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NOLA in September?



  • Dovehome
    Dovehome Member Posts: 41
    edited February 2013

    Thanks Willy, will be asking my doc about these codings.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2013

    I added Kim_L to the listing above. She'll be having surgery on Feb 26, in NOLA. Asking for more details.

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2013

    Update on my insurance saga: Laura was able to talk to the medical supervisor at BCBS today, and he is requesting pictures of "medically necessary revisions." I'm at work right now so I can't exactly stage my photo shoot, but I will get those over to Laura tonight and will hopefully get an answer tomorrow. I can't believe anyone could deny the revisions after seeing what needs to be done. Good grief, this is frustrating!!!!

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited February 2013

    I'm sorry you have to jump through these hoops Dianne.  Sounds like the medical supervisor is mighty proud of his title!

  • Lulu2012
    Lulu2012 Member Posts: 24
    edited February 2013

    Hello motherandchild5,

    I was wondering how long it took you to get access from nowheregirl to the pictures forum?

    I PM her on Feb 6 but heard nothing back.

    I see you are now able to see them so just curious if you had to wait longer than 1 week or was it sooner for you?

    Thank you,


  • Paula_Kay
    Paula_Kay Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2013


    I believe we had some of the same concerns with areas of hardness.  I went to Dr S last week for a consult to my upcoming stage 2.  He indicated my area of hardness was scar tissue and the other area of discoloration was "traumatic tattooing".  Neither was a concern to him.  He also indicated I will not need drains for S/2.  While I am still anxious I felt the weight of the world lifted from me.  Have faith my friend.

    Pamela44 and Betsy

    I have been following your posts (yeah, Ive been a thread creeper).  I cannot thank you enough for sharing your experiences.

    Love to all ~ Paula_Kay

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Hey Ladies... So my last drain was 21cc on Saturday, 16cc on Sunday so I was so hoping for drain removal on Monday... BUT I went to work that day and I guess all the activity drove my Monday numbers to 30cc... and 28cc on Tuesday. And today I went to NYC to Anderson Live, and my cc's are already above 20, and a little less straw colored... a little pinker. SO... I still have my drain. ugh.

    Paula Kay.. My pleasure

    Dove... I don't think there is a list anywhere in particular as everyone is so different. But if you can think of it,  I would add it to the list. Worst case scenario is they turn you down. My list included removing any fat that looked out of place... but my doctor started the list and thought of things I didn't think of, and for that I am grateful.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2013

    OK, first day without the compression garment.  It feels great! Betsy I know you said to keep wearing some form of compression, but I do not have any swelling and my jeans are compression enough.  I did cheat and slept without it last night for the first time, (1/2 day early),  and it was heavenly. Otherwise I followed the instructions to a "t", only being out of it for one half hour each day to shower and now I need to get back to my life.  (Not that its any great life, but you know what I mean.)  The glue is 85% gone on the three areas of abdominal incision that were revised.  The breasts still have the glue but that is probably because they don't get direct water stream and the bra is very soft so nothing rubs off.  I recall that by 3-3.5 weeks after stage 1 the breasts started to almost completely lose the glue.  

    Paula Kay- I have been posting in a journal sort of manner, not really for me, but to have an account of my recovery process so it might help others to see one possibly recovery scenario. I am happy to hear it has helped.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2013

    My goodness. Look how busy mid to end of February is! The "short list"!!

    Feb 19 - Harmony Sun - Stage 2, Dr. M., Chicago.

    Feb 20 - Audrella - Stage 2, Dr. D., NOLA. 

    Feb 21 - willy5js5 - Stage 2b, Dr. M, Chicago

    Feb 22 - Cherrie - Stage 2; Dr. M; Chicago

    Feb 22 - DianneNC - Stage 2, Dr. D., NOLA

    Feb 26 - Kim_L - Stage 1, Dr. D., NOLA. 

