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NOLA in September?



  • ttay
    ttay Member Posts: 83
    edited October 2012

    I am so glad you all are sharing about the lipo discomfort. Did soft toilet seats help?


  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited October 2012

    I don't know that soft toilet seats would help, ttay. It's a very strange sensation - the act of sitting on the toilet hurts like hell, but once you're seated the pain starts to go away. It must have something to do with the layers of soft tissue effected by the lipo. I'm on day three and I can already tell its getting better. I think if you just grin and bear the first two days you can do it!

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2012


    Did you get started on pain meds as soon as you woke up from surgery?  Are you on any now? 

    Thanks always for sharing!

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited October 2012

    Oh yes, pain meds! I had the Button-operated drip (morphine?) immediately post-op and through the first night. Then they transitioned me to tordal in the morning. I'm currently going between that and... Something else, but it's not within reach and I can't remember what it's called. (must be the meds making me loopy!) I hope to transition to Tylenol in a couple of days.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited October 2012

    Thanks for all the "tips" on Stage 2. TTay- how is your recovery going?

    Esmerelda- I hope your recovery is getting easier each day. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

    Enjoyed a nice dinner out with my husband tonight to celebrate being drain free. It is very nice to have the kangroo pouch off. Showering goes much smoother. Still looking forward to that bubble bath in the near future...

    Does anyone recommend wearing the compression garment longer than 1 week post drain removal (Post Stage 1)?  I remember someone posting that they kept the garment on for longer. Are there advantages to wearing it longer?  I look forward to taking it off but want to good results as well.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2012

    Kerry.. for stage I, I think the compression is about swelling and fluid build up, so as long as you don't develop seromas, you should be fine.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited October 2012

    For me, DIEP, BMX and ALND were far more painful than the lipo from both stage 2's.

    for Stage 2, about 80% of my DIEP incision was revised (but not moved), dog ears were removed (along with decent chunks of fat), both breasts shaped/lifted, and lipo on inner thighs, outer thighs, under my bum, hips, flanks, back, whole belly (up to under my breasts) and front of armpits. When I woke up from this, I had a cath and pain pump. Yes, I could hardly move. So I hit the pain pump. I didn't get comfortable from hitting the pain pump, so they put the pump back on automatic for me so I didn't have to press it. I crack myself up when I think of how I was. I kept telling/asking the nurse so many questions: how often can I hit the button? How many times? I can't keep track of the time, so am I just punching the button for more pain meds but not getting it and not knowing I'm not getting it? I don't want to miss my opportunity to get more pain med ASAP when it 'unlocks' so I'm just going to keep punching it. So all I am doing is sitting here focused on punching my pain pump. :P. I guess it couldn't have been too intensely bad for me to be having such an elaborate thought process and to be talking so much. Bottom line is they listen to you to be sure the pain is managed. I kept my cath in that night because I really didn't want to move. In the morning I got my cath and pain pump out, showered and discharged by afternoon. I moved on to Percocet. I stayed on it for 1 week, if I recall correctly. I don't remember sitting on the toilet to be particularly painful, but that could be that I've simply (thankfully) forgotten.

    For my stage 2b I had both breasts revised (one with baby flap from under arm area) and lipo to entire belly, hips, flanks, back and sort of armpit area. No lipo to thighs. This time I woke up to automatic pain pump (they remembered!) and cath. For this one I stayed 2 nights and I don't recall when I got the pain pump out. Wow am I blanking. I do remember having no lipo to thighs and only needing abdominal binder was easier on my legs. I stopped the Percocet by day 4 and moved on to Tylenol.

    I had lots of bruising from lipo. I had one hematoma on my belly that was hard and a little bulging, about the size of a smooshed golf ball. Dr S told me it would go away with compression. Later I felt skeptical and concerned it might not go away. Sure enough, I'm almost 2 months out and I can't tell where that hematoma was.

    Good luck to those healing and coming up! You will do well. Always speak up and ask questions.

  • ttay
    ttay Member Posts: 83
    edited October 2012

    KerryA: I'm doing okay. I have a little hole I'm working on healing right under my other breast that was lifted at Stage 1 where the glue came off too soon. I just wish I could go ahead and get Stage 2 out of the way. I'll return to work in a couple of weeks, then back down to NOLA.

    My son asked the other day if when all this is over if I'll get back to my life. I really didn't know how to answer... Guess life has really been on hold since I was diagnosed last April.

    Other than that, the healing is going well.

    Question: Have any of you been afraid to really lift up your new breast? And cautious when showering? Also, the new one seems to be flaking...don't know if that's the right word. Just seems like dry skin. Any suggestions?

    When at all do you feel like there is any semblance of a breast shelf? Or is that gone?

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2012

    Just wondering who and when do you decide if you need Stage 2B?  Is this is a dumb question because it sounds like you wait to see if you have anissues after healing for 6 - 9 months.  OK I think I just answered my own question.  Who do you call to discuss this with?

