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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Good luck everyone with surgeries this week.

    So Kerry. Yes back at work. Worked 3 days last week and 3 days this week with my day off and the long weekend. About scar treatment I used the brown tape first and then kelpcote. Jeanine mailed me one extra tube but then you're on your own. I decided to stop after 2 tubes.

    Harmony. I still have one drain. We are coming up on three weeks so its a little annoying. But I would rather have the drain than develop a seroma. I can be patient. Definitely looking forward to my weight restriction being lifted and getting back to the gym.

    About compression. 6 months is a long time. I wore compression post stage I for 10 weeks and couldn't wait to get out of it, but the Marena makes it a lot easier to handle. After stage II I wore it for 6 weeks cause dr d said it would be optimal. I plan to do the same this time. After 2 weeks though I just wear it during the day. In less than a month I am going on vacation to the Caribbean and will definitely not be wearing it there.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited February 2013

    I wonder why the difference in compression! Are there other Dr. M patients out there that did not have to go 6 mo. after stage 2? I DON'T want to be in compression this summer. I don't even want another surgery until late fall for a break. I need it in this year for insurance reasons.

    Thanks for all the encouragement for surgery this week. It means a lot!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited February 2013

    2 weeks to gap for leftie....head is starting to spin again at the thought of it all. I really hope this one works or they are going to run out of body parts.  I had no compression for stage 1 and was wondering if they do use it for a gap flap??  Will my regular bikini undies work for the back scars?  I know this time it will be easier on me physically but emotionally I do not know what I will do if this one fails too. 

    Happy stage 2 to all the ladies up this week....horray!!

    According to our list I will be alone in NOLA when I go in.  I know not all ladies are here on this site or thread but I am guessing it might be a little quieter there this time around.


  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited February 2013

    Cherrie, she suggested 3 months after my 2a. I made it 8 weeks until I stopped. I actually wanted to wear it for at least six weeks. The support was comforting especially during activity.

  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited February 2013

    Cherrie,  Hope your are getting a little R&R in the big city before your surgery on Friday.  I love Chicago.  I hope the weather cooperates a bit for you.  I'll be thinking of you and wish you well and feeling your best soon.  I think I wore my compression for about 3 months then switched to some shapeware.  I still wear shape wear  today even with a flat tummy.  I just like the feel.  You will feel lost with out it if you take it off to soon, at least I did.

    Ladies: I know there has been some discussion on tatts with Vinnie who is probably the best especially if the center has him come there.  Now, I am wondering about Earleen in NC.  Anyone used her or hear about her work.  Would hers also be tattoos since she is basically a permanent makeup artist.  Would tattoos last longer.  Also anyone know if any of this is covered by insurance?

    My best to everyone up to bat this week!!   Good luck and may you have an easy and quick recovery.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2013

    For compression, I think if you got lipo with a plastic surgeon who was only concerned about the best possible outcome, you would be told 6 months. Maybe you get a tighter, more streamlined result? I speculate.

    Essentially, the longer the better, for appearances, I guess medically, they only care about 2 weeks. I could only do mine for 2 weeks, however, the Marena garment is great. I think compression in summer would be very hot!!

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2013

    Maggie, you had stage 1 when I was there.  My thoughts are with you for a successful surgery.  You have been through so much.  

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited February 2013

    Good luck today, Harmony and good luck to Anita, Cherrie, Dianne in a few days!

    I'm all marked up and ready to go tomorrow.  I told Dr. D to just do what he does best and that I'm game for whatever he wants to do.  He said he wants to maximize what I've already got, so I agreed of course! It's funny because that's also what he said at Stage 1....take ALL the abdominal tissue to maximize size, then can reduce later if too big.

    I'm actually surprised at what all is being done, I thought I looked ok lol:  bilateral nipple reconstruction, bilateral lift, reshaping of both breasts, "powerwashing" (his term) scar tissue in lefty, excision of axillary tissue, excission of scar tissue in abdominal scar and lipo everywhere....inner thighs, outer thighs, abdomen, waist, my back and my rear!  It was a very easy appointment, he came in, marked me up and I was on my way!  He said he wasn't worried about anything at all with me and that I will do great!

    I did tell him about the overalls dream and he laughed.  Jeanine cracked up as well.  He said, I must have seen him on the weekend and that I might actually be onto something.  Told him I had googled to see if anyone manufacturers scrubs like that and alas, nobody does.  I wonder why? lol

    Thanks for all of your support and I will see you all on the other side!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited February 2013

    Wow, good luck to all the ladies coming up & Harmony who's in today!!