  • 4my4babies
    4my4babies Member Posts: 19
    edited February 2013

    Definitely busy second half of February! Pent up post- Mardi Gras demand! Spring - please put me down for April 19th Stage 2 with Dr. D. I'm four weeks out from Stage 1 today. It almost seems like yesterday....yet I'll be glad to be another few weeks out and feeling totally normal. It's "funny" to be already looking towards Stage 2 when I still feel in the middle of Stage 1. Still, April 19th can't get here fast enough!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited February 2013

    I need some thoughts about the following. I need to decide whether to have a hysterectomy during my 2b. My MO said my risk is from 5-10% with the average public at 2%. My mom had pre uterine cancer and her sister (my aunt) had ovarian and died of colon cancer. I tested negative for Brca1 and 2.

    My MO didn't have a suggestion either way. The main reason for discussion earlier was to lower breast cancer recurrence. Now that I've had a BMX I am wondering if I should let this go.

    I wish these decisions weren't so hard for me.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2013

    A friend of mine mother's had uterine cancer and my friend had a hysterectomy.  There are pros and cons to be considered, lack of hormones, potential bone or cardiac issues due to lack of estrogen, menopause if you are not already in it, complications that could occur, etc.  Having said that, having had ovarian cancer, YOU DO NOT want to get that cancer.  It has changed my life, even though so far I am doing well.  It's a difficult decision.  Were you tested for for the lynch gene? (ovarian and colon cancer). Ideally you should speak to a good genetic counselor about your risk.  A good one would have all the up to date statistics based on your age.  Good luck with your decision.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Well, if you were BRCA positive, I would suggest you talk with Dana who had an oofrectomy during her stage II... She did have a hard time initially. I had discussed gettingan oofrectomy during stage II but my MO thought that that was not great idea. My Gyno said that risk for OC raises in your 50s so he suggested I wait awhile and avoid bone loss etc... so as a BRCA negative gal, I chose to NOT have the oofrectomy. Never considered a hysterectomy.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited February 2013

    Thanks Pamela. I am already in menopause. I may look into the lynch gene. Does insurance cover this?

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2013

    If you present the fact that you have an aunt with colon and ovarian cancer, they might, especially if it is ordered by an oncologist.

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited February 2013

    Happy Valentine's Day lovely ladies! May your lives be blessed and surrounded by love.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited February 2013

    Betsy- was your MO suggesting no oof because you were not menopausal? My MO told me that because I am menopausal it will not hurt my bone health anymore if I have the hysterectomy. Is this not true? I am 58. I am leaning towards not doing this. But us BC people do have a higher incidence OC and colon.

    So confusing. I wish it was black and white and someone could tell me what to do.😁

    Like everyone, I am just trying to live as long as I can and hope the decisions I am making help with that.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited February 2013

    Cherrie - have you had a bone density scan? That will give you an idea if that is a worry. I had complete hysterectomy in '99 and bone health is excellent. If you have already gone through menopause, a hysterectomy w/ oophrectomy now might give you piece of mind, just avoiding a potential manifestation. Why not see how things go next week and then decide. It is a tough decision.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited February 2013

    Anita - right back atcha! I hope everyone has a beautiful loving Valentines Day with a promise of happy days ahead.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Cherrie... I was 48 at the time of this conversation... He did say to wait maybe 10 years when Ovarian cancer is more prevalent, and I am well into menapause... I was premenapausal at the time. So with you being 58, it does make a difference. In that case, I would consider it, but maybe not at the same time as the 2B... You should PM denoument (Dana) and ask her how is was to do it at the same time.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited February 2013

    Marty- I have osteopenia from lupron and took myself off Boniva from the heart worries.

    It was Dr. M who suggested doing it while I am under to avoid yet another surgery. However I could wait a couple of years if I still want to do it. I have a little time to decide, but it can't be done in Chicago. Either Charleston or NOLA.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Cherrie... you should talk with Dana Bushman. It is true about one anesthesia. Thats the upside. The daownside is its all at one time. Recovering from both at the same time.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2013

    I know someone who had a hysterectomy during stage 2. She had had a hip flap procedure. During the hysterectomy they did abdominal plication.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2013

    Happy valentines day, NOLA sisters! One year ago today I had my first over-40 mammogram that started the whole thing. When the radiologist calls within the hour, it's not a good sign. My present to myself today was a package of Rub-on Nipples temporary tattoos. They looked so natural that my hubs didn't even notice! Perhaps I should have cut them in the shape of a heart before application.

