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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2013

    I agree she should get a biopsy, and not a fine needle biopsy. Mine was inconclusive. She needs a real biopsy (US or MRI guided), or excisional.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited June 2013

    Sending good thoughts your way, Cherrie.  

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited June 2013

    Thanks for everyone's comments. I agree she needs a biopsy. Her appointment is Monday to get a referral to a breast care clinic. Keep your fingers crossed that this is nothing. My heart goes out to her. She shouldn't have to worry about this at 31. Darn!!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited June 2013

    Cherrie, I am so sorry for you and what your daughter is going through. I was 31 when I had my biopsy done too. My mom had already passed away 11 years prior to that to breast cancer and it was very difficult!!! It turned out to be benign thank goodness!!! Hope it's the same for her!!! Is she BRCA+?

    Sending huge hugs!!!!


  • ssla01
    ssla01 Member Posts: 216
    edited June 2013

    Back to the land of the living post surgery. Dr. M. Is wonderful! My surgery ran 14 hours..far beyond what anyone thought. I'm feeling better.i may get released. From the hospital tomorrow.


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2013

    Yay Sharon!!

  • Sewaneegirl
    Sewaneegirl Member Posts: 34
    edited June 2013


    I'd be worried too. Don't know any doctors there but I would get the OB to refer her for a mammogram, an MRI and maybe even a sonogram, given the family history. Even if you were (I don't know this) BRCCA negative, given her family history she has at least one risk factor, and perhaps she can get these tests. I know my docs told me that each of them finds different things ... So even if they did the tests and it turned out to be a false scare it might be great for her to have a baseline for future reference. Additionally, she could have computer modeling done to assess her personal level of risk. In my case my mom was BRCCA neg but I was still at 62% risk, which helped me decide to become a previvor.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited June 2013

    Glad you are doing good Sharon! 14hours is a long time!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited June 2013

    Sharon - welcome to the other side!  Wow, 14 hours.  Dr. M must have been having too much fun.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2013

    Yeah sharon! Rest up

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited June 2013

    Yay Sharon!!! Rest well Smile

    Today is my Friday for this week and I will be spending some time with friends at Stone Mountain and then next week I'm only working 2 1/2 days and going camping in the mountains for a few days with my family. Then once I am back, I am only 2 weeks out. Looks like my stage 2b will be more of a stage 2 :( But, it is what it is and Jeanine sent me an e-mail saying Dr. D is going to spend some time with me and we will work out a plan and he will "fix" me!! I hope and pray we can get my body to cooperate this time!!!

    Dr. D has now given me a direct order NOT to work my pec muscles anymore though when lifting weights. So, I worked out yesterday and took it easy when doing the chest presses, but I can feel my pec muscles while doing almost any exercise. So, I am just being very very careful. I did 2 hours of classes with an hour of weight lifting and then an hour of step. I would really like to lose a few more pounds before surgery, but we will see. I am at the weight I was 10 years ago, so not too shabby.

    Perry, thinking about you today :) I'm sure you're going to do great!!!

    Cherrie, again my prayers are with you and your daughter!! I would be insistent on a biopsy. I was only 31 and I had to request it because they gave me the watch and see approach. That didn't sit well with me. At the time I didn't know I was BRCA+, but I told my doctor what I wanted and had him write the order.

    Hugs to you all!!!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2013

    Chelle--you love near my sister....she is in Snellville.  I love visiting there...lots to do and love Stone mountain.  Have a wonderful vaca in the mtns. 

    Cherrie been thinking of your family alot and praying for your daughter. 


  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited June 2013

    Good luck today, Dawn!

    REALLY glad everything went well for you Sharon.  Wow...14 hours!

    Chelle....dang girl!  You are one tough cookie.  A 4 hour workout?!?  That's awesome.  Puts my daily one hour workout to shame.  It will be so worth it for you once Dr. D is all finished :)  

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited June 2013

    Mags, yes Snellville is the neighboring city to me, which is only a few miles away. I haven't been to Stone in a long time & I am looking forward to it!! We are going to the laser show tomorrow night and my son is super excited about that and if the weather holds out, I hope to have a lot of pool time Smile 

    LOL Audrella
    It was a 2 hour consecutive workout of a complete body weightlifting class and then a high level step class. Your 1 hour daily workout is awesome!!
    I am going to the gym again tonight, but only for an hour class. I know I won't be going the rest of the week, so I have to really watch what I eat. That is REALLY hard for me because I LOVE sweets and there will be plenty for the outing at Stone Mountain the next 4 days...Yikes (LOL)

    Gosh Audrella, I hope so!! I am trying hard to stay positive that all this can be fixed and stay that way. It's the staying part I am really worried about. I looked great right after stage 2 and it went downhill from there, but now we know how my body is reacting to trauma, so we will see.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited June 2013

    Thanks everyone. She has never done the BRCA testing and I was negative. If the cost comes down maybe she can do that. I will push for a biopsy. It really is the only way to know. Sure wish I could be there with her.

