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NOLA in September?



  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited June 2013

    Hey ladies, I haven't checked in for a while, but I follow this thread frequently with great interest in your progress and recoveries. Seems like a lot of seroma blues lately. Surprised

    My DIEP stage 2 was in December, and I was hoping I wouldn't need a 2b at all, but decided before seeing Vinnie that I want just a tweak for better symmetry -- a minor lift on the prophylactic side so the tats will look level. Cool  I sent pictures to Dr. S a while back and he suggested he could do this itty bitty revision as a 1-hour outpatient surgery in the same visit as my Vinnie art (because the incision will be in the crease below the flap, not where the tat needs to be). It's coming up soon: surgery on July 10; tats the next morning.

    I've been holding my breath making sure my 2-year oncology visit went OK this week, with some uncertainty about a liver lesion discovered last year. But it was fine with no change, assumed benign on MRI. Lab work good too, so I'm on my way soon!

    Spring, please add me when you can: July 10 - AnnAlive - Stage 2b, Dr. S., NOLA.

    I hope all went well for Maxine today and for Ssla01 tomorrow!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2013

    Sherry... Did you tell the doc you were photographing his car?? Or that his cars are a topic of conversation?

    Chelle... Sorry for your issues.I cannot contribute first hand, but it is likely the weight loss.

    Mags... Sorry :(

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2013

    Betsy-happen to see it on my way to the hospital to check on a lady who was having surgery with Dr. S. and hubby said stand by it I'll take your picture and the rest is history.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2013

    I photographed his car once as well...

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2013

    Audrella, I updated your date to Sept 25!

    I had my almost 5 year ONC appt this week. Though I haven't seen the blood work results yet, all seems well. Did you know your ONC might "cut you lose" after 10 years? I didn't know this! Almost half way there... :)

  • ssla01
    ssla01 Member Posts: 216
    edited June 2013

    I had pre-op today. I met Dr. Massey and Dr. Stollier....more convinced than ever that I'm in the right place. I have to be there at 6:00 a.m. for surgery at 7:00.

    I got to meet Judy in the lobby while she was waiting or post-op. She looks wonderful. Hoping she has a great trip home!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2013

    Ssla...I love Dr Massey so much. She has definitely make this experience easier to take.

    Sorry for my discouraging words. It really is not true...just the frustration talking. I will never regret my choices. It is just my body that keeps betraying my mind and heart.

    When we were there in November last there were 3 fancy schmancy cars in the lot....Dr D, DrT and Dr S wheels...then my hubs was looking out the window just in time to see Dr M leaving the hospital.....on her it!


  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited June 2013

    Dr M sure travels in style.  It has really helped her weight loss.  When I saw her in May she was down 60+.

    Sharon - have a wonderful sleep tomorrow. We will look forward to hearing from you when you get to the other side.  It is really great.  Hugs to Dr. M for me.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2013

    It is over 70 now martyj! She looks incredible

  • ssla01
    ssla01 Member Posts: 216
    edited June 2013

    Mags and Marty...her number today is 77! She looks wonderful.

  • djfrro
    djfrro Member Posts: 55
    edited June 2013

    my daughter is back from NOLA, I went for the last few days she was there.  I really do love that city.  when I was there two years ago for my surgery we had a blast (until the surgery). I would love to go back when there is not surgery involved.  as usual they did a great job.  I never went back for the tattoo's but I am thinking I will do it when my daughter goes back for her stage 2.  the Dr's at the breast center were able to reconstruct her to what she was before the double mastectomy which is amazing to me, my daughter is 100 lbs soak and wet, and she lost about 10 lbs during chemo, she is only 25 so I am so thankful that she is able to look "herself" again.  she is still very sore and moving very slow but she will be better in the days to come.  One interesting thing that she came away from it with, she overheard some of the nurses talking when they thought she was asleep and they were talking about Angelina Jolie being there for her surgery and how much my daughter reminded them of her..  I am thinking she was there for at least some of it......I thought it was strange that she would have gone somewhere else when she had the best where she lives.

  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited June 2013

    Judy I'm glad your home & doing well. I hope your resting well Maxine. Best wishes tomorrow Ssla01.