    Cherrie, best wishes with this decision. As if there aren't enough crappy decisions with this stuff. I hope you find the route that gives you the most peace and best health. {{{hugs}}}

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited February 2013

    Paula_Kay....congrats on the good news!  Thank you for that update.

    Cherrie...I hope you are able to reach a decision that is comfortable for you. I can't really give any informed advice because I've not done any research on the pros and cons. Something that I think is important to know is how easily is uterine cancer to detect?  I honestly have no idea, but if it's difficult, I think I'd go forward with a hysterectomy sooner rather than later so that worry is off the table.

    We are leaving for NOLA tomorrow morning and it will be a 12 hour drive.  My birthday is Monday, same day as my pre-op appointment, so my hubby and I decided to make the best of this and have a few days to ourselves in NOLA.  Really looking forward to it.

    My mind is playing tricks with me!  I had a dream last night that Dr. D came in for my pre-op consult after he finished a surgery earlier in the day and he was wearing scrubs that were fashioned like a farmer's overalls with nothing on underneath.  Just the scrub overalls and no shirt! 

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2013

    Hil-ar-i-ous dream!! Enjoy your NOLA weekend!

  • harmonysun
    harmonysun Member Posts: 62
    edited February 2013

    hello lovely ladies...well leaving in one hour to see dr m for preop...will be interesting to see what the plan is...the problem breast has mostly hard...i am very afraid to mess with it that it will get worse....i have decided i wont be doing anymore surgery to replace the i hope there is some good kind of resolution...

    Russell thank you so much for sharing your info bout your daughter, helped a lot to ease my mind...

    thank you betsy for sharing your thoughts on lipo's the drain situation going? was anderson cooper?...

    spring...thankx for helping keep everyone connected....

    pamela, glad to hear you are moving along good too!...betsy and pamela, how are the energy levels? do you feel physically?

    Audrella...thx for the good wishes....same to you! your bday monday? is mine! 50th...guess i will have to have a delayed celebration somewhere down the

    ....willly, good luck to you too!

    lastar, 1 yr since it all started?....quite the ride it's been,huh?...hope the next year is a much better one for you....:))

    .......hope all are finding happiness/smiles/laughs where you can in your day...:))

    ...marty and cherrie, hope you are doing good too.......and cherrie you will do great...

    ...healing wishes for all...

    ........................~peace n' smiles~....brenda...:))

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited February 2013

    Brenda - just remember our blond doctor is now a brunette.  Though I think we will all recognize her by the twinkle in her eye Laughing.  Let us know how the pre-op goes, especially with the problem flap.  Will she mark you up today or wait til morning of?

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited February 2013

    Funny dream Audrella!!!! I am thinking of you and sending positive thought and big hugs!!! Wishing you an early Happy Birthday!!! xo

    Cherrie...these decisions suck!!! My first surgery was a hysterectomy because my bone scan showed a 6cm tumor on my right ovary. They thought it was cancer. It was benign:) I was told to do the full hysterectomy because of the chances of it spreading there anyways in the future. Go with your heart. If you feel it will give you more peace of mind, then do it. If my Dr. told me to do it and I trusted in him, I would go with that. My heart goes out to you because I know how hard this all is! Hugs!!!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Harmony and Audrella... Happy Birthdays.

    Audrella... VERY funny dream. I had a weird dream before surgery. I told Dr D. Not sure you want to share with him that you had a half naked dream about him. Or do you? He is a cutie...

    Harmony... still have the drain. Laura said to touch base early next week. And so it continues. Anderson was good... My air dates are Feb 21, 22 and March 6. They did a lot of segments that day. I don't think I am on though cause we were off to the side. Fine by me. Energy levels are not bad, but I do get fatiqued by days end. But how different is that from normal life??