    LAstar - Thank you for asking about my son. He is doing well. We are working closely with the neurologist and so far so good. He hasn't had any more episodes, but we still don't know what was caused them in the first place, but we know there are no tumors which was a big fear of ours. His teachers are still keeping an eye on him at school which is also a relief in case something happens at school.

    Kerry, it really did hurt my feelings the way a few people reacted, but I celebrated with my friend from NOLA that was here for the week and a few others. My family (aunt and uncles) still want to take my to dinner too and of course my hubby and my son were amazing too!! I am rethinking a few friendships for several reasons not just this. I don't want people around me that make me feel bad about myself or downplay what I've gone through. This was a hard decision to make even though it turns out it may have saved my life, I didn't know I had DCIS at the time just that I was BRCA+ and my family history including the death of my mom at a young age. I wish it was easier for me to just say "I don't care" and hit the "delete" button, but it's not in my chemical make-up as I truly care about everyone.

    Sorry for the rant there, I guess it really does bother me :(

    You ladies are amazing and I am so thankful for each of you!!!



  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited February 2013

    Audrella - love the powerwashing.  Sounds like you are getting the works!  Love it.  Have a wonderful nap tomorrow.

  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219
    edited February 2013

    Betsy, you look fabulous girl!  Wow!

    I was wondering if there's anyone who has been thru or will be going thru breast reconstruction who is Stage 4.

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited February 2013

    Busy week for several of us stage 2's this week. Hopefully Harmony is doing well today and the rest of us will have everything go smoothly!!

    Audrella, nice to hear you had an easy appt. with Dr. D today. Sounds like has big plans for you!! My appointment is Thursday at 3:00, so I guess you will be gone by then??? Where are you staying? We're at Monteleone Thursday and Homewood after surgery.

    I am finally getting excited about my surgery this week. With stage 1 I was too scared to be excited. I had myself mentally prepared for my surgery to fail a second time so that I wouldn't be crushed if it happened again. With my emergency in October, again, too scared to be excited. Just worried I would lose a flap again, and now I'm running out of donor sites. (Darn rightie has some serious issues!) Now that my insurance hurdle is cleared, I'm getting excited!!! I have no idea what Dr. D can or will do, but it really doesn't even matter to me. I know he will have me looking better than I do now, and its nice to feel 100% confident in just putting myself in his capable hands. Now that's not to say I won't suggest he just keeps with the lipo until the 30 stinking pounds I gained this year is all gone, but I'm not holding my breath for that. Sure would be nice, though!! :)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2013

    Thinking of you Harmony, and everybody coming up! what a week!

    Feb 19 - Harmony Sun - Stage 2, Dr. M., Chicago.

    Feb 20 - Audrella - Stage 2, Dr. D., NOLA. 

    Feb 21 - willy5js5 - Stage 2b, Dr. M, Chicago

    Feb 22 - Cherrie - Stage 2; Dr. M; Chicago

    Feb 22 - DianneNC - Stage 2, Dr. D., NOLA

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited February 2013

    Hi Ladies!  I hope you don't mind me posting here.  My surgery was January 16, 2013 (not at NOLA)...but, thought you ladies would have more experience? I had double masectomy with immediate recon and nipple recon.  I had 29 nodes taken from one side.  I am still in a good amount of pain!  Especially in the morning and evening/overnite.  Is this pain normal at this point in time since surgery?  My armpits are so swollen and painful as well.  I have weened myself off percocet and am on about 2-4 vicodin daily.  Not sure if they will continue to fill this rx or if I should switch to tylenol 3?  I love my flat tummy, but my one breast is visibly larger than the other.  They assure me they will make me happy...but, they cannot stuff more into the other breast, so I am a bit depressed about this assymetry...anyone else have this problem?  Thanks!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Joellelee... Stage I is all about just moving the tissue. Stage II is about shaping takes place and they aim for symmetry. But it is true that its easier to take tissue out than it is to add.

    About pain, that is a long time for excessive pain, but everyone is different. That is a lot of nodes and definitely impacts recovery. I had a lumpectomy and 2 nodes removed initially. The lumpectomy was nothing, but the nodal area was sore and swollen for a while. So I guess be patient, but ask your doctor is you are concerned.

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited February 2013

    Thanks for the help!  Most of the pain that is tremendous is under the armpit where the nodes were taken out...hurts like hell.  Stinging and burning and so much swelling....even my back area behind the breat/armpit hurts.  I see docs this week.  Last visit the PS nurse had said that 'it's not a race to get to the pain-free finish line" which made me feel better.  I feel like such a baby.

