longer and more tiring recovery as a result. So we are sposed to drink how much morein fluid? 

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited January 2012

    Betsy, I know, thank you.  I am just hoping that it takes enough off my hips and thighs that I can tell a difference and maybe be a little smaller in that area. Just something positive to look forward to after all this is over...hopefully!!  

    Karen, I hope you don't mind me asking this, but since you didn't get out of the hospital until today, does that delay your post-op and when you can go home? I am just curious what warrants an extended stay in NOLA before they let you go home?

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited January 2012

    chelle-  I stayed an extra night at the Center and it did not delay my post op or departure.

    dbdaze-  Congrats!  What's a NOLA King cake?

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2012

    Adey: The King Cake goes hand in hand with Mardi Gras.  King Cakes go on sale Jan 6, the Twelfth Day of Christmas, which is also the first day of the Mardi Gras season.  A traditional cake with a small plastic baby baked inside.  During the next few weeks hundreds of King Cake Parties will take place in New Orleans. The person who gets the piece with the baby is supposed to buy the  cake for the next party.  The Breast Center has a contest running all during Mardi Gras and the weekly winner gets a King Cake.  Mine's being sent today!

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited January 2012

    Chelle - I stayed an extra night in the Center also and it did not delay my post-op or my departure. I think it probably depends on how many extra nights you stay. It is fairly common to spend 1 extra night. If it is more than 3 or 4 it very well could delay both your post-op and your departure. But I think that is very unusual.

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited January 2012

    Chelle- my departure is noy  delayed. I had surgery last Thursday 1/19 left the hospital Tuesday 1/24, have my post-op tomm. am @ 9:00 then leave Fri am. Just feeling overwhelmed by all of this and the thought of stage II freaks me out right now.  

    Just having a moment I guess. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    dbdaze... Mardi Gras falls on a different day every year, as Fat Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday... 40 days before Easter... so more pertinent to Easter's date than Christmas..... Its supposed to be the big celebration before Lent... so enjoy the King Cake and don't choke on the baby!!

    Chelle.. I stayed in the hospital 5 nights  after Hip flaps, but since post op appt with the doctor is one week post op, you wouldn't be leaving before then anyway... I added a couple of extra days, just in case.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    So.. back to the bloating question.. Kathryn, Laura and I have exchanged bloat photos and we all seem to have the same problem.. Laura is wondering if some of it could be Tamoxifen related, since mine only started after stage II and the start of T, and Laura's started after stage I and the start of T... can anyone who is well past recovery comment on bloating.. did you have it, when did it go away, are you also on Tamoxifen?? etc. Thanks Ladies!!! BTW.. I had surgery Nov 14, Laura had hers mid Oct and Kathryn was around Oct 20... so is 3 month, 6 months, 12 months the de-bloating time frame??

  • Djweinstein
    Djweinstein Member Posts: 60
    edited January 2012

    Hi ladies post stage 1--I'm at 3 weeks (exactly) and my breasts are still feeling really swollen (though to be honest, I don't know if they are swollen or just stuffed!)  I don't have swelling anywhere else so I'm wondering if I'm just feeling like they are overstuffed?  

    The bra they gave me at the Center feels very tight and uncomfortable at the bottom and sides of the I have the ok from the nurse to get a "medium support" jog bra.  Has anyone else done this at 3 weeks?  It scares me a little to change out of the one the Center gave me. I looked today but none are big enough in the athletic store I went to!  Also, how long do we have to wear the bras??


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    I was told 2 weeks 24/7... Then I went to the store and bought bras, not underwire.... They are not sports bras, just bras with soft molded cups and plenty big enough... All my old bras had underwire. I then used these same bras after nipple recon cause they fit over the nipple guard.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2012

    Wow! I love seeing so many new faces on here! I had a unilateral delayed stacked DIEP in '06 and an immediate SGAP in March of '09, so I guess I have a lot of experience with this stuff, tho some of the details I just cannot recall. Good thing we have ladies here at all different stages of recon and NOLA alumniship (I know that's not really a word). Anyway, hi!

    Chelle - I agree with Cider about what she said re: scars. They will be revised at stage 2 to lines that are as thin as pencil lines. My oldest scars - the abdominal ones from my DIEP - are barely visible anymore. And they are actually very light rather than red - lighter than my normal skin. With your fair skin, I don't think you're at a disadvantage, at all. I posted pics on the Tim Tam site a couple years ago, but I think it's time to post new ones. Lots of ladies said it greatly relieved their worry. Also, for my breast scars, I did have some laser done on part of them - it helped hugely!!!! So really, try not to worry about scars!

    JustLaura - I love reading about the marble treatment! I know this is serious stuff, but I can't help smiling when I read about it. And it did pass thru my mind that we make our kids wear retainers for years, sometimes! LOL!