    My 30 min. daily workout is looking really lame next to some of you. My next surgery is in September and I hope to drop some weight and be in better shape too. Trying to clean my eating up a little.

    Sharon- rest, drink, sleep, walk 😄😄You sound like you are doing great.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited June 2013

    Cherrie, I'm sure it's gotta be hard not being there!! Just know we are saying prayers & are here for you!!
    Also, if you are negative then the only way for her to be positive is if the gene runs on your husbands side.
    As for working out, I have worked up to this. I actually told my husband last night, that a month or two ago I would never have been able to do those hard back to back classes. You are doing great!! Keep up the great work Smile

    I also told him that I love the level I am at now and the size I am now and if this surgery in 4 weeks wasn't absolutely neccesary, I wouldn't do it!!! I feel like I am going to start all over again and I've worked SO hard to get where I am. But, there is no way around this and I will just have to work hard again to get back!!

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited June 2013

    Wow! Chelle...I can't wait to get my hard core workouts on again. I just got my walking up to 3 miles again and doing arms and squats. You go girl!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2013

    I miss exercise soooooo much.  can't wait to get my zumba on.  have not exercised since before november. right now it is a damned if i do and damned if I don't thing.  Added in some activity with docs permission and up goes the freakin drain back to the chair and binder except for my therapy.  Today is the 5 week mark.

  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited June 2013

    Today I had my appointment at the surgery clinic for the aspiration of my belly seroma (which has advanced now to include the left side as well as part of the upper belly).  Unfortunately it didn't get done.  Guess I shouldn't be too surprised but I am VERY disappointed.  I should have been on the alert as soon as she said "so you're here for a lump in your breast?" The NP initially said it wouldn't be a problem because she worked for a cosmetic surgeon and had done lots of these aspirations before. Once she started reading my chart and questioning why I didnt have the mastectomy done locally she started to hesitate.  Then she said she hadn't seen many of these and needed to talk to her boss.  She came back and said the Dr (who never came in and examined me) was worried about infection and felt better referring me elsewhere. First of all NO fever, NO warmth, NO pain, just discomfort.  Man I'm so mad.  I feel like this is holding mwe back from completely healing.  I totally understand your frustration with your experience Maggie.  Acutally I shouldn't be upset because even though I have to wait, who knows how long, it's doable and I'll be having it done with a radiograph. What I don't understand is taking out the DIEP proceedure itself how is the belly part any different than an outright tummy tuck?

    I'm so sorry for venting but....I know this is the place to do this because you guys really understand.

    Kudos to all the ladies working out so hard, puts my pathetic workout (little to none) to shame.  I have lots of mental motivation and even physical for about 10-15 mins then the discomfort sets in and I NEED to sit.  Dupa is spreading, may need Dr D to look at that during stage 2!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2013

    Barb--big hug to you.  it was explained to me that local docs do not want to get caught up in another docs "mess"  in other words the oath they take to do no harm only applies if they themselves do not have to do it to fix a complication of surgery if they were not the surgeon.  The seroma is considered a complication of surgery you had done by another doc and therefore if they aspirate it then they can be held accountable if something goes wrong.  I am so so sorry.  Compress the bezonkers out of it if you can stand they pain.  My heart goes out to you.  IT SUCKS!

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited June 2013

    Good evening ladies... Just checking in after a CRAZY few weeks.  It's offically the start of summer and I will be heading out of town tomorrow (finger crossed).  The clan of kiddos is driving me crazy already.

    Barb... I'm so sorry you are dealing with this complication... that totally completely sucks. :(  Crap... you were doing so well and I am so surprised this seroma creeped up on you... Did your drain come out early?

    Cherrie... so sorry to hear about your daughter... what a scary time.  It's such a terrible feeling and we have all felt it.... my heart goes out to her and you... I'm so sorry.

    I continue to do ok... I still have a right breast incision that isn't completely healed... it's a MAJOR PITA.... It's about an inch long now... probably 1/2" wide... It's healing from inside out... It's whitish which is a sloughy connective tissue thing that just doesn't resolve very quickly.  I'm so annoyed as it's now Summertime and the swimming is supposed to start.... and unfortunately I am supposed to keep it dry.  I'm about 8 weeks post op so this is a major bummer.

    I still get some burning in my tummy pelvic area when I have over done things... I have a lot of itching going on and sometimes I need to take Benedryl for that.  Anyone know if underwires are a no-no?  It's the only thing I feel comfortable in and I have been wearing one every day... It's not bothering me at all... but not sure if it's ok.

    Anyway... I just wanted to check in and let you all know that I am thinking of you... I always do... and I do catch up but don't always have time to post...

    Hoping Marsha is doing ok... Still worried about her.

    Take care ladies... 

    Oh' I also scheduled Stage 2 for Sept 26th.  I'm not ready but hubby is really pushing me to complete this because our insurance may be changing... :(  I really wanted to wait until after January...  Oh well.

