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NOLA in September?



  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219
    edited February 2013

    Anita- I'm one of Marga's mermaids. I had all my surgeries in Charleston, but went to NOLA for Vinnie to do my tats. Dr M doesn't have him come to her other locations. I believe his contract is solely in NOLA. I did the scheduling through the Center. I believe he Is there only a few days each month. It took about two hours for bilateral tats. He is wonderful.

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited February 2013

    Just wanted to thank you all again for sharing your really intimate stories... and encouragement.  I've read them over many times today.  You all have helped me stay courageous.... even though I really feel like running away.


  • harmonysun
    harmonysun Member Posts: 62
    edited February 2013

    hello, so much going on....betsy you look amazing, a lil jealous, wish i looked that!...and motherandchild....i can sure feel your sense of your connection with your breasts because of the intense bonding it is with your children...i breastfed each of my 2 kids til they were three and it was one of the best things i did in my daughter is 8 and still sleeps with me and we fall asleep holding hands....she is very loving and very well adjusted....she can sleep on her own too for any that think that is extreme...when i was diagnosed with cancer at 45 and had a bilat mast (my mom had bcancer at 45 and died from mest bone cancer).it was from these forums on that made me decide to do the bilat instead of a lumpectomy which the docs said...and i am so grateful for that as no regrets at kids were 4 and 6 and my then husband was leaving for afganistan with the military a month after my surgery....i gave no thought at all to reconstruction although it was easily suggested to go with implants at the time from the docs....i said concern to just be dealing with the cancer and didnt have the energy time or focus to deal with any reconstruction.....sad to lose my breasts....but was very happy that i was able to use them for what they are for...i nursed my babies....and for that i was very greatful....and then just like that they were gone...i looked in the mirror the morning after....was sad for a few moments and then it was time to move on.......and to rejoice in celebrating life and being grateful for each fact i have 2 little magnetic niknaks that say "celebrate life" and "enjoy the moment".....and i have one in the bathroom and one in the kitchen....and i move them when i stop paying attention to them to remind myself....and i think it's something we all share is an appreciation of everyday..... i am...less than 2 weeks from stage 2....i had stage one with dr m at fairway in nola 7 months ago.....something happened to a flap and it has been a cause of concern since....saw her in sept and she thought she could do my stage 2 in chicago.....within a month of seeing her, the questionable flap had shrunk quite a bit....then i was supposed to have stage 2 after thanksgiving.....i wanted to postpone it to see what this flap would do and also not feeling well...rescheduled....then the day of my surgery got so sick my eardrum burst and lost my hearing for 2 weeks and actually was going to doc for antibiotics which i have never ever done, being mostly holistic....

    and now the new date comes up and i am really nervous....i am afraid if the bad flap is touched it will continue to shrink and become very small....and i will not be going for further surgery......cannot afford to go back to nola and just cant do it anyway.......

    ....can totally relate with those saying hard time losing weight.....i had lost 60 lbs after my bilat mx and so was feeling good going into stage 1, then gained 20 lbs after surgery and have only been able to lose 6....argghhh....

    ...nervous about stage 2...dont know bout lipo, fatgrafting, drains, time off work,  etc....yikes...counting the days.......

    feb 19th.....the day after my 50th bday....:))

  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219
    edited February 2013

    Betsy, are your pictures here on breast or NOLA site? I didn't see a photo forum here and not sure how to view on NOLA site.  Sounds like you did great! 

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited February 2013

    Thank you Betsy.  Im trying not to get ahead of myself, I just don't want to be blindsided by anything.  I was calm and collected for Stage 1, not worried in the slightest bit....and turns out I was really unprepared.  I honestly thought I'd be back at work in two weeks. I don't want to that to happen this time around, but I think I'm going the other way now and making something out of nothing.

    What was Dr. D's recommendation for you?  Did he suggest the additional work or was that something that you brought up on your own?  I'm really sorry for all of these questions.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Naturegirl.. There is a picture forum run by a woman on BCO, you just need to PM her NOWHEREGIRL.

    Audrella... Time off work for more than 2 weeks is very uncommon for anything beyond stage I. This last surgery which involved a rotational flap to correct the problem was Jan 30 and I will be back at work this Monday. Dr D had first suggested revisions (can't exactly remember now, maybe fat grafting?), but it was to be on top of the tissue that was there. I felt it would be a "bandaid" to the problem and requested a new flap. I wanted it done as a fix, not a bandaid.  Perhaps most women wouldn't request it, as it does involve an incision in my armpit, but I have another 50 years to live and just wanted it done right. In addition, I wanted the under arm fat excised either way. I am pleased with my decision. I do feel though that the left breast does not have the projection I want and can see another short surgery perhaps in November... But I will not get ahead of myself. I did always think my final surgery would be a 1-2 hour touch up, not a 6.5 one. I did plan this stage IIb in January just in case I needed one more; then I have all year to get it done and under one insurance deductible.