    After surgery I asked for vicadon pain pills and I took 2 instead of one pill every 4-6 hours (the nurse who called said that was ok) and felt good for the first week after stage 2.  I am in my second week after and only need 1 every 8 hours, probably could go off them but it tekes the edge off and I can work better.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited October 2012

    gmp300 - In terms of 2B surgery- I only waited about 3 months  and then talked to Jeanine, sent pictures which were forwarded to Dr. D. and Jeanine came back and told me what Dr. D. thought  he could do to improve things further. (So for me the time between 2 and 2B was about 4 months).  I am not sure if that is how it is usually handled or what the time frame usually is but that is what I did.  My stage 2B was done mostly to try to improve issues remaining on my non- NOLA DIEP side that was done in Maryland. 

    For 2 and 2B I think I used the PCA pump in the hospital for the first day (which for me contains dilaudid) and then switched to dilauded pills after that.  The pain for me was manageable with medication and subsided very quickly (can't remember the time frame but just a couple of days) and after that just took tylenol when needed.  For both 2 and 2b I was back at work 2 weeks after the surgery.  I never had any problems with pain control at NOLA - I felt it was always well managed with the medication I was given.  (I can't say the same about my Maryland surgeries where I had huge and repeated issues with pain control.) 

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited October 2012

    Bdavis-thanks for the info. Is there any way to really prevent seroma? It seems there have been a few women that need needle aspiration. I was told to watch for fluid buildup or increased tightness.

    Ttay- Thanks for the update on your recovery. Sounds like you are on top of things and making sure it heals well. I am noticing the same dry skin/flaking. Not sure if there's anything we can do. I have been using Aveeno body wash for sensitive skin. Thought that may help with moisturizing.

    I am also back to work soon. This next week is my last week off. I also wish I could just go into Stage 2. Going back to work and resuming a regular routine and then off again sounds like an emotional rollcoaster, for me at least. I will be off work for six weeks, go back for six weeks, then off again for Stage 2. Haven't done any work from home yet. Planning to start the middle of this week with email catch up. Hoping it will get me ready for going back. I usually manage our benefit presentation meeting and feeling a bit anxious this year. I feel very proud of what I did yet still feeling a bit vulnerable about getting back into regular routine and speaking in front of a group. I presume these feelings come at all different times?

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2012

    Once you get back into the swing of things, you will love feeling strong and functional again! I had 3.5 months between stages 1 & 2, and I got loads of work done, took some vacations with my family, got some exercise, & cleaned my house. Don't waste that wonderful time dreading what is to come. Plus, it seems scarily normal the next time around. :)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2012

    GMP.. Dr D wanted me to wait at least 9 months or more before a stage IIb, so I chose to wait 14 months. I am going back in January 2013 (stage II was Nov 2011), and he will address all my concerns. I have already had a consult so I know what is planned.

    Kerry... the best way to avoid a seroma is with compression. If one does develop, an aspiration can be done, but you should still use cmpression to avoid it refillin, which happens many times, leading to multiple aspirations. I had a small seroma, and one aspiration, but used a lot of compression for about 4 days post procedure.

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2012

    Thanks Besa and BDavis and everyine else's input on 2b.   It is so nice to learn before you leap!  Which is exactly what I didn't do the first time.  Never again!  I am anxious to see how things settle down and heal this time but I know my stomach is much flatter now already so I am assuming he did some lipo.  My stomach has been ruined from the tram flap and 2 huge hernia repairs and I walked around with a bulging hard stomach and my pants never stayed up.  Now it seems flatter and I am much more comfortable and my pants stay up!  So I guess lipo did the trick.  I hope it lasts!

    I haven't had much problem with pain control or getting back to work.  Either I am to use to these surgeries and barrel though or I didn't have as much done as some of you's.  I know I had 3 drain tubes and alot of incisions but everything is healing nicly and I have been up and about really since surgery.  No time to rest in this house!

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited October 2012

    Can someone tell me which marena garment is the best for post stage 2? I'm planning to order one tomorrow. Thanks!

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited October 2012

    LAStar- Thanks for the advice. I think it will all make a difference getting back into a routine. For me it is always the anticipation, when I am back in the groove I think those feelings will emerge. All good points!

    BDavis- Thanks for the info on seroma. As much as I am looking forward to taking off the garment, I am thinking about keeping it on a bit longer than 1 week post op (Stage 1).

    See KatieJane is up on 10/31. Guessing she may be arriving in NOLA soon.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2012

    Jen... They sell one with no zippers called a stage II ... In the picture, it looks like it goes up to the mid abdomen, but in reality in goes up tot he breasts. I had lipo on my knees so I ordered one that went just below the knee, but if you didn't, you can get the above knee version. Also google a coupon code.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2012

    TTay, Yes, you will eventually get back to your life. But you may see things a little differently. I notice I don't sweat the small stuff. Things that used to make me upset or anxious or crazy don't have such a big effect on me anymore. I think it's different for everyone. But I am 4.5 years out now, and I feel pretty much back to my "regular" life with modifications ! I am very careful about eating clean and exercising regularly... I think it's different for everyone...