    As far as balancing the breast symmetrically, I would hate for them to take some 'out' of the one breast to match the other!  Is it possible for them to add to the other?  probably stupid question....LOL

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Not stupid at all... yes, they can fat graft for added volume. But its more used to fill dents and divots, not big volume fills... If there is a big volume difference, some doctors will add a baby flap.

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited February 2013

    Where would they fat graft from and also get the baby flap from?  Would insurance cover this?  I have great insurance that covered everything thus far...

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Joellelee.... Fat grafting is fat used from lipo. So they would lipo love handles etc, process the fat and inject it. Covered? Should be. Mine was. A baby flap could come from buttocks, underarm or thigh... I had a baby flap from the underarm, and yes, it was covered.

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited February 2013

    Thanks so much for taking the time to help me!  Also, wondering if anyone else here have excessive night sweating since surgery?  Most nights I wake up in pools of sweat shivering because I am wet and cold!!!  It's so yucky!!!!  LOL

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Can't help you there.

    So, I just posted my 3 week post op pics on the forum.. Moving along... but still feel there may be a stage IIc. Still with symmetry issues.

  • Kim_L
    Kim_L Member Posts: 29
    edited February 2013

    Thanks everyone for soothing words and advice about what to wear!  Based on your comments, I've been trying on different things a) without moving my arms, b) considering the weather, and c) with an eye toward concealing a "fanny pack" full of drain bulbs.

    My top concern right now is about the results of my angiogram.  I'm not actually worried about the procedure, but about the information it will provide.  Did anyone's plans take a sharp lefthand turn at this point due to insufficient blood supply to the donor sites?  Local PS seem to think (without actually checking) that I have poor vessels.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Kim... I assume you mean your local PS? I wouldn't worry. Dr D does a CT scan and if your vessels are not great he will perform a DIEP II. The NOLA docs are the only ones to do this... So no worries. I had it done and all is good.

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited February 2013

    Interesting about the c scan!  Are there other ways to see if the DIEP was successful?  How can one tell if you have a failed flap?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2013

    Joellelee, I think your pain is from the node removal. I've heard that is very painful and the worst. I only had three taken out, and I remember it was not a fun thing at all. I can imagine 29 would be like everywhere and deep. 

    If i was you, I would get signed up for PT, you need to work on your range of motion to ensure you don't get frozen up in that area (shoulder, etc). 

    A failed flap typically does not happen so far out after surgery, but some women do get areas of necrosis. They feel very hard, like a board. I am sure some will comment. 

    Where did you have your surgery?

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited February 2013

    I had my surgery at UPENN in Philly...they have a very well respected plastic surgery department and the hospital is rated very high across the country.  Actually, I do have many areas of hardness in my breasts.  When I brought that up to the nurse last week she said that's normal...But, now I am wondering and I am a little concerned!  I have to get a docs order for PT and/or Lymphedema therapy and will look into that asap.  I do have great range of motion and with all of my nodes out could even raise my arm 2 days after surgery....But, the pain under that armpit where they dug all of the nodes out is the most painful, like you mentioned.  Driving me crazy.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2013

    Joellelee... The scan is done before surgery to map out vessels.

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited February 2013

    Joellelee - I had the night sweats pretty badly for a month or two after my surgery. I resorted to sleeping on towels until it got better. Sorry about all the pain you are having. I wouldn't worry too much about hardness at this point - it is still very soon and you still have a lot of swelling. It takes months for the swelling to completely disappear. And I don't think failed flaps typically cause pain. That also sounds to me like it is from taking the nodes, but I am no doctor so am just speculating. I hope the pain improves soon! And please make a fuss with your doc if it doesn't so that you aren't suffering needlessly.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited February 2013

    joellelee...I had 19 nodes removed and it was the most painful surgery for me! I had that surgery on Dec.12, 2011 and my arm and armpit are not the same. I stretch alot. It is great that you are going to PT!!! That will help so much, especially this early. I also had night sweats. I think it's the body's way of getting out those pain meds for me. I also had a hysterectomy so I have hot flashes:/ Hang in there, it does get better:)

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited February 2013

    RE the CTA - mine was preformed in NOLA, but it showed that the vessels were not appropriate.  Dr M told me that they try to time things to get arterial flow rather than venous, but don't always make it.  Then she whipped out a small ultrasound device, squirted the goo on my stomach and found several perfectly good veins.  So, don't worry about the scan.  The NOLA doctors can find what is needed.

    I, too, slept on a large bath sheet towel for a few weeks once I got home.  The sweating stopped at about 4 weeks out and all is perfectly fine now.  I wonder if it has something to do with the anethesia?