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited February 2013


    When you plan time off work for Stage 2, I would go for the maximum time off, then return early if you are able.

    Not only is each patient's Stage 2 so variable in what needs to be done, but also each patient's pain level and healing process.

    Each patient's time off work is so variable, too. (and I do consider stay-at-home moms as working BTDT). I've come across a few surgeons who need a reality check on what their patient's real life and level of activity is the moment they step out of the wheel chair at the hospital curb.

    Some of us have had the crap beat out of us from radiation damage, chemo, failed implants, lymphedema, etc. before our major flap reconstruction surgery -- more variables.

    Personally, I would have been off work at least a month after Stage 2 and that is with an office desk job. (this is based on flap work and fat grafting alone and not taking into consideration I had LNT-lymph node transfer at same time)

    Hauling around a laptop in rolling computer bag in and out of car and up and down corporate shuttle bus stairs was painful after BMX with post mastectomy pain issues galore. Not to mention being asked to assemble and box up 100 heavy training manuals and shipping to meeting site. Even keyboarding and moving my mouse was painful.

    But surgeons do seem to always say no vacuuming for a month, and I do not have cleaning service.

    But, this is just me. :)

    Blessings to you for minimal work needed on breasts at your Stage 2 and a short, easy recovery.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2013

    Motrin is a wonder drug.  My pain is gone.  Thank goodness.  Just to remind you, you need doctor ok to take it because too soon out of surgery it can cause bleeding.

    OK, my thighs are no smaller.  Maybe I should not have told him to be conservative.  Seriously, for those who had outer thigh lipo did you notice a change right away?

    FYI my weight has not gone down with all the torso lipo I had done.  It's a losing battle!

    Audrella, Harmonysun good look on stage 2.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2013

    I haven't noticed much of a difference from the lipo at all.  Maybe I didn't exercise enough post-op?  

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited February 2013

    I've heard it can take 6 months or more to notice reduction after lipo. Also it is used more for contouring the body, not for weight loss. I have noticed since taking Femara that I'm gaining weight and having trouble losing it! Hormonal issues for sure! Another crappy issue dealing BC!!! Ugh!!!

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2013

    I can definitely see the difference in the torso lipo.  I was overall "thicker" above my abdominal incision and I am not now.  In addition, my flank area is also noticeably flatter.  Russel, I know this wasn't for weight loss but I was hoping one pound...!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    I didn't lose weight either, but lipo is definitely noticeable.. especially after first stage II. It may have taken a bit to notice the thighs, but love handles I noticed right away.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited February 2013

    Pamela..I know what you mean:)

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited February 2013

    I'm hoping I wake up from Stage 1 looking like Sofia Vegara and have her body too;) lol

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    I love you ladies.

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2013

    Ok, I've been fretting for a day now and I just have to whine to someone. Lucky y'all! I am scheduled for stage 2 in 13 days and I got a call from the Center yesterday that my insurance has denied the surgery!!! She told me Laura would have a peer-to-peer call with them to protest the denial, and then she's told me not to panic. Um, too late! She said she has never had insurance flat out deny stage 2 before, and she sounded pretty uneasy about it.

    Needless to say, I am freaking out a bit!!! In the past year my insurance has paid for 7 surgeries including 2 local surgeries where they "tried" to do my reconstruction. Now all of a sudden, they want to say enough?!?! In all honesty, I could live with my breasts the way they are, not perfect but darn nice. My butt is a whole different story....the shark bites are really large and my butt is quite deformed. It is all but impossible for me to wear pants because nothing fits. I really, really need a stage 2. Physically and mentally.

    They told me not to panic and I'm really trying not to, but I sure wish she wouldn't have called me in the first place. She said the only reason she called is to make sure this is the same policy that paid for my first 2 NOLA trips. Like I said, she sounded befuddled since apparently this has never happened. Why am I always the odd case?!?

    Ok, whining over and I'll go back to trying not to panic.

  • Sewaneegirl
    Sewaneegirl Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2013


    I had pbmx skin- and nipple-sparing on Jan 23 in Charleston. I also had some ptosis. My doctor told me he was willing to try to keep the nipples unless during the surgery it became obvious it just wouldn't work, but said even if we went through with the nipple-saving option it was possible I might still lose them. I asked why and he said that when you have ptosis there is a greater distance for the blood supply to travel to the nipple ... So the greater the distance, the more the risk there won't be enough blood supply to sustain them. I think it is a real matter of judgment-call and that your degree of ptosis and his best professional estimation of what is likely will determine it. I didn't have cancer so I was lucky that consideration wasn't in the mix. Sounds like you have fine surgeons and I would just ask all I could and then try to trust their judgement.

    Peace and hope to you.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Dianne... not sure what to say... Hopefully they will get to the bottom of it Monday.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2013

    Harmony, I added your stage 2 date.

    Dianne, yikes. Hang in there. I can imagine how you feel ! Not part of the plan!!