  • gmp300
    gmp300 Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2012

    I agree with you Spring about not sweating the small stuff anymore!  Especially when it comes to keeping the house perfectly clean!  LOL!

  • Katiejane
    Katiejane Member Posts: 188
    edited October 2012

        Headed to NOLA tomorrow for my stage 2.  Thank you all for sharing your experiences and knowledge!  As I said before, I am anxious more so this time but I know I will be in good hands.  Only thing I'm a bit unsettled about is I won't be having my pre-op the day before surgery--Dr. M will do it the morning of my surgery and I'm afraid I will be half asleep @ 0600 and not remember everything I want to ask!  I do have a list but that is too early to be up and thinking clearly without my morning coffee!!!!  UGH!!!  I will touch base again after my 31st stage 2!  Wow, Halloween in NOLA and I'll be in the hospital!!  Bummer!!!     Katiejane

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited October 2012

    Best wishes to Katiejane, Mags20487 and Jane123 on their adventures this week!  Hoping to hear from Harmonysun on her Friday.

    Question for those who stayed at Homewood Suites after Stage 1 - did you book a regular suite or accessible?  Any preference?

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2012

    Best wishes, KatieJane! You will have it behind you soon!

    MartyJ, I had the regular suite and it was fine.

    Ttay, are your breasts really large? Mine were H cups after stage 1 (i just had too much to work with on my hips & Dr. D apparently couldn't resist) and they hung nearly as low as my originals. I can't remember at what point I felt comfortable lifting my breast, but it will hurt if it's too early. I had dry skin too & then my chest broke out a lot. I think it's just from not being able to bathe normally. I had a reduction to C cups at stage 2 and am much happier with the outcome.

    Esmerelda, glad you are feeling okay! I hope the lipo pain subsides quickly!

    HarmonySun, I hope you are okay!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2012

    KatieJane... I had my stage II pre-op the morning of as well... went straight from my pre-op right to the prep room. It was no problem. But my pre-op was at 11am or something, not 6am.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited October 2012

    Well put, LAstar, in answering KerryA's concerns.  I agree with you.  

    I'm eager to get on with this stage 2.  I plan to begin arnica on Wednesday (my surgery is Friday) - did this work for anyone to help reduce bruising & swelling?  

    Thanks MartyJ and everyone for all the good info and prayers and positive thoughts.  I am not overly stressed out about the surgery this time - the insurance battle last week was stressful enough...  but I am still anxious about the time period right before and during IV insertion.  Thank goodness that will go fast!  I am a bit embarrassed that I am such a wimp about this.  Too many bad experiences with my vessels.  I am trying visualization but it is not doing the trick. I remember all of your good advice from when I last brought this up so will try those ideas when I get there.  Thanks for "listening" to my worries.  Peace!

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited October 2012

    Jane -- I took the Arnica tablets as dispensed by the Center and I can't say that they did or did not help. It certainly can't hurt! What DID help was topically applied Arnica gel (around any incisions!). Didn't have it with me in NOLA and didn't start till I got home. As a fair-skinned red-headed Celtic who bruises easily and doesn't heal quickly, bruising was absolutely technicolor after lipo. However, as my husband remarked, he could see a DAILY difference in the healing where I was using the Arnica gel. I am a devotee of the gel and had used it before for many applications (including just klutz-bruises), but this was absolutely amazing. FWIW ... everyone's experience is different.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2012

    I also can't say if it worked better or not as I only know what happened when I used it. I took the pills before, during and after and then starting at about a week post op, started the gel (The gel wouldn't have passed the liquid test in my carry-on luggage).. and the gel needs to stay away from open incisions.  My bruising faded fairly quickly.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited October 2012

    Besty -- I meant that I didn't put it on any incisions also, just on the bruising around the incisions. My language is as scattered and the weather is outside right now. Whew! Hope you have battened down the hatches!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited October 2012

    Thinking of you Betsy. I left VA Beach to stay ahead of Sandy and just got home late last night. I still need to scan posts as I leave a week from Thursday. Stay safe and we are all thinking of those in the path of Sandy. Take care and let us know.

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited October 2012

    ttay & Kerry A - I also had skin flaking on my breast after Stage 1.  I think much of it was the glue flaking off. 

    Following everyone's Stage 2 stories closely.  I am hoping to schedule Stage 2 near the beginning of March (did Stage 1 in June). 

    Esmerelda - glad to hear you are feeling a little better

    Chelle - back to work - good for you!  How are you feeling?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2012

    Maggie... I knew what you meant... but I was saying I didn't bring it with me to NOLA cause it would have been hard to keep off open incisions.

    Hurricane Sandy is WINDY... watching the trees sway and sway some more. Still have power :)