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2013

    Sharon, hope you are recovering well.

    Barb, so sorry you can't find a local doctor willing to help you. That sucks! Did they actually give you a referral or just show you the door? And do you have to pay a copay for their nonservice?

    Motherandchild, I'm right here! Having no issues healing from my surgery. I'm sorry you are not able to swim yet. I was told no underwire and sports type bras only. The wire would be right on my incision line. I'm afraid it could cut off bloodflow. My favorite bra that looks nice under a shirt is the genie or coobie bras that have a removable pad that gives the bra a nice shape.

    I'm tapering off prednisone that I was given to reduce swelling my eye. I started Herceptin last week and had a few side effects including severe dry eyes. I will start carbo and taxotere starting July 10 and I may skip Herceptin. It's hard to say if its Herceptin or prednisone causing the dry eyes.

    I've been kayaking 3 times in the last few weeks...which has been fantastic! Sunday night I went on a sunset paddle and saw the supermoon rise over the Potomac river. I get other people to load and unload my boat. I do feel swelling and burning after I'm active, but I know its good for me. I've been watching way too much TV, and eating too much. I hope my ravenous appetite goes away when I get off prednisone because I am going to get fat if I don't stop eating and start being more active. I'm still not working and might stay out for the duration of chemo. Physically I could get myself to work but mentally I just do not have it together and I don't want to give everything to work and have nothing left to give to myself and my son. I wish I could have a bit more motivation. I need a project but I am waiting on inspiration.

  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited June 2013

    Thanks guys. I knew you'd get it. I called Laura & let her know, i heard a deep sigh & she said hang in there. Guess shes dealt with this out of town poo before.

    Yes I think maybe my right hip drain, where it started a week or two later, was pulled too early. He pulled it at post-op when the breast drains were pulled. I was so happy then, wish now they would've stayed a little longer. Oh well it is what it is. And yes I did have to pay a co-pay, that's a real stinker.. Yes they did quickly show me the door but said they'd call with an appointment. She said she had no idea how long it may be since there are only 2 people in Erie that do it & they are very busy.

    So does anyone know if or when this seroma may go from just an annoyance to an actual infection?

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2013

    Mine never did get infected. I was able to go to er twice and have it drained Cost me $500 each time with my copay. First drain off was 350cc second was 420. The real complication was that it turned into a pseudo bursa that had to be surgically fixed. A sac grows around the fluid preventing any absorption by the body. As long as it stays a seroma there is a chance that your body will do what it should and absorb it. My pseudo bursa was evident by the skin was turning purple ick. Try to keep it compressed well...garment and binder with washcloths shoved in there for another layer. You could always try your er--physician's assistants did the procedure twice for me the second called dr m about it and got tips from her on doing it the best way to remove tbe most fluid. Frustrating to say the least. Hand in there barb

    Mother--my doc says 6 weeks for underwire so you are prob good....can call to get your docs thoughts.

    Kayaking sounds great Marsha--good for body and mind!


  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2013

    motherandchild: if you have white sloughy stuff in your incision it'll make it take longer to heal. Have you thought about getting it debrided?  A regular old blood scab will heal faster than slough. The body has to break that down and it's very tough, it could extend the healing by weeks depending on how big it is.

    Also, if you have an incision that's not healed I wouldn't wear an underwire bra, the wire will put undue pressure on the incision. Did your doc clear that? I would be surprised if they did. 

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited June 2013

    Mother - Dr M tells us no underwires so you might want to double check with the Center on that soon.  I totally understand the open wound problem.  Try upping your protein intake, it may help speed healing.  Worked for me.

    Marsha - so jealous of your kayak trip on the Potomac.  I kayaked for the first time on Saturday - tandem with my DH.  No way I could help lift that thing.  But it was delicious fun!

    Barb - so sorry about your seroma.

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited June 2013

    Sent a note off to Laura and asked about the underwire.... it's doesn't rub at all on my spot and the support feels so good... I hope she says it's ok.  

    The center placed me on something called Xenaderm which "eats" up the white slough.  It's an enzyme and also wound bed granulator/enhancer...etc... My brother (a nurse) actually told me about something similar (collaganese) when I sent him a pic of my wound and I contacted the center.  They put me on a newer "more expensive" version and it has really made a difference in the healing... even tho' it's still a slow process.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2013

    Open wounds take sooooo long to heal! Most important is keeping infection away! Keep a close watch on it to make sure it doesnt get any bigger too. Mine required a wound vac for 4wks but was not on my boob it was on my belly


  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited June 2013

    Oh, the enzyme stuff works pretty well. Just be careful not to get it on the healthy tissue. That made a huge difference for me, although I used it after it was debrided.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited June 2013

    I've been wearing underwire since a little after 6 weeks. My radiated side is up more. I don't wear a bra to bed hoping that it will help that side drop. Also I notice I have some tenderness at the top where there is a couple of hard spots. Is it normal for them to be tender to the touch? I'm paranoid since that is my cancer side:(