    Talked to Laura today. At first she was ok with me waiting until July to be aspirated but changed her mind once she found out I've gotten so tight it takes me 5 mins to lay flat. So tomorrow morning I'm heading to the ER. I'm more afraid of possible infection than anything else. Im definitely asking for a radiologist & Ultra sound or whatever to guide that needle. Hope I don't chicken out.

    Oh and I did find the cutest body suit compression at Kohls (made all the better with my 30% coupon!) which feels pretty good. Thanks for all the info & kind words. I'll keep everyone updated.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2013

    djfrro....happy your daughter is doing well.  She will gain more strength everyday.  Interesting about Angelina.  Wonder when she was there.  Nurses were talking about a celebrity when I was there early March and the fancy room at the end of the hall was occupied.

    Dr M says put the surgery binder back on while at home.  Gonna feel like a stuffed sausage between the body compression and the arm bandaging....thank God for AC.  Any good book suggestions?


  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited June 2013

    Maggie - I thought you were still wearing the compression garment with the extra wash cloths?  I just finished Dan Brown's Inferno - loved it.  It is long enough to keep you down for a while, though the prologue was a bit slow.

    Strange about the Angelina comment - If you read the Pink Lotus blog entries, the doc there gives all of the details of her surgery protocols for AJ.  That is where AJ indicated her surgery happened.

    Barbmal5 - good luck today with the ER!  I hope it works out with little fuss.

  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited June 2013

    Strangest thing happened this morning. I'm standing here debating about going to the ER or not & decide to go on google. The Google symbol for the day is a line of kids and a big wave! Is that a sign? Too funny!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2013

    I wonder if Angelina had the first part of her surgery there, where they scraped out the nipple area (forget what it's called). The NOLA docs are pretty skilled at sparing nipples.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2013

    I have been in the veronique compression since cleared three weeks after the gap in march. The binder will just take it up a notch. Have therapy today so will put it on when I get home


  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited June 2013

    For Maggie:

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2013

    That kitty photo is hilarious.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited June 2013

    My cousin sent it to me following my Stage 2a.  I think it speaks to all of usCool.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2013

    ha!!!! thanks Marty...pretty accurate right down to the expression on her face...thanks for the giggle


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited June 2013

    Per the PMs!

    Audrella, I updated your date to Sept 24.

    AnnAlive, I added your July 10 surgery!

    How did Dr. M lose all that weight???? Do tell! Good for her!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2013

    this is a link to a story that aired last night on local news out of Orlando  It highlights the surgery I just had done by DR M.  This was Dr Klein's first here in was done in April.  Did not want to be #2 haha so traveled to Chicago for my Marga time!


  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited June 2013

    Thanks, Spring!

    Kitty in corset is hilarious. Reminds of stage 2.

  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited June 2013

    Wow Maggie that's awesome. They sure made it sound easy. "We just moved some lymph nodes from one part of the body to another". Still, what an absolutely amazing thing. And you are number one!

  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited June 2013

    That kitty picture is so funny. I'm going to use it as the wallpaper on my phone when I go down for stage 2

  • Judy_63
    Judy_63 Member Posts: 129
    edited June 2013

    The kitty pic feels like me now. Thanks for posting.

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited June 2013

    Love the kitty pic Marty!  The stink eye is dead on :)

  • Marcie47
    Marcie47 Member Posts: 163
    edited June 2013

    I have a question about insurance and out of pocket...

    I was given a figure for out of pocket for sch and the dr and that was sent to me in writing however i was told verbally other things (parish would accept my insurance portion as payment In full however I got a bill from them and they say they have no record of it) I already received a seperate bill from the ct scan from oscher hospital and physical therepy from sch. Do we just ignore these bills that are trickling in? I want to be able to do mg sage 2 without any hiccups but these trickling bills make me very upset.

    Hope everybody is having a great weekend and anybody who is up next week has a good rest and recovery :)

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2013

    marcie--in the same boat as you right words of wisdom.  I am letting the insurance/docs/hosp etc duke it out for now.  My March SCSH bill is well over 6 digits and they have appealed as my insurance has pad them pennies..hope they can get more

    good news is compression/inactivity seem to be lowering the output of the drain  Laughing

    the bad new is compression/inactivity suck Frown