    Eva - I was so sorry to read about your biopsy tomorrow - you shouldn't have this additional worry. Your limericks are so funny! I can think of a couple more songs to add to the list. Another gal and I who had Dr. D. each had songs that went through our heads when we were going to appointments with him. They would also apply to Dr. S. and would fall in both the pre-op  and post-op category. Hers was "We're off to See the Wizard" and mine was "Magic Man".

    Victoria - Happy to hear you're feeling better. There have been many, many words on this thread devoted to your problem. I stand by the Activia recommendation! Oh, and we all used to wear the girdle for either DIEP or GAP, back in the day! LOL! Hey, I really am starting to feel old here...

    Nowords, Cider, KatieJane, BDavis, Springtime - I was diagnosed with Grave's Disease way back when my kids were little - that's a type of hyperthyroidism. I had my thyroid nuked purposely - swallowed a radioactive iodide pill that they served me out of an inch thick (is it lead?) box. I have been on synthroid ever since. I've had very little problems with adjusting the dose over the years. If your thyroid functioning is screwed up, it can totally affect every cell in your body and make you feel terrible! On the other hand, once you get it all straightened out, you'll feel great. I've often wondered if swallowing that radioactive pill brought on my breast cancer. I sure didn't want to do it - but that was the recommended treatment at the time. Don't know what they do now. Probably the same thing.

    Re: bloating - This has also gotten a lot of coverage on this thread. I was also on tamoxifen when I had my DIEP and my bloating. BDavis - I think everyone's de-bloating time is different. My bloating felt very similar to pre-recon surgery when I ate certain foods or my jeans were too tight - only worse. I told my husband it was like eating a huge Thanksgiving dinner and not being able to unbutton your pants. Gosh, I would look part-way pregnant! For me and other ladies, it would start out flat and then get worse as the day wore on. Dr. D has been asked about this many times on his forum. I think it's a combination of various things adding pressure to our digestive system and intestines. There's the post-op swelling, the binder/girdle/"dominatrix," the constipation from anesthesia and antibiotics, and the tightened skin (and muscle, if you have that tightened, as well), and pants too tight (once you get back to your normal clothes on your swollen body). Oh, and then whatever you eat. I would bloat even more if I ate or drank anything that might have caused me to bloat before. Stay away from salt, carbonated stuff, fried stuff, raw vegetables - things like that. Eventually, after the post-op swelling went away (and you know that takes at least 3 months after each surgery, and can be more), and after I lost a few extra pounds (which I'd gained prior to surgery), the bloating got less and less. I'd say it was maybe almost a year before it all stopped. In the years since, I have bloated only once or twice, and that has always been if I've let my weight go up. This phenomenon is a very good motivator to take off weight and keep it off! Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2012

    And I thought of something else. You have virtually no fat layer to cushion your abdomen and intestines against all those pressures. Everything is just pushing on them. Also, when your abdomen swells, there is no fat to camoflage the swelling. It's all right there!

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2012

    I too have been on synthroid for about 14 years now due to my treatment of Hodgkins Lymphoma 20 some years ago.  I am fine and have not had any problems.  I was treated with mantle radiation to the entire chest area which they now do not do as it causes secondary cancers such as breast cancer.  But, I am thankful that I am living.

    Glad to hear that Victoria and Need2New are out of the hospital and recovering.  

  • Seashellie
    Seashellie Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2012

    Thank you so much Minnesota - What you said about bloating is encouraging. I'm 8 weeks post op and by the end of the day I feel pregnant! I had a big dinner tonight and it's so heavy and uncomfortable. I was on Femara for 6 months before surgery so I know it's not from that. It makes sense about the intesines too and especially with the skin tightening around them (mine is pulled super tight). I'm thinking a colon cleanse might be a good idea about now!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2012

    Dj-- what size bra do you need?  I'm a 36DD, was 36DDD after my first stage 1, so I have a good idea of what's out there for us busty gals (answer: not much).  I can recommend something if you give me an idea of your size.

  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2012

    DJ, Why don't you call the center and just ask them to send you two of the next size up? After my first stage 1, they gave me 36 and I wore it for about 9 weeks, it was so comfortable. Now, they gave me 38 and it is fine too. One of the nurses told me two sizes up from your original size. I'm sure they are fine with mailing you two bigger ones. I think they do not want compression, just support, so that is important in picking any bra. 

    Also, yes, my breasts felt overstuffed for a while. It will settle down as time goes on! 

  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2012

    Hi Minnesota,

    Thanks for all that great info! So now that you are two years, out, how does it feel? Does everything look and feel normal? How many surgeries did you have? Cause I just had a stage 1 revision, and I'm so surgeried out right now I'm even thinking maybe no stage 2, like, do I really need a nipple, or can I just go on with my life!

    I am wondering about the bloating too. Bcause I had gap, now diep, and let me tell you there is not one inch of space on my abdomen--very very tight.