    If anybody has dates to add, pls PM them to me. 


  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited February 2013

    Dianne, hang in there. I am sure that was a difficult call to get. Insurance issues suck. We are all routing that all works out for you. Sounds like NOLA is trying to help too.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited February 2013

    Dianne, it would be hard not to panic when all the arrangements are already made. I wish the insurance issues could be worked out long before as it is such a worry. I am still dealing with issues from stage 1 insurance with my next surgery in less than 2 weeks. Breathe deep and let the Center do their magic. I'm feeling it will all be resolved.

    I have been to the picture forum a long time ago. I forget how to get there. Help!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Cherrie... PM'd you.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2013

    Diane, I wrote this yesterday but for some reason it didn't post.  I am so sorry you have to have this headache and heartache now.  I, myself, left for NOLA for stage two knowing that it was being reviewed by a nurse from the ins. co. and not all procedures (lipo) might be covered.  Literally ten minutes before my preop appt. I was told all was approved.  I was told by the center that they often have to fight for approval, especially for the lipo on the back end, ie. after the surgery.  It helps to have pictures.  It is my understanding that the ins. co. is obligated to pay for procedures for symmetry and deformity.  Perhaps you want to take pictures of your derriere and send them to Laura in case she needs them for your case.  It might also be that all is needed is a peer to peer conversation with Laura and the nurse from the ins. co.

    My husband had a horrific time getting a very needed IV therapy approved.  We had to go through three appeals, one of them being a special one.  Finally we were approved when the proper peer to peer discussion was had. So I know what you are going through.  Hang tight, it will likely be resolved. 

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited February 2013

    hi just browsing.  I am sure you will get approved. They have to give someone a hard time or everyone would go to NOLA and leave local areas with no business.  From what I have heard, NOLA fights for people. Some people have NOBODY to fight for insurance right.  So, be thankful you have a large facility on your side instead of by yourself.  I am sure it will all work out.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited February 2013

    Dianne..I know what that feeling is like!!!! When I was diagonosed with BC, I was told it may be a possible pre-existing condition because I had only had the insurance less than 6 months. Had to have a emergency hysterectomy and was told that was a possible pre-existing condition!!!!! Yeah Right!!!!! It was all covered in the end but I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. Going through reconstruction is just as hard as going through treatment in my book. I am so sorry you are having this problem!!! I want to call the center before I even go through Stage 1 to make sure my Stage 11 will be covered also. Please keep us posted and know we feel your pain my friend.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited February 2013

    Insurance companies are a big fat pain in the rear!...have had to fight them on so many things along the way.  As of right now I am 3 weeks to a gap flap and the insurance has still not paid the bill for the first surgery saying that the center did not get pre authorization.  Gotta just let them hash it out.  I have yet to hear what my finincial responsibility will be for this one.  Just leaving it to the experts and trying not to get too stressed out.  None of us need the additional stress in our lives for sure.


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    I had my stage I in July 2011 and just about a month ago I received an EOB for something during that surgery (anesthesia helper?), and it was covered, even 18 months later. Over the last 18 months I have time to time received EOBs for this doctor, that lipo etc, but I had nothing to do with it, just sat back and let NOLA do their thing.

    I did receive a couple of days ago a letter from Aetna with all my pre-authorizations for this last surgery. I save all that stuff, just in case.

    I would be very surprised if in the end they don't cover the stage II since they covered stage I.... NOLA just needs to do their thing... I do agree with Pamela to send pictures of your buttock... might help them with their fight. I send pictures all the time. I know that I am sending them so we can have a conversation about a specific issue, but I also know they are saving them to my file. Better to have too many than not enough.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited February 2013

    that is terrible that they didn't want to cover you saying it was a pre-existing condition. If thats the case

    then everyone the has a family history.... of any thing whether it be BC prostate cancer or colon cancer has a pre-existing condition.  That is really a bunch of BS and thats too bad they said that. But the important this is that you got it settled

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Vicktoria... So are you coming to NOLA or decide to stay home? Happy to answer any Other questions.

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2013

    Thanks for all the supporting words, everyone. It really took me by surprise, but I really am confident that it will work out. Way back in July when I got the pre-auth for the first surgery Vickie told me what my out of pocket will be for stage 1, 2 and tattoos, so I just don't know why all of a sudden they want to be difficult. I think once insurance companies pay out a certain amount, they start trying to rein it in. Lord knows, they paid a ton for me in the past year!!

    I also have a cancer insurance policy that pays me very quickly and rather generously for each procedure and my chemo, up until this last surgery! I had to send in all kinds of extra documentation, and they ended up covering very, very little. The girls at the center said they had never had a cancer policy ask for the things mine was asking for last time.

    I think I met all my policy maxes for the calendar year, so I'm sure they will not be excited to see yet another claim coming from me!

    Hopefully I will hear something back early in the week. Thanks again for all the kindness and support. You ladies really